Reaction To Bloody Foreigners: Untold Battle of Britain

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 2,3 тыс.

  • @Pilt_1
    @Pilt_1 Год назад +1091

    Poles were not only in 303 squadron, but also:
    300 bomber squadron
    301 bomber squadron
    302 fighter squadron
    304 bomber squadron
    305 bomber squadron
    306 fighter squadron
    307 night fighter squadron
    308 fighter squadron
    309 fighter squadron
    315 fighter squadron
    316 fighter squadron
    317 fighter squadron
    318 reconnaissance-fighter squadron
    663 air observation post squadron
    And Polish Fighting Team in Tunisia (1943)

    • @inka1780
      @inka1780 Год назад +77

      My father's uncle was in 304 bomber Squadron. He died before my birth and didn't have a chance to meet him but I remember about him and other polish soldiers who were fighting in battle of Britain.

    • @eveshqat5544
      @eveshqat5544 Год назад +42

      My grand grandma's brother was squadron pilot. He died and for the time I've got that info from my mom he was the only pilot who had "statue" of him in England cos he saved one town from Germany's fighters. One school in Poland is named after him and one English dude traveled to Poland to interview granny for his book. Her brother was granted an order Virtuti militari

    • @piotrgurtatowski
      @piotrgurtatowski Год назад +4

      @@eveshqat5544 Name and squadron please

    • @piotrgurtatowski
      @piotrgurtatowski Год назад +4

      @@inka1780 Name please

    • @Fill256
      @Fill256 Год назад +10

      And there were many squadrons and single pilots out of RAF:
      - Many fought in Polish-French squadrons in huge battles of 1940.
      - There was a whole Polish Air Force Corps in Polish People's Army (we often forget they were not politicians, they shoot Germans and had no red star but Polish Checkerboard on wings)
      - There were some Polish pilots in USAAF divisions, like multiple ace Gabby.
      - There was even one Pole in Chineese flying tigers squadron.
      Finally, remember about those who fought and were arrested in September 1939. Not everyone had opportunity to escape, or was able to travel whole Europe on false papers.

  • @beatabukowska6182
    @beatabukowska6182 Год назад +213

    I live in England and I have a husband But I have to write this I remember when me and my two children were traveling by bus and talking in Polish An old man asked, are you Polish, I learned your language, I am English, I fought with you for England, you are heroes And I wish you a nice stay in England

  • @c_narzedziowe24-rl2jn
    @c_narzedziowe24-rl2jn Год назад +1123

    Sadly that after the war the UK charge Polish air force about £107 650 000.00 for the cost of using equipment ( petrol, plane and airports, bombs, ammunitions, energy, etc. ) 1939-1945. Everything was covered by Polish gold reserves deposited in Canada.

    • @bilbobaggins2302
      @bilbobaggins2302 Год назад +212

      That's fckin sad....

    • @HumenM
      @HumenM Год назад

      Yes it's true.

    • @piszmag199
      @piszmag199 Год назад +253

      In the end we have to pay for the whole party with blood and money and we were not even invited...

    • @rabarba6
      @rabarba6 Год назад +1

      Yes and the british paid back the US for lend lease 80 years after the war

    • @edytajozefa
      @edytajozefa Год назад +109

      Thank you. In Poland no one says a word about it. I have never heard.

  • @imnosuperman9935
    @imnosuperman9935 Год назад +28

    Thank you Poland, us Brits never treated you in the right way after the war but we do appreciate you all, especially today! 🇵🇱🇬🇧

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад +2

      Who are you to say we never treated the Poles the right way? Tell me what was wrong with the way we treated the Poles exactly?

    • @franktuminski8460
      @franktuminski8460 6 месяцев назад

      @@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Imnosuperman is an honest intelligent man, not stuck up Brit. Read the history of WW2 so you could learn about the shifty Brits, your countrymen (especially Churchill)

    • @rg20322
      @rg20322 2 месяца назад

      @@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Why don't you read a book or watch a documentary you English dip s**t!

    • @hugh-hoof-hearts4360
      @hugh-hoof-hearts4360 Месяц назад

      @@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 exactly, very biased video. Britain incompetence again , especially England . Alway the way. No mention of all the british and commonwealth deaths which allowed them fight in the first place. America calling in the the lend lease feck up Uk and Poland , ALL had to pay the American loans , without loans no ships . Tanks planes to fly. , debt was relayed in the 2000s . Poland still hate uk for allowing the communists to take their country afterwards,

  • @maciejsokoowski4764
    @maciejsokoowski4764 Год назад +276

    Dzięki za twój komentarz i pamięć. Czołem wielkiej Polsce 🇵🇱❤️🇵🇱

    • @tonyholk1
      @tonyholk1 Год назад +1

      Anglicy maja to w dupie Polskich pilotow on to robi tylko dla wyswietlen w necie

    • @maciejsokoowski4764
      @maciejsokoowski4764 Год назад +7

      @@tonyholk1 nieważne, wieść się niesie

    • @frankaczmarek3042
      @frankaczmarek3042 Год назад +1

      @@tonyholk1Każdy sądzi według siebie.
      Ja widzę w nim uczciwego człowieka.

  • @robsonrobson3483
    @robsonrobson3483 Год назад +648

    My wszyscy to znamy i pamiętamy , i miło że są inni którzy też chcą znać historię
    Thank you very much

    • @robsonrobson3483
      @robsonrobson3483 Год назадвидео.html

    • @ilonaoglecka9174
      @ilonaoglecka9174 Год назад

      Brytyjczycy nie do końca pojmują, co podpisali w Jałcie w 1945 roku. Dla nas wojna nie skończyła się w 1945 roku. W czasach stalinowskich zaczęła się zupełnie inna wojna - z polskim ziemiaństwem, ocalałą inteligencją, arystokracją, ludźmi przedwojennego biznesu, bohaterami II wojny światowej..Powstała nowa klasa nuworyszy - czerwonych Chazarów. Oni twierdzą, że są Polakami, ale Polaków poniżają, żeruja na nas, szkodzą Polsce w UE. Społeczeństwo jest we śnie - nie dostrzega historycznych analogii. Daje się wciągnoąć w nonsensowne wojenki.Nie pojmują tragizmu swojego położenia. Dla nich moje pokolenie to tylko moherowe berety, a nie źródło informacji. Wyemiogrowałam do Francji w atmosferze głębokiego rozczarowania zachodzącymi zmianami w Solidarnej Polsce. Wróciłam do kraju, by tu umrzeć. Często marzę o normalnej Polsce dla młodzieży. Mrzonki. Każde pokolenie musi wydrzeć sobie normalność. Żeby coś z tego wyszło, trzeba rozumieć świat.Dokonywać rozsadnych wyborów. Nie głosować na ludzi, którzy gardzą Polską i Polakami, choć obiecują złote góry - a po cichu sprzyjają Niemcom. Chcą naszego upadku. Władzę należy rozliczać na podstawie twardych statystycznych danych, a nie kłamliwej propagandy. Czas promować swoich, a nie wciąż ich. Za każdym razem ich! Dokąd nie zmieni się mentalność Polaków, nigdy w Polsce nie będziemy u siebie. Mojej Polski już nie ma. Może choć wasza będzie?

    • @slawomirhering3770
      @slawomirhering3770 Год назад +7

      Stanisław Marusarz (ur. 18 czerwca 1913 w Zakopanem, zm. 29 października 1993 tamże) - polski skoczek narciarski, dwuboista i alpejczyk, czterokrotny olimpijczyk, siedmiokrotny uczestnik narciarskich mistrzostw świata, kurier tatrzański, podporucznik Armii Krajowej[4], trener, propagator sportu. Wicemistrz świata w skokach z 1938 z Lahti, piąty zawodnik konkursu skoków i siódmy w kombinacji na igrzyskach w 1936, czwarty skoczek mistrzostw świata w 1935 oraz piąty w 1939, zdobywca Pucharu Tatr w 1948 i 1949, zwycięzca memoriału Bronisława Czecha i Heleny Marusarzówny w 1952. Pięciokrotny rekordzista Polski oraz były dwukrotny rekordzista świata w długości skoku narciarskiego. Kawaler Krzyża Wielkiego, Krzyża Komandorskiego i Krzyża Kawalerskiego Orderu Odrodzenia Polski, oraz Krzyża Srebrnego Orderu Wojennego Virtuti Militari. Najlepszy Sportowiec Polski w roku 1938 w Plebiscycie Przeglądu Sportowego. Zasłużony Mistrz Sportu z 1951.

