I live here in Florida, saw what we call a skunk ape up close. My sister and I both saw it. Coming home from our Grandmother's house one evening taking a shortcut through the woods, trying to beat the dark. This was back in 1977, I was 8 years old at the time. We were riding our bicycles, riding as fast as we could when it stepped out on the trail in front of us. I slid down about 10 feet in front of it. This thing was massive!! I looked at it and it was looking at me. I jumped up and took off running. 45 years later, my sister and I both still tell the same story about what we saw. Whether or not people believe it, I don't care.
Myself being native American from the northwest ,I finally had a close up encounter with 3 sasquatch's . From a late night drive back from Spokane into Idaho at around 3am in the morning . Ones who do not believe they would been scared and crying what I seen I had to stop the car and I was looked at for a long time .before I decide we'll I better go ..never will forget that moment.
That’s a beautiful area up there! Drove through once, the whole time I was looking for Bigfoot through the window! We didn’t have time to stop and get out in the woods. I sure would have!
@@annetteblanco8541 I had a camera in the car must have been in shock plus they were extremely close to my car did not want to take my eyes off of them.
MK Davis did a video where he took the original Patterson gamlin film and took digital images of it frame by frame. He then enhanced the shots until you can see muscle movement in the legs you could see her toes curl, you could see her fingers moving, you could even see her blink. That video alone convince me that these creatures are real.
And special effects people were asked if they could "make" a bigfoot costume similar to the Patterson film, and the professional film people at Disney and they couldn't make it!...from Wyoming USA 🇺🇲🤠
I'm an Australian guy, I had a strange yowie mexican stand off I guess you could call it ,when I was 15 back in 1979, on a dark trail at night at the back of our acreage block, just a quick rundown of the story, I shared a small bedroom with my older brother we fought alot over the small space we shared so I thought if i were to move down to the shed(barn) which was quite hospitable for a barn, I could save a lot of angst between my brother and myself, so one Saturday I moved down to the shed ,first night: nothing happened it wasn't until the fifth night that I heard movement outside , as I knew the bush well I got up without turning on the light went to the door placed my ear to the door and listened I knew I could pick the kind of animal it was, as I listened ,the russeling noise stopped, so I went back to bed not afraid just curious of what it was my first thought it was a possum and maybe it was,a few nights later, as I needed a torch( flashlight) to walk the track to get to the shed , I had remembered that I had left it in the shed the previous night so after dinner I made my way down without it, behind the shed was a white gate that was supposed to be kept shut, as I got closer to the shed door I noticed that the gate appeared to be open so i decided to close it ,as I walked closer to it something very large that was on the track in front of me moved ,so I froze, and so did it, we both stood there for proberly 10 seconds, and I thought it's just my imagination so I moved forward next thing it ran away breaking off large tree limbs like it was really mad about something, I could tell it was very heavy as it crushed the under growth, so not surprisingly as I started my fast retreat back to the shed door I looked once more towards the white gate and it appeared shut once again, so what ever it was was obscuring my sight of the gate, the scary thing is if it hadn't blocked the light reflection from the white gate I would never have even noticed it, the next day I moved back into the bedroom with my brother, I figured it was safer with him than the 8 foot tree trunk that blocked the path that night at least that's what it looked like, I'm guessing it was a Yowie, if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask me,
The Biologist can make a point about newbies city slickers in the woods but not those of us who grew up in the woods and know the sounds of the regular native animals. You're so in tune to the normal sounds you immediately know when something is different. The normal sounds change the air feels different much like the air before a storm. You can feel the difference.
They sound so naive!! It's like really dude....you think those other people you talk about are the naive ones....nope... I just hate when they put on the sceptics it ruins the documentary! We know, you don't have to agree, but you go out and wait until you get an eye opener then you'll go back and wonder if anything you've learned is true lol. 😳😁
I'm a logger an haul logs out of the deep woods day an night an there's all kinds of spooky things in the woods . I've seen footprints tree structures bent trees I've had sticks an rocks thrown at me heard vocals an had one sighting . I'm in northeast texas southeast Oklahoma area along the redriver
@@khworker1322 yeah sure while liberals and Democrats are cool with guys, calling themselves a girl and using womans bathrooms and competing in their sports.......how progressive of you
Some are jus stupid but alot are paid to send you in circles ..we know its real flesh and blood something ..the ones that can think for ourselves that is..
If the American Indians of 200+ years ago saw this creature and were unable to track it, then it is indeed paranormal in nature. They were the best trackers on Earth.
Well, that guy seems like a real open minded man of science and not dismissive of any outside opinions at all. As is often the case in the various fields of science.
Louisiana Swamps is the place to find Bigfoot. I've hunted and fished those lands for 42 years. I'm 51 now and 35 years ago, I walked up on a Sasquatch kneeled down drinking water. In 36 years I've wanted, so badly, to have that experience again but it has never happened.
@Ksan, pearl river, 1973, i don't care to see it again, my grandfather called it a "wildman" he said just leave "them" probably meaning there's more back in there
@@analogsynthplayer Your Grandfather was a very smart man, While I only seen the one I walked up on there is no doubt in my mind there were many more around him. On my (Fast as I could go) way out tree knocking started up and at the time I didnt know what it was but through the years i've come to understand it was tree knocks.
what did it do when it saw you, and did it smell. Also do you have any idea what you think it is. I wonder why it did not evolve more, it is like it evolved into some half human half ape..I wonder if they are violent as apes'as can be known to be.We know they are thieves that steal calves etc,but it seems just the liver.
They've had bodies, I believe. But they would have to admit it's been covered up for. 100 years and all the text books are incorrect!!! They finally came out with ufo are real and they don't know what they are......really....we don't believe a word you say, you already ruined our trust a long time ago!!!
@@shelbell1279 Apparently according to legend they bury each other in glaciers so they can't be found. Kind of like there own funeral. What about the newscasters that laugh about UFO"s?
I live in SW Washington. On 17 acres. I believe we've experienced them here. Even had 2 horses and a grey mule with broken necks. 3 different times. They were found on the west side of our hay field. They were only let out there after were done haying for the season. Also all our chickens, ducks and turkeys were taken from a very secure chicken coup. And many other stories since 1970.
@@paololimos5496 unfortunately, my dad was the one to deal with it. I was already in the military. And didn't live there at the time. My dad was a triple war vet, and was a UDT during ww2. He was at pearl when it was hit. He never made up stories. So I trusted his word. I think he understood what these were. He even stopped hunting when I was about 6. I think he saw something at Mt Adam's. He wouldn't talk about it. After loosing all the horses and one grey mule, over 50 chickens, 2 turkeys and several geese and ducks missing from the chicken yard. They gave up having animals. So much history here.
You should change your comment from “I believe we’ve experienced them here”….to… “we 100% for sure have experienced them here”.! Lol….2 horses and a mule….with broken necks?! There’s literally no other scenario that exists that’s gonna leave you two horses and a mule with broken necks…..except for Sasquatch. I don’t really understand the behavior but there is witness testimony from hundreds of different people talking about them killing and maiming their large farm animals for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Not to mention chickens and ducks and other animals periodically disappearing from very secure enclosures. That’s the key thing to understand there is that when you have birds and animals disappearing from secured enclosures without there being any obvious damage done then you have to assume that whatever is breaching these enclosures has hands….so that pretty much narrows down the culprits fast. It’s amazing at this point how people can possibly challenge their existence with so much testimony like yours out there. Thanks for sharing.
@@SasquatchOmega the area where they were all killed, at various years. Is our hay field. The animals were only let in there after our hay season. What's fun,is that's where I heard something yell "Ock Tock", and I felt it.
