16:00 The father ran after the prodigal when he saw his son returning home not while the son was leaving or still living in sin. That is an important distinction. It's symbolic of a person who has repented and returned to the father. The relationship is restored because the prodigal has recognized the error of his ways and with a changed heart is willing to live a righteous life. Let us rejoice!
Let's also remember that the prodigal son is the one who came back to his father in repentence. His father wasn't hanging out and celebrating his sin 🤷♀️.
@@PastorDavidBessthe son had repented then returned then reiterated his repentance to his father. The father ran because he knew the son had already repented.
I have a son who identifies as homosexual. He lives in another country and 6 yrs ago he completely cut my wife and I off from him due to us not embracing his homosexuality. We were loving him and accepting him just not endorcing or celebrating his homosexuality which was what he wanted. As difficult as it was, it never entered our mind to go against God and His Word and choose our son's demands instead. So I have skin in this game and have no use for pastors who capitulate God's Word in order to please the world which is exactly what pastor Begg is doing.
God loves your decision!! We didn't condone my brother's homosexuality but told him we still loved him. We didn't attend my sister's wedding because she was an adulterer twice before. My family cancelled us. But God is so proud of me and loves me so much!
Praying God works in your son's heart and that God brings repentance and restoration! Prayers for endurance and strength that it will take you and your wife to maintain this unpopular stance.
Ugh Ive been listening to him on my local Christian radio station for years. I am just so disappointed at how the whole lgbtq issues are just taking down our preachers right from the pulpit.
He has spoken against this issue for many years; he has not changed his position. Christian Post shared an article yesterday that gives a perspective that comes from someone who understands both sides of this issue and it was enlightening.
I hope you only go to weddings of faithful Christians and don't ever go to a wedding of a non believer or a couple who are getting married after living together for 5 years, or the friend who committed adultery and divorced their spouse and now is marrying that other person. Sin is sin and Alistair is right, if you are a person who only attends weddings of people who are worthy of celebrating then, good on you and keep up your standards. However, if this grandson is still seeking to have a relationship with his God fearing grandmother then that means his heart is still open and there is still hope for him yet.
The father did NOT run AFTER the prodical son though! He didn't go, out of compassion, drinking amd partying and spending money with the son! Out of compassion He let the son go his own way! It was only when the son returned that the Father ran out to meet his son. That is a very different thing!
Is that what the Bible said or did the Bible leave out details so you are assuming he didn’t search for his son? What does the Bible ACTUALLY say. Seems like you are filling in the void of what the Bible didn’t say. Please cite the verse.
Years ago I fought my Bible study leader over gay marrriage (my sis in law is gay). My Bible study leader held up her Bible and said, just because you don’t like what it says doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Changed my perspective forever. God bless.
1 Corinthians 5:9-13 [9] I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people-[10] not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. [11] But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler-not even to eat with such a one. [12] For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? [13] God judges those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”
@@masteringfibromyalgia to me the Bible couldn’t be more clear. We are fine to attend a wedding like this. We have zero authority to do otherwise. Except to show to fellow believers how holy we are and how we can’t bear to be stained by the presence of mere sinners.
Your presence at a wedding shows affirmation and support to what God calls an abomination. Period. If that hits you in your feelings,take it up with God.
He didn't counsel the grandmother to become transgender or to believe that transgenderism is ok. He's considering with the grandmother how it would be best to love the grandchild in spite of the grandchildren aggregious sin.
@@mrs.t7351He IS counseling the grandmother to go to a celebration of her grandson's sin. Whether or not she is internally celebrating, she is giving the appearance if celebration and affirmation. It sends a clear message.
@@letfreedomring7330Jesus gave the appearance of accepting public and and sinners by eating with them. Otherwise the Pharisees wouldn’t have called him out for it. The gospel is more important than your holier than thou reputation. lol. We aren’t called to judge the sexually immoral out side of the church. We don’t have that authority. Only the sexually immoral IN THE CHURCH.
Dear Allie, With regard to Alistair's explanation from his Sunday night sermon on compassion vs condemnation on Jan 28, his biblical references were spot on and regarding his counsel, he gave counsel to ONE woman according to HER situation. We personally went to our daughter's controversial wedding that we totally disagreed with. It was an incredibly hard decision to attend or not that we could find no clear Biblical counsel on. With much prayer, and her knowing we did not approve, we attended, as challenging as it was, to support her as our daughter. When the relationship fell apart, as we knew it would, she knew who loved her and where she could return. I am with Alistair and believe Jesus comes down on the side of compassion instead of condemnation. By attending a wedding, we are not necessarily affirming or celebrating their lifestyle... Our presence at our daughter's wedding was important also in that because of our presence, it was a visible reminder of how wrong her choice was. In our situation, it was the grace and mercy of God that we needed to exemplify. Again, he gave counsel to ONE woman according to HER situation. He takes a strong stand on marriage between one man and one woman. We must be careful not to tear at each other...
You are wonderful parents. Thank you for seeking the Holy Spirit to guide you in your decision. I feel this is a personal decision to make, just as so many things are in our walks that arent completely spelled out (eg what one follower has the freedom to do another may not). God bless you and your daughter's relationship. I hope she sees how much she is loved by our Heavenly Father and repents. Its His kindness that leads us to repentance...
You apparently don't believe some particular scriptures in our Bible. Cause there is Scripture that totally shuts down your what you said. Sorry, I'm going with my Father's Word and not what some people feel about a sinful lifestyle!
To be fair, Alister did say his advice to the grandmother was not his endorsement that all Christian should attend gay/trans weddings! He did not say in his interview that every Christian should attend gay weddings. He was replying to this one grandmother in this particular situation.
But it ends up being advice for everyone, because he said not attending would confirm to the grandson that Christians are unloving and judgemental. And if you're broadcasting your advice on I ternational radio, you may just run the risk of being understood as giving general advice. Furthermore, what Christians think of as a wedding is a far cry from what takes place at a homosexual 'marriage ceremony'. The only ones who will officiate are either the most far-left clergy, or a civil magistrate. There is nothing sacred or holy, only mockery of the institute if marriage, and the filthy that goes along with people who are given over by God to vile affections. Homosexuals use Jesus' name in a blasphemous way; they use vulgarities without even thinking. Do you think that they have any problem with drunkenness at their celebration, or filthy music? It would be a sin to attend for those reasons alone.
And yet, the justification for going was that they might see her as judgmental and unable to countenance anything if she didn't attend. In other words, she must sacrifice her conscience to make someone in sin feel celebrated and affirmed in that lifestyle? If how a person feels is the justification, wouldn't it make sense that all Christians should go if their friend or relative would feel judged by their absence? Why is going to a celebration of sin acceptable in some circumstances but not others? Should someone match in a racist rally to love a racist friend? Should a Christian sit in a waiting room at an abortion clinic waiting for a friend to murder her child? Should we go to orgies to share the gospel? No! Show love outside of the sin celebrating event!
The message was that it is preferrable to go to a wedding celebrating an abomination than to risk being condemned as judgmental. I haven't heard anyone say that this was just a one off instance. He just blew it. His sermon took the Prodigal Son parable and used it to support his unbiblical position. He knows better. The worst thing about this whole thing is his unwillingness to listen to wise counsel.
I would put forth that Begg stated in this case the grandmother should go due to the relationship and the understanding between the grandchild and grandmother of her position. His stance on LGBT issues are theologically spot on, this advice, while not what I would suggest, is a personal conviction based response, and ultimately a secondary issue. I don't believe it is a sin, perhaps un-wise, but not a sin. Let's do do better at disagreeing as Christians rather than just giving in to the worlds current love of cancellation.
Exactly how I felt! I feel like she came at this with a very black and white thinking (which is common) instead of recognizing the nuance that could be there. Affirmation of a gay marriage is definitely black and white in the Bible as being wrong. But attendance of the ceremony itself I'm not sure would necessarily equal affirmation as she continued to assume. I did find her to be relatively fair in her approach with him. I know nothing of this pastor, but just from what she did include, he made it clear that the attendees stance on the biblical view of marriage should be clear, if they were to attend. Meaning this person is not affirming it. Should they pay for the wedding? Officiate? Clearly show they are making this wedding happen? I would say no. But I'm not sure mere attendance is as clear affirmation (in every case) as she continues to conclude. I believe a Christian who is firm could take this stance.
I agree with you Allie. I would advise grandma to gently and loving explain why she would not be attending, but to let the grandson know she loves him and hopes he understands and respects her stance. Have we all forgotten it is Holy matrimony? It is asking God to join us together, and let no man put asunder. That is why I would not go. I think this is the biggest problem, it is now just seen as a civil union.
My sister is gay, but she also is trying really hard to follow Christ. My job as her brother is to be here when she needs me and set a good example for her. I leave the rest to Christ.
