r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen Keeps SLAPPING Customers For Not Serving Her! It Gets Worse!

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 601

  • @everlasting9292
    @everlasting9292 Год назад +124

    Grams is awesome. What a cool lady. If I were Op, I would also feel honored to have known her and been cared for by her.

    • @Negi1001
      @Negi1001 Год назад +8

      i don't understand how she got charged and the other two didn't.

    • @alchobum
      @alchobum Год назад +2

      I heard that story before. And was happy to hear it again.

    • @heathermiller5765
      @heathermiller5765 Год назад +4

      @@Negi1001 I was thinking the same. The guy was the first to do it and Grams was just defending him. Technically he should've been the one charged with assault 🤨

    • @clauro6153
      @clauro6153 Год назад

      ​@@Negi1001she scalate a punch the guy

    • @flashstudiosguy
      @flashstudiosguy Год назад +7

      If an Elderly Person says they're not afraid to go to Jail, you should be cautious, as they might have done something big in the past like served in the Forces or been a big time Criminal.
      Knew a guy who had the nickname "Hardware" because he'd once been an Enforcer for a Loan Shark back in the 80s.
      Call bull if you like, but that's what he told me and he'd the photos to prove it.

  • @brianwalley2131
    @brianwalley2131 Год назад +88

    As an aussie myself it is quite common to use the C word if somebody is being rude and offensive to you - because you shouldn't take crap from anybody or they'll think they are entitled to continue on being offensive to you

    • @albertocabezas282
      @albertocabezas282 Год назад +15

      We Chileans are far worse insulting people. That C-word is almost an endearing word here. : )

    • @robingibson6561
      @robingibson6561 Год назад +6

      ​@@albertocabezas282 now that's funny, lmao

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад +3

      @@albertocabezas282 I didn't know you Chileans have as much of a sailor mouth as us Aussies.

    • @albertocabezas282
      @albertocabezas282 Год назад +2

      @@JamesDavy2009 oh, yes.

    • @gothgirl4evr414
      @gothgirl4evr414 Год назад +2

      I am American woman and that word used to bother me and really i don't understand why it bothers so many women here when in other countries its used almost as regularly as bitch of not more. Ive even started using that word myself more and more in the past 20 years.

  • @gregorythomas333
    @gregorythomas333 Год назад +71

    Story 2: Chances are that Krazy Khunt Karen had multiple priors along the same line considering the severity of the sentence.
    Story 3: I'm still trying to figure out why OP did not press charges against the Pig Headed Son since he assaulted OP first.

    • @gothgirl4evr414
      @gothgirl4evr414 Год назад +6

      ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS press charges if given the opportunity, otherwise it just reinforces their belief that they can get away with their crazy ass behavior and it will get worse each time

  • @ROB0049
    @ROB0049 Год назад +194

    I had something similar happen at Wally World a couple weeks ago.
    Some woman thrust a shopping list in my hand ant told me to hurry up and fill her order.
    Because of these stories I knew just what to do.
    I took her list, and with a happy little smile said" Certainly Madam, please just wait near the cheek outs and I'll be right there."
    As soon as she was out of sight I tossed that list in the nearest waste basket and continued my own shopping.
    I wonder how long she waited for her stuff?

    • @justinpettenuzzo8210
      @justinpettenuzzo8210 Год назад +51

      Spongebob narrator voice: "One thousand years later"

    • @albertocabezas282
      @albertocabezas282 Год назад +14

      @@justinpettenuzzo8210 the one talking like the beloved Jacques Cousteau.

    • @alchobum
      @alchobum Год назад +26

      I would hold the list up in front of her and tear it in half in slow motion. Probably get a violent response but I'm pretty fast on the blocks.

    • @julieb157
      @julieb157 Год назад +15

      This is the best way to deal with these situations... take the list, tell them to wait at the front, then bin it and carry on with your day.

    • @dragonfliesnh4204
      @dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад +9

      Oh my goodness, that is hilarious! 😂

  • @Maninawig
    @Maninawig Год назад +22

    Understanding law, I can get why Grams was charged, but I also hope two things happened:
    1. That the man was also convicted for assaulting OP
    2. That the newspaper ran with the headline "Grandma charged with beating up a burley man after he assaults her grandchild"

  • @SoManyRandomRamblings
    @SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад +34

    Last story: did you hear that everyone...she's done this before but is now escalating to violence. This is why you always press charges, if not for you, then for the next person who might not have cameras backing them up.

  • @merriebadham6701
    @merriebadham6701 Год назад +55

    I don't understand why some people treat retail employees (or even people that they think are) retail employees with so much disrespect. They (the employees) are the unsung heroes of the pandemic. They have put their lives in our hands to provide services to us all. They DO deserve our respect.

    • @vernonharden
      @vernonharden Год назад +7

      Those who treat those who work in retail that way, sees themselves as being superior and above those, that they deem as lowly nothing peasants. Who are to bow down and worship them, and hold most hallow the ground beneath their most humble and self deified blessed and humble feet.

    • @rogueshark23
      @rogueshark23 Год назад +4

      This is why I don't work in retail.

    • @robingibson6561
      @robingibson6561 Год назад +2

      ​@@vernonharden wow, nicely said, lol

    • @Jedidiah_Martin_2
      @Jedidiah_Martin_2 Год назад

      Helz yeah, merriebadham.

    • @gothgirl4evr414
      @gothgirl4evr414 Год назад +2

      Exactly they need to realize that with out us lowly peasant retail workers their superior lives would fast less convenient and easy bc in all reality without us where would they go for prepared food or clothes or would would be in the stores to help them find what they could very easily find themselves if they tried for even a minute and bothered reading the big signs that every store has up saying what is where in the store not to mention who would they take their frustrations with their own lives out on without retail employees?
      Instead of demeaning them they should thank at least one every time they are in a store for being extremely under paid and putting up with their entitled BS and doing it with a smile at the same time.

  • @molliannstocks1709
    @molliannstocks1709 Год назад +11

    Do you have to physically attack someone before the store bans you? She should have been kicked out long before this, if she was known to harass other customers!

  • @jamesweekley1087
    @jamesweekley1087 Год назад +292

    I disagree with Fluff on the slapping story. OP wasn't an employee and was under *no* obligation to return Karen's Rudeness with courtesy. Telling her off was just what she deserved and maybe --- just maybe ---if she had been called on her rudeness a few times she would have known better.

    • @patrickpunmaster6862
      @patrickpunmaster6862 Год назад +4

      Yeah but OP could've held back on the cursing a bit. The slaps were unnecessary though. I bet he had a bad day and that Karen made it worse but even then, hold back a bit on the cursing cuz it could backfire under certain circumstances. In other words, he could've handled the situation somewhat better but I do understand him in that position cuz I am a slight hot head when in the worst of moods.

