Yarikus_ Thank you so much for such generous comments and support!! I feel happy that you like my tutorials and a pleasure to help you as always. It is the greatest satisfaction I can have for my work. Of course I will continue uploading new videos of all levels (basic to complex). Greetings
I feel happy that you like my rendition and tutorial. You make it worth my effort. Thank you so much for such generous comments and support. A pleasure to help you. Greetings
Thank you so much. You are the awesome origamist ever i have seen but please help us one more time. please tell us the book in which we can find the diagram.
Jaimin Patel I feel happy that you like mi tutorials as always. You make it worth my effort. A pleasure to help you. Thank you so much for your generous words and support!! Here you can find the diagram (but without teeth) in my tutorial I teach making teeth: novoorigami.blogspot.pe/2015/11/hj-rex-jason-ku-buenas-tardes-esta-vez.html Greetings
And that collapse right at the end there, that’s where it gets scary for me. I’m afraid of collapsing folds cause even if I get one, they usually end up having to collapse 20 of them. There’s never just one. And I’d probably ruin the paper and an hour of work right then and there in my clumsiness.
Hay de muchos tipos y gramajes, el que el recomienda, y de los mas faciles de fabricar es el doble seda, puedes buscar tutoriales muy buenos en youtube.
Gonzaluo Paniagua Muchísimas gracias por tus generosos comentarios y apoyo a mi trabajo!! Un placer que valores mis videos y sean de tu agrado. Es la mayor satisfacción que puedo tener por mi dedicación en el Origami. Por supuesto, continuaré subiendo nuevos tutoriales de todos los niveles (desde básico hasta complejo) Saludos
awwww wooow i dont know how to thank you really mariano you are the best origami artist ever i'm really love that model keep it up and waiting for more and more origami great tutorias ... peace
A pleasure to help you, Mohamed. Thank you so much for such generous comment and support. You make it worth my effort. Of course I will continue uploading new videos of all levels (basic to complex). Greetings
Muchísimas gracias por tu amable comentario y apoyo!! que gusto tenerte por acá. Me alegra que haya sido de tu agrado mi interpretación. Fué todo un trabajo hacer este tutorial. Pero creo que valió la pena. Saludos amigo!
Marco Medina Increible!!!!!!!!Excelente video....felicitaciones por ese gran trabajo y por compartirlo ...podrías compartir proporciones y forma de aplicar metil celulosa o podrías hacer un video de tratamiento de papel....saludos
Thank you so much for your generous comment and support as always, Thomas!! A pleasure to help you. It is the greatest satisfaction I can have for my work. This figure was published in the book Origami Tanteidan Convention 21. Here you can find the diagram (but without teeth) in my tutorial I teach making teeth: novoorigami.blogspot.pe/2015/11/hj-rex-jason-ku-buenas-tardes-esta-vez.html Greetings
Thank you so much for such geneorus comment and support!! A pleasure that you like my rendition and tutorial. It is the greatest satisfaction I can have for my work. Greetings
Mariano, eres un auténtico artista, no he visto nadie que haga obras de arte con tu nivel de perfección. Gracias. ¿Dónde compras tus papeles de seda? Solo encuentro de colores aburridos.
ivrut69 Muchísimas gracias por tan generosos comentarios y apoyo a mi canal!! Un placer que sea de tu agrado mi trabajo. Haces que valga la pena mi esfuerzo y dedicación. Compré un gran lote de papeles sedas hace años en unas tiendas de productos escolares y de oficina, hoy en día ya casi no los encuentro. Saludos
MarianoZavalaOrigami Gracias por la respuesta, cuando encuentre papel bueno compraré al por mayor jajaja. Vas a hacer tutorial del esqueleto de TRex? Voy a doblar el modelo ahira, intentaré modificarlo para que quede más real, pero un tutorial de tu versión sería de muchísima ayuda. Saludos.