Good for you! I have an openly gay person in my family. I will not stop talking to her while in sin. Jesus didn't die for us to be pretentious Christians. He died for sinners, and No one is free of sin. She isn't married; she is actually divorced. Did I go to the first wedding? No. Do I struggle? Yes, but if she ever needed me, I would be there for her. Jesus calls us to preach His gospel.
Just to clarify, if you listened to his sermon Sunday night, he said that was his counsel to that particular grandma, not all Christians everywhere. He clearly stated that if it was a different person and a different situation, he may have answered differently. He’s been preaching faithfully and consistently on Biblical marriage and homosexuality for decades. His stance hasn’t changed. I would encourage everyone to watch the entire sermon called “Compassion Vs Condemnation.” While I disagree with his advice to that one person, I can understand his thinking and still respect him as a pastor and brother in the Lord.
I feel like many Christians (too many) are straining gnats and swallowing camels. Begg didn’t say this woman should celebrate, but to attend to offer her love for her grandchild.
I think the clips and script in this video are purposefully structured to frame Alistair's words in a disingenuous light. Carefully watch his entire sermon and decide for yourself. I am deeply disappointed in Miss. Stuckey or perhaps her producers for presenting a skewed interpretation of what has actually been said and the reasons behind it.
So what is different about this relationship? What about other grandmothers facing the dame decision? Does that mean it's okay for all grandparents but not parents? For all family members but not non family members? Personally, as much as I've appreciated Alistair Begg's teaching, I find this is a cop out. Also in his explanation he said that people who disagree with him are Pharisees and condemning. But that only relates to this one example? Please. That's utter nonsense. He had the opportunity to say I got it wrong. My advice was impacted by my emotions. But I believe his pride has gotten him in deeper. He's making it very hard for his church. He said not all his fellow leaders agreed with him. Incredibly sad situation. 😢
Matthew 10:37-39 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” This is exactly what Jesus was talking about. We don’t have to ostracize and be rude to people because of their sin. We’re to love them as Christ does, sure. But not at the expense of our relationship with HIM. Or at the expense of speaking and living His Truth. I agree with Allie B.
@@thorpeaaron1110 do you mind saying how much or how long you've studied the Bible. From my perspective, those who study the Bible for a long time tend to move toward a higher view of scripture than you are exhibiting at the moment.
You failed to mention the FACT that Begg spoke before a hostile crowd in California where he emphatically said marriage is between one man and one woman period.
I am a Christian who lives in California and I can tell you it is hard to find a church where people will stand for truth. Most think evangelism is about being nice, never telling people the gospel. It is heartbreaking.
I see a lot of hateful comments toward Allie under this post. Allie was very gracious toward Alistair in this video. She was firm but not contentious. She’s not in with cancel culture. She hasn’t tried to cancel him from anything. She even invited him to be on the show if he wanted to. How is that cancel culture folks? Also cancel culture is very much different from holding pastors to biblical standards. Doesn’t scripture tell us to mark and avoid those who teach contrary doctrine? Doesn’t Jude 4 make clear that teaching moral looseness in the name of grace is a big deal? I’m not saying Alistair is there yet but he has just given some troubling advice to thousands and thousands of people through his program. Another thing. She waited for him to clarify his position. She listened to his sermon and did her research. She posted his full sermon so people could see for themselves that she wasn’t taking him out of context. She wasn’t judging the intents of his heart she was judging his words with discernment. So I would stop telling her to “judge not”, because we all know that’s not what that verse is about.
AB Never said All Christians should go to gay/transgender weddings. This was a conversation he had with 1 person from his congregation. Please make sure you have heard and listened to the sermon before having an episode about something.
His advice to one individual, or to many,should be the same, if he's speaking according to PRINCIPLE, and not merely emotional. Truth is Truth, whether proffered to one or many!
I don’t listen to AB, and I haven’t listened to this sermon, but want to now. As someone in their 50’s and understand that I now have much more perspective. I think I understand what he is saying and why. I think this is a rare scenario. Between someone who has 1 Sought Prayer. 2 held steadfast in outwardly explaining their Biblical stance, 3 Has a deep relationship with this family member. It’s a very difficult call on this.
@@dandebwarren I listened to the entire first clip and he said Grandma was surprised by his response. To me this indicates that she was leaning away from going and Begg made the feelings of the grandson more important than standing in truth and love (love rejoices in the truth and obeys Christ).
Go watch his message. This is a tragedy. There r some things I don't agree with him on regarding his advice to the grand mother.... but literally, on the sermon, he emphasizes that we cannot revile or affirm homosexuality..... to condemn a man who had faithfully imparted scripture, with reverence, foe the entirety of his career, over advice we may disagree with is absolutely tragic. GO and listen for yourselves.
I have listened to all of AB’s published commentary, discussion, and sermons on this topic. I have listened to this and several other podcasts on the debate as well. Most of those are misleading and take what AB has said out of context, IMO. I am a conservative Christian that also has a nephew that is gay and may face this “decision” on attending his wedding someday. AB has taken a brave position that I believe in the long run will be helpful to the multitude of Christians that are in the position that the grandmother was in. AB did not give blanket guidance on this issue. Listen to his full sermon delivered last Sunday evening. I am grateful for AB, his ministry, and courage to be a true Pastor.
@@lauraandrews1676 He is disobeying God .. we are not here to please man. God is on control. I have listened to Begg and like him but he's wrong so I will pray for him.
Pastor Begg should have told the grandmother to tell her grandchild that she loved her very much, but going to her "wedding" would go against God's design for humanity. While she can't celebrate her decision, she would celebrate her life by interceding for her every day and be willing to see and meet with her often. That's it! When Jesus met with tax collectors and sinners, they were seeking Him out to hear his teachings. Many turned from their wicked ways, and the ones that didn't, rejected him and left. Jesus didn't go with any sinner to celebrate or participate in sin with them. AB should know better. But I think he's seriously deceived. May God open his eyes, soften his heart, and bring him to repentance. We will all celebrate him turning around. 🙏
"Friendship with the world is enmity with God." It is cowardly to go along with a celebration of sin (rejoicing in the permanent lifestyle of acts God calls abomination). Would you sit with your niece in the waiting room of an abortion clinic? Would you go with your sister to be a spectator in an orgy? Would you attend a CayQueCay rally to show love to your racist friend? I hope you stand for Christ rather than capitulating to the celebrated sin of our age. Love rejoices in the truth. Wisdom doesn't sit in the seat of scoffers. Obedience to Christ is love, not making a sinner feel good in their sin.
@lizbeck854: No matter. It was bad advice. Wrong solution for the dilemma the grandmother faced. And the wrong advice for any Christian, under any circumstance. Sometimes Liz, we must call out error in a person, even a pastor that we like and admire.....not rationalize and create cover for them. The issue is really, whether there is ANY circumstance in which any Christian can attend a homosexual wedding ceremony? No. Now, there are several ways the grandmother can uphold her principles in how she responds to the wedding invitation, but attending the wedding is not one of them. Ever.
@silvereight6054 He is a false teacher whether the statements were public or not. The issue in his public statement is that he spread that message far and wide. More damage.
@@sheilasmith7779have you ever attended a second marriage? The “church” seems to embrace second marriages even though it is called adultery and condemned in the same verses as homosexuality. Why does the church discriminate sin?
The prodigal son was returning FROM his sinful life. He was repenting. Begg knows better. He knows that difference. To twist scripture and double down on his mistake, this is even more shocking that his initial comment. Even a baby Christian is capable of understanding the discrepancy between the lesson of the prodigal son and grandma attending a gay wedding.
I really dislike the misuse of the term 'Pharisaical' to criticize Christians for opposing sin. Jesus criticism of the Pharisees was never that they refused to celebrate sin, but that they themselves DID sin while simultaneously placing a burden beyond what the law required on others (opposing Jesus healing on the Sabbath for example).
@@geef0813 That passage is referring specifically to dealing with sin in the church and that our response to sin outside the church is not the same. Moreover, 1 Corinthians 8 clearly states that anything that encourages another believer to go against his conscience (for example, telling them they should participate in a sinful 'wedding' celebration) is a sin against Christ.
My exact words about the prodigal son story. So sad. I listened to Alistar every night 😢 Love doesn't always look or seem loving but going and celebrating sin isn't love.
@getrit3007 if you read scripture God declared marriage between 1 man and 1 woman period. So if an unbelieving man marries an unbelieving woman they are still married, if 2 Hindus marry they are still married. Man and woman. So if 2 unbelievers man and woman marry they are all married in God's eyes. Now if a friend commits adultery divorces they spouse to marry the person and asked me to come to their wedding I would not go but share the Gospel, call them to repent and be reconciled to their spouse. In the supposed situation if they were believers I would council them to separate and go to the court house get married and then have a reception. All the weddings we've been to are believers who are following the Lord, or they both have been unbelievers. So would you go to a wedding where 3 people are getting "married"?