    • @blender4464
      @blender4464 Год назад +46

      People in these stories often feel the need to say oh they shouldn't have told off this person or been rude in response to them being wildly offensive but... why? I don't see what is wrong with dishing some back.

    • @MrBrett203
      @MrBrett203 Год назад +31

      ​@@blender4464 right. these ppl got like this in the first place because no one in their life puts them in their place.

    • @ryaniko94brglowingkitty68
      @ryaniko94brglowingkitty68 Год назад +13

      He was on his right to even punch some sense into her face after the agression if he wanted to defend himself

    • @chrisc6857
      @chrisc6857 Год назад +1

      Immediately responding with that severe a slur was indeed uncalled for. No matter how rude someone is, unless they have already turned physical your very first response should always be an attempt to politely defuse. Now, if that very first attempt fails, all bets are off for your second response and going forward, save that you should never be the first one to use physical violence. To be clear, I'm not remotely equating him with her: Even before the actual racist slurs started she was still far worse. But he could have handled his initial response better.

  • @peanutgallery4159
    @peanutgallery4159 Год назад +15

    That guy must have been a real weasel to go in front of judge and tell his story that GRAMMA kicked his butt, lol, how embarrassing?

  • @arentibbs799
    @arentibbs799 Год назад +32

    Story 4: How terrible of a person are you that not even your family will bail you out of jail?

    • @MarlinChasteen
      @MarlinChasteen 9 месяцев назад +2

      That terrible!

    • @iononcantomascrivo
      @iononcantomascrivo 8 месяцев назад +4

      Absolutely. My brother was on the wrong side of the law much of his life. We did not get along and we were not close. He was a bully. He used to beat me up when we were younger and even at one point tried to kill me. This was long before he ended up on drugs. He had a rap sheet a mile long and him being a hothead just couldn't walk away from conflict. He ended up getting in a fight with someone in a convenience store and was arrested on the spot once the cops were called. He had the nerve to text me asking for bail money. I told him to go rot. Why he even bothered to contact me in the first place was ridiculous. Of course, he got a hold of our mom and she bailed him out. I told her she was an idiot for doing so. Of course as these things go there was a future court date, but he had already fled the state. He was on the run for well over a year before they tracked him somewhere in the Southeastern US where he was found dead of an overdose. Some people never learn.

    • @housinengi9512
      @housinengi9512 2 месяца назад +1

      @@iononcantomascrivo bet your mother blamed your for the smallest of things after she bailed him out and kept babying him

    • @iononcantomascrivo
      @iononcantomascrivo 2 месяца назад

      @@housinengi9512 Nope. Actually, she finally conceded that I'm the only normal kid she has left. She all but admitted that he was her favorite.

  • @Tyrunner0097
    @Tyrunner0097 Год назад +22

    Story 1: I worked as a merchandiser during college, and my company's uniform was a red button-up shirt & khaki's, just like that certain Target uniform. So, being mistaken for an employee was the constant norm, but then we'd work in a store where our uniform was NOTHING like the actual employee uniforms, and, well...honestly, some people just need to learn to be self-aware and actually use their brains sometimes. I swear, I could've worn a flashing neon sign that said in bold letters *I don't work here*, and people would STILL "mistake" me for a store employee.
    Also, the fact he was stealing headphones clearly explains his actions. He was trying to get the F out before someone wised up.

    • @robingibson6561
      @robingibson6561 Год назад +2

      so he draws attention to himself by calling her out of her name twice, cussing out the AM then stealing chips. He's really not the brightest bulb on the tree.

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 Год назад +334

    Story 2: Racists gotta racist. Nobody likes them, but they exist, and we'll have to deal with them. Regardless of whether OP went overboard or not, Karen deserved to be in jail for that slapping. Hope she was humbled

    • @TheDarkLink7
      @TheDarkLink7 Год назад +36

      I bet she got humbled after meeting several inmates.

    • @og_3rd_st_saint_gat
      @og_3rd_st_saint_gat Год назад +31

      he was in the right if that was me I would had done the same thing and if the karen tried to slap me I would slap right at her

    • @RunnyBabbitMom
      @RunnyBabbitMom Год назад +23

      You would think they would figure out by now that cameras are everywhere so that behavior rarely works out well for them.

    • @Chilipontiff
      @Chilipontiff Год назад +12

      She’s not going to do well in jail

    • @raeshavalta2898
      @raeshavalta2898 Год назад +14

      I doubt it. Karens are Karens cuz they are never humble & never learn from anything they do or say wrong. She’s lucky she didn’t get cussed out by someone who uses cuss words every other word! I’d pay to see that! 😂

  • @christinalambert-sandhouse6377
    @christinalambert-sandhouse6377 Год назад +10

    The Grams lady is someone every retail store needs on staff.
    Story 2. It makes me so happy when I see racists arrested by the very people they look down on. Who’s looking down on who now lady? You’re in jail and the Mexican officer gets to go home to their family and live their life.

  • @Azulakayes
    @Azulakayes Год назад +47

    I really cant understand why someone thinks its okay to slap anyone...You must be really abnormal to just resort to hitting people when you don't get what you want. Make it make sense.

    • @paulagoeringer9466
      @paulagoeringer9466 Год назад +11

      I've actually seen Parents allow their little kids to slap them hard across the face and do nothing and they do it again. These kids are never told no and grow up to be uncontrollable animals. Their parents didn't teach them so the world will.

    • @albertocabezas282
      @albertocabezas282 Год назад +9

      I'm working at a pharmacy and some psychos are able to slap, spit and even throw nasty things against the workers, especially when those karens aren't getting the stuff they are unpolitely asking for.

    • @paulagoeringer9466
      @paulagoeringer9466 Год назад

      @@albertocabezas282 they really need to put up bulletproof dividers for pharmacies like they do with banks. Pharmacies get robbed too and I worry for the workers.

    • @gothgirl4evr414
      @gothgirl4evr414 Год назад +1

      What's even worse than slapping, hitting, kicking, or pushing is spitting on people and that's become the go to thing that people do now. I think they really believe that since they didn't actually lay hands on someone it doesn't constitute assault but spitting on someone is just as much assault as any of those other things and it's far more disgusting. Whats more is the people that are spitting on others are the ones that were so obsessed with social distancing and policing that everyone wore a mask. Like wtf people how is spitting acceptable in this day in age?

    • @housinengi9512
      @housinengi9512 2 месяца назад

      @@gothgirl4evr414 the fact they will scream assualt and such yet never got touched once or such.

