Over 15 years ago, Obama received large contributions from Pritzker, a trans identifying man. Obama smuggled in ‘gender identity’ into some policy, and it spread from there. That’s where this comes from.
@@RonnyBoy504 suicide rate is over 40% with post of trans people. but sure, do what you want. im sure you wont regret it when your brain is fully formed at 25 years old. you dont even understand the world at 17 so why would you make life changing decisions? im not hating on trans at all as i have friends that are, but you literally cannot deny factual statistics. its not a good thing and i worry for everyone.
There's a reason kids aren't allowed to have permanent tattoos, drink alcohol or purchase guns. They're too young to make a nuanced judgement. A kid's consent means nothing
Kids still need to have rights to their own well-being and bodies. Pretty much all that I know that is done before 18 is puberty blockers... With is not permanent so long as they make that choice at 18... And allowed by cis children.
Unlike your strawman comparison, kids cannot opt-out of the wrong puberty. To say that gender affirming care is comparable to tattoos is ridiculous. Trans people don’t choose to be trans, they just are.
Then why do we allow minors to drive?? You need to make nuanced life altering and even deadly choices when behind the wheel. Ironically it's around the age of being able to drive that the first permanent changes for a trans youth, 16 years of age.
TN medical provider here: at one of the hospitals where I work, a surgeon deliberately altered the CPT codes for a proposed surgery to disguise the actual gender-affirming procedure and provide a path for insurance approval that may not have occurred otherwise. That event, and others like it, prompted an investigation into medical insurance fraud by the State's AG. The controversy around GA surgeries exists because of the complex interplay between medical efficacy, parental rights and the absence of definitive and long-term safety. It is further complicated by the fact that multiple health organizations see lots of potential profit in offering this form of care, and are rushing too quickly to beat their regional competitors in establishing an "expert center". IMO, that represents a significant conflict of interest, especially when additional pressures are placed by organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics that seems to be pushing more GA surgeries based on political ideology rather than long-term, established medical science.
@@sleepingthroughthewar I'm not sure, and as is typical for ongoing investigations, staff is instructed to refer all inquiries to the hospital's media office (no one is encouraged to talk openly about it). The State's AG was criticized for requesting medical records to examine "patterns of fraud" with billing codes used to conceal the actual procedures with related ones for different, legitimate indicators. Regardless of the intentions of those involved, their actions have exposed the hospital and its staff to a lot of potential liability and has have actually done a disservice to the patients they claim they were trying to help.
But that's not what's happening. Puberty blockers simply delay puberty until a child enters adolescence and is able to make their own decisions. They aren't "castrating" children.
100% there should be a nationwide ban on gender-affirming care for minors! I pray that congress should enact this and for sure Trump will sign this into law. Let them decide when they are adults and are sure of what the implications of these treatments can cause.
@susanspatz9501 if they chose to transition or detransition that's their own personal experience I wouldn't blame a person for detransitioning when there are so many right-wing nut jobs like you making them feel like they have no choice because you are literally going to take away the medication
Why is CNN so focused on transing kids as opposed to asking why we are seeing numbers of kids identifying this way skyrocket? Why are we not looking at how this sterilization of kids is happening? Why is media pushing trans and gender ideology so hard?
Banning hormone therapy for transgender youth constitutes sex discrimination, as it denies them medical treatments that are accessible to their cisgender peers. This disparity highlights a bias against transgender individuals, particularly those who identify as female. Access to Hormone Treatments: • Cisgender Youth: Hormone therapies, such as puberty blockers and hormone replacement, are prescribed to cisgender minors for various medical conditions, including precocious puberty and hormonal imbalances. • Transgender Youth: In contrast, legislative measures in several states prohibit these same treatments when used for gender-affirming purposes in transgender minors. For instance, Tennessee’s Senate Bill 1 bans the administration of puberty blockers and hormone therapy to individuals under 18 for gender transition. Legal Perspectives: • Equal Protection Clause: The U.S. Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law. Denying transgender youth access to medically necessary treatments available to cisgender youth constitutes unequal treatment based on sex and gender identity. • Case Example: In United States v. Skrmetti, the Supreme Court is evaluating whether Tennessee’s ban on gender-affirming care for minors violates the Equal Protection Clause. Plaintiffs argue that the law discriminates against transgender youth by denying them essential medical care solely due to their gender identity. Medical Community Consensus: • Support for Gender-Affirming Care: Major medical organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, endorse access to gender-affirming treatments for transgender youth, recognizing their importance for mental and physical health. • Discriminatory Impact: Prohibiting these treatments for transgender minors, while allowing them for other medical indications in cisgender minors, reflects a discriminatory bias against transgender individuals. Conclusion: Banning hormone therapy for transgender youth, while permitting similar treatments for cisgender youth, constitutes sex discrimination. Such policies unjustly target transgender individuals, particularly those identifying as female, by denying them access to medically necessary care based on their gender identity. This not only violates constitutional protections but also perpetuates stigma and inequality.
@@whathehellboiHow the hell is it NOT child abuse? Kids can’t even get a tattoo till they’re 18. Cant drink till 21 and Can’t rent a car till they’re 25 but they can decide to take hormone blockers that does irreversible damage if you decide it’s just a phase? How about you actually grow up before deciding to change your life forever.
As a mom of two boys this is child abuse. We need a nation wide ban. Let the adult make a decision at the age of 18. If a child has anorexia we do not let them get liposuction.
You realize the whole point of puberty blockers is so that a child will be able to make that decision at 18? If I was able to delay my puberty and then my transition would have been immensely easier. What you people call irreversible damage is exactly what puberty did to me, and puberty blockers would have prevented that damage
2:10 do look at the actual statistics regarding what gender dysphoria is. And the actual numbers of diagnosis. Then think about children who are not able to obtain driver’s licenses, alcohol, sign up for military service, purchase firearms by law, and WHY?!! Because they are not mature enough as youth and children to be allowed to do so. So why would we allow children to permanently disrupt their development or permanently modify their bodies before they are mature enough to make that decision for themselves.
It's a ban on cosmetic surgery. It's not a medically necessary procedure for anyone, let alone a minor. Unless, there is a real medical need, there shouldn't even be a question.