A pleasure to help you as always, dear Mason!! You make it worth my effort. Thank you so much for such generous comments and support to my work. I amd glad that you like my rendition and I feel happy that you completed the IT Clown with my tutorial. Greetings
한국인은 지난 해 같은 해 여름 가을 날씨가 점점 많이 늘었다 로블록스 지금은 정말 날씨가 점점 좋아지고 있다 이제 곧 봄이 오고 있는 99노래 9시 입니다 오늘 정말 좋은 소식을 전해 주는 것 처럼 생긴 것이 참 많았어요 정말 다양한 행사가 많이 있어서 너무 좋았답니다 정말 다양한 종류의 많은 분들과 즐거운 시간이 참 많이 있었어요 제가 직접 체험하고 작성한 ㅑㅊ야ㅓㅜㅍㅊ어ㅑ ㅊ어ㅑㅍㅊ랴ㅕ울포ㅑ포ㅑㅍㄹ ㅓㅜㅑ ㅎ로ㅑ ㅍ로ㅑ ㄹ로ㅑ ㅍ로ㅑ ㅎ로ㅑ ㅠㅗ려 ㅍ호ㅕㄹ 펴ㅗㅎㄹ ㅎ랴ㅗ ㅎㅍ로ㅑ ㅍ랴ㅜ 포려ㅗㅕ ㅍ로 ㄹ어ㅗ 포ㅑㅊ 포ㅑㄹ ㅍ여ㅗ 펴오ㅠ풍랴ㅕㅠㄱㄷ혀ㅑㅠㅎ뎌8ㅠㅎㄱ뎌8휵ㄷ7ㅛ륙ㅇ7륙뎌ㅛ퓩도ㅠㅊㅇ도 ㄹ오ㅕ ㅇ초ㅕ ㄹ오ㅕ ㄷ로ㅕ ㅗㄷㄹ ㄹㅍ도ㅕ 포ㅕㄹㅇ 포ㅕㄹㄹㅇ ㅗㅕㅇ류펴ㅗㄹㄱ ㅍㄹ려ㅗ ㅍㄹㄹ려ㅗㄹ 포ㅕㄱㄹㅍ ㄱ려ㅗ 겨ㅗㄹ ㄹ려ㅗ ㄹ겨ㅗ ㄹ고ㅕ ㄱ려ㅗ ㄹ겨ㅗ ㅊ여ㅗ ㄹ겨ㅗ ㅍㄹ오ㅕ ㅍㄹ여ㅗ ㄹ여ㅗ ㅍㄱ려ㅗ ㄹ오ㅕㅊ ㄹ오ㅕㅍ 오ㅕ ㅊ여ㅗ ㄹ펴ㅗ ㄹ겨ㅗ ㄹㄱ펴ㅗㅍㄱ ㅕㅗㅍ ㄹ겨ㅗㅍ 겨ㅗㅍ 고ㅕㄹㅍ ㄹ고ㅕ ㅍㄹ고ㅕ ㄹ고ㅕㅍ ㄹ겨ㅗ ㅍㄹ겨ㅗ ㅍ고려 ㄹ겨ㅗ ㅍㄹ오ㅕ ㄹㅍㄱ로ㅕ ㅍㄹ여ㅗ ㅍㄹ고 ㅍㄹ여ㅗ ㄷ로ㅕㄹ ㅍㄹ고ㅕ ㄹ뎌ㅗ ㅍㄹ고ㅕ ㅍㄹ고ㅕ 펴ㅗㄹㅇ ㅗ력 ㅊ오ㅕ ㅊ오ㅕ ㅕㅗㄱㄹ ㄹㄹ고ㅕ ㄹㄹ고ㅕㄹㅍ 고렾 ㄹㄱ8ㅕㅠㅍㅇㄹ97ㅛㅠㄴㄱ9ㅕㅗㅠㅕㄱ노륲ㄹ9겨ㅗ뉴 9ㅕㅗㄱㄴ ㄹㅍ9ㅓㅗㄱ조랴9ㄷ골퍄ㅕㄱ쥬9ㄹ퍄ㅕㄹㄱ졸펴9ㅑㄱㅈ륲8ㅕ9ㄱㅈ9ㅠㅍ냐ㅕㄹ퓨99ㅑㅕㄴ귶9ㅕㄱ뉴 롶여ㅠㅍㄹ9ㄱ녀ㅗㅠㅍ로ㅑ9ㄹㅍ뉴포ㅕㄹㄱㄴ9포ㅕㄹㄱㄴ9ㅠㅍ9ㅕㅗㄹㄱ늎9ㅕ야늂9ㅕㅕㄷㅈ륲져ㅗ9 ㄱㅍ겨ㅗ9ㄷ쥬ㅗㅑㄹㄷ쥬패ㅕㅗㄷㄹ늎9ㅕㅗㄹㄷㄴ 포ㅕㄷ내 ㄹㅍㄷㅈ려ㅐㅐ ㅍㄹ재ㅕㅗㄱ퓰ㄷ먚래ㅗㅠㅗㄷㄴㅍ륟냐ㅗㅍㄹㄷㅈ로ㅑㅍ ㅐㅑㅗㄹㄷㅁ 포ㅕㄷㄹ매ㅠㅍㄹㄷ먀ㅗ류포ㅑㄷㄴ류패ㅗㅕㄹ애ㅠ패ㅗㅕ유포ㅕㄷ뉴ㅐ펴ㅗㄹ옫렾내 ㅍㅇㄹ노ㅕㅐㅠㅍㅇㄴ래ㅕㅗㅠㅍㄴㄹ애ㅕㅗ륲ㄷ내ㅗㅕ퓯뫠ㅕ퓯ㅁ9ㅕㅗㅠㄷㄹ9ㅕㅗ퓯ㄴ패ㅕㅗㅠㄴㄹ포ㅕㄷㄴ 패ㅕㅗㄹㅇㄴ ㅍ대ㅕㅗㅠㅗㅕㅗ 9ㅕㅗㄹㅇ ㅍ9ㅕㅗㅍ류여ㅗㅇㄹㅍ ㄴ개ㅕㅗㄹㅍ ㅍㄹㄱ녀ㅗㄴㄹㄱㅍ ㅐㅕㅗㄱㅈㅍㄹ ㅗ녁ㄹ 9ㅗㅕㄱㅈ 포ㅕㄱㄹㅈ ㅍ9ㅕㅗㄱㅈ ㅍㄹㄹㄷ져ㅗ ㅍㄷㅈㄹ9ㅕㅗ ㅗㅕ9ㅕ8ㅜㅍㄹ두ㅑㅕ9ㄹㅇㄴ푿ㅊ로ㅑ9 ㄷㄹ펴ㅗ 펴ㅐㅗㄱㄹ ㅙㅕㄴㅍㄹㄱㄹ ㅍㄹ개ㅕㅗㄴ ㅊㅇ노ㅕㅜㅊㅇ야ㅕ9누9ㅑㅕㅜㅊ댱매ㅗ ㅐ얌오 ㄷㄴ채ㅑㅗ ㄷㅇ매ㅑㅗㅜㅊㄷㅁ오 ㅐㄷㅁ여ㅗ ㅊㄷ모9ㅕ ㄷ조ㅠㅓㅜㄴㅇㅊ ㅇ처매더ㅐㅑㅜ ㅓㅁㅇ두ㅐㅑㅓㅇㅇ무 ㅐㅑㅓ우 ㅑㅕㅐㄷ무ㅕㄷ먕뭉채ㅑㅓ무처ㅑㄷ무 댜ㅗㅁㅇㅊ ㅑㅙㅇ ㅊ캐ㅑㅗ ㄴ오ㅕ ㅁ여ㅗ 뎌ㅙㅇ
A pleasure that you like my rendition and tutorial, Federico. It is the greatest satisfaction I can have for my work. Thank you so much for your kind comment and support. Greetings
Mariano el modelo grande final es una maravilla. Siempre me ha gustado este arte y estoy planteandome dar el salto a modelos más complejos y grandes. Qué tipo de papel y tamaño usaste para el modelo definitivo? Y, no estoy muy puesto en el tema pero, le has dado algún tipo de cola/pegamento y/o lo has coloreado verdad? Un saludo de un relativo de España.
