My Documentary about the White Caucasians is finally online! Go and watch it on my Channel, or click on this Linkвидео.html Shalom.
Također Crna Gora:Kossovo is Albania Nekritikujem vas ako imate tako razumno misljenje,ali kritikujem vasu vladu.Brt. ja da sam na vesem mestu glave bi im do sad poskido kako mozete ziveti sa vladom koja je protiv vas(srba) Izvini zbog gramaticki greski ako ih je bilo,POZDRAV IZ REPUBLIKE SRBSKE!•^•
@@smrtorog bukvalno su nas spasili nekoliko puta i mi njih i svaki rat koj se desijo bili su na nasoj strani mi cak imamo i dogovor sa njim da nam daju pristup moru
Moj je tata zločinac iz rata Moj je tata zločinac iz rata Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda Moj je tajo pol' Bosne osvaj'o Moj je tajo pol' Bosne osvaj'o Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda Moj je stari opasan ustvari Moj je stari opasan ustvari Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda Nema niko muda da vodi ha do suda
@@rodicm08 That's your freedom, I have no issue with that. But my comment was in relation to Montenegro and not BiH. Not all Montenegrins consider themselves as Serbs, they would have stated so in the census.. and that's a fair point I made.
@@FromthisInstanceOn We will see in few months on state census how many Montenegrins consider themself as ethnic Serb...For sure , that is much more that official data shows..
Montenegro and Serbia are one nation! We will fight together till we die together, we montenegrins know where we from, politics will never split us apart Zivjeli!❤🇲🇪🇷🇸
@@unsgus925 ok but if you dont want to be Serbs just one thing. No more Slava. То је традиција коју је нама Севти Сава направио ми смо једини праволсавци који имају славу. Нисте Срби оставите наше обичаје. So yeh if you dont wana be Serbs give up Serbian traditions.
@@andjelkovicjasmin2954 ok happy you said that. Since you are not Serbs i will ask you to stop using our traditions like Slava which was made by Saint Sava for Serbs. Its cultural appropriation and we do not like it when some other people take out things and clame it as theres.
Montenegro and Serbia are brotherly nations. Remember this. When the right time comes brother will fight shoulder to shoulder with his brother. ЗА СРПСТВО ❤️
@Nash Bridges if you wana be technical Greeks pre dated the first mention of Illyrians so by there logic not even they are native and the Greeks can kick all of us out.
@@M_stick since I was born I support Serbia my parents when you had your fair war against all the criminals Bosnian and Croatian send food and money through all the 90s my friend. Greedings many and I hope one day Serbia would be strong again and reclain all the stolen territory
@@cauli5305 montenegro sanctions russia ... and is with nato .. see more news ... The best gas prices from putin only got serbs in republika srpska ... And sputnik V vaccine is and is only allowed to be produced in serbia .. Montenegro supports Croatia ... Russia is never friends or brothers with montenegro ....
@@cauli5305 montenegro sanctions russia ... and is with nato .. see more news ... The best gas prices from putin only got serbs and serbs in republika srpska ... And sputnik V vaccine is and is only allowed to be produced in serbia .. Montenegro supports Croatia ... Russia is never friends or brothers with montenegro ....
@@ДушанСпиридоновић koristi li bi mnogo bolje za presretanje neprijateljskih trupa koji prelaze preko reke, ili cak za neku pomoc nasim trupama na zemlji (ukoliko je borba blizu neke reke) isto kao i neki pvo malog dometa, ako je bitka opet blizu neke reke, ali po istoriji, nije bilo mnogo bitaka na reci ili blizu nje (a da je plovna).
Russia showed us against Ukraine that their army is pathetic and using out dated equipment and tactics. They would get rolled over by USA in 1 month if there was no nukes used both either side. Now China we have yet to see but against Nato theyre not going to try anything or they will get sanctioned and they dont care about Serbia enough to do that.
When Nato bombed belgrade where was Russia and China?Oh yeah they dont want to mess with Nato.Serbia lose everytime.serbian soldier know only to kill unarmed,womens and childs nothing else.
@@lorikibraimi8889 bruh, no, you only have LIGHT ARMORED vehicles. No tanks, nothing else. And yea Croatia is strong enough, but not stronger then Serbs. (They are mostly strong cuz of NATO, nothing else) We have superior Air power then all of the countries mentioned, and from our history experiences, thats the most effective thing. With air power, we could bomb your nearby army camps or bases, or bomb your troops and your vehicles. And noone but Croatia with their very weak and obsolete mig 21s could try to stop us. But then we have NATO, which is the reason why there would be no war ever again in rhw Balkans. But this is just theoretically speaking, if there was no NATO.
@@TheSerboHebrew you cant even defeat albanian volonteurs on kosovo with native guns🤡. Those countries would conquer serbia in few months. German empire conquered you alone in an week 1914
@@Dixie-wm8nc wrong serbia fought till 1915 when bulgarians attacked and forced serbia to surrender(but austria-hungary and germany couldnt invade in a year and not a week)
Anyone familiar with history will know that whenever Serbia is threatened by anyone, Montenegro is the first to step in and declare war on Serbian enemies, they are not called "Serbian Sparta" for nk reason.
@@albinh.3149 Du bist aber witzig HAHAHA, vor dem ersten balkan krieg lebte kein einziger albaner in kosovo, erst yugo zeit auf einmal. Montenegro hat die dna gruppe J1 wie wir serben, also hoff nicht
Ма брате не знам ни ја више шта се заправо догађа, читам неки дан неке коментаре где наводно неки "Црногорци" пишу да у Црној Гори никада није било Срба и да је цела та историја која тврди да су први владари Дукље били Срби заиста измишљена и све тако неке глупости, испада јеботе као да ми Срби имамо толику моћ да смо ми преко 1000 година историје све сами фалсификовали и јебао зеца ако не сретнем бар једног дегена који каже да је онај Сима Милутиновић или неке друге особе измишљали све преко ноћи и да су они испирали Његошу мозак ово оно, знаци буквално да се човек постиди од глупости који неки сматрају истинитом.
Istocna Herzegovina ima 73,000 ljudi od koji su vecina Srbi.. a sama opstina Mostar ima 105.000.. sto znaci Srbi ne prestavljaju vecinu u Herzegovini i zato ne mozete pricati za sve ljude iz tog kraja.