Have you ever bothered to speak to someone who happened to be transgender or simply doesn’t prescribe to the more traditional view on relationships? There’s nothing woke about looking at others and trying to understand what they are going through. 50% of marriages in America end in divorce. There’s nothing wrong with me and unmarried single male hoping to get married one day looking at that and wondering what’s going on here. Why are all these people getting married and then getting divorced later? That’s not being woke. I’m simply examining the facts in front of me and asking questions. We indeed do have individuals all across the country who say this is real it can be scientifically proven to be real. We can literally study a human being and they have XXY chromosomes. Not XX or XY but some strange mutation. Explain it? Don’t consider it woke to look at the facts and ask questions. That’s what you should do. That’s what you were giving a brain for.
The one thing with "woke issues" are they they are not about white men. The "woke issue" is a tactic to keep white men in power and the people divided. Also anyone weaponizing "woke" is admitting they are a sociopath.
@@Muskeljudentumits not what cost us the election, what cost democrats the election was not standing for anything and pretending the status quo was just fine actually. Outside the MAGA cult the people voting for trump voted for change. I don't think they will like the change they going to get. The democrats lost because they stood for nothing, not because they supported minority rights, which is what "woke" is now. All you MAGA people are just upset minority are being treated with respect and dignity, but you know saying that is not a good look so you just call it "woke" instead.
Whole trans thing is bogus, we need to understand the science not paid pharmaceutical and woke research. I can bet you after 50 years we will all know how pathetic and wrong this decisions are.
People in these comments with an opinion on “protecting children” hasn’t even bothered to ask the trans kids who are actually affected by these bans how they feel about the whole thing.
There are age requirements on so many things. Why is this any different? Maybe some of these children need mental health care not body mutilation that will affect the rest of their lives.
Okay, so you care about child safety? Well, Tennessee, what is the #1 cause of death among children? This isn't about "safety"; they want to remove the veil of ignorance for all medical treatment, hence Alito being a swing vote. If you wish to maintain medical privacy, you must stand with the LGBTQ+ community regardless of what your gut tells you. Otherwise, you are basically saying you want the state inside your house and making medical decisions for you.
The words transgender and minor used together bother me. I've been on the the democrats side of the aisle however, minors being allowed or even encouraged to transform their bodies during their adolescence is disturbing to me.
Sexual discrimination cannot be argued because the practice itself questions sexuality! The Constitution doesnt mention sexuality and individuals cannot burden a State or taxpayers to pay for these selective medical practices!
Sex and sexuality are 2 very different things. One is genetic and the other is an attraction to others bodies. Regardless none of these procedures are subsidized by the state.
Some of these matters are stomach churning to be honest. Who stands before a court to argue invasive medical procedures that permanently danages kids is a matter of "rights?" Apparently, some. Some really dangerous minded people. This is sick.
@atasteofreality609 the people who stand to make lots of money by creating lifelong customers from misguided and misinformed people. Always follow the money.
Why can’t they leave kids alone. When they become an adult then they can decide. And if they do then let them or the parents bear the cost. The taxpayers must not be made responsible for elective surgery or medical costs. And the hell with California politics and legislature and governor. If they want to force their taxpayers to pay then go for it.
So trans kids should be forced to suffer with the psychological effects of gender dysphoria for potentially 18 years? Depression and suicidal ideation? Not to mention that this could be expanded to adults still covered by their parents, and that puberty blockers are easily reversible.
The fact that we’re even questioning whether parents have the right to make medical decisions for their children is insane! Yess I have that right. Kids often go through things only to outgrow them once they’re older. This is evil and I pray Trump does block this. Parents are supposed to protect and guide their children. This is the opposite of that.
seems quite difficult to find information regarding the number of minors receiving GAC in Tennessee but it must be quite a low number. If so, why is the Tennessee legislature spending time taking rights away from such a small number of their citizens instead of focusing on real problems that affect many more lives. The poverty rate is about 13% in the state. Wouldn’t solving this problem be a better use of resources?
Would you also argue that trans people are such a small number that why would we waste time protecting their rights when we could focus on real problems that affect many more lives?
No, they have to protect the rights of children. The only persons that would be “losing rights” (sic) are the disgusting adults who would force permanent decisions upon children who are likely to mature out of their situations as adults. If the children - when adults- still want to pursue that avenue then that’s their choice; whether I agree with it or not is constitutionally irrelevant. It’s about assuring children’s humanitarian rights - constitutional rights- are protected, not taking rights away from anyone.
@@fishhuntadventure If that were true, then they would be focussing on the #1 cause of death for children in the state of Tennessee, which is... Guns? Color me surprised! The original commenter is correct; we are talking about a fraction of the public and an even smaller fraction of them actually being abused by these so-called "disgusting adults." Also, it follows that more children are physically abused without any basis of gender by disgusting parents than in the prior category; yet again, the state legislature is more inclined to act on the prior.
What’s sad is that these parents don’t know how to teach their kids that it’s what’s on the inside that counts overall. The trans movement is probably the most shallow political event of human history because at the end of the day it seems to be more about fitting in than tolerance or learning how to accept others for being different and most importantly, learning how to love and accept oneself the way you are. It’s one thing to I guess undergo surgery as an adult- but as a child it does feel very immature which is appropriate considering the fact that minors are literally dumb kids. With that said, if these parents want to let their kids destroy their bodies and have to live with potentially even more problems beyond emotional and mental stress and discomfort, who cares, it’s a “free” country.
I’m with the conservatives on this. I believe in trans, but it’s rare. It’s wrong to talk to kids about gender identity. They are vulnerable and could make drastic life altering decisions. I say only ADULTS, should make their own decisions about whether they want to transition. No surgery or treatment for anyone under the age of 18. I would think even age 25 would be better.
Why stop at 25? At that point? You might as well just ban it all together. People can already die for the country at age 18 in the military and buy a shotgun. But you want them to wait until age 25 to make a decision about their identity. Warped
You do realize this is over puberty blockers which are a temporary stall on puberty they Should have. Then like you said... They can choose to transition as adults.
@bh24x they are not a temporary stall. They literally cause sterilization. They weren't even meant for biological boys. And everyone knows why biological boys are taking puberty blockers. It's purely for cosmetic reasons so they looks more prepubescent and thus more feminine. But you're literally talking about destroying the natural human development and sterility for superficial looks.
