Thank you bexiexz. I appreciate your praise very much, but why do you think this piece is _stunning wow_ ? Is it the music? The poem? Both? Yours, Markus
Thank you Tomas. I hope your two houses chaos has calmed down a little meanwhile. I do wish you and your wife do enjoy living in the new house despite all chaos. Yours, Markus
I remember Longing #4 with your speech in both English and German. It was a spectacular album and a very important one for me. This track doesn’t have the power of nostalgia but it’s still very good. Nice Markus signature sound and sweet trippy vibe even if it wasn’t maybe the goal. Nice work!
Thanks Fred, I appreciate your compliments very much. I like this track musically and poetically _waaay_ better than my old stuff about 10 years ago. Also the voice is _waay_ nicer than mine, even if the voice is not human by origin but AI-generated. I would have loved to have met a woman with such a beautiful voice. Working with her on this recording would have been 1000 times more interesting and creative than using a boring AI. But well, that's my personal preference and I'm very happy to read that "Longing #4" has left such a lasting impression on you. Yours, Markus
Dear Fred, a few weeks later I listen to this piece of music again and am amazed at how much love and despair is expressed here in word and sound. However, I feel disappointed at how little this empathetic and tender music piece has been received in the last few weeks of my absence. Well, in this virtual world, we are all restless and driven. We always have to keep going, always in fear of having missed another party in the meantime. Yours, Markus
yeah the algorithm is a killing machine. Though, each time I’m listening to your CD’s you don’t receive any notification nor recognition either :-) This track is indeed very good and it’s a pleasure to listen to it once again.
Chère Tara, je te prie de m'excuser de ne prendre contact avec toi que maintenant. Ces dernières semaines, je me suis tenue à l'écart du monde virtuel et j'ai tenté ma chance dans le monde réel. Mais sans succès ! Je retourne dans ce monde pieds nus et les genoux meurtris. Amitiés, Markus
@@MarkusGrandpre Je ne sais pas vraiment qui tu es Markus, et je ne le saurais jamais. Toi seul porte ce fardeau, je ne peux pas comprendre ce qui m'est étrangé. Bonne soirée à toi Markus.
Nice piece of music with a somber mood! It fits the words well, and the whistling lead synth works as an additional “voice”. I like your percussion a lot; it provides energy, but is subdued to avoid overpowering the mood. Nice job, Markus!
Hello Markus. J'aime beaucoup ce morceau, je ne l'ai pas vu, une notification qui n'est malheureusement pas passée. Je vais désormais traduire tes paroles.❤😘
@@MarkusGrandpre Mon cher Markus :))) Ne t'inquiète pas , nous avons tous des épreuves à passer, c'est pourquoi nous sommes sur terre pardi ! 😘 La traduction je l'ai trouvé sur google Markus :)))
@@MarkusGrandpre Autrefois un phare d'attraction, Ce n’est plus qu’une illusion, car la colère réside. Autrefois vénéré parmi ses pairs, Maintenant, c'est un simple désastre, là où elle se cache. Comme un cerf chassé jusqu'à épuisement, Les affections deviennent les plus sombres. Quand elle frissonne seule la nuit, Elle ne laisse aucune trace. Une autre descente, une vérité tragique, Seulement du chagrin et un sort impitoyable. Son cœur, maintenant en deuil silencieux, Il pleure un amour arrivé trop tard. Tous les biens pillés, Les chemins de la cupidité l’égarent. À la dérive dans des chambres vides, Elle se donne au prix le plus bas.