Muchísimas gracias por tus amables comentarios y apoyo, Gabriel. Un placer que sea de tu agrado mi trabajo. Para el modelo de la portada usé un papel triple seda tratado con metilcelulosa, no coloreo mis papeles. Es un lote de papel seda que compré hace unos años en una tienda de productos escolares y de oficina en mi ciudad, Lima-Perú. En la actualidad ya no se consiguen. La MC que uso es esta: www.amazon.com/Lineco-793-1001-Methyl-Cellulose-Adhesive/dp/B00TCMA7BO/ref Saludos
So this is based from the original in Tanteidan 21 right? Nice modification by the way! :) I would be very happy if you could also upload a tutorial for shuki kato's giganotosaurus.
I should start on this model so I remember where I was when I get interrupted while watching. But I have 2 questions: How vital is the size and type of paper, and what is triple tissue paper? Does that mean 3 sheets glued together or 3 sheets folded together so they can be separated in places at later steps?
The size of the paper is very important for this figure, because it accumulates many layers of paper. I recommend two tissue paper 60 x 60 cm. Yes, two or three tissue paper are 2 or 3 sheets glued together with methylcellulose or school synthetic glue diluted in water (50% glue 50% water). Thanks for your comment. Greetings
Of course, I will take your request into account. I hope to make a tutorial of that figure, soon. Thank you so much for your support to my work. Greetings
Thank you so much for your generous comment and support!! I feel happy that you like my tutorials. Yes, it is tissue paper treated with methylcellulose. Greetings
Thank you so much for your comment and support as always!! A pleasure to help you and happy that you like my tutorial. Here you can find the diagram (but without teeth) in my tutorial I teach making teeth: novoorigami.blogspot.pe/2015/11/hj-rex-jason-ku-buenas-tardes-esta-vez.html Greetings
INCRÍVEL. Você é realmente o melhor youtuber de origamis. Que bom que você compartilha tutoriais de origamis muito complexos, pois em alguns diagramas tenho dificuldades e com um vídeo fica mais fácil de aprender. Onde você acha esses diagramas de origamis?