As a nurse I feel minor children should not be allowed any Trans gender treatment. The amount of opposing sex hormones to change sex is going to end up causing too many cases of cancers in later life. Developing bodies need to be left alone until maturity. Measurement guidelines should be when the long bones are capped and sealed naturally. Besides this puts the minor in more maturity to make up their minds about transgender. I've see too many young adults sorry thy changed from thir birth gender. But my overwhelming medical concern is what hormonal therapies will do to deviate from natural cell formation.
If I had been arguing before the Supreme Court in defense of gender-affirming care, I would have closed with this: “It seems that no argument I present here can sway what has already been decided. Justice has been overshadowed by the weight of bags of gold. Do as you will-but remember, true judgment lies beyond this chamber, and it will not be yours to escape.”
How? How is making already stressed out, anxious trans kids MORE stressed out and anxious over banning procedures that their insurance companies were likely already denying them coverage and access to until the charges for the visits to the psych wards started becoming more than some therapy and or a surgery? Please, explain.
@@unlistedandtwisted how is putting stressed out children going through puberty through body modifications and extreme hormones ok? You need to seek some mental health help just like those kids.
You people arguing for this should be institutionalized because something upstairs went wrong that needs a fixing..THIS IS INSANE..They cant use the internet anymore in Australia but old enough to make a life changing, irreversible surgery decision..
If the Equal Protection Clause protects sex discrimination and here both boys and girls are being barred from trans medical procedures, how is there discrimination based on sex? Based on Bostock v. Clayton there needs to be a specific discrimination “because of … sex," not just concerning sex.
As long as it is proven to be reversible, because people do regret having chosen to undertake it, then I'm fine with it. If it is not, then we have a problem.
Why do I care what other countries have done in regards to sex treatment of minors this is the United States of America and we do things within our 50 borders within our constitution. Why would we look to how others govern when interpreting law. Now it’s OK to look at how others govern when you write law because you want to predict outcomes. But here we are not trying to predict an outcome. We are supposed to be looking at the law all of the law just what we care about and making a sound decision. I don’t care what everybody else decided. This is the United States
Because countries have doctors and scientists researching this issue and many were doing this before us. Now they are scaling bad on gender affirming care because of the harm it does to kids bodies. This is irreversible. It's insane to argue that kids can consent to these life altering drugs.
IF they were arguing ‘precedent’ I’d disagree with you. But “they” are not arguing precedent, they are arguing an intellectual fallacy: “well look over here! See? Everyone does it this way” kindofa thing. You are right: it’s not about europe or New Zealand or Asia. It’s about the US Constitution and protecting the rights of citizens who have not “reached the age of majority.” AKA children. Protecting children is the issue.
Am I the only one who noticed that when the Tennessee Attorney General was pointedly asked if the concern about the Supreme Court upholding Tennessee's ban would open the door to a national ban, he completely skirted responding to that direct question... He in effect offered a non-responsive response. The bottom line is this... It's pretty clear that initiatives people support they want nationalized - it's only when there's some policy that they dissent from supporting that you hear the screams "it should be decided by the states." What's in itself is not necessarily irrational... But it is hypocritically inconsistent.
@@newNewsAt61Trump In Office🤣🤣🤣🤣By Mid Next Year He’s Banning Every Last State From Doing Your Disgusting Business🤣🤣🤣🤣Take It Somewhere Where They Welcome It
Frankly, this is beyond disappointing questioning by Jake. The fact that he allows this man to assert that it doesn’t increase the rate of completed suicide without pushing back is disgusting. Right after the ACLU advocate concedes that point, they clarify that completed suicide is still, thankfully, rare in these studies and that the appropriate metric is actually suicidality, which long term longitudinal study have overwhelming seen an increase in. You shouldn’t have folks like this on the show if you aren’t up to the task of pushing back when they make misleading statements. Bring in an expert…
I am very, very please with the direction the nation now appears to be heading. Since President Trump left office it's felt like the patients were running the asylum. Now we've wrested control away from they and are finally back in good hands. Thank you to all Americans who supported President Trump. You give me happy heart beeps! 🥰
This isn't necessary medical procedures. It's literally cosmetic. It's all cosmetic. A boy can't become a girl and vice versa. Have you ever seen a trans person in person. You can instantly tell their sex. Sara mcbride looks like a man in person.
Parents on the left have lost their damn minds and are transing their normal kids for brownie points with their sick friends.... celebrities are all doing it....that's why.
You can't graft another person's toe onto your toe. That medical procedure is not available, same as transing.Children that medical procedure should not be available
Good on them let kids be kids how can we have all these laws banning kids from doing things such as drive and drink and all that but say they ate mature enough to decide if they are a boy or girl makes no sense
They're using parental rights to argue their case... what about the parental rights that are ignored when schools transition children without their parent's consent or knowledge? Funny how they don't like it when the boot is on the other foot.
I would probably be on the side of the plaintiffs if I hadn’t had the experience of interviewing a young woman who, during the interview said, “Gee, maybe I should have stayed a boy.” I’m not sure how many trans people have that “buyer’s remorse”, but maybe Tennessee is right in requiring them to wait until they have more life experience. However, I think this whole topic is still in its infancy and hope that there is a desire to find the best solution for these people rather than adopting rigid positions for or against.
We need to talk about symptoms and causes. We need to talk about the sociological instigators that are being ignored. Aren’t we confusing in some children’s cases treatment of symptoms with recognition of and solutions to some probable exacerbating causes of gender dysphoria? By allowing children suffering from gender dysphoria to take permanent medical measures in search of a “cure” we fail to address the role of social media in this, as well as in strictly Mental health illnesses. I’m not denying the physiological condition, but ignoring the sociological antagonists is blowing my mind.
This Attorney General needs to actually speak with trans youth and parents. I agree we live in different times and need pragmatic solutions to real problems but suicide is a huge issue here and they are just ignoring it. The first step to solving a problem is acknowledging we have one.