@@walkerm777 No matter how many times I go into the woods around these things….and no matter how many encounters I have…or how many witnesses tell me an encounter or sighting experience….. I’ll never get used to these things or understand the crazy shit they do. I mean just think of the brute strength it takes to break down a full grown 50 foot forest tree and drag it and set it up leaning against another tree…..or how much strength it would take to physically grab a horses head and break its friggin neck.! That’s insane! If you could somehow fuse together the strength of multiple men and break a horses neck physically….it might take the strength of 12 or 15 strong men to be able to do that. 💪🏼🦶🏿🦶🏿. If you’re still in that area I hope you walk around on that property with some serious fire power. For the most part they don’t seem to harm humans…but I know it does happen….and I know for sure if they came after someone they would be moving cartoon fast and you would have to blast the hell out of them with some serious lead to put them down or to stop an attack. The only 2 guns I know of that would truly make me feel secure is the mini gun from Predator with a full pack or a Ma Douce with a shoulder/body strap and a full belt of ammo. There is some thing else you could use besides a firearm to stop them that not a lot of people know about but I’ll share with you here. Get a really powerful spotlight with a way stronger than average beam….or even better get a powerful laser pointer. Not one of those little ones you can get at the hardware store but something you order online from Amazon with a green or purple beam. If they seem like they’re going to come out of the tree line after you just shine that thing at their face and it’ll stop them dead in their tracks. I always carry one of those.
"There's people all over those woods...... thousands of logging roads". This person has never really been out in woods of the northwest. At least not very far from one of those logging roads or hiking trails . There are hundreds and hundreds of miles out there that have never been visited by man.
I'm not an expert, but I think it's correct to say Bigfoot when referencing multiple. For example, you wouldn't say Bigfoots or Bigfeet. ("There were two Bigfoots" sounds like child-speak to me.)
@@dr.mikejohnson571 You have a point. Might just be idiosyncratic speech. I once read that soldiers in Vietnam referred to Viet Cong enemy - "Charlie" - as "he/him"
@@dr.mikejohnson571 Indeed. Overall - if you ask me (and no one did) - language skills are deteriorating everywhere since the advent of mass media/internet. When I was a kid, I learned spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc., from reading works by professional, published writers. "Published" being the key. Their work was edited by someone who knew about those things. Now anybody can publish anything, misspellings and all. Even no caps or punctuation. (wink wink) FISH!! i was trying to think of a word like "fish". We don't say "fishes", do we? So "bigfoot" should be OK.
The Patterson-Gimlin film has been studied by the Smithsonian Institute and Moscow University, both have verified, by separate means, the footage is genuine. The creature was also undoubtedly female. Bob Hierornymus, who claimed to have acted the 'role' in a gorilla suit, has had his claims discounted on too many issues to be credible.
It hasn’t been verified as genuine by anyone, that’s not possible. At most people have said the gait isn’t like a normal human gait, but even that can be faked, as can body proportions be altered in a suit. The film is unclear but the most likely object in it is obviously a man in a suit. Patterson even drew the “Bigfoot” with pendulous breasts in the film before he made the film! If that doesn’t set off alarm bells for you nothing will.
3D mapping of the area has been done and results were that Patty was 7 foot tall. Gimlim stated that others were near by because they were following different size of foot prints. They knew there was a large male near by by the size of the tracks.
@@mr.joseph7806 That information was all done before 3D mapping was available to the public. Patterson and *Gimlin measured the tracks on site back in 1967 and they also measured other things in the area to go by later.
@@dawood121derful ok…how do you reconcile the biomechanics of the creature? A human wearing a suit can’t move an elbow joint down, or a knee joint up, or a wrist joint lower. Our biology, our structure, is completely different. There is no way that was a suit. You can clearly see muscles moving and even a hernia on the thigh as it walks. It’s 1967….and the man who won an Oscar for his suits on planet of the apes, said it’s nothing he could make. A 7’ man in a suit, and a helmet, and stilts…..can walk a dodgy creek like that without stumbling or looking at all uncomfortable? I don’t think so.
How funny.. Scientist : oh I haven't seen bigfoot once with my own eyes that's means it doesn't exist.. Bigfoot: Have u ever seen ur brain once with ur own eyes... Oh that's means ur brain dosen't exist either 😂😂
They have a bs rep to live up to. Proving bigfoot existence will just fully expose the flaws and inaccuracies of scientists and the majority of the public will not take them seriously or believe in anything they say anymore therefore the existence of bigfoot will always be covered up and kept In secret
@@Fabian6980 yeah absolutely 💯% they are like that rooster who thinks that if he won't scream then sun will not rise up 😂😂😂. They need to be open with possibility of anything. Owl is never considered clever because he's never seen a sun and it goes for these scientists as well 😂😂
The gentleman who says there’s thousands of people living & working in these forested areas discounts the fact that it’s those same loggers & hunters & civilians making these reports! Not to mention Native Americans whose oral traditions are FULL of stories of Bigfoot! I understand the need for skepticism but to act like decent honest ppl with nothing to gain & everything to lose would risk ridicule by making these reports is just offensive to me. They deserve to be believed same as anyone!
I spoke to an elder on the Yakama Reservation just north of Mt Adams in WA State and he said there is a family of bigfoot that move thru the fields in march-june just outside of Ft Simcoe Park. He said he knows a tribal forrest employee that has watched a family of them even watched the small one grow into full grown
@@jcough4126 Prior to the big fires in my area, Bigfoot (groups? Families?) migrated thru the mountains where my daughter lives. Every late summer/fall. They would call to each other from opposite sides of the town, & my daughter heard one running to meet the others…heard it’s feet slapping the road. Every dog in town was either barking or cowering. My daughter said the hair on her neck was standing up. Since the fires, they haven’t been heard. Their habitats are shrinking. I’m curious to know how they will remain hidden when the forests are gone…
3 года назад+1
@@jcough4126 He would certainly have some proof to share by now then? Unless your talking absolute and complete bullshit.
@ i work as a cable tv installer and he was one of my customers. I didnt feel comfortable asking him for proof was just listening to his stories. He said they had been taught since they were young around that time of year to close their curtains because the "hairy man" would peek in at them.
im pretty up to date on this stuff but this is great...i hope theres more info out there from your guests... 5 years of acclamation end hes pro...and dead serious im a fan of this video
@TOP BOX TV I am a viewer that makes it a habit to check out the description drop down box on every RUclips video I watch. So I read your description and lo and behold, I discovered that you also have 2 more channels! I was already subscribed to your I Love Docs channel lol, so I looked at your indie movie channel bcoz im also a huge fan of Indie films and all of those movies mainstream does not offer. They are always much much better than the Cannec Movie Industry 🤣 So I also subscibed to your movie channel. Thank you for sharing great entertainment and documentaries for viewers like me on RUclips 🤗🥰
Out of the thousands of encounters, if one person is telling the truth, it’s real and does exist. And I have a hard time believing all these thousands of people are lying.
@@guineanord but you believed in Santa claus and the tooth fairy. Lol. Or a god that doesn’t exist. Must feel good knowing you have never lied. But most humans do and everyone else does.
It's mass hysteria obviously 😏, i personally enjoyed the stuff Lloyd Pye presented about them. The official information is hard getting out, especially if it's being suppressed.
@pat mckinzie , you're ✅ right ! Many people, almost NEVER reseach or Investigate ! They suffer from "Dunning Kueger effect." It reflects on their knowlege of a lack f of facts!
@pat mckinzie , I've witnessed a lot of things with others. Doubting my own sanity at times! From an angel visit, to a cryptid, people won't believe! Again witnesses saw it too!
