Those tomatoes look fantastic. Let me just say that I wouldn't consider them root bound. Perfect time for potting up. Root bound would be when you can barely see the soil and the roots circle the bottom of the container several times. Don't worry so much. You're doing a great job.
Grat job! Tomatoes are pretty resiliant. In fact, that little tomatoe top that broke, could be planted in a cup and it will develop root. So the next time a plant breaks or if you need more tomatoe plants during the season, you can just cut a sucker and plant it, it will grow!
That's not that rootbound! Good time to pot them up though, I'd put a fan on them to thicken those stalks up! Also seeing roots come out of the bottom isn't bad at all, that means they're reaching down (esp. if you bottom water) and that's a great sign
Now that you know how long it took your plants to get this big, start your seeds 2 weeks later next year and go straight to the garden when they are ready. You have done a great job!!
In the future if u were to up pot sooner you can put in solo cups and don't feel the cup up all the way just add soil as it gets taller and less up potting. Mine had more roots then that no worries mine need be planted thought but the weather dipping again they will hopefully be ok until then
I honour old school advice. But in my experience, a drier pot of tomato seedlings split far more successfully than tomato seedlings weighed down with water logged roots. Especially after watering in dry roots after transplanting. Absolutely no idea why this is the case. I might research how dry root strawberries, fruit bushes, fruit trees and 3 trillion bare rooted trees are being advocated as the way forward to save our planet. Perhaps I’ll find an answer without going on a march and wearing a mask. I just don’t know what’s true or what’s worth challenging. Do you? 😩
Wanted to add, Tom (Hubby), took some old paneling and cheap shelving material, and made me trays. The thin black seedling trays fit right in and keep the solo cups from tipping. Also have folks you know save their cupholder trays from take out places.
They look great. I started 24 tomato plants a couple weeks ago for my garden. I want to have 20 plans when I am done. That will be 16 more than I planned last year. Happy gardening.
If your days are above 50, you can start moving them outside for a while each day (careful not to over do it) at first. This will save room in the house while hardening them off at the same time. I am in WI, and have been putting mine out daily when the temperature allows.
Don't feel too bad - you're not the only one to drop your tomatoes! I had a tray that flipped over! I got all but 1 back in their pots...and they survived!!! 😍
Dear Rachel, Be assured your tomatoes will come back quickly, in spite of being transplanted and the jolt of being dropped. Your growing conditions are good. In another day or two they’ll be reaching to the heavens. I think you said you will be hardening them off in your greenhouse before transplanting into the garden. Looks like a good plan. Sincerely, Larry Clarence Lewis, Canada.
Well done Rachel 👏🏻 you did so good for your first time growing tomatoes and chillies from seed, you’re going to be so proud of yourself come harvest time 💜 As you gain more experience starting from seed you’ll see how forgiving plants are and you’ll do less work to get the same results. I’ve been growing our vegetables from seed for forever. And I’ve got it down to pricking out and planting them in their seedling trays as cotyledons and letting them grow a bit and then planting them straight into the garden (you’ll learn when the sowing timing is right for you to avoid having to pot them up). I don’t fertilise, or add anything to my babies. They are sown into a ‘Vegetable potting mix’ (NOT a seed sowing mix) and transplanted into the same mix. This potting mix has more than enough nutrients for them until it’s time to plant them out. My tomatoes and chillies are around 6-8 inches in height when they go in the ground. But buried up as far as I can. I get frost for 7 months of the year and have plenty of time for an abundance of fruit 🌱💚🌱
They look amazing even though they may be a tiny bit root bound but not as much as you are thinking. I'm sure your magic touch will perk them back up because they know you adore and care for them Rachel. Remember stay positive and all will be well. They will be ready for the garden soon enough. Great job....
Rachel my dear you are not the only one. First year seed starter myself. I have a big 4 shelf shelf unit packed with seed trays with solo cup up planted plants. After I dropped a whole tray of peppers, twice! In my living room I picked up the four that really were sad, marched them to the new raised bed. I planted them, watered, mulched and slapped a bottomless milk jug on them. They've doubled in size. I'm west of you, south of Grand Rapids. We cut up and old solar cover for our pool in sizes that will cover veggies in the garden. Then we pop a blanket over that, I guess we'll need to Monday night. Snow and rain and cold. Enough already! Hopefully the fruit crops will be okay. Good job on your plants, they look great?
