An Introduction to Quakers - part 2

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • All Age Worship, Teenager Group the role of music in Quakerism, Quaker camp and outreach

Комментарии • 27

  • @seanphilburn
    @seanphilburn 12 лет назад +2

    I believe the "social" side of church is more important in today's world than the "worship" side of it. I liked the idea that instead of being preached to, ppl sit and meditate. It seems more spiritual than religious & having been an atheist for a long time, it seems a very positive experience and unlike other religious churches ive seen. the lady in the 1st part said that you worship "god" whatever your idea of "god" is & that one sentence may have made me want 2 find out more bout this grp.

  • @ubersoxfanjpm
    @ubersoxfanjpm 15 лет назад

    People's personal beliefs are kept more or less to themselves, and so their ideas, which may be conflicting, are rarely brought out. I am a nontheist quaker, and so when we read the bible in first day school, i simply work to interpret the messages and ignore the things about God and miracles and the sort. It works out very well. I think that the Quaker faith will grow in the future because more and more people will have a sense of appeal to a free worship and not strictly organized service.

  • @huwbeejay
    @huwbeejay 17 лет назад +1

    looking forward to part 3!

  • @srekauq
    @srekauq  15 лет назад +2

    This is the second part of a 28 minute DVD (RUclips restrict videos to 10 minutes). I think you will get a more balanced picture if you also view part 1 which covers worship, where God is central for most Quakers.

  • @loren1283
    @loren1283 16 лет назад +1

    This is awesome!

  • @MrTrancelotics
    @MrTrancelotics 11 лет назад +1

    Really interesting videos, thank you. I work in the area where your group has a meeting house in Reading, and I feel more tempted to trying out.

  • @tann1987
    @tann1987 15 лет назад +1

    This is just amazing. Unfortunately in Poland (where I live), there are no Quakers communities.

  • @ubersoxfanjpm
    @ubersoxfanjpm 15 лет назад

    no. it's not hard, because i feel that the Bible is not to be taken literally, and so the message and allegory and all that come out. It's wonderful.

  • @kinksfan1
    @kinksfan1 16 лет назад +1

    Great videos...I have to wonder: Since some Quakers are not Christian and some are even NonTheists, are there ever any "earth shattering" disagreements or bad feelings between members? Or does everyone allow each other to exist peacefully in the group with their individual beliefs? Thanks and once again...Nice videos..Very informative!

  • @MrTrancelotics
    @MrTrancelotics 11 лет назад

    Thank you.

  • @bargainmom
    @bargainmom 16 лет назад

    This seems very nice and gentle. However, my concern is that this sort of meeting could become a 'social club' rather than worship of the Christian God.

  • @PaulLiyailukoewisayi
    @PaulLiyailukoewisayi 14 лет назад

    @waynie11 from which book do you get this information? George Fox was not a theologian Pa se, he sought God and found Him, the bible should not assert something to be believed but God reveals Himself in the bible as triune and see anyother way God says about Himself. Barclay the Quaker Theologian explains this well.

  • @boomac62
    @boomac62 17 лет назад

    George Fox. It's not "thin air", unless you would consider the Holy Spirit as such, I wouldn't. Some of us quakers are more evangelical/orthodox than others for sure but the same could be said about the members of almost any church.

  • @veniparaclitus
    @veniparaclitus 15 лет назад

    "we read the bible in first day school, i simply work to interpret the messages and ignore the things about God and miracles and the sort." -- that's quite strange...... although we do that with every book we read, it's a bit confusing for me to read a bible like that...!! :o

  • @nketchen
    @nketchen 17 лет назад

    What are they worshiping? It seems to me John Fox was very well answered by Richard Baxter in various writings. Do you really think God would leave us to try to catch spirituality from thin air?

  • @JustFilmUK
    @JustFilmUK 11 лет назад

    I'm sure they would make you very welcome.

  • @PaulLiyailukoewisayi
    @PaulLiyailukoewisayi 14 лет назад

    @ubersoxfanjpm I woudn't want to be judgemental but when you say 'free worship' whom do you worship? Baal?SELF? air? nothing? the first quaker quaked at what?

  • @ubersoxfanjpm
    @ubersoxfanjpm 14 лет назад

    @pauliyai I worship nothing. I just go, embrace the stillness and contemplate things, not God or anything like that though. I just take meeting as my time for settling.

  • @osakawayne
    @osakawayne 14 лет назад +1

    how horrible, that someone would watch this video, and these good wholesome people, and the first thing they can say is, "THAT'S NOT CHRISTIANITY THEY'RE WRONG!!!"

  • @srekauq
    @srekauq  16 лет назад

    Have you seen part 1?

  • @PaulLiyailukoewisayi
    @PaulLiyailukoewisayi 14 лет назад

    if you worship nothing, you have no business going to a quaker house of meeting. The pioneer quakers worshipped the Almighty God and the quaker faith is founded on God and in Jesus Christ who is the Light and that of God in Every man. We believe in the Triune God. Why can t you join the Bidhist who worship "nothing"?

  • @bargainmom
    @bargainmom 16 лет назад

    Yes, I have. I like this very much but I'm not

  • @osakawayne
    @osakawayne 14 лет назад

    the founder of Quakerism, George Fox, explains that the bible does not assert the trinity, that is a catholic construct, so if you're talking about a triune God, you're not talking about primitive christianity/Quakerism. Also, the point of quakerism is be still in the spirit from which the scriptures were created, the scriptures are not necessary, just useful.

  • @elizabethneely8575
    @elizabethneely8575 9 лет назад

    True Quakerism is Centered on Jesus Christ. Read George Fox, If you are Quaking in the fear of God you are a true Quaker, if you do not have a very real fear ( respect) of Jesus , then you are probably not a Quaker, but possibly another variation of contemplative religion. My Ancestors were all Very Holy God fearing Quakers for several generations. This new variation of Quakers who do not believe in Jesus or the Bible as the Authority of all spiritual discernment is not The Original Quaker/Primitive Belief. Unfortunately many people prefer to be politically correct than to be scripturally correct. I am not equipped to Judge the heart of any child of God, But I do believe that we must mind the Bible as the standard to Judge all personal revelation against, and if the personal revelation does not agree with the Bible, I would defer to the Biblical understanding of the matter. Blessings to you all.