It's okay to be a sceptic or even a non-believer but a scoffer isn't interested in the truth. They just want to prove that they are right and are much smarter than those who believe.
Here is a question for you. I have been friends at a church of over 500 hundred people. They all have cell phones. I have been attending there for over 12 years. I have attended many social functions and regular services, yet NOT one of my friends has a single picture of me or a head shot of me on record! Many others have had their pictures taken and they are in albums yearly that the church puts together at the end of the year. However, strangely enough, there are zero pictures of me in ANY of these albums. Which begs the question: Do I exist? Have I really been a member of the church for 12 years? Answer: of course I have--I am not the only person in 500 people who happens to not be in the photo albums either, but it happens. Yeah, I can easily see that YOU can miss a wild animal that wants to be elusive. I think there are fewer then a 10 to 20 in some of these vast forested areas. IF some humans can live to be 120--some parrots live to be 75-100 years old--why not some of these cryptids then live to be 100 or more years old? The longer they live, then, the less of them there probably are, stands to reason. Plus, my brothers and sister and I saw a family of three of them when were were kids over 50 years ago! We played in an area where another one or two lived when we went camping . This went on for about 10 years. So YOU cannot convince me they do not exist. sorry the biologist cannot photograph one, but that does not mean they do not exist. Sorry for you.
It would be great if you had the Sasquatch episode to view on here for us Canadians :D . This is still a great documentary but I’d love to see the Sasquatch episode :D
I like the way the gov. keeps paying these people to debunk what they don't want us to know.. these skeptics should go out there with some of the gov. money they get and spend two weeks or so and see if there right. they should prove it to them self..and then shut the f up...
Expedition BF. Pretty great show in the sense that they research it objectively n w high tech equipment. Good science from that group to almost definitely support its exist objectively
It is utterly ridiculous to broadly discount clear daylight sightings by well-educated, respectable people who are willing to come forward with their experiences. Expressing outright general denial is taking a wholly unscientific stance. Eyewitness testimony by sane people is perfectly evidential.
True. I've had several encounters. Most of which while I was active duty law enforcement. I am a trained observer, and even tried my best to talk myself out of what I saw. I did make the mistake of shooting at one in the summer of 2000. Fortunately, it did not attack but, it was not afraid. It stalked me all the way back to my vehicle. I feel like I was lucky to have made it out of the woods that night.
The best place to have a real interaction with a sasquatch is here in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Just don't upset them, they get very mean and go into hunting mode immediately. 💪😎⚡
Bullshit. If they went into hunting mood nonchalantly, you'd have hundreds of disappearing people in your woods, annually. Killing us is as easy for them as it would be for us to kill a naked 2 year old on a football field. Which they don't do, or atleast it's atleast as rare as Cougars killing humans
Just remember skeptics talk shit about things when they've NEVER spent a week let alone years outdoors, alone on the woods far from other people. That alone nullifies everything they have to say.
My wife is Chinese, 20 years ago when she was in college,she once said to me, in broken English, Americans must constantly entertain themselves, I just laughed, she said we should all study more. Thanks Bearhunter5
I trust them as much as they trust us , I did run into a cool tribe , So I do have mutual respect , I would never shoot on unless they was attacking me
I live among ogi-cree.. Swampy cree..yes. They do exist.. Never seen one yet.. But... Experienced enough to know they're here.. Ppl that Live in the bush..know things. Tv ppl and experts who visit the bush. Don't know shit. If you see one...they let you . consider it a privilege. They know you better than you know yourself. They are on the bottom of the pole, truth honesty without that you can't hold anything up .
IF your watching this, you must be curious enough to try and learn more, so the most important thing I've learned as fact is that they are a people, not animal. It's been difficult for me to wrap my head around this. I WANT them to be an animal, but it is just not so.
I'm stuck on what they are. Les Stroud said he heard what he could only describe as a great ape when he was alone in Alaska. Other people have said the same thing. Some describe what they seen looked ape like while others said it looked more human then ape. One guy seen a young female that was beautiful, and most say they looked hideous! A guy I know seen a white one many years ago!
Bigfoot is Laughing at Humans! Lol 😂 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦇🦇🦌🦌🦅🦆🦉🦉🦆🦅🦊🦊🐵🐒🐵🐒🐵🐒🐵🐒🐵🐒🙈🙉🙊👽👽👽🤡🤡🐻🐻🐼🐼🐺🐶🐺🐶🐺🐶🐺🐶🐺🐶🐕🐨🐨🐹🐱🐯🐅🐆🐈🐾🐾🐾🐾🐿🐿🐫🐪🐘🐼🐼🦌🦌🦊🦊🦊🦊🦋🦃🦁🦁🐵🐒🦄🐴🐂🐉🐲🐛🐊🐢🦎🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👻👻👻😎😎
Also,if they can film the surface of the moon or Mars with clear results, we should have come across at least one valid picture or film of the legendary beast 🙊🙉🙈
Wow. Some of the people on this show are very un informed . MONSTER QUEST has pretty much resolved all these questions. Sasquatch is real & is very very intelligent. And is much smarter than some goof ball with a camera walking around on his days off from work .
You mean old giraffe neck? He obviously doesn't know about the dozens of other videos, photos etc. He probably thought the PGF was the only film ever taken.
Would b really kool to see a video on the San Luis Valley, Colorado😉😎😁Great video my friend, Stay safe and well out there, Happy Hunting & God bless 🙏❤👊😁
I'm in northern Maine and I have been putting out gifts for the Bigfoot and he or she is coming to the gifts I've seen the tracks and I'm getting better at telling them from animal tracks I am going to catch it on a trailcam soon.
Q: Why can't you find a 8 foot tall 700 pound primate? A: Because it doesn't want to be found, and is likely way smarter than anyone gives it credit for. Maybe it can hear and emit ultra sounds, smell things better than a bear, and can also see light waves that we can't.? Give the guy some credit, if he is real, he is really good at being sneaky.
He exists, he is not seen much because he is powerful and can become invisible (camouflage) if you will. They are also of aliens form, there is a lot of woods in the world. Thanks Bearhunter5
Y don't you tell them about the Indians and the people with the six fingers and toes that's why they would raise their hand to see if they had six fingers or six toes it wasn't to say how it's not the way they said hello there were giants in those days they found some Bigfoot hair my brother and his friend are in the Colorado Rockies deep up in the woods snowboarding on the very first snowboards called winter sticks they come across the noise and what the look found tracks and it crossed the barbed wire fence hair all over it they took the hair back it was taken and tested dnaide it has both y and x chromosome in it so do the fallen Angels. I'm Indian Shoshone the color of my has nothing to do with it. I am America.
Actually the Lakota (Sioux) greeting is Hau, and the raised hands where to signify to weapons in them, a typical greeting would be " Hau Kola, Hihanni wast'e yelo!" Hello friend, it is a good morning! And please dont argue with me about this because I am Oglalla Lakota from The Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Our words for Sasquatch are Siha Tanka, or Wicasa Tanka, Big foot and Big Man respectively.
Darkness Prevails talks about Dogman lots of stories. In today's video or Scarey Stories people UK want cryptid tales and there's a video Bigfoot doesn't like Dogman.
And then next "expert" with his "they would have be very large animals......leave behind a lot of activity.......can't get them on game cameras....etc etc...". Well let's see just how much of those thousands and thousands of square miles have you covered with those game cameras? Pretty small percentage right? If these creatures are as intelligent as they seem, actively avoid a game camera wouldn't be hard. In closing, the mountain gorilla is a large animal and was called a myth up until a hundred years ago.