Im just curious as to why so many non trans people and people who don't have trans children care so much. What fo they know about transgender issues and care? Seriously, what makes you think you know more. And as argued to be clear this would ban the same treatment used for boys whose testicles don't descend and children who have delayed or accelerated puberty
I care because in California, I'm being forced to comply in this delusion. I also don't want my tax dollars to fund the delusion. I'm tired of pretending this doesn't affect me.
@@terrancecloverfield6791Are you angry that Medicare and Medicaid exist? Your taxes are going to corporations making billions and you're angry that your neighbors get medical care? How out of touch are you?
Easy; infringing upon others’ rights is not within the purview of individual civil liberties. Folks cannot pick and choose which sex they are, plain, simple fact. Peaceable enjoyment of certain spaces is a universally understood and accepted social concept because everyone needs space sometime and have come to expect protections from cruel and unusual treatment. Most transwomen are still more attracted to women, lawsuits will probably pour in pretty quick and the argument for a biological woman to use the women’s restroom is going to be difficult to refute. People should be able to have say in how they are addressed, but they can’t expect to others to just know how they want to be addressed; strangers can’t be expected to address anyone other than civilly. A person could, and it’s becoming increasingly more common, to change gender constantly depending on whatever social perks could be available; this is very obviously unsustainable behavior. This country was founded upon the idea of sovereignty, but it is increasingly turning to the land of opportunity only for the privileged. Law and order subject to change without notice
15 years ago no one would even imagine this even being a case at the Supreme Court, what a stupid world we live in now.
Over 15 years ago, Obama received large contributions from Pritzker, a trans identifying man. Obama smuggled in ‘gender identity’ into some policy, and it spread from there. That’s where this comes from.
this administration allows everything, not surprised this is bidens attorney, can't wait for Trump!
I’m gay🏳️🌈
@chuckxu5910 no one cares gal or dude
Why is it stupid?
Leave the kids alone
You people have no idea what that actually means or what you’re talking about. You’re just regurgitating propaganda and nonsense.
i’m trans, 17 and on hrt. just got a full ride to an ivy league. how about you leave me alone?
no one is "going after the kids" you're just creating a witch that doesnt exist
@whathehellboi you lost 😂😂
@@RonnyBoy504 suicide rate is over 40% with post of trans people. but sure, do what you want. im sure you wont regret it when your brain is fully formed at 25 years old. you dont even understand the world at 17 so why would you make life changing decisions? im not hating on trans at all as i have friends that are, but you literally cannot deny factual statistics. its not a good thing and i worry for everyone.
If you’re under 18 you can’t even skydive. Even with parents permission!!
Quit messing with our kids!! How dumb can you get
this administration has.to go can't wait. for Trump
This shouldn’t even be a topic, what a joke. About time citizens rise up and get rid of this circus show government
Time’s ticking. Jan 20 is coming.
Yes, vote blue
@@goodtroublemaker143DER DER DER is literally all you just said 😂🥲😂
We just did. The normal people will be running things in January.
The "normal" people are evil,
Liberals are so sick, let's protect those kids at all cost.
Even VERY LIBERAL UK announced today that they are BANNING puberty blockers for minors. 🎉
There's a reason kids aren't allowed to have permanent tattoos, drink alcohol or purchase guns. They're too young to make a nuanced judgement. A kid's consent means nothing
Kids still need to have rights to their own well-being and bodies. Pretty much all that I know that is done before 18 is puberty blockers... With is not permanent so long as they make that choice at 18... And allowed by cis children.
Unlike your strawman comparison, kids cannot opt-out of the wrong puberty. To say that gender affirming care is comparable to tattoos is ridiculous. Trans people don’t choose to be trans, they just are.
Then why do we allow minors to drive?? You need to make nuanced life altering and even deadly choices when behind the wheel. Ironically it's around the age of being able to drive that the first permanent changes for a trans youth, 16 years of age.
This is obvious to everyone and why we are voting it out. Let these nutjob child abusers scream in a pillow.
I agree, a child should just be a child and none of those things you mentioned shouldn’t even be something a child thinks long and hard about
Please protect the children.
from maga ( paricualry the pedo ones liek trump gazitz etc)
Child Abuse and Mutilation ≠ Healthcare
TN medical provider here: at one of the hospitals where I work, a surgeon deliberately altered the CPT codes for a proposed surgery to disguise the actual gender-affirming procedure and provide a path for insurance approval that may not have occurred otherwise. That event, and others like it, prompted an investigation into medical insurance fraud by the State's AG.
The controversy around GA surgeries exists because of the complex interplay between medical efficacy, parental rights and the absence of definitive and long-term safety. It is further complicated by the fact that multiple health organizations see lots of potential profit in offering this form of care, and are rushing too quickly to beat their regional competitors in establishing an "expert center". IMO, that represents a significant conflict of interest, especially when additional pressures are placed by organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics that seems to be pushing more GA surgeries based on political ideology rather than long-term, established medical science.
The rush some of these doctors have is getting a forever patient.
That surgeon should be in prison.
I'm sure this is going on all over the country. Thank you for the insight. What happened to the surgeon?
@@sleepingthroughthewar I'm not sure, and as is typical for ongoing investigations, staff is instructed to refer all inquiries to the hospital's media office (no one is encouraged to talk openly about it). The State's AG was criticized for requesting medical records to examine "patterns of fraud" with billing codes used to conceal the actual procedures with related ones for different, legitimate indicators. Regardless of the intentions of those involved, their actions have exposed the hospital and its staff to a lot of potential liability and has have actually done a disservice to the patients they claim they were trying to help.
I'm very encouraged by the comments section here. Castrating and/or Steriliizing children is evil. It is NOT "care" or "treatment". It is Child Abuse.
funny after the election all the democrat/harris bots went away
But that's not what's happening. Puberty blockers simply delay puberty until a child enters adolescence and is able to make their own decisions. They aren't "castrating" children.
"care"??? This is insanity!!!! We are talking about irreversible damage to children. Look at what most of Europe has done about this issue.
Why? Why do they keep going after the children? This is straight up perversion
Under 18 in Tennessee can't get a tattoo, even with parental permission. No way should we allow children to be chemically castrated
It doesn't chemically castrate them. It just delays puberty for a while, so the child can be evaluated to see if that child truly needs to transition.