  • @citizenken7069
    @citizenken7069 Год назад +31

    Story 1 - I'd have told that idiot, "If I try to open that register, I most certainly will get fired, not to mention arrested!" I worked in retail long enough to know that using a register without authorization is a BIG no-no!

    • @DBHawk3
      @DBHawk3 Год назад +3

      NOT only that, but the CG was actually a thief!! He got caught nevertheless!!😂😂😂

    • @gothgirl4evr414
      @gothgirl4evr414 Год назад +2

      I've did this multiple times i don't get why some people don't understand just bc someone is an employee the customer has no authority to order them to open register and check them out or to do something that isn't part of their job duties. They may not be trained on registers and even if they are they can't just jump on one without manager yelling them to and giving them the till to put in the drawer bc closed registers don't typically sit there with cash drawers already in them.

    • @housinengi9512
      @housinengi9512 2 месяца назад

      @@DBHawk3 thinking about it. he knew they didnt work there and wanted to make someone do it so that the store would only focused on them as they got away with i t

  • @davidcundy
    @davidcundy Год назад +11

    Doesn't matter if OP called Karen every name under the sun. Sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you. So, Karen assaulted OP fair and square and got what she deserved.

  • @carlcouslin7535
    @carlcouslin7535 Год назад +14

    Last story. Sadly in America you can sue anyone for anything up to and including your own stupidity. This ladys life was hell bent on filing a lawsuit for millions against anyone.

  • @zshimada
    @zshimada Год назад +94

    Considering security cameras are the norm in 99% of large stores, you'd think the number of times a karen decided to tell a tall tale would be reduced, because they'd know they were lying. Narcisistic entitlement is really something else, and while I'm in favor of looking at things in a different way, people like this will never cease to amaze me with their stupidity.

    • @Tyrunner0097
      @Tyrunner0097 Год назад +19

      It's also a lack of self-awareness. I shake my head the most at Karens who go crazy, and then only realize after a bit that they're being filmed, then try to grab/destroy the camera, like the footage is just going to go away. In today's digital age, once it's filmed, it's NOT going away. It's going right to a cloud and staying there, just like anything posted on the internet: It's not written in pencil, it's written in ink.

    • @randomstuff-qu7sh
      @randomstuff-qu7sh Год назад +10

      I think part of it is also lack of consequences. Just because a store has cameras doesn't mean everything that happens every place in the store is recorded clearly. Additionally, even when caught on film, comparatively few suffer anything worse than being the subject of a reddit post or video. In the long run, they may benefit from their entitled behavior. Punishment for failure is low and rewards are getting whatever they want because people would rather give them what they want in hopes they'll go away.

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig Год назад +10

      To be fair, I saw enough of the two answers given to say they are both right. Often times, there is lack of accountability for doing the action, and either panic or more lack of accountability sets in.
      The question isn't that there are cameras, but weather or not you are likely to be punished for such things...
      I have heard (and seen) some horror stories of what mostly women were able to get away with because of their damsel in distress persona... Karens share a lot of their same mentalities.

    • @flashstudiosguy
      @flashstudiosguy Год назад +5

      @@Tyrunner0097 I've seen quite a few videos and stories where some even yell "FILM ME, I DON'T FUCKING CARE!" only to get fired a few days later after their Boss/es see it online

    • @symantares9171
      @symantares9171 Год назад +6

      I've seen stories where they literally claimed the cameras were lying. Not that the footage was changed, but the camera itself recorded things wrong on purpose

  • @R.DeMora
    @R.DeMora Год назад +91

    Story 2: Nah, she deserved to be treated like that. It's the excess of civility that emboldens these Karens to act like that.

    • @iononcantomascrivo
      @iononcantomascrivo 5 месяцев назад +5

      I totally agree. There was someone, that I used to be friends with, who behaved very much that way when she didn't get what she wanted. Once I started to notice all her toxic qualities, I pulled back. She got nervous because, what is a narcissist without a supply of attention? Absolutely nothing. Of course, I didn't know she was a narcissist when I knew her. I studied psychology after the fact and she checked all the boxes. When I extended to her the same discourtesy she had shown to me and other people, she was gobsmacked. I also called her a nasty vile c-word. She acted all offended. I point blank told her: “If you aren't one, then you won't be offended by my use of the word.” She didn't know how to react. Somehow she managed to fall silent. Deep down, I think she knew, that if she gave me a reaction she would be proving my point. We're no longer friends. It's been well over 10 years since I had any contact with her, but I heard through the grapevine courtesy of a mutual friend (who also later went no-contact), that her second marriage is crumbling fast, her now-grown children have very little if anything to do with her and she's been barred from seeing her grandchildren. Karma, if you ask me.

    • @R.DeMora
      @R.DeMora 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@iononcantomascrivo Ah, der Schadenfreude ist so sehr süß. Karma bit her good, and good on you for calling her out. Love how you put her on the spot like that!

    • @iononcantomascrivo
      @iononcantomascrivo 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@R.DeMora Danke schön. Ambushing her with all my rightfully placed vitriol and very choice phrasing only temporarily stunned her. Putting her on the spot didn't make her change much. She was on her best behavior, for a while. She played by the rules and stayed in her lane. Of course, people, like her, get comfortable and always start trampling over boundaries all over again. Usually with new people. A normal person with empathy would have been able to take experiencing the consequences of their actions at face value. A normal person would have been able to take ownership of their behavior and then, hopefully, do better in the future. Not her. My mutual friend said she was even worse with him. She was very cagey and would not comment on me at all. She did not want to even hear my name. Why was she like this? She always had to have a source of attention and use those people up like a parasite uses a host. He told me she got even worse with age. Even my friend's girlfriend said: "I don't like her. There's something very wrong with her.” His girlfriend is a lawyer and had a strong background in psychology. Between the two of us, we were able to wake my friend up and get him to cut her off.

  • @lancerevell5979
    @lancerevell5979 Год назад +32

    Story Three.... Bravo for Grams! But if he'd assaulted me like that, he'd lose his front teeth from being put on the floor face-down, hard. 😡

    • @blitzwolfmon8297
      @blitzwolfmon8297 Год назад +4

      I love badass old ladies and had a badass grandma of my own whom I loved with all my heart while I was alive. This gal was like a ninja with her cane when she had to be. Not bad for a fiesty old gal with arthritis when she was alive huh?