@@albinh.3149 Hello 12 y/o kid who support communist but do not know what the does even mean,btw u need to shut ur mouth because of ur people's do to serbs in kosovo and saying americans its albanian best friend but u albanians are not to smart to see that americans use albanian hate for gold on kosovo.haha what did u think? AMERICANS AS FRIEND best joke ever made in this decedent.
That would not happened because Romania is in EU and in NATO so if Serbia tried to attack any of neighbours, Romania couldn't not help because Serbia is aggressor. EU would not tolerate that actions from Romania
Političari medije ih međusobno nahuskaju za sekundu ,to su ljudi koji nisu bili u ratu inače nebi .tako se aufgeilen na rat imam ljude u familiji od moje žene. Koji su bili u ratu i u logoru protiv mudžahedina, oni ne gledaju sigurno više ko je jači. Glupa dječaka youtube video .nego im je dosta trauma za 5 života
@@rajaperic9475 My comment got deleted unfortunatly... I wrote that, how did I hate with my comment? I only mentioned that the guy who made the video hated it. He not only hated your brothership (serbi-montenegrin) but also the Albania-Kosovan brothership by switching up the teams.
For those who ask "Why Montenegro is on Anti-Serb coallition" is: Milo during his time as head of state did a lot of things to take Montenegro away from Serbs: falsificating history (expl. "Serbia occupied MN after WW1", banning some Serbian school books,...), recognized Kosovo by his will, joined NATO also by his will, and assimilating Serbian Orthodox Churches into Montenegrin (some of them are destroyed).
Problem with Montenegro is same as in Croatia. It's the Serbian orthodox church. By default if you are orthodox on balkans, you are 'counted' as serbian. Remember 1919. when SPC 'united' all regional orthodox churches and declared them serbian? That my sir is called falsificating history. So just to see if I got it: It was fine when serbs do it in 1919., but it's not fine if someone does it to you? You even wrote about stuff like this in SANU memorandums.
@@jongray7033 Montenegrins are Serbs. It was even concluded by science that we are the same people. It's not falsification. The history was changed many times by different countries because they are against Serbs. Nothing is about the truth, it's all about interests and everyone writes their own history. I personally don't believe in Croatian one, because there is no proof, only stories.
@@vinkokrklec3596 every ground battle on Kosovo by NATO was lost. They can only bomb and kill children.... NATO is just a shit alliance doing nothing, Albania alone would be stronger than whole NATO...
Montenegro got new pro-serb parlament and anti-serb Milo Djukanovic will lose whole power in next mounts,right now u can add montenegro with old brother nation with Serbs.
The new "pro serb"goverment said that they will not reunifcate with serbia, will not derecognize kosovo and will not leave the nato. So educate yourself first.
@@KING-pc2tp nisi iskren. Nova vlast uopste nije pro-srpska. Kako kad su u koaliciji sa driton abazom koji je albanac. Nece se nista menjati u CG. CG je mrtva odavno, ja vidim samo montenegro
@@TheSerboHebrew Ti cim vidis montenegro a ne Crnu Goru ti si onda sve Srbe koji su dole otpisao.Crna Gora mrtva nije sve dok ima postenih i casnih Srba i Crnogoraca u njoj,i oni su uspjeli da povrate Crnu Goru kako tako,a nadam se u buducbosti i u potpunosti,povlacenje priznanja kosova i izlazak iz Natoa ne ide odmah,samo polako.A sto su u koaliciji sa albancom to ti necu objasnjavati to da imas i malo mozga i mudrosti to mozes shvatiti.
@@KING-pc2tp ocemo se kladiti da se nece nista ama bas nista menjat?! Ajd budi malo iskren, svako zna da se nece povlacit priznanja nez. Kosova a ne zele ni izac iz natoa. Kao sto sam reko nisi iskren. I ja bi voleo da bude Srbija i CG. Al nece biti nazalost. Jedino da se srbi odvajaju. I da prave republiku srpska crnu goru(na mom kanalu ima jedan video koji se bavi s tim)
Montenegro is same people like Serbian people, do not count on us we are same we will support Serbia with our lifes . We share same history, same religion, same culture.
@@albinh.3149 Dont know about that ,I know that Croatia will never help Kosovars, they hate muslims, also they hate Serbs. Balakan is insane everyone hate each other.
Hey buddy, It really is not my fault that i am ugly to most;) ;) and that many girls,mostly Bosniak girls hurt my feelings by telling me how ugly i am,you know very well what was done to them in the Aggression on Bosnia.......btw(Kosovo Is Not Serbia ) ✌️ ✌️
Anti-Serbian coalition is not possible without NATO unification and support, so it is pointless even to consider it without NATO. With no NATO support this coalition (that would not include Montenegro) has no chance to win against Serbia, while with NATO support (that would include Montenegro) coalition's defeat would be prevented by Americans, and most likely Americans would have to intervene with own armed forces, like in wars of 90's last century. Only question is - is it possible now, with Putin's Russia?
Your analysis is not accurate. For one wars are not won based on equipment alone. The serbs had a significantly better army in the 1990s but couldnt take over the BiH and Croat forces. Also you mention Putin and Russia, but theyve shown theyre not impressive either now with struggle to take Ukraine
And Serbs has balls, witch is most important in any conflict ;) NATO knows the best, the strongest army in the world had to take part of Serbia by cheating (resolution 1244)
@Milan Đukić naravno da je Srbija izgubila sve ratove a pod tim mislim na ogromne teritorije Krajina, Crna Gora, Kosovo, Bosna i Hercegovina.... A naravno da svi ljudi trebaju u slozi i miru da žive jer gdje god da odeš 98 posto su dobri ljudi ovih 2 % su nedovoljno obrazovani ili imaju neki interes od sukoba
I love these types of videos that make Serbian ego's go up for no logical reason. Majority of the Serbian weaponry is from Soviet era. Old, damaged or completely disfunctional systems that Serbia is still using for no other reason than "having more of everything compared to Croatia". Croatian army is significantly more modern for example. Yes, Serbian army posses more weaponry, that is true, but it is seriously outdated. Imagine if Albania kept all its tanks and now claimed they have a total of 1125 tanks. Who cares those are T54s and T55s, they would have 1125 tanks now lmao.