Um prazer em ajudá-lo, Ismael. Muito obrigado por seus generosos comentários e apoio para o meu trabalho. Feliz que você valorize meu trabalho. Aqui você pode encontrar o diagrama e muitos outros: novoorigami.blogspot.pe/2015/11/hj-rex-jason-ku-buenas-tardes-esta-vez.html Saudações
Wowwowowowow how do you do this amazing origami! You are so skilled- and you show the folding so well, but i would love mor intermediate models because i am not that experienced
l met Jason ku at his origami class in Seoul last sunday!!!
? really ? in seoul? in korea?
@@친절한라마씨 한국인?!
Xcscdscesferfergetgfdvfdvfvfvf v v v f@@친절한라마씨
I think that it was worth watching in the first two minutes because that beginning was great!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel happy that you liked my video. You make my effort worth it. Thank you so much for your generous comment and support. Greetings
I'm in love with the shape of origami
My heart is falling in.......
Thank you so much for your generous comment. Happy that you like my work. Greetings
This dinosaur is the best model origami that I have seen Mariano make !!!!!!!!!!
You make it worth my effort. Thank you so much for your generous comments and support!! I hope to make more complex origami like this, soon. Greetings
Ahh. Oh my gosh. It’s the best channel ever!!!!! Please don’t stop uploading new videos. I do almost all the tutorials. Thank you 🙏🏼
Yarikus_ Yes Yes Yes
Yarikus_ Thank you so much for such generous comments and support!! I feel happy that you like my tutorials and a pleasure to help you as always. It is the greatest satisfaction I can have for my work. Of course I will continue uploading new videos of all levels (basic to complex). Greetings
what an amazingly done dinosaur ♡ that detail, such a great folder, master mariano, wonderful~
I feel happy that you like my rendition and tutorial. You make it worth my effort. Thank you so much for such generous comments and support. A pleasure to help you. Greetings
@@MarianoZavalaOrigami to achcha hai lekin ethanol 1 ghante Bata do aur bhi jyada achha hota yah to bahut badhiya dinosaur banaya
thank you mariano thank you thank you thank you billion times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A pleasure to help you. Thank you so much for your generous comment and support. Greetings
진짜 핵고수 네요
you are an origami god. Thx for the amazing video.
A pleasure that you like my tutorial, Harris. Thank you so much for your generous comment. Greetings
Thank you so much. You are the awesome origamist ever i have seen but please help us one more time. please tell us the book in which we can find the diagram.
Thank You
Thank You
Ya I also want that book
you will find 1 to 21 convention book at here. someone upload this on gdrive.
Jaimin Patel I feel happy that you like mi tutorials as always. You make it worth my effort. A pleasure to help you. Thank you so much for your generous words and support!! Here you can find the diagram (but without teeth) in my tutorial I teach making teeth: novoorigami.blogspot.pe/2015/11/hj-rex-jason-ku-buenas-tardes-esta-vez.html Greetings
wow! that is wonderful!
Thank you so much for your kind comment and support. Glad that you like my work. Greetings
And that collapse right at the end there, that’s where it gets scary for me.
I’m afraid of collapsing folds cause even if I get one, they usually end up having to collapse 20 of them. There’s never just one. And I’d probably ruin the paper and an hour of work right then and there in my clumsiness.
Wow Wow Wow!!!!!!!
This is so awesome I'm making this but this is so cool
I subscribed and I pushed the good sign
You fold every model so amazing good, now I have Subscribed
Eres un genio, nunca pares de subir este tipo de videos. Este mundillo te necesita!
como se llama el papel para hacer figuras complejas?
Hay de muchos tipos y gramajes, el que el recomienda, y de los mas faciles de fabricar es el doble seda, puedes buscar tutoriales muy buenos en youtube.
Gonzaluo Paniagua Muchísimas gracias por tus generosos comentarios y apoyo a mi trabajo!! Un placer que valores mis videos y sean de tu agrado. Es la mayor satisfacción que puedo tener por mi dedicación en el Origami. Por supuesto, continuaré subiendo nuevos tutoriales de todos los niveles (desde básico hasta complejo) Saludos
It is way better than original one
Thank you so much for your generous words and support. Happy that you like it 🦖 I hope you enjoy folding it. Have a good week 👍
OMFG DAT DINO IS AWESOME. Plz teach how to make the skeleton Dino for the Jurassic world logo
Muy buen Tutorial como era de esperarse de usted maestro Mariano, quisiera saber como hace para que el papel este brillante como en el video :'v
Es triple seda tratado con Methycelulosa
awwww wooow i dont know how to thank you really mariano you are the best origami artist ever i'm really love that model keep it up and waiting for more and more origami great tutorias ... peace
A pleasure to help you, Mohamed. Thank you so much for such generous comment and support. You make it worth my effort. Of course I will continue uploading new videos of all levels (basic to complex). Greetings
Lindo lindo demais , surreal 😍😍😍😍
it is a very good tutorial i hope if you can make tyrannosaurs rex🤩🤩🤩🤩
Te lucistes amigo!!! Deverdad te qdo super cool!