@getrit3007 marrying someone of the same gender is a sin in the eyes of God. going to the marriage of someone doing that and bringing a present most certainly is celebrating you only bring presents to celebrations
Jesus hungnout with sinners but he also rebuked them when hanging out with them! The only reason to attend a same sex wedding would be to speak out when the pastor announces," if anyone know of an impediment to this union...." As Christians we need to speaknout for the gospel and let people know their sin so they can realize their need of a saviour. That is the most loving thing we can do for those we claim to care about!
Alistair is quoted as saying this is not blanket advice for all Christians. I disagree with his advice to this woman, but what a reminder that he is just a man. I enjoy his teaching and don’t believe this is a reason to suddenly take all of his teaching as false or bad. He also is quoted as saying he was thinking with a grandfathers heart. He is human. We are wrong for putting pastors on such a pedestal that they are never allowed to get something wrong. I will continue to listen to his sermons. It’s hard trying to sort out how to love others well in this crazy time.
@@cowboib4680I have watched it 3 times he most definitely called going the compassionate loving thing to do. he didn’t use those words but it comes out the same way
It is compassion to stand your ground for what is morally right. Not allow the same sex couple to think their sin is okay with God. Love is to do what the Father commands. Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth. Repent from your sinful ways.
@@shirleylouise4421the grandmother told him she thought it was detestable. Sinners sin. I know. Shocker, right? We aren’t called to disassociate with the sexually immoral of this world. Only the sexually immoral within the church. .
He didnt say we all should go gay weddings, actually. I Encourage you to actually listen to his sermon he gave this past Sunday. Love you Allie, but its horrible how all these christians are using their platform to come at him and punish him for this. Hes not condoning or endorsing anything. He told the one lady, in her own circumstance, to go to her granddaughters wedding if in fact her grand daughter knew where she stood- in his sermon, he totally did clarify that. Pharisees absolutely
@the11thhour77 I did listen to it and it was absolutely not a blanket statement. Also, He never said what the gift was at first, and later did- you're assuming he's lying about what it was because you are angry at him for not giving the same advice you would give. Your also angry with me to accuse me of not reading my bible. He did not and does not condone or endorse gay marriage instead He gave difficult advice that some may not agree with, and look at the family of God jumping on, and canceling him- shame on them
Would I be a Pharisee for telling a Christian to not attend an orgy, sit with a abortive mother in the clinic, or March in a JJJ rally to witness to a racist friend? No! We don't participate in sin in order to shine for Christ. Did Jesus go with tax collectors and quietly watch them swindle people? Did He attend an adulterous rendezvous in order to show the couple love?
To be clear up front, I don’t agree with the advice to attend the wedding. Alistair Begg was not affirming the celebration nor was the grandmother celebrating..as Pastor Begg said, she was grieved over the sin, and by the way, so is Alistair. Neither were affirming, in fact the entire point of his advice to her (which, again, I disagree with) was to show such a love to her granddaughter that would be unexpected. Well, her attending would be unexpected for the very reason that she had not compromised the gospel and made it clear she did not approve.
I understand the concern. I also would not attend a same-sex wedding, since I cannot affirm a contradiction and direct opposition to God's order. But Alistair Begg never said that Christians should attend same-sex weddings, celebrate and to give the couple a gift. 3:11 He gave that advice to a specific grandma and never recommended that every Christian do the same. Does his advice to this grandma, automatically mean he has succumbed to culture and that he should take such lashing remarks from fellow Christians? Is everyone privy to the contents of the grandma's letter and deemed the pastor stupid or flippant or worse spiritually lacking in discernment and blatantly disobedient to God to give such advice? If his advice to that grandma is incongruous to his stance with regards to biblical teaching, don't you think there's a nuance in the circumstance that would call for such unconventional/unpopular response?
Allie, I was so disappointed at how quickly and thoroughly you tore down a good man's lifetime of service to God's kingdom and His people over one comment. You complain of how he uses logical fallacies to defend himself, but you are using fallacies in equating this one comment to represent his stance on marriage. I believe you should apologize.
Would you celebrate a divorce, a abortion, etc. The list goes on. I understand what he is saying. He wants to keep an open door to the relationship but he should not do that in affirming or celebrating what God calls a sin.
Watch Begg's entire sermon from which these excerpts are taken and listen to ALL his points and listen to his heart. He reads widely from Scripture. Let the Word speak to you. Listen to when he says he might not have given the same advice to another person in another circumstance. Listen to the mesage he got from a fellow Christian who pointed out that he respected his thoughtful response to this grandmother, even thought he might have come to another conclusion. John the Baptist was not related to King Herod, was he? He gave his opinion, yes, but he was not concerned with keeping the door open with him. Jesus ate with sinners. Did He require their repentance first? I don't think the Bible says so in some of the cases. Did the Good Samaritan get some assurance of holiness before helping the injured man? He did it without counting the cost. Sometimes we can do a more effective job building a bridge rather than building a wall. If they already know where you stand and you've made it known, showing "I love YOU" even though you are enemies with God can do more than wagging fingers and other gestures of disproval." While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. His kindness leads to repentance." And YOU ALL are free to make an entirely different choice IF you should ever find yourself in a similar circumstance. But it's awfully ungracious for you to question his entire theology from this single piece advice to a godly grandmother.
I've been born again since 1973. The fact that this question has been raised is a sick testimony to how weak and cowardly Christian leadership has become. If the Body of Christ were being taught to have rock solid convictions and standards. Not worrying about what the rest of the world thinks. We would all already know and be in agreement with what the Bible says about abstaining from the appearance of evil. This question displays the fact that Christians are not reading studying and meditating upon scripture. This is sorrowful. I got born again in 1973. Back then this would never have been raised as a serious question. Look where the Body of Christ is now. Be strong and of good courage 3 times in Joshua chapter 1. Read Proverbs chapters 1....4. Strength. Standards. Convictions What has happened to the church? Weak leadership!!
Alistair is not stupid. He knows the prodigal first turned away from his sin before heading home. He knows this but he's accusing others of being Pharisees! I'm so disappointed in him.
@@nancyw8341 I agree and it's very sad. I know we can all stumble so I'm mindful that we need to be praying for him. I know Allie mentioned the Shepherds conference and I even wondered if he would still be taking part.
There are soooo many family members in the same predicament as this grandma. Many of you are saying “this was just for one person”. But it truly is magnified!! This advice AB gave is going to lead many astray from the word of God!
I have followed you for a long time and have never disagreed with you on any subject but I have to say your reporting on Alistair Begg was so disappointing to me. You didn't have the story straight for starters. He never said "all Christians should go to gay weddings" not at all. If you watched his message nothing was further from the truth. And I think people forget that a gay wedding is not a sacred union. God is in no way involved . God's name is not even mentioned and they will certainly not be asking if anyone has any reason why they shouldn't be married. Honestly it's just a ceremony because legally they are allowed to marry in this country but it has nothing to do with God. Alistair has ALWAYS been against homosexuality. Always. And he has been a faithful pastor for 41 years. Never speaking anything unbiblical. His record speaks for itself. He is a faithful and humble servant and does not deserve these kind of attacks nor this kind of twisting of the words that he actually said in his message.
@@patriciabrown4487 Would you attend their satanic ritual induction into satanism? Their Gala debut into the X film industry? Their promotion in a clan event? Love rejoices in the truth "If you love Me, keep My commandments." God defines love, and attending a sacrilegious ceremony is not loving.
Allister DID NOT say “Christians attend same sex weddings” he said this how he counseled ONE woman based on a conviction that he had when talking to her and learning about this woman’s context. Allie, stop jumping on the bandwagon to benefit from this non sense if you haven’t taken the time to listen to the whole context.
I have sided with you consistently but you missed a nuance…he says this is his advice in THIS circumstance, for this grandma. He has a video that explains his process and it is situation specific “ I let my grandpa brain take over”! It is hard in your Winter season of life…to cutoff a dearly loved grand. Please AB, correct your reporting to be accurate! PS I would NOT be attending but want truth to set us free.
Thank you. I also noticed that this was ommited from the commentary by this host--*The fact that Alistair Begg asked the grandma if her grandson fully understood that she could not in any way countenance affirming the union in any way whatsoever because of her faith. He asked the grandma this twice. It is a short clip and in the interests of transparency/not bearing false witness it would have shown more integrity to just play the clip of Alistair in his own words. I feel this was initially an emotional response from Alistair as it sounds like this granny was in great distress. Lets pray for all.