Bummer on dropping the tray, but well done on this seed starting season! This is exactly why I switched from the SOLO cups to the square pots. I don't up-pot anymore, either. I plant everything in the large pot and let them grow until they're ready for their forever home. Too much work and I end up with space management issues lol. I had pretty good germination rates and had about fifteen extra tomatoes this year. If you want to salvage the little broken ones, you still can. They root up pretty well with a little TLC in a pot of sterile mix, but I am quickly learning the value of my time. I work remotely, but all of the gardening tasks are starting to add up lol
I start mine in the flats. Then transplant into 16 oz styrofoam cups. They stay in these cups until I plant them. I have to build an electric net fence around my garden to keep the rabbits out.
I have bought plants from big box with the roots all wrapped tightly, but haven't had problems. I like to give them water before I transplant them though becuz sometimes they just dry up. Great patience with soo many plants to do!
I take a cardboard box and cut the sides down just far enough so the pots stay secure. I don't have trays. The cardboard does get damp but holds together long enough to do the job.
I’m making paper pots to pot up mine while watching! I won’t tell you how tall mine are...😳😳😆😆. They’ll be fine. I just pot them up deeply and they always do well.
I buy my tomato starts and I just rip off the bottom third of the rootball and the lower leaves before planting deeply directly in the beds. Haven't lost one yet! Yours look great, I think you'll be fine!
Hi. Rachel. Everybody say, you are doing great on your replanting of those tomatoes. Please stop worrying about your tomatoes. They look good to me. I am so sorry you dropped the plants. If it is bent then put a little stick to hold it in place. It will keep growing. But make sure you plant it in the ground when the weather becomes good for planting. God Bless you Rachel, and Todd. Be safe, and have fun. Maria. ❤❤❤❤💕💕💕💕🍓🍓🍅🍅🥦🥦🥬🥬💖💖💖💖💖💖❤❤❤❤❤❤❤👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
They will perk up- mine almost always look a bit sad after I have potted them up. I have found that if they are well watered before I pot them up it helps. That should be fun discovering which plants are which as they start producing their fruit.
You grew some beautiful tomato plants. I’ve got my favorite Cherokee purple tomatoes & a Big Boy ready to plant in the garden. I had 33 last year & will have more this time. My okra, yellow squash, zucchini, peppers, & cucumber plants I started from seeds are ready for planting. We’re already eating the green onions we planted. I have a row of peas, lettuce, & radishes doing nicely in my garden. We’ve had several days in the 80’s in middle Tennessee.
I had the same problem with the trays full of solo cups being super wobbly. 😟 Especially when well watered. I need to carry them up and down a flight of stairs each day, now that I am hardening them off so I doubled up each 1020 tray. It's made them a lot more stable and easier to carry!
Ugh That happened to me last year. Had a whole tray break in half and dropped all the beautiful tomato plants! This year I investrd in better trays from bootstrap farmer. So far I love them!
My tomatoe plants are droopy from being so big in the house still and I just used some wooden skewers to help them stand up ... your seedlings are beautiful ... I'm going to have to get me some of that magic dust (thanks for the link) ... remember to stay safe and stay blessed
I have been starting seeds for about 8 years. Have had a good amount of success. When my new seeds get about 2-3 inches tall I transplant or repot them into 4” peat pots and put them under the grow lights with heat mats on, till ready to plant in garden. Also every year when I start my seeds I keep a journal or log on what I started , what kind and how many. Then as the seed starting goes along a keep a journal of the weather outside , how the plants are doing, when I transplanted and what kind of soil and fertilizer I used. That way I know what worked and what didn’t work so now I know where to improve my seed growing. Hope this helps. Need more info I can help with that. Thanks and keep up the great work . Be safe and great gardening
I purchased a pack of 4x6 seedling bags from Amazon. Very inexpensive, and biodegradable. I up potted deep in the bags, and rolled the top down. As I've added soil they are getting deeper. I can see the roots along the side of the bags.
Wow what a success Rachel- No they are not root bound - It takes a lot of time to pot up & learn when it is time, I am currently potting up & some look a bit sad but they will survive. Cheers Denise
I'm doing that today. I am in the boat too. I'm getting some bamboo sticks to help give my plants support. They are trying to rest and tangle on each other. I am giving them tlc and telling to not tangle on each now and to get along 🤣🙏
In Southwest Michigan we are supposed to be getting a few inches of snow on Tuesday. So you may want to protect your plants in the garden. Temps will be in the 20s Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Your doing great with the plants, your like a pro at it. God is good!