Muchísimas gracias por tu amable comentario y apoyo!! que gusto tenerte por acá. Me alegra que haya sido de tu agrado mi interpretación. Fué todo un trabajo hacer este tutorial. Pero creo que valió la pena. Saludos amigo!
Marco Medina
Increible!!!!!!!!Excelente video....felicitaciones por ese gran trabajo y por compartirlo ...podrías compartir proporciones y forma de aplicar metil celulosa o podrías hacer un video de tratamiento de papel....saludos
Lo lei en unos de sus comentarios es 1 cuchara de Methylcelulose diluida en 1 litro de agua
its a wonderfull origami
I am glad that you like my rendition and tutorial, Rodrigo. Thank you so much for your kind comment and support. Greetings
Woww wwoooowowwww what i always wanted
Thank you so much for your generous comment and support. I feel happy that you like tutorial. A pleasure to help you. Greetings
Wow ! Incredible ? I don't even knew this model existed ! Thank you so much !
Thank you so much for your generous comment and support as always, Thomas!! A pleasure to help you. It is the greatest satisfaction I can have for my work. This figure was published in the book Origami Tanteidan Convention 21. Here you can find the diagram (but without teeth) in my tutorial I teach making teeth: novoorigami.blogspot.pe/2015/11/hj-rex-jason-ku-buenas-tardes-esta-vez.html Greetings
Una pregunta, este modelo es mas o menos difícil que el ancient dragon?
Es más difícil que el acient dragon
No it's not
It's harder than ancient dragon but easier than giganotosaurus
Finished part 1 with 40x40 tracing paper! Made decent folds aswell for once? :D
Recommend 70x70 size paper for better results
The greatest origami ever ,
you are the best, you are top
Thank you so much for such geneorus comment and support!! A pleasure that you like my rendition and tutorial. It is the greatest satisfaction I can have for my work. Greetings
Did anyone other than you make it?
I will
oh my gooooood. I love this thing😍😍 thank you sooooo much for this upload
I feel happy that you like my tutorial. A pleasure to help you. Thank you so much for your generous comment and support to my work. Greetings
Mariano, eres un auténtico artista, no he visto nadie que haga obras de arte con tu nivel de perfección. Gracias.
¿Dónde compras tus papeles de seda? Solo encuentro de colores aburridos.
como se llama el papel para hacer figuras complejas?
Hay muchos tipos, mira en theorigami-shop por ejemplo para informarte, pero la mayoría de papeles buenos te los haces tú laminando distintos tipos
ivrut69 Muchísimas gracias por tan generosos comentarios y apoyo a mi canal!! Un placer que sea de tu agrado mi trabajo. Haces que valga la pena mi esfuerzo y dedicación. Compré un gran lote de papeles sedas hace años en unas tiendas de productos escolares y de oficina, hoy en día ya casi no los encuentro. Saludos
MarianoZavalaOrigami Gracias por la respuesta, cuando encuentre papel bueno compraré al por mayor jajaja. Vas a hacer tutorial del esqueleto de TRex? Voy a doblar el modelo ahira, intentaré modificarlo para que quede más real, pero un tutorial de tu versión sería de muchísima ayuda. Saludos.
this feels like the final boss of origami tutorials
THIS IS THE COOLEST DINOSAUR EVER! Thank you so much for this amazing tutorial! I Completed The IT Clown yesterday!
A pleasure to help you as always, dear Mason!! You make it worth my effort. Thank you so much for such generous comments and support to my work. I amd glad that you like my rendition and I feel happy that you completed the IT Clown with my tutorial. Greetings
Holy shit!!!! So complex!!!
