DnD Players BREAK UP After A Nat 1! | r/rpghorrorstories

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024

Комментарии • 231

  • @alphons1456o
    @alphons1456o 3 месяца назад +92

    That dad's on the fast track to being abandoned at a retirement home

    • @solosynapse
      @solosynapse 2 месяца назад +2

      Or as soon as the daughter is 18. If he doesn't end up in prison first.

  • @ganmerlad
    @ganmerlad 3 месяца назад +109

    That first story is darker than it seems. The father is abusive, manipulative, and controlling. It's much more serious than 'he lost/his character died' and he's having a tantrum. No...he cut his daughter off from her friends (possibly her only ones), he took away her hobby (likely her favorite one), AFTER begging to play and doing all he could to ruin the game as a murderhobo r*pist. Ending everything by dying as expected, causing a scene saying the daughter hates him, declaring the game is satanic and pdf, and the friends are no good and can't be near her again. I think the father insisted on playing because he was planning to shut-it-all-down as soon as any 'reason' came along. Manipulative controllers will go to great lengths to isolate a person they think they 'own'. Even a 'manchild' wouldn't go that far. What the friends saw was just the tip of the iceberg, and I hope they figure out a way to check on her again *before* school starts. Living in that house is probably hell.

    •  3 месяца назад +24

      And given he went straight to PDF and the others in the group only wanting Dm for "one thing" screams projection. I hope that it isnt that bad but I pray if it is someone can get her out of there. That dad seems waaay to possessive.

    • @onef0rall683
      @onef0rall683 3 месяца назад +16

      Yes, came to comments to speak on this. That guy is the one that s*x***zed the situation. First in game then after in saying how it promotes pdf. I am concerned for the daughter, where is the mother in all this? If there is none, then my concern goes even higher. I find that DnD tends to show what's inside people, for better or in this case worse. He is the one that mentioned doing things to the wife and (I think it said?) daughter of the baron. I got an institution for ya, CPS and the Police. This is the kinda guy that would end up 'taking a seat right there' and getting Skeeted in 4K with his AirPred 1s. I know we only have this snippit of information on the matter but if it is all true with no big details omitted then yea, someone needs to do a welfare check on her. All that is just tragic. Wishing her safety and happiness.

    •  2 месяца назад +10

      Yes, ​@@onef0rall683, it said he stated they could do things (or use or something to that effect) to the wife and daughter! _He_ was the r@pist pdf-file, and just because something is technically possible to do it's not promoting it! _He_ went there, nobody else pushed him!
      I definitely think that CPS should be involved in this case. It would not surprise me if he wants to _"try roleplaying again"_ with just his daughter and for him to sexualize it more and more and eventually bring it into reality. I hope I'm wrong about that but CPS needs to make sure that I am.

    • @ravenmage1859
      @ravenmage1859 2 месяца назад +14

      Dude, 100% when he said "we'll use the wife and daughter for other purposes" I was suspicious, but as soon as he says "promote pdph" I'm like oh no. This guy just outed himself, and that's super concerning for his still-underage daughter. It sucks because the poster is also just some teenager, I dunno how far he/she could really go in escalating this situation and getting authorities involved. Incredibly disturbing.

    • @solosynapse
      @solosynapse 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@ravenmage1859Yea, he definitely seems to be projecting there & wants to isolate his daughter.
      Best case scenario, the daughter leaves & never speaks to her father again as soon as she's 18.

  • @DTylerFultzVA
    @DTylerFultzVA 3 месяца назад +54

    My mom played a few rounds of DnD as a dragonborn cleric. She lost a lot of the negotiations she tried to pull off, but she never got upset about it and laughed with the rest of us when she failed.
    She never played it again, saying it wasn't her thing. But she still had fun and still laughs when we bring it up.
    In short, she was everything the dad in Story 1 wasn't. Patient, played along to the best of her ability, and left with grace and her dignity intact.

  • @M_Alexander
    @M_Alexander 3 месяца назад +70

    As a DM, it's the easiest thing in the world to kill your players' characters.
    The true sign of skill is consistently _almost_ killing your characters, fairly, and having them come back for more

    • @robinmohamedally7587
      @robinmohamedally7587 3 месяца назад

      Well, see, you don't play with candyasses. I've done that, consistently almost killing characters, fairly, without a DM screen, and they either challenge everything i do accusatorily, as if i were cheating [which, i've come to learn, is actually projection], or they quit and say it's too hard.

  • @sherylcascadden4988
    @sherylcascadden4988 3 месяца назад +79

    "I win at D&D" says everything about that DM that needs to be said.....

    • @WhirlyBeepBoops
      @WhirlyBeepBoops 3 месяца назад +16

      That guy _lost_ D&D in the one way you can truly lose the game - breaking trust between player and DM.

    • @NaliTikva
      @NaliTikva 3 месяца назад +3

      Depends on when the DM says it. If he says it after providing a great campaign that was fair but challeging and the players enjoyed it AND he doesn't do some shit like killing the PC's in the epiloge, then he'd be right.

    • @cameronb851
      @cameronb851 2 месяца назад

      Yeah, I didn't really need any more context than that to understand the problem. Any player who thinks in terms of themselves 'winning' D&D, like its monopoly, doesn't really understand what D&D or any role playing game is about, but compound that with a GM saying that to his players, is a level of disconnect from the principle ideals of the game that's beyond ridiculous.
      His definition of 'winning' rests solely on the additional authority that he has in a game, that is granted by mutual consent with the other players, and is entirely transitory and can be removed at any moment. I have seen a few similar stories to this, but with more substantive and immediate clap back from players who did understand that they could remove the GM's 'authority' when he was overreaching.
      I remember one guy in particular had been away for a session of his table's game, due to work, and on his return the following week he discovered that the GM, in a hissy fit, decided to punish the absent player by severely compromising his character via 'offscreen' injuries while he wasn't present, to discourage people having lives and responsibilities outside his game. The player, on discovering this, paused for a moment, stared at the GM, then said, "huh, that's so weird that there were two really similar looking people in the same area doing the same things. It sure sucks to be that guy. Anyway, my character is perfectly fine, so let's get going." Apparently, the GM looked a bit shamefaced, shuffled some of his papers for a bit and took the hint that he needed to pull his head out of his ass and remember that they were all playing in a process of mutual consent and respect, and proceeded as though his 'punishment' of the player was never spoken.

    • @cameronb851
      @cameronb851 2 месяца назад

      @@NaliTikva Nah. This actually comes down to the definition of winning versus succeeding. To win, by definition, requires that at least one other person loses in some sort of competitive context. Conversely, succeeding, doesn't require competition and loss for its validating parameters. You can succeed at something and create value in your life, without that requiring that you are taking that value from someone else.
      The moment anyone is defining themselves as 'winning' in a role playing game, they are effectively also saying that someone else is losing, via a deliberate choice to create that disparity, which is exactly what the GM in this story was doing. Winning means that whoever is playing that way, is playing adversarially, which is a problem in a game with a social contract between all its players, including the GM, that everyone has fun in a mutually shared environment. Most people I know, don't spend hours and hours of their lives in a shared hobby so they can 'lose', for fun.