Chère Tara, merci beaucoup pour ta traduction. S'il te plaît, chante la chanson si tu le souhaites. Cela me ferait très plaisir. Mais dans ce cas, tu devrais retravailler le poème pour qu'il te convienne. Google ne traduit pas toujours avec autant d'amour. Amitiés, ton Markus
The poem “Another Descent” is accompanied perfectly by this ambient electronic music. Music, with its accurate quality and its melancholy atmospheres, amplifies the emotions conveyed by the words. The ambient electronic sounds create a sense of desolation and loss, mirroring the poem's protagonist's fall from a position of light to one of darkness. The impeccable quality of the composition underlines the tragedy of his situation. The title of the poem is perfectly taken up by the music, creating a unified and engaging experience. One has the sensation of descending deeper and deeper into the desperation of the protagonist, without any hope of recovery. Congratulations Markus, you have created a truly touching work of art that excites and leaves its mark. Forgive my very long absence, I have had serious health problems. Luckily I am strong and have overcome this sad moment. I will do my best to return to give you all my support. See you soon my dearest friend. Yours Marcus
My dear friend, please excuse my late reply. The piece of music and the poem are based on an almost true story. Or rather, the piece of music and the poem are based on the thoughts I had about the fate of someone who was once so close to me. In fact, there are many such stories, of abuse and addiction, if you look closely at people, ask questions and think about their story. I often wonder why people who on one hand appear so strong and confident, always fighting for their independence, can become so dependent on alcohol and drugs and their (crazy) life partners that one day they can't keep fighting and just let life pass them by. It's a shame, and I think we can both agree after seeing how precious life is, that many of these people throw their lives away at the lowest price. Dear Marcus, I have read that you are not well and I have also noticed that you have not been very active on YT lately. I really hope the real reason is that you spent celebrating the summer with your wife and have left all the electronic nerd and internet stuff behind for a while. Yours, Markus
@@MarkusGrandpre Dearest Markus, unfortunately I would have liked my absence to be due to a long holiday, but unfortunately it was my health that forced me to take a forced break, as soon as I can I will explain everything to you with an email. See you soon my dear friend. Yours Marcus
@@IntraMoeniaArt Dear Marcus, i am glad to read another comment from you after such a long time. My best wishes to you and to your wife! Yours, Markus P.S. This is the song that impresses me the most at the moment: . I've known the song since i was a teenager, but meanings and interpretations change with age. Furthermore, I imagine that you know The Cure for a long time and like it a lot.
Love the inclusion of vocals again Markus. They work really well with this hypnotic track. I don’t know if you noticed, there are a couple of places the spoken text is different to the text in the description
Dear Colin, thank you for your comment. Yes, there are some differences. The version that appears in the piece of music is an older version of the poem. The version you can read in the description field is (hopefully) the latest version of the poem. I often change my texts and poems until I am almost satisfied with the expression and rhythm. Unfortunately, I can't change the text so easily once it became integrated in a piece of music. In the end, despite the few differences, I opted for the last version of the poem because it is the best. I hope the difference doesn't confuse you too much. If it does, I can change the text in the description field again. Yours, Markus
@@MarkusGrandpre That makes total sense Markus. I didn't know if you had used translation software and it had changed it slightly. It is not too confusing, I was just letting you know there was a difference in case you weren't aware.
Dear Colin, I am a little proud to say that I did not use any translation software for this poem. At least not in the way that I first wrote this poem in German in order to translate it into English. I wrote it in English straight away. Of course I had an AI help me, but only where I felt unsure. And of course I also had another AI translate the first AI's suggestions and results from time to time. But when you work so intensively with an AI, you quickly realize that the AI does not give appropriate answers to every question. Moreover, in poetry, or rather in my kind of poetry, there are rarely appropriate questions and appropriate answers. But in the end, I can say that I only asked the AI for advice and kept asking her whether my formulations do make sense. The creative process as well as the motivation and the result of this poem is my own. Yours, Markus
I love this track, Markus. The lead melody (played by that "whistle") is very beautiful, it keeps you listening. And the monotone voice is very compelling. May I ask what tool you used? I am curious in particular about how you keeo it in sync with the beat.
Dear Jorge, thank you for your compliment. I used the free online tool TTSMaker (see [1]) to generate the voice. I didn't make sure that the voice was in sync with the music. This is pure coincidence. Yours, Markus [1]
Thank you for your compliments, dear Frank. The poem was written by me, the speaker is "1785 - jessica-🇺🇸 united states female voice " by TTSMAKER (see [1]) 😉 Yours, Markus [1]
Hi Markus - decent im Sinn von _Abstieg_ , _Heruntersteigen_ ? (du siehst, ich bin am Lernen: Unterstriche, Sternderl) Für mich hätte das Stück eine richtige Sprecherin verdient ... bezüglich _Ausdruck_ ...