    • @slawomirhering3770
      @slawomirhering3770 Год назад

      Antoni „Kajtek” Czortek (1915 - 2004) - polski bokser, wicemistrz Europy w wadze piórkowej, olimpijczyk. Reprezentant Polski w dwudziestu trzech meczach międzypaństwowych. Uczestnik Igrzysk Olimpijskich w Berlinie w 1936 r. Czterokrotnie zdobył mistrzostwo Polski w latach: 1934, 1938, 1939 i w 1949. W czasie wojny znalazł się w Auschwitz, gdzie musiał stawać do walk bokserskich. Po przegranej walce z greckim bokserem Salamo Arouchem, otrzymał jeszcze jedną szansę: musiał stanąć na ringu z niemieckim kapo Walterem Dunningiem - dzięki wygranej uniknął śmierci w komorze gazowej. W 1979 r. wystąpił w epizodycznej roli w filmie fabularnym „Klincz”.
      Przeczytaj więcej na:

    • @masterson25
      @masterson25 Год назад

      Tyle że Anglia nas zdradziła za wojny trzykrotnie.Przez to nie ufam im do dziś

  • @zuzas7
    @zuzas7 Год назад +213

    I tacy właśnie jesteśmy, z sercem na dłoni. Zdejmiemy z siebie ostatnią koszulę. A jak jesteśmy w potrzebie to jak to mówią "umiesz liczyć, licz na siebie". Możemy być z siebie dumni.

    • @wojciechneprostipotocki
      @wojciechneprostipotocki Год назад

      Tacy właśnie jesteśmy, zawsze dający się bić po dupie

    • @voltgamma5386
      @voltgamma5386 Год назад +5

      Z przeszłości tak, ale z dzisiejszych decyzji nie.

    • @peteroz7332
      @peteroz7332 Год назад +7

      i teraz to samo z kraińcami.. 🤷‍♂️

    • @voltgamma5386
      @voltgamma5386 Год назад

      @@peteroz7332 noo Ukraińcy tak z przeszłości dumni raczej być nie mogą, z dzisiajszych decyzji tak tylko w 80 % . Dalej mają syndrom UPA było cool.

    • @peteroz7332
      @peteroz7332 Год назад +5

      @@voltgamma5386 chyba nie napisałem zbyt zrozumiale...
      mi chodziło, że to my dalej mamy 'serce na dłoni - pomagamy ... i teraz nacinamy się na nich...
      a nie, że to oni są tacy dobrzy...🤷‍♂️

  • @danandrewkarpat3228
    @danandrewkarpat3228 Год назад +220

    Don’t feel bad for us. We learned our lesson. No more trusting our “friends”. This is why we are building up our military strength so we can defend ourself without counting on others.

    • @LuKasz83_8
      @LuKasz83_8 Год назад

      Have we really learned anything from history? Just look at the foreign policy our governments have pursued over the last 30 years.... Sorry, but I dare to doubt

    • @s1ck845t4rd
      @s1ck845t4rd Год назад +5

      Holy fuck, tak sie powinno odpowiadac za kazdym razem, BIG UP!

    • @Xoruam
      @Xoruam Год назад

      Yeah, "building up our military strength" by giving away all of our heavy equipment to people who actively despise us.
      Meanwhile, every party sells portions of what remains of Polish sovereignty to different country - some to Germany, some to Russia, some to the USA...

    • @roberthanusen23
      @roberthanusen23 Год назад +8

      Poles defended the British - they made them pay for it! In order to shed Polish blood in defense of England, Poland had to pay them with Polish gold - for planes, engines, equipment, materials for operational flights and training, food, uniforms, accommodation, light, transport, medical assistance, aircraft maintenance and maintenance materials, including: fuel, bombs, ammunition, explosives.
      Using airport installations such as: hangars, workshops, offices, etc.- Total £107,650,000.

    • @borowa4386
      @borowa4386 Год назад +1

      POV:helping UA 😅😂😢

  • @chrisk3222
    @chrisk3222 Год назад +163

    Mój śp. wujek walczył w Anglii, po wojnie wrócił do Polski, do żony. Był prześladowany przez komunistów. Pamiętam, jak babcia upominała mnie, żeby wujka nie naciskać, bo wujek nie chciał opowiadać o tym, co przeszedł. Mówił, że cieszy się, że ma dwie córki, a nie synów.

    • @Varkiss2
      @Varkiss2 Год назад +11

      Oglądam na różnych-dziwnych stronach faktyczne obrazy z wojny na Ukrainie. To jak wygląda obecne pole walki z tysiącami ciał, ale fakt faktem szacuje się, że wciągu dnia ginie 500-900ludzi. Za jego czasów 1000 ludzi umierało w ciągu 1h. To co musiał widzieć może i byłby w stanie opisać, ale tego co czuł nigdy.

    • @anonanon4631
      @anonanon4631 Год назад +12

      Na zachodzie szczególnie zadbano np. o gen. Sosabowskiego - skończył na zmywaku w Anglii. Tak mu się odwdzięczono.

    • @piotrweydmann3345
      @piotrweydmann3345 Год назад +1

      ​@@anonanon4631Wielu zasluzonych zolnierzy SAS,konczylo podobnie.

    • @anonanon4631
      @anonanon4631 Год назад

      @@piotrweydmann3345 bo "żołnierze to bezmyślnie zwierzęta wykorzystywane w polityce międzynarodowej " jak powiedział Henry Kissinger.

    • @ZetkaFM
      @ZetkaFM 9 месяцев назад

      @@anonanon4631 bo Brytyjczycy po dziś dzień to kanalie 🤨 Historycznie wpisane mają to w DNA

  • @szpooler
    @szpooler Год назад +63

    RAF Sgt Andrzej Pekala (Pękała), RAF pilot number 704626, my grandfather's brother, was one of the 302 Fighter Squadron pilots. He survived the war, came back to Poland where he never received the glory he deserved. Let him and all other Polish pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain never be forgotten. Thank you so much Mert Pol for acknowledging them.

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад +12

      They were NOT forgotten, they were all granted UK citizenship in 1947 to prevent them having to return to Poland to be brutalised by the postwar Polish communist regime. Those that did return did so of their own free will as they were not prisoners in the UK.
      Please feel free to attend any UK remembrance day parade where you will STILL see tributes paid and wreaths laid to those Polish who fought alongside us against nazi tyranny. My local museum has an entire gallery devoted to the Polish pilots who flew from the airfield near to my home town, and a local cemetery has the perpetually well tended graves of 3 Polish pilots killed during WW2.

    • @piotrweydmann3345
      @piotrweydmann3345 Год назад

      ​@@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Agreed,many Poles tend to dwell about how successful our fighter pilots were, forgetting that all of them,came from Deblin school,and by the time of BoB,were seasoned professionals,hence the advantage over VR RAF "Sunday pilots".RAF Cranwell graduates,were in the same league.

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад +1

      @@piotrweydmann3345 Sincerest respects to your grandfather's brother. Please be aware that in my nearly 60 years in the UK at EVERY remembrance day parade I've attended that triibutes are paid and wreaths are laid specifically to the Polish service personnel who so resolutely fought alongside us in the west. They are not forgotten. The large RAF Northolt Polish memorial stands pride of place beside a very busy road in North London, and even in my local museum an entire gallery is dedicated to the Polish pilots who flew from the nearby RAF Woodvale airfield, with many momentoes and photographs for the public to see,
      Best wishes from the UK.

    • @piotrweydmann3345
      @piotrweydmann3345 Год назад +1

      You can rest assured Sir.I am aware,I was there twice.First in 1984,last in 1997.Last time in a companion of two vets,We went to Orchard hotel/bar in Ruisslip, for a round of drinks.I remember there was a model of Jan Zumbach's Spitfire mk Vb ( RF@D) in front of it.We,the Poles,tend to forget about all other Commonwealth and other countries, young men who put their lives in the victory over Hitler's Germany.
      The truth is, this victory was a perfect example of what "Team Work" means.My respect goes to leadership and perserverance of people like A.C.M. H.Dowding and A V.M. K.Park.
      Best Regards.

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад +1

      @@piotrweydmann3345 Piotr, its been an pleasure to talk with a Polish gentleman holding such views. I've nothing but the highest regard for the resolve and national pride of Poland and her people, but find more often than not that modern day Poles have a tendancy to denigrate the efforts and sacrifices of others.
      Best wishes to you and the Polish people from the UK.

  • @CryptoPensioner
    @CryptoPensioner Год назад +112

    ...because we do not beg for freedom. We fight for it.

    • @darksonlolo6039
      @darksonlolo6039 Год назад +1

      Tak trzymaj, pokarzemy im w przyszłości

    • @AJ-ir6sv
      @AJ-ir6sv Год назад +6

      @@darksonlolo6039obyśmy już nigdy nie musieli…

    • @annaj.6411
      @annaj.6411 9 месяцев назад +2

      teraz to sami oddajemy suwerenność za darmo na rzecz IV rzeszy = UE

    • @liszkapliszka146
      @liszkapliszka146 8 месяцев назад

      @@annaj.6411 Skończ te ruskie brednie, oszołomie.

  • @jano-dm2dy
    @jano-dm2dy Год назад +189

    My Polacy gdy zostaniemy napadnięci przez wrogów nie pytamy się ilu ich jest ale gdzie oni są!