    • @NaliTikva
      @NaliTikva 2 месяца назад

      @@cameronb851 at least colloquially it doesn't have to be a person that loses.
      In this case the loser would be the challenges that come with setting up a great campaign.
      But yeah that was not what the person in the story was referring too.
      But that's how I will look at it when I get to be a DM. I guess you're technically right that it's succeeding and not winning. But colloquially one could call it winning.
      Doesn't really matter though.
      My point is that the DM (and the players) should try to create a good experience for everyone, if that succeeds, they succeeded, although the players also have to succeed at... Whatever their characters goals are, save/conquer the world/universe/multiverse, get rich/revenge/laid whatever.
      Although that should kinda be secondary to providing a good experience for everyone.

  • @dracoflame33
    @dracoflame33 3 месяца назад +125

    That’s a dad who will have his daughter cut all contact from him the moment she leaves his house for sure.
    Congratulations on being a deadbeat dad who won’t see his grandkids, won’t be at his daughter’s wedding, and sure as hell will be getting a restraining order.

    • @1danysane
      @1danysane 3 месяца назад +25

      Came here to say that. You beat me to it. In 3 years, Op and their friends will be hanging out before the next session, joking about the girl's unstable dad and how she cut contact with him. Murder hobo Behavior aside, there is absolutely no reason anyone should even consider things like that in front of their own daughte.

    • @Dylan-jp9mr
      @Dylan-jp9mr 3 месяца назад +14

      Disgusting father, poor girl.

    • @DerNomade1871
      @DerNomade1871 2 месяца назад +2

      Heres hoping that happens indefinitely

    • @solosynapse
      @solosynapse 2 месяца назад

      His behaviour concerns me, & I hope he doesn't try acting out his obvious sick fantasies on his daughter.
      CPS needs to be called, I fear.

  • @speks36
    @speks36 3 месяца назад +29

    Dnd Dad Story: I would hold my breath on Dad seeing the light, Doge. A person who makes it far enough in life to have kids but maintains the emotional maturity of an 13 year old is a person who will never see the fault in their actions.
    P.S. Love your vids btw.

    • @Dylan-jp9mr
      @Dylan-jp9mr 3 месяца назад +6

      That poor girl though

    • @NaliTikva
      @NaliTikva 2 месяца назад

      Hope the girl sticks him in a retirement home ASAP

  • @nostalgiabender2375
    @nostalgiabender2375 3 месяца назад +32

    I hope the dad from the first story gets confronted by Child Protective services, he doesn’t deserve to be a parent

    • @SirusEinzla
      @SirusEinzla 3 месяца назад +8

      Second, these are easy signs of abuse and manipulation

    • @jonathanfenton8695
      @jonathanfenton8695 3 месяца назад +8

      The fact he brought up pedophilia gives me red flag vibes of what goes on in that house.
      Or I ma be overthinking it due to seeing way too much of that in my irl job, ugh.

    • @solosynapse
      @solosynapse 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@jonathanfenton8695No, I agree & thought the same thing. As a mental health professional, I've seen these red flags in certain kinds of people myself. The isolation tactics, the obvious fantasies about SA (especially toward minors), and the blatant manipulation tell me that he needs to be investigated.

  • @siobhanroberts2329
    @siobhanroberts2329 3 месяца назад +12

    Dad story: did you guys tell your parents about the way your friends dad is acting?
    She may need some adults to intervene here. As others have mentioned, this behaviour is a real red flag, including the way he acted in character.
    Tell your parents the way he acted during the game and make sure to include his comment about "other uses for women and girls". Tell them as much as you can remember and write it down if you can.
    When you tell your parents, try to stress that you're worried about your friends safety, not complaining about a weird dad.
    Its possible that your parents can't or won't help. Often this type of parent will double down on the paranoia and control when they catch wind of others finding out about their behavior, but it's still worth it to try and tell other adults.
    That said, if any of my friends kids told me this happened, I'd be right there in their corner organizing a meeting with the rest of your parents to figure out how to approach the situation.
    My heart goes out to your DM. Its really hard to have a parent like that.

    • @cop5144
      @cop5144 Месяц назад

      imagine taking the story at face value, NGMI

    • @siobhanroberts2329
      @siobhanroberts2329 Месяц назад

      @@cop5144 I take child abuse seriously whenever I hear about it, no matter how unlikely it is.

  • @dariusreaper1458
    @dariusreaper1458 3 месяца назад +95

    That dad story is one reason not to invite a family member to a friends dnd game

    • @kofii000
      @kofii000 3 месяца назад +23

      I think inviting a family member to a game isn’t necessarily bad. Ofc, idk how the dad normally acts or if the daughter knew what he was like, but if he’s done something like that in the past then it isn’t wise to invite anybody like him

    • @dariusreaper1458
      @dariusreaper1458 3 месяца назад +13

      @@kofii000 he sounds like a nightmare to deal with daily

    • @kofii000
      @kofii000 3 месяца назад +6

      @@dariusreaper1458 Let’s hope it isn’t daily, lol

    • @stephenreyes2632
      @stephenreyes2632 3 месяца назад +3

      My dad was the one who got me into TTRPGs.

    • @chrisrudolf9839
      @chrisrudolf9839 3 месяца назад +3

      Having a game session with both friends and family can be fun if all know the game and everybody is on the same page. But pushing for being included in your teenage child's game with their friends is not a good idea, especially when you are new to a game. Because if the parent is the newbie, they will end up getting lectured by their child in front of their peers. Which wouldn't be a problem if everyone of the table was mature about it, but if only some of the participants aren't (the parent, the child or the friends), it can make the parent look really bad as an authority figure. So if you want to participate in your child's DnD game, talk to them beforehand and learn at least the basics, so that you don't make a fool of yourself and don't make your child uncomfortable.

  • @siobhanroberts2329
    @siobhanroberts2329 3 месяца назад +6

    People have already said this as well, but the tactics this dad is using are abuse 101: gaslighting (about his relatonship with/the nature of dnd), ignoring and trampling boundaries (how he acted during the game), freaking out and blaming his target for their own abuse (DARVO, google it), and isolation from friends and activities.
    The isolation is usually a precursor to escalation of the abuse so I reiterate: the rest of the party should get together and tell all your parents. Like today if possible. An adult needs to know the situation your friend is in.
    Good luck you guys. What a terrible dad.

  • @1tastiger1
    @1tastiger1 2 месяца назад +8

    Story 1: Call CPS. Even if you're a teenager, call CPS. Even better if all the friends call in. Even if they don't do anything, there needs to be a record of his abusive actions and temdemcies towards his daughter.

  • @_PannieCake_
    @_PannieCake_ 3 месяца назад +4

    When it comes to rolling dice: Everyone uses DnD Beyond in my campaign. No exceptions. It's mainly for recording the rolls that I can look back to later.
    Stealing from the party: I always give the person who's being stolen from advantage and everyone knows this before we start. It discourages theft, but doesn't truly stop it. There also has to be a reason for the theft. I play rogues who steal from the rich a lot, so background reasons tend to be what I lean on (My Avernus character then donates the money to churches performing hospice for refugees and giving it to refugees for them to get into Baldur's Gate via bribery.)
    Art for DnD: I do not care where people get their art. I always end up making minis of people's characters on Hero Forge if they can't get a portrait. Hero Forge is free and a GREAT way to to make character concepts.