These people are sick
100% there should be a nationwide ban on gender-affirming care for minors! I pray that congress should enact this and for sure Trump will sign this into law. Let them decide when they are adults and are sure of what the implications of these treatments can cause.
How many times does CNN interview detransitioners? Or Riley Gaines? Or JK Rowling? Shame on you.
Who can even find .02% of the population of detransitioners
They wont because they speak the truth.
Who the fuck cares what JK Rowling thinks?
@susanspatz9501 I'm sure you know so much about it 🙄 first of all speaking based on your personal experience is anecdote not evidence
@susanspatz9501 if they chose to transition or detransition that's their own personal experience I wouldn't blame a person for detransitioning when there are so many right-wing nut jobs like you making them feel like they have no choice because you are literally going to take away the medication
They still operate under the assumption people believe them
Why is CNN so focused on transing kids as opposed to asking why we are seeing numbers of kids identifying this way skyrocket? Why are we not looking at how this sterilization of kids is happening? Why is media pushing trans and gender ideology so hard?
The devil is real and a liar.
Banning hormone therapy for transgender youth constitutes sex discrimination, as it denies them medical treatments that are accessible to their cisgender peers. This disparity highlights a bias against transgender individuals, particularly those who identify as female.
Access to Hormone Treatments:
• Cisgender Youth: Hormone therapies, such as puberty blockers and hormone replacement, are prescribed to cisgender minors for various medical conditions, including precocious puberty and hormonal imbalances.
• Transgender Youth: In contrast, legislative measures in several states prohibit these same treatments when used for gender-affirming purposes in transgender minors. For instance, Tennessee’s Senate Bill 1 bans the administration of puberty blockers and hormone therapy to individuals under 18 for gender transition.
Legal Perspectives:
• Equal Protection Clause: The U.S. Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law. Denying transgender youth access to medically necessary treatments available to cisgender youth constitutes unequal treatment based on sex and gender identity.
• Case Example: In United States v. Skrmetti, the Supreme Court is evaluating whether Tennessee’s ban on gender-affirming care for minors violates the Equal Protection Clause. Plaintiffs argue that the law discriminates against transgender youth by denying them essential medical care solely due to their gender identity.
Medical Community Consensus:
• Support for Gender-Affirming Care: Major medical organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, endorse access to gender-affirming treatments for transgender youth, recognizing their importance for mental and physical health.
• Discriminatory Impact: Prohibiting these treatments for transgender minors, while allowing them for other medical indications in cisgender minors, reflects a discriminatory bias against transgender individuals.
Banning hormone therapy for transgender youth, while permitting similar treatments for cisgender youth, constitutes sex discrimination. Such policies unjustly target transgender individuals, particularly those identifying as female, by denying them access to medically necessary care based on their gender identity. This not only violates constitutional protections but also perpetuates stigma and inequality.
Say NO to child abuse!!
...it's not child abuse? what are you on about?
It’s not child abuse. Stop getting your fear mongering lies from the daily wire and fascist activist.
@@whathehellboi100% it is
If you're child wants a sex change, then you failed as a parent
@whathehellboi you lost 😂😂😂
@@whathehellboiHow the hell is it NOT child abuse? Kids can’t even get a tattoo till they’re 18. Cant drink till 21 and Can’t rent a car till they’re 25 but they can decide to take hormone blockers that does irreversible damage if you decide it’s just a phase? How about you actually grow up before deciding to change your life forever.
As a mom of two boys this is child abuse. We need a nation wide ban. Let the adult make a decision at the age of 18. If a child has anorexia we do not let them get liposuction.
Careful these crazy people will literally think that's a good idea....
No, people with anorexia get the appropriate treatment. I know this from experience.
You're absolutely correct!
You realize the whole point of puberty blockers is so that a child will be able to make that decision at 18? If I was able to delay my puberty and then my transition would have been immensely easier. What you people call irreversible damage is exactly what puberty did to me, and puberty blockers would have prevented that damage
Have they even read Dr Hilary Cass's report or the WPATH files?
If only everyone knew WPATH promoted eunuch gender...
Don't experiment on kids, there is not enough research into this.
“Others actions cause people to harm themselves” is the most mentally ill take of the century.
2:10 do look at the actual statistics regarding what gender dysphoria is. And the actual numbers of diagnosis.
Then think about children who are not able to obtain driver’s licenses, alcohol, sign up for military service, purchase firearms by law, and WHY?!! Because they are not mature enough as youth and children to be allowed to do so.
So why would we allow children to permanently disrupt their development or permanently modify their bodies before they are mature enough to make that decision for themselves.
I just don't think taxpayers should have to pay for it smh ..
I think that mr. Skrmetti made some well-founded and good arguments in favor of the Tennessee ban. Well done
love how i go on liberal media content and see logical and normal people commenting. Liberal nonsense of 2020 is over
We’re all on the same page with this. I don’t care how you vote.
CNN's questions are so bigoted and ignorant/targeted but Skrmetti rebuts and answer each with skill and grace. I LOVE IT
Leave the kids alone!!!!
This is not a religious issue, its a common sense issue
It's a ban on cosmetic surgery. It's not a medically necessary procedure for anyone, let alone a minor. Unless, there is a real medical need, there shouldn't even be a question.
It is making them medically dependent for LIFE , it is sterilizing them! These surgeries are cosmetic 100%
I’m done with this stinking Democrat Party ! I can’t do it anymore. I’m out…..
shut it down! no more woke!
Have you ever bothered to speak to someone who happened to be transgender or simply doesn’t prescribe to the more traditional view on relationships? There’s nothing woke about looking at others and trying to understand what they are going through.
50% of marriages in America end in divorce. There’s nothing wrong with me and unmarried single male hoping to get married one day looking at that and wondering what’s going on here. Why are all these people getting married and then getting divorced later? That’s not being woke. I’m simply examining the facts in front of me and asking questions.
We indeed do have individuals all across the country who say this is real it can be scientifically proven to be real. We can literally study a human being and they have XXY chromosomes. Not XX or XY but some strange mutation. Explain it? Don’t consider it woke to look at the facts and ask questions. That’s what you should do. That’s what you were giving a brain for.
