Ikaros Ayahuasca: El Aguila y el Condor

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 13

  • @yoshi24zeta
    @yoshi24zeta 7 месяцев назад

    Música de las cordilleras andinas. Saludos desde Chile

  • @maexmedicine
    @maexmedicine 7 лет назад +6

    Estoy teletransportándome con esta musica más 500 años atrás hacia un paraíso!!

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 5 лет назад +8

    Thank you Mother Ayahuasca ! Endless Infinite Gratitude !. Condors prefer to live in the high mountains, flying the skies above the cordilleras. They symbolize the highest elevation, above limitations & obstacles. They are above all, the symbol of the transpersonal; they integrate the wisdom of death, those with no ego.They are the symbol of spiritual ascension, of communication with the spirits, with what is subtle. Condors are the winged representatives of Ayahuasca. The condor is the symbol of creative power, the incarnation of timeless philosophy; his majestic flight suggests the process of life itself, of creative eternity, whose ever-living works are made up of births and deaths.
    The eagle is the symbol of the sun, but the eye of the condor is the sun; it symbolizes the hidden light of the great emptiness.
    The Condor is the master of weather, of thunder and lightning, of wisdom, of new vision, of prophecy, of illumination. The condor has the ability to shift through dimensions of Spirit seamlessly.
    The condor is without doubt the king of the skies, but ultimately he is a servant, a simple gardener, the instrument of the art of renovation, of cleanliness and purification; new productions need new spaces, which are fertilized from the disintegration of the old, of the spirits of the dead. Wisdom, prudence, calm, reflection, discretion, intuition, vision, prophecy, messenger of the divine - these are the attributes of the bird.
    The Black Jaguar is the land Spirit animal representative of Ayahuasca. Which frolics in the Amazon rainforest, the lungs of Mother Earth, breathing into her Heart ( hence why when you look inside the interior of human lungs it looks like a forest of Trees, a simple google image search for lungs trees or lungs forest will show you that,). Hence the Amazon Rainforest, which represents over 80% of our Mother Earths cleaen air is Representing your Breath ( Breath of Spirit). And the Condor is the winged representative of Ayahuasca, hence why you see jaguars and condors depicted in a lot of Ayahuasca Art.
    It is so hilarious how this pathetic western society lies about everything. Children are actually brainwashed to believe that a Lion is king of the jungle, when nothing could be further from the Truth. Lions don't even live in the jungle, their habitat is the flat plains ( LOL !!). Lions cannot climb trees effortlessly like a Jaguar can. Lions cannot survive in the jungle. Jaguar has always been the King of the jungle as it is the most conscious Spirit animal in the jungle with the least ego. Lions on the other hand have an ego of self-image, Jaguars do not, as it's the King.
    Hence why Jaguars have the ability to interact with the higher dimension Spirit worlds of the magical plants, and there is no creature that can defeat a Jaguar in the forest ( Forest = For REST), not even a 30 foot Anaconda Serpent or a crocodile in it's own element of the swamp. A Lion would be lost with an Anaconda or crocodile in the swamp, but not a Jaguar as a Jaguar is so conscious it can see three and four steps ahead.
    The Condor is the same thing, it is the bird with the least ego of self-image, which is why it is the highest flying bird that can shift between Spiritual dimensions seamlessly. And by far the smartest and most Spiritually conscious bird in existence on this planet. Not the Eagle. That is just a tiny sample of the infinite magic of Nature (Spirit) that Ayahuasca will teach you, by Direct Spiritual Experiences ( No books and No words are needed as they are worthless).
    Don't expect your pathetic western schools or any church to ever teach you these beautiful things as your education system is not an education system at all (besides reading and writing you learn absolutely nothing in schools and you don't need human schools to learn how to read and write anyways, any child can learn to read and write at home).
    Your western school textbooks are illuminati government written, same with your fake and useless bible, all illuminati government written. Your mind is nothing more than the countless lies of fake illuminati manufactured society speaking through you. Your pathetic western schools are Not an education system, it is an indoctrination system to enslave you to make you totally unconscious, psychologically and emotionally repressed and suppressed, , Spiritually bereft, and as dumb and stupid as humanly possible. ;-)
    Everything in western society is nothing more than total lies.
    "History is just a set of lies agreed upon"- Napoleon Bonaparte
    " A society that keeps cures a secret (from the magic of Nature) so they can continue to sell synthetic medication for huge profits is not a society, but a huge mental asylum".
    "Humans are the most insane species, they worship an invisible God and destroy a visible Nature. Totally unaware that the Nature they are destroying is the God they are worshiping" - Hubert Reeves : )

    • @martademozione3687
      @martademozione3687 3 года назад

      Wow. What a comment. I never tried ayahuasca and maybe your comment goes way beyond it. And I had to read it more than once, to better understand it and think about it. I’ll take it to my sleep tonight. I believe it will change me. Goodnight from Portugal!

  • @francolindoscantosgraciasa12
    @francolindoscantosgraciasa12 8 лет назад +4

    esa,es,la melodía mas linda del mundo

  • @MegaTophit
    @MegaTophit 10 лет назад +8

    Fenomenal... algún día sera realidad la union del abya yala

  • @annieangiehenderson6153
    @annieangiehenderson6153 2 года назад +1


  • @nuevamelodist
    @nuevamelodist 7 лет назад +3


  • @alisashazapatakarak462
    @alisashazapatakarak462 4 года назад

    Los bellos del cielo

  • @annieangiehenderson6153
    @annieangiehenderson6153 2 года назад


  • @ivarpb
    @ivarpb 10 лет назад +2

    Anyone know where/if I can find the tabs for this song on native american flute? Thanks and

  • @raymunditoh
    @raymunditoh 7 лет назад

    Melodías invasivas una cultura muerta un fenómeno dormido