The problem With the UPC is they don’t teach about Grace. They focus so much on Acts 2:38 and were taught to believe we only were saved. We were moved a lot by emotion instead of by faith, all the running and jumping, preacher yelling and so I couldn’t see Jesus above the Pastor… if you questioned it we were told - Touch not the Lord’s Anointed so we couldn’t question anything. Also when someone would leave the church, - he would says things like “ they were never of us” and when I told him I was leaving, i was told I would not be under his covering. But I’m under the covering of the Blood of Jesus who gave his life for me. It was so warped that i try not to go there anymore. God has been so good and he is faithful. Sorry to say that after almost 16 years my brother has not forgiven us for leaving and a lot of brothers and sisters in Christ there don’t associate any longer with us. We have to look into his word and don’t just depend on man. Man will always fail us but God won’t.
I'm sad to hear that your exit fractured so many relationships. That's so common. 😔 I've never understood how they can justify behavior like that and still feel spiritually superior.
This is a wonderful conversation; I recommend everyone to take the time to watch. Grace was a foreign concept to me upon my exodus from the UPC and it was actually way too simple for me to wrap my head around; it could not be that simple! I began to understand that it is not what we do but Who He is as our LORD and Savior. Thank you for this interview.
I left a year and half ago and I still don't know what direction to take next. I know it's not what I want for my life anymore but I do want faith and the love of God and others in my life. But 40 years of truly being immersed in it, it is really hard to let go of and feel ok going elsewhere. All I know is if that is truth I don't want it. I can't handle the exclusion of all other Christians and living in fear.
Don't beat yourself up. It wasn't the truth. Plz get back into God's word like never before and you will see much more clearly. As long as you have a desire for real truth, Gid will not hide it from you. God bless
@chauntellesdiamondpainting1918 If you email me at I can send you a list of resources that you might find helpful as you sort things out.
Very well said.... not everyone who was upc, aljc does not have a bad experience. I believe what people are realizing, and for good reason, there are so many issues they preach against that is not a heaven or hell issue. Good video. And yes, I was raised in the Texas UPC District in the 70-90s... Youth camp in Lufkin and conference's were an Ultimate Fashion Show! Even today, it is the same culture.... FASHION...... Let's get real and love souls in winning them to Christ
Excellent conversation and I Soo agree with the section about ‘sharing your struggles, so that others understand that perfection is unattainable’! We were taught that failures show your carnality! The ‘confessing your sins’ scripture is very much overlooked. Sad. Thank you again!
Where do I go from here? I have been trinitarian my whole life except for the last 3 years. I became Apostolic Pentecostal. Hard core. I obeyed all the rules. I felt I had found "the Truth". I couldn't understand the trinity completely. When I was told about the oneness of Jesus that made so much sense to me. The salvation in being baptized in Jesus name only and speaking in tongues to be saved is what drew me out of Apostolic oneness. (Just left 5/15/24) Because I couldn't believe that all of my family that didn't believe this way were not saved. So how do I believe now? I still believe Jesus is God. But when I look this up it says it is a heretical view. Where can I go to worship Jesus? Or do I just conform to the trinitarian belief? I know I am saved by grace through faith. I am so confused and I know He is not the God of confusion.
You need to think for yourself. The tells Jesus was "God with us". The tells us unless we believe that Jesus was God we will die in our sins. The Bible tells us, the only way to God is in Jesus. The apostles taught Jesus was God in the flesh and anyone comes and tries to teach or tell us any other thing they are cursed of God. Look it up for yourself. There is none other tha Jesus which was God with us. Study your Bible and get solid and founded on it. Don't find yourself believing anything others say. Be founded and solid as a rock on the word of God.
There are so many conversations with Jesus talking about his Father. Yes, He is God, but also Jesus Christ in a different role. Just like the holy spirit. Have you noticed when people in the UPCI began “ speaking in tongues “ they yell they got the holy ghost!! Why not, they got the JESUS!! Because the trinity is God, Jesus and Holy Spirit being one with different roles
I won't get a chance to finish watching all this video but, I appreciate your honesty. I grew up in Baptist church because of a neighbor invitation & got saved. I too went to Non-Denominational for a few years which I enjoyed until my Pastor passed. Then, a friend of mine which grew up Pentecostal had me going with her for a few years. I never & still don't believe that women shouldn't wear make-up, jewelry & just dresses. It always sounded to me like, why shouldn't everyone just wear black & white. It's no different to me than a woman curling her hair, a man wearing a tie pin than a woman wearing make-up or pants. Everything we wear draws attention which seems to be their excuse for women to not wear make-up & only dresses.