The one thing with "woke issues" are they they are not about white men. The "woke issue" is a tactic to keep white men in power and the people divided. Also anyone weaponizing "woke" is admitting they are a sociopath.
Woke. 😅😅😅 What a stupid saying just stop.
It lost you the election, so I’d argue maybe you should stop talking if you want to win
@@Muskeljudentumits not what cost us the election, what cost democrats the election was not standing for anything and pretending the status quo was just fine actually. Outside the MAGA cult the people voting for trump voted for change. I don't think they will like the change they going to get. The democrats lost because they stood for nothing, not because they supported minority rights, which is what "woke" is now. All you MAGA people are just upset minority are being treated with respect and dignity, but you know saying that is not a good look so you just call it "woke" instead.
This is child abuse!!!
It's evil.
Yes, denying medical care for minors is evil.
It's child abuse to refuse a child treatment especially when the basis or reason for it comes from bronze age myths.
Whole trans thing is bogus, we need to understand the science not paid pharmaceutical and woke research. I can bet you after 50 years we will all know how pathetic and wrong this decisions are.
@@CobaltxBoom Kamala lost 😂
People in these comments with an opinion on “protecting children” hasn’t even bothered to ask the trans kids who are actually affected by these bans how they feel about the whole thing.
There are age requirements on so many things. Why is this any different?
Maybe some of these children need mental health care not body mutilation that will affect the rest of their lives.
You dont get to blame sucide on not getting transitioning meds.
would you blame revoking depression medication to a depressed person for an increased suicide rate? Becuase i absolutely would.
Okay, so you care about child safety? Well, Tennessee, what is the #1 cause of death among children?
This isn't about "safety"; they want to remove the veil of ignorance for all medical treatment, hence Alito being a swing vote. If you wish to maintain medical privacy, you must stand with the LGBTQ+ community regardless of what your gut tells you. Otherwise, you are basically saying you want the state inside your house and making medical decisions for you.
The words transgender and minor used together bother me. I've been on the the democrats side of the aisle however, minors being allowed or even encouraged to transform their bodies during their adolescence is disturbing to me.
This is really sick and creepy !
Sexual discrimination cannot be argued because the practice itself questions sexuality! The Constitution doesnt mention sexuality and individuals cannot burden a State or taxpayers to pay for these selective medical practices!
You are trying to speak logic to people who cannot figure out gender.
But doctors shouldn't be punished either
@JCB576 the doctors who are doing these surgeries are choosing that profession. Surgeons aren't mandated to do these surgeries.
Sex and sexuality are 2 very different things. One is genetic and the other is an attraction to others bodies. Regardless none of these procedures are subsidized by the state.
Soon the woke will try to redefine the Moon as being the Sun.
Some of these matters are stomach churning to be honest. Who stands before a court to argue invasive medical procedures that permanently danages kids is a matter of "rights?" Apparently, some. Some really dangerous minded people. This is sick.
It’s rarely invasive. You listen to Trump too much. We’re talking puberty blockers, not cutting off weiners.
Yup 🤷♂️
@atasteofreality609 the people who stand to make lots of money by creating lifelong customers from misguided and misinformed people. Always follow the money.
Let people decide their own medical decisions. The talk of transitioning can take years for them to decide. It's not a jump decision.
Its the kids' rights to decide for themselves with consultation from a physician, not a politician.
Why can’t they leave kids alone. When they become an adult then they can decide. And if they do then let them or the parents bear the cost. The taxpayers must not be made responsible for elective surgery or medical costs.
And the hell with California politics and legislature and governor. If they want to force their taxpayers to pay then go for it.
So trans kids should be forced to suffer with the psychological effects of gender dysphoria for potentially 18 years? Depression and suicidal ideation? Not to mention that this could be expanded to adults still covered by their parents, and that puberty blockers are easily reversible.
When they become an adult they would have already suffered permanent damage from the wrong puberty. It isn’t elective one damn bit.
@@SizzleCorndog Puberty blockers are NOT easily reversible! Why do people keep saying this? Have you not seen any detransitioners?
My heart is with the children ❤
Calling "trans" surgery "healthcare" is like calling CNN "the most trusted name in news."
if cnn is so untrustworthy why are you subscribed?
@@UpTheIronsEdForceOne of course, but being here the minute the video is posted makes it obvious that they are
@@UpTheIronsEdForceOne it's in your feed because you interact with the channel or other channels that post similar content
We live in a crazy world
They're a patient for life
The fact that we’re even questioning whether parents have the right to make medical decisions for their children is insane! Yess I have that right. Kids often go through things only to outgrow them once they’re older. This is evil and I pray Trump does block this. Parents are supposed to protect and guide their children. This is the opposite of that.
seems quite difficult to find information regarding the number of minors receiving GAC in Tennessee but it must be quite a low number. If so, why is the Tennessee legislature spending time taking rights away from such a small number of their citizens instead of focusing on real problems that affect many more lives. The poverty rate is about 13% in the state. Wouldn’t solving this problem be a better use of resources?
When democrats want see change on kids ,it's extremely important to stop them. No common sense
Would you also argue that trans people are such a small number that why would we waste time protecting their rights when we could focus on real problems that affect many more lives?
No, they have to protect the rights of children. The only persons that would be “losing rights” (sic) are the disgusting adults who would force permanent decisions upon children who are likely to mature out of their situations as adults. If the children - when adults- still want to pursue that avenue then that’s their choice; whether I agree with it or not is constitutionally irrelevant.
It’s about assuring children’s humanitarian rights - constitutional rights- are protected, not taking rights away from anyone.
@@fishhuntadventure If that were true, then they would be focussing on the #1 cause of death for children in the state of Tennessee, which is... Guns? Color me surprised! The original commenter is correct; we are talking about a fraction of the public and an even smaller fraction of them actually being abused by these so-called "disgusting adults." Also, it follows that more children are physically abused without any basis of gender by disgusting parents than in the prior category; yet again, the state legislature is more inclined to act on the prior.
Why are you pro child mutilation?
And are these the same parents that throw their children out if they say they are gay?