  • @dragonlord0784
    @dragonlord0784 3 месяца назад +13

    And the award for "Most deadbeat, a-hole, selfish, sorry excuse for a father figure" goes to...... the douche dad in the 1st story!!! Okay but seriously though, it's absolutely insane that a parent would do this to their child: Screaming at his own child and making her burst into tears , storming out of the room like a manchild after dying in a DnD game, grounding his daughter, taking away her phone, and telling all of her friends that "they aren't allowed to see her or come to their house ever again." I wept hearing about this story, because **I've** experienced a similar situation like this before with my own parents and this happened to a few of my friends too! I feel really bad for her, her dad destroying her social life and taking away her ability to hang out with her own friends and screaming at her the way he did is like borderline/straight up abuse.
    Also, not sure if its just me, but i find it very sus that her father begged his daughter to play with a bunch of teenagers instead of, yaknow, finding his DnD group and playing with adults, wanting to enact his rape fantasies in a game by wanting to RP murdering a man, raping the deceased man's wife and then wanting to have the baron's daughter's as his rape-slaves (all the while in front of the TEENAGE players at the fucking table), and when his DnD character died he instantly changes his mind about the game and says "it promotes pedophilia!", like HUH??? Projection much? 💀
    Red flags like that are usually a reflection of their real self and these red flags are painting a picture that is NOT pretty. From personal experience and my friends' personal experiences dealing with their own shitty parents, parents who are usually shitty like these (big or small) in some ways publicly are more often that not always shitty in **many** other ways people don't know about behind closed doors in the home. CPS needs to be called on the Dad as soon as possible, there are MANY examples of this deadbeat father being abusive to his daughter from playing in the DnD game alone, and only god knows how he is like on a daily basis in the home behind closed doors. Taking away her ability to communicate with the outside world completely is an extremely common sign of child abuse and often a symptom/a part of a much larger list of other forms of additional child abuse he might be inflicting on her.
    I would also highly recommend OP to talk to their parents about this situation and their friend's dad's extremely concerning behavior, have the friends in the DnD group tell *their* parents too, and confront the father at the home and chew him out for how much of a D-bag he's being and to cut it TF out and let her have a social life, because no child deserves to have such a horrible, disgusting parent like this and I'm extremely worried for her well-being.

  • @yoshitotem
    @yoshitotem 3 месяца назад +12

    Story 1: Someone might want to keep tabs on that so-called father. Throwing a fit over losing a character is one thing, but the father took it too far. Banning both a potential hobby AND isolating his daughter from her friends is already troubling behavior, but doing so because his DnD character died? Thats concerning and says a lot about his parenting style. On top of that, the daughter being so nonchalant about the whole ordeal tells me this was NOT the first time her "father" has done something crazy and/or borderline abusive. A call to CPS may be warranted in the future.
    Story 2: I find myself curious about how the campaign from this story actually went. I've read a lot of DnD horror stories, and i can guarantee that DM had a reason for killing off OPs character. The fact that they never disclosed their actual reason and even proceeded to gloat about it afterward seems very spiteful. This is just guesswork, but i'd bet that the DM secretly hated OPs character with a burning passion but kept it under wraps for one reason or another, taking the chance to not just kill, but screw over the character at the very end just to be spiteful. OP is right not to trust the DM, after a shameless, spite-fulled display like that, i'd probably never play with them again.
    Story 4: Its good that this one has a happy ending, but i feel the DM didn't do enough to keep Jake in check. Not that DMs need to micromanage players, that would be basically railroading. My issue is that it seems like Jake never faced any proper consequences for his actions. Killing any NPC, let alone a Key NPC, by itself has to have consequences, especially if the NPC was an ally. Where were the town guards? Were they asleep? Jakes actions should've resulted in their character being imprisoned at minimum, but DM kept letting him get away with it. You see, this is the heart of the problem. Even if means rocking the proverbial boat, DMs have to be firm but fair with consequences. Letting the obvious murder hobo edgelord repeatedly get away with their bullshit without any consequences will only embolden them to commit even worse actions, like burning down a castle with innocent NPCs inside. At the end of the day, if there is a disruptive murderhobo in the party, ruining the campaign, the DM needs to take responsibility and enforce proper consequences for that behavior.

    • @NeoVault_
      @NeoVault_ 3 месяца назад +1

      I agree with the first part. The dad seems to have some underlying bitterness that may warrant some CPS investigation.
      He might be harboring reoccurring hatred towards his daughter.

    • @RiveroftheWither
      @RiveroftheWither 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@NeoVault_ Something people keep glossing over too is how this grown man insisted on playing with teens but then claimed the game promotes pædophilia. He's literally the only one at the table that would qualify for that accusation. He basically outing himself by implying "the game" was "making him" want to do inappropriate things with the kids.

  • @Evoker23-lx8mb
    @Evoker23-lx8mb 3 месяца назад +18

    Some people deserve to be born infertile and the father in the first story is certainly one of them. He showed a maturity level not dissimilar to that of a child throwing a temper tantrum. Hell, I’ve met plenty of children that have shown far more maturity than that. Little shit probably thought he could be something of a shadow DM with his daughter being the DM and threw a tantrum when he found out that wouldn’t be happening. This is the kind of behaviour that guarantees an early confinement to a nursing home with no chance of ever being visited. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if, wether she admits it or not, DM actually DOES hate her father or at least will grow to hate him eventually. Makes me wonder where her mother was in that story. Actually I’d rather not think about that.

    • @TigerW0lf
      @TigerW0lf 3 месяца назад +5

      RIGHT!? This guy is on a one way ticket to divorce, if not a visit from CPS for his abusive behavior

    • @firepuppies4086
      @firepuppies4086 3 месяца назад

      Eh, rather than wishing he was infertile.. that he didn't get to stick around and the poor girl gets a better father figure... His kid is probably ok DESPITE him....
      Though something tells me it's fake, or at least hopes to God it is, really, really, hoping it is

    • @Evoker23-lx8mb
      @Evoker23-lx8mb 3 месяца назад

      @@firepuppies4086 both would still lead to the same result of this clown not being a father.

  • @zakuraRabbit
    @zakuraRabbit 3 месяца назад +5

    As an artist I'm usually against reposting my art in any situation...but I will make exceptions to private RPG games. Even if you gotta edit it a bit, so long as you're not reposting it on your social media I'm cool with it.
    But if anyone wants another free way to create a character you can use Heroforge. It only costs money if you want a 3D model or a mini made, you can create a character and play around with it all you want for free. I sometimes use this to design clothing for the character, since i'm not great at that.