    • @paulman34340
      @paulman34340 Год назад +2

      I remember hearing a story of an idiot like this. You know the karen's attacked dog the muscle head Kevin who thinks having bolden muscles and looking intimidating will get him what he wants. And if it doesn't then he could just homopeople without understanding that this will land him in jail. This strategy knowingly backfired but the person he assaulted had known a few people who knew people in jail who retaliated with those individuals who ended up. In jail with a guy he ended up so badly injured last time the person he beat up saw him he was pretty much a broken man walking on a cane developing fat his bulging muscles to having disappeared Likely from not being able to exercise or weight lift anymore and was balding Likely from all the stress. It doesn't pay to be a thug. Yet the term muscle head doesn't exist for nothing

    • @paulman34340
      @paulman34340 Год назад +2

      I know some people are probably upset that the Karen and her idiot attack dog didn't suffer consequences but that Karen got the fear of God put inside Of her and her attack dog well he's not gonna be being One after Or what grams did do him. He's likely been truly broken that he'll be looking at anybody and won't be acting aggressive and fear that this person would kick his a** So maybe it's not smart to try to be intimidating

  • @randycarter2001
    @randycarter2001 Год назад +9

    There is no one more dangerous than someone who has nothing left to lose.

  • @mrfoxly6833
    @mrfoxly6833 Год назад +70

    Story 3: “Oh boy! A former martial arts instructor? I can see where this is going… … … Aw she left… … … Alright she came back!”
    I freakin’ love this story! I just hope the Entitled old woman and her son were also charged with assault.

    • @vernonharden
      @vernonharden Год назад +9

      I remember when I was on the road and heard about where a would be thug tried to do a purse snatch on an bolder woman with a cane. The would be thug learned right quick they made a bad mistake, it turned out the old woman's father had taught her martial arts. That by the way was more than fourty years ago. The local police thought it was hilarious.

  • @SPG69
    @SPG69 Год назад +41

    Story 4: that Karen is definitely the one relative who isn’t invited to family barbecues anymore for saying something offensive at the last one

    • @SeanBZA
      @SeanBZA Год назад +5

      Family will only go to the funeral, just to make sure she is actually dead, then put her in a pauper grave with only a lot number as marker.

  • @patriciaaturner289
    @patriciaaturner289 Год назад +9

    Story 4: Well, OP, that’s what happens when you wear that shirt to the Insane Clown Posse Supermarket. Of course the feral Karens will think you work there😉.

  • @Navywalrus09
    @Navywalrus09 Год назад +169

    Story 2:
    I disagree Fluff. The moment she came at him disrespectfully, she lost all access to civility. If you interrupt someone's day and are particularly rude about it, they get to call you whatever they want.

    • @Human-kb6xc
      @Human-kb6xc Год назад +31

      Agreed. The woman was horrid right off the bat.

    • @foxfireinferno197
      @foxfireinferno197 Год назад +23


    • @waynec38
      @waynec38 Год назад +26

      @@foxfireinferno197 THIRDED...Fluff,you are out of line....The Karen could`ve left OP ALONE,and just went to some else,for help... NOT BUG POOR OP!!

    • @merlinathrawes746
      @merlinathrawes746 Год назад +7

      Why escalate and potentially make the situation worse? Not only that, if OP had gotten the wrong cop, he could have taken Karen's side and OP could have been the one hauled off.

    • @michellestella7477
      @michellestella7477 Год назад +23

      ​@@merlinathrawes746 rubbish. They had security footage. As long as OP kept their cool while interacting with the police..

  • @marioStortuga
    @marioStortuga Год назад +146

    Story 2 she got what she deserved and op had absolutely right to call her that.

    • @notconvincedgranny6573
      @notconvincedgranny6573 Год назад +18

      Exactly. When you attack others, you don't get to regulate the response.

    • @Galaxy1001D
      @Galaxy1001D Год назад +17

      Using the 'C' word should immediately inform the Karen that you are not a subordinate and that she has no power over you.

    • @CrimsonAngelWinges
      @CrimsonAngelWinges Год назад +2

      Honestly it's nice to hear a story where the OP relies what's going on and puts there foot down from the start.

  • @pystonge
    @pystonge Год назад +17

    Story 1: So glad OP doesn't work for Lululemon, or she might indeed have gotten fired for helping to catch a store thief!

    • @alchobum
      @alchobum Год назад +5

      Yeah I saw that on Greg Foreman's channel. Fired for calling the police. Insane.

  • @PixieDusted72
    @PixieDusted72 Год назад +13

    I am a merchandiser, vendor, for a greenhouse. We do big box stores garden centers. We are encouraged to say “I sorry. I don’t work here” as I working at this store. It causes confusion daily. I usual help customers unless they are being entitled.

  • @Dubanx
    @Dubanx Год назад +8

    Story 3
    Wtf? Why was grams charged with assault? That asshole shoved you, grabbed you, and threatened to beat you up. That was well into self defense territory.

    • @StorymasterQ
      @StorymasterQ Год назад +2

      I'm no lawyer, but while all that is true, the asshole did nothing to *her*. Maybe that's why?

    • @orthohawk1026
      @orthohawk1026 Месяц назад

      @@StorymasterQ Most self defense statutes include "or defense of others" in the language. If they don't they should.

  • @SilverScaleMA
    @SilverScaleMA Год назад +3

    I actually witnessed a Karen yelling at a merchandiser and used the "customer is always right" line to him trying to get him to go get something from the back. He just glared at her until she finally stopped for a breath, asked her "are you buying any Pepsi?" And when she said she didn't drink Pepsi he dead on told her "then you aren't my customer" and ignored her. Watching the wheels turning in her head while trying and failing to process his reply was absolutely hilarious and I, as well as everyone else working with me in the deli, was trying so hard not to just burst out laughing. Some of the greatest people I met while working at Walmart were the merchandisers, they were always really great.

  • @marlin1018
    @marlin1018 Год назад +17

    I don't think calling the Karen the 'C Word' was over the top. I honestly don't understand why more people just don't yell loud obscenities rather than taking abuse. Yeah, it will draw attention, but the cameras will show the truth. Too many people meekly and quietly take the abuse as the Karens escalate. If someone grabbed or poked me in a supermarket the manager would hear me yelling at the Karen from their office.

    • @lisabarnes3405
      @lisabarnes3405 Год назад

      Unfortunately it seems like Karen’s prey on the weak. The ones with social anxiety, autism, PTSD, etc. Not that they are weak but that they don’t have the bandwidth to deal with Karens.

    • @trashcatlinol
      @trashcatlinol 7 месяцев назад

      I think it was uncalled for. She didn't have the warmth or depth to have earned that insult.

  • @bdpickett
    @bdpickett Год назад +5

    Story 3: For sure, the Valkyries gained a new sister in this epic warrior.

  • @coriweaver4343
    @coriweaver4343 11 месяцев назад +2

    My boyfriends martial arts instructor is 66, with a hip replacement, and still going strong. Man doesn’t even look like he’s in his 60’s. Grandma kicks butt!