Just a question..... Do you have any idea what the fossil record for the species Chimpanzee is? None. Zero. So, using their rational, the Chimpanzee does not exist beyond the ones alive today. They must either bury or otherwise dispose of their dead in isolation so they will not be found. Its a big country beyond the beaten trails.
I'm a believer from Eureka, CA. Would ❤ for the skeptical scientists too camp out for a week in Bluff Creek, CA. Let's see how many actually last a couple of nights befor they leave in fear, still skeptics about they're beliefs about Bigfoot. 🤨👣
Being able to find a small animal of few numbers is no logical argument to use to counter the existence of a large one of another species. I say that the fact that no Bigfoot body--live or dead--has been found is a PERFECT argument to use to support the liklihood of it's existence. That smaller animal is of merely sufficient cognizance to eat, sleep, and procreate---all the while being unaware that it is only one of a hundred. However, Bigfoot has significantly higher thought processes going on as is evidenced by his avoidance of members of our "great civilization". Even so, he is proceedingly less-well hidden as we continue our increasing numbers. Thus we have ongoing new reports of sightings with our ever-increasing intrusion into woodland habitats--the Bigfoot sees what we did to the hillsides & the populations of the other (small)animals so they know to fear us. This would indicate "sentience"--Bigfoot AINT STOOPID!!!!
Don’t get me wrong, I believe Bigfoot exists. However I worked in a very famous factory called Malden Mills. In 1967 and 1968 we were making the fur for these kinds of costumes. We also made the material that was the fur for the Wookie in Star Wars. This is definitely a fake.
@@jamesrow9054 sure you can James, please don't make stuff up for attention. Your claims have scientifically been proven false already so please go look for attention in the "I saw Elvis at Burger King" thread.
Just watched the missing 411: the hunted on the tubi app, time-stamp 1:14.56 he shows the sound and tells the story 👀 it seems genuine I've never heard anything like that in my life
IDK why after the one time I seen a sasquatch was in a vivid dream ! . and it sticks with me like I'm supposed to have some kind of mission to find one but then what ? ! ?? I'll have no idea till the day happens I guess ! That was the only time I saw one long before I ever knew of there existence !
@@momomomohf There is no "missing link" lol you still subscribe to the theory of evolution??? 🤦♂️ This thing of a hybrid being. Again, it is of the Nephilim.
I worked for 12 years in lumber companies in the Appalachian region and I never saw anything. You travel a lot in mayonnaise. Must be the side effect of Macdonald's mayonnaise,😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
id be pissed to, i dont fare well in intense heat attitude wise doesn't take much to piss me off when im sweating like i got out of a shower and all i did was take 10 steps. bigfoots case he carrying all that weight plus fur and more then likely on the hunt for food so id imagine they're just hangry all time
I live here in Florida, saw what we call a skunk ape up close. My sister and I both saw it. Coming home from our Grandmother's house one evening taking a shortcut through the woods, trying to beat the dark. This was back in 1977, I was 8 years old at the time. We were riding our bicycles, riding as fast as we could when it stepped out on the trail in front of us. I slid down about 10 feet in front of it. This thing was massive!! I looked at it and it was looking at me. I jumped up and took off running. 45 years later, my sister and I both still tell the same story about what we saw. Whether or not people believe it, I don't care.
Carl, I don't know where in Florida you had your encounter, but we have them here in St. Johns County, Florida as well. I definitely believe you.
I believe you 100%
What was its face like ? Ive heard some testimonies say its very human like
I believe you!
Myself being native American from the northwest ,I finally had a close up encounter with 3 sasquatch's . From a late night drive back from Spokane into Idaho at around 3am in the morning . Ones who do not believe they would been scared and crying what I seen I had to stop the car and I was looked at for a long time .before I decide we'll I better go ..never will forget that moment.
Could you briefly tell the story? What did they look like and what were they doing?
What does your ethnicity have to do with making your story more believable than anybody else's
That’s a beautiful area up there! Drove through once, the whole time I was looking for Bigfoot through the window! We didn’t have time to stop and get out in the woods. I sure would have!
Why didn’t you take pictures?
@@annetteblanco8541 I had a camera in the car must have been in shock plus they were extremely close to my car did not want to take my eyes off of them.
MK Davis did a video where he took the original Patterson gamlin film and took digital images of it frame by frame. He then enhanced the shots until you can see muscle movement in the legs you could see her toes curl, you could see her fingers moving, you could even see her blink. That video alone convince me that these creatures are real.
And special effects people were asked if they could "make" a bigfoot costume similar to the Patterson film, and the professional film people at Disney and they couldn't make it!...from Wyoming USA 🇺🇲🤠
Yeah that was pretty amazing how he stabilized the film.
you got a link to that video ? I would like to see that 🙂
I'm an Australian guy, I had a strange yowie mexican stand off I guess you could call it ,when I was 15 back in 1979, on a dark trail at night at the back of our acreage block, just a quick rundown of the story, I shared a small bedroom with my older brother we fought alot over the small space we shared so I thought if i were to move down to the shed(barn) which was quite hospitable for a barn, I could save a lot of angst between my brother and myself, so one Saturday I moved down to the shed ,first night: nothing happened it wasn't until the fifth night that I heard movement outside , as I knew the bush well I got up without turning on the light went to the door placed my ear to the door and listened I knew I could pick the kind of animal it was, as I listened ,the russeling noise stopped, so I went back to bed not afraid just curious of what it was my first thought it was a possum and maybe it was,a few nights later, as I needed a torch( flashlight) to walk the track to get to the shed , I had remembered that I had left it in the shed the previous night so after dinner I made my way down without it, behind the shed was a white gate that was supposed to be kept shut, as I got closer to the shed door I noticed that the gate appeared to be open so i decided to close it ,as I walked closer to it something very large that was on the track in front of me moved ,so I froze, and so did it, we both stood there for proberly 10 seconds, and I thought it's just my imagination so I moved forward next thing it ran away breaking off large tree limbs like it was really mad about something, I could tell it was very heavy as it crushed the under growth, so not surprisingly as I started my fast retreat back to the shed door I looked once more towards the white gate and it appeared shut once again, so what ever it was was obscuring my sight of the gate, the scary thing is if it hadn't blocked the light reflection from the white gate I would never have even noticed it, the next day I moved back into the bedroom with my brother, I figured it was safer with him than the 8 foot tree trunk that blocked the path that night at least that's what it looked like, I'm guessing it was a Yowie, if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask me,
The Biologist can make a point about newbies city slickers in the woods but not those of us who grew up in the woods and know the sounds of the regular native animals. You're so in tune to the normal sounds you immediately know when something is different. The normal sounds change the air feels different much like the air before a storm. You can feel the difference.
They sound so naive!! It's like really dude....you think those other people you talk about are the naive ones....nope...
I just hate when they put on the sceptics it ruins the documentary!
We know, you don't have to agree, but you go out and wait until you get an eye opener then you'll go back and wonder if anything you've learned is true lol. 😳😁
My mother inlaw looks like bigfoot. Lol.
@Sub if you are against Antifa and BLM i like suboxone lol.
@Sub if you are against Antifa and BLM
You are WRONG, sorry.
I was born in Portland Oregon My respects for bigfoot ✌ he owns the woods no hiking for me
I'm a logger an haul logs out of the deep woods day an night an there's all kinds of spooky things in the woods . I've seen footprints tree structures bent trees I've had sticks an rocks thrown at me heard vocals an had one sighting . I'm in northeast texas southeast Oklahoma area along the redriver
This video is taken from another channel. Regardless, it's a good one. Only complaint I have is the amount of ads is a bit much.