    • @probablysatan..5776
      @probablysatan..5776 Год назад +5

      Drugie pytanie to zakład ile dni przetrwają, przrgrany stawia piwo

    • @leszekalbin4097
      @leszekalbin4097 Год назад +5

      ​@@probablysatan..5776pisze się przegrany ruski trollu! Przygrany to może ruskich!

    • @leszekalbin4097
      @leszekalbin4097 Год назад

      @@IQIkar antypolski Debil!

    • @mike-ivy
      @mike-ivy 11 месяцев назад

      @@IQIkar Racja mistrzu odwrotu !

    • @anonimzudny3200
      @anonimzudny3200 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@IQIkar Francuz dopadł się do tłumacza google? lol

  • @izabelakratus3892
    @izabelakratus3892 Год назад +40

    Thank you for this, my great uncle Franciszek Targowski was a bomber in
    314 squadron.
    He got married and stayed in Nottingham but soon found out that they were not very welcomed there…
    They had moved to US Illinois in 1952 where he dyed in 1990.

  • @daxuss
    @daxuss Год назад +266

    Pamiętajcie o Brytyjczykach. Dalej mają poczucie wyższości nad nami i w głębi duszy nami pogardzają. Musimy budować własną niezależność: gospodarczą i militarną. Nie ma innej drogi, bez oglądania się na innych.

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад +1

      "Gardzę tobą"? Myśleliśmy o was wystarczająco dużo, aby poświęcić 460 000 naszych obywateli, zbankrutować i stracić nasze imperium, aby uratować wasz kraj i resztę Europy przed nazistowską tyranią. Nie ma lepszego przyjaciela. Naprawdę zaskakujące, biorąc pod uwagę obelgi i obelgi rzucane na nas przez idiotycznych współczesnych Polaków.
      Posłuchajcie wywiadu z pilotem 303 Sqd z 2006 roku i tego, co myślał o Brytyjczykach.видео.html

    • @Pietia91
      @Pietia91 Год назад +12

      Bardziej Ty masz poczucie niższości. Ale Ciii

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад +7

      ​@@Pietia91 Wcale nie, przyjacielu, dlaczego miałbym uważać Wielką Brytanię za gorszą? To nie my zostaliśmy podbici przez nazistów !!!

    • @Pietia91
      @Pietia91 Год назад

      @@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 czyli według Twojej logiki, Ukrainiec gorszy od Polaka?

    • @Pietia91
      @Pietia91 Год назад +1

      @@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Tylko nieprzyjazne osoby nazywają obcych ludzi przyjacielu. Xd I widać że ktoś szybciutko edytował komentarz, bo wyszedł na głąba. Brawo Ty xd

  • @assasyn_x4133
    @assasyn_x4133 Год назад +98

    Jestem dumny z tego że jestem Polakiem 💪🇵🇱

    • @Shortsofficial318
      @Shortsofficial318 Год назад +3

      I from Philippines but I like Poland history

    • @simonsmith1974
      @simonsmith1974 3 месяца назад +1

      And so you should be. Poland has been in the centre of history for years.

  • @johnyboo1445
    @johnyboo1445 Год назад +730

    Now you know why Poles don't like other nations. Everyone we help has thanked us this way throughout history.

    • @cetus4449
      @cetus4449 Год назад +148

      Poles have the right to their traumatic prejudices and the right to peace. But they are not xenophobes! Foreigners are still welcomed in Poland with traditional Polish hospitality if they respect Poles and their culture.

    • @alh6255
      @alh6255 Год назад +94

      Except for the Hungarians. Who over the centuries have become our true friends. To such an extent that there are no two nations in Europe and perhaps in the world that love and respect each other so much, like PL and HU. So supportive of each other. In Europe, this friendship is unique. It was proven that also during World War II, even though Hungary was an ally of Germany.

    • @bartoszczechowicz4074
      @bartoszczechowicz4074 Год назад +1


    • @johnyboo1445
      @johnyboo1445 Год назад

      Correct. We respect everyone who respects us.@@cetus4449

    • @Witold-v3o
      @Witold-v3o Год назад +1

      A co Ty wiesz o Polakach? Żąd Polski jest jaki jest i sam sobie wziął władze - jutro to się zmieni

  • @lukecool6173
    @lukecool6173 Год назад +106

    That was the school of life for polish people. And now we know we cant count for anyone else than ourselves. We can be in UE, NATO but we know that if something will happen we probably will get a just a little help or we'll be left alone..

    • @TetesaZwirn
      @TetesaZwirn Год назад

      Swiatiwa szajka nazistowskich zydow dba tulko o swoje interesy

    • @rg20322
      @rg20322 2 месяца назад +2

      Absolutely correct and love what Poland and their leaders are doing today with the borders to maintain their identity, unlike the UK!

  • @goralka2032
    @goralka2032 Год назад +91

    I am grateful that you raised this topic. It should not be forgotten, because the fate of Polish soldiers after World War II was tragic. Those soldiers who decided to return to the country did not know that only prison and restrictions awaited them in the country. The communist governments treated them as an enemy of the country, as spies of foreign countries in which they fought the German enemy. And this is a huge tragedy for these people. They were never appreciated in their own country and were treated as an enemy. Many of them lost their lives and health in communist prisons, many could not get a normal job, because for the communist government, these soldiers were enemies, because they had contacts with the "West". My uncle, returned from France, where he fought, returned to Poland and it ended in tragedy for him. He did not agree to join the communist party, he spent many years in prison, where he died. The second uncle, freed from the camp, got to Canada. Many years later he wrote letters to us, I remember it was the 1960s , my parents had problems, they were called for interrogations, they were asked who wrote them and we know that the letters were censored. Those were terrible times. And I feel very sorry for those soldiers, scattered around the world, because they had a great longing for their homeland and could not return.

    • @jerzyszmal2722
      @jerzyszmal2722 Год назад +3

      ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 500/100 I wholeheartedly AGREE..💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

    • @szelest2011
      @szelest2011 Год назад

      Przede wszystkim byli traktowani jako zagrożenie dla komuny, chcieli niezależności od ruskich, dlatego byli wiezieni i wymyślano dla nich różne zarzuty, więziono w więzieniach i wprost zabijano w ubeckich katowniach...

  • @mickolber4188
    @mickolber4188 Год назад +19

    I'm sorry for writing like this, but from the perspective of time, we don't have any friends, everyone we helped thanked us either with a partition or a kick in the ass and an exodus, the betrayal in Yalta led to the tragedy of our nation for many years, but we are rising from our knees as always and as we always will be walk the streets with your chin up. We are a strong, hard-working and fighting nation.

    • @MrLelek56
      @MrLelek56 Год назад

      popraw perspektywę i nie licz na Niemcy , Anglię , Rosję , Francję ....

  • @ignacymaj3812
    @ignacymaj3812 Год назад +66

    thank you for making that video.
    Niech żyje Polska!

  • @piotroppermann2791
    @piotroppermann2791 Год назад +114

    Thank you so much for the topic!!!Niech zyje Polska!!!!! Bog Honor Ojczyzna!!!

    • @86Corvus
      @86Corvus Год назад

      Cut the bog part. Its an emposition by the vatican lackeys

    • @86Corvus
      @86Corvus Год назад +5

      Its just honor and fatherland.

    • @michalkowacz89
      @michalkowacz89 Год назад +1

      ​​@@86CorvusYes my friend! Nobody cary about this word but we both know that god was only on the germans belt.

    • @blink2665
      @blink2665 Год назад +3

      Honor Ojczyzna wystarczy

    • @myszkoscielna7522
      @myszkoscielna7522 Год назад +1

      ​@blink2665, nie. Nie wystarczy. I nie chodzi tutaj tylko o religię, ale o podstawy cywilizacji jaka została zakorzeniona w Polakach. Bez cywilizacji łacińskiej nie byłoby Polski.

  • @dariuszmyk1
    @dariuszmyk1 Год назад +265

    If you asked in Poland for the names of these pilots, I doubt anyone would know them, but if you ask about Squadron 303, everyone, literally everyone, with school-age children will know and respect him. And so the Yalta betrayal shocked the entire Polish nation. Until now, many people treat all NATO assurances with reserve, keeping in mind the beginning of the war, when, despite bilateral treaties on mutual assistance in the event of aggression with Great Britain and France, Poland, which was attacked by the Third Reich, remained alone, as well as Yalta .

    • @AWRUK84
      @AWRUK84 Год назад

      So you want them alpgabetic or what?? F... you

    • @arekofpoland8735
      @arekofpoland8735 Год назад +6

      Yalta betrayal … well back in February 1945 Red Army cross Odra river already … soviets took Poland without any chance of withdrawing from Poland.

    • @Litwinus
      @Litwinus Год назад +2

      Ja akurat wymieniłbym ze 3 nazwiska.Pamiętam jak po książke "Sprawa Honoru" Lynne Olson o dywizjonie 303.