  • @onepieceisking5493
    @onepieceisking5493 Год назад +5

    Last story, I think Karen never got physical because none of them told her off like op did. She couldn't stand that op actually told her off so her delusional mind thought she had a "right" to beat op for defying her. She must be pretty bad if none her family would bail her out and kept apologizing to op. Hopefully she'll learn this time now that she's really done it and got herself in court plus jail.

  • @billyb6655
    @billyb6655 Год назад +10

    i would think it should be obvious that the person who resorts to physical violence and racisim (especially "in response" to petty insults) is the one who's "more" in the wrong. like there really shouldn't be a question. also pretty sure the situation would've escalated anyway, karen was being refused and that cannot happen and anyone who dares to say no to the rulers of the universe must be punished.

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 Год назад +86

    Story 4: This is classic behavior. Harass people, even assault sometimes, and then act like a victim once the actual victim tries to defend themselves.

    • @Azulakayes
      @Azulakayes Год назад +7

      It's really puzzling to me. I have had heated exchanges with people but never do I think; oh let me slap or hit this person. Sometimes the only insult that comes to mind is f**k you and that's a rarity. I just can't understand people whose first response in a conflict is to assault the other person...why?

    • @blitzwolfmon8297
      @blitzwolfmon8297 Год назад

      @@Azulakayes Because some of these folks be bat shit crazy it seems.

    • @paulagoeringer9466
      @paulagoeringer9466 Год назад

      ​@@Azulakayes because they haven't fully evolved into functional, civilized human beings. I think they're missing an important part somewhere in their brain. Or they just have the lizard part of their brain in full control.

    • @Rylosalex
      @Rylosalex Год назад +2

      Ditto. I mean, why start something like that? Why talk to another person like that?

    • @addisonwelsh
      @addisonwelsh Год назад +3

      High school discipline logic at its finest. Don't punish the guy who started it, punish the victim who defended themself.

  • @jerichogarry
    @jerichogarry Год назад +45

    The Customer is always right is probably a legend started by a Karen.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 Год назад +15

      And.... when stealing merch, always cause a big stink to draw attention! Works great, eh? 😆

    • @ErrantMasa
      @ErrantMasa Год назад

      it's a corruption of a longer quote: "the customer is always right **in matters of taste**" it's a crying shame too many companies will trample on dollars to pick up the defaced, drool-stained pennies said karens flick at them

    • @jerichogarry
      @jerichogarry Год назад +6

      @@lancerevell5979 True in more ways then one

    • @Ironraven001
      @Ironraven001 Год назад

      I got news from you pal, the customer is always an ASSHOLE! 😂 (That's... Mallrats right?) 😂

    • @thirty0dd
      @thirty0dd Год назад +22

      The full original phrase is "in matters of taste, the customer is king." It means if someone wants to buy plaid pants with polka dotted shirt and paisley jacket, and they say that's what they want, then the customer is right. It was never intended to mean the customer is right about laws, store policies, workers's personal lives, etc.

  • @sharonruthcox1950
    @sharonruthcox1950 Год назад +20

    Fluff... i finally disagree with you.
    He had every right to call her a
    After all that crap she spouted, didnt she prove it?

    • @twiceshy9773
      @twiceshy9773 2 месяца назад +1

      Lol I've noticed that most Americans have a problem with the C-you-next-Tuesday word, Dark Fluff must be one of them😂😂🤷‍♀️

  • @ZipGloe
    @ZipGloe Год назад +8

    And we wonder why kids act up half the time. The last one was just over board of how bored she was, she needs a hobby 🤣

  • @poohbear4515
    @poohbear4515 Год назад +9

    Karens and Larrys(I’m calling male versions that) might as well tattoo “The customer is always right!” on their foreheads where their brain is supposed to be. Just so they don’t have to bleed anyone’s ears with their voices when demanding them to listen.

  • @deniseeulert2503
    @deniseeulert2503 Год назад +2

    I used to take karate lessons. One story that got repeated to all newcomers was not to underestimate an opponent based on age. There had been a black belt connected to the dojo who was a sixty five year old woman. One day she was leaning into her car putting her groceries on the seat and a guy grabs her from behind, probably going for her purse. She doesn't even look back, she can feel where he is and gives him a hard back fist, squashing his nose. He falls back yelling, with blood spurting out between his fingers, and he falls on his butt. She calmly closes her door, gets in on the driver's side, and drives off.

  • @suzyboyleanderson6945
    @suzyboyleanderson6945 Год назад +7

    I can see the family of the entiled racist woman getting a call from her in jail and asking her, Oh hell what you do now to get arrested this time?

  • @hypercactus6489
    @hypercactus6489 Год назад +18

    I fully disagree with you in story two: I think it’s very fitting to call them a c word in response to them being rude. *don’t dish out what you can’t eat*

    • @paulagoeringer9466
      @paulagoeringer9466 Год назад +4

      And don't get physical unless you're fully ready for that hospital bill. Either you, them or both. In my city, don't start anything unless you're ready for a toe tag.

  • @tgbedini
    @tgbedini Год назад +18

    I have a problem with the "grams" story. According to the OP, he was assaulted twice by these people; first, the woman hit him to "get his attention" and then her son pushed him. Assuming every store in the country has video, there is no way that they wouldn't bring that up, and there would be no charges.

    • @gorilladisco9108
      @gorilladisco9108 Год назад +3

      It depends. Some states (or even in country like UK) will prosecute good samaritan regardless. Don't believe me? See what happened to Daniel Penny.

    • @addisonwelsh
      @addisonwelsh Год назад +2

      @@gorilladisco9108 It honestly baffles me that places like the UK and Australia will punish people for defending themselves. What the heck do they expect you to do when you're being attacked?

    • @tgbedini
      @tgbedini Год назад +2

      @@gorilladisco9108 That may be, but in this case, whatever action was taken after the initial assaults, the assaults themselves are still crimes. It would be much more likely that the "karen" and son would strike a deal to not prosecute the old lady in return for not being charged with the initial assault.

    • @robingibson6561
      @robingibson6561 Год назад +1

      but Grams was prosecuted but due to her age, was only fined and got 250 hours of community service. Curious to know what happened to Karen and her son. I'm assuming it didn't go well for the son in jail after having his ass handed to him by an elderly woman.

    • @melkiorwiseman5234
      @melkiorwiseman5234 Год назад +1

      Grams was charged because there was no need for her to release the guy and then punch him. She could have kept holding onto him until the security officer could take over controlling the guy. If the guy attempted to assault Grams during the change over, then she would have been justified in punching him.
      So yes, it was perfectly reasonable for her to be charged, no matter how much we believe that guy deserved it.