Rachael, I’m a first time seed-starter this year, too, and just up-potted my seedlings four days ago. I got really concerned after I was done because they got a little shocky! Like you, I did it outdoors, under shade, but wondered if that had something to do with it because it was cool, temp-wise. But within a couple of days, they were looking happy and healthy again! My Brad’s Atomic Grape seedlings fared the worst for some odd reason, and they’re still a bit peaked, but I think they’ll be ok 🤗
I have one of those tents and plan on putting my potted tomatoes in there this coming week. Right now we're stepping over and scooting around twice potted up plants in the house.
I use the plastic containers that salad greens come in from Costco. They hold 13 little Dixie cups, which is the first planting. The lids make a mini-green house. The upgrade is solo cups, which also go into the plastic containers so I can easily water them under the faucet and set them on the porch to harden off.
They look fantastic! Good job! A little bit wimpy in the stem department but they should start to strengthen up as you bring them out to start gardening them off this month. If it’s over 45 degrees I bring mine out so they can get some wind on them. But really I don’t stress too much with tomatoes because even when I plant them out in the garden I bury the stem a lot.
You can bury the bent part (even broken - if not too high) and the plant will recover - just takes longer to recover. I have done the same thing with solo cups and regretted carrying them that way! You are doing great!
You’ll be surprised how quick they will bounce back. They don’t like their roots messed with so they freak out. I never touch the roots (even if roots are a mess). I just put them in the hole “as is” and have zero transplant shock. I also just use a water fertilizer until I put in my garden.
Very interested in finding how you do with your celery I have gotten a couple plants a couple years never did very well but I never had access to the internet like now knowing how to take care of things and that kind of stuff. Will be watching hope you show it every so often. Thanks for all you do
I'm curious too. I bought celery seed Utah to try but im planting in kratky hydroponics set up. I figure I have over 12 empty kitty litter buckets(I forgot the number but food safe) im putting them to work. I've never had luck with celery but the first few in the nutrients are thriving compared to the ones left waiting their turn into buckets(still too cold to do too many) I'm hoping they do better for me than growing in soil.
I bought celery plants last year. And I just cut them off. And they are starting to put up new growth this spring. So more bang for my buck. People said you could regrow celery bunches when you buy them at the store by cutting the celery stalks off. So I thought why couldn't I do it with those that wintered over. And it's working.
I have always lost track of what tomato was what, so this year I made a popsicle stick label for each seedling when I did the first transplant. They are looking a bit rough, and I’ll need something more permanent or solar resistant when they go outside in a couple weeks, but it is the first time I’ve successfully kept them labeled.
Edible Acres suggests using old mini-blinds. Cut them to size and use a permanent marker. It seems genius! I'm sure the thrift store will have old blinds, but I haven't looked yet.
I think they look great! Not root bound in my mind. I always think when I plan them I plant really deep so they get more roots. They will do great. Once as you get the seed starting bug you can’t go back.
Next time you repot water them the day before. They come out of the pots better and don't start wilting as fast. Have you a bottle of water to wet the soil after you pot of about 10 it help them from getting stressed out by the sun. I do mine in the shade. They look beautiful and I would not say they were root bound. Your root system is perfect.
I tried watering a couple hours b4 transplanting, but have found if I water the day before, they come apart much easier and also I still "kill" the soil I use. Hoping for a successful garden for you!!
Your tomatoes aren't root bound, they look good, just the way they should look. They will be fine, but they will be huge by the time they are ready for the garden - or the weather straightens up enough for us to put tender annuals in ground. We're supposed to get snow here this week in 6ab central MI - ugh!!! You have a nice selection of varieties. I'm doing some Amish Paste and Cherokee Purple for the first time this year because of so many good reviews about them. Looking forward to it!! I ended up getting some of the MycoBliss because your's did so well with it, exciting :) Best to you!
Tomatoes look AH-MAZING sis! Glad you put the link to magic dust! Gonna get some! I have neglected, leggy tomatoes I’m gonna try to save! ❤️ Kristy in Missouri 😃🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
They will be fine, how do I know? I did the same thing and dropped my potted up tomatoes right in the floor. They are currently thriving and growing out in my garden. 😀
Maybe keep a spoon in your Micorrhizal Fungi packet so you don’t have to worry about having a bowl for it all the time & it’s easier to use. I thought the roots looked fine on those tomatoes btw
So beautiful! I always start mine late as little plants seem to do better for me but ive done big plants too. Like those little sad 4 packs of some unknown tomato root bound and yellowing lol 😆 I do have a problem lol. Mine are about 2 weeks and just popping up the 3/4 leaves But just in time as my broccoli/cabbage/kale/onions/chives and potatoes are out from the lights and in garden undercover in protection until I get my hoop houses up(I forgot I needed some 2 by 4s lol of course) I am going to start using floating row cover and garden fine mesh for my crops for sure. No more green loopers eating my cole crops
Oh mice will go in and chew off your seedlings. I want to make a growing area in my basement so less dirt up in my dining room (garden comes first lol) but I do worry as there is a flipping chipmunk in our basement this year. We know he goes in and out. If I can figure out how to keep him out I'm going to put my hydroponics down there.