Ha! That was good! His goal for teaching young college kids about the UPC rules by using the Bible as a basis! Oh, that was good! Would that all UPC'ers would do the same!
It wasn’t until I left the upc that I realized they don’t even acknowledge true church history. In fact I think they think it’s heretical which is crazy now that I have studied and did my own research.
@@mikeeagan1307I'm not saying that Acts 2:38 is irrelevant. Acts 2:38 marked the conversion of Jesus believing Jews. Baptism was simply a conversion ritual. We see it with John the baptist and then with Peter. John should have just not baptised anyone and let the apostles do the baptising in Jesus name if it was essential for Salvation. It was merely a Jewish cleansing ritual called the mikvah. Washing away the Old and bringing in the New, which is there belief in Jesus whom they crucified, as the Messiah.
To say that Apostolics don't point to Jesus is completely false. Which other Christian group teaches the power of taking on the name of Jesus as the Apostolics? ACTS 2:38 POINTS TO JESUS.
It has been a different journey for my than these videos. I never had bitter animosity ,just disappointment. Really serious disappointment because that is where I thought I belonged. I didn't grow up in any kind of church. I just began to see discrepancies between the written word and the church teachings, (sometimes during conversations with other Christians) I sometimes still go visit the UPCI, I just always see The Father,Son , and Holy Ghost as being completely separate, especially in the new testement.
I wanted to say that I'm glad that I stumbled upon this channel. I probably still need alot of prayer from other believers, ( to be quite honest). It was a little difficult walking away because I believed that their interpretation was truth,even the water baptism ( baptismal regeneration). It has really only been 3 years that I truly came to embrace the trinity. It's just that every time I would read the new testement, I kept seeing Jesus the Son, and God the father, and The Holy Ghost, as seperate, especially when Jesus is praying in John Chapter 17.
The Holy Ghost has been leading me back to the Apostolic Pentecostal Church. Where else would I ever know about Acts 2:38. If we take another look at Acts 2:37, the new believers asking a question. Then we see Peter's answer. On that Day of Pentecost, non of Paul's epistles even existed at that time,including Romans. Peter gave them their answer. If New believers today asked the preacher the same question, would or should the answer be different?
Just REST in what Christ did for us. I love that. ❤️. Really have walked away from this gaining new knowledge of just how deep & wide the grace and mercy and love of God Is. We will never be perfect, but we can walk faithful and be so grateful 🙏 such a wonderful discussion. ❤ I love Jonahs honesty and his heart.
I recently started going back to the local Apostolic Assembly. The strict rules and dress codes never really bothered me because I was in the Military when I was younger. Ever since Easter, I have been thinking about Acts 2:37. I am familiar with all the various debates about the meaning of Acts 2:38, both pros and cons but, what debate can possibly be made of Acts 2:37. Acts 2:37 wasn't the preacher giving a command rather, it was the new believers asking a question. I also like how the spirit moves on me and in me while I am there. I also like how there is almost always an atmosphere of repentance during the services. I have alot of things that I need to repent for. I will continue to pray about everything,and I will pray that I never become judgemental or critical of other Christians. As I have said before. I never had bitterness because I didn't grow up there,and the rules of dress and men having short hair never bothered me.
I thank God that I had the opportunity to get baptized in Jesus Name. There is a very high degree of probability that but for the Apostolic Church, I never would even have heard about baptism in Jesus name because the other Pentecostal churches don't teach about Acts 2:38. (There are some that do). Since Easter, I have been thanking God every day for that.
This was a very helpful video for me, and I truly appreciate you both. I feel that God really used you all in this to enlighten many people that are searching.
Great video guys,former Apostolic myself and still wrestle with some issues but there is one issue I no longer do.Have you ever noticed in the Book of Acts the apostles never one time preached that Jesus is God?
And that is supposed to be a point? Baptism isn't written much on either in all the letters. Just in Roman's, Corinthians, Peter to name only a few. Tongues are only in Corinthians, so what Doctrine can we spin from this. Mind you, the UPCI has done a great job of stretching and adding to the Scriptures, but don't try to take away what is Written.