What’s sad is that these parents don’t know how to teach their kids that it’s what’s on the inside that counts overall. The trans movement is probably the most shallow political event of human history because at the end of the day it seems to be more about fitting in than tolerance or learning how to accept others for being different and most importantly, learning how to love and accept oneself the way you are. It’s one thing to I guess undergo surgery as an adult- but as a child it does feel very immature which is appropriate considering the fact that minors are literally dumb kids. With that said, if these parents want to let their kids destroy their bodies and have to live with potentially even more problems beyond emotional and mental stress and discomfort, who cares, it’s a “free” country.
Stop pushing this on kid's!!
I’m with the conservatives on this. I believe in trans, but it’s rare. It’s wrong to talk to kids about gender identity. They are vulnerable and could make drastic life altering decisions. I say only ADULTS, should make their own decisions about whether they want to transition.
No surgery or treatment for anyone under the age of 18. I would think even age 25 would be better.
There are no such thing as trans. You literally cant transition. There are people who may feel gender dsyphoric.
Why stop at 25? At that point? You might as well just ban it all together. People can already die for the country at age 18 in the military and buy a shotgun. But you want them to wait until age 25 to make a decision about their identity. Warped
You do realize this is over puberty blockers which are a temporary stall on puberty they Should have. Then like you said... They can choose to transition as adults.
Good thing you're not in charge of controlling everyone's lives. Work on your own instead.
@bh24x they are not a temporary stall. They literally cause sterilization. They weren't even meant for biological boys.
And everyone knows why biological boys are taking puberty blockers. It's purely for cosmetic reasons so they looks more prepubescent and thus more feminine. But you're literally talking about destroying the natural human development and sterility for superficial looks.
As a nurse I feel minor children should not be allowed any Trans gender treatment. The amount of opposing sex hormones to change sex is going to end up causing too many cases of cancers in later life. Developing bodies need to be left alone until maturity. Measurement guidelines should be when the long bones are capped and sealed naturally.
Besides this puts the minor in more maturity to make up their minds about transgender. I've see too many young adults sorry thy changed from thir birth gender. But my overwhelming medical concern is what hormonal therapies will do to deviate from natural cell formation.
Ban plastic surgery too! What are the benefits?
Your reporter is in the wrong. They don't do nose jobs or breast augmentation on people under 18. So it's not the same thing.
If I had been arguing before the Supreme Court in defense of gender-affirming care, I would have closed with this: “It seems that no argument I present here can sway what has already been decided. Justice has been overshadowed by the weight of bags of gold. Do as you will-but remember, true judgment lies beyond this chamber, and it will not be yours to escape.”
Accept the majority support this decision and that's why it's in the supreme courts hands to begin with. You don't have nearly the support you think.
did you hear the interviewers questions? it doesnt help re suicide or anything else. its a scam that harms kids. maybe ur the one not listening.
Outstanding! This is a great day for protecting our kids!
*joined 6 hours ago*
@@whathehellboiso what?
You've been here how long? And yet you think this is acceptable!
I'll take the 6 hour accounts beliefs than yours
How? How is making already stressed out, anxious trans kids MORE stressed out and anxious over banning procedures that their insurance companies were likely already denying them coverage and access to until the charges for the visits to the psych wards started becoming more than some therapy and or a surgery? Please, explain.
@@unlistedandtwisted how is putting stressed out children going through puberty through body modifications and extreme hormones ok? You need to seek some mental health help just like those kids.
The magic word is KIDS, not adults.
You people arguing for this should be institutionalized because something upstairs went wrong that needs a fixing..THIS IS INSANE..They cant use the internet anymore in Australia but old enough to make a life changing, irreversible surgery decision..
why is this even a debate. leave the kids alone.
I'm surprised at how much of an idiot the reporter on the right is.
His arguments are so stupid... Wtf
Jake tapper is a fool
If the Equal Protection Clause protects sex discrimination and here both boys and girls are being barred from trans medical procedures, how is there discrimination based on sex? Based on Bostock v. Clayton there needs to be a specific discrimination “because of … sex," not just concerning sex.
A boy can get T to affirm male gender, a girl cannot get T to affirm male gender, ergo the law discriminates on the basis of sex.
I don't know if it's because title ix was interpreted to including gender identity under sex. I have to read the petitioners complaint.
Tennessee banned chemtrails. Good start.
Next up theyll ban UFOs!
As long as it is proven to be reversible, because people do regret having chosen to undertake it, then I'm fine with it. If it is not, then we have a problem.
It is proven not reversible.
Years ago there was an SNL skit where Phil Hartmann changed all the baby boys to girls without the parents knowledge.
Hey Skrmetti, glad to see you're doing well.
As far as I know, Brent never showed up for European History class.
Its shit like this why y'all lost
Why do I care what other countries have done in regards to sex treatment of minors this is the United States of America and we do things within our 50 borders within our constitution. Why would we look to how others govern when interpreting law.
Now it’s OK to look at how others govern when you write law because you want to predict outcomes. But here we are not trying to predict an outcome. We are supposed to be looking at the law all of the law just what we care about and making a sound decision. I don’t care what everybody else decided. This is the United States
Because countries have doctors and scientists researching this issue and many were doing this before us. Now they are scaling bad on gender affirming care because of the harm it does to kids bodies. This is irreversible. It's insane to argue that kids can consent to these life altering drugs.
IF they were arguing ‘precedent’ I’d disagree with you. But “they” are not arguing precedent, they are arguing an intellectual fallacy: “well look over here! See? Everyone does it this way” kindofa thing.
You are right: it’s not about europe or New Zealand or Asia. It’s about the US Constitution and protecting the rights of citizens who have not “reached the age of majority.” AKA children.
Protecting children is the issue.
Minors must not be touched and castrated.
Am I the only one who noticed that when the Tennessee Attorney General was pointedly asked if the concern about the Supreme Court upholding Tennessee's ban would open the door to a national ban, he completely skirted responding to that direct question... He in effect offered a non-responsive response.
The bottom line is this... It's pretty clear that initiatives people support they want nationalized - it's only when there's some policy that they dissent from supporting that you hear the screams "it should be decided by the states." What's in itself is not necessarily irrational... But it is hypocritically inconsistent.
Or some issues should be solved by the state and some like this one....have proven to need more.
About time !!!
🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 MAGA 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Haha.. the case hasn’t been decided junior- sit back down
@@newNewsAt61 trans??