    • @solosynapse
      @solosynapse 2 месяца назад

      This is nice to hear! I've used fantasy art I find online for character images, but it's only for that purpose & I don't repost it or claim it as my own.
      I also use HF, and the VTT we're using is adding HeroForge digital mini integration - so we'll be buying plenty of 3D mini files. 😅

  • @ShyBiiteVT
    @ShyBiiteVT 3 месяца назад +3

    Story 1: Hello, CPS? I'd like to make a report.
    Story 2: Yes. You won D&D, DM. Your prize is losing a group of players.

  • @davidtherwhanger6795
    @davidtherwhanger6795 3 месяца назад +18

    Post Campaign Story. DM, "Rocks Fall. You Die. I Win. Duh-huh Duh-huh." -probably. No DM you did not 'Win' the game. You Lost.

  • @chancesmith2788
    @chancesmith2788 3 месяца назад +4

    When the dm said I won dnd, I woulda hit him with the yeah that’s why you had to kill me off screen with no rolls in the epilogue 🤣

  • @GarkKahn
    @GarkKahn 2 месяца назад +5

    That dude accusing dnd players of being pedos gave me a "all robbers think everyone else will try to steal from them" vibes

    • @solosynapse
      @solosynapse 2 месяца назад

      Yup. He needs to be investigated by the authorities.

  • @ChaosCounseling
    @ChaosCounseling 3 месяца назад +5

    You win at d&d when everyone leaves happy

  • @majinnbuu9363
    @majinnbuu9363 3 месяца назад +10

    The dad it promotes all this stuff that he chose to do himself without being prompted to do it, WTF.
    Edit: My sister used to be "Married" (maybe idk for sure if they were) to someone similar, we were all eating at a buffet, after he got yelled at for not helping my sisters kid, he went outside and pouted for like 30 minutes. We ignored him since all he wanted was attention. They aren't together anymore.

  • @ToxinnTV
    @ToxinnTV 3 месяца назад +13

    "I pull out my blunderbuss-" LINKARA?

    • @zacharysieg2305
      @zacharysieg2305 3 месяца назад +3

      Nah, Link’s not a murderhobo

    • @NeoVault_
      @NeoVault_ 3 месяца назад +1

      The lightbringer?!?

    • @firepuppies4086
      @firepuppies4086 3 месяца назад

      I'd say I think more R Kelly but that does open some other terrible possibilites... But something tells me someone like that may well have some... Interests similar even if he can't execute them... especially going off the talk about the baron's wife and daughter...

  • @phobiawitch835
    @phobiawitch835 3 месяца назад +15

    That first story was giving me massive Ick vibes. I get wanting to join a game but, why does a full grown adult hop in (and apparently nag his child until they relent) to play a game with Teenagers, rather than find other adults? That alone made it weird, considering his weird insistence on joining. Then he went and became a murder hobo and was possibly doing other weird things in game (maybe I misheard that cuz was handling stuff as I listened), and begins to blame it on his child and the other players? Then whines and complains like a child, and when that apparently doesn’t go how he wants, he storms off for a tantrum. Only to then the next day cut his child off from her friend group entirely, and take away her phone (which means she’s not just cut off from Friends, but also Family AND other things too). Something about that feels, off. It screams the Dad for the lone girl in The Losers Club from It. If you know anything about that, then you can see the comparisons and why I got major ick vibes.

    • @williamt2700
      @williamt2700 2 месяца назад

      Umm the dad wanted to do things with the wife and daughter of the man he wanted to tie up, he said the game encouraged his pervese thoughts, then he isolated his daughter so she wouldn't have s3x with anyone else.. yeah ick indeed

    • @nekorina9011
      @nekorina9011 2 месяца назад +3

      that's EXACTLY what I was thinking of. Dude is just like Alvin Marsh - right down to the "those guys only want one thing" attitude.
      I really hope that poor girl is okay. People keep saying this story is fake but my abuser would do shit like that. So I know there are people who do act like that. And i hope this girl gets to enjoy dnd again with her friends.

  • @marybdrake1472
    @marybdrake1472 3 месяца назад +8

    The problem player is a problem parent. That's new.
    I fail to see how it was a difficult decision. Jake needed to go right away.

  • @pasteldoll7274
    @pasteldoll7274 3 месяца назад +3

    okay genuinly, first story, the dad is a huge red flag and I am REALLY worried about his daughter, and worried he is being abusive in more ways than one

  • @davidtherwhanger6795
    @davidtherwhanger6795 3 месяца назад +10

    Nipsy being Weird. I have seen that pose before. My cat's have done it many times.
    Still don't understand a thing about it.

  • @junipersolis
    @junipersolis 2 месяца назад +1

    I actually have a little story about how I tried to deal with a player like the one in story 5 (Dice Cheater).
    This was back in the Skype days before any of us knew anything about Roll20. In the game I was running, one of my players pretty much never rolled below a 15. I had a boss fight that was coming up and I was stuck with either having it be too strong for half of the party, or too weak for the other half. So I decided to narratively split the party to have two different fights. The player that rolled suspiciously well, and another player that had a very well built tank, got a boss that played to their strengths while also hitting like a truck, and the players that were a bit weaker and preferred RP got a more narrative fight with a boss that was a little weaker. When the player that couldn't roll below a 15 realized they had two different boss fights, he suddenly couldn't roll above a nat 1. This very quickly derailed the session, and the players ultimately decided it was my fault for splitting the party. We stopped playing after that.

  • @iank472
    @iank472 3 месяца назад +2

    I think my response to "Don't ever contact my daughter again!" would be "It's not your daughter I'm planning to contact, it's child services.".

    • @nekorina9011
      @nekorina9011 2 месяца назад +1

      if u genuinely did say something like that though, he'd probably get aggressive and use it as even more of an excuse why the friends are "bad influences".

    • @solosynapse
      @solosynapse 2 месяца назад

      ​@@nekorina9011He'd probably isolate her further & move to avoid consequences.
      Never tell an abuser you're going to alert the authorities; do the alerting without their knowledge so they can't run or hide evidence.

  • @phillee427
    @phillee427 3 месяца назад +2

    Someone call child protective services because there's something seriously wrong with that dude

  • @deepseastonecore3017
    @deepseastonecore3017 3 месяца назад +13

    Did you hear about the ghoul's new daytime talk show?
    It's called Phantom of the Oprah

  • @nyxxthewry
    @nyxxthewry 3 месяца назад +2

    OP should go public in the dad's community with his behavior. Frankly this man should be held accountable by his peers for his dumb shit.

  • @superspicygummybears5700
    @superspicygummybears5700 3 месяца назад +3

    How do people like the first guy become parents? Seriously, was he really good at hiding his red flags or something? Absolutely baffling.

    • @nekorina9011
      @nekorina9011 2 месяца назад +1

      unironically, yes. I've heard a lot of stories of women talking abt how their partners were nice in the beginning but once they move in / get married / are essentially locked in, the red flags start to show. And men like these tend to push and push and push boundaries, and the more you let them, the more they're shown what they can get away with. And sadly, once someone gets used to that, it feels easier to just let it happen to avoid retaliation.
      I don't know if the mom is present in this girl's life but I really hope she makes it out of that house soon, and remembers she's worth way more than to be treated like that.