I love how all the skeptics dismiss the hundreds of years of native American's with all across the country say the same story pretty much...
People are stupid. Just look at the Republican base - so brainwashed they will vote against their own interests
@@khworker1322 yeah sure while liberals and Democrats are cool with guys, calling themselves a girl and using womans bathrooms and competing in their sports.......how progressive of you
Even a fucking bigfoot video has a political argument in it.
Some are jus stupid but alot are paid to send you in circles ..we know its real flesh and blood something ..the ones that can think for ourselves that is..
What native americans?
Come To SE Indiana, We Have Bigfoot's Here Also, I Had 2 Encounter's Myself, In 1983 & 2019...
I'm from SE Indiana too. My two sightings were in Kent, Indiana. Both 1983 ish.
Thats interesting; most loggers and woodsmen are the ones sharing their experiences with Sasquatch. Obviously, these people have never been outside.
If I had to live in California, I’d live up north then, where it’s green and lush, and beautiful.
If the American Indians of 200+ years ago saw this creature and were unable to track it, then it is indeed paranormal in nature. They were the best trackers on Earth.
Woo woo
I’ve never thought of that! That’s such a good point
Native Americans have lived on these lands for millenniums and with Saquatch.
Well, that guy seems like a real open minded man of science and not dismissive of any outside opinions at all. As is often the case in the various fields of science.
Louisiana Swamps is the place to find Bigfoot. I've hunted and fished those lands for 42 years. I'm 51 now and 35 years ago, I walked up on a Sasquatch kneeled down drinking water. In 36 years I've wanted, so badly, to have that experience again but it has never happened.
@Ksan, pearl river, 1973, i don't care to see it again, my grandfather called it a "wildman" he said just leave "them" probably meaning there's more back in there
@@analogsynthplayer Your Grandfather was a very smart man, While I only seen the one I walked up on there is no doubt in my mind there were many more around him. On my (Fast as I could go) way out tree knocking started up and at the time I didnt know what it was but through the years i've come to understand it was tree knocks.
what did it do when it saw you, and did it smell. Also do you have any idea what you think it is. I wonder why it did not evolve more, it is like it evolved into some half human half ape..I wonder if they are violent as apes'as can be known to be.We know they are thieves that steal calves etc,but it seems just the liver.
@@bridgetmonica31 Who are you asking?
ksan..sorry I wrote it in wrong place i think
Even a body would be doubted and we all know it would end up like Roswell again.
They've had bodies, I believe. But they would have to admit it's been covered up for. 100 years and all the text books are incorrect!!!
They finally came out with ufo are real and they don't know what they are......really....we don't believe a word you say, you already ruined our trust a long time ago!!!
@@shelbell1279 Apparently according to legend they bury each other in glaciers so they can't be found. Kind of like there own funeral. What about the newscasters that laugh about UFO"s?
I believe someone found a jawbone that cannot be explained by its size,huge.
I feel like every human; all races, all genders, agrees with your comment.
Willow Creek is a well known place for Bigfoot,but not the best place to “find” Bigfoot.....And by the way, you don’t find Bigfoot, Bigfoot finds you.
They are in your own backyard. Please look up the Xanue Forest people if you want to know the truth about Sasquach
I live in SW Washington. On 17 acres. I believe we've experienced them here. Even had 2 horses and a grey mule with broken necks. 3 different times. They were found on the west side of our hay field. They were only let out there after were done haying for the season. Also all our chickens, ducks and turkeys were taken from a very secure chicken coup. And many other stories since 1970.
Sorry to hear about your horses. By any chance where they eaten? Or part of them went missing?
@@paololimos5496 unfortunately, my dad was the one to deal with it. I was already in the military. And didn't live there at the time. My dad was a triple war vet, and was a UDT during ww2. He was at pearl when it was hit. He never made up stories. So I trusted his word. I think he understood what these were. He even stopped hunting when I was about 6. I think he saw something at Mt Adam's. He wouldn't talk about it. After loosing all the horses and one grey mule, over 50 chickens, 2 turkeys and several geese and ducks missing from the chicken yard. They gave up having animals. So much history here.
You should change your comment from “I believe we’ve experienced them here”….to… “we 100% for sure have experienced them here”.! Lol….2 horses and a mule….with broken necks?! There’s literally no other scenario that exists that’s gonna leave you two horses and a mule with broken necks…..except for Sasquatch. I don’t really understand the behavior but there is witness testimony from hundreds of different people talking about them killing and maiming their large farm animals for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Not to mention chickens and ducks and other animals periodically disappearing from very secure enclosures. That’s the key thing to understand there is that when you have birds and animals disappearing from secured enclosures without there being any obvious damage done then you have to assume that whatever is breaching these enclosures has hands….so that pretty much narrows down the culprits fast. It’s amazing at this point how people can possibly challenge their existence with so much testimony like yours out there. Thanks for sharing.
@@SasquatchOmega the area where they were all killed, at various years. Is our hay field. The animals were only let in there after our hay season. What's fun,is that's where I heard something yell "Ock Tock", and I felt it.
@@walkerm777 No matter how many times I go into the woods around these things….and no matter how many encounters I have…or how many witnesses tell me an encounter or sighting experience….. I’ll never get used to these things or understand the crazy shit they do. I mean just think of the brute strength it takes to break down a full grown 50 foot forest tree and drag it and set it up leaning against another tree…..or how much strength it would take to physically grab a horses head and break its friggin neck.! That’s insane! If you could somehow fuse together the strength of multiple men and break a horses neck physically….it might take the strength of 12 or 15 strong men to be able to do that. 💪🏼🦶🏿🦶🏿. If you’re still in that area I hope you walk around on that property with some serious fire power. For the most part they don’t seem to harm humans…but I know it does happen….and I know for sure if they came after someone they would be moving cartoon fast and you would have to blast the hell out of them with some serious lead to put them down or to stop an attack. The only 2 guns I know of that would truly make me feel secure is the mini gun from Predator with a full pack or a Ma Douce with a shoulder/body strap and a full belt of ammo. There is some thing else you could use besides a firearm to stop them that not a lot of people know about but I’ll share with you here. Get a really powerful spotlight with a way stronger than average beam….or even better get a powerful laser pointer. Not one of those little ones you can get at the hardware store but something you order online from Amazon with a green or purple beam. If they seem like they’re going to come out of the tree line after you just shine that thing at their face and it’ll stop them dead in their tracks. I always carry one of those.
Nobody is in a better place than the wildlife biologist to discover bigfoot?? Really? Why would he even look; clearly he already knows everything!
Himalayan Yeti is no myth.
Right? I've heard so many stories, it's difficult to dismiss them!
Capturing a bigfoot on video is no small feat ... ;)
"There's people all over those woods...... thousands of logging roads". This person has never really been out in woods of the northwest. At least not very far from one of those logging roads or hiking trails . There are hundreds and hundreds of miles out there that have never been visited by man.
Who made those HIKING trails? Perhaps Big Foot himselfe.
Take a hike. Then lol
And loggers do claim to see them. That guys an idiot.
@@Styles5311 i saw them. I was high. Lol
@@Styles5311 i saw them in 1976 .i was on lsd. Lol.
Bugs the hell outa me when "Bigfoot" is referenced as if there's just ONE running around all over North America
I'm not an expert, but I think it's correct to say Bigfoot when referencing multiple. For example, you wouldn't say Bigfoots or Bigfeet. ("There were two Bigfoots" sounds like child-speak to me.)