Hallo Hansi, vielen Dank für Deinen kommentar. Mit _descent_ meine ich "Abstieg" oder "fallen" oder "stürzen". Eine richtige Sprecherin wäre toll gewesen, vor allem wenn Englisch Ihre Muttersprache gewesen wäre. Sie hätte das Gedicht bestimmt bereichert, nicht nur die Aussprache, sondern auch den Inhalt. Aber gut, ich als alter Computer-Nerd kenne leider keine Englisch sprechenden Frauen mit toller Stimme, da bleibt mir halt nur die KI 🤖 Liebe Grüße, Markus
@@MarkusGrandpre jetzt sind wir ja noch am Beginn der KI Entwicklung, probier's in 5 Jahren nochmal, dann "versteht" die Stimme vielleicht was sie vorliest. (Für mich ist KI eine Intelligenz Simulation, also wohl nie das richtige Ding, bissel so wie die digitale Simulation von analogen Schaltkreisen, das Ohr läßt sich täuschen ... [andererseits kann digitale Klangerzeugen ganz tolle Sachen jenseits von "analog", so vielleicht auch irgendwann mal die KI])
Lieber Hansi, ich werde nicht 5 Jahre warten, sondern das Beste aus dem machen, was mir die KI heute bietet, weil ich meine Texte gerne weiter in meine Musik integrieren möchte und weil ich keine Menschen mit toller Stimmer kenne und meine eigene Stimme nicht mag. Dabei bin ich ganz Deiner Meinung, denn auch im musikalischen Bereich ist eine KI immer nur Simulation, Vergleich und Korrelation, von eigenständiger Intelligenz und Kreativität ganz zu schweigen. Ein Freund (Musiklehrer) erzählte mir neulich davon, wie genial eine KI eine *Bach-Fuge* erzeugen konnte und wie _tot_ sich diese Fuge angehört hat. Liebe Grüße, Markus
stunning wow
Thank you bexiexz.
I appreciate your praise very much, but why do you think this piece is _stunning wow_ ? Is it the music? The poem? Both?
Yours, Markus
A true story btw, dear bexiexz 😞
Dast ist G U T ! ! ! Interessant und hypnotisch.
Ich danke Dir, lieber Stefano.
Interesting lyrics and great music Markus! 👍👍👍
Thank you Tomas.
I hope your two houses chaos has calmed down a little meanwhile.
I do wish you and your wife do enjoy living in the new house despite all chaos.
Yours, Markus
Still some chaos but we are making progress!
Awesome creative musical production! Inspired and talented!
Thank you, Olivier
Nice vibe you’ve created! Thanks!!
Your are welcome, dear Chris.
I hope, you like the poem too.
Yours, Markus
I remember Longing #4 with your speech in both English and German. It was a spectacular album and a very important one for me. This track doesn’t have the power of nostalgia but it’s still very good. Nice Markus signature sound and sweet trippy vibe even if it wasn’t maybe the goal. Nice work!
Thanks Fred, I appreciate your compliments very much.
I like this track musically and poetically _waaay_ better than my old stuff about 10 years ago. Also the voice is _waay_ nicer than mine, even if the voice is not human by origin but AI-generated. I would have loved to have met a woman with such a beautiful voice. Working with her on this recording would have been 1000 times more interesting and creative than using a boring AI.
But well, that's my personal preference and I'm very happy to read that "Longing #4" has left such a lasting impression on you.
Yours, Markus
I am increasingly realising how late I got to the party. 😊
Dear Fred, a few weeks later I listen to this piece of music again and am amazed at how much love and despair is expressed here in word and sound.
However, I feel disappointed at how little this empathetic and tender music piece has been received in the last few weeks of my absence. Well, in this virtual world, we are all restless and driven. We always have to keep going, always in fear of having missed another party in the meantime.
Yours, Markus
yeah the algorithm is a killing machine. Though, each time I’m listening to your CD’s you don’t receive any notification nor recognition either :-)
This track is indeed very good and it’s a pleasure to listen to it once again.
Thank you Fred!
Houlà ! C'est hyper sombre !!!! Je comprends que tu sois si triste.
Chère Tara, je te prie de m'excuser de ne prendre contact avec toi que maintenant. Ces dernières semaines, je me suis tenue à l'écart du monde virtuel et j'ai tenté ma chance dans le monde réel. Mais sans succès ! Je retourne dans ce monde pieds nus et les genoux meurtris.
Amitiés, Markus
@@MarkusGrandpre Je ne sais pas vraiment qui tu es Markus, et je ne le saurais jamais. Toi seul porte ce fardeau, je ne peux pas comprendre ce qui m'est étrangé. Bonne soirée à toi Markus.
Eh bien, c'est toujours comme ça.