I don't get why anyone is surprised. He always had a "northern European" mindset on culture war issues---he said so himself when he made his "non" apology for his remarks. He was always from the CS Lewis school of "nuance" and had more in common with him than Jerry Falwell
I am so disheartened by the attack on Alistair Begg... and yes, it has been an attack... by many Christians who have not even listened to the entire story, his follow-up message, and the reasons for his advice to one woman, which he was certainly entitled to give. He has NOT changed his mind on homosexuality or same-sex marriage. Nor should he be bullied into changing his mind regarding attending a ceremony. Personally, I believe if an individual chooses to go to a same-sex wedding, that choice is between him/her and God. The online bickering serves no one, and only causes the unsaved to run farther from the faith while Satan is running all the way to the bank.
Rosey, he’s an influential teacher who is responsible for his teaching and counsel given. Teachers’ will be judged more strictly. People listen to him. They follow his advice. His ministry is worldwide. What should be the take for another grandparent or parent from hearing this advice? What is specific about this particular woman? Did Alistair call those who came to a different conclusion condemning and Pharisaical or not?
No, our choices are not just between us and God. Our choices affect others on a daily basis. The world is watching! satan wins when we compromise and capitulate to the world's agenda.
@@christineolexa5116 I totally agree! Our actions definitely influence others and Christians bow to a higher calling. I was talking about a personal decision to attend or not attend a same-sex ceremony. What I really take issue with is the mischaracterization by many that Alistair Begg now is unequivocally affirming the LGBT community without giving the facts of the situation.
@@mrskerry8111 Yes, I'm very familiar with him. The take for another grandparent or parent is to listen and weigh his response. As he said, "It is a very fine line." Regarding Pharisaical, hmmmm.
Sin is never a subject that us up for debate! Many Christians are willing call something that God has condemned as sinful, simply a matter of personal preference! God has already spoken, it's up to us to line up with HIM,He won't adjust to US!
These are ideas and perspectives that so many of us have been sanctified OUT of over the past few years. We have wrestled with these questions and found clarity and courage in standing for the Truth and God’s holy standards. It’s sad Alistair is just starting his thought journey on all of this stuff but I pray for his sanctification too. He’ll get there. 🙏
He’s wrong. I’m 25 years old and consider myself a baby still in the faith but I can tell you right now I never would or will. He says it in a form of “absolute”: “it closes all doors for opportunity” no it doesn’t and how do you know that it will.
Or weddings where it's a second marriage, had premarital sex, masturbate, are Jewish, Islamic or atheist, work on Sundays or eat pork. Yeah, get an FBI background and DNA checks. Spreading hypocrisy and hate.
I have listen to Pastor Begg for years. As a grandmother, I hope I NEVER have to make that decision with my grandchildren ( they are all Christians and walk in the word). What amazes me is all the furious responses to this situation. I totally believe homosexuality is outright sin but as Christians, the sin seems to be on the top of the “worst sin” list. We forget that sin is sin and God abhors all of them, including PRIDE. Do Christians attend wedding where the couple lived together prior to their marriage? That’s considered a sin but I’m sure many Christians have attended such weddings. I’m giving Pastor Begg a pass on this one.
When a couple lives together then chooses to marry, they are ending fornication. When a gay couple has a ceremony, they are promising to continue in sin. I hope you can see the difference. One celebrates a sanctifying event, the other celebrates a condemning event. Lest you think this is about a particular sin, I wouldn't attend a family member's clan promotion, their abortion, or their inductive ritual into satanism. Some events are evil and blasphemous and we ought to either absent ourselves or beg and plead for repentance outside the door.
I don’t see a link to the article of the last rebuttal you read from. Can someone supply that please? Thanks. Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed by the original advice, but the response from Mr. Begg is quite disturbing. I’m afraid it is pride that is keeping him from admitting his error. I have listened to him for nearly a decade and have considered him biblically sound, but the advice followed by the misapplication of scripture grieves my heart.
The key issue for me here is that we, as followers of Christ follow Christ and not the culture. There are lots of things we wouldn't participate in because we are a peculiar people. Our families and friends should not be surprised when we make decisions on things like this, because they have seen us loving and living for Christ, fulfilling the great commision. They should know that while we love them, Christ and His precepts always come first for us. That's just grandma, I know she loves me, but she's not going to change! We love people, but don't change with the culture. We always share the truth in love and they can count on it.
The prodigal son wasn't celebrating the life style he had been living in. He wanted to turn away from it and come back to the father with great humility.
I mostly agree with what you are saying about not affirming by going…but now let's move past the wedding. Let's say we do not go…so what do we do about being part of the now "married" couple? do we go over to their home? do we have dinner at our house? do we do anything with them? IF yes then how is that not also affirming? Where is the line to be drawn? Is this "conviction" territory?
What do former homosexuals and former transgenders have to say about attending either gay weddings or trans weddings. Ask Beckett Cook and Sofia Galvin. I think that Alistair is naive. Job 17:2 "Surely mockers surround me and my eyes must gaze at their rebellion." As far as running after the prodigal son....The father did NOT follow the prodigal and attend his parties and wild living. Only when the son repented and decided to return did the Father run to him. I am disgusted with Alistair. He is the one who is self righteous.
I have a family member who first identified as trans and now as non-binary. Her Christian parents have given in to her demands to call her by her new name and pronouns. They do this because they are more concerned with her cutting them off then they are with affirming a lie. But despite them doing this, her relationship with them is more fractured than ever. It seems the harder they try to please her, the more she pushes back. The whole situation is heart breaking.
Alistair Begg needs to understand that attending a gay wedding is not a matter of conscience. This is not to shop or not shop at Target. This is giving the nodd to someone's sin. There's no hope for a gay couple. If they get saved, they won't remain married becsuse their marriage is not valid in God's eyes. A wedding for unbelievers, there is hope. A wedding where one professes to believe but the other doesn't, there is hope. And in situations where one professes to believe but the other doesn't, chances are the professor is a false professor, thus you would be attending a yoked wedding with two unsaved people
It seems that many are, "Straining out gnats while swallowing camels" Jesus said that those Pharisees and hypocrites had, "Neglected the weightier matters of the law, justice and mercy and faithfulness" Matthew 23:23,24 Think about it, honestly...
@@rtrouthouse1506There might be married gay couples who are actually True Born Again Christians. There are Christians who cheat on their spouses and commit fornication. It all contradicts the Biblical Definition of sexuality.
He didn't say that Christians should attend gay weddings and give gifts. He told a particular person (the grandma) in her particular situation to do it. You misspoke by saying he said that christians should go and 'we" should give gifts. Not saying he was right in his advice or counsel but state the facts correctly.
His justification to Grandma was their perception of her love for them and lack of being judgemental. How would that advice be true in this scenario but not in others in the basis is the perception of the loved one, not a hard and fast Scriptural principle that suggests we can be a willing spectator to sin to show love?
Yes but again, he didn't say that we as christians should and we all should give gifts. As a Canadian who has to listen to the CBC I see this ALL THE TIME. Just state the facts. He was on a podcast and was retelling his advice about a particular person....was the advice good? No. But state what actually happened. @@geraldine4727
@@eurekahope5310Again. He didn't say that all Christians should go to gay weddings and give gifts which is what she is saying happened. Report the events correctly AND THEN you can say his counsel has consequences because they carry on and other people interpret that its okay to attend gay weddings when its not okay according to scripture. In a world we as christians complain about reporting standards, we can't be doing the same poor reporting if the actual events. He was on a podcast. He retold his advice to a particular person. He gave his reasoning. Was it good advice. No. Was it scriptural. No. Does it have consequences. Yes. Do we now let the Church carry out the proper discipline for when pastors error? Yes. I know brothers like Justin Peters that have publically said theyve reached out. Im assuming if he has then others have also reached out to him privately. But again, state the facts properly. Don't report things he did not say and give the impression that he said ALL christians need to attend gay weddings and WE need to give gifts. Also, pray for him. Goodness, I'm glad we have a Master that although Peter denied him 3 times, he forgave and restored him. Pray that God grants Pastor Begg repentance from this.
Officially done with ABS. Can we go through this same level of minutia for a wedding where the couple are liars? Lived together? Gossips? The Reformed cliche will crucify anyone who dares think for themselves.