  • @Opalin
    @Opalin 3 месяца назад +2

    I'd honestly tell a trusted adult on the dad if they can for the dad story.
    And for the last, I'd also say that another good set of options are heroforge, which does 3d models (you can even get them made and sent to you!) or picrew, which is 2d, and even has a tag for those set up for ttrpgs. I use both for a character until I've saved up enough to get a proper commission!

  • @7thsealord888
    @7thsealord888 3 месяца назад +2

    Story #1 - I feel badly for the daughter. She did nothing wrong - and I actually applaud how she handled the game situation. As both a gamer and a parent, anything I might say about her father is unsuitable for posting here.
    Story #2 - OP has every right to feel the way they do. What this GM did was arbitrary, unjustified, pointless and downright cruel. I would not game with him again, and I would be sure to tell him exactly why.
    Too many times, people just kind of walk away or simply decide not to play with someone again. Wrong decision - there is always an outside chance an @$$hat might (eventually) learn something if actually called out for their actions.
    Story #3 - I do like this group's house rule as regards crafting, it makes a lot of sense to me. Have to remember that idea.
    I also like how the DM chose to deal with TWO Nat 1s. Seen a few games where the DM would use that as justification for an instakill or something like that. Instead using this potential disaster as an opening for extra action / comedy is always a good move.
    Clearly, there was a lot going on with this couple outside the game. There was a fuse there ready to go, that could have been lit by anything - just happened to be the double fumble that did it.
    Story #4 - I put a lot on the DM, who *should* have reined this moron in HARD early on. But they figured out the only way to go soon enough, and it is good that they managed to salvage their game.
    Mister Edgelord, no doubt, will be telling all and sundry how he voluntarily left the game, because nobody there "got" his character.
    Story #5 - Simple house rule for tabletop games. All rolls are announced beforehand, and made on the table in the open. If the DM or at least one other Player didn't witness the actual roll AND results thereof, then it doesn't count. "Trust, But Verify" is the principle here.
    In this instance, since it is an online game ....
    Private nonconfrontational talk first, if possible. Explain how these actions ruin the game. If not doing the talk, there really is no choice but to strictly enforce use of the online roller for everybody. If Lucy has a problem with this, be sure to politely point out that this rule is for EVERYONE, no exceptions. If she gets into a snit, that is unfortunate but unavoidable.
    This is not something any fair DM can ignore or just let slide. Accept that always making everybody happy is a trick that no human being has mastered yet.
    Story #6 - Just boot him. If he wants to cry "Metagaming!", tough kitty toenails. For any Party to function, there has to be respect and trust. "I'm Only Role-Playing My Character" (I'm SURE he probably said this at some point) is never an acceptable justification for bad behavior.
    Story #7 - The DM's issue, definitely. There is nothing wrong with taking images from wherever, and altering them for use in a private game. The only issue would be if the altered image was claimed to be original, or if the alterer tried to sell it, imo.
    In this case, don't wait on that DM, as it's debatable as when and how and even IF he'll come back.

  • @fred_derf
    @fred_derf 3 месяца назад +3

    There is almost definitely something pdf file going on with the father in the first story, who was clearly jealous that his daughter was spending time with other people.
    For the second OP, you're not over reacting, your DM waited until you had no agency then did the equivalent of "rocks fall, you die". They clearly don't like you for some reason (or are just a straight up jerk) so I see no reason why you'd want to play with them again.

    • @kofii000
      @kofii000 3 месяца назад +1

      I think that’s a bit much to say here dad is acting like that without any proof. I think it really is just a temper tantrum and the dad is a man child who prolly doesn’t want the people that witnesses it to come back to his house, but that’s just my take

    • @fred_derf
      @fred_derf 3 месяца назад +3

      @@kofii000 The dad's the one that brought up pdf files, a little bit of projection (Freudian Slip) there?

    • @kofii000
      @kofii000 3 месяца назад

      @@fred_derf kinda forgot most of the story, but I do kind of remember pedophiles being involved, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he is one himself, could just be immaturity or something. Not projecting or defending, just giving my own opinion and saying things based off of other peoples comments. Besides, I don’t think it’s okay to assume someone’s a pedophile just because they speak about them or act like/similar to one in a table top rpg game. Not saying it’s necessarily okay to roleplay as one either (imo) Have a good day/night :))

    • @RiveroftheWither
      @RiveroftheWither 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@@kofii000 Dude, he insisted on playing with a bunch of teens as the sole adult, then claimed the game makes people into pdf files. It doesn't take a genius to connect the dots, he's the only one qualified to fit that accusation he himself made. Nothing else happened that would cause this ADULT to fling pdf file accusations at the KIDS he was playing with unless he was implying the game was giving him "evil urges" which a lot of grapists and pdf files lean on to avoid responsibility.

    • @kofii000
      @kofii000 3 месяца назад

      @@RiveroftheWither Like I said, I forgot most of the story, it ain’t that deep. Relax and have a good day :))

  • @Midnight3Wonder
    @Midnight3Wonder 3 месяца назад +2

    For the story about the dad, I'm just dumbfounded by the dad's lack of self-awareness and want to call the police on him for what he's doing to his daughter. That's just sick and I seriously hope the DM will be okay. I'm not sure if her mom is around or not, but if she is, I really hope DM is able to talk to her mom about what her father is doing and the mom will do something about that awful father. What he's doing simply isn't right and I'm genuinely scared for DM. He needs serious therapy if he wants to have any kind of relationship with anyone.
    For the story about the "disrespected" art, I can understand the DM's viewpoint but they definitely took it WAY too far. I'm an artist myself and it can feel a little disappointing when someone messes with my art. However, in this case, I'd be willing to make an exception. If they only made a few tweaks to make the character art just so it better suited what they wanted for their character but it was still the closest they could find to what their character is supposed to look like, I find that kind of flattering. Whenever I make art for someone, I try to aim to make any characters I make for them look as accurate to what they imagined as possible. If I can accidentally make an accurate drawing of someone's character without even realizing it, I can't help but consider that a bit of win because it just means that someone else in the world agrees with me that such a concept would be awesome for a character. And like OP said, if they simply just made minor tweaks like removing certain kind of gear but everything else was still on point, that's perfectly fine. I myself have dabbled in a similar form of art where you photoshop official artwork to make something new and it's honestly just so fun. If you're not trying to make money off it or pass it off as your own work but have the skills to at least edit changes you want, then that's perfectly fine. And the fact that OP was honest about what they did to "refine" the character to better suit their desires just goes to show how much they actually respect the original artist because they are willing to admit that this isn't really their work and not try to claim it as their own. I don't know if the OP ever tried to name who the actual artist is, but admitting the original artist is always a bonus. If you can't find the original artist, however, I can understand since the OP did just do a search of images that best suited what they were looking for.

    • @BlueTressym
      @BlueTressym 3 месяца назад

      One pbp server I was on specified that people should credit the artist for any character art they used that wasn't their own, which seems the decent thing to do.

    • @Midnight3Wonder
      @Midnight3Wonder 3 месяца назад +1

      @@BlueTressym Yeah, I completely agree with that. But I can also understand if you can't find the original artist. You should try to put in the effort to find the original artist, but I think it's understandable if you couldn't. I think at least if you acknowledge the work isn't yours, that's acceptable.

