RAGE OF DRAGONS | non-spoiler review

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2020
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Комментарии • 47

  • @d3lvn
    @d3lvn 2 года назад +4

    It’s so funny that most of your critiques honestly make this book sound sick as hell

  • @prolifik5
    @prolifik5 3 месяца назад +1

    Gave up 2/3 through. I guess the endless battle scenes may be a matter of taste, but I couldn't deal with such a frustrating, one-note protagonist. Also felt the world-building was rather shallow with different elements being brought up but not explored in a particularly engaging way.

  • @monicamerle1417
    @monicamerle1417 3 года назад +1

    Oh definitely i have seconds thoughts now but I already bought it. I might as well get it over with it even if i have to skim sections 😆

  • @matisskarklins304
    @matisskarklins304 3 года назад +2

    I just read the book. I agree in the main with your critique; Tau has little depth or maturity beyond his total commitment to developing skills needed to effect his revenge. But consider that write-ups of Olympic athletes show a similar tunnel vision to bettering their skills/abilities to the exclusion of everything else. It seems to truly achieve domination of a sport requires that kind of total commitment. It's only when athletes retire from active participation that they broaden their lives, typically coaching or otherwise still embedded with their chosen discipline. So I hold out hope for growth in Tau's character. That said, the extended well written development of his fighting prowess was sufficiently entertaining for me to want to see where it goes.

    • @LienesLibrary
      @LienesLibrary  3 года назад

      I suppose it comes down to whether or not you, as a reader, find such extensive descriptions of training and combat to be entertaining and engaging or...... not 🤷‍♀️

    • @csd8204
      @csd8204 3 года назад +2

      Another thing is - he's young. I always scratch my head when people want originality but when they get it, refer back to tired tropes as the way it's "supposed to be done". We can't have it both ways. I read your book and immerse myself in your world and judge it off of its merits; not a pre-existing checklist of dos and don'ts. Much of the complaints I've read about Tau fall more into the "I wanted him to do this" or "I would've preferred he do it that" variety couched in "it's just bad" language. I'm in my 50s and Tau acts like a lot of young people acting against their natural tendencies. He reverts back to type then remembers his goal and goes back to single minded purpose mode. It's frustrating but I think it's supposed to be frustrating. I think we're supposed to see how trauma can warp you. Not to cast an overly macro level view on it but, many a freedom fighter/patriot become so as a result of trauma, loss and/or a perceived wrong.

  • @JashanaC
    @JashanaC 3 года назад +7

    This is the book that made me realize I really truly do NOT like a shit ton of fighting/training sequences. Especially when the outcome is the same over and over and over... the MC wins... he wins again... ooh he's fighting again I wonder if he's going to win?
    I also realized that I do not like an MC who is that one-track minded and stubborn. WHEW just not a fun time for me to read about.
    THAT PART AT THE ENDING I swear to goddddddddd
    All these things combined just did NOT create an enjoyable reading experience for me... ! I'm happy for all the folks who looooove it - that's the dream! haha 😄 Just wasn't me this time around.
    Get ready for the dissertations on why your opinion is wrong & your arguments are weak, for the bits that you didn't like. lol. I know you can handle it, of course. 😂

    • @LienesLibrary
      @LienesLibrary  3 года назад +7

      hahaha having dudes yell at me about fantasy books that my girl brain just can't handle the greatness of is kinda my brand 😂

  • @marinakonrad5035
    @marinakonrad5035 3 года назад +3

    Your review was so refreshing to watch. I just finished it and I was so confused about all the hype around it >_< At least I'm not the only one bored with Tau. And the whole empire being shitty with the colonizing and the caste system - I really wish it was at least more examined. On the one hand, I kiiiinda see the argument for Tau not thinking about things like that critically because he's a dumb teenager, but on the other hand that's why I dislike Tau. I wished we could follow someone smarter through the book.