I love you, Allie, but I don't think this was a fair representation of the situation. 😞 you stated multiple times that he was advising this grandmother to go and "affirm" this union. But that's not entirely accurate. From what I've seen and read, his advice came after he asked if the grandchild knew what the grandmother believed about sexuality and sin and if the grandchild knew that the grandmother could not celebrate the union. After the grandmother confirmed that, he then advised her to go, take a gift, and "demonstrate the lovingkindness of God to those who are hostile to Him." He clearly is not recommending that she go and affirm this union. He is recommending that he show compassion by not severing that relationship completely while ALSO not affirming the union. This was specific advice for a specific person. Again, I love you and agree with 99% of what you say but I think this was an unfair assessment with some key details being left out. ❤
How is the grandson knowing the stance of the Grandmother on his celebration relevant at all? It isn't. And does that knowledge make attending ok? It doesn't. What is relevant is does the grandmother know for whom she stands, for whom she is to bestow honour upon. As a Christian, her responsibility is to honour God. By attending the event she has chosen to honour her grandson and dishonour the sovereign God. She has attended an event that celebrated sexual sin and the desecration of God's marriage ordinance. Yes, we are to show compassion to sinners. But the price paid for showing compassion should never be the dishonouring of our sovereign God and Saviour.
the argument is that by attending the wedding you are approving / affirming the marriage. (that is the traditional christian purpose for the wedding after all, "in the sight of God and the witnesses") and like allie mentions, in every ceremony they ask "if you have a problem with the wedding speak up" (roughly). so... as a christian you should have a problem, right? and speak up?
The grandmother’s attendance is affirmation enough of the union. Also, you are not to be a stumbling block to others. Other Christians will see her there, see pictures of her on social media. It can then lead others astray as well. This grandmother should have reached out to someone with experience in this like becket cook.
He said very clear in his message that he is against gay marriage because he believes in god’s word and for that same reason we should treat each other with love and respect!
The world will always be offended and always hate Christians (John 15:18). There is no need to compromise our beliefs and doctrines to express love towards other people. Great episode, Allie!
This is improperly framed, the advice was to one grandmother who was struggling with compassion and conviction for her grandson, but we have turned it into a circus of snippets from his response and Alistair Begg actually addressed this as well; but that was also misunderstood, misrepresented and taken as doubling down 😂.
I see several comments here that are saying that they will no longer support Begg financially. Is our response supposed to be that we believe that because of this one issue that his ministry should be cancelled? Really? Are we to be his judge?
This one issue happens to be a matter of Begg telling ppl to disregard God's position on homosexuality and supporting it. And as bad as that is, Begg tells ppl that he has NOTHING to repent of, and that the ppl who dare to hold him accountable for his words are the villains.
The father in the Prodigal Son story didn't go and celebrate in his son's hedonistic living and debauchery. He waited patiently at home, hoping he would return, and when he did he ran and met him on the road back. God is the father, he loves all people despite their sin and wants everyone to love him back and trust him (on His terms though, not on our own terms).
What's really surprising is you, Allie Beth Stuckey, putting so many words in another person's mouth. I’m more disappointed in the reactions to Begg than what he actually said. Only Alistair Begg knows the specifics of the “wedding” in question. Everyone is acting like he’s changed his point of view and has given blanket permission to attend all things lgbtq. He did not. He gave advice to ONE individual and asked for very specific criteria. He made it clear that in this case he was encouraging an act of love and compassion from one Christian to a non-believing family member in this specific situation, not in any way condoning the person's choices. You may think his advice was bad, but it was not heretical. You may disagree with him but the accusations you are making are intellectually dishonest at best. He NEVER said that Christians should go to same sex weddings and celebrate them. He was speaking of an individual Grandmother about their Grandchild marrying a trans person. I don’t know all the personal details and neither do you. I give him credit enough to assume he did what he thought best. I personally would not attend but people making Begg out to be affirming of attending same sex weddings is just ridiculous. He even admits he may have been misguided by his empathy as a Grandfather. You on the other hand evidently have very little grace for people who don’t say things in the manner you want them to. Your title is pure clickbait and beneath your usual standards. I would suggest to everyone watch the response for yourself on Alistair Begg's RUclips channel and make up your own mind. It's called Compassion vs Condemnation. In my opinion he might of called it compassion is not compromise.
That sermon was a complete train wreck. I was baptized by Alistair 25 years ago and this is heart breaking to see what has hapoened to him. His advice was wrong and sinful. His response sermon was worse. It was bad on so many levels. I am just shocked at what is happening to him.
Nothing has happend to him! He's beliefs haven't changed at all- he gave advice to someone, his sermon he recently gave explains his reasoning for her situation- he may not be right in the advice he gave, but that dosnt mean he's gone of the rails, people! He's a soild Man of God, and clearly loves the Lord
@sundayandee His sermon was embarrassing. He gave a grandmother wrong and sinful advice, period. He called his critics, which is about 99% of Christianity, and some among his own pastoral staff, pharisees for not agreeing with his sinful advice. Instead of listening, he's ranting. Something very bad is happening to him. I've been listening to him for 25 years, he's not the same. He needs to repent, ask for forgiveness and move on. It's that simple.
@kevinelvington9569 well I feel like we both watched a differnt sermon. He didn't call people that he didn't agree with pharisees. He mentioned the ones in his own staff to make the point that its totally fine to not agree on things like that- it's the people who are coming at him with vitriol, mocking and canceling him that he is calling pharisees. And the people that are coming at him like this is definitely not 99 percent of Christians
@getrit3007 I don't get your point. He is a pastor and is held to a high standard. He should be judged and he is in error and should repent. He doesn't get a free pass on sin.
The Father didn't run after his son and neglect his duties at the house and other son. He never stopped Loving him and wanting him Home, but kept all righteous things going, and didn't wallow with the son in the muck. We have to remember that. To join our children on the path to Eternal separation won't save our Loved ones, but to be Lovingly and Truthfully steadfast in His Word might.
Let’s be clear, Begg did NOT tell Christians to attend same sex weddings. He clearly said in his recent message his advice was to that grandmother in her specific situation. Don’t know if his comment clarified a prior statement but he was crystal clear in his post-controversy follow up message to his church. It’s easy to be black and white in the abstract - and I am - but much more difficult to navigate when you’re weighing your response to someone you love.
Years ago the father of a teammate on my son’s soccer team died of cancer. The father was in a gay relationship with another man. The man was an extremely likable person and we always got along with him very well, even though we never agreed with the lifestyle he chose. We decided to attend the funeral out of respect for our son’s teammate and friend, but I wish now we had not. We could have easily relayed our condolences without attending. The funeral was about remembering the man but it was also largely about the relationship between him and his partner.
He did not say ALL CHRISTIANS. He said that was his advice to that particular grandma. Disagree with that all you want but please disagree in truth!!!!
Cappylover192 so what take should other grandparents take from his counsel who find themselves in this same circumstance? What is so special about this grandmother to other grandmothers? Did he or did he not say those who didn’t take his view lacked compassion and were condemning and Pharisaical?
Exactly. Dare I say its also lying to say "that he told all christians"...he didn't. He was recalling a particular situation and altho I disagree 1000% on his advice or counsel, its also not okay to say he told all christians to do that when he didnt...
@@the11thhour77 Begg in his response asked "What if the grandmother’s gift was a Bible?" You left this out. He asked a question, then he created a senario to illustrate his point. Then you accused a man with 50 years of biblically fruitful ministry of being untruthful and anti-biblical.
20:24 Pastor Begg gave a response to a specific situation presented by a specific grandmother. He did not say Christians should feel free to attend any/all gay weddings. Jesus when he did not condemn the woman brought to him whom had been caught in adultery did not say every one involved in adultery was not guilty, he acknowledged the law was right, but His love triumphed condemnation in this one specific instance. Pastor Begg said, based on the specifics of this specific situation, that God’s love would better be reflected in this specific situation by her attending, whereas not attending might reflect: "See, they just hate us." Three things will last forever - faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love. 1-Corinthians 13:13
?? My question for Alistair Begg is: Since you feel it is “ok” to attend a gay/trans wedding, what if the woman’s grandchild was getting into a three person (“throuple”) marriage? Would you advise differently then? Sin = Sin
The same act of love can be accomplished by inviting the grandson and his partner, be it same sex or trans to her home. Preparing a meal, engaging in loving conversations about how she will not be cutting off ties with him and will continue to love him and in fact extend that love to their partner and explain in loving terms why she will not be able to attend their ceremony. That would be an act of Christian love far more powerful than showing them you are willing to go agaisnt your deeply held beliefs to be appeasing.
Allie with all due respect, you are not being completely truthful. You said that Begg is counselling Christians to attend gay weddings…He did NOT give a blanket statement to all Christians. This was a stand alone advise to One grandmother. You may need to watch his latest sermon where he addressed this ; saying that he’s NOT giving this advise to all Christians as a blanket statement!
Exactly! That is the problem with these podcast people, judging and condemning and spreading incomplete information. I used to listen to Allie faithfully, but stopped because of the misinformation and twisted “truth” about people. Listen to Pastor Begg’s Sunday night sermon. This man of God has legacy of preaching the Word of God without compromise. And no, RC would not be turning in his grave. So disgusted with Allie on this, totally becoming a gossip podcast.
I have my doubts that she actually watched the entire sermon herself. The greater likelihood is that one of the producers skimmed Alistair's sermon and wrote a script based on the general feelings that are being expressed on the internet in an effort to get some content out quickly. Homework takes time and effort. These corporate vloggers don't have the bandwidth to do it themselves.