Raised in the A/G. I no longer consider myself Pentecostal. Reading scripture on my own and looking at church history really brought me clarity. Still trying to figure out if I fit in any denomination. Right now I consider myself a follower of the Way.
Yes, I've had people ask me what I call myself now. I know they mean Pentecostal, Baptist...but I tell them I simply call my self a Christian. Identifying with Christ is good enough for me.
Glad Jonah didn't have a terribly traumatic experience, but still legalism, spiritual abuse is still bad. Any form of abuse is wrong. Especially leaders you look to, for guidance love and support, if they hurt you it completely traumatized your mind. This leads also to atheists maybe, or turning away from Jesus. Which makes me sad, but very angry stumbling block for many is what we do to eachother. 😢but I pray people heal 🙏😊
I will repeat the question of a point made about the noted text; Acts 2:38. Please answer why the scripture is even there, what is its purpose? You have made your points on what it doesn't mean so then explain what is being said.
At that point in time wasn’t it directed to the Jews they turned to Jesus there heart was pricked. Then Peter was sent to the gentiles he thought they were unclean
The point of Acts in its entirety was that Gentiles and Jews came together to know who God truly was through the holyspirit . This is why the Jews heard their own languages and was able truly grasp the word of God in their native tongue . Tongues means ( languages) look up the Hebrew meaning . But, the holyspirit also gave them them the ability to prophesy,be givers ( humble themselves and heal etc. Remember, they all broke bread together. Now, there is more to the holyspirt ( Holyghost) 1 CORINTHIANS 14:5 KJ21 I would that ye all spoke with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied; for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, unless he interpret, that the church may receive edifying. Tongues is more for us and a language to those who can understand / God . Please read the entire text. Please study - Ephesians 4:7-16 New King James Version Spiritual Gifts 7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. 8 Therefore He says: ❤ “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, And gave gifts to men.”
Your right Jesus died once and for all. We cannot earn it. Yeah i ponder on that quote like redidicate you've already done that by asking Jesus to save you. I think maybe people didn't really believe, they just wanted a religion, or wanted to get into heaven, didn't fully accept Jesus. Or they lived there life how they want and want to dedicate there lives to Jesus by being like him Walking in holiness, sanctification.
We cannot earn our salvation indeed. That's hard because we don't want to sin, live how we want. But why does the grace message mean we live in sin. I'm fact the upci not all of them, are legalistic live on the outside well, but inside they are prideful. We all have sin 1 John 1 Vs 10 if we say we have np sin we do not have the truth in us. Xx ❤
No matter what you say or glad to say unless you repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus there is no other name where man or any woman can be save the only doctrine is the apostle doctrine all the other are detmention
I’ve posted on Joel Urshan Biblos Network YT tutorials/ The real original name of Jesus is Yeshua the Aramaic Hebraic Name from Heaven /the Letter J is not in the Hebrew alphabet/The Name Jesus never existed.Early Biblical Believers In Acts were never baptized in Jesus’s Name it was in Yeshua’s Name ..Jesus is the Greek translation of Zeus ..The Name Jesus has only been around since the last 400 years/The Church has been short changed. Just like the Jehovah Witnesses are taught they are the true church because they know the name of GOD that is Jehovah ( another J that didn’t exist)...The Body Of Hamashiach needs to address Yeshua’s real Name ...from a Former UPC... Just dialoguing
Loved this interview, can’t wait to get his book. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Bare Marriage and Sheila Wray Gregoire. I stand (not lean) on the Egalitarian view. It makes the most sense to me….. (oh lawd, I hear the fundies calling me a feminist already😳) 😂😅
Haha, yes, I get accused of being a feminist as well. I guess in some ways I am. I appreciate first and second wave feminism. Women fought and died for us to legally have basic rights/safety. We needed someone to stand up for us. The church should have been the ones advocating for women, but they didn't. So, women courageously banded together and did it. Thank God for them! I might not agree with a lot of modern feminist views, but they have contributed as well, making it easier for victims of sexual abuse, assault and harassment to have a voice. That's invaluable imo! When I hear women flat out denigrate feminism as a whole, without any exception, I always wonder where they think they got all the rights they enjoy today. I love being able to vote, have my own credit card, have a bank account, to own land (inherit), to divorce an abusive/unfaithful husband, to not be physically assaulted by my husband without recourse, to have rights to my children, to have access to education, maternity leave for working Moms, laws against child sexual abuse, a push for equal pay...the list goes on. Feminism has been a blessing in many, many ways. Any time you speak up in the church for any kind of dignity, autonomy, independence, or contribution from women (besides cranking out babies, agreeing with their husbands and making casseroles), you always have Theo Bros come out of the woodwork to put you in your place. Jesus loves and honors women. We were not just created to be support workers for our husbands. He gifted us and created us to honor him with our gifts.