    • @slawomirhering3770
      @slawomirhering3770 Год назад

      As Polish we are on the same page, Jewish people have twisted education hurt Poland.
      I am one of milions Polish who expect fom Isreal and Jewish for wrong doing to Poland. For changing historical facts about German occupation in Poland Holocaust in Auschwitz and many other places who exterminated Polish and Jewish.
      The international voice of cry is Reserve to Jewish mmatter only !! They suffer the attack countrie invaded and distroy but Germany invade Poland not Isreal they exterminated Polish people in millions!!!
      I think you would like to us be glad for tap in a shoulder and welcome back Jewish form Isreal. As Polish we have not solve the fake twisted histroy and lies narrative agains Poland that we have obligations to remember.

    • @arkady1965
      @arkady1965 Год назад +5


  • @ufiksan
    @ufiksan Год назад +56

    Thank you for watching this documentary. It is so well done. Greetings fron Poland!

  • @grzegorzkacprzak3086
    @grzegorzkacprzak3086 Год назад +82

    Miłe z Twojej strony, że chcesz się więcej na ten temat dowiedzieć.
    Zostaje kilka tematów:
    1. Śmierć generała Sikorskiego a własciwie zamach na Niego. Do dziś nie odtajniono akt tej sprawy a urzedy brytyjskie przedłużyły o kolejne długie lata ich udostępnienie.
    2. W Londyńskiej paradzie zwycięstwa(1946) nie było polskiego przedstawicielstwa -aby nie drażnić Stalina
    3. Wciąż za mało znane prace polskich kryptologów którzy pierwsi złamali kod Enigmy
    4. Polskie złoto w Banku Londyńskim zostało zatrzymane i potrącone z niego spore sumy za utrzymanie Polskiej Armii w GB. Pierwszy raz sojusznik musiał zapłacić za to, że pomagał i przelewał krew.
    Jest tego jeszcze o wiele więcej...

    • @wojtekwosztyl615
      @wojtekwosztyl615 Год назад

      GB jest największym hipokrytą i chorągiewką na świecie.

    • @simonsmith1974
      @simonsmith1974 3 месяца назад +2

      I knew about the Poles and Enigma, such bravery. Poland is a great land

  • @kapselek5861
    @kapselek5861 Год назад +25

    O lotnikach dywizjonów 301,302,303 Polacy pamiętają. Bo kochają ich po prostu. Miło jest oglądać film gdy brytyjczyk ogląda jakieś wyczynania słowian :)

    • @PluszowaSurykatka
      @PluszowaSurykatka Год назад

      Jakich znowu Słowian? Język jeno mamy słowiański, ale nie jesteśmy żadnymi "słomianami", tylko Rzymianami, Zachodnimi Chrześcijanami, przedstawicielami Cywilizacji Christianitas, katolikami.

    • @agataostaszewska8412
      @agataostaszewska8412 Год назад +1

      ​@@PluszowaSurykatkaja jestem poganką i kultywuję przedchrześcijańskie tradycje. Jestem Słowianką.

    • @arkady1965
      @arkady1965 Год назад

      @@PluszowaSurykatka zmień lekarza bo ten Cię oszukuje!

    • @PluszowaSurykatka
      @PluszowaSurykatka Год назад

      @@agataostaszewska8412 Nie masz bladego pojęcia jak owe "tradycje" wyglądały. Nikt nie ma. To co celebrujesz jako niby "słowiańskie" obyczaje, jest tylko XIX-wiecznym chłopskim papugowaniem zachowań XVIII-wiecznej szlachty.

  • @agnieszka7231
    @agnieszka7231 Год назад +112

    Polish pilots, from what I remember, knew French, which was then the language of the European middle class and aristocracy. Some of them spoke German. English was really an unknown language to them. The pilots of 303 Squadron are highly respected in Poland. We learn about them in history. Apart from this division, the "Polish hunting team" is equally famous, called "Skalski's circus", because it performed circus acts in the air - they took part in the North African campaign.
    Polish soldiers were indeed old flirts, the cultural difference in the treatment of women gave them an advantage ;) And what's a few broken hearts compared to the fact that we saved your island ;)

    • @ilonaoglecka9174
      @ilonaoglecka9174 Год назад +8

      Nawet nie zdajesz sobie sprawy, jak wielką radość sprawiłeś Polakom tym wpisem o Dywizjonie 303. Sądziliśmy, że już nikt nie pamięta o naszych skrzydlatych chłopcach nad brytyskim niebem.❤🍀

    • @simonsmith1974
      @simonsmith1974 3 месяца назад

      The Polish pilots were so brave and saved my country (in my opinion). I have so much respect for them.
      Polish people are amazing people.

  • @pawebat8324
    @pawebat8324 Год назад +156

    Shame was that Poland after war was not invited to Victory parade in London :(

    • @JanMachowiak
      @JanMachowiak Год назад +4

      Zaproszono lotników . Odmówili

    • @michatylicki17
      @michatylicki17 Год назад +1

      @@JanMachowiak dlaczego?

    • @piernik_z_pomorza
      @piernik_z_pomorza Год назад +13

      ​@@michatylicki17za zdradę. Poczytaj o samobojstwach Polskich zolnierzy, ktorzy walczyli o wolną Polskę, której nie było. We włoszech było tego sporo. Przynajmniej Włosi mają Polskę w swym hymnie narodowym...

    • @arkady1965
      @arkady1965 Год назад +7

      ​@@michatylicki17w ramach solidarności bo zaproszono tylko lotników a nie wszystkie jednostki biorące udział w wojnie po stronie aliantów.

    • @Michalu96
      @Michalu96 8 месяцев назад +1

      Zdradzi Polskę Bóg Honor Ojczyzna Amor Patria Nostra

  • @robertrobson5531
    @robertrobson5531 Год назад +30

    Now you should understand that fairly new you tube trend where people react to polish history, food, music etc. We as new generation are still looking for appreciation for our grandfather's, father's etc. We are finally seeing some of it in channels like yours. Thank you sir

  • @Sara_luvsx
    @Sara_luvsx Год назад +23

    Jestem dumna z naszej Ojczyzny ❤
    Thank you it's nice that someone look to History and appreciate Polish fighters

    • @anonanon4631
      @anonanon4631 Год назад

      Też jestem dumny ale wyszliśmy na głównych frajerów po tej wojnie.

  • @jerzyc.pasierb6693
    @jerzyc.pasierb6693 Год назад +10

    Dziękuję Tobie, Przyjacielu. Polityka... Takie były (i nadal są) takie realia.
    Wszystkiego Najlepszego.

  • @SPAWN30670
    @SPAWN30670 Год назад +514

    Polish tactics of killing Germans were so effective for three reasons:
    1: Polish Aviation in the country had old planes, in order to shoot down the enemy they had to get very close to the enemy.
    2: Polish pilots had hundreds of more hours flown than most British pilots.
    3. Germany has been attacking Poland for 1000 years, so the desire to destroy them was in our blood, sent with our mother's milk, but it is their fault.
    Even today, Germans treat Poland as a second category and a country closer to the east than the west. Germans don't like the idea that Poland could be strong, it spoils the German social program.
    Germany - cheap raw materials from Russia (gas, oil, coal, steel, grain), Poland is a highly qualified labor force to cheaply process these raw materials into German goods and it should stay that way.
    The Germans do not want a strong Poland, not that we have never had such intentions to attack them, but they do not want us at the main decision-making table, we have to sit like children at the smaller one.
    As for Great Britain - we feel cheated for September 1939, when help did not come, for the Uprising of 1944, when Churchill did not agree to send Polish paratroopers and to airdrops of supplies from the first days of the uprising. Polish pilots and paratroopers were banned from flying. And we feel betrayed the most in 1945 when we were sold to Russia, which resulted in another 45 years of slavery and Soviet occupation. The blood shed together meant nothing to the Allies. Even though we fought together in Italy (Monte Cassino), France, the Netherlands (Operation Market Garden, we saved hundreds of British soldiers), Africa, Dunkirk, the Ardennes, Battle of Narvik Norwey, The Polish destroyer ORP Piorun, as part of a Royal Navy operation, engaged in combat in the Atlantic against the then most powerful Kriegsmarine ship, the battleship "Bismarck". in the skies of England, on the seas and on land.
    45 years under Soviet rule, lack of development, stagnation, backwardness by 20-30 years, resulted in the fact that today, earning 3-4 times less than Western countries, many of us, descendants of these soldiers, are waiters, dishwashers, nurses, cleaners in your homes. , hospitals, bars.
    We want nothing but for the truth about our grandparents and fathers to be known, that they fought there for democracy and our and yours freedom. Glory to the Heroes.
    Thank you for your kind words about our soldiers. Let the Polish-British friendship continue to flourish, and when the day comes we will prove ourselves, because Russia is already targeting us. I know the British soldier will support us. Regards.