Thank you for your comment. I am glad that you like my work. Greetings
XXXXXXDDDDDD pedazo tutorial , gracias
Muchísimas gracias por tu generoso comentario y apoyo a mi trabajo, Jose Antonio. Un placer ayudarte y que haya sido de tu agrado mi tutorial. Saludos
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한국인은 지난 해 같은 해 여름 가을 날씨가 점점 많이 늘었다 로블록스 지금은 정말 날씨가 점점 좋아지고 있다 이제 곧 봄이 오고 있는 99노래 9시 입니다 오늘 정말 좋은 소식을 전해 주는 것 처럼 생긴 것이 참 많았어요 정말 다양한 행사가 많이 있어서 너무 좋았답니다 정말 다양한 종류의 많은 분들과 즐거운 시간이 참 많이 있었어요 제가 직접 체험하고 작성한 ㅑㅊ야ㅓㅜㅍㅊ어ㅑ ㅊ어ㅑㅍㅊ랴ㅕ울포ㅑ포ㅑㅍㄹ ㅓㅜㅑ ㅎ로ㅑ ㅍ로ㅑ ㄹ로ㅑ ㅍ로ㅑ ㅎ로ㅑ ㅠㅗ려 ㅍ호ㅕㄹ 펴ㅗㅎㄹ ㅎ랴ㅗ ㅎㅍ로ㅑ ㅍ랴ㅜ 포려ㅗㅕ ㅍ로 ㄹ어ㅗ 포ㅑㅊ 포ㅑㄹ ㅍ여ㅗ 펴오ㅠ풍랴ㅕㅠㄱㄷ혀ㅑㅠㅎ뎌8ㅠㅎㄱ뎌8휵ㄷ7ㅛ륙ㅇ7륙뎌ㅛ퓩도ㅠㅊㅇ도 ㄹ오ㅕ ㅇ초ㅕ ㄹ오ㅕ ㄷ로ㅕ ㅗㄷㄹ ㄹㅍ도ㅕ 포ㅕㄹㅇ 포ㅕㄹㄹㅇ ㅗㅕㅇ류펴ㅗㄹㄱ ㅍㄹ려ㅗ ㅍㄹㄹ려ㅗㄹ 포ㅕㄱㄹㅍ ㄱ려ㅗ 겨ㅗㄹ ㄹ려ㅗ ㄹ겨ㅗ ㄹ고ㅕ ㄱ려ㅗ ㄹ겨ㅗ ㅊ여ㅗ ㄹ겨ㅗ ㅍㄹ오ㅕ ㅍㄹ여ㅗ ㄹ여ㅗ ㅍㄱ려ㅗ ㄹ오ㅕㅊ ㄹ오ㅕㅍ 오ㅕ ㅊ여ㅗ ㄹ펴ㅗ ㄹ겨ㅗ ㄹㄱ펴ㅗㅍㄱ ㅕㅗㅍ ㄹ겨ㅗㅍ 겨ㅗㅍ 고ㅕㄹㅍ ㄹ고ㅕ ㅍㄹ고ㅕ ㄹ고ㅕㅍ ㄹ겨ㅗ ㅍㄹ겨ㅗ ㅍ고려 ㄹ겨ㅗ ㅍㄹ오ㅕ ㄹㅍㄱ로ㅕ ㅍㄹ여ㅗ ㅍㄹ고 ㅍㄹ여ㅗ ㄷ로ㅕㄹ ㅍㄹ고ㅕ ㄹ뎌ㅗ ㅍㄹ고ㅕ ㅍㄹ고ㅕ 펴ㅗㄹㅇ ㅗ력 ㅊ오ㅕ ㅊ오ㅕ ㅕㅗㄱㄹ ㄹㄹ고ㅕ ㄹㄹ고ㅕㄹㅍ 고렾 ㄹㄱ8ㅕㅠㅍㅇㄹ97ㅛㅠㄴㄱ9ㅕㅗㅠㅕㄱ노륲ㄹ9겨ㅗ뉴 9ㅕㅗㄱㄴ ㄹㅍ9ㅓㅗㄱ조랴9ㄷ골퍄ㅕㄱ쥬9ㄹ퍄ㅕㄹㄱ졸펴9ㅑㄱㅈ륲8ㅕ9ㄱㅈ9ㅠㅍ냐ㅕㄹ퓨99ㅑㅕㄴ귶9ㅕㄱ뉴 롶여ㅠㅍㄹ9ㄱ녀ㅗㅠㅍ로ㅑ9ㄹㅍ뉴포ㅕㄹㄱㄴ9포ㅕㄹㄱㄴ9ㅠㅍ9ㅕㅗㄹㄱ늎9ㅕ야늂9ㅕㅕㄷㅈ륲져ㅗ9 ㄱㅍ겨ㅗ9ㄷ쥬ㅗㅑㄹㄷ쥬패ㅕㅗㄷㄹ늎9ㅕㅗㄹㄷㄴ 포ㅕㄷ내 ㄹㅍㄷㅈ려ㅐㅐ ㅍㄹ재ㅕㅗㄱ퓰ㄷ먚래ㅗㅠㅗㄷㄴㅍ륟냐ㅗㅍㄹㄷㅈ로ㅑㅍ ㅐㅑㅗㄹㄷㅁ 포ㅕㄷㄹ매ㅠㅍㄹㄷ먀ㅗ류포ㅑㄷㄴ류패ㅗㅕㄹ애ㅠ패ㅗㅕ유포ㅕㄷ뉴ㅐ펴ㅗㄹ옫렾내 ㅍㅇㄹ노ㅕㅐㅠㅍㅇㄴ래ㅕㅗㅠㅍㄴㄹ애ㅕㅗ륲ㄷ내ㅗㅕ퓯뫠ㅕ퓯ㅁ9ㅕㅗㅠㄷㄹ9ㅕㅗ퓯ㄴ패ㅕㅗㅠㄴㄹ포ㅕㄷㄴ 패ㅕㅗㄹㅇㄴ ㅍ대ㅕㅗㅠㅗㅕㅗ 9ㅕㅗㄹㅇ ㅍ9ㅕㅗㅍ류여ㅗㅇㄹㅍ ㄴ개ㅕㅗㄹㅍ ㅍㄹㄱ녀ㅗㄴㄹㄱㅍ ㅐㅕㅗㄱㅈㅍㄹ ㅗ녁ㄹ 9ㅗㅕㄱㅈ 포ㅕㄱㄹㅈ ㅍ9ㅕㅗㄱㅈ ㅍㄹㄹㄷ져ㅗ ㅍㄷㅈㄹ9ㅕㅗ ㅗㅕ9ㅕ8ㅜㅍㄹ두ㅑㅕ9ㄹㅇㄴ푿ㅊ로ㅑ9 ㄷㄹ펴ㅗ 펴ㅐㅗㄱㄹ ㅙㅕㄴㅍㄹㄱㄹ ㅍㄹ개ㅕㅗㄴ ㅊㅇ노ㅕㅜㅊㅇ야ㅕ9누9ㅑㅕㅜㅊ댱매ㅗ ㅐ얌오 ㄷㄴ채ㅑㅗ ㄷㅇ매ㅑㅗㅜㅊㄷㅁ오 ㅐㄷㅁ여ㅗ ㅊㄷ모9ㅕ ㄷ조ㅠㅓㅜㄴㅇㅊ ㅇ처매더ㅐㅑㅜ ㅓㅁㅇ두ㅐㅑㅓㅇㅇ무 ㅐㅑㅓ우 ㅑㅕㅐㄷ무ㅕㄷ먕뭉채ㅑㅓ무처ㅑㄷ무 댜ㅗㅁㅇㅊ ㅑㅙㅇ ㅊ캐ㅑㅗ ㄴ오ㅕ ㅁ여ㅗ 뎌ㅙㅇ
Per favore puoi fare ryujin di carta🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Grazie per il tuo commento Prenderò in considerazione la tua richiesta. saluti