The roots are not that bad. I'm playing the guessing game as well. I didn't do so well labeling my plant starts, I kinda have an idea but the tomatoes are definitely "no clue what they are!"
We have freezing temps coming next 7-9 days.. I'm planting a full month later than ever. I can remember planting onions, potatoes end of February..when I was growing up..not anymore. Your tomatoes look great!!
i suggest using leaf mold at the bottom that helps with drainage....u can also start the plants in the bigger caps so u have to transplant them in the same cup when u re plant them deep....and then to the area u are growing them...
I did the same thing this year. Totally got my tomatoes mixed up. I was transplanting them as they got bigger and thought I'd remember what was what. The problem is that I was planting the suckers in the blank spots. They are all red slicers, so...
Don't worry about the root bound thing, won't hurt em. I have grown my own starts from seed for 15 years, they get ahead of me often and the roots look like that but, they will perk up and be fine in a couple of days. If they were peppers, I would worry but no worries for tomatoes. FYI bottom water them from now on.
Also jad move my tomatoes in solo cups today they spray the field beside me didnt take no chances so they tend want to tumble I double up on the bottom tray especially when they get the beautiful size urs has. Might help from it falling and I too have had this happen ans some how I manage to balcve the tray on my leg and one two completely came out but feel ur frustration on a pos thought they are doing just fine bounced back like they never been tossed.
I wish I could find some celery starts! My dill, & thyme is 3-4” tall. My rosemary, cilantro, & parsley survived the winter & I’ve been cooking with them. The basil didn’t make it, but I bought one to plant in my flower bed. Happy gardening! 👩🌾
Rachel! They're not that root-bound! The tomatoes I used to buy were ROOT-BOUND! So happy I started my own this year 😊. You HAVE got to quit beating yourself up💕
Those tomatoes look fantastic. Let me just say that I wouldn't consider them root bound. Perfect time for potting up.
Root bound would be when you can barely see the soil and the roots circle the bottom of the container several times.
Don't worry so much. You're doing a great job.
Grat job! Tomatoes are pretty resiliant. In fact, that little tomatoe top that broke, could be planted in a cup and it will develop root. So the next time a plant breaks or if you need more tomatoe plants during the season, you can just cut a sucker and plant it, it will grow!
That's not that rootbound! Good time to pot them up though, I'd put a fan on them to thicken those stalks up! Also seeing roots come out of the bottom isn't bad at all, that means they're reaching down (esp. if you bottom water) and that's a great sign
Now that you know how long it took your plants to get this big, start your seeds 2 weeks later next year and go straight to the garden when they are ready. You have done a great job!!
My suggestion is to put down a old newspaper before you start it will help with fast cleanup. I love you guys.
You can fit 18 of the large solo cups in a 1020 tray... Nice job Rachel
We call tomatoes Frankenstein plants because they survive so many accidents. 😊
In the future if u were to up pot sooner you can put in solo cups and don't feel the cup up all the way just add soil as it gets taller and less up potting. Mine had more roots then that no worries mine need be planted thought but the weather dipping again they will hopefully be ok until then
Good idea
I always water before transplanting they come out better
I honour old school advice. But in my experience, a drier pot of tomato seedlings split far more successfully than tomato seedlings weighed down with water logged roots. Especially after watering in dry roots after transplanting. Absolutely no idea why this is the case. I might research how dry root strawberries, fruit bushes, fruit trees and 3 trillion bare rooted trees are being advocated as the way forward to save our planet. Perhaps I’ll find an answer without going on a march and wearing a mask.
I just don’t know what’s true or what’s worth challenging. Do you? 😩
Wanted to add, Tom (Hubby), took some old paneling and cheap shelving material, and made me trays. The thin black seedling trays fit right in and keep the solo cups from tipping. Also have folks you know save their cupholder trays from take out places.
Good idea on take out cup holder trays!
Gril..You deserve a high five..