  • @RealSeanithan
    @RealSeanithan 3 месяца назад +1

    The dad story: the problem wasn't per se with the dad declaring D&D bad and banning his daughter from playing. That is, if the circumstances of the story hadn't happened, and he, upon learning she was playing D&D, either looked into the game and determined his kids wouldn't be involved with the game or determined that his kids wouldn't play until he did further research into it and made a final decision one way or the other. That's what my parents did, which is why I never played d&d until I was an adult, but the way they went about it made it very clear they were absolutely doing the best they could with the information they had, and they were just incorrect about D&D being inherently bad. No, it was all the events leading up to the ban (assuming it did, in fact, happen that way) and the way the ban was carried out that made the ban so egregious in this case, not the ban in and of itself.

  • @dashroyer7249
    @dashroyer7249 2 месяца назад +1

    I love how the edgelord story stars off like the bionicle movies lmao

  • @JennaArgent
    @JennaArgent 2 месяца назад +1

    I really hope that girl is safe with that dad. He's an abusive piece of crap if he's going to isolate his daughter like that over a freaking game

  • @nekorina9011
    @nekorina9011 2 месяца назад +1

    jesus christ somebody PLEASE make sure that girl from the first story is okay. If there's any update at all I'd love to hear it. The fact that the dad felt comfortable enough to not only say all the shit he did but to yell at her and make a scene in front of ALL HER FRIENDS is red flag enough. But taking her phone??? Cutting her off???? Somebody needs to make sure she is okay bc she's very likely not safe in that house. God. I hope she gets to leave soon, or that CPS gets involved.

  • @StageApe
    @StageApe 2 месяца назад

    I sometime used a rule that if you insist on not showing your rolls.
    Each time that player rolls, DM does a coin flip on the app, heads = face value, tail = opposite dice face value ( e.g. 20 => 1, 9 => 12...)

  • @richardduska1558
    @richardduska1558 3 месяца назад +4

    33:24 Because it is EXPENSIVE for a game that you don't even know how long will last or how long the character will last. Not everyone can pay up 100-200$ (which is low balling If you want something good) up front like that.

  • @calebhughes4226
    @calebhughes4226 2 месяца назад +1

    That Dad needs CPS called on him ngl

  • @lovementish
    @lovementish 3 месяца назад +1

    For the last story, picrew is also pretty good for quick character portraits. Some of my players use it, and if I have to make a bunch of NPCs for something, I use it if I don't have time to draw myself.

    • @solosynapse
      @solosynapse 2 месяца назад +1

      HeroForge is also good, as it has lots of clothing, pose, expression, and colour options. It's also compatible with a few VTTs!

  • @Jay-Gruener
    @Jay-Gruener 3 месяца назад +4

    The clip of Nipsy being 'weird' isn't that.
    That's normal kitty behavior

  • @DerNomade1871
    @DerNomade1871 2 месяца назад +1

    The dad from the first one sounds too much like my abusive mother, minus the DnD

  • @justinmargerum2559
    @justinmargerum2559 3 месяца назад +1

    Intro: Nipsy for the "Like!"
    Dungeons and Dad: What an absolute jackass! It's truly tragic when teenage kids are so much more mature than their fathers. Be a man an model mature behavior!
    Post Campaign: Why? This was just the DM griefing OP for no good reason.
    Nat 1 Breakup: A relationship that can be shattered by a die roll was never meant to be. But seriously, there was something else going on here; it wasn't OP's fault.
    Edgelord: Edgelords gotta edgelord.
    Dice Cheater: Insist on open rolls. If you need a reason, say the idea someone might be cheating came up and you want to prove it isn't true for at least one game session.
    Rogue Dwarf: This is why PvP is so often banned. Why was he robbing other party members? "Because that's what my character would do?" And yet, it's "metagaming" when he gets caught and forced to return what he stole when that is legitimately what their characters would do. No party would trust that character, so insist on a new character who isn't a net detriment to the party.
    Photoshop: Seriously?

  • @stoneharvey1017
    @stoneharvey1017 2 месяца назад +1

    I think an interesting solution for the possible cheater girl, is to make situation where it seems like you want to succeed, but actually want to fail. Could lead to interesting moments where the honest players pull ahead by successfully failing.
    She'll catch on, and start playing more honestly, since that will yield better results.

  • @TalCom-lg6oc
    @TalCom-lg6oc 2 месяца назад +1

    Heroforge is a good free way to make an image of your dnd character too.

  • @djbigs1055
    @djbigs1055 2 месяца назад +1

    It's weird how all the stuff the dad was doing is very specifically the things je was doing in character

  • @WhiteOwlet
    @WhiteOwlet 3 месяца назад +1

    Cain Shadowblade, OH HECK YES WE'RE SO AT THE EDGE

    • @solosynapse
      @solosynapse 2 месяца назад +1

      I want to steal that name but make it a rainbow hippie who's embarrassed by his emo Shadar-kai parents.

  • @monikasernek1177
    @monikasernek1177 3 месяца назад +3

    I'm with 99% sure Kain Shadow-whatever listen to dark elf radio 24/7.

  • @NeoVault_
    @NeoVault_ 3 месяца назад +1

    That dad is horrible, and shouldn't be invited to events if this is how he acts.
    I feel sorry for them. This is why I usually only play with strangers.

  • @PredstorsPet3D
    @PredstorsPet3D 3 месяца назад +2

    Here's the thing about the end story. There are SO MANY SO MANY free sources to custom design a token. Doll maker games are plentiful in that regard. The real question should be if the edited art was public source book art / free to use. Or did the dude just take someone's cool personal art and said mine now. Personally I'd have told the OP to clarify and if it's the latter? Tell em not to use that image if they couldn't be bothered to make the same effort of contacting the original artist first. Plenty artists won't mind at all depending on how you treat the edits. Hell I've personally let people trace my own art to do doll maker stuff 😂

    • @shadowchu419
      @shadowchu419 3 месяца назад

      That seems like a really weird take for a private game of make believe. I mean, what if I want to play a famous character from something do I need to get a hold of the CEO of marvel comics to play Captain America? Why would I Need to contact a random artist from a picture found on the Internet just to use them as a token for a dungeons and dragons game? seems like the most asinine rule ever unless you live streaming or otherwise uploading that game online. Bad dming for sure.

    • @PredstorsPet3D
      @PredstorsPet3D 3 месяца назад

      @@shadowchu419 So a famous character from say Marvel etc is art made specifically for public consumption. Which is obvious. Especially on the grounds they make money on it as it's a job. It falls into public source material and or free to use content as I said. But buddy boy just because it's random art to you doesn't mean it isn't special to its independent creator. It's just a matter of principle on considering the fact you're not automatically allowed to use other people's things.