Croatia ALONE outnumbers serbian artillery by 100+ pieces (including rocket systems) also, our most modern rocket system isnt some romanian scrap, its the croatian GRAD 96 or smtng, the german self propelled howitzers are actually a lot more reliable for being from 1996 than some yugo equipment from the similar era, not to mention the self propelled howitzers actual efficiency
What? Up until very recently we’re you got a few Rafale jets your most modern fighter was a Mig-21. Do you have UGVs? Mig-29s? M84-AS1/AS2? Lazar APC? These are just a few examples of modern equipment used by Serbia. Serbia could take all of Croatia in less than a week without NATO intervention and sanctions.
@@SerbonOfficial JNA failed to break only the first lines for weeks and months in 1991 when our army was putting itself together, JNA which was in top 5 armies of europe
Yep don't f*** with us ... lol. We have also China, Russia, India, Indonesia, Greece (hello brothers) and most of the Latin Countries behind us ... Thanks for the video.
@@larisaharhaj6349 not really because we have🇨🇳🇮🇳 and from what Ik they make up a good 40% of the worlds population and theirs always 🇷🇺 the nuclear power house and if that’s not good enough we also have 🇧🇷🇰🇵🇦🇲🇧🇾🇧🇬🇹🇩🇪🇸🇲🇪🇲🇰🇬🇷🇮🇩🇵🇱🇺🇦🇮🇱🇪🇹🇸🇦🇵🇸🇱🇧🇼🇸 and the list goes on and on
no, the other coutries are in Nato, so they dont waste their money in army. Evrey nation who want to attac Albania or Croatia, is attacking even Usa and Europe. ps. i remind you this cuorios fact, Albania in comunist period, was third ranking in the word, in defense military. Incredibile, for a such tiny nation.
@@MsMirditori no albania was the weakest one cus of communists and if they military are not good then they should leave it to be stromg as serbia or more
My Documentary about the White Caucasians is finally online! Go and watch it on my Channel, or click on this Linkвидео.html
Kako Crnu Goru stavi u neprijatelje.
Ми Црногорци нијесмо били издајице, нити ћемо да будемо! Вазда смо били заједно, заједно и остајемо! Поздрав из Подгорице!
Vazda brate pušti politiku što truju
Ja sam Srbin edit: Srbin iz Republike Srpske
Прешједник се продао за 100 динара
Pozdrav iz Srbije braćo Crno Gorci🇷🇸❤️🇲🇪
@@narkobacon epik pfp tho lol
Putting Montenegro against Serbia is something craziest in these days 🇷🇸🇲🇪
ne jedi govna
@@smrtorog ubi s3
@@fafafoi7311 Vise nego realno na veliku zalost
@@smrtorog brt srb i cg uvek braca
A jel Srbi lažu od rođenja ili kad pođu u školu.???! 7
Mi smo uvek bili uz srbe jer su nam pomagali godinama 🇲🇪🇲🇪🇲🇪❤🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Također Crna Gora:Kossovo is Albania
Nekritikujem vas ako imate tako razumno misljenje,ali kritikujem vasu vladu.Brt. ja da sam na vesem mestu glave bi im do sad poskido kako mozete ziveti sa vladom koja je protiv vas(srba)
Izvini zbog gramaticki greski ako ih je bilo,POZDRAV IZ REPUBLIKE SRBSKE!•^•
Vi ste samo uz nas Srbe kad vam odgovara, a kad vam ne odgovara onda ste protiv Srbe i Srbija.
@@nemo3726Hvala,može se reći da si mi popravio dan
@@idiokrat6499 pa bato uzece verovatno sto je najace i ako qkosovo nije ni drzava nego pokrajina
Ми Црногорци смо Срби и ми смо са браћом Србима!
Yup istina
Mi smo isti narod
@VSM_Stefi jebiga postoji
Tako je.. koji bolid stavio da je crna gora protiv Srbije... to kao da si sam protiv sebe...cccc boze debila
Hi from Serbian Sparta.🇲🇪
@@dzevadsulejmanovic5419 is Serbia😁
@@stanimirovicd8207 🇽🇰
@@dzevadsulejmanovic5419 =🇷🇸
@@dzevadsulejmanovic5419 Disneyland flag ?🤣🤣🤣 don’t worry we will come back my son like Armenians in karabakh ❤️❤️❤️
Брат за брата!
For the empire brut
tako ej brtt
Da Comrade
Time for a change
Same Shit different day
@@ShauMapping jesi probo
Tako je!
Montenegro and Serbia are not enemies
ne jedi govna
@@smrtorog Kaze neko ko na svakom komentaru to napise. Imas najvise 10
@@proudmontenegrin6024 jbg svugde ces naci kidare
@@smrtorog mali nemac ajde begaj kidarcino jedna
@@smrtorog bukvalno su nas spasili nekoliko puta i mi njih i svaki rat koj se desijo bili su na nasoj strani mi cak imamo i dogovor sa njim da nam daju pristup moru
Руси и Срби су браћа заувек 🇷🇺♥🇷🇸
Stay strong brother🇭🇷
Stay strong Poland? 🤣 Colonia all histori... In 1999 in nato...
@@milbunjaku3714 lol ne
весели се Српски роде..поздрав из Подгорице..
поздрав, брате.
Поздрав брате
Veseli se kur... mome.. 🤣
@@ytubeu7450 jači smo od vas, uz još tri zemlje. Sramota
Moj je tata zločinac iz rata
Moj je tata zločinac iz rata
Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite
Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite
Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda
Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda
Moj je tajo pol' Bosne osvaj'o
Moj je tajo pol' Bosne osvaj'o
Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite
Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite
Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda
Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda
Moj je stari opasan ustvari
Moj je stari opasan ustvari
Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite
Vi se potrudite pa ga osudite
Nema niko muda da vodi ga do suda
Nema niko muda da vodi ha do suda
Long live Serbia and Montenegro. Greetings and respect from Romania. Orthodox Brothers🇷🇸🇲🇪🇷🇴☦🙏
Mulcumesc frate salutat la romania
@@sasajablanov8064 God bless you and your country🙏🇷🇸🇷🇴
@@robert23_f 🇷🇸🇷🇴🇬🇷🇷🇺 vs 🇹🇷🇦🇱🇧🇦🇭🇷
You know we Montenegrins are serbs right 🇲🇪☦️🇷🇸😂
why didnt you state so in the census? I guess not everyone thinks the same as you.