Those tomatoes and peppers are looking good..!!
They look great. I started 24 tomato plants a couple weeks ago for my garden. I want to have 20 plans when I am done. That will be 16 more than I planned last year. Happy gardening.
If your days are above 50, you can start moving them outside for a while each day (careful not to over do it) at first. This will save room in the house while hardening them off at the same time. I am in WI, and have been putting mine out daily when the temperature allows.
Don't feel too bad - you're not the only one to drop your tomatoes! I had a tray that flipped over! I got all but 1 back in their pots...and they survived!!! 😍
Dear Rachel, Be assured your tomatoes will come back quickly, in spite of being transplanted and the jolt of being dropped. Your growing conditions are good. In another day or two they’ll be reaching to the heavens. I think you said you will be hardening them off in your greenhouse before transplanting into the garden. Looks like a good plan. Sincerely, Larry Clarence Lewis, Canada.
Well done Rachel 👏🏻 you did so good for your first time growing tomatoes and chillies from seed, you’re going to be so proud of yourself come harvest time 💜
As you gain more experience starting from seed you’ll see how forgiving plants are and you’ll do less work to get the same results.
I’ve been growing our vegetables from seed for forever. And I’ve got it down to pricking out and planting them in their seedling trays as cotyledons and letting them grow a bit and then planting them straight into the garden (you’ll learn when the sowing timing is right for you to avoid having to pot them up). I don’t fertilise, or add anything to my babies. They are sown into a ‘Vegetable potting mix’ (NOT a seed sowing mix) and transplanted into the same mix. This potting mix has more than enough nutrients for them until it’s time to plant them out.
My tomatoes and chillies are around 6-8 inches in height when they go in the ground. But buried up as far as I can.
I get frost for 7 months of the year and have plenty of time for an abundance of fruit 🌱💚🌱
They look great! All plant mommas worry about those green babies, especially when we work so hard to grow them from seed.
Your plants all look fabulous , what fun to watch them grow on your updates. Well done.
They look amazing even though they may be a tiny bit root bound but not as much as you are thinking. I'm sure your magic touch will perk them back up because they know you adore and care for them Rachel. Remember stay positive and all will be well. They will be ready for the garden soon enough. Great job....
Rachel my dear you are not the only one. First year seed starter myself. I have a big 4 shelf shelf unit packed with seed trays with solo cup up planted plants. After I dropped a whole tray of peppers, twice! In my living room I picked up the four that really were sad, marched them to the new raised bed. I planted them, watered, mulched and slapped a bottomless milk jug on them. They've doubled in size. I'm west of you, south of Grand Rapids. We cut up and old solar cover for our pool in sizes that will cover veggies in the garden. Then we pop a blanket over that, I guess we'll need to Monday night. Snow and rain and cold. Enough already! Hopefully the fruit crops will be okay. Good job on your plants, they look great?
Yay! I knew you could do it. :) isn't it just so rewarding to see your seedlings thriving? Lol they're kind of my everything right now.
Rachel I think you deserve a hand👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 those tomatoes look great not root-bound at all 🍅🍅🍅🍅❤️❤️❤️❤️
I always keep mine dark for 24 hours after potting up. It gives them time to rest.
Great job on those tomatoes!
I would call that a SUCCESS! You have inspired me to put in a garden this year! 😃
Bummer on dropping the tray, but well done on this seed starting season! This is exactly why I switched from the SOLO cups to the square pots. I don't up-pot anymore, either. I plant everything in the large pot and let them grow until they're ready for their forever home. Too much work and I end up with space management issues lol. I had pretty good germination rates and had about fifteen extra tomatoes this year. If you want to salvage the little broken ones, you still can. They root up pretty well with a little TLC in a pot of sterile mix, but I am quickly learning the value of my time. I work remotely, but all of the gardening tasks are starting to add up lol
I started my tomatoes 2 weeks ago, I will only transplant them once, and that’s into the ground! Happy gardening! They look great
I start mine in the flats. Then transplant into 16 oz styrofoam cups. They stay in these cups until I plant them. I have to build an electric net fence around my garden to keep the rabbits out.
I have bought plants from big box with the roots all wrapped tightly, but haven't had problems. I like to give them water before I transplant them though becuz sometimes they just dry up. Great patience with soo many plants to do!
I take a cardboard box and cut the sides down just far enough so the pots stay secure. I don't have trays. The cardboard does get damp but holds together long enough to do the job.
So enjoy watching you homestead.