  • @iosafuaduibhne355
    @iosafuaduibhne355 3 года назад

    Hey Liene, great review as always!
    I thought the same to be honest.
    I was wondering if you’ve read Anthony Ryan’s Raven’s Shadow books?
    I saw so much negativity concerning the 2nd one, but I’m personally loving it.

    • @LienesLibrary
      @LienesLibrary  3 года назад +1

      I haven't but it's on my life TBR 😅

  • @alb0zfinest
    @alb0zfinest 3 года назад

    Thank god for your channel because just like The Way of Kings where 99% seemed to like it, this book got the same buzz and I was disappointed in almost the same way. This was definitely less boring than The Way of Kings, but the writing style was worse. Good thing I just read Malice and it made me hope for better fantasy again.

  • @triggerboy85v59
    @triggerboy85v59 10 месяцев назад

    Good book but had a hard time finishing it. I could not really care for any characters in this book.

  • @mariareadsssf
    @mariareadsssf 11 месяцев назад

    So "The Name of the Wind" is not sexist?

  • @osoisko1933
    @osoisko1933 3 года назад

    I know what you meant by the beginning. I've only read the prologue and it was really good and I was into the characters, the conflict, and politics shown. But knowing they jump into the future and that it's more of a gladiator story is what had me put it off from really reading it last year. So I'm sad to hear this.

    • @LienesLibrary
      @LienesLibrary  3 года назад

      yeah if that kind of story doesn't appeal to you I wouldn't recommend...

    • @osoisko1933
      @osoisko1933 3 года назад

      @@LienesLibrary It's not that I dislike gladiator stories per say. I love the Gladiator movie, and if it was like that or Godsgrave, I'd be all about it. It's just even before this review, after reading the prologue and realizing everything I just read is supplementary, just made me put it off until I'm done with books that held more of my interest. Hopefully the sequel picks up.

  • @nihad-m
    @nihad-m 3 года назад +1

    Speaking of Meh books, have you seen the Dune trailer?
    I'm thinking about just watching the movie and skipping on the book.

    • @LienesLibrary
      @LienesLibrary  3 года назад +3

      someone literally just messaged me about the Dune trailer - I haven't had a chance to watch it yet but I'm excited

  • @lenamontgomery2542
    @lenamontgomery2542 3 года назад +1

    OMG! The sex scene was just...I mean REALLY? I listened to it on audio and had to laugh out loud. It was beyond unrealistic..
    I feel what you are saying here. It's over the top with the revenge/battle/training. I'm considering reading the second because I have some hope that it CAN get better

    • @LienesLibrary
      @LienesLibrary  3 года назад +2

      I miiiiight read the second one, but I'm not eager or anything

  • @TheBookishMom
    @TheBookishMom 3 года назад

    I am about halfway through and while I am liking it, there are a LOT of fighting scenes, not my favorite.... I also feel like so far it is a lot of training and build-up which i get that it is the first book in a series but i am just wondering where we will go after the first half.... I do like it so far and I am reserving judgment for its ending.

    • @LienesLibrary
      @LienesLibrary  3 года назад

      the second half is more training and buildup 😆

    • @TheBookishMom
      @TheBookishMom 3 года назад

      @@LienesLibrary ughhhhh idk then... i like training but I need payoff

    • @LienesLibrary
      @LienesLibrary  3 года назад

      @@TheBookishMom there is a climactic ending which arguably delivers on the promise of all that training but by that point I was so sick of the combat that I was underwhelmed

    • @TheBookishMom
      @TheBookishMom 3 года назад

      @@LienesLibrary yeah, makes sense, its a ton of battle, training, fighting... and tau is kinda dumb and single minded...

  • @monicamerle1417
    @monicamerle1417 3 года назад

    I love Gladiator. I have it on blu ray but cannot watch very frequently not because of the fighting and the blood but because that ending always makes me cry like a little bitch...when Russell falls down dead and you see the montage from the beginning and that beautiful song by genius Hans Zimmer gets me so bad 😁. I have to read Rage of Dragons for a bookclub...i can already predict it'll be torture. I got it cheap on kindle because Merphy Napier liked it but her taste in book don't always align 🙄

  • @mhatt9773
    @mhatt9773 3 года назад

    A quick search reveals that at least four books are planned. That seems a bit excessive.