Did he or did he not say that people with a different opinion to him were not compassionate but rather condemning and Pharisaical? Why is it okay for this grandmother to attend? What teaching should fellow grandparents and parents take from this? Should they say well Alistair said it was okay in this circumstance so why wouldn't it be okay for my situation. It's a cop out to say it only applied to this one particular situation. He should have said I got it wrong. I'm sorry. And everyone could have moved on. But doubling down is heartbreaking. 😢
@@mrskerry3544 no, he did not. He said that even pastors on his own team had a different opinion than he. He said that he may even have a different perspective if given a different scenario. He did not give a blanket statement.
Yeah, the creation of a false dichotomy is always a sign that something is wrong. He’s may be emotionally attached to this issue for some reason, or he may be compromised in some way, but the false dichotomy is a give away that something is off. Someone close to Begg needs to talk to him and help him figure out what’s going on in his soul.
I've thought the same thing. His grands are too young to be a factor and his kids are all married I believe. Maybe another relative. Still horrible advice.
It almost sounds as if Alley did not listen to his sermon, though I trust she did. I don’t know how listening to Alistair’s heartfelt comment that perhaps he made out of weakness and admits to putting on his “grandfather” hat, and even saying that he would not give this advice in other circumstances, would imply that he is saying we should go to gay wedding*s* out of compassion as a practice. And, to jump to a questioning of his pronouns from this seems a bit emotive and unreasonable. I do *not* agree with Begg’s advice to the grandmother, but can we take a step back and listen to the man’s sermon with prayer and a stillness before the Lord before making assertions that seem rooted in emotion?
His comments and uncharacteristic handling of this makes me wonder if he has a family member or close friend in the lgbtq lifestyle he is trying to reach.😢 This whole thing has been a good reminder that we shouldn't put people up on pedestals and that none of us are immune from making mistakes. I'm praying for Pastor Begg and his ministry!
That was my first reaction ! The many Christians I know who fudge what the Bible says about such sins have eventually had to reveal they have family they love who partakes of such abomination.
There is a difference between being friends with someone who is gay and loving them like Christ and celebrating something that God says is sin and an abomination.
So many videos about this topic and an overwhelming amount of comments showing exactly how to be an example in Christ for the rest of the world. Bravo!
I'm guessing this is sarcasm. Just remember that Jesus threw over the tables of the money changers and never accompanied tax collectors to swindle or adulterers to their rendezvous. No one is hating on Alistair Begg. We mourn for him and pray he returns to biblical fidelity on this matter.
@@eurekahope5310 and Allister did not tell this woman to accompany the trans person in the bedroom. He simply said to make very clear her convictions on the subject but then give them the love they disserve, as commanded by Christ. Too much condemnation and not enough love is probably how this trans person got where they are. The help they need is more of that?
So disappointed with Alster Begg. More and more, we need to follow Jesus and His Word. It's so sad that when we do, we are accused of not being compassionate. Compassion and Love is the Word, Truth, Jesus. I agree with you and pray others too stand in truth. Praying Alister Beggs heart will be open for God's compassionate correction. We can not outdo the Lord's love and compassion which is living the Word which is a truly blessed life
Okay. This is unfair. He was giving advice, he wasn't telling everyone "do this or you're not Christlike". The concept of going to an unbeliever's gay/trans wedding is not a black/white issue and good people disagree on this. If your cousin is an unbeliever and gets married, but was fornicating before her marriage to the man, would you go to THAT wedding? Why? How is that different than going to an unbeliever's trans or gay wedding? It's all sin, and they're all unbelievers. I don't know what I would personally do in the situation, but I think Alistair presents good reasons and isn't doing anything contrary to Scripture. When I support a friend who has a baby out of wedlock, is that wrong? If a person is struggling with their identity and you try to point them in the right direction but they don't listen, do you abandon them? These are unbelievers! We are to treat unbelievers and believers differently here. There is room to debate. All of this vitriol towards Alistair is not good. There are issues to divide over. He's not saying that trans is okay. He's saying that his way of showing love to an unbeliever is by going to their wedding, even if they're gay or trans. I probably wouldn't, but I get it. If we'd go to a fornicator's wedding, then I don't see a whole lot of issue in going to a trans one. Sounds like politics is getting into this situation. Idk it's a debate. But that's why he shouldn't be cancelled over it. It's like cancelling someone over their eschatological beliefs. We all differ. Relax. 🤷♀
Pastor Begg has blessed the souls of an untold number of saints for decades. His spiritual gifts of teaching and preaching and his labors of love have been without question used by the ascended Christ to edify His church. He is a blood purchased brother. He has publicly expressed, my guess, millions of words over decades of ministry, with the most careful consideration in rightly dividing the Word of Truth. And thus it is sad to see how graceless and quick many saints are resolved to simply write this brother off as a heretic. It takes just a little blood in the water, evidently…even for some of God’s people.
Not surprising. When I read one of his books and read that once one is born again we are freed from the law, to then be brought BACK to the law so we can be empowered to live by it. All I needed to hear and I never bothered with him again. Keep it simple folks, stick with Andy Woods. Probably the only sane teacher left on online ministry.
@JeniferMorris789 Exactly the type of response I'd expect from someone who watches those people. Ironically , people who are ok with listening to people who unapologetically state that unless you surrender every area of your life to Christ, you cannot be saved says alot about why America is in the dark and why the church is so weak here. There is no power in a false gospel.
@@jd_fishin_flippin_1708 you’re confused. You clearly don’t understand their biblical beliefs and talking points if that is what you think they preach. Surrendering your life to Christ is important, but there is no expectation of perfection. It is apparent to me that you have never listened to one of John Macarthur’s sermons on salvation.
The on huge area I would disagree with Allie is the notion that showing up is celebrating this person's sin. That is not a biblical standard. That is a human standard. Holding Pastor Begg to that is unfair. His advice to this woman was to go into the lion's den and to give the gift of a Bible, God's Word.
Very disappointed he's taken this position. He's gonna have to be approached with a lot more caution if you so choose to listen to him. Kind of like how we had to view Tim Keller the last few years of his life. If MacArthur no longer invites Mohler and Duncan to Shepherd's conference because they're pro social justice to one degree or another, then it's all reason more he won't invite Alistair
Congratulations Allie, here is the fruit of your program. (see Noah's comment above) AB's position was not accurately understood nor presented, here or elsewhere. One of our most beloved, wise and greatly knowledgeable biblical heavy weights whose integrity has never been called into question has now been downgraded, assisted by a young lady who knows better. Firstly, all teaching should be tested (Bereans). Not all agree with everything but it doesn't mean division. This has not been handled well, and that includes by JP and co. JP sending a letter, stating his case, telling AB he is wrong, sinful, needs to repent, and BTW, here's my phone number and email if you want to talk.... is not opening a dialogue, and is not "loving". The loving part is apparently telling AB he is wrong. Then being upset AB is not engaging??? No wonder. This whole thing is tragic, amplified badly.
I think better advice is how my wife and I dealt with similar situations. Albeit a cousin and not a grandkid I think the principle is the same. We did not attend the gay wedding or send a wedding gift. In our case, we had to explain our stand while reaffirming our love to our relative. While explaining our stand we had to be tactful and not condemning... that its a difficult thing but please also respect our faith, etc. The relationship remained and we would invite our cousin and her spouse to family hosted holiday events. Hug both at the door, etc. treat them with all love and respect, conversation, etc.
So what’s the difference, you hug and affirm them and bring them into your house as a couple. Is that not affirming their relationship just the same as you do any of your heterosexual relatives. Just because you didn’t attend the ceremony? Maybe I’m missing something
We have to love these people, if we all turn our backs on them, who will tell them about the gospel? Please watch Rosario Butterfields testimony. She was a lesbian and had dinner every week with a local pastor and his wife for years. She never would have been saved if he had that attitude.
@@angelapaterniti6394 I don’t know her whole story. Was she having dinner with a pastor and his wife and with her lesbian partner? Or just with the pastor and his wife?
Ok. This is cancel culture at its worst ! Are all sins equal. If so, attending a wedding of someone who had been previously divorced is also a sin because it would become adultery according to the Bible. Many pastors have even married individuals who had been divorced. I stand with Alastair and his decades of faithful ministry of the Bible and Jesus.
Alastair is but a man. He is not the Christ. A man can have years of faithful service, and fumble the ball at the 10 yard line if he takes his eyes off the prize. This is not cancel culture, it’s holding a pastor to the high standards he is called. No real Christian wants Alastair canceled. They want clarity. He chose pride. Pray for him. That’s what we should all be doing.
@@wendydeckman558I have and I still find him in error. Even more so after the last sermon he had where he refuses to recant and trippled down. He sounded extremely prideful. I will continue to pray for him and his flock.