I’m making paper pots to pot up mine while watching! I won’t tell you how tall mine are...😳😳😆😆. They’ll be fine. I just pot them up deeply and they always do well.
I buy my tomato starts and I just rip off the bottom third of the rootball and the lower leaves before planting deeply directly in the beds. Haven't lost one yet! Yours look great, I think you'll be fine!
Hi. Rachel. Everybody say, you are doing great on your replanting of those tomatoes. Please stop worrying about your tomatoes. They look good to me. I am so sorry you dropped the plants. If it is bent then put a little stick to hold it in place. It will keep growing. But make sure you plant it in the ground when the weather becomes good for planting. God Bless you Rachel, and Todd. Be safe, and have fun. Maria. ❤❤❤❤💕💕💕💕🍓🍓🍅🍅🥦🥦🥬🥬💖💖💖💖💖💖❤❤❤❤❤❤❤👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
They will perk up- mine almost always look a bit sad after I have potted them up. I have found that if they are well watered before I pot them up it helps. That should be fun discovering which plants are which as they start producing their fruit.
Yes, mycorrhizae, azomite, and worm castings are my jam here in AZ. Extreme dessert gardening is an adventure!
Jess at Roots & Refuge cracks an egg into every hole when she transplants her tomatoes into the garden.
Those tomato plants look fantastic! Guess I’ll have to try the mycorrhizal fungi next time!
You grew some beautiful tomato plants. I’ve got my favorite Cherokee purple tomatoes & a Big Boy ready to plant in the garden. I had 33 last year & will have more this time. My okra, yellow squash, zucchini, peppers, & cucumber plants I started from seeds are ready for planting. We’re already eating the green onions we planted. I have a row of peas, lettuce, & radishes doing nicely in my garden. We’ve had several days in the 80’s in middle Tennessee.
I had the same problem with the trays full of solo cups being super wobbly. 😟 Especially when well watered. I need to carry them up and down a flight of stairs each day, now that I am hardening them off so I doubled up each 1020 tray. It's made them a lot more stable and easier to carry!
Ugh That happened to me last year. Had a whole tray break in half and dropped all the beautiful tomato plants! This year I investrd in better trays from bootstrap farmer. So far I love them!
My tomatoe plants are droopy from being so big in the house still and I just used some wooden skewers to help them stand up ... your seedlings are beautiful ... I'm going to have to get me some of that magic dust (thanks for the link) ... remember to stay safe and stay blessed
I have been starting seeds for about 8 years. Have had a good amount of success. When my new seeds get about 2-3 inches tall I transplant or repot them into 4” peat pots and put them under the grow lights with heat mats on, till ready to plant in garden. Also every year when I start my seeds I keep a journal or log on what I started , what kind and how many. Then as the seed starting goes along a keep a journal of the weather outside , how the plants are doing, when I transplanted and what kind of soil and fertilizer I used. That way I know what worked and what didn’t work so now I know where to improve my seed growing. Hope this helps. Need more info I can help with that. Thanks and keep up the great work . Be safe and great gardening
I purchased a pack of 4x6 seedling bags from Amazon. Very inexpensive, and biodegradable. I up potted deep in the bags, and rolled the top down. As I've added soil they are getting deeper. I can see the roots along the side of the bags.
Wow what a success Rachel- No they are not root bound - It takes a lot of time to pot up & learn when it is time, I am currently potting up & some look a bit sad but they will survive. Cheers Denise
They are looking good Rachel. Keep up the good work
Tomatoes look great. Your smashing it!!!
I'm doing that today. I am in the boat too. I'm getting some bamboo sticks to help give my plants support. They are trying to rest and tangle on each other. I am giving them tlc and telling to not tangle on each now and to get along 🤣🙏
In Southwest Michigan we are supposed to be getting a few inches of snow on Tuesday. So you may want to protect your plants in the garden. Temps will be in the 20s Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Your doing great with the plants, your like a pro at it. God is good!
Yes so sad more do for my fruit trees all in blossom, I don't think I'll ever get any fruit
Rachael, I’m a first time seed-starter this year, too, and just up-potted my seedlings four days ago. I got really concerned after I was done because they got a little shocky! Like you, I did it outdoors, under shade, but wondered if that had something to do with it because it was cool, temp-wise. But within a couple of days, they were looking happy and healthy again! My Brad’s Atomic Grape seedlings fared the worst for some odd reason, and they’re still a bit peaked, but I think they’ll be ok 🤗
I have one of those tents and plan on putting my potted tomatoes in there this coming week. Right now we're stepping over and scooting around twice potted up plants in the house.