  • @panagea2007
    @panagea2007 Год назад +16

    If he's known as "the chip guy" he probably has shoplifted many times before.

  • @orthohawk1026
    @orthohawk1026 Месяц назад +1

    I swear to God, if I ever opened up a store of any kind, I would put up signs EVERYwhere that say: "If you ever say 'The customer is always right' you will be immediately banned from the store for life."

  • @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901
    @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901 Год назад +6

    Final Story, the family is not bailing her out because the time that she's in jail is the time that the husband is using to get the divorce in order get the house in order and get everything else in order so she's going to come home to an empty house that's for sale with divorce papers in her hand and probably restraining order against her husband and the children

  • @alchobum
    @alchobum Год назад +3

    That last karen needs to immigrate to Canada where there is no cash bail requirement. She would be released a couple hours after the arrest and could head straight back to the store for some manager slapping revenge. And do it again the next day. This is karen dreamland.

  • @wolf1066
    @wolf1066 Год назад +1

    The story about Grams brought me to tears. What an awesome lady.

  • @revan7364
    @revan7364 Год назад +3

    Now these ops of these stories did the right thing when needing to charge the Karen lol and the last Karen how no one would pay her bail that's just even better lol

  • @Tracy81258
    @Tracy81258 Год назад +14

    Story one: most shopping carts alone are at least $200 dollars, so if he took the cart along with the other items, he’s probably in felony theft territory depending on the city statutes.

    • @howardsmith9342
      @howardsmith9342 Год назад +2

      I'm guessing he left the cart behind, since he had a car.

    • @Tracy81258
      @Tracy81258 Год назад +1

      @@howardsmith9342 I’ve seen a few idiots who chuck cart and all into their trunk before hauling ass. Makes a felony stop certain if you happen to pull up behind them at a traffic light or something.

    • @howardsmith9342
      @howardsmith9342 Год назад +1

      @@Tracy81258 it's not exactly the same thing, but I used to live in a neighborhood near a big grocery store, and they used to have to drive around in a truck and retrieve shopping carts from the yards of the student rental houses when the store was running low on carts.

    • @pineappleroad
      @pineappleroad Год назад

      @@howardsmith9342 where i live, at most stores in the past (not sure about now), it was very hard to walk out of the store grounds with one, as the wheels had locking devices fitted, which engaged when it crossed over a certain point (im not sure how these work, but stores often have a sign saying if you take it past this point it will stop, with a line painted on the ground)

  • @FreeThePorgs
    @FreeThePorgs Год назад +4

    Why do people forget in this day and age about security cameras???? Geeze people!!! Its not 40 years ago!!!!

  • @albertocabezas282
    @albertocabezas282 Год назад +11

    Second story: I had to disagree with you. Almost all karens are very disrespectful to their victims, especially those who they believe are under "their social status". So, when a karen is insulted, she asked for it first. Karens won't notice and appreciate your kindness and good behavior.

  • @cliffcorson4000
    @cliffcorson4000 Год назад +3

    On the Grams story
    My late grandmother was similar to her, kind when you were but a terror when not
    We used to joke that the police had ticket books with her info preprinted for her speeding habit.
    She used to bartend at 75yrs old at a place that had pool tables and other items that allowed "young folk" in.
    One instance a group of 19s-early 20's were getting loud and obnoxious and she walked over and told them to leave until they apologized for their language. When one got aggressive with her she swatted him on his rear with a pool cue so loud it almost snapped it.
    Next day they came back and apologized as their parents made them do it

    • @johnopalko5223
      @johnopalko5223 Год назад

      Your grandmother sounds like my Aunt Mary. She and her friend used to own a bar in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. They were two women in their 70s and were the nicest folks you'd ever want to meet. But if you came into their place and started trouble, heaven help you. They didn't take crap from anybody.

  • @sirace5442
    @sirace5442 Год назад +5

    story 2: if they were here in Australia and he called her a the c word. you wouldn't know if they were being nice or not with the c word. we call our best mates the c word as well as people who deserve to be called the c word and this lady kinda deserved it

  • @Ladymewtwo
    @Ladymewtwo Год назад +3

    Always pressed charges to a Karens!

  • @autonomouscollective2599
    @autonomouscollective2599 Год назад +4

    It’s always been my opinion that the OP’s in all these “Entitled People” often times cuss out the Karens but good, but tend to sanitize their stories when telling them. The cussing OP is probably the norm rather than the exception, so I’ll give him a pass.

  • @selwynowen6213
    @selwynowen6213 Год назад +18

    Loved story 4 especially when her own family wasn’t willing to bail her out 🤣🤣🤣🤣 there’s not like families

    • @robingibson6561
      @robingibson6561 Год назад

      she must be a royal f*ck up and pain in the a** if her family is willing to let her sit in jail... smdh

  • @conneich
    @conneich Год назад +4

    Story 1: Working in retail I know for a fact the whole thing was an act of Chip Guy. It's a distraction tactic thieves employ to either allow an accomplice to steal behind the manager's back, or to make everyone flustered enough from them being "upset" they don't think to question the basket and just want the thief gone.

  • @Chelle89
    @Chelle89 Год назад +7

    Story 2: OP didn’t call her a c word out the middle of know where. They called her that because she was being rude from the start.

  • @damiancrowley569
    @damiancrowley569 Год назад +1

    Isn't it, "the customer is always right in regards to taste?" Meaning if they say there's something wrong with the product, not that we bend to they're every will

  • @Kristiemiller1969
    @Kristiemiller1969 Год назад +2

    Fluff I agree about story #2. OP shouldn't have called Karen the C word right off the bat. Never stoop to a Karen, or Chad's, level. Simply say "no" when they demand you help them. No is a complete sentence. If they insist get a manager. If they hit you, call the police immediately. Don't escalate if you can help it.

  • @Autophage
    @Autophage 10 месяцев назад

    The only response appropriate to someone rudely to say "you're excused just dont let it happen again."

  • @mikejones9080
    @mikejones9080 Год назад +5

    The racist slapper did deserve anything op might have said. If you start out being racist and rude, you've got it coming. Just the opinion of an old Canadian.

    • @blitzwolfmon8297
      @blitzwolfmon8297 Год назад +1

      She started rude, then went racist when not getting her way, and then got arrested for her behavior.