@@rodicm08 That's your freedom, I have no issue with that. But my comment was in relation to Montenegro and not BiH. Not all Montenegrins consider themselves as Serbs, they would have stated so in the census.. and that's a fair point I made.
@@FromthisInstanceOn We will see in few months on state census how many Montenegrins consider themself as ethnic Serb...For sure , that is much more that official data shows..
@@theriseofnikas It will be interesting to see.
Montenegro and Serbia are brothers!
They are the same people
@@damjanthepro5332 its true
@@Lomkke да
Cruno Gorice Oni Su naj Jaci norod na Crno 💥✌️👹
That is true
Подршка Србима од Пољака.
Well thats suprising to see
Montenegro and Serbia are one nation! We will fight together till we die together, we montenegrins know where we from, politics will never split us apart Zivjeli!❤🇲🇪🇷🇸
@@unsgus925 ok but if you dont want to be Serbs just one thing.
No more Slava.
То је традиција коју је нама Севти Сава направио ми смо једини праволсавци који имају славу. Нисте Срби оставите наше обичаје.
So yeh if you dont wana be Serbs give up Serbian traditions.
No! montenegro and serbia ar not! one nation!
@@andjelkovicjasmin2954 ok happy you said that. Since you are not Serbs i will ask you to stop using our traditions like Slava which was made by Saint Sava for Serbs. Its cultural appropriation and we do not like it when some other people take out things and clame it as theres.
@@unsgus925Desetogodisnije hrvatce,mi,ljudi iz Crne Gore(vecina)zelimo se pridruziti Srbiji,nazalost politicari su protiv toga
Montenegro and Serbia are brothers
Uvek bilo i biće🇷🇸🇲🇪
Naravno brate 💪🇷🇸🇲🇪
2 countries 1 nation 🇷🇸🇲🇪
ne jedi govna
Da a htvatska i bosna su kao oni rodjaci sa kojima se nekad druzimo ali ne volimo onoliko koliko jedni druge lol. Ali smo svi drugovi.
Romania is for Serbia forever
Support and love brate ! ❤
Not in history but ok
@@pavlemladenovic227 Olso in history of course, every time Romania 🇷🇴 support Serbia!
Viva Romania..... ❤️❤️❤️
You are my braca too ! 🇷🇸💖🇷🇴
Respect from Brasil 🇧🇷🤜🏻🤛🏻🇷🇸
@@basilmagnanimous7011 ?
With love to Serbia , Montenegro from Armenians
@Jön Türkler
Yeah , Armenians will carve some coffins for trks 👍🏻
Love to Azerbaijan from Bosniaks from Montenegro
The Turskich drone are good working.
Nagorno Karabakh is Azerbaijan
@Jön Türkler 🇷🇸🏴☠️☦️ serbia and armenia ortodox!
Nagorno karabah is Armenia
Montenegro and Serbia are brotherly nations. Remember this. When the right time comes brother will fight shoulder to shoulder with his brother. ЗА СРПСТВО ❤️
Svrb-svrbstvo 🤮
Spread love and peace. Balkans need peace now, not wars💙✌️
Sadly WW3 will happen, and after we started WW1, we are prepared to be attacked by everyone
Life was always a war
Svaka tebi čast ljudino što normalno razmišljaš i ne razmišljaš ovako kao većina ljudi u komentarima. Ratovi nikome nisu donijeli dobro
@Косово Србија we are like serbia KOSOVO IS SERBIA
He putted Kosova against Albania and Croatia. What would you expect?!
@@__Peco123 dream on little slavic immigrant lmao...
@@albinh.3149 ?
@Nash Bridges if you wana be technical Greeks pre dated the first mention of Illyrians so by there logic not even they are native and the Greeks can kick all of us out.
Montenegro is best serbian friend or brother,same nation. Today Mne have serbian parlament. Sorry for my english😉
Yeah but they joined nato
@@proudmontenegrin6024 why did Montenegrl join NATO
@@ognjenpetrovic1296 Ask our goverments
Haha same nation he said
,,,, Срба има мало али су зајебани јако ко их дира неће проћи тек тако
Long live Serbia from Greece
foulis foul Long live Greece from Serbia,ortodox brather’s and sister’s.
Thank you my friend!!
@@M_stick since I was born I support Serbia my parents when you had your fair war against all the criminals Bosnian and Croatian send food and money through all the 90s my friend. Greedings many and I hope one day Serbia would be strong again and reclain all the stolen territory
Thank you.
@@foulisfoul1199 I wish to we get back Kosovo
Serbia is very strong! And will totally win a battle with them! From your ally, Greece🇬🇷🇷🇸❤️
And grecce is very gay
Arvanitas Are Albanians
@@valdetsadikaj1657 ohhh your pain is so hard, ahhhh
But croatia and albania have ally america 🇭🇷🇺🇸🇦🇱 bosna have turkey🇹🇷
@@larisaharhaj6349 and Serbia have Russia and China...
Big love and support from Greece our brothers back to our lands soon ☦🇬🇷♥️🇷🇸☦💪🏼🙏🏻🦅🦅
Istanbul is owned by turkey 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Montenegro and Serbia brother ❤️❤️❤️❤️♥️♥️☦️🇲🇪♥️🇷🇸☦️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
@Milan Đukić brate
@Milan Đukić mi smo isti narod
@@MG-pq1vt то је неки Хрват. Не веруј ако није ћирилицом. И ти пиши ћирилицом!
@@ДушанСпиридоновић ok brate moj
@@ДушанСпиридоновић ево пишем јели болје брате Србине како је у Србију
Im 🇲🇪 but at the same time 🇷🇸
You are crazy
Like both countries from Morocco
May I ask are you Berber ?
@@puppetmasternostringsonme8293 no, I'm Arab
السعادة والصحة لهذا الوقت ولعائلتك
@@muslimadoumi8875 Thanks, Moroccans are great people and I have always had good bonds with them as a Serb here in the Netherlands.