@@tampauser6879 correct. But the references r "I saw HIM...IT" as if there's only one,, vs "I saw one...". Better term is sasquatch/sasquatches
@@dr.mikejohnson571 You have a point. Might just be idiosyncratic speech. I once read that soldiers in Vietnam referred to Viet Cong enemy - "Charlie" - as "he/him"
@@tampauser6879 proper pronouns r important these days 🤣🤣🤣
@@dr.mikejohnson571 Indeed. Overall - if you ask me (and no one did) - language skills are deteriorating everywhere since the advent of mass media/internet. When I was a kid, I learned spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc., from reading works by professional, published writers. "Published" being the key. Their work was edited by someone who knew about those things. Now anybody can publish anything, misspellings and all. Even no caps or punctuation. (wink wink)
FISH!! i was trying to think of a word like "fish". We don't say "fishes", do we? So "bigfoot" should be OK.
The Patterson-Gimlin film has been studied by the Smithsonian Institute and Moscow University, both have verified, by separate means, the footage is genuine. The creature was also undoubtedly female. Bob Hierornymus, who claimed to have acted the 'role' in a gorilla suit, has had his claims discounted on too many issues to be credible.
It hasn’t been verified as genuine by anyone, that’s not possible. At most people have said the gait isn’t like a normal human gait, but even that can be faked, as can body proportions be altered in a suit. The film is unclear but the most likely object in it is obviously a man in a suit. Patterson even drew the “Bigfoot” with pendulous breasts in the film before he made the film! If that doesn’t set off alarm bells for you nothing will.
3D mapping of the area has been done and results were that Patty was 7 foot tall. Gimlim stated that others were near by because they were following different size of foot prints. They knew there was a large male near by by the size of the tracks.
Sorry, too hokie for me.
That information was all done before 3D mapping was available to the public. Patterson and *Gimlin measured the tracks on site back in 1967 and they also measured other things in the area to go by later.
@@dawood121derful ok…how do you reconcile the biomechanics of the creature? A human wearing a suit can’t move an elbow joint down, or a knee joint up, or a wrist joint lower. Our biology, our structure, is completely different. There is no way that was a suit. You can clearly see muscles moving and even a hernia on the thigh as it walks. It’s 1967….and the man who won an Oscar for his suits on planet of the apes, said it’s nothing he could make. A 7’ man in a suit, and a helmet, and stilts…..can walk a dodgy creek like that without stumbling or looking at all uncomfortable? I don’t think so.
How funny..
Scientist : oh I haven't seen bigfoot once with my own eyes that's means it doesn't exist..
Bigfoot: Have u ever seen ur brain once with ur own eyes... Oh that's means ur brain dosen't exist either 😂😂
They certainly can show signs of being brainless.
They have a bs rep to live up to. Proving bigfoot existence will just fully expose the flaws and inaccuracies of scientists and the majority of the public will not take them seriously or believe in anything they say anymore therefore the existence of bigfoot will always be covered up and kept In secret
@@Fabian6980 yeah absolutely 💯% they are like that rooster who thinks that if he won't scream then sun will not rise up 😂😂😂.
They need to be open with possibility of anything. Owl is never considered clever because he's never seen a sun and it goes for these scientists as well 😂😂
You are funny...idiot!
The gentleman who says there’s thousands of people living & working in these forested areas discounts the fact that it’s those same loggers & hunters & civilians making these reports! Not to mention Native Americans whose oral traditions are FULL of stories of Bigfoot! I understand the need for skepticism but to act like decent honest ppl with nothing to gain & everything to lose would risk ridicule by making these reports is just offensive to me. They deserve to be believed same as anyone!
I spoke to an elder on the Yakama Reservation just north of Mt Adams in WA State and he said there is a family of bigfoot that move thru the fields in march-june just outside of Ft Simcoe Park. He said he knows a tribal forrest employee that has watched a family of them even watched the small one grow into full grown
everything the critics in this said was wrong or an outright lie. they should educate themselves a little bit before they open their mouths.
Prior to the big fires in my area, Bigfoot (groups? Families?) migrated thru the mountains where my daughter lives. Every late summer/fall. They would call to each other from opposite sides of the town, & my daughter heard one running to meet the others…heard it’s feet slapping the road. Every dog in town was either barking or cowering. My daughter said the hair on her neck was standing up. Since the fires, they haven’t been heard. Their habitats are shrinking. I’m curious to know how they will remain hidden when the forests are gone…
@@jcough4126 He would certainly have some proof to share by now then? Unless your talking absolute and complete bullshit.
@ i work as a cable tv installer and he was one of my customers. I didnt feel comfortable asking him for proof was just listening to his stories. He said they had been taught since they were young around that time of year to close their curtains because the "hairy man" would peek in at them.
im pretty up to date on this stuff but this is great...i hope theres more info out there from your guests...
5 years of acclamation end hes pro...and dead serious
im a fan of this video
So the biologist mentions Gigantopithecus coming from Africa, but it's Asia... If you quickly want to debunk stuff, at least get your facts straight.
@TOP BOX TV I am a viewer that makes it a habit to check out the description drop down box on every RUclips video I watch.
So I read your description and lo and behold, I discovered that you also have 2 more channels!
I was already subscribed to your I Love Docs channel lol, so I looked at your indie movie channel bcoz im also a huge fan of Indie films and all of those movies mainstream does not offer. They are always much much better than the Cannec Movie Industry 🤣
So I also subscibed to your movie channel.
Thank you for sharing great entertainment and documentaries for viewers like me on RUclips 🤗🥰
Hey, what happened to the sound 37 minutes into it?
I`ve seen them in Walletmart, usually wearing the biggest yoga pants made
I love this 'sitting in sofa' skeptics 😄
Out of the thousands of encounters, if one person is telling the truth, it’s real and does exist. And I have a hard time believing all these thousands of people are lying.
They're all lying, most humans are very dishonest. If Bigfoot was real there would be proof.
@@guineanord but you believed in Santa claus and the tooth fairy. Lol. Or a god that doesn’t exist. Must feel good knowing you have never lied. But most humans do and everyone else does.
@@rtroutbumm I never believed in Satan, the Tooth Fairy, or God, and like I said everyone lies, damn you're stupid...
You’ll say anything to try to win an argument. Worried about internet ego, your winning!!!
It's mass hysteria obviously 😏, i personally enjoyed the stuff Lloyd Pye presented about them. The official information is hard getting out, especially if it's being suppressed.
Camden County Nj too. Seen Them out by the Atco race track.
A lot of people won't check the facts! 100's of years of reports, just dismiss every thing!
@pat mckinzie , you're ✅ right ! Many people, almost NEVER reseach or Investigate ! They suffer from "Dunning Kueger effect." It reflects on their knowlege of a lack f of facts!
@pat mckinzie Wildman & Bigfoot are 2 different things
@pat mckinzie , I've witnessed a lot of things with others. Doubting my own sanity at times! From an angel visit, to a cryptid, people won't believe! Again witnesses saw it too!
What really tics me off is the opinion that none of these so called experts could conceivably be WRONG!!!!
But they are of course.
It's okay to be a sceptic or even a non-believer but a scoffer isn't interested in the truth. They just want to prove that they are right and are much smarter than those who believe.
There a real compelling video on RUclips , a family on Christmas sees it walking behind their property their reactions were genuine
Freaked out the little. dog Right. scared scared. shitless
@@joanmclean3380 that’s why I think it’s real
Do you have a link to video?
@@theeggtimertictic1136 ya let me see if I can find it
@@donnyfoster1859 Thanks 👍
Here is a question for you. I have been friends at a church of over 500 hundred people. They all have cell phones. I have been attending there for over 12 years. I have attended many social functions and regular services, yet NOT one of my friends has a single picture of me or a head shot of me on record! Many others have had their pictures taken and they are in albums yearly that the church puts together at the end of the year. However, strangely enough, there are zero pictures of me in ANY of these albums. Which begs the question: Do I exist? Have I really been a member of the church for 12 years?