This is the first time I strongly disagree with so many Christian RUclipsrs like Allie and John Cooper and Justin Peters. As well as so many pastors who have come out against Begg. Very sad. I don’t understand what Begg said the same way as they all are. And I don’t think I’m his sermon, Begg was name calling everyone who came out in disagreement in his sermon this past Sunday. How did you come to that determination? Do you really think Begg is that passive aggressive and vindictive?
16:00 The father ran after the prodigal when he saw his son returning home not while the son was leaving or still living in sin. That is an important distinction. It's symbolic of a person who has repented and returned to the father. The relationship is restored because the prodigal has recognized the error of his ways and with a changed heart is willing to live a righteous life. Let us rejoice!
I just commented the same thing!
@@PastorDavidBessthe son repented first before the Father ran to him.
Romans 5:8 - But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.@@hephep7426
He was repentant of his sinful behavior!
Yet while we were still sinners Christ died for us. He seeks and saves the lost.
If anyone in this scenario is unloving, it is the grandson who expects his grandmother to set aside her faith to celebrate his sin.
Alistar Begg's advice was horrible because it sided with the grandson's delusional ceremony.
I totally agree with that!
Well said
Christians don't expect unbelievers to treat them the way Christians are told to treat unbelievers though.
Let's also remember that the prodigal son is the one who came back to his father in repentence. His father wasn't hanging out and celebrating his sin 🤷♀️.
You totally did not listen to the full sermon to get this interpretation. You likely only listen to Allie’s spin on the sermon.
@@PastorDavidBessthe son had repented then returned then reiterated his repentance to his father. The father ran because he knew the son had already repented.
Listen to his sermon and his heart. I love you and you seem to be misrepresenting his point.
That's hilarious... you didn't expect obstinace from a Calvinist😅😂😂
If I’m in sin, please love me and care for me.
If I’m in sin, please don’t ever celebrate the danger I’m in….
that's clever, but misrepresents what granny was doing
This is so stupid.😂😂😂
@@amyfornear Oh sweetheart! I wasn't talking to you (((((big hug)))))
I have a son who identifies as homosexual. He lives in another country and 6 yrs ago he completely cut my wife and I off from him due to us not embracing his homosexuality. We were loving him and accepting him just not endorcing or celebrating his homosexuality which was what he wanted. As difficult as it was, it never entered our mind to go against God and His Word and choose our son's demands instead. So I have skin in this game and have no use for pastors who capitulate God's Word in order to please the world which is exactly what pastor Begg is doing.
God bless you mama! I’m sure it is hard but God will honor you and your husband.
@@barbarahester9172 Thank you! Btw, this is dad. 😅
God loves your decision!! We didn't condone my brother's homosexuality but told him we still loved him. We didn't attend my sister's wedding because she was an adulterer twice before. My family cancelled us. But God is so proud of me and loves me so much!
Haven't spoken to your son in 6 years? What a true sadness.
Praying God works in your son's heart and that God brings repentance and restoration! Prayers for endurance and strength that it will take you and your wife to maintain this unpopular stance.
Listen to ex gay, now a believer Becket Cook’s program and opinion on this subject. He said he would not attend. ❤️
I’m pretty sure she has interviewed him before
@@prudentpenny She has. Great interview! I am a big fan of Becket Cook!
Another great interview was Rosaria Butterfield!
You can be LGBT and Christian 👨❤️👨
@Kwildcat13 Kane wanted recognition
Ugh Ive been listening to him on my local Christian radio station for years. I am just so disappointed at how the whole lgbtq issues are just taking down our preachers right from the pulpit.
You all must have missed his sermon on Sunday night. Don’t believe everything you believe. Investigate for yourself.
Well said 😢@tonyas
Tonyas430 compassion does not mean compromise. You should watch the sermon for yourself.
He has spoken against this issue for many years; he has not changed his position. Christian Post shared an article yesterday that gives a perspective that comes from someone who understands both sides of this issue and it was enlightening.
I hope you only go to weddings of faithful Christians and don't ever go to a wedding of a non believer or a couple who are getting married after living together for 5 years, or the friend who committed adultery and divorced their spouse and now is marrying that other person. Sin is sin and Alistair is right, if you are a person who only attends weddings of people who are worthy of celebrating then, good on you and keep up your standards. However, if this grandson is still seeking to have a relationship with his God fearing grandmother then that means his heart is still open and there is still hope for him yet.
The father did NOT run AFTER the prodical son though! He didn't go, out of compassion, drinking amd partying and spending money with the son! Out of compassion He let the son go his own way! It was only when the son returned that the Father ran out to meet his son. That is a very different thing!
Is that what the Bible said or did the Bible leave out details so you are assuming he didn’t search for his son? What does the Bible ACTUALLY say. Seems like you are filling in the void of what the Bible didn’t say. Please cite the verse.
Years ago I fought my Bible study leader over gay marrriage (my sis in law is gay). My Bible study leader held up her Bible and said, just because you don’t like what it says doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Changed my perspective forever. God bless.
I guess you never read 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 did you?
got it
1 Corinthians 5:9-13
[9] I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people-[10] not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. [11] But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler-not even to eat with such a one. [12] For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? [13] God judges those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”
@@masteringfibromyalgia to me the Bible couldn’t be more clear. We are fine to attend a wedding like this. We have zero authority to do otherwise. Except to show to fellow believers how holy we are and how we can’t bear to be stained by the presence of mere sinners.
Your presence at a wedding shows affirmation and support to what God calls an abomination. Period. If that hits you in your feelings,take it up with God.
If you think that God can’t change someone’s heart unless you celebrate in their sin, you are woefully underestimating the power of God!
Jesus associated with sinners, but He did not SIN with sinners...
He didn't counsel the grandmother to become transgender or to believe that transgenderism is ok. He's considering with the grandmother how it would be best to love the grandchild in spite of the grandchildren aggregious sin.
@@mrs.t7351He IS counseling the grandmother to go to a celebration of her grandson's sin. Whether or not she is internally celebrating, she is giving the appearance if celebration and affirmation. It sends a clear message.
@@letfreedomring7330Jesus gave the appearance of accepting public and and sinners by eating with them. Otherwise the Pharisees wouldn’t have called him out for it. The gospel is more important than your holier than thou reputation. lol. We aren’t called to judge the sexually immoral out side of the church. We don’t have that authority. Only the sexually immoral IN THE CHURCH.
We are not Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God.
@@geef0813Wrong. We are to be set apart and not live the world.
Dear Allie, With regard to Alistair's explanation from his Sunday night sermon on compassion vs condemnation on Jan 28, his biblical references were spot on and regarding his counsel, he gave counsel to ONE woman according to HER situation.
We personally went to our daughter's controversial wedding that we totally disagreed with. It was an incredibly hard decision to attend or not that we could find no clear Biblical counsel on. With much prayer, and her knowing we did not approve, we attended, as challenging as it was, to support her as our daughter. When the relationship fell apart, as we knew it would, she knew who loved her and where she could return. I am with Alistair and believe Jesus comes down on the side of compassion instead of condemnation. By attending a wedding, we are not necessarily affirming or celebrating their lifestyle... Our presence at our daughter's wedding was important also in that because of our presence, it was a visible reminder of how wrong her choice was. In our situation, it was the grace and mercy of God that we needed to exemplify. Again, he gave counsel to ONE woman according to HER situation. He takes a strong stand on marriage between one man and one woman. We must be careful not to tear at each other...
You are wonderful parents. Thank you for seeking the Holy Spirit to guide you in your decision. I feel this is a personal decision to make, just as so many things are in our walks that arent completely spelled out (eg what one follower has the freedom to do another may not). God bless you and your daughter's relationship. I hope she sees how much she is loved by our Heavenly Father and repents. Its His kindness that leads us to repentance...
Thank you!! Alistair Begg said exactly what you said. I am with him and thank you for sharing your experience.
You apparently don't believe some particular scriptures in our Bible. Cause there is Scripture that totally shuts down your what you said. Sorry, I'm going with my Father's Word and not what some people feel about a sinful lifestyle!
To be fair, Alister did say his advice to the grandmother was not his endorsement that all Christian should attend gay/trans weddings! He did not say in his interview that every Christian should attend gay weddings. He was replying to this one grandmother in this particular situation.
I believe I heard Allie mention this.
But it ends up being advice for everyone, because he said not attending would confirm to the grandson that Christians are unloving and judgemental. And if you're broadcasting your advice on I ternational radio, you may just run the risk of being understood as giving general advice.
Furthermore, what Christians think of as a wedding is a far cry from what takes place at a homosexual 'marriage ceremony'. The only ones who will officiate are either the most far-left clergy, or a civil magistrate.
There is nothing sacred or holy, only mockery of the institute if marriage, and the filthy that goes along with people who are given over by God to vile affections.