Serbia and Montenegro are brothers❤️🇷🇸🇲🇪❤️
Montenegro is literally Serbian best friend wtf
You are brothers of Serbia and we now, but Your leaders and politics no
I'm united center italy (granducato.of toscany) frienda
We are not friends
We are brothers 🇲🇪❤️🇷🇸
No its not I know it becouse I am serb and montegro made Anti-Serbian country :)
ne jedi govna
Balkan: Serbia you are done!
Serbia: Are you sure about that?
Oh god another one
@@_imtellingmum_ yep
Don t be dumb, Serbia would get rekt
@@shadowman8535 that's what everyone said 1999
The fact that most of our weapon systems and vehicle is home made is making me proud as fuck
@@Losowy brankov most
Long Live Serbia----And Montengro...
No, long life Serbia, Montenegro not.
ONLY 🇷🇸🇷🇺 ❤️ ОДНА!!!!!
Montenegro os with you 🇲🇪🇷🇸🇷🇺☦️
Montenegro hate serbs.... and hate cyrilic....
Without serbs of montenegro
@@JuzniVetar.92 no, we don't hate them, neither do we hate the cyrillic alphabet
But still, we aren't with russia
@@cauli5305 montenegro sanctions russia ... and is with nato ..
see more news ...
The best gas prices from putin only got serbs in republika srpska ...
And sputnik V vaccine is and is only allowed to be produced in serbia ..
Montenegro supports Croatia ... Russia is never friends or brothers with montenegro ....
@@cauli5305 montenegro sanctions russia ... and is with nato ..
see more news ...
The best gas prices from putin only got serbs and serbs in republika srpska ...
And sputnik V vaccine is and is only allowed to be produced in serbia ..
Montenegro supports Croatia ... Russia is never friends or brothers with montenegro ....
Montenegro?? Naaaah 50% He will defend Serbia!
100%* will defend Serbia!
ne jedi govna
@@proudmontenegrin6024 100%?? Not the Albanians of montenegro!!
Mara Pavlovic I love you! 💪😉❤️
@@proudmontenegrin6024 101%
Dzabe njima brodovi kad mi nismo okruženi morem
Hahahhahaha da
@@ДушанСпиридоновић koristi li bi mnogo bolje za presretanje neprijateljskih trupa koji prelaze preko reke, ili cak za neku pomoc nasim trupama na zemlji (ukoliko je borba blizu neke reke) isto kao i neki pvo malog dometa, ako je bitka opet blizu neke reke, ali po istoriji, nije bilo mnogo bitaka na reci ili blizu nje (a da je plovna).
dzaba I nama
Jedino u dunav xd
Bili su veoma korisni u napadu na Vukovar i odbrani granice na reci Drina, tako da nemoj da knjš.
Nooooo Bosnia love Serbia and my brothers!!!!❤️🇧🇦🇷🇸❤️
lie , 🏴☠️🇷🇸☦️
disgrace to your country
When you got China and Russia by your side, your pretty much undefeatable.
True and + you cannot defeat Serbs
@@MareSrbija Hahahhaa they were defeated in all of history and not to mention they’re really shit at war.
Russia showed us against Ukraine that their army is pathetic and using out dated equipment and tactics. They would get rolled over by USA in 1 month if there was no nukes used both either side. Now China we have yet to see but against Nato theyre not going to try anything or they will get sanctioned and they dont care about Serbia enough to do that.
When Nato bombed belgrade where was Russia and China?Oh yeah they dont want to mess with Nato.Serbia lose everytime.serbian soldier know only to kill unarmed,womens and childs nothing else.
@@khalidi5044 Won first Balkan war, won second Balkan war, won WW1, won WW2. Wtf are you talking about? 😂 Dogodine u Prizrenu 🇷🇸
they might win but you have to admit serbia is pretty damn strong compared to others
i agree bro
This is a fake video...Only Albania has 900+ Afv/apc not to mention Croatia alone is stronger than Serbia.
@@lorikibraimi8889 ok boomer
@@lorikibraimi8889 bruh, no, you only have LIGHT ARMORED vehicles. No tanks, nothing else. And yea Croatia is strong enough, but not stronger then Serbs. (They are mostly strong cuz of NATO, nothing else) We have superior Air power then all of the countries mentioned, and from our history experiences, thats the most effective thing. With air power, we could bomb your nearby army camps or bases, or bomb your troops and your vehicles. And noone but Croatia with their very weak and obsolete mig 21s could try to stop us. But then we have NATO, which is the reason why there would be no war ever again in rhw Balkans. But this is just theoretically speaking, if there was no NATO.
No war-just peace!
Bilo bi super pozis srbije🇷🇸
...тако је.... поздрав, Златко.................
Serbia is Not alone!!!
Serbia - Montenegro - Greece - Russia - China
there is absolutely no need to call our allice for help. we can pick on all 4 by ourselves.
@@TheSerboHebrew you cant even defeat albanian volonteurs on kosovo with native guns🤡. Those countries would conquer serbia in few months. German empire conquered you alone in an week 1914
@@Dixie-wm8nc wrong serbia fought till 1915 when bulgarians attacked and forced serbia to surrender(but austria-hungary and germany couldnt invade in a year and not a week)
@@Dixie-wm8nc learn history pls before you say anything
@@Dixie-wm8nc you need to know that serbia win battles on Cer, Kolubara i Drina in ww1 against Austro-Hungary and NATO bombed us 1999
Anyone familiar with history will know that whenever Serbia is threatened by anyone, Montenegro is the first to step in and declare war on Serbian enemies, they are not called "Serbian Sparta" for nk reason.
Jesus i finally get what that means
Things have changed a bit lately, sadly. Not a reason not to revert them but it's on the regime first and foremost
Do not worry, recently the people have put an end to Montenegro’s anti Serb leader, and a new pro-Serbia party has been elected.
Yea but montenegrin leader is anti serbi
@@m4rkio629 He used to be, they recently had an election and a pro Serbia party and leader was elected
Long live Serbia ⚔️🇷🇸⚔️❤️🙏🏻❤️
Results at the end as: FC Bayern Munich 8-2 FC Barcelona :D
Zašto svi koriste ovu muziku ide mi na živce
Nema druga.