Nice piece of music with a somber mood! It fits the words well, and the whistling lead synth works as an additional “voice”. I like your percussion a lot; it provides energy, but is subdued to avoid overpowering the mood. Nice job, Markus!
Thank you, dear Jeremy.
_"(...) with a somber mood!"_ yes, it is a lament about a _(dead?)_ friend.
Hello Markus. J'aime beaucoup ce morceau, je ne l'ai pas vu, une notification qui n'est malheureusement pas passée. Je vais désormais traduire tes paroles.❤😘
Chère Tara, j'aimerais que tu publies ta traduction ici.
Amitiés, Markus
@@MarkusGrandpre Mon cher Markus :))) Ne t'inquiète pas , nous avons tous des épreuves à passer, c'est pourquoi nous sommes sur terre pardi ! 😘 La traduction je l'ai trouvé sur google Markus :)))
@@MarkusGrandpre Autrefois un phare d'attraction,
Ce n’est plus qu’une illusion, car la colère réside.
Autrefois vénéré parmi ses pairs,
Maintenant, c'est un simple désastre, là où elle se cache.
Comme un cerf chassé jusqu'à épuisement,
Les affections deviennent les plus sombres.
Quand elle frissonne seule la nuit,
Elle ne laisse aucune trace.
Une autre descente, une vérité tragique,
Seulement du chagrin et un sort impitoyable.
Son cœur, maintenant en deuil silencieux,
Il pleure un amour arrivé trop tard.
Tous les biens pillés,
Les chemins de la cupidité l’égarent.
À la dérive dans des chambres vides,
Elle se donne au prix le plus bas.
Chère Tara, merci beaucoup pour ta traduction.
S'il te plaît, chante la chanson si tu le souhaites. Cela me ferait très plaisir. Mais dans ce cas, tu devrais retravailler le poème pour qu'il te convienne. Google ne traduit pas toujours avec autant d'amour.
Amitiés, ton Markus
@@MarkusGrandpre Je veux bien, mais encore me faudrait-il une bande son qui correspondent au texte ;))
The poem “Another Descent” is accompanied perfectly by this ambient electronic music. Music, with its accurate quality and its melancholy atmospheres, amplifies the emotions conveyed by the words.
The ambient electronic sounds create a sense of desolation and loss, mirroring the poem's protagonist's fall from a position of light to one of darkness. The impeccable quality of the composition underlines the tragedy of his situation.
The title of the poem is perfectly taken up by the music, creating a unified and engaging experience. One has the sensation of descending deeper and deeper into the desperation of the protagonist, without any hope of recovery.
Congratulations Markus, you have created a truly touching work of art that excites and leaves its mark.
Forgive my very long absence, I have had serious health problems. Luckily I am strong and have overcome this sad moment. I will do my best to return to give you all my support. See you soon my dearest friend. Yours Marcus
My dear friend, please excuse my late reply.
The piece of music and the poem are based on an almost true story. Or rather, the piece of music and the poem are based on the thoughts I had about the fate of someone who was once so close to me. In fact, there are many such stories, of abuse and addiction, if you look closely at people, ask questions and think about their story. I often wonder why people who on one hand appear so strong and confident, always fighting for their independence, can become so dependent on alcohol and drugs and their (crazy) life partners that one day they can't keep fighting and just let life pass them by. It's a shame, and I think we can both agree after seeing how precious life is, that many of these people throw their lives away at the lowest price.
Dear Marcus, I have read that you are not well and I have also noticed that you have not been very active on YT lately. I really hope the real reason is that you spent celebrating the summer with your wife and have left all the electronic nerd and internet stuff behind for a while.
Yours, Markus
@@MarkusGrandpre Dearest Markus, unfortunately I would have liked my absence to be due to a long holiday, but unfortunately it was my health that forced me to take a forced break, as soon as I can I will explain everything to you with an email. See you soon my dear friend. Yours Marcus
@@IntraMoeniaArt Dear Marcus, i am glad to read another comment from you after such a long time. My best wishes to you and to your wife!
Yours, Markus
P.S. This is the song that impresses me the most at the moment: . I've known the song since i was a teenager, but meanings and interpretations change with age. Furthermore, I imagine that you know The Cure for a long time and like it a lot.
@@MarkusGrandpre I love them, it's always a real pleasure to listen to them!!!
Love the inclusion of vocals again Markus. They work really well with this hypnotic track.