    • @dareklenovo8883
      @dareklenovo8883 Год назад +39

      Lepiej tego ująć nie można. Potrzeba ludzi, twojego pokroju, znających historie, wiedzących jak było i kto dzisiaj na kogo gra i powiem Ci coś śmiesznego. Kilka tygodni temu, po polsku zapytałem gdzieś w komentarzach, aby się do tego odniusł. Przed wczoraj tłumaczyłem, to nagranie, ten dokument z przed kilku dobrych lat stworzony przez brytyjczykow 2 polskim 26 latkom z którymi pracuje. Czy znają ten film fabulyzowany, czy mają pojęcie o polakach z diwizjonu 303 najsłynniejszy, a było ich więcej co należy pamiętać. I tak stękało się im, że coś wiedzą, i na koniec tylko odpowiadali prawie, że wspólnie, że przecież nas Anglicy sprzedali i po co to było ehhh. Przynajmniej tyle wiedzą o Jalcie Teheranie o nie zaproszenie polski na defilade.
      Chce ci podziękować, za twój czas prywatny na umieszczenie tego komentarza. Jednym śmignę przed oczami innym może nie.
      Szacunek za wiedzę i pisanie w taki sposób w języku Angielskim. Coś znajdę podobnego co poszło w świat on nie jest pierwszy.

    • @krzysztofkolarz3390
      @krzysztofkolarz3390 Год назад +1

      Not only Germans. The Russians are also our mortal enemies. We are between a rock and a hard place.

    • @SPAWN30670
      @SPAWN30670 Год назад +30

      @@dareklenovo8883 bardzo dziękuję za miłe słowa. Nasza historia jest i piękna i tragiczna, ale warto ja znać. Prawda i fakty bronią się same, tylko ktoś musi je przekazać kolejnym pokoleniom, bo ludzie którzy brali w tych wydarzeniach udział. Już odeszli. Na nas pozostaję obowiązek przekazywania. Pozdrawiam i miłego weekendu.

    • @gregoryr.3842
      @gregoryr.3842 Год назад +10

      Masz bardzo duzo racji w tym co piszesz

    • @pablobao6826
      @pablobao6826 Год назад

      Debil się wypowiada o Polakach mając inną flagę na profilu. Wypierdalaj Ukraincu jebany won banderowcu kolaborancie Hitlera!

  • @romualdgromski6825
    @romualdgromski6825 Год назад +38

    Man you do awesome job. I remember when I lost my way back home and one old man gave me the lift. When I said I am from Poland he said a lot about Polish air fighters. I was surprised and very pleased. Unfortunately history forgot about us....

  • @haniaruda
    @haniaruda Год назад +398

    T hańba dla Brytyjczyków.
    Masz rację to haniebne i okrutne jak potraktowano Polskę i Polaków.

    • @mareklec4932
      @mareklec4932 Год назад +30

      To się dzieje nadala

    • @marysiamikulska1093
      @marysiamikulska1093 Год назад

      Oni nadal są głupi, zarządza nimi plemię Lucyfera i to dosłownie, ich obecny Król to przykład lucyfera na ziemi.

    • @stawiniakpol2891
      @stawiniakpol2891 Год назад +23

      @@mareklec4932 i będzie się działo ... Polska leży w bardzo chu.owym położeniu geograficznym. Tylko i aż o to chodzi ...

    • @slawomirhering3770
      @slawomirhering3770 Год назад

      Poland was attacked 1939 by Germany not Isreal right.
      Poland in 1939 population was 34 millions and Poland population in 1945 was 21 milions. Germany kill and exterminate 13 milions of witch 2-3 could of been Jewish yes thats right 2-3 not 6 legendary millions. When Isreal a decade ago was only 5 milions therefore conclusion is there could not be so much loss on thier side , but from Polish is downplay, downgrade !! Germany have not invade Isreal but Poland and wanted to and did so eliminate Polish together with USSR Russia and Ukraine murdered millions of Polish millions!!! The Conspiracy was agains Poland countre and Nation that is apparent was undenable facts of destructions people and cieties. But twsisted and manipulated narrative and factes about Germany occupation Poland used in favorite resverve internationaly by the Jewish communities and people. Becasue the Jewish nation is so powerful and prevlidge made Poland look horrible in Isreal and on international stage for decades until now!!!
      So bro tap in the shoulder isn't enough, why there are no Jewish on life mission to fix it by name the guilty Germany.

    • @martarucinska7206
      @martarucinska7206 Год назад +13

      dodam dalej sie traktuje..niestety..Jestesmy bardzo roznymi nacjami..w UK na ciasteczko i herbatke trzeba sobie zasluzyc..wdlg wielkich nawet na to sobie nie zasluzylismy..po dzien dzisiejszy,znam historie Pani po Oxfordzie,ktora znajoma uswiadamiala jak to Ang Nam pomogli w trakcie 2WW.
      Znajoma zapytala o Jalte..zniesmaczona brakiem taktu Polki Pani ang poprostu odeszla..tacy Ci ludzie w wiekszosci niestety sa..

  • @lisciu33
    @lisciu33 Год назад +16

    Thank you for presenting this story. You have done it with honour and respect. Your behaviour and expressions show that you are simply a good person. Thank you again and my warmest regards.

  • @mariostepien4526
    @mariostepien4526 Год назад +26

    Determinacja 💪za kochaną ojczyznę ♥️ chwała naszym wspaniałym przodkom 👍💪♥️🔥 Bóg honor ojczyzna 🔥

  • @marcelmarceli8238
    @marcelmarceli8238 Год назад +45

    What they forgot to say is that at the very end England confiscated the Polish gold in England and made Poles pay for the opportunity to fight with British equipment and for the food they ate during the war.

  • @Dexiefy
    @Dexiefy Год назад +85

    13:28 Oh yes, they are. Squadron 303 and Witold Urbanowicz in particular are well remembered and honored in Poland - he is the one who said 'We do not beg for freedom, we fight for it' - quote very often repeated in Poland. Józef Franciszek is not Polish however, he was Czech but every Pole who knows history knows his name and if there is talk about squadron 303 you can be damn sure someone will mention Franciszek just so he is not omitted.
    As a small fun fact about Squadron 303, known also as Kościuszko's Squadron. It was formed in 1940 but took the name of Kościuszko to honor the ones who fought in battle of Warsaw in 1920 in Kościuszko's Squadron. A squadron of American pilots who fought alongside Poles to pay off the debt Americans had to the Poles for all the achievements of Kościuszko and Pułaski in fight for American independence. If you look at the emblem of squadron 303 you will quickly notice it resembles American flag and contains symbols of Kosciuszko's Scythemen. Also, one of the American Pilots was future director of King Kong - Merian C. Cooper.
    25:45 : Poles are famous for fighting impossible odds. Battle of Kłuszyno ~6.5k Poles vs 30k Russians and 5k Swedish mercenaries. Battle of Hodów 400 Poles defending a village from 40k Tatars (yes 40, not 4) until reinforcements started to get close - Situation where 400 men made Tatars forsake their plans of invasion. Battle of Kircholm, 3.5k Poles vs 11k Swedes. All of those fights were won by the Poles and are just a handful of the most popular ones. There is much more, but Sabaton's song 40:1 that sings the tale of Battle of Wizna where 1k Poles stood against 41k Germans, ~300 tanks and like half a thousand of artillery delineates Polish fearlessness quite well. They lost at Wizna, but the commander after saying he will die before he surrenders blew himself up with a grenade. Poles lost cause they ran out of ammunition. So yeah, 40:1.
    "We will count them after we beat them" - Supposedly spoken by Chodkiewicz (Polish commander from battle of Kircholm mentioned above) but according to findings, it was answer of Polish hussars to Chodkiewicz's speech. It is also a famous quote in Poland.

    • @MarcinSkwarczynski
      @MarcinSkwarczynski Год назад +2

      Co ty za glupoty z ta Wizna piszesz - most wysadzili i korpus pancerny zatrzymal sie bo jak czolgi i ciezarowki mialy sie przez rzeke przeprawiac ?
      Do tego korpus byl rozciagniety na 100 km Z korpsu tylko 10Dpanc byla w okolicy Wizny reszta na drodze z Olsztyna a walczyly tylko odzialy rozpoznawcze.
      Niemcy mieli most pontonowy ale za krotki o 8 metrow. Narew miala 64 m szerokosci a 10 DPanc miala 56 metrowy - na dluzszy most musieliby czekac 3-5 dni. Dlatego zatrzymali atak i szukali innej przeprawy, ktora znalezli na wschod
      Bajek nie wypisuj.

    • @Dexiefy
      @Dexiefy Год назад

      ​@@MarcinSkwarczynski To zes blysnal. To ze wysadzili most ma niewielki wplyw na to ze walczyli garstka ludzi przeciwko kilkudziesieciu tysiacom zolnierzy. Wg ciebie w jaki sposob zuzyli cala amunicje? strzelajac do kaczek, tarczy, czy do niemcow?
      Czy moze wysadzenie mostu sprawia ze ludzie wyparowywuja? Juz nie wspominajac ze budowanie mostow to jedno z glownych zadan inzynierow wojskowych bo kazda armia oczekuje wysadzonych mostow... conajmniej jakby byla to jedna z podstawowych taktyk obronnych. Kto by sie spodziewal.