I use the plastic containers that salad greens come in from Costco. They hold 13 little Dixie cups, which is the first planting. The lids make a mini-green house. The upgrade is solo cups, which also go into the plastic containers so I can easily water them under the faucet and set them on the porch to harden off.
This is a great idea for reusing instead of throwing out. And a money saver!
They look fantastic! Good job! A little bit wimpy in the stem department but they should start to strengthen up as you bring them out to start gardening them off this month. If it’s over 45 degrees I bring mine out so they can get some wind on them. But really I don’t stress too much with tomatoes because even when I plant them out in the garden I bury the stem a lot.
For future reference, the roots will be fine without monkeying with them.
So proud of you Rachel!! Watching your seedling journey!!! They look amazing! 🥰
I am growing celery this year also, so far they are doing well.
You can bury the bent part (even broken - if not too high) and the plant will recover - just takes longer to recover. I have done the same thing with solo cups and regretted carrying them that way! You are doing great!
You’ll be surprised how quick they will bounce back. They don’t like their roots messed with so they freak out. I never touch the roots (even if roots are a mess). I just put them in the hole “as is” and have zero transplant shock. I also just use a water fertilizer until I put in my garden.
Yes! With 24 hrs they look great
@@1870s Yay 👏🏼👏🏼 They can be such drama queens 🍅
Three more weeks here too in N Idaho before I put them out. Good luck! I can taste tomatoes sandwiches already. 🍅
Very interested in finding how you do with your celery I have gotten a couple plants a couple years never did very well but I never had access to the internet like now knowing how to take care of things and that kind of stuff. Will be watching hope you show it every so often. Thanks for all you do
I'm curious too. I bought celery seed Utah to try but im planting in kratky hydroponics set up. I figure I have over 12 empty kitty litter buckets(I forgot the number but food safe) im putting them to work.
I've never had luck with celery but the first few in the nutrients are thriving compared to the ones left waiting their turn into buckets(still too cold to do too many) I'm hoping they do better for me than growing in soil.
I bought celery plants last year. And I just cut them off. And they are starting to put up new growth this spring. So more bang for my buck. People said you could regrow celery bunches when you buy them at the store by cutting the celery stalks off. So I thought why couldn't I do it with those that wintered over. And it's working.
I just take my store bought celery and cut the bottom off and stick it in my garden box and they grow back. Same with my green onions. ❤🙏🌱
I have always lost track of what tomato was what, so this year I made a popsicle stick label for each seedling when I did the first transplant. They are looking a bit rough, and I’ll need something more permanent or solar resistant when they go outside in a couple weeks, but it is the first time I’ve successfully kept them labeled.
Edible Acres suggests using old mini-blinds. Cut them to size and use a permanent marker. It seems genius! I'm sure the thrift store will have old blinds, but I haven't looked yet.
I think they look great! Not root bound in my mind. I always think when I plan them I plant really deep so they get more roots. They will do great. Once as you get the seed starting bug you can’t go back.
Basil can be grown from cuttings. Just cut a bit and plop in a glass of water
Next time you repot water them the day before. They come out of the pots better and don't start wilting as fast. Have you a bottle of water to wet the soil after you pot of about 10 it help them from getting stressed out by the sun. I do mine in the shade. They look beautiful and I would not say they were root bound. Your root system is perfect.
I am near Michigan and we are scheduled to get record-breaking snowfall with the cold front moving in. So now you will need that greenhouse.
I tried watering a couple hours b4 transplanting, but have found if I water the day before, they come apart much easier and also I still "kill" the soil I use. Hoping for a successful garden for you!!
I thing your tomatoes will do allright in the ground because the size roots and the plant, they look pretty good to me
I use fish emulsion when transplanting/potting up, and it perks them up right away.
Your tomatoes aren't root bound, they look good, just the way they should look. They will be fine, but they will be huge by the time they are ready for the garden - or the weather straightens up enough for us to put tender annuals in ground. We're supposed to get snow here this week in 6ab central MI - ugh!!! You have a nice selection of varieties. I'm doing some Amish Paste and Cherokee Purple for the first time this year because of so many good reviews about them. Looking forward to it!! I ended up getting some of the MycoBliss because your's did so well with it, exciting :) Best to you!
You've intrigued me, I'll experiment - half tomatoes w Mycorrhizal and half w/o...
Gal, you NEED a big greenhouse!❤️😄🌞 The tomato plants look beautiful!