you are very talented
I can't believe my eyes!
A pleasure that you like my rendition and tutorial, Federico. It is the greatest satisfaction I can have for my work. Thank you so much for your kind comment and support. Greetings
Wow. awesome!
A pleasure that you like my rendition and tutorial. Thank you so much for your generous comment and support. Greetings
hi mr mariano ..... just wanted to ask what is the music starting from 0:43? thx
can you make the nguyen hung cuong's great white shark please ?
oh man you are my my god show me the path for making a greater origami
This dinosaur is awesome
Wow this is completely!!!?!!??!?!?!!!
That la tuyet
Tôi rất vui vì bạn thích công việc của tôi. Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều vì đã hỗ trợ của bạn.
Amazing model as per usual! Well done!
What was the thickness of the paper you used in gsm?
A triple tissue foil weight. Just add 3 times a weight of a simple tissue foil or silk paper.
Yo lo estoy haciendo es genial al final cuando lo termine no salió como tu lo hiciste
Thank you so much for your generous comment and support!! You make it worth my effort. Happy that you like my rendition. Greetings
Como le das el acabado? Usas agua o un poco de goma?
Cola sintética escolar diluida en agua. Lo lei en uno de sus comentarios en otros origamis
Mariano el modelo grande final es una maravilla. Siempre me ha gustado este arte y estoy planteandome dar el salto a modelos más complejos y grandes. Qué tipo de papel y tamaño usaste para el modelo definitivo? Y, no estoy muy puesto en el tema pero, le has dado algún tipo de cola/pegamento y/o lo has coloreado verdad? Un saludo de un relativo de España.