@@eryknodzio9073 what's a woman??
@@newNewsAt61Trump In Office🤣🤣🤣🤣By Mid Next Year He’s Banning Every Last State From Doing Your Disgusting Business🤣🤣🤣🤣Take It Somewhere Where They Welcome It
Prepare for a fight.
Frankly, this is beyond disappointing questioning by Jake. The fact that he allows this man to assert that it doesn’t increase the rate of completed suicide without pushing back is disgusting. Right after the ACLU advocate concedes that point, they clarify that completed suicide is still, thankfully, rare in these studies and that the appropriate metric is actually suicidality, which long term longitudinal study have overwhelming seen an increase in. You shouldn’t have folks like this on the show if you aren’t up to the task of pushing back when they make misleading statements. Bring in an expert…
😅 it’s insane that this is even an argument
I am very, very please with the direction the nation now appears to be heading. Since President Trump left office it's felt like the patients were running the asylum. Now we've wrested control away from they and are finally back in good hands. Thank you to all Americans who supported President Trump. You give me happy heart beeps! 🥰
You trying to make people sick?
@@ljre3397come back to Earth
@@ljre3397 No, we're trying to Make America Healthy Again.
@ well you sure picked a sick SOB to do it.
Parents have ALWAYS had the right to make medical decisions on behalf of their children. Why is it different in this case?
Because you don't have the right to mutilate children. Weirdo.
Because most people think it’s a crime to mutilate children here
Parents have never had the right to voluntarily ruin they’re child’s life with surgery and drugs.
That’s why this is different.
This isn't necessary medical procedures. It's literally cosmetic. It's all cosmetic. A boy can't become a girl and vice versa.
Have you ever seen a trans person in person. You can instantly tell their sex. Sara mcbride looks like a man in person.
Parents on the left have lost their damn minds and are transing their normal kids for brownie points with their sick friends.... celebrities are all doing it....that's why.
You can't graft another person's toe onto your toe. That medical procedure is not available, same as transing.Children that medical procedure should not be available
Leave the kids alone. Clear line in the sand on this. Hopefully sanity is returning on this front....
Skrmetti seems to have crawled out of the same hole as Moses Mikey.
Good on them let kids be kids how can we have all these laws banning kids from doing things such as drive and drink and all that but say they ate mature enough to decide if they are a boy or girl makes no sense
Atleast a saner discussion between CNN and Republican where no-one is pulling anyone down.
Something done 15 years back
They're using parental rights to argue their case... what about the parental rights that are ignored when schools transition children without their parent's consent or knowledge? Funny how they don't like it when the boot is on the other foot.
I would probably be on the side of the plaintiffs if I hadn’t had the experience of interviewing a young woman who, during the interview said, “Gee, maybe I should have stayed a boy.” I’m not sure how many trans people have that “buyer’s remorse”, but maybe Tennessee is right in requiring them to wait until they have more life experience. However, I think this whole topic is still in its infancy and hope that there is a desire to find the best solution for these people rather than adopting rigid positions for or against.
This shouldn't even be a discussion.... There is male and female. That's it! This is basic biology people.
We need to talk about symptoms and causes. We need to talk about the sociological instigators that are being ignored. Aren’t we confusing in some children’s cases treatment of symptoms with recognition of and solutions to some probable exacerbating causes of gender dysphoria? By allowing children suffering from gender dysphoria to take permanent medical measures in search of a “cure” we fail to address the role of social media in this, as well as in strictly Mental health illnesses. I’m not denying the physiological condition, but ignoring the sociological antagonists is blowing my mind.
This Attorney General needs to actually speak with trans youth and parents. I agree we live in different times and need pragmatic solutions to real problems but suicide is a huge issue here and they are just ignoring it. The first step to solving a problem is acknowledging we have one.
Abuse is not treatment Jake.
Let children get tattoos of whatever they want under the age of 18.
As a Muslim, I completely support Tennessee’s position here.
it’s absolutely wild to see such conversations being had in maintain but never actually have trans children or trans adults speak on it. ironic lmfao
What ever happened to "follow the science "..... this is some stupid shit
Im just curious as to why so many non trans people and people who don't have trans children care so much. What fo they know about transgender issues and care? Seriously, what makes you think you know more. And as argued to be clear this would ban the same treatment used for boys whose testicles don't descend and children who have delayed or accelerated puberty
I care because in California, I'm being forced to comply in this delusion. I also don't want my tax dollars to fund the delusion. I'm tired of pretending this doesn't affect me.
@@terrancecloverfield6791Are you angry that Medicare and Medicaid exist? Your taxes are going to corporations making billions and you're angry that your neighbors get medical care? How out of touch are you?
@asongfromunderthefloorboards you tell me. Who is going to be the 47th president of the United States.
@asongfromunderthefloorboards you tell me. Remind us. WHO is going to be the 47th president of the United States.
I'm trans. leave kids alone.
Easy; infringing upon others’ rights is not within the purview of individual civil liberties. Folks cannot pick and choose which sex they are, plain, simple fact. Peaceable enjoyment of certain spaces is a universally understood and accepted social concept because everyone needs space sometime and have come to expect protections from cruel and unusual treatment. Most transwomen are still more attracted to women, lawsuits will probably pour in pretty quick and the argument for a biological woman to use the women’s restroom is going to be difficult to refute. People should be able to have say in how they are addressed, but they can’t expect to others to just know how they want to be addressed; strangers can’t be expected to address anyone other than civilly. A person could, and it’s becoming increasingly more common, to change gender constantly depending on whatever social perks could be available; this is very obviously unsustainable behavior. This country was founded upon the idea of sovereignty, but it is increasingly turning to the land of opportunity only for the privileged. Law and order subject to change without notice
But what about all the pregnant men?
What about them?
They’re called seahorse dads. Google it.
I thought abortion was a woman's right over HER OWN BODY
Now y'all men can get pregnant WTF 😂😂😂
Men can’t get pregnant
Are the pregnant men in the room with us now?
Castrating kids used to be a crime.
One might think that this case is a "no-brainer". However, Kagan, Soto-whatever, and Jackson-Brown have no brains.
how does cnn keep the lights on?
Stop castration of children