Ide na živce??? najjaca muzika za videe ovog tipa
@@baleinebleue47 jeste brate dobra ali je slušamo već 10 godina od kad se pravi ovakvi videti, daj malo promene
@@dadaddy4296 🤣
Realno ovakve komparacije su sranje, kakvu god muziku da staviš :)
Serbs are not alone, don’t forget that Greece and Cyprus stands with their brother! 🇬🇷🇨🇾❤️🇷🇸☦️
Montenegriener sind ja ethische serben, deswegen gehören wir zusammen❤️❤️❤️🇲🇪🇲🇪🇲🇪🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Er hat Kosovo an serbien seite gepackt und montenegro auf die Alban-Kroatische seite...
Er hat sie villt ausversehen vertauscht.
@@albinh.3149 Du bist aber witzig HAHAHA, vor dem ersten balkan krieg lebte kein einziger albaner in kosovo, erst yugo zeit auf einmal. Montenegro hat die dna gruppe J1 wie wir serben, also hoff nicht
@SRBIJANAC merke schon hahahahahahahaa
Montenegrins are Albanians which have been sllavilized over time.
@@gjimip HAHAHAHAHAHA wtf?
Откада су српски спартанци и Срби у сукобу ? Не контам ?
Ма брате не знам ни ја више шта се заправо догађа, читам неки дан неке коментаре где наводно неки "Црногорци" пишу да у Црној Гори никада није било Срба и да је цела та историја која тврди да су први владари Дукље били Срби заиста измишљена и све тако неке глупости, испада јеботе као да ми Срби имамо толику моћ да смо ми преко 1000 година историје све сами фалсификовали и јебао зеца ако не сретнем бар једног дегена који каже да је онај Сима Милутиновић или неке друге особе измишљали све преко ноћи и да су они испирали Његошу мозак ово оно, знаци буквално да се човек постиди од глупости који неки сматрају истинитом.
Ima ih samo na jednom anti-srpskom instagram profilu 120.000 hijada a populacija crne gore 600.000 hijad pa ti vidi
Montenegro and Herzegovina forever in aliance with Republic of Serbia! Greetings from Hum.
Srbi vrijeđaju bosance dok ih hrvati štite
@@lurxyyy2 ne lupaj!
@@sofistacy4176 Suti barem ja znam nešto od tebe što ti neznaš
@@lurxyyy2 hahaha prvo nauci makar najosnovniju gramatiku pa onda tvrdi nesto.
Kao sto rekoh- ne lupaj klinac
Istocna Herzegovina ima 73,000 ljudi od koji su vecina Srbi.. a sama opstina Mostar ima 105.000.. sto znaci Srbi ne prestavljaju vecinu u Herzegovini i zato ne mozete pricati za sve ljude iz tog kraja.
Long life Serbia 🇱🇧✝️🇷🇸❤️❤️
I love lebanese food:) especially hummus, ufff.
Bruh Montenegro aint anti-serb
Sta narod moze kad su djukanovic i krivokapic tu dok su oni tu narod se nista ne pita
@@destini1237 Krivokapic? Jesi ti lud? Od Knjaza Nikole nijesmo imali veceg Srbina od njega, jesi krsten?
Not anymore.
@@destini1237 druze ti je Krivokapić srbin
@@stanimirovicd8207 druze sta covek moze dok djukanovic upravlja cg dzabe vam i da dodje ne znam sve u svemu dok je on tu dok ga ne smaknete dzabe vam
Па Црноорци су највећи Срби💪💪💪🇷🇸☦
Greek Americans for Serbia. God bless Orthodox Serbia!
@@Elmasdrakosinfenixov U are communist anime kid lol who think its was better in communist era...and btw ur name its cringe
@@Valididiguraniyaka what communism? Yugoslavia was never communist
you are Turkish sons, actually ... poor and miserable .. Serbia IS NOT orthodox , yu have to learn a lot
Montenegro and Serbia are brothers
He putted Kosova against Albania and Croatia. What would you expect?!
He putted kosovas as part of serbia as no independance not on anyones side
@@albinh.3149 Hello 12 y/o kid who support communist but do not know what the does even mean,btw u need to shut ur mouth because of ur people's do to serbs in kosovo and saying americans its albanian best friend but u albanians are not to smart to see that americans use albanian hate for gold on kosovo.haha what did u think? AMERICANS AS FRIEND best joke ever made in this decedent.
Hmm ye but i feel like Romania will send F-16 planes and like 800 tanks to help Serbia 😂
We have everything newer than them🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 we dont need it but we will shred anti serbs easily also remember russia, they are sending us their whole army
@@JA-bu6xu just like the sent the army before? 😂😂😂😂😂
@@JA-bu6xu like '95?😂
@@JA-bu6xu You'll start dying, then you'll cry out for NATO. That's the only way you'd ever win.
That would not happened because Romania is in EU and in NATO so if Serbia tried to attack any of neighbours, Romania couldn't not help because Serbia is aggressor. EU would not tolerate that actions from Romania
Montenegro support Serbia
He putted Kosova against Albania and Croatia. What would you expect?!
@@albinh.3149 kosovo is a country that has like 500 policeman dude but Montenegro have 8000 people in army what you expect?
@@bestboxingstars Montenegro does not have 8k Soldiers.
Kosovo does have 8k.
Montenegro has around 5k.
Crnogorci su Srbi
🇭🇷❤🇸🇮❤🇷🇸❤🇲🇪❤🇧🇦❤🇲🇰MI SMO ISTI NAROD TREBAMO SE VOLET! 🇭🇷✌
Političari medije ih međusobno nahuskaju za sekundu ,to su ljudi koji nisu bili u ratu inače nebi .tako se aufgeilen na rat imam ljude u familiji od moje žene. Koji su bili u ratu i u logoru protiv mudžahedina, oni ne gledaju sigurno više ko je jači. Glupa dječaka youtube video .nego im je dosta trauma za 5 života
when you put montenegro against serbia its like you have put your brother in arena to fight him
He putted Kosova against Albania and Croatia. What would you expect?!
@@albinh.3149 respect the brothership of countries do not hate others.
@@albinh.3149 nvm
@@rajaperic9475 My comment got deleted unfortunatly...
I wrote that, how did I hate with my comment?
I only mentioned that the guy who made the video hated it.