  • @adlergizinski7234
    @adlergizinski7234 Год назад +12


  • @soulofwoods2721
    @soulofwoods2721 Год назад +14

    I love the part when polish fliers gave Kent a -ski ending to his name. It pretty much meant "you're one of us now, man 😊"

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад

      They forgot to mention about the 2 British officers who led 303 Sqd.... Sqd Ldr Ronald Kellett"ski" and Fl Lt Athol Stanhope Forbes"ski".
      Strange the things that Brit-hating TV producers forget to include in their programs, isn't it?

  • @edwardlewandowski5473
    @edwardlewandowski5473 Год назад +13

    Wielki szacun za program✨dobra robota✋Pokój Duszy Poległym🕊🌹wieczna pamięć🌃😯

  • @woyttas
    @woyttas Год назад +40

    I recall going to WW II memorial places and graves quite a few times since primary school. Our nation will forever remember the heroes who had an immeasurable impact on how the Europe looks today. We Poles often say: the West won the war, Poland on the other hand lost. We say it because when the dust settled we had to reimburse over £100mil for whatever our soldiers used whilst fighting for Britain. Not to mention no war reparations and being left behind the iron curtain.

  • @sebastiankowalski2648
    @sebastiankowalski2648 Год назад +42

    Dziękuję za Pana pracę

  • @ronaldostrowski4014
    @ronaldostrowski4014 Год назад +38

    The British Government did not want to offend Stalin in 1946. Yet, Stalin invited members of the First and Second Polish Armies, which fought alongside the Red Army all the way to Berlin and Dresden, to his Moscow Victory Parade. Go figure.
    I also wonder why only the 303 Squadron is mentioned these days, even in Poland. There were other Polish squadrons such as the 300, 301 bomber squadrons, and 302 fighter squadron involved in the battle. Overall there was a total of 145 Polish pilots, some integrated with British squadrons, who fought in the Battle of Britain, and not just the 303 despite the high number of planes it shot down. By 1945 the Polish Airforce under British command totalled 20,000 pilots (including some women transport pilots), mechanics, crewmen and other related airforce personnel. There were also a number of Polish bomber squadrons giving the Germans in Germany a taste of their own medicine, and also attempting to drop supplies to their countrymen fighting in the 63-day 1944 Warsaw Uprising.
    Thanks for the positive and heartfelt reaction. My late father, who served with the Polish Army fighting in the West, also could not go home and ended up settling here in Australia like so many other Polish WW2 veterans.

  • @sebastianpredel1507
    @sebastianpredel1507 Год назад +5

    Great movie, mate. Hats off, Sir for showing true to public, many Brits dont know about it but sometimes elder neighbours in Oxted, Surrey sending thanks. I born 40 years after Battle of Britain but I am proud to be Polish. Greetings

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад +1

      Looking at the ignorant, insulting comments in this YT vid it's clear that modern day Poles know NOTHING AT ALL about British sacrifices on behalf of THEIR country during WW2 either !!!

    • @MrLelek56
      @MrLelek56 Год назад

      wystarczy , że anglicy wiedzą - bo oni zawsze wiedzą najlepiej @@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684

  • @mlodysynek44
    @mlodysynek44 Год назад +17

    You're doing a great job so far. I really enjoyed this video and your channel. Polish people naturally loves to watch not polish people admiring Poland.
    I like how authentic you are, in your affection to Poland
    "I really enjoyed the video" : )

  • @pw1129
    @pw1129 Год назад +17

    Thank you for this reaction. Best regards from poland.

  • @yvonnevonjendraschek5099
    @yvonnevonjendraschek5099 Год назад +49

    the end of the film explains terribly why they don't teach it at school, because the British betrayed the Poles😢

  • @kamilakaczor8118
    @kamilakaczor8118 Год назад +39

    I am so proud of my Poland, thank you for respecting my country🥺🤍❤️
    I like your videos👍

    • @masterson25
      @masterson25 Год назад

      Ale to że nas zdradzono podczas wojny kilka razy to już chyba sama nie wiesz.
      Ja nie ufam nikomu.Bo jak przyjdzie co do czego to znów zostaniemy sami

  • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
    @MayaTheDecemberGirl Год назад +19

    In Poland we all know the history of 303 Squadron. The most famous names of the pilots, that people usually remember, are for instance Witold Urbanowicz, Jan Zumbach or Mirosław Ferić (the last one I know especially because of the fact that before the war he graduated from the same secondary school - gimnazjum - that also my grandpa graduated from). And it is worth mentioning that before the war in Poland there was a very good academy for pilots - The Air Force Officer School in Dęblin, established in 1925. So they were all really exquisite, well trained pilots.

  • @ACDGibson
    @ACDGibson Год назад +7

    Thank you so much for bringing attention to this 👍
    It makes me proud to be Polish but also heartbroken at what came after. I live in the Uk for a couple of years now and it's so surreal to see landmarks like cliffs of Dover and to think that our ancestors have fought in the skies over there, thousand miles from home and had big input on the outcome of the war is mind boggling. Especially since it wasn't THAT long ago. I mean 80 years is a lifetime of a one person! That's why it's so important to remember those lessons, to not make same mistakes again. Cheers 👍🤝

  • @onomatopejaB
    @onomatopejaB Год назад +23

    54:06 now, this is why some westeners don’t understand our ironic comments about allies then and now… until they understand.
    My grandpa was airplane mechanic for one of units

  • @Vhsbdg
    @Vhsbdg Год назад +7

    Thank You again. Dziekuje ponownie.

  • @kingdenis2002
    @kingdenis2002 Год назад +16

    You should come and see memorial here in Northolt. I heard this story when I was a little girl and still living in communistic Poland under Soviet occupation. My grannie was telling me that my grand, grand uncle was a pilot in Great Britain. Grannie was talking abt Zdzislaw Krasnodębski alas “King”, founder and first commander of 303. Urbanowicz saved his life when he was shot down and severely burned. He was teaching from the ground later, unable to fly. After war he was a cab driver in Toronto and few years ago his ashes (and his wife’s Wanda) were transferred to cemetery Powązki in Warsaw. Today I life in Northolt.

    • @stanislawastraz5007
      @stanislawastraz5007 Год назад +2

      Ì was on a cemetery in Toronto where was his memory plate on the ground so I saw it. ( it was 20 years or more)

    • @stanislawastraz5007
      @stanislawastraz5007 Год назад +2

      I do't remember it was maybe more than 10 years, but I remember it was placed in the front entrance of the chapel

  • @titof6398
    @titof6398 Год назад +8

    I am Polish, thank you very much for showing the facts.

  • @adamrobak2572
    @adamrobak2572 Год назад +23

    Nikt nas nigdy nie doceniał, to smutne,tylko wykorzystanie jest w naszej historii 😢

  • @bartlomiejgotowicki1812
    @bartlomiejgotowicki1812 Год назад +3

    It's nice that you show and comment on Polish history. I thank you with all my heart.

  • @tomaszb.3427
    @tomaszb.3427 Год назад +5

    My grandfather got to the islands after fighting in France. He returned to Poland in 1947. to the family...

  • @obserwator1766
    @obserwator1766 Год назад +27

    Tbh. British pilots offered Polish pilots to go in the 1946 parade with them, as RAF pilots. The Poles thanked them for the offer, but since no other Polish military, land forces or navy would be there, they refused.

    • @rg20322
      @rg20322 2 месяца назад +1

      I don't blame them. The Brits treated them horribly.

  • @anuskas9244
    @anuskas9244 Год назад +16

    Jak ja uwielbiam Twój akcent 😉

  • @Flash84741
    @Flash84741 Год назад +4

    Thank you so much for making this video. It is refreshing to hear British guy appreciating polish involvement in saving Britain from the Germans. Polish fighters were not the only ones forgotten by Britain after the war, the polish mathematicians who broke the secret of enigma suffered exactly the same fate. Again, thanks for bringing this up and enlightening history ignorant.

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад

      Could you direct me to a video where a modern day Pole appreciates British involvement in saving Poland from nazi tyranny?
      "forgotten by the UK" What BS. If it wasn't for the France and the UK (but mostly the UK) then Warsaw would STILL have swastikas flying over it today. The UK was the FIRST country post WW2 to GIVE FULL national citizenship to nearly 300,000 Polish ex-service personnel who had fought alongside them. That gift saved their lives and prevented them from ending up dead in a ditch in a remote Polish forest with an NKVD bullet in the backs of their heads.
      With regard to enigma, Poles with a LOT of help from French intelligence provided the "acorn" from which the UK alone grew the oak tree of the ULTRA program.
      You need to learn some history yourself and NOT blindly believe the left wing BS you were brainwashed with during 45 years of communist rule in Poland post WW2.

  • @wilku1019
    @wilku1019 Год назад +10

    Poland never forget

  • @danandrewkarpat3228
    @danandrewkarpat3228 Год назад +15

    This is why we have a saying: Britain always fights to the last soldier… of its ally.

  • @kenkeneth4964
    @kenkeneth4964 Год назад +7

    Respect for your reaction. Thank you.

  • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
    @MayaTheDecemberGirl Год назад +17

    In this document one of the pilots who tells his war memories is Franciszek Kornicki - who died in 2017 and was the last living Polish pilot fighter squadron commander from the II WW. In autumn 2017, short before his death, the British RAF Museum organised an Internet poll to select "The People's most renowned Spitfire Pilot" to be commemorated at the Museum's RAF special centenary exhibition. And what is interesting - among all the names of eleven RAF pilots, Franciszek Kornicki won the Internet poll voting and thanks to that he was commemorated at this British RAF Museum's exhibition. It was short before his 101th birthday.

  • @djkarlos1975
    @djkarlos1975 Год назад +14

    Zrobiliśmy GIGA!!! robotę w tym czasie i jeśli ktoś nie wie Ci którzy wrócili zostali osądzeni za zdradę Narodu fu...k tak to się kształtowało . W dwóch zdaniach nie da się tego opisać ... Dziękuję w imieniu tych poległych i tych którzy później wiele musieli oddać za nasz KRAJ . Mój dziadek walczył w AK znam historię . :(

    • @edmundohexaro9466
      @edmundohexaro9466 Год назад

      Ale ni znaszmojejhistorii.szesciu chłopaków w 37/8.operation polonaise. W dołach śmierci

  • @obserwator1766
    @obserwator1766 Год назад +42

    Just a little anecdote.
    Urbanowicz was an instructor in 1939. He was ordered to go with his cadets to Romania. On the way, they witnessed a dogfight during which an outmaneuvered German plane crashed to the ground. Everyone ran there with interest and saw, next to the wreck, a shoe (still with a sock inside) and a few meters away a detached naked leg.
    Urbanowicz to cadets: "Never forget to wash your feet"

    • @Ruunawayboy
      @Ruunawayboy Год назад +1

      Cooooo ? :D Urbanowicz był przekot

    • @obserwator1766
      @obserwator1766 Год назад +2

      @@Ruunawayboy Z pewnością był niezwykłym człowiekiem w wielu wymiarach. Kiedyś czytałem jego książkę "Latające Tygrysy" o jego służbie w Chinach i walce z Japończykami. Jeśli gdzieś się uda trafić - polecam.

  • @viki4970
    @viki4970 Год назад +5


  • @rejestracjapojazdow6736
    @rejestracjapojazdow6736 Год назад +8

    Thank You for this reaction. Its important to know that story

  • @satarello
    @satarello Год назад +3

    amazing work. I was crying with you :)..thank you so much. cheers from Poland.

  • @jasse803
    @jasse803 Год назад +21

    "Because we do not beg for Freedom. We fight for it!" . Witold Urbanowicz of 303 Kosciuszko Squadron.

    • @IwonaPotorak
      @IwonaPotorak 9 месяцев назад +2

      Powiem tak szanuje anglików jako ludzi- bo tak nas wychowano ale to sa ludzie bez empati myślą tylko o sobie i o swoich korzyściach, egoiści uwielbiają niewolnictwo, kochają poniżac i czięki temi mają piękne pałace i zamki i ciągle ale to ciągle żerują na innych narodach ale czym się chwalic.Naród który dorabia się na krwi innych narodów ale co gorsza ciągle kłamie. NIEma czym się chwalic.

    • @jasse803
      @jasse803 9 месяцев назад

      @@IwonaPotorakCo ma piernik do wiatraka?

  • @juliastrzyga2274
    @juliastrzyga2274 3 месяца назад +2

    Thank you for this.

  • @Blayda1
    @Blayda1 Год назад +5

    The people of the UK thanks the Polish and other country's for their part in the Battle of Britain.
    You are not forgotten or your sacrifices.
    What our politicians did was beyond the pale.

  • @mrbelith
    @mrbelith Год назад +3

    Thanks for speaking the truth, I appreciate your work. Dzieki

  • @darkines
    @darkines Год назад +5

    Poland is the mother of all Europe, Poland takes all the blows, and although Poland gives its heart for everyone, it is always insulted and betrayed. It's sad but true. Poland is Honor and Courage! Poland is everything that other nations lack!!!!!!

  • @juliabukowska6758
    @juliabukowska6758 Год назад +9

    The diaries are in Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in London

  • @BożenaGawerska
    @BożenaGawerska Год назад +22

    There were more Polish oficers after WW2 who could not come back to Poland under the Soviets. Polish generals were working in the Great Britain in warehouses or factories. For instance, general Maczek was working in one of the factories in Edynburg. There is a story of a bear Wojtek written by Aileen Orr that is also interesting to know for Brits. In this book you can see a fascinating story about Polish soldiers with a soldier-bear Wojtkek and the British politics in the background. Polish history is unbelievable and there are many amazing people there to study but they are mostly unknown for the broad public due to being politically inconvinient. It is worth to study.

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад

      Guess what? Polish ex service personnel who were graciously given a safe new national home here in a blasted, ruined and bankrupted UK after WW2 were NOT prisoners here... they were free to leave ANY time they wished and could have returned to their Polish homelands, where on arrival they would have received the warm hsopitality of Poland's communist regime, and undoubtedly would have ended up dead in a ditch in a remote Polish forest with an NKVD bullet in the back of their heads.
      The Polish Generals you mention were apparently more than happy to spend the ENTIRETY of their long peaceful lives here in the UK, it seems they were far happier here than YOU believe they should have been !!!

    • @MrCoolpe
      @MrCoolpe Год назад

      @@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Your government took advantage of them and simply abandoned them.

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад

      @@MrCoolpe How did it "take advantage" and "simply abandon them" exactly?

    • @shinoku250_gaming
      @shinoku250_gaming Год назад

      ​@@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684selling Poland to the Soviets, where none of them were welcome. They had no choice of coming back to Poland, they'd get arrested and executed for treason (aka working with the West)

  • @arthi8619
    @arthi8619 Год назад +9

    Not only pilots.
    Read about polish submarine fighting mediterrenean sea called: terrible twins.
    Name DZIK and SOKÓŁ.
    Thanks for reaction!

  • @methamp777
    @methamp777 Год назад +2

    You're a Good Man. Thank you for what you do. Greetings from Poland

  • @RoMan-uv6ll
    @RoMan-uv6ll Год назад +7

    Pozdrowienia z Polski...

  • @anetasotys9334
    @anetasotys9334 Год назад +57

    Polish pilots carried the battle of britain.
    In poland theres a saying "what you see depends of where you sit"(where youre looking at it from) which is great saying when discussing wars and war figures.
    For brits churchill is a hero. When i learn about how poles were treated and left behind the iron curtain,he seems like he ended it like bot of a pussy😂

    • @baird5682
      @baird5682 Год назад

      A cunt is more proper term

    • @polskiedruzynystrzeleckiew5820
      @polskiedruzynystrzeleckiew5820 Год назад +1

      To powiedzenie w Polsce dosłownie brzmi: punkt widzenia, zależy od punktu siedzenia...😉👍🇵🇱❤️

    • @katarzynagnyp626
      @katarzynagnyp626 Год назад +3

      Your point of view depends of where you sit

    • @guybrushthreepwood3002
      @guybrushthreepwood3002 7 месяцев назад

      80% of the pilots were British, 100% of the aircraft were British, as were the observation posts and radar stations.
      Of the 574 foreign pilots that fought in the Bob, 145 were Polish. Out of the top 10 Bob aces... One was Polish.
      303 squadron was awesome, and their help was gratefully recieved and respected, but under no circumstances did the Poles 'carry the battle of Britain' far from it, it's kinda disrespectful to all the other foreign pilots who helped, who I never see recognised by anyone Polish

  • @agatastaniak7459
    @agatastaniak7459 Год назад +7

    Entire Squadron is still remembered. Actually during WWII first female fighter jet pilots were also Polish.And if I recall well one of them was a real born baronesse, who was passionate about car racing and planes because of her father who was crazy about such things. As for other interesting stuff we also had a princess smuggling Irish rebels and weapons under her dress, so yeah. Polish people and Polish temper. This documentary shows this well. Polish national temper is about doing such crazy stuff whenever circumstances require it. We have done it before, we can always do it again.

  • @MichałPawełczyk-w3m
    @MichałPawełczyk-w3m Год назад +5

    Jesteś kochanym i wrażliwym człowiekiem❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Joanna-gi5uk
    @Joanna-gi5uk 9 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for the beautiful words about Poland ❤

  • @rafagracz5031
    @rafagracz5031 Год назад +28

    Cześć i chwała polskim bohaterom. Piszmy nowe życie ucząc się na błędach. Niech żyje Polska. Niech żyje Wielka Brytania.

  • @rastaman4180
    @rastaman4180 Год назад +11

    Yes finally thanks for this reaction

  • @jareksa1
    @jareksa1 Год назад +3

    Dziękuję za to co robisz . Thank you for what you do.