  • @joecool2125
    @joecool2125 Год назад +1

    My dad and his best friend ran the chains at the local football games. My teammate's dad (Mr. B) held the down marker. They would always cheer for us from the sidelines. Against our local rivalry, some of the visiting fans started mocking Mr. B because he was cheering for his son. Mr. B was short tempered. He finally had enough and threw the down marker to the ground and started power walking toward the group. My dad jumped in front of him to try and calm the situation. The ring leader of the hecklers, retreated, but kept mouthing off to Mr. B. The heckler said, "what are you gonna do? I will sue you." Mr. B told him, "I just paid $10k for knocking out a smart a$$ SOB at a baseball game. If you don't shut your mouth, you're gonna see what I'm gonna do!" The guy shut his mouth and went back to the bleachers to sit down. RIP Mr. B. You are missed.

  • @richardperks7776
    @richardperks7776 Год назад +3

    Story 1. The other day a guy tried to steal some patio cushions from the store by trying to break down the security gates when they went off on him

  • @RunnyBabbitMom
    @RunnyBabbitMom Год назад +8

    Story 2. Those of us who experience racism pretty regularly do get to a point we can just sense when someone is acting out of racism and try to shut it down as soon as it arrives. I don't think O.P did anything wrong.

  • @yurimorgan7460
    @yurimorgan7460 Год назад +4

    I work as a merchandiser. i go to at least 5 stores a day, and I always encounter karens who leave their english processing part of the brain home while shopping

    • @vernonharden
      @vernonharden Год назад +1

      Are you sure they even had one to leave at home, lol.

  • @ancapftw9113
    @ancapftw9113 Год назад +2

    Jail for more than 12 months means prison. I hope she introduces herself to the obligatory Hispanic prison gang.

  • @Raintalon89
    @Raintalon89 9 месяцев назад +1

    In regards to the last story, for my family, if I did something that landed me in jail, it didn't matter how good of a relationship I have with family, they'd let me learn my lesson. Lol

  • @Sophie-dd5xr
    @Sophie-dd5xr Год назад +2

    Story 2: if she’s getting such a long sentence, it wouldn’t surprise me if she had prior incidents…

  • @markrich7171
    @markrich7171 Год назад +6

    Believe it or not I might have part of the answer to Karenitus. It's funny how it generally, but not always, seems to affect women in their 30's, 40's and 50's. I saw as a very good friend of mine, who was fine when we were teens, slowly turn into an absolute Karen in her 40's however she was diagnosed with a thyroid problem. Thyroids control chemical levels in the body, which affect emotion and rationality among other things. This is most likely to affect women aged 30 - 50, but can strike at any time and it affects women up to 8 times more than men. As a result of the problem, my friend had to have her thyroid removed and take medication to control her levels and incredibly she has now returned to the person that she was when I first knew her, with no Karen qualities at all. So maybe that's the answer, a chemical imbalance. All Karens should have a compulsory thyroid check. It may well help.

    • @alfredogm4148
      @alfredogm4148 Год назад +2

      I'd say there's a lot of things involved. A lot of times can be mental issues, like narcissism, hormonal imbalance as you said, or their upbringing where no one told them no or they accustomed them to think everyone should bow to them, nevertheless, is hard to put up with those things being that everyone else has their own battle to add someone else's issues 🥲

    • @albertocabezas282
      @albertocabezas282 Год назад +2

      This is a very interesting thesis. I always found quite strange and completely irrational that kind of behavior on a normal person.

  • @robinriel6352
    @robinriel6352 Год назад +8

    For the first story it reminded me of the time when I grabbed toilet paper and went in line to cash out. I saw the lady scan it and put it in our cart then we paid. My husband's mother looked at the bill and here it is. The toilet paper that was scanned did not show up but all the other stuff did but that so in a way we kinda stole toilet paper.

    • @heathermiller5765
      @heathermiller5765 Год назад +1

      That's on the cashier though, not your MIL lol (at least that's the way I look at it)

  • @rneidermyer5266
    @rneidermyer5266 Год назад +14

    Story 3: There really seems to be something important that did not happen here. The son should have been charged for assault.

  • @Corvus__
    @Corvus__ Год назад +4

    This is a bit of a hot take in my opinion. Unless you're working, if someone's being a rude ass, then by all means call 'em a c*nt!

  • @annickumutesi1337
    @annickumutesi1337 Год назад +8

    Story 1: when CG said you need to serve his customers, Op had to say the store is his customer not CG.

  • @Peter75C
    @Peter75C Год назад +1

    Story 2 is pretty wild. I get the lady was starting to get rude in her interactions, but OP started the name calling. Listening to the story as written, calling her that seemed excessive for the level of interaction they had, to that point.

  • @Apolloscleric
    @Apolloscleric Год назад +4

    In story 1 Chip Guy is just really dumb. In modern retail working the registers requires you to have a login and password to unlock the registers. And frequently there are employees in the store who don't have passcodes to operate registers because they're supposed to be doing something else (stocking, pulling online orders, etc...). Not only that, but most retail places don't even keep actual tills in registers. They have supervisors bring out the tills when they have an employee to work the register. It's just a precautionary thing.
    I know all this because I do actually work a retail job and I don't have access to the registers. We were actually explicitly told by the Management team that they didn't want the stocking team to know how to operate the registers because they needed us to actually stock and they didn't want us getting pulled to the front end. And yes, we do actually deal with people like Chip Guy fairly regularly who want us to stop doing our actual jobs and open registers and then they get mad at us when we explain that we actually can't.

  • @elizabethhanich2713
    @elizabethhanich2713 8 месяцев назад +1

    My grandma might not be a martial arts master, but she grew up on a farm, and spent her high school years bucking hay bales, taking care of the livestock, and all that. She’s in her sixties now, but is still stronger than my 18 year old brother. (Most likely, at least, I’ve never had to see them face off, thank goodness.) 😅

  • @myplaylist7007
    @myplaylist7007 Год назад +2

    * Entitled lady slaps customer *
    Customer: Three
    Entitled lady: 👀
    * Customer slaps entitled lady 15 times *

