Walter Baier (European Left) on European election results

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • President and lead candidate of the European Left, Walter Baier, reacted yesterday night in the European Parliament on the first results of the European election. Here are the transcript of his words.
    "The, left has maintained its strength in this European election. This, in adverse, atmosphere. And that means that, we are in a position to continue to defend the values for which we fought, in the electoral campaign. This is social justice. This is the right to affordable, decent climate, adequate housing. This is the right for decent and secure jobs. this is the right to have a universally accessible, public services. This is the right for a just transition to an ecological, sustainable, economy. And this is the right of women for self-determination, and for safe abortion. And last and certainly not least, this is the right for, peace.
    We have, in a number of countries, remarkably, good, results. We are particular happy about that. After a period of absence, the left in Italy comes back to the European political scenery. We are proud about the, results, we have in Scandinavia and, northern Europe. And we are very happy about, results in Belgium. And there are other examples of a good showing, of our party.
    It seems to be that there exists an agreement between the forces of the grand coalition, the European People's Party, the Social Democrats, and, renewed, to continue their alliance, their, cooperation. We acknowledge, this, fact, of course, but it would be a severe mistake to misunderstand the outcome of the election is a carte blanche for continuing business as usual and to go back to the failed politics of austerity. I say this, because this failed politics have created the breeding ground for the rise of the far right in a number of countries. I mentioned France, and, I am very unhappy about the fact that I also have to mention my home country, Austria, in which the FPÖ, which is a clearly neo-fascist party, managed to come out as the strongest, party as far as the, left is, concerned.
    We will continue to oppose in the European Parliament anti social, neo-liberal politics. At the same time, I want to, be very clear on that: we are available for any sort of progressive forces, for any, sort of progressive reforms and cooperation with progressive forces which may yield, to, progress for the working people, for social and ecological sustainability and for social equality.
    And in this way, we will try to work inside the European Parliament, but it's well outside the European Parliament. Thank you for your attention. And now we will take any questions as you want"

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