It can be shady, but I should known it was too good to be true, the price was too low, but the pictures were a bit misleading. The worse part is no able to ask for refund on these. I will stick with Fashionphile from now on.
Etro have numbers and date code inside the bags and you can call customer care service to confirm it. I can say that the brown bag is real because I have one like that but the white one I don't know anything about it. My collection have different padding and colours are different.
I heard real real is not a dependable site which does discourage and piss me off too. But i do love Etros pegasus!!!
It can be shady, but I should known it was too good to be true, the price was too low, but the pictures were a bit misleading. The worse part is no able to ask for refund on these. I will stick with Fashionphile from now on.
Etro have numbers and date code inside the bags and you can call customer care service to confirm it. I can say that the brown bag is real because I have one like that but the white one I don't know anything about it. My collection have different padding and colours are different.
thanks! I will investigate. However I suspect☺😀 that the handles were not leather but rubber or fake leather on that one bag.
Would you happen to know if there are other options on checking if the codes are legit like a website or something? Thank you in advance
I have a bag for sale very nice