  • @lockwoan01
    @lockwoan01 Год назад +4

    Homeless Man Becomes Chief Bouncer
    Got a relative - let's call him Patrick, as in Patrick Swayze. Just like the actor, Patrick has had many roles - in this case, a Cooler. Now, Patrick isn't the biggest, or the strongest, but if you're dumb enough to mess with those he cares about, he'll make you wish that you hadn't. If you were someone he cared about, he'd do whatever it took to make things right for you.
    In this case, the person he cared about was a man named Joe. Joe was homeless, trying to find a place to sleep and such. However, he was clean - no drugs, alcohol, never stole, and tried to at least wash off. Every night, he'd sat by a spot, and watch as patrons, and employees left the place, making sure that they stayed safe from those with less scruples. If Joe had any faults, it was that he'd test the back doors of cars - not to steal anything mind you, but because he was looking for a place to sleep - at least with Joe, he didn't leave a mess. Still, that was why folks were told to lock their car doors.
    One day, Patrick caught Joe in the bathroom, washing their face. When asked, Joe's response was simply, "Wrong car." He was the sort of guy that, if he messed up, took whatever one dished out to him - black eyes and such. So, Patrick got the first aid kit, cleaned him up, and then got him a water and a sandwich. The two of them sat down, and had a chat. Joe once ran a business, but, apparently, there was some issues, and his cheating wife took him to the cleaners, leaving him with nothing. After this conversation, Joe walked out of the place, and went to his usual spot.
    Patrick now knowing about Joe's reasons for being homeless, decided to do something to help him. So, he decided to have a chat with the boss, to see about getting Joe a job - sweeping the place up and such. There was even an extra office space that could be cleared to use as a temporary place to crash at until an appartment room could be afforded. So Patrick had a chat with the other employees - waitstaff, bartenders, the other bouncers - and the plan was laid out. Now, this was 2 weeks before Christmas. A few of the ladies invited Joe to go with them, saying that they were going to buy him a meal, some clothes, and get a hair trim. Joe was up for it - nothing unusual.
    A few hours later, the room was ready, and in came a man with a tight trim, and a business suit. Patrick didn't know who he was looking at, until the man spoke.
    "Well Joe," he said. "I need to rethink your job."
    Boss comes out. "What do you mean?"
    Patrick pointed at Joe. "It wouldn't look right for this man to be seen sweeping floors."
    Boss looked at him. "You're right. Got any ideas?"
    "Well, we could use another bouncer," said Patrick. "He's been doing that sort of stuff already."
    When Patrick left that place a few years later, he turned the position over to Joe.

  • @wolphin732
    @wolphin732 2 месяца назад +1

    Story 2... it really sounds like she has other times she had convictions... maybe she was still under a suspended sentence?

  • @kikipocalypse
    @kikipocalypse Год назад +6

    Saying that racism is justified by name calling is truly disturbing. Wow. Fail of a take there 😢

    • @Dragongamz1
      @Dragongamz1 Год назад

      I don't think that was what Fluff was saying.

  • @lauriemapplebeck1286
    @lauriemapplebeck1286 8 месяцев назад

    I worked retail for years and it was no fun. I was so thrilled to get out of that cube store and go do a normal job. God bless you.😊

  • @Nevertoleave
    @Nevertoleave Год назад +4

    When you’re polite to a Karen they think you’ll bend over backwards for them and won’t take no for an answer

  • @suzyboyleanderson6945
    @suzyboyleanderson6945 Год назад +1

    At $G, and this customer is going off on this poor guy and she wants him to cash him out. He looks at her looks at the pepsi cola logos on his shirt and says you keep asking me if I am stupid, I should ask you if you can read it says Pepsi on my shirt, clearly telling you I work for Pepsi and need to finish bringing in their order so I can go to the grocery store and gas stations in town so I can finish my job. She was flustered when the manager told her to leave the employee of Pepsi alone or get kicked out of the store. Some people are just blind and see what they want to see. It's called " Karen tunnel vision!"

  • @anonymouspatriotnetwork2740
    @anonymouspatriotnetwork2740 Год назад +1

    And he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for that meddling OP

  • @sandwichqueen
    @sandwichqueen Год назад +1

    Story 1- I think he was trying to get OP to use the register because he knew OP wouldn't be familiar with it. Or maybe he thought OP would try to rush and get back to what they are doing. Or he knew that the other person was good at their job
    Story 2- I wonder if she thought because OP was mexican that the police would believe her over OP. Or that OP would bend to her every demand to not be deported. That Karen was also probably lying and I don't blame OP for telling her off. Karen definitely thought she was better.
    Story 3- I'm surprised Grams got in trouble considering it was to protect someone. She didn't commit a crime.

  • @daultonwurst77
    @daultonwurst77 Год назад +3

    I would like to hear a story about a male Karen assaulting a member of the hell's angels motorcycle club and get his but handed to him.

  • @RoburDrake
    @RoburDrake 8 месяцев назад +1

    Story 2: It wasn't out of nowhere. He said that her using racist slurs made his blood boil. I'm also half Hispanic, but I was fortunate enough not to live in Texas. I can only imagine the slurs Hispanics in Texas have to endure again and again.

  • @douglasg.9271
    @douglasg.9271 Год назад +2

    Just because you call someone a name doesn’t mean they get to hit you.

  • @bunnysash3298
    @bunnysash3298 Год назад

    Story 3 made me real sad. While I didn't have a strong buff Grands such as her, I have made a few elderly/older friends over the years.
    Recently lost one of my buddies Marvin last week.
    He and a few bar buddies saved me when I was being harassed outside our local bar. No physical altercation happened but I was always grateful because he was the one who saw me in trouble and got the guys from the bar.
    RIP Marvin. I'm sure your wife is happy to be with you again. 😥

  • @michaelwisor388
    @michaelwisor388 Год назад

    It's worth noting that even regular employees working directly for the store shouldn't be treated the way the people not working there are treated.

  • @sinan2.71
    @sinan2.71 Год назад

    I have never honestly in my life ever seen someone snap their fingers to get the attention of another person.

  • @richewilson6394
    @richewilson6394 Год назад +7

    I have a feeling that the Karen would've slapped Op even if he didn't call her names because of the fact that if she's willing to slap she would slap him for any probably little thing. just be insulted by the fact that she was not bowing down and kissing her feet.

  • @cassandrahoward4532
    @cassandrahoward4532 Год назад +1

    I love how people who have probably never worked retail or even at a grocery store, don't understand the fact that employees who actually work at the store are given a code to log onto the register with. Not just anyone can hop on to the register without a code.🤦‍♀️

    • @balanc-joy9187
      @balanc-joy9187 Год назад

      How do they think people can't just steal money from the register I wonder?

    • @nannettepolcastro4799
      @nannettepolcastro4799 17 дней назад

      If the register isn't open there's probably no cash drawer inside.

  • @flashstudiosguy
    @flashstudiosguy Год назад +1

    Chip Guy:"ARE YOU DUMB?!"
    Me:"No, but you clearly are, seeing as you just asked me three times to open a register, despite the fact I told you, twice, that I work for Soda Company and don't have access to the system any more than you do.."

  • @aces2342
    @aces2342 Год назад +1

    Why don't these people just walk away? Why sit there and participate in an explanation and conversation with these crazy people, just leave!

  • @trashcatlinol
    @trashcatlinol 7 месяцев назад +1

    Story 2. I'm offended he immediately went to calling her the c word.
    She doesn't have nearly the warmth or depth.