    • @LienesLibrary
      @LienesLibrary  3 года назад

      if the books followed other characters..... then maybe. but I somehow doubt that will be the case 🙄

    • @mhatt9773
      @mhatt9773 3 года назад

      @@LienesLibrary The way you described it, I don't know if I'd trust him to make these hypothetical other characters interesting. It'd just be second verse, same as the first.

    • @osoisko1933
      @osoisko1933 3 года назад

      From Evan Winter's i terviews with Daniel Greene, it sounds like the second book is a war novel.

  • @constantinodelgado8509
    @constantinodelgado8509 3 года назад

    Great review, as always! I’ve actually been looking for a new read so thanks for your honest and thoughtful opinions.
    I recently finished Gods of Jade and Shadow. I thought it was “okay” but for some reason loved the ending. Additionally, as a history teacher I LOVED how historically and culturally accurate it was. We have similar book views so I wonder if that’s on your radar by any chance?

    • @LienesLibrary
      @LienesLibrary  3 года назад +1

      that was on my TBR last month but I didn't get to it

  • @joyceellentheilig5465
    @joyceellentheilig5465 3 года назад

    Omagah . Hahah I wanted to get this book because when I went back to BOOKSTAGRAM I saw it everywhere. I mean hmm I can skim through info dumps. Haha thank you for the video !

  • @csd8204
    @csd8204 3 года назад +1

    Really entertaining review. I disagreed with most of your points but love the way you articulate your thoughts. A lot of it is a taste/preference thing. Historically, during duels there is a formal declaration of who you are and why you are challenging them. It appeared long before The Princess Bride. It's in GOT with the Viper and The Mountain and in countless fantasy and historical books. Sex scenes is also a preference type thing. GOT has similar type sex scenes (Daenerys and Khol Drogo); Jon & Ygritte, etc. Fantasy and books in general are subjective. Maximus in Gladiator does tell Commodus he's going to kill him and why repeatedly. Essentially, everything you said was cliché and ridiculous was in Gladiator - you just preferred the execution.
    All that said, what sold me on this review was you which is why I'm a new subscriber. I never buy books or form my opinions based on others so I still bought the book and enjoyed it immensely and still enjoyed your review. Readers have preferences. I don't read books to see the author do things the way i want it done. I immerse myself in their story and their world; cater my expectations to what they give me and then form my opinion independent of how another author did it. That's how, for me, every book is a wholly unique experience - I don't try to make it fit into my or another writer's box. Looking forward to listening to more of your reviews and commentary.

  • @geert574
    @geert574 3 года назад

    It's good but book 2 is gonna suck balls, the dude is already leveled up to absurd power levels and the queen wants his peen now too, soon he'll have his own pet dragon and be the greatest magic world traveler too

    • @LienesLibrary
      @LienesLibrary  3 года назад

      lol yeah pretty much 🤣

    • @csd8204
      @csd8204 3 года назад +1

      That's so not what happens. Funny though.

  • @annaliden90
    @annaliden90 3 года назад

    I did want to read this initially. I knew basically nothing about the story except that it was about revenge. Now I'm kind of glad I didn't get it because what you've described sounds boring. If I'm going to read a 500+p book I expect more than just a character that sees red any time someone that did him wrong comes across his field of vision. Gotta think forward my dude.

    • @LienesLibrary
      @LienesLibrary  3 года назад +1

      "gotta think forward my dude" 😆👌

  • @mpsensha
    @mpsensha 3 года назад

    Yep, the fighting just was too much, I think an editor should have told the author to dump at least 100 pages. In the middle I caught myself being frustrated with Tao and I just wanted to slap him on the back of his head and tell him to get his brains together. But I'm going to get the next book, because I want to see some positive development. 😁