Ephesians 1:1-14 Every Spiritual Blessing

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Hi Friends,
    Last week we saw the power of God flow through Paul as he raised Eutychus from the dead. Then he proceeded to teach the people through the night, because he would be leaving the next day. Paul was busy, encouraging the churches and kneeling with them in prayer.
    This week we are going to take a detour out of the book of Acts and go to the book of Ephesians. Here we will see what Paul is teaching the Ephesians. Paul begins the book by talking about our spiritual blessings in Christ. Let’s take a look.
    Questions for Ephesians 1:1-14
    1. In the first verse, Paul claims to be an apostle of Christ. From 2 Cor. 12:12, what does Paul tell us it means to be an Apostle? Vs 1
    2. Paul tells us it was the will of God that caused Paul to be an apostle. What happened to Paul that turned him to Jesus? Acts 9:3-19
    3. Paul was writing to the saints at Ephesus. He offers them grace and peace from God, the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. How do we need God‘s grace before we have God‘s peace? Vs 2 Also see Eph 2:8 & Rom 5:1
    4. Paul gives praises to God for the spiritual blessings we have in Christ. What does he say we are chosen for before the creation of the world? Vs 3-4
    5. How does it make you feel to know you were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. Psalms 139:15-16
    6. In love, according to God's pleasure and will, what were we predestined to become? Vs 5
    7. God freely gives us his glorious grace through Jesus, “in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins.” God lavished his love on us with all wisdom and understanding. Vs 6-8 How do you see this as a lavish display of God's love?
    8. In verses 9-10, we see that God is revealing a mystery to us. What is the mystery that God revealed? Use any other verses you may know.
    9. It was God‘s plan that mankind would come to him through Jesus. From Romans 8:29-39, what additional information do you find about the plan of God? Vs 11-12
    10. Once we believe in Christ, what do we receive and why is this important? Vs 13-14
    11. “The praise of his glory” is mentioned in verses 6, 12 and 14. What do you think it means to live “to the praise of his glory”?
    Isn’t it wonderful knowing that God has always had a plan to bring us into his family? And God is bringing all things in heaven and on earth together under the headship of Christ. God’s plans are amazing and beyond us figuring out. May we give God praise for his goodness to us!

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