I don’t know if you noticed, there are a couple of places the spoken text is different to the text in the description
Dear Colin, thank you for your comment.
Yes, there are some differences. The version that appears in the piece of music is an older version of the poem. The version you can read in the description field is (hopefully) the latest version of the poem. I often change my texts and poems until I am almost satisfied with the expression and rhythm. Unfortunately, I can't change the text so easily once it became integrated in a piece of music.
In the end, despite the few differences, I opted for the last version of the poem because it is the best. I hope the difference doesn't confuse you too much. If it does, I can change the text in the description field again.
Yours, Markus
@@MarkusGrandpre That makes total sense Markus. I didn't know if you had used translation software and it had changed it slightly. It is not too confusing, I was just letting you know there was a difference in case you weren't aware.
Dear Colin, I am a little proud to say that I did not use any translation software for this poem. At least not in the way that I first wrote this poem in German in order to translate it into English. I wrote it in English straight away.
Of course I had an AI help me, but only where I felt unsure. And of course I also had another AI translate the first AI's suggestions and results from time to time. But when you work so intensively with an AI, you quickly realize that the AI does not give appropriate answers to every question. Moreover, in poetry, or rather in my kind of poetry, there are rarely appropriate questions and appropriate answers. But in the end, I can say that I only asked the AI for advice and kept asking her whether my formulations do make sense. The creative process as well as the motivation and the result of this poem is my own.
Yours, Markus
@@MarkusGrandpre that is really cool Markus! You should be proud of that.
I love this track, Markus. The lead melody (played by that "whistle") is very beautiful, it keeps you listening. And the monotone voice is very compelling. May I ask what tool you used? I am curious in particular about how you keeo it in sync with the beat.
Dear Jorge, thank you for your compliment.
I used the free online tool TTSMaker (see [1]) to generate the voice. I didn't make sure that the voice was in sync with the music. This is pure coincidence.
Yours, Markus
Hui, dark and sad lyrics ! But fine song! Are the lyrics by yourself? "Who" is the singer?
Thank you for your compliments, dear Frank.
The poem was written by me, the speaker is "1785 - jessica-🇺🇸 united states female voice " by TTSMAKER (see [1]) 😉
Yours, Markus
Hi Markus - decent im Sinn von _Abstieg_ , _Heruntersteigen_ ? (du siehst, ich bin am Lernen: Unterstriche, Sternderl)
Für mich hätte das Stück eine richtige Sprecherin verdient ... bezüglich _Ausdruck_ ...
Hallo Hansi, vielen Dank für Deinen kommentar.
Mit _descent_ meine ich "Abstieg" oder "fallen" oder "stürzen". Eine richtige Sprecherin wäre toll gewesen, vor allem wenn Englisch Ihre Muttersprache gewesen wäre. Sie hätte das Gedicht bestimmt bereichert, nicht nur die Aussprache, sondern auch den Inhalt. Aber gut, ich als alter Computer-Nerd kenne leider keine Englisch sprechenden Frauen mit toller Stimme, da bleibt mir halt nur die KI 🤖
Liebe Grüße, Markus
@@MarkusGrandpre jetzt sind wir ja noch am Beginn der KI Entwicklung, probier's in 5 Jahren nochmal, dann "versteht" die Stimme vielleicht was sie vorliest. (Für mich ist KI eine Intelligenz Simulation, also wohl nie das richtige Ding, bissel so wie die digitale Simulation von analogen Schaltkreisen, das Ohr läßt sich täuschen ... [andererseits kann digitale Klangerzeugen ganz tolle Sachen jenseits von "analog", so vielleicht auch irgendwann mal die KI])
Lieber Hansi, ich werde nicht 5 Jahre warten, sondern das Beste aus dem machen, was mir die KI heute bietet, weil ich meine Texte gerne weiter in meine Musik integrieren möchte und weil ich keine Menschen mit toller Stimmer kenne und meine eigene Stimme nicht mag.
Dabei bin ich ganz Deiner Meinung, denn auch im musikalischen Bereich ist eine KI immer nur Simulation, Vergleich und Korrelation, von eigenständiger Intelligenz und Kreativität ganz zu schweigen. Ein Freund (Musiklehrer) erzählte mir neulich davon, wie genial eine KI eine *Bach-Fuge* erzeugen konnte und wie _tot_ sich diese Fuge angehört hat.
Liebe Grüße, Markus