He not only hated your brothership (serbi-montenegrin) but also the Albania-Kosovan brothership by switching up the teams.
@@albinh.3149 I see kosovo as mine but kosovar people are mostly albanians
For those who ask "Why Montenegro is on Anti-Serb coallition" is:
Milo during his time as head of state did a lot of things to take Montenegro away from Serbs: falsificating history (expl. "Serbia occupied MN after WW1", banning some Serbian school books,...), recognized Kosovo by his will, joined NATO also by his will, and assimilating Serbian Orthodox Churches into Montenegrin (some of them are destroyed).
but milo wont be in power for very long
@@saladbruh2625 I hope so
Problem with Montenegro is same as in Croatia. It's the Serbian orthodox church. By default if you are orthodox on balkans, you are 'counted' as serbian. Remember 1919. when SPC 'united' all regional orthodox churches and declared them serbian? That my sir is called falsificating history. So just to see if I got it: It was fine when serbs do it in 1919., but it's not fine if someone does it to you? You even wrote about stuff like this in SANU memorandums.
@@jongray7033 Montenegrins are Serbs. It was even concluded by science that we are the same people.
It's not falsification.
The history was changed many times by different countries because they are against Serbs.
Nothing is about the truth, it's all about interests and everyone writes their own history. I personally don't believe in Croatian one, because there is no proof, only stories.
@Nenad Dinulovic yes
Serbia strong💪💪💪from your bulgarian slavic Brothers
Im from Montenegro and im confused
Yea me to
From serbia
@@draskopopovic9543 da ne udari dritan iznenada
Mlqde generacije ce ujediniti zemlje koje su ove dede zasrale 👍
Ви сте се збуњени и родили. Таква вам је пасмина.
Love Serbia and Croatia from India. 🇮🇳🤝🇷🇸🇭🇷
How do you mean stronger? Serbia has army becouse of war in Kosovo
Serbia is stronger than you think
It is but if they attack Croatia, NATO is also attacked they would react fast and then u can't compare it...
@@vinkokrklec3596 every ground battle on Kosovo by NATO was lost. They can only bomb and kill children.... NATO is just a shit alliance doing nothing, Albania alone would be stronger than whole NATO...
@@vinkokrklec3596 NATO north atlantic treaty(TERRORIST) organization
Seeing all these 🇲🇪 comments about Serbia 🇷🇸 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
🇲🇪 ♥️ 🇷🇸
He putted Kosova against Albania and Croatia. What would you expect?!
🇧🇦🇹🇷🇦🇱🇹🇷🇧🇦🇦🇱🇹🇷🇧🇦🇦🇱🇹🇷🇧🇦🇦🇱🇹🇷🇧🇦🇦🇱 TÜRKEY &BOSNIA
We aren't Serbia alone we have Greece and Russia too
Oh ya you do???? 😂 go wipe your dirty a*s
And Serbia has also Romanias support:)
Montenegro got new pro-serb parlament and anti-serb Milo Djukanovic will lose whole power in next mounts,right now u can add montenegro with old brother nation with Serbs.
The new "pro serb"goverment said that they will not reunifcate with serbia, will not derecognize kosovo and will not leave the nato. So educate yourself first.
@@TheSerboHebrew Dude u know nothing.
@@KING-pc2tp nisi iskren. Nova vlast uopste nije pro-srpska. Kako kad su u koaliciji sa driton abazom koji je albanac. Nece se nista menjati u CG. CG je mrtva odavno, ja vidim samo montenegro
@@TheSerboHebrew Ti cim vidis montenegro a ne Crnu Goru ti si onda sve Srbe koji su dole otpisao.Crna Gora mrtva nije sve dok ima postenih i casnih Srba i Crnogoraca u njoj,i oni su uspjeli da povrate Crnu Goru kako tako,a nadam se u buducbosti i u potpunosti,povlacenje priznanja kosova i izlazak iz Natoa ne ide odmah,samo polako.A sto su u koaliciji sa albancom to ti necu objasnjavati to da imas i malo mozga i mudrosti to mozes shvatiti.
@@KING-pc2tp ocemo se kladiti da se nece nista ama bas nista menjat?! Ajd budi malo iskren, svako zna da se nece povlacit priznanja nez. Kosova a ne zele ni izac iz natoa. Kao sto sam reko nisi iskren. I ja bi voleo da bude Srbija i CG. Al nece biti nazalost. Jedino da se srbi odvajaju. I da prave republiku srpska crnu goru(na mom kanalu ima jedan video koji se bavi s tim)
Respect and Love for
Bro I needed this because I saw a video showing croatia win against serbia alone
Montenegro is same people like Serbian people, do not count on us we are same we will support Serbia with our lifes . We share same history, same religion, same culture.
He putted Kosova against Albania and Croatia. What would you expect?!
@@albinh.3149 Dont know about that ,I know that Croatia will never help Kosovars, they hate muslims, also they hate Serbs. Balakan is insane everyone hate each other.
🇷🇸♥️♥️🇲🇪 brothers!!!
He putted Kosova against Albania and Croatia. What would you expect?!
I don't think Montenegro would ever join such a Coalition, nor Bosnia because it would spark another civil war inside of their countries.
anti-serbs to serbs: your done
serb military:laughing in serbian
my orthodox brothers we will stand with u ! 🇬🇷 💙 🇷🇸
Hey buddy, It really is not my fault that i am ugly to most;) ;) and that many girls,mostly Bosniak girls hurt my feelings by telling me how ugly i am,you know very well what was done to them in the Aggression on Bosnia.......btw(Kosovo Is Not Serbia ) ✌️ ✌️
We were the only army who fought ISIS on European soil. Orthodox Empire in the South.
Serbia and montenegro dont fight because we are brothers
Ganz sicher keine brüder
He putted Kosova against Albania and Croatia. What would you expect?!
@Nash Bridges Kosovo *was** part of serbia once. Not anymore.
@Nash Bridges No. It means that it declared its independence. That happened in 2008. So that means, 14 years since then.
@Nash Bridges Thats a bad joke, right?
Dont cry about Kosovan Independence mate. Its been 14 years ago.
Anti-Serbian coalition is not possible without NATO unification and support, so it is pointless even to consider it without NATO.