Tomatoes look AH-MAZING sis! Glad you put the link to magic dust! Gonna get some! I have neglected, leggy tomatoes I’m gonna try to save! ❤️ Kristy in Missouri 😃🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
They will perk back up. Tomatoes are very forgiving.
Great job and it was an adventure for sure!
Those roots don't look to bad. You can mark this year as a success. I use solo cups and I am going to have my husband make me taller sided wood trays.
Smart idea
They will be fine, how do I know? I did the same thing and dropped my potted up tomatoes right in the floor. They are currently thriving and growing out in my garden. 😀
Good to know!!
It's okay on the rootbound issue.
They were in competition for water. Nothing bad, because no yellowing.
It proves flourish!
Good job! I was a first time seed starter this year. Doesn’t it feel uplifting!
Maybe keep a spoon in your Micorrhizal Fungi packet so you don’t have to worry about having a bowl for it all the time & it’s easier to use.
I thought the roots looked fine on those tomatoes btw
Good job! They'll be fine. Tomatoes are very hardy. Be careful hardening them off.
So beautiful! I always start mine late as little plants seem to do better for me but ive done big plants too. Like those little sad 4 packs of some unknown tomato root bound and yellowing lol 😆 I do have a problem lol.
Mine are about 2 weeks and just popping up the 3/4 leaves
But just in time as my broccoli/cabbage/kale/onions/chives and potatoes are out from the lights and in garden undercover in protection until I get my hoop houses up(I forgot I needed some 2 by 4s lol of course) I am going to start using floating row cover and garden fine mesh for my crops for sure. No more green loopers eating my cole crops
Oh mice will go in and chew off your seedlings. I want to make a growing area in my basement so less dirt up in my dining room (garden comes first lol) but I do worry as there is a flipping chipmunk in our basement this year. We know he goes in and out. If I can figure out how to keep him out I'm going to put my hydroponics down there.
Seeing as I completely failed with my tomatoes this year, it is nice to see how amazing yours are doing. They look fantastic! Congrats :)
The roots are not that bad. I'm playing the guessing game as well. I didn't do so well labeling my plant starts, I kinda have an idea but the tomatoes are definitely "no clue what they are!"
They look great
Amazing results
I feel like this is going to be a good tomato year! I started mine from seed as well and they are doing SO GOOD. I have high hopes 😊
We have freezing temps coming next 7-9 days..
I'm planting a full month later than ever. I can remember planting onions, potatoes end of February..when I was growing up..not anymore.
Your tomatoes look great!!
Good luck, they should be ok
Nice job ! They will perk up . A big set up in basement will be fantastic . I see we have some bad weather coming for may 1 ! I hope that changes .
i suggest using leaf mold at the bottom that helps with drainage....u can also start the plants in the bigger caps so u have to transplant them in the same cup when u re plant them deep....and then to the area u are growing them...
I did the same thing this year. Totally got my tomatoes mixed up. I was transplanting them as they got bigger and thought I'd remember what was what. The problem is that I was planting the suckers in the blank spots. They are all red slicers, so...
Your tomatoes look great! I’ve already up potted mine 2 weeks ago and they probably need it again. I’m still about 4 weeks out from planting out. Lol
You did a great job with your first time!
Oh and love how you talk to them like you do🤣
Don't worry about the root bound thing, won't hurt em. I have grown my own starts from seed for 15 years, they get ahead of me often and the roots look like that but, they will perk up and be fine in a couple of days. If they were peppers, I would worry but no worries for tomatoes. FYI bottom water them from now on.
Also jad move my tomatoes in solo cups today they spray the field beside me didnt take no chances so they tend want to tumble I double up on the bottom tray especially when they get the beautiful size urs has. Might help from it falling and I too have had this happen ans some how I manage to balcve the tray on my leg and one two completely came out but feel ur frustration on a pos thought they are doing just fine bounced back like they never been tossed.
Congrats on your seed starting success!
My heart is breaking for the bunnies
I wish I could find some celery starts! My dill, & thyme is 3-4” tall. My rosemary, cilantro, & parsley survived the winter & I’ve been cooking with them. The basil didn’t make it, but I bought one to plant in my flower bed. Happy gardening! 👩🌾
I grow mine from the grocery store. I have been for a couple years and keep celery
@@bonniemccray8610 Do you cut the bottom off the stalks & put in water? I’ll try it! Thanks for the tip.
Rachel! They're not that root-bound! The tomatoes I used to buy were ROOT-BOUND! So happy I started my own this year 😊. You HAVE got to quit beating yourself up💕