    • @shadowchu419
      @shadowchu419 3 месяца назад

      @PredstorsPet3D Then why would they allow it to exist on the internet free for public use? That is the most idiotic thing I think i've ever heard in my entire life. Exactly how is the artist being harmed by you Using it in a private game of adult make believe? Again, if it were being streamed or publicly posted that would be different, but there is literally no harm done to the artist in any way shape or form. This is just moral grandstanding at best and weird moral to grandstand for. Avoid this guy's games at all costs folks!

    • @shadowchu419
      @shadowchu419 3 месяца назад

      @@PredstorsPet3D there is no logic in this whatsoever. It’s weird and goofy behavior. Next time op should just use ai art instead just cause I’m sure that’ll upset your sensitive feelings even more.

    • @PredstorsPet3D
      @PredstorsPet3D 3 месяца назад

      @@shadowchu419 Damn dawg you really popped off on a casual conversation here. Really showing your hand at how delicate your sensibilities are at being told sometimes the answer is "No." 😂 Good luck in life little soldier.

  • @wargriz8213
    @wargriz8213 3 месяца назад +1

    Forget the BG3 character creator for character art. HeroForge will let you pick the exact equipment and color it how you want.

  • @theofficerfactory2625
    @theofficerfactory2625 3 месяца назад +1

    For the last story; this is why I am using heroforge more and more. I do use art wherever I can find it; some of the places a tad ... spicy but when I absolutely can't find the envisioned character, heroforge it is then.

  • @megatronjenkins2473
    @megatronjenkins2473 3 месяца назад +1

    Nipsey ain't being weird, lol, she's just layin' there being cute! Coming from the indentured servant of a Feline Overlord, that wasn't weird. And I only serve ONE, how the Hell do you have so many Masters?!?

  • @fred_derf
    @fred_derf 3 месяца назад +1

    The DM in the fourth storey needs to learn that it's OK for the DM to say no to a character that isn't going to fit in with and work with the rest party. D&D is a group activity, everyone has to be part of the group. If a player wants to play an dark-broody-edgy-loner, they need to find a DM willing to run a one-on-one campaign.

  • @mirrortherorrim
    @mirrortherorrim 3 месяца назад +1

    14:50 I would suggest that the players play the children of their previous characters, and declare that their previous characters are alive, and if the GM kills them off at any point, he will prove he can't run a proper game. It may be not the right thing to do, but they'd stick it to him.

  • @ThatWTVGuy
    @ThatWTVGuy 3 месяца назад +2

    Is that dad, like....ok? 😬 What the hell?

    • @BlueTressym
      @BlueTressym 3 месяца назад +1

      He is very much not OK.

  • @codyhock896
    @codyhock896 3 месяца назад +3

    My question for the dad story is, Where is the dm's mom during all this?

    • @Dylan-jp9mr
      @Dylan-jp9mr 3 месяца назад +1

      She probably doesn't have one, it might be why he overreacted over his daughter "killing him".

    • @codyhock896
      @codyhock896 3 месяца назад

      @@Dylan-jp9mr That is entirely fair, and I honestly did not think of that

  • @trublgrl
    @trublgrl 3 месяца назад

    RE: Dice Cheater: When I was young, I mostly played TTRPG's with my brother as DM. He pretty much let me re-roll really important failures, because... I'm a princess and he wanted to keep me happy. As an adult, I find I always want to justify a re-roll, but I just have to suck it up and take my crap rolls. I swear, in my last session, I rolled like, two ones, two threes, a seven, a four, never critted, and just rolled garbage all night. I even swapped between two sets of real dice, a dice app on my phone, and the D&D Beyond dice roller, and it was so infuriating. Still, I have to be a grownup and accept that the dice aren't cheating, and if I change it, I'LL be the cheater.

  • @Ra88ful
    @Ra88ful Месяц назад

    Ya the #1 story scream "why doesn't my daughter talk to me anymore!?!" Or "why doesn't my daughter tell me anything?" Or "why is my daughter sneaking out"

  • @nicksmith8212
    @nicksmith8212 3 месяца назад +2

    How is the dad the least mature person at the table ?

  • @Captaincory1
    @Captaincory1 3 месяца назад +1

    Another fun thing to use to make character tokens is to screenshot something you make on Heroforge

    • @solosynapse
      @solosynapse 2 месяца назад

      HF even has a token maker feature!

  • @Vahktang
    @Vahktang 3 месяца назад

    Cheating player:
    Their own monsters, tougher than others.
    Spells to debuff, separate: wall of stone, etc.

  • @Numanumbra
    @Numanumbra 2 месяца назад +1

    Photoshop story response - DM definitely overreacted, but it'd still be better for OP to avoid editing art that wasn't meant to be edited in the first place. Better alternatives:
    1. Ask original artist for permission to edit the art and credit them when you use it.
    2. Use Picrew or Heroforge to design your character, or otherwise a character creator like in Baldur's Gate like Doge mentioned.
    3. Search for DND coloring pages or art bases (essentially customizable coloring pages) - can be edited with art software like Krita or GIMP, or otherwise edited and printed out.

  • @michaeldolan5792
    @michaeldolan5792 3 месяца назад +2

    So the the dad in Story #1 is a petulant manbaby who wants to be able to do all the crimes with no consequences, then denounces the game as satanic and pedophilic when there are in fact consequences, and accuses his daughter for rigging the system against him out of malice when he doesn't get his way? Sounds strangely familiar. Something tells me that the dad has more than a few massive flags hanging from the back of his truck and spends a lot of money on a certain line of red baseball caps, IYKWIMAITYD. I don't suppose OP knows where this guy was on January 6th 2021?

    • @solosynapse
      @solosynapse 2 месяца назад

      Not only that, but he tried to roleplay a fantasy he apparently has of SAing an underage girl, and checked every box in the "abuser" checklist.
      He's giving extreme Gaetz vibes, if I'm being honest. That girl is not safe.

  • @CooperAATE
    @CooperAATE 3 месяца назад +3

    LMAO love that title

  • @elfinkenshi6437
    @elfinkenshi6437 3 месяца назад

    In our current campaign I used neural image generator (specifically, Dezgo) to generate rough approximation for our character portraits.

  • @blackhole5353.
    @blackhole5353. 2 месяца назад

    I feel like it’s very common for new players that play rogue to immediately default to just stealing and pickpocketing everything. In my very first campaign, we were all new players and we had a rogue. After completing our first job, the money gets handed to me to pass out, I put it in my pocket until our conversation is over and the rogue immediately pickpockets me. Tried to play it off as like since her character didn’t know me or trust me. She didn’t know what I was going to do with the money. Her character was kind of edgy so it checks out lol

  • @nightmareraven3045
    @nightmareraven3045 15 дней назад

    People on reddit will tell you a story about getting brutally assaulted with a knife, spat on and kicked out of their own house and then go on the internet and ask if they're overreacting, because their angry

  • @GreatestRedPanda
    @GreatestRedPanda 2 месяца назад

    I'd like to just say for story two, OP you are free to ignore what the DM says happens to you in the epilogue. Your epilogue belongs to you and the other players, and if the DM declares some nonsense you don't like or agree with, it's entirely okay for you to say "nah", turn to your co-players and decide with them how your story ends. Once the campaign is over, you are in full control of your own story.