  • @cheatoff8259
    @cheatoff8259 Год назад +20

    I used to work for a window cleaning company in the UK, and one day I was cleaning windows for an elderly couple and the old lady came out to me and started talking to me and asked me where I from, I said that I am from Poland, then she called her husband and told him that this gentelman is from Poland. This old man started to cry and started thanking me that Polish pilots helped defend Great Britain and that he also flew with the 303 squadron and he was a pilot. My heart broke because I didn't know how to behave, and I told him that the British people still don't like us here, he said "Because they don't know how much we have sacrificed for this country" Thank you.

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад

      How much the Poles sacrificed for the UK? Are you kidding?
      Think about what the UK sacrificed for Poland !!! 460,000 British citizens killed in the struggle to topple nazi tyranny. The UK transformed from the richest nation in the world in 1900 into the world's largest debtor in 1945 due to being bankrupted by TWICE saving Europe from German tyranny, and the bankrupting of our nation caused the final collapse of the British Empire.
      Its the sort of ignorant Poles who comment in threads like this who have utterly NO appreciation of what the UK sacrificed for Poland.

  • @januszk8321
    @januszk8321 Год назад +5

    Dzięki za relację. Polak

  • @konfeush
    @konfeush 11 месяцев назад +2

    One of the pilots of 303 was also a Czech, Jozef Frantisek. As a Pole, I also thank the Czechs for Jozek in our squadron.

  • @twisters999
    @twisters999 Год назад +10

    Love this video and this reaction!!! :D Actually a great story. Nice you show that ❤❤❤

  • @duergh
    @duergh Год назад +7

    about your question if we still remember about thous pilots... we do, and we still do remember how they was treated after the war come to and end...

  • @teresabadecka7030
    @teresabadecka7030 Год назад +9

    Dziękuję ❤

  • @lechswiderski-cx6ge
    @lechswiderski-cx6ge Год назад +1

    Thanks you so much for REMEMBER POLISH FIGHTER, Hi from Canada Manitoba 🇨🇦🇵🇱

  • @jolantazawadzka280
    @jolantazawadzka280 Год назад +2

    Thank you very much for watching this film together and for your many kind words

  • @BabaYaga17
    @BabaYaga17 Год назад +8

    That was our Top gun 😊.
    What is interesting is that our Gold was put into the British bank and was never returned to us... sad but true.
    What is more for all that help we the end of the day we received ONLY huge bilI be padi for. 2:47
    What is more.
    I have met in Irieland in the Hotel that I was worked for at the time one f the grandsons of a one the member of a Polish Squat and he has said that thyh have been forgoten. But we do remember...

  • @piszmag199
    @piszmag199 Год назад +80

    We were used, killed, dishonored and robbed. There's no such word as allay...

    • @kimchiwasabee
      @kimchiwasabee Год назад +2


    • @justynasmart1461
      @justynasmart1461 2 месяца назад

      And still does exist!!! Look at Ukraine!!! Putin is new Stalin claiming his rights is new World wide Yalta!!!

  • @tomaszchrostowski9687
    @tomaszchrostowski9687 Год назад +11

    Cześć i chwała bohaterom!!!!!!!!!

  • @adamrobak2572
    @adamrobak2572 Год назад +12

    Szacunek dla Ciebie za to co pokazujesz na swoim kanale❤

  • @leszekalbin4097
    @leszekalbin4097 Год назад +2

    Poles are a proud nation with a beautiful history. We have nothing to be ashamed of because we have always defended our independence and supported others. GOD HONOR THE HOMELAND! This is our motto.🇵🇱

  • @mariusz7681
    @mariusz7681 Год назад +11

    The Polish 303 Squadron was the best among all those fighting in this battle. It is also worth remembering that after the war, the British government ordered us to pay for lending fuel, planes and airports to Poles in gold, which we took from Warsaw in September 1939. To shed Polish blood in defense of England, we had to pay the English in Polish gold. Invoice issued to the Polish Air Force by His Majesty's Government to 107 650 000 £

    • @dorotabarbowska2184
      @dorotabarbowska2184 Год назад +2

      I never knew about that and maybe it was better for me, because I feel really pissed off NOW , which is a stupid feeling considering when it happened ...😐

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 Год назад +1

      While celebrating the bravery, skill and success of Polish "Kościuszko" 303 sqd, the top scoring RAF squadron of the battle of Britain, also remember the other nationalities who flew as part of the squadron during the battle and who contributed SO much to its success.
      Polish "Kościuszko" 303 Sqd total kill tally - 58.5 confirmed kills
      Squadron commander, Sqd Ldr Ronald Gustave Kellett (British) - 5 confirmed kills
      "A" Flight commander, Fl Lt John Alexander Kent (Canadian) - 6 confirmed kills
      "B" Flight commander, Fl Lt Athol Stanhope Forbes (British) - 7 confirmed kills.
      Sgt pilot Josef František (Czechoslovakian) - 17 confirmed Kills.
      We in the UK remember ALL the pilots (and NOT just the Polish ones).
      As for Poles having to pay for their own equipment and supplies, So what? Are you yet ANOTHER contemporary Polish freeloader who expects the British taxpayer to bankroll the POLISH war effort? JUST £109 Million to see nazi tyranny and death camps removed from Polish soil, what a BARGAIN !!!
      Guess what? After the end of WW2 the United Kingdom had to repay a total of over £100 BILLION (Thats +£100,000,000,000 or over NINE HUNDRED TIMES MORE THAN THE COST TO POLAND) to the US for the goods and services they SOLD to us during WW2, it may surprise you that the British war effort wasn't funded by US charity. We only finished repaying off that amount in 2006. We pay for our war effort, YOU pay for YOURS.

    • @ister2507
      @ister2507 11 месяцев назад

      While during the war the agreement indeed required Poland to pay for the use of the equipment, after the war this debt has been cancelled in the recognition of Polish effort. This argument is often incorrectly raised (I was myself victim of oblivion to the actual lifting of the debt until only a couple of years ago).

    • @ister2507
      @ister2507 11 месяцев назад

      @@dorotabarbowska2184 you don't have to be. I can understand, how in the effort to find some agreement in the heat of the fight, the Poles were willing to sign anything just to come back to the fight. While the cost was of course calculated, it was later cancelled in recognition of Polish efforts during the war.
      Having said that, there are other things that one can be pissed of, betrayal in Yalta and the rejection of Poles during the
      Victory Parade. But the debt isn't one of those.

    • @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684
      @walterkronkitesleftshoe6684 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@ister2507 What boils my piss is all this "Betrayal at Yalta" nonsense spoken by modern day commenters. 55,000,000 had just died in one war, and eastern Europe wanted countless millions more lives sacrificed, possbily with the use of nuclear weapons in eastern Europe. Its such a crying shame that the legions of clueless modern whingers were not personally there on the front line in central Europe in the summer of 1945 eager to sacrifice THEIR lives to push the 13 million strong soviet steamroller back to its pre 1939 borders, instead of whinging that millions of OTHER people didn't sacrifice their lives to do so, all from the safety of their keyboards 80 years after the event.
      As it was the VILEST of tyrannies had been removed from eastern Europe only to be replaced with a much less murderous tyranny... that was how the chips landed.
      With regard to the non-appearance of Polish forces during the "1946 Victory parade" the problem lay SQUARELY with POLAND. The first invites sent out by the UK Labour Govt of Clement Attlee to ALL the nations who had fought for the Allied cause during WW2 (INCLUDING Poland, USSR & Yugoslavia) were sent out weeks in advance of the parade. The Polish invite in particular was quite understandably delivered to the Polish "Provisional Government of National Unity" ( the "TRJN" or Tymczasowy Rząd Jedności Narodowej) based in Warsaw, which was the OFFICIAL Polish govt as recognised by the international community in the form of the "United Nations", and NOT just by Britain alone. The TRJN was the same govt that it was intended the London based Polish nationalist Govt in exile would become an intrinsic part of, as agreed to by ALL sides at the Yalta conference in Feb 1945.... (although the soviets subsequently saw to it that this never actually happened).
      This invite sent to Warsaw immediately raised a storm of protest from the Polish nationalist govt in exile based in London who, and with some justification, felt they had been sidelined in this matter, their anger was supported by many British MPs, senior ranks within the UK armed forces & members of the British public.
      With only days left before the parade was due to take place, and with no reply or even acknowledgement of the British invite from the OFFICIAL Polish TRJN govt in Warsaw, the British govt then hurriedly & belatedly sent out a SECOND INVITE to the Polish Govt in Exile in London, (as well as directly to many individual Polish service personnel), but as one united group they CHOSE to shun the invites to register their anger and disgust at being treated as "second fiddle" to the Warsaw govt.
      And the final Ignominy? The Warsaw TRJN govt never answered or even acknowledged the original invite from the UK (as neither did the USSR or Yugoslavia) and never attended the parade either.
      As you can see the Polish "non appearance" was solely down to a poisonous bitter mix of political hatred (from Warsaw) and hubris (from the London Poles), and NOTHING to do with this imaginary "Poles weren't invited to the parade" nonsense. As I've described above the Polish nation was actually the ONLY allied nation to receive TWO invites to the parade.