Because they (male leaders of the UPCI) pick and choose which Old Testament scriptures they want to apply and rarely choose anything weird that would complicate the lives of their men.
@@mikeeagan1307my understanding is it concerns headship…..pagan’s offered their hair on an altar. Church was bickering but the rest of the scripture says we have no such custom neither the churches of God. Talking about men uncovered women covered. It does not matter. Hope I worded it correctly it seems unimportant because it is Grace through faith in Christ the work was finished. I now wear pants with really loner tunic tops but that is me
The problem
With the UPC is they don’t teach about Grace. They focus so much on Acts 2:38 and were taught to believe we only were saved.
We were moved a lot by emotion instead of by faith, all the running and jumping, preacher yelling and so I couldn’t see Jesus above the Pastor… if you questioned it we were told - Touch not the Lord’s Anointed so we couldn’t question anything. Also when someone would leave the church, - he would says things like “ they were never of us” and when I told him I was leaving, i was told I would not be under his covering. But I’m under the covering of the Blood of Jesus who gave his life for me.
It was so warped that i try not to go there anymore. God has been so good and he is faithful. Sorry to say that after almost 16 years my brother has not forgiven us for leaving and a lot of brothers and sisters in Christ there don’t associate any longer with us. We have to look into his word and don’t just depend on man. Man will always fail us but God won’t.
I'm sad to hear that your exit fractured so many relationships. That's so common. 😔 I've never understood how they can justify behavior like that and still feel spiritually superior.
What's wrong with Acts 2:38?
Simply baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins. Move on afterwards
This is a wonderful conversation; I recommend everyone to take the time to watch. Grace was a foreign concept to me upon my exodus from the UPC and it was actually way too simple for me to wrap my head around; it could not be that simple! I began to understand that it is not what we do but Who He is as our LORD and Savior. Thank you for this interview.
I left a year and half ago and I still don't know what direction to take next. I know it's not what I want for my life anymore but I do want faith and the love of God and others in my life. But 40 years of truly being immersed in it, it is really hard to let go of and feel ok going elsewhere. All I know is if that is truth I don't want it. I can't handle the exclusion of all other Christians and living in fear.
Don't beat yourself up. It wasn't the truth. Plz get back into God's word like never before and you will see much more clearly. As long as you have a desire for real truth, Gid will not hide it from you. God bless
Check out Berean Holiness... they list resources for people like us.
@chauntellesdiamondpainting1918 If you email me at I can send you a list of resources that you might find helpful as you sort things out.
Very well said.... not everyone who was upc, aljc does not have a bad experience. I believe what people are realizing, and for good reason, there are so many issues they preach against that is not a heaven or hell issue. Good video.
And yes, I was raised in the Texas UPC District in the 70-90s...
Youth camp in Lufkin and conference's were an Ultimate Fashion Show!
Even today, it is the same culture.... FASHION......
Let's get real and love souls in winning them to Christ
What a great conversation. Thank you for continuing to share these stories.
Excellent conversation and I Soo agree with the section about ‘sharing your struggles, so that others understand that perfection is unattainable’! We were taught that failures show your carnality! The ‘confessing your sins’ scripture is very much overlooked. Sad. Thank you again!
Thank you for sharing your story. It is so important that everyone has had an experience share their story. It is so helpful to others.
Where do I go from here? I have been trinitarian my whole life except for the last 3 years. I became Apostolic Pentecostal. Hard core. I obeyed all the rules. I felt I had found "the Truth". I couldn't understand the trinity completely. When I was told about the oneness of Jesus that made so much sense to me. The salvation in being baptized in Jesus name only and speaking in tongues to be saved is what drew me out of Apostolic oneness. (Just left 5/15/24) Because I couldn't believe that all of my family that didn't believe this way were not saved.
So how do I believe now? I still believe Jesus is God. But when I look this up it says it is a heretical view.