Answer: of course I have--I am not the only person in 500 people who happens to not be in the photo albums either, but it happens. Yeah, I can easily see that YOU can miss a wild animal that wants to be elusive.
I think there are fewer then a 10 to 20 in some of these vast forested areas. IF some humans can live to be 120--some parrots live to be 75-100 years old--why not some of these cryptids then live to be 100 or more years old? The longer they live, then, the less of them there probably are, stands to reason.
Plus, my brothers and sister and I saw a family of three of them when were were kids over 50 years ago! We played in an area where another one or two lived when we went camping . This went on for about 10 years. So YOU cannot convince me they do not exist. sorry the biologist cannot photograph one, but that does not mean they do not exist. Sorry for you.
Well said. I get the picture.
I've seen woodboogers in far NE Texas , the one thing I can't get my head around is the little people, leprechauns and such.
Stick Indians
Moon eye people. Lol
I really wanted to watch this but the music is so distracting
Yes, I agree with you.
Monsters and mysteries in Alaska! Excellent testimony of bigfoot.
I loved that special, watched it many times...
fun but quite fake
It would be great if you had the Sasquatch episode to view on here for us Canadians :D . This is still a great documentary but I’d love to see the Sasquatch episode :D
I like the way the gov. keeps paying these people to debunk what they don't want us to know.. these skeptics should go out there with some of the gov. money they get and spend two weeks or so and see if there right. they should prove it to them self..and then shut the f up...
Expedition BF. Pretty great show in the sense that they research it objectively n w high tech equipment. Good science from that group to almost definitely support its exist objectively
Very interesting.....
It is utterly ridiculous to broadly discount clear daylight sightings by well-educated, respectable people who are willing to come forward with their experiences. Expressing outright general denial is taking a wholly unscientific stance. Eyewitness testimony by sane people is perfectly evidential.
True. I've had several encounters. Most of which while I was active duty law enforcement. I am a trained observer, and even tried my best to talk myself out of what I saw. I did make the mistake of shooting at one in the summer of 2000. Fortunately, it did not attack but, it was not afraid. It stalked me all the way back to my vehicle. I feel like I was lucky to have made it out of the woods that night.
Don't be afraid only believe.
The best place to have a real interaction with a sasquatch is here in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Just don't upset them, they get very mean and go into hunting mode immediately. 💪😎⚡
Bullshit. If they went into hunting mood nonchalantly, you'd have hundreds of disappearing people in your woods, annually. Killing us is as easy for them as it would be for us to kill a naked 2 year old on a football field. Which they don't do, or atleast it's atleast as rare as Cougars killing humans
Just remember skeptics talk shit about things when they've NEVER spent a week let alone years outdoors, alone on the woods far from other people. That alone nullifies everything they have to say.
Jerry Crew is Uncle to Jim Crew, my daughter’s father-in-law. These things are real.
It's jim crow.lmao.
if it is so real the show it
Go read the articles doofus. It’s CREW.
The proof is around. I don’t care whether you believe or not. How sad your life must be to troll ppl on RUclips.
@@terrybigler3690 what your mother
My wife is Chinese, 20 years ago when she was in college,she once said to me, in broken English, Americans must constantly entertain themselves, I just laughed, she said we should all study more. Thanks Bearhunter5
They said there is no DNA?!? There is 100's of DNA! All saying the same.thing!
Where exactly ?
Been bodies 2 but they disappear , their is a bigger picture that we dunno know about. That is gonna blow our mind
Rebelray84 is on the right track. Good for you. Thanks Bearhunter5
I've seen them 3 different times they are just as scared of us as we are them.
sure u have
@@baroneb5043 Anyone is a Close Minded DINGBAT who doesnt believe they exist, WAAAAY to much evidence !!!
I wholeheartedly believe you and the FACT that they exist. I would LOVE to see one. At least search for one just to observe !!!
I trust them as much as they trust us , I did run into a cool tribe , So I do have mutual respect , I would never shoot on unless they was attacking me
@Henry Futch that's so awesome!!! My parents heard one in AK years ago.
I’m Dene and Mountain Cree First Nation from Canada. They’re definitely out there.
I heard they're in that place called Alberta
So we have to believe you because you are Indian ?
I live among ogi-cree..
Swampy cree..yes. They do exist.. Never seen one yet..
But... Experienced enough to know they're here.. Ppl that Live in the bush..know things. Tv ppl and experts who visit the bush.
Don't know shit. If you see one...they let you . consider it a privilege. They know you better than you know yourself. They are on the bottom of the pole, truth honesty without that you can't hold anything up .
Drop the music i cant hear the vocals properly
Awesome 👍🏽
IF your watching this, you must be curious enough to try and learn more, so the most important thing I've learned as fact is that they are a people, not animal. It's been difficult for me to wrap my head around this. I WANT them to be an animal, but it is just not so.
Thank you these people on here who say it's a Ape don't have a clue it's a Person which needs to be left alone
I'm stuck on what they are. Les Stroud said he heard what he could only describe as a great ape when he was alone in Alaska. Other people have said the same thing. Some describe what they seen looked ape like while others said it looked more human then ape. One guy seen a young female that was beautiful, and most say they looked hideous! A guy I know seen a white one many years ago!
* you're
Bigfoot is Laughing at Humans! Lol 😂 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦇🦇🦌🦌🦅🦆🦉🦉🦆🦅🦊🦊🐵🐒🐵🐒🐵🐒🐵🐒🐵🐒🙈🙉🙊👽👽👽🤡🤡🐻🐻🐼🐼🐺🐶🐺🐶🐺🐶🐺🐶🐺🐶🐕🐨🐨🐹🐱🐯🐅🐆🐈🐾🐾🐾🐾🐿🐿🐫🐪🐘🐼🐼🦌🦌🦊🦊🦊🦊🦋🦃🦁🦁🐵🐒🦄🐴🐂🐉🐲🐛🐊🐢🦎🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👻👻👻😎😎
If they can find Osama Binladen, They can find Bigfoot
Also,if they can film the surface of the moon or Mars with clear results, we should have come across at least one valid picture or film of the legendary beast 🙊🙉🙈
Wow. Some of the people on this show are very un informed . MONSTER QUEST has pretty much resolved all these questions. Sasquatch is real & is very very intelligent. And is much smarter than some goof ball with a camera walking around on his days off from work .
Most to all legends have truths to them. It's the deciphering of the legends that is lacking.. 😁👍💖
You mean like a person standing there lying?
I find it comical that this guy is saying that there's only been one video/image ever taken. Jeez
You mean old giraffe neck? He obviously doesn't know about the dozens of other videos, photos etc. He probably thought the PGF was the only film ever taken.
There's a scene in the movie Bigfoot: The Conspiracy with the sasquatch crossing the tracks and it's damn near identical to the P-G film.
Because Bigfoot is a hoax and we are witnessing mass psychosis.
Would b really kool to see a video on the San Luis Valley, Colorado😉😎😁Great video my friend, Stay safe and well out there, Happy Hunting & God bless 🙏❤👊😁
I'm in northern Maine and I have been putting out gifts for the Bigfoot and he or she is coming to the gifts I've seen the tracks and I'm getting better at telling them from animal tracks I am going to catch it on a trailcam soon.
People that think they have all the answers
Are people who never heard the questions
I know whats out there and its no hoax
I believe that
So right.👍
Australia we have had many reports of these creatures, here we call them "Yowie". My experience, when in doubt. Run like F@%^.