Muchísimas gracias por tus amables comentarios y apoyo, Gabriel. Un placer que sea de tu agrado mi trabajo. Para el modelo de la portada usé un papel triple seda tratado con metilcelulosa, no coloreo mis papeles. Es un lote de papel seda que compré hace unos años en una tienda de productos escolares y de oficina en mi ciudad, Lima-Perú. En la actualidad ya no se consiguen. La MC que uso es esta: www.amazon.com/Lineco-793-1001-Methyl-Cellulose-Adhesive/dp/B00TCMA7BO/ref Saludos
( ^w^)
and also dislikers of this video have no soul or are just drunk
what paper did you take for the original dinosaur?
Triple silk paper treated with methylcelulose
Wow, that is awesome :o
Thank you so much for your generous comment and support!! Happy that you like my rendition and tutorial. Greetings
I love it, thanks so much.
Happy that you like my tutorial. Thank you so much for your kind comment and support to my work. A pleasure to help you. Greetings
So this is based from the original in Tanteidan 21 right? Nice modification by the way! :)
I would be very happy if you could also upload a tutorial for shuki kato's giganotosaurus.
공룡이 멋인네요
I should start on this model so I remember where I was when I get interrupted while watching.
But I have 2 questions: How vital is the size and type of paper, and what is triple tissue paper? Does that mean 3 sheets glued together or 3 sheets folded together so they can be separated in places at later steps?
The size of the paper is very important for this figure, because it accumulates many layers of paper. I recommend two tissue paper 60 x 60 cm. Yes, two or three tissue paper are 2 or 3 sheets glued together with methylcellulose or school synthetic glue diluted in water (50% glue 50% water). Thanks for your comment. Greetings
I feel happy that you like my work. Thank you so much for such generous comment. A pleasure to help you. Greetings
can you make origami ZERO fighter satoshi kamiya please???
Of course, I will take your request into account. I hope to make a tutorial of that figure, soon. Thank you so much for your support to my work. Greetings
What paper do you use in your Indominus Rex origami?
this is an incredible model! But do you have a tutorial for your profile picture? That looks really intresting.
It is a lot of patience on modeling and shaping. As it is big paper he can make good details
it is fantastic, you are the best
Thank you so much for your generous comment and support!! I feel happy that you like my tutorials. Yes, it is tissue paper treated with methylcellulose. Greetings
what kind of paper do you use? i am from hong kong
Triple silk paper treated with methylcelulose
Thank you for sharing amazing Origami! How did you get this size paper?
De verdad están bien chingonas tus obras de arte
wow wow its exreamly hard
얼마나 시간이 걸려요!!??!!?.?한종이로....?😮😅
Your videos are amazing. How do you make the paper into that unique color? because tissue paper, as I know, always comes in solid color.
I guees is a combination of paper gray and white with MC glue have a great fusion of colors. White just make beauty lines on gray color.
Can you do a narrated one please. This one was really hard to do.
Mariano please please send me link to make it if there is book !!!!
Thank you so much for your comment and support as always!! A pleasure to help you and happy that you like my tutorial. Here you can find the diagram (but without teeth) in my tutorial I teach making teeth: novoorigami.blogspot.pe/2015/11/hj-rex-jason-ku-buenas-tardes-esta-vez.html Greetings
MarianoZavalaOrigami thank you so much !!!!!
Good +++++++++++++++++++++++
INCRÍVEL. Você é realmente o melhor youtuber de origamis. Que bom que você compartilha tutoriais de origamis muito complexos, pois em alguns diagramas tenho dificuldades e com um vídeo fica mais fácil de aprender. Onde você acha esses diagramas de origamis?
Um prazer em ajudá-lo, Ismael. Muito obrigado por seus generosos comentários e apoio para o meu trabalho. Feliz que você valorize meu trabalho. Aqui você pode encontrar o diagrama e muitos outros: novoorigami.blogspot.pe/2015/11/hj-rex-jason-ku-buenas-tardes-esta-vez.html Saudações
Impossible please make it easier
Your origami is amazing and I can make this thank you Mariano
Thank you for your kindness explain. Please tell me how can I buy this paper.
You don't buy it you make it. It's double tissue paper. Made with methyl cellulose and tissue paper. There are tutorials on youtube for it.
I m korean
yo ya pude hacerlo pero me falta poco. para mi no es tan difisil
Que feil tan grande perdí 1hora con 14 minutos y 41 segundos perdí mucho tiempo
please this is request to you can you make a indoraptor
is amazing video sir,but i have an a question,what music you use on this video?i want to know because the music is good
Wowwowowowow how do you do this amazing origami! You are so skilled- and you show the folding so well, but i would love mor intermediate models because i am not that experienced
please can you tell me what do you use to make the model that sturdy !
can you do a normal T-rex?
Wow paper?no?