Where can I go to worship Jesus? Or do I just conform to the trinitarian belief?
I know I am saved by grace through faith. I am so confused and I know He is not the God of confusion.
You need to think for yourself. The tells Jesus was "God with us". The tells us unless we believe that Jesus was God we will die in our sins. The Bible tells us, the only way to God is in Jesus. The apostles taught Jesus was God in the flesh and anyone comes and tries to teach or tell us any other thing they are cursed of God. Look it up for yourself. There is none other tha Jesus which was God with us. Study your Bible and get solid and founded on it. Don't find yourself believing anything others say. Be founded and solid as a rock on the word of God.
There are so many conversations with Jesus talking about his Father. Yes, He is God, but also Jesus Christ in a different role.
Just like the holy spirit.
Have you noticed when people in the UPCI began “ speaking in tongues “ they yell they got the holy ghost!!
Why not, they got the JESUS!!
Because the trinity is God, Jesus and Holy Spirit being one with different roles
I haven’t had time to watch it all yet, but VERY much looking forward to this!
I won't get a chance to finish watching all this video but, I appreciate your honesty. I grew up in Baptist church because of a neighbor invitation & got saved. I too went to Non-Denominational for a few years which I enjoyed until my Pastor passed. Then, a friend of mine which grew up Pentecostal had me going with her for a few years. I never & still don't believe that women shouldn't wear make-up, jewelry & just dresses. It always sounded to me like, why shouldn't everyone just wear black & white. It's no different to me than a woman curling her hair, a man wearing a tie pin than a woman wearing make-up or pants. Everything we wear draws attention which seems to be their excuse for women to not wear make-up & only dresses.
It's true, and to be honest, if they're trying not to draw attention, their look is a weird way to go about it. They take pride in standing out.
Change the battery in that smoke detector 😂
Haha, for the record, it was not mine. 😂
Ha! That was good! His goal for teaching young college kids about the UPC rules by using the Bible as a basis! Oh, that was good! Would that all UPC'ers would do the same!
Excellent interview! Thank you for sharing your story, Jonah. It's encouraging that there are so many of us on this journey together!
It wasn’t until I left the upc that I realized they don’t even acknowledge true church history. In fact I think they think it’s heretical which is crazy now that I have studied and did my own research.
What church history?
Roman Catholicism and trinitarianism isn't church history. It's heresy
Apostolics point people to Acts 2:38 rather to Jesus for Salvation
Yes, I would agree.
Then please explain why is that scripture written. What is its purpose???
@@mikeeagan1307I'm not saying that Acts 2:38 is irrelevant. Acts 2:38 marked the conversion of Jesus believing Jews. Baptism was simply a conversion ritual. We see it with John the baptist and then with Peter. John should have just not baptised anyone and let the apostles do the baptising in Jesus name if it was essential for Salvation. It was merely a Jewish cleansing ritual called the mikvah. Washing away the Old and bringing in the New, which is there belief in Jesus whom they crucified, as the Messiah.
🤦♂️ That's the same thing....
To say that Apostolics don't point to Jesus is completely false. Which other Christian group teaches the power of taking on the name of Jesus as the Apostolics? ACTS 2:38 POINTS TO JESUS.
It has been a different journey for my than these videos. I never had bitter animosity ,just disappointment. Really serious disappointment because that is where I thought I belonged. I didn't grow up in any kind of church. I just began to see discrepancies between the written word and the church teachings, (sometimes during conversations with other Christians) I sometimes still go visit the UPCI, I just always see The Father,Son , and Holy Ghost as being completely separate, especially in the new testement.
I wanted to say that I'm glad that I stumbled upon this channel. I probably still need alot of prayer from other believers, ( to be quite honest). It was a little difficult walking away because I believed that their interpretation was truth,even the water baptism ( baptismal regeneration). It has really only been 3 years that I truly came to embrace the trinity. It's just that every time I would read the new testement, I kept seeing Jesus the Son, and God the father, and The Holy Ghost, as seperate, especially when Jesus is praying in John Chapter 17.
The Holy Ghost has been leading me back to the Apostolic Pentecostal Church. Where else would I ever know about Acts 2:38.
If we take another look at Acts 2:37, the new believers asking a question. Then we see Peter's answer.
On that Day of Pentecost, non of Paul's epistles even existed at that time,including Romans. Peter gave them their answer.