With no NATO support this coalition (that would not include Montenegro) has no chance to win against Serbia, while with NATO support (that would include Montenegro) coalition's defeat would be prevented by Americans, and most likely Americans would have to intervene with own armed forces, like in wars of 90's last century.
Only question is - is it possible now, with Putin's Russia?
I vi bi opet ratovali....
Your analysis is not accurate. For one wars are not won based on equipment alone. The serbs had a significantly better army in the 1990s but couldnt take over the BiH and Croat forces. Also you mention Putin and Russia, but theyve shown theyre not impressive either now with struggle to take Ukraine
Montenegro??? Serbian sparta. One love one faith one family ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Putting MNE against Serbs was spot-on.
Yep, they are Serbias enemies.
ASC: We have you 4 to 1.
Serbia: *I like those odds.*
And Serbs has balls, witch is most important in any conflict ;) NATO knows the best, the strongest army in the world had to take part of Serbia by cheating (resolution 1244)
Russia 🇷🇺 😍😘😍🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️ Serbia 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Srbija♥️rusija♥️grcka♥️crna gora
I cant believe that sebia is stronger then all of them together
@@lorikibraimi8889 montenegro haves 60% of chance to reunite with serbia bicause theyre nato goverment has fallen
Imala je Srbija mnogo više pa su izgubili sve ratove
@Milan Đukić jestel se borili protiv ili uz nijemce??
@Milan Đukić meni je stvarno glupo razdvajati bilo koga iz bivše juge svi smo isti narod samo različitih vjera i to je jedino po čemu se razlikujemo
@Milan Đukić naravno da je Srbija izgubila sve ratove a pod tim mislim na ogromne teritorije Krajina, Crna Gora, Kosovo, Bosna i Hercegovina.... A naravno da svi ljudi trebaju u slozi i miru da žive jer gdje god da odeš 98 posto su dobri ljudi ovih 2 % su nedovoljno obrazovani ili imaju neki interes od sukoba
I love these types of videos that make Serbian ego's go up for no logical reason. Majority of the Serbian weaponry is from Soviet era. Old, damaged or completely disfunctional systems that Serbia is still using for no other reason than "having more of everything compared to Croatia". Croatian army is significantly more modern for example. Yes, Serbian army posses more weaponry, that is true, but it is seriously outdated. Imagine if Albania kept all its tanks and now claimed they have a total of 1125 tanks. Who cares those are T54s and T55s, they would have 1125 tanks now lmao.
the albanians used the chinease type 69 tank, i don't think they used t54s and t55s. but eh whatever
@Nash Bridges They modernized it with what money 🤣 their country is a shithole
Croatia ALONE outnumbers serbian artillery by 100+ pieces (including rocket systems) also, our most modern rocket system isnt some romanian scrap, its the croatian GRAD 96 or smtng, the german self propelled howitzers are actually a lot more reliable for being from 1996 than some yugo equipment from the similar era, not to mention the self propelled howitzers actual efficiency
What? Up until very recently we’re you got a few Rafale jets your most modern fighter was a Mig-21. Do you have UGVs? Mig-29s? M84-AS1/AS2? Lazar APC? These are just a few examples of modern equipment used by Serbia. Serbia could take all of Croatia in less than a week without NATO intervention and sanctions.
@@SerbonOfficial JNA failed to break only the first lines for weeks and months in 1991 when our army was putting itself together, JNA which was in top 5 armies of europe
Love from Serbia🇷🇸♥️
Yep don't f*** with us ... lol. We have also China, Russia, India, Indonesia, Greece (hello brothers) and most of the Latin Countries behind us ... Thanks for the video.
Daj ne seri nemate 95k vojnika, a i mi imamo Tursku, Ameriku, Njemacku, Sloveniju,Azarbejdjan, Pakistan i jos neke zemlje
@@SlugterraBalkan sve ce vas prodat hahahahahaha
Russia+China>All countries
Yeah and we have all of nato
Same to My country but My country isnt communist since im bosnian. We have turkey united states and croatia
Serbia and montenegro forever
Love you brothers
One slight correction, the Pantsir S1 is an air defence system. Serbias most modern rocket launcher is Sumadija.
🇲🇪 🇷🇺 🇬🇷 🇧🇾 🇨🇳 they are all allies of Serbia and would help
Don’t forget 🇮🇳 and 🇧🇷 and also we have some control in the U.S unlike before
@@nikolalegend4868 yes but im talking about more local buddies also we have cuba and can destroy US from there
But and USA would help croatia 🇭🇷🇺🇸 and turkay would help Bosna 🇧🇦🇹🇷
@@larisaharhaj6349 not really because we have🇨🇳🇮🇳 and from what Ik they make up a good 40% of the worlds population and theirs always 🇷🇺 the nuclear power house and if that’s not good enough we also have 🇧🇷🇰🇵🇦🇲🇧🇾🇧🇬🇹🇩🇪🇸🇲🇪🇲🇰🇬🇷🇮🇩🇵🇱🇺🇦🇮🇱🇪🇹🇸🇦🇵🇸🇱🇧🇼🇸 and the list goes on and on
@@sanic6501 ooh 😅 mb
I see serbia have more strength than four countries XD
no, the other coutries are in Nato, so they dont waste their money in army. Evrey nation who want to attac Albania or Croatia, is attacking even Usa and Europe.
ps. i remind you this cuorios fact, Albania in comunist period, was third ranking in the word, in defense military. Incredibile, for a such tiny nation.
@@MsMirditori few years ago croatian military budget was 2 times bigger than serbian lol Serbia is becoming a real region power
@@MsMirditori no albania was the weakest one cus of communists and if they military are not good then they should leave it to be stromg as serbia or more
@@MsMirditori if they attack serbia or any country thats not in nato first they will not get any help
@@MsMirditori and Serbia is in military pact
with Russia so if they get into war russia will help
Слава Сербии из России🇷🇺!!! Косово - это 🇷🇸 Сербия!!!
Serbia and montenegro in every way are one еntity, we went through hell all the time together! Long live🇷🇸🇲🇪❤️
Montenegrins are ethnically Serbs🇷🇸☦️❤️🇲🇪
Slavizirani Albanci***
Makedonija ima li vas uz nas 🇷🇸
Ima ima UVEK protiv hrvate I albance