@@australiafirst520 impossible
You know nothing pal.
All the Camera's in the world an they still can't get a clear picture??
Q: Why can't you find a 8 foot tall 700 pound primate?
A: Because it doesn't want to be found, and is likely way smarter than anyone gives it credit for. Maybe it can hear and emit ultra sounds, smell things better than a bear, and can also see light waves that we can't.? Give the guy some credit, if he is real, he is really good at being sneaky.
OR it doesn't exist all and you're simply jumping to wild conclusions to fit your narrative.
He exists, he is not seen much because he is powerful and can become invisible (camouflage) if you will. They are also of aliens form, there is a lot of woods in the world. Thanks Bearhunter5
I believe there are Big Foots all over the world 🌎
its nice they put a little show between the ads
the guy with fish eyes seems more scary than bigfoot
Loved this!!♥️👣
Since sightings are alleged to happen frequently in that area, why hasn't anyone placed several dozen trail cameras in the woods?
@@TheSouthernLady777 🤣
They have.
Bigfoot, and other cryptids will never be caught on trail cams bcuz they can smell the scent of the plastic and internal electronics.
Nice entertaining documentary..
These skeptics should be dropped off in the forest and have to find their way home
Why because people won't pretend with you?
Yeah you right
"I believe I came from God, and you believe you came from a monkey. And you’ve convinced me you’re right" ~ Dr. Ben Carson
Scientists don't know there assess from a hole in the ground
That gentleman with his son on his leg is so tall! His sangiray just like his dad I think it's awesome
Top box the Patterson film is beleve.
Y don't you tell them about the Indians and the people with the six fingers and toes that's why they would raise their hand to see if they had six fingers or six toes it wasn't to say how it's not the way they said hello there were giants in those days they found some Bigfoot hair my brother and his friend are in the Colorado Rockies deep up in the woods snowboarding on the very first snowboards called winter sticks they come across the noise and what the look found tracks and it crossed the barbed wire fence hair all over it they took the hair back it was taken and tested dnaide it has both y and x chromosome in it so do the fallen Angels. I'm Indian Shoshone the color of my has nothing to do with it. I am America.
Actually the Lakota (Sioux) greeting is Hau, and the raised hands where to signify to weapons in them, a typical greeting would be " Hau Kola, Hihanni wast'e yelo!" Hello friend, it is a good morning! And please dont argue with me about this because I am Oglalla Lakota from The Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Our words for Sasquatch are Siha Tanka, or Wicasa Tanka, Big foot and Big Man respectively.
My ex wife is big foot.
@@lesjones7019 My big wife is an exfoot.
@@turloughdebhal9274 i can tell. Lmao.
@@turloughdebhal9274 i can tell lmao.
How about using a tranquility gun. Just to stun it but not to kill, to study this scary beast/ monster?
Bigfoot in the British Isles is called Woodwose
Darkness Prevails talks about Dogman lots of stories. In today's video or Scarey Stories people UK want cryptid tales and there's a video Bigfoot doesn't like Dogman.
Wood hoes?
Are there now commercials on EVERY video on RUclips?
Install an ad blocker.
And then next "expert" with his "they would have be very large animals......leave behind a lot of activity.......can't get them on game cameras....etc etc...". Well let's see just how much of those thousands and thousands of square miles have you covered with those game cameras? Pretty small percentage right? If these creatures are as intelligent as they seem, actively avoid a game camera wouldn't be hard. In closing, the mountain gorilla is a large animal and was called a myth up until a hundred years ago.
Animals often go up to the camera to smell it and examine it - they know when there is a camera.
I recall seeing a Bigfoot documentary that included this gentleman. But his career was a Dr. Of Chiropractics and not a physiologist!!
If that’s true then this must be a paid actor
Perhaps they bury their dead. Seems like they move in pairs so makes sense that u don’t see a loner who got struck along the highway 🤷♂️
Legend says they bury there dead in glaciers. No one can find them. Like there own funeral.
Just a question..... Do you have any idea what the fossil record for the species Chimpanzee is? None. Zero. So, using their rational, the Chimpanzee does not exist beyond the ones alive today. They must either bury or otherwise dispose of their dead in isolation so they will not be found. Its a big country beyond the beaten trails.
@5:21 *Matt Moneymaker on crack*
I believe the psycologist too.Bigfoot exists!
I'm a believer from Eureka, CA.
Would ❤ for the skeptical scientists too camp out for a week in Bluff Creek, CA.
Let's see how many actually last a couple of nights befor they leave in fear, still skeptics about they're beliefs about Bigfoot. 🤨👣
Being able to find a small animal of few numbers is no logical argument to use to counter the existence of a large one of another species.
I say that the fact that no Bigfoot body--live or dead--has been found is a PERFECT argument to use to support the liklihood of it's existence.
That smaller animal is of merely sufficient cognizance to eat, sleep, and procreate---all the while being unaware that it is only one of a hundred. However, Bigfoot has significantly higher thought processes going on as is evidenced by his avoidance of members of our "great civilization". Even so, he is proceedingly less-well hidden as we continue our increasing numbers.
Thus we have ongoing new reports of sightings with our ever-increasing intrusion into woodland habitats--the Bigfoot sees what we did to the hillsides & the populations of the other (small)animals so they know to fear us. This would indicate "sentience"--Bigfoot AINT STOOPID!!!!
Don’t get me wrong, I believe Bigfoot exists. However I worked in a very famous factory called Malden Mills. In 1967 and 1968 we were making the fur for these kinds of costumes. We also made the material that was the fur for the Wookie in Star Wars. This is definitely a fake.
People you want real proof, you want to hear sasquatch communicate with each other research Ron Morehead Sierra Sounds!!
I can make the same sounds with my own voice.
There human sounds
@@jamesrow9054 sure you can James, please don't make stuff up for attention. Your claims have scientifically been proven false already so please go look for attention in the "I saw Elvis at Burger King" thread.
@@jamesrow9054 it's the real deal
@@misguidedangel6550 What do you expect from someone who doesn't know the difference between 'there' and 'they're'?
Just watched the missing 411: the hunted on the tubi app, time-stamp 1:14.56 he shows the sound and tells the story 👀 it seems genuine I've never heard anything like that in my life
IDK why after the one time I seen a sasquatch was in a vivid dream ! . and it sticks with me like I'm supposed to have some kind of mission to find one but then what ? ! ?? I'll have no idea till the day happens I guess ! That was the only time I saw one long before I ever knew of there existence !
So what about Ron Morhead and their recording which has been analyzed and it is real. Hard to find something smart that does not want to be found
bigfoot's existence is easier to believe than Benson's fake tan.
Sasquatch isn't a ape , it's human w/ a small % unknown DNA.
@@laurencefenderson6702 The missing link
@@momomomohf There is no "missing link" lol you still subscribe to the theory of evolution??? 🤦♂️ This thing of a hybrid being. Again, it is of the Nephilim.
@@laurencefenderson6702 its true men of old
Umm…we are apes. We are great apes. We share 98% DNA with chimpanzees. So….it is an ape.
I worked for 12 years in lumber companies in the Appalachian region and I never saw anything. You travel a lot in mayonnaise. Must be the side effect of Macdonald's mayonnaise,😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Unfortunately the ones in our area NE Texas are mean and aggressive must be heat and bugs.
id be pissed to, i dont fare well in intense heat attitude wise doesn't take much to piss me off when im sweating like i got out of a shower and all i did was take 10 steps. bigfoots case he carrying all that weight plus fur and more then likely on the hunt for food so id imagine they're just hangry all time