If New believers today asked the preacher the same question, would or should the answer be different?
Just REST in what Christ did for us. I love that. ❤️. Really have walked away from this gaining new knowledge of just how deep & wide the grace and mercy and love of God Is. We will never be perfect, but we can walk faithful and be so grateful 🙏 such a wonderful discussion. ❤ I love Jonahs honesty and his heart.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. There is so much peace in the simplicity of the gospel. I agree, I too appreciate Jonah's honesty and integrity.
I recently started going back to the local Apostolic Assembly. The strict rules and dress codes never really bothered me because I was in the Military when I was younger.
Ever since Easter, I have been thinking about Acts 2:37.
I am familiar with all the various debates about the meaning of Acts 2:38, both pros and cons but, what debate can possibly be made of Acts 2:37. Acts 2:37 wasn't the preacher giving a command rather, it was the new believers asking a question.
I also like how the spirit moves on me and in me while I am there. I also like how there is almost always an atmosphere of repentance during the services.
I have alot of things that I need to repent for. I will continue to pray about everything,and I will pray that I never become judgemental or critical of other Christians. As I have said before. I never had bitterness because I didn't grow up there,and the rules of dress and men having short hair never bothered me.
I thank God that I had the opportunity to get baptized in Jesus Name. There is a very high degree of probability that but for the Apostolic Church, I never would even have heard about baptism in Jesus name because the other Pentecostal churches don't teach about Acts 2:38. (There are some that do). Since Easter, I have been thanking God every day for that.
This was a very helpful video for me, and I truly appreciate you both.
I feel that God really used you all in this to enlighten many people that are searching.
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. ❤️
This was such a great conversation. Bless you, Deanna Jo! I look forward to your videos.
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
“GLORY” ❤️🙌🙏🏻
Still got your Christmas decorations up. Looks beautiful. Have you still got them up? Xx lovely seeing you on here, great guest lovely man of God. 😊
William branham had alot to do with penecostals, tead up on him.
Oh wow, I haven't heard J. Suber's name in a long time. Had to look him up...
I think he left the UPC, if I'm not mistaken.
@@ResponsibleFaith yes, he did. He is in Austin, TX.
Great video guys,former Apostolic myself and still wrestle with some issues but there is one issue I no longer do.Have you ever noticed in the Book of Acts the apostles never one time preached that Jesus is God?
And that is supposed to be a point? Baptism isn't written much on either in all the letters. Just in Roman's, Corinthians, Peter to name only a few. Tongues are only in Corinthians, so what Doctrine can we spin from this. Mind you, the UPCI has done a great job of stretching and adding to the Scriptures, but don't try to take away what is Written.
I have learned a lot from Dr Andy Woods sugarland Bible Church. Book by Book content and context of chapter
Great conversation, thank you so much!
Raised in the A/G. I no longer consider myself Pentecostal. Reading scripture on my own and looking at church history really brought me clarity. Still trying to figure out if I fit in any denomination. Right now I consider myself a follower of the Way.
Yes, I've had people ask me what I call myself now. I know they mean Pentecostal, Baptist...but I tell them I simply call my self a Christian. Identifying with Christ is good enough for me.
Glad Jonah didn't have a terribly traumatic experience, but still legalism, spiritual abuse is still bad. Any form of abuse is wrong. Especially leaders you look to, for guidance love and support, if they hurt you it completely traumatized your mind. This leads also to atheists maybe, or turning away from Jesus. Which makes me sad, but very angry stumbling block for many is what we do to eachother. 😢but I pray people heal 🙏😊
I will repeat the question of a point made about the noted text; Acts 2:38. Please answer why the scripture is even there, what is its purpose? You have made your points on what it doesn't mean so then explain what is being said.
At that point in time wasn’t it directed to the Jews they turned to Jesus there heart was pricked. Then Peter was sent to the gentiles he thought they were unclean
The point of Acts in its entirety was that Gentiles and Jews came together to know who God truly was through the holyspirit . This is why the Jews heard their own languages and was able truly grasp the word of God in their native tongue .
Tongues means ( languages) look up the Hebrew meaning . But, the holyspirit also gave them them the ability to prophesy,be givers ( humble themselves and heal etc. Remember, they all broke bread together.
Now, there is more to the holyspirt ( Holyghost)
I would that ye all spoke with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied; for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, unless he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.