  • @slacknhash
    @slacknhash 3 месяца назад

    Said it on the subreddit regarding the dad, and I'll say it here: "Sometimes I worry about you, Bevvie. Sometimes I worry a *lot* ."

  • @lordbrowning
    @lordbrowning 3 месяца назад

    Story 1: sounds like an emotionally abusive father. Screw this guy!
    Story 2: This is the equivalent of "rocks fall." Talk to him about it and if he agrees it was out of line then fine. If not... find s new DM.
    Story 3: This relationship was doomed to failure if a nat 1 is all it took to break it up.
    Story 5: Doge called it. If she feels targeted by switching to online dice roller then she was cheating and is mad at getting caught.
    Story 6: I'd just kick him, but if I had to let him back in he'd have to agree to no stealing from the party.

  • @robertwildschwein7207
    @robertwildschwein7207 3 месяца назад

    10:37 How is becoming a mighty beast that can slay armies excactly a bad thing?

  • @vortega472
    @vortega472 3 месяца назад

    Nipsy weird - hey cats gonna cat. That's what we say in this house.
    Story 1 - Dad wants to be friend and edgy to the kids.

    • @solosynapse
      @solosynapse 2 месяца назад

      No, that dad is an abuser who tried to act out fantasies about r*ping underage girls. His daughter is not safe.

  • @rosegirlz88
    @rosegirlz88 2 месяца назад

    Ole dad needs to end up at the shadiest pines retirement home in his old age !

  • @Rude_i_Wredne
    @Rude_i_Wredne 20 дней назад

    In terms of the cheater, it's best to just talk to them honestly with all the explanation why their "luck" is causing trouble and sucking the enjoyment out of the rest of the party. Many cheaters just didn't mature to the point of understanding those things innately and such talk can be a life lesson.
    If you feel they might get too defensive about the cheating implications and you don't want to escalate the conflict, suggest a karma dice from a roller and say it's better for the game if inherent luck doesn't play that much of a factor. If you feel like making a tougher lesson, just counter the "I'm not cheating" with statistics, as if every hit lands, then it is easy to convince people with math, as the probability of that drops exponentially with each hit (even if they only miss on nat 1, landing 100 hits in a row is already a 0.6% event, which in statistics field is enough to warrant suspicion).

  • @akmi1931
    @akmi1931 2 месяца назад

    For the story of the DM suspecting their player of cheating, I’m not sure what their problem is.
    Like, did they really complain that the player never rolls less then a *5*?!

  • @sansdreamurr866
    @sansdreamurr866 3 месяца назад

    uh-oh someone is going to the retirement home and not getting a phone call :D

  • @Kingpin1880
    @Kingpin1880 3 месяца назад

    Story 2: "I won D&D because I betrayed and upset my players!"
    No. That's how you lose D&D.

  • @theblackantonio
    @theblackantonio 3 месяца назад

    Story 2: That event is hereby ruled to be not canon.

  • @PhiSigma42
    @PhiSigma42 3 месяца назад

    Story 1: I hope they can get CPS or at least a trusted adult like a reasonable parent or teacher involved. Not because of DnD itself but because the father sounds abusive in general and the daughter needs support.
    Story 2: The way to win DnD as a DM is for everyone to have fun. Ruining the players' fun in the epilogue and gloating about it makes you a massive loser as a DM.

  • @buttondefine4988
    @buttondefine4988 Месяц назад

    For that epilogue story, OP wasn't overreacting at all. You are allowed to be attached to your character, especially if you've been with them through an entire campaign and followed their story. Imagine if at the end of John Wick, he was just shot in the head without warning and killed off, despite the fact that he just spent the entire movie kicking ass and dodging bullets. The story is completely broken at that point.
    There's nothing dramatic about it. Your feelings matter, and if they are hurt by the Gm's actions then you have every right to call them out on it.

  • @ArcmageZaln
    @ArcmageZaln 3 месяца назад

    another one to use is the hero forge editor that people like to use. its free as long as you dont order the mini you make.

  • @deepseastonecore3017
    @deepseastonecore3017 3 месяца назад +1

    Can I order some Magma cookies and Traveler's Tea please

  • @JacobL228
    @JacobL228 2 месяца назад

    The epilogue OP obviously knows the DM is at fault; they're clearly just fishing for sympathy. The klepto rogue clearly knew enough to build a character that could successfully steal from the party without being noticed, so it's definitely not their first time playing, and even if it is, even newbies that have never even read the handbook know stealing from people like that is a dick move. As for making character art, Hero Forge is a free, in-browser site with no download requirements, and it's usually pretty high-quality since they occasionally cut deals with famous RUclipsrs like Dingo from Dingo Doodles and Brennan Lee Mulligan from Dropout's Dimension 20 to allow them to use stuff they made, and the people running it pay close attention to avoid any bugs.

  • @Svartalf14
    @Svartalf14 2 месяца назад

    the DM that 'won D&D' by mistreating the PCs during the epilogue is and adversarial bag of crap, with the maturity of a toddler. Same bag for the DM who can't stand 'disrespecting art' ... I mean, the player was trying to find the best representation for his player, in private and without making $$ from it, not to showcase the original art. (NB, I generally am a stickler for respecting the original in derivative art, like making a movie from a book)

  • @tanjredshirt
    @tanjredshirt 3 месяца назад

    "No, not Black Leaf! No, no!"

  • @megancole4535
    @megancole4535 2 месяца назад

    I have a player who I know for certain cheats, the other players know too. I just make the game more difficult on him specifically...

  • @gustavofelipe2006
    @gustavofelipe2006 3 месяца назад +1

    man, i critted the Like button now the screen is broken, ogez, what have i done

  • @Cornfiglep
    @Cornfiglep Месяц назад

    Op or someone should probably call cps on the father of the first one. That person is clearly not stable and probably at least warrants investigation if it all went as what was described (though as it came from reddit it's always possible OP just left out details)

  • @Dumpstermuffin1
    @Dumpstermuffin1 2 месяца назад

    I never will understand anyone who decides to play as a murder hobo. How is that even fun? And why would you play something that will eventually get you and your party in trouble or dead? It really makes me think that players who are murder hobos are just selfish attention seekers.

  • @MedioTaffy
    @MedioTaffy 3 месяца назад +1

    Hmm, I feel like that last player might be been using the ai stuff in Photoshop that's in there now, that would make the dms reaction make more sense but still

  • @Galaxykuma
    @Galaxykuma 3 месяца назад +1

    I don't Play d&d or any TTRPGs. That second story where the DM kills off the PCs in an epilogue? Is utter bullshit. Could you imagine that happening in any other game? Like you just beat Persona 4 you got the secret boss to get your secret ending. You character house back on the train to go home only for the train to crash and the character you spent so long playing as dies? Yeah that wouldn't be fun.

  • @razorbliz
    @razorbliz 28 дней назад

    The last of the day halfling luck kind of annoyed me, there is no limit to that ability for halflings they cannot role a 1 ever…. Whelp maybe they ran it like that idk and it ain’t my problem 😅

  • @vickfrankenstein
    @vickfrankenstein 3 месяца назад

    "holy jeez"