Tongues is more for us and a language to those who can understand / God . Please read the entire text.
Please study -
Ephesians 4:7-16
New King James Version
Spiritual Gifts
7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. 8 Therefore He says:
“When He ascended on high,
He led captivity captive,
And gave gifts to men.”
“We decided to give our lives to the Lord again..”. How do you quantify that? Christ gave His life for us.
Your right Jesus died once and for all. We cannot earn it.
Yeah i ponder on that quote like redidicate you've already done that by asking Jesus to save you.
I think maybe people didn't really believe, they just wanted a religion, or wanted to get into heaven, didn't fully accept Jesus.
Or they lived there life how they want and want to dedicate there lives to Jesus by being like him
Walking in holiness, sanctification.
We cannot earn our salvation indeed. That's hard because we don't want to sin, live how we want. But why does the grace message mean we live in sin. I'm fact the upci not all of them, are legalistic live on the outside well, but inside they are prideful. We all have sin 1 John 1 Vs 10 if we say we have np sin we do not have the truth in us. Xx ❤
What an amazing talk. I love that about the heart ❤️, idols were not accepted as there heart turned away from God. Wow 😮😊
No matter what you say or glad to say unless you repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus there is no other name where man or any woman can be save the only doctrine is the apostle doctrine all the other are detmention
I’ve posted on Joel Urshan Biblos Network YT tutorials/ The real original name of Jesus is Yeshua the Aramaic Hebraic Name from Heaven /the Letter J is not in the Hebrew alphabet/The Name Jesus never existed.Early Biblical Believers In Acts were never baptized in Jesus’s Name it was in Yeshua’s Name ..Jesus is the Greek translation of Zeus ..The Name Jesus has only been around since the last 400 years/The Church has been short changed. Just like the Jehovah Witnesses are taught they are the true church because they know the name of GOD that is Jehovah ( another J that didn’t exist)...The Body Of Hamashiach needs to address Yeshua’s real Name ...from a Former UPC... Just dialoguing
Loved this interview, can’t wait to get his book.
I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Bare Marriage and Sheila Wray Gregoire. I stand (not lean) on the Egalitarian view. It makes the most sense to me….. (oh lawd, I hear the fundies calling me a feminist already😳) 😂😅
Haha, yes, I get accused of being a feminist as well. I guess in some ways I am. I appreciate first and second wave feminism. Women fought and died for us to legally have basic rights/safety. We needed someone to stand up for us. The church should have been the ones advocating for women, but they didn't. So, women courageously banded together and did it. Thank God for them! I might not agree with a lot of modern feminist views, but they have contributed as well, making it easier for victims of sexual abuse, assault and harassment to have a voice. That's invaluable imo! When I hear women flat out denigrate feminism as a whole, without any exception, I always wonder where they think they got all the rights they enjoy today. I love being able to vote, have my own credit card, have a bank account, to own land (inherit), to divorce an abusive/unfaithful husband, to not be physically assaulted by my husband without recourse, to have rights to my children, to have access to education, maternity leave for working Moms, laws against child sexual abuse, a push for equal pay...the list goes on. Feminism has been a blessing in many, many ways.
Any time you speak up in the church for any kind of dignity, autonomy, independence, or contribution from women (besides cranking out babies, agreeing with their husbands and making casseroles), you always have Theo Bros come out of the woodwork to put you in your place. Jesus loves and honors women. We were not just created to be support workers for our husbands. He gifted us and created us to honor him with our gifts.
Why don't pentecostal men let the hair grow on their temples Leviticus 19:28
Because they (male leaders of the UPCI) pick and choose which Old Testament scriptures they want to apply and rarely choose anything weird that would complicate the lives of their men.
Good question. But what is the reason why Paul was teaching women, in the churches, to have long hair as written in 1 Cor.11???
@@mikeeagan1307my understanding is it concerns headship…..pagan’s offered their hair on an altar. Church was bickering but the rest of the scripture says we have no such custom neither the churches of God. Talking about men uncovered women covered. It does not matter.
Hope I worded it correctly it seems unimportant because it is Grace through faith in Christ the work was finished.
I now wear pants with really loner tunic tops but that is me
So your memories were never a RELATIONSHIP. You never had a revelation in personal relationship with Jesus. That's an issue.
Did you listen to this it’s entirety ? 😮