Homosexuals use Jesus' name in a blasphemous way; they use vulgarities without even thinking. Do you think that they have any problem with drunkenness at their celebration, or filthy music? It would be a sin to attend for those reasons alone.
Thank you for bringing forward this point.
And yet, the justification for going was that they might see her as judgmental and unable to countenance anything if she didn't attend. In other words, she must sacrifice her conscience to make someone in sin feel celebrated and affirmed in that lifestyle? If how a person feels is the justification, wouldn't it make sense that all Christians should go if their friend or relative would feel judged by their absence? Why is going to a celebration of sin acceptable in some circumstances but not others? Should someone match in a racist rally to love a racist friend? Should a Christian sit in a waiting room at an abortion clinic waiting for a friend to murder her child? Should we go to orgies to share the gospel? No! Show love outside of the sin celebrating event!
The message was that it is preferrable to go to a wedding celebrating an abomination than to risk being condemned as judgmental. I haven't heard anyone say that this was just a one off instance. He just blew it. His sermon took the Prodigal Son parable and used it to support his unbiblical position. He knows better. The worst thing about this whole thing is his unwillingness to listen to wise counsel.
I would put forth that Begg stated in this case the grandmother should go due to the relationship and the understanding between the grandchild and grandmother of her position. His stance on LGBT issues are theologically spot on, this advice, while not what I would suggest, is a personal conviction based response, and ultimately a secondary issue. I don't believe it is a sin, perhaps un-wise, but not a sin. Let's do do better at disagreeing as Christians rather than just giving in to the worlds current love of cancellation.
Perfect response and the correct perspective imo.
Exactly how I felt! I feel like she came at this with a very black and white thinking (which is common) instead of recognizing the nuance that could be there. Affirmation of a gay marriage is definitely black and white in the Bible as being wrong. But attendance of the ceremony itself I'm not sure would necessarily equal affirmation as she continued to assume. I did find her to be relatively fair in her approach with him. I know nothing of this pastor, but just from what she did include, he made it clear that the attendees stance on the biblical view of marriage should be clear, if they were to attend. Meaning this person is not affirming it.
Should they pay for the wedding? Officiate? Clearly show they are making this wedding happen? I would say no.
But I'm not sure mere attendance is as clear affirmation (in every case) as she continues to conclude. I believe a Christian who is firm could take this stance.
Directly supporting and celebrating sin IS sin.
I agree with you Allie. I would advise grandma to gently and loving explain why she would not be attending, but to let the grandson know she loves him and hopes he understands and respects her stance. Have we all forgotten it is Holy matrimony? It is asking God to join us together, and let no man put asunder. That is why I would not go. I think this is the biggest problem, it is now just seen as a civil union.
My sister is gay, but she also is trying really hard to follow Christ. My job as her brother is to be here when she needs me and set a good example for her. I leave the rest to Christ.
Wow way to not sound like a cult member.
@@miva644 I'm telling the truth, not worried about how it sounds.
@@christ3000adYour God doesn't exist bro
Good for you! I have an openly gay person in my family. I will not stop talking to her while in sin. Jesus didn't die for us to be pretentious Christians. He died for sinners, and No one is free of sin. She isn't married; she is actually divorced. Did I go to the first wedding? No. Do I struggle? Yes, but if she ever needed me, I would be there for her. Jesus calls us to preach His gospel.
You cannot follow Christ and live in any form of sin
Just to clarify, if you listened to his sermon Sunday night, he said that was his counsel to that particular grandma, not all Christians everywhere. He clearly stated that if it was a different person and a different situation, he may have answered differently. He’s been preaching faithfully and consistently on Biblical marriage and homosexuality for decades. His stance hasn’t changed. I would encourage everyone to watch the entire sermon called “Compassion Vs Condemnation.” While I disagree with his advice to that one person, I can understand his thinking and still respect him as a pastor and brother in the Lord.
I had the same thoughts ❤
I feel like many Christians (too many) are straining gnats and swallowing camels.
Begg didn’t say this woman should celebrate, but to attend to offer her love for her grandchild.
I think the clips and script in this video are purposefully structured to frame Alistair's words in a disingenuous light. Carefully watch his entire sermon and decide for yourself. I am deeply disappointed in Miss. Stuckey or perhaps her producers for presenting a skewed interpretation of what has actually been said and the reasons behind it.
So what is different about this relationship? What about other grandmothers facing the dame decision? Does that mean it's okay for all grandparents but not parents? For all family members but not non family members? Personally, as much as I've appreciated Alistair Begg's teaching, I find this is a cop out. Also in his explanation he said that people who disagree with him are Pharisees and condemning. But that only relates to this one example? Please. That's utter nonsense. He had the opportunity to say I got it wrong. My advice was impacted by my emotions. But I believe his pride has gotten him in deeper. He's making it very hard for his church. He said not all his fellow leaders agreed with him. Incredibly sad situation. 😢
Hes wrong on this! so now he's only %99 biblically accurate and Hes still our brother! Pray for him. Support him without agreeing or canceling
Thank you for this!🙏❤️👏
Matthew 10:37-39
“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.”
This is exactly what Jesus was talking about. We don’t have to ostracize and be rude to people because of their sin. We’re to love them as Christ does, sure. But not at the expense of our relationship with HIM. Or at the expense of speaking and living His Truth.
I agree with Allie B.
I mean are we sure the historical Jesus said this?
@@thorpeaaron1110 probably repeatedly. Then His apostles wrote it down.
@@GratiaPrima_Highly unlikely considering they were probably illiterate and given the fact that Gospels written in Greek decades after the fact.
@@thorpeaaron1110 not sure what you’re getting at. Jesus would have said it in Aramaic. It was written in Greek. I know.
@@thorpeaaron1110 do you mind saying how much or how long you've studied the Bible. From my perspective, those who study the Bible for a long time tend to move toward a higher view of scripture than you are exhibiting at the moment.
You failed to mention the FACT that Begg spoke before a hostile crowd in California where he emphatically said marriage is between one man and one woman period.
That doesn't change the fact that he gave unsound advice in this situation.
That's why this advice he gave the grandmother is particularly surprising.
@@melaniea3951 only unsound? for us Catholics it is a MORTAL SIN to attend any marriage that is not between a man and a woman only.
I am a Christian who lives in California and I can tell you it is hard to find a church where people will stand for truth. Most think evangelism is about being nice, never telling people the gospel. It is heartbreaking.
@@nchinthi know many Catholics who have participated and accepting of same sex weddings. They even send their kids to Catholic schools….
I see a lot of hateful comments toward Allie under this post. Allie was very gracious toward Alistair in this video. She was firm but not contentious. She’s not in with cancel culture. She hasn’t tried to cancel him from anything. She even invited him to be on the show if he wanted to. How is that cancel culture folks? Also cancel culture is very much different from holding pastors to biblical standards. Doesn’t scripture tell us to mark and avoid those who teach contrary doctrine? Doesn’t Jude 4 make clear that teaching moral looseness in the name of grace is a big deal? I’m not saying Alistair is there yet but he has just given some troubling advice to thousands and thousands of people through his program. Another thing. She waited for him to clarify his position. She listened to his sermon and did her research. She posted his full sermon so people could see for themselves that she wasn’t taking him out of context. She wasn’t judging the intents of his heart she was judging his words with discernment. So I would stop telling her to “judge not”, because we all know that’s not what that verse is about.
Thank you!!! I think the people upset by what Allie said are people who love AB so much they’re not willing to see he has made an error.
Idolatry in the comment section… people have lifted him up over Gods word and their anger is showing
AB Never said All Christians should go to gay/transgender weddings. This was a conversation he had with 1 person from his congregation. Please make sure you have heard and listened to the sermon before having an episode about something.
His advice to one individual, or to many,should be the same, if he's speaking according to PRINCIPLE, and not merely emotional. Truth is Truth, whether proffered to one or many!
I don’t listen to AB, and I haven’t listened to this sermon, but want to now. As someone in their 50’s and understand that I now have much more perspective. I think I understand what he is saying and why. I think this is a rare scenario. Between someone who has 1 Sought Prayer. 2 held steadfast in outwardly explaining their Biblical stance, 3 Has a deep relationship with this family member. It’s a very difficult call on this.
this is advice that should NEVER be given to any Christian for any reason
@@dandebwarrenGod would never tell any grandparent to go against his holy word.
@@dandebwarren I listened to the entire first clip and he said Grandma was surprised by his response. To me this indicates that she was leaning away from going and Begg made the feelings of the grandson more important than standing in truth and love (love rejoices in the truth and obeys Christ).
Go watch his message. This is a tragedy. There r some things I don't agree with him on regarding his advice to the grand mother.... but literally, on the sermon, he emphasizes that we cannot revile or affirm homosexuality..... to condemn a man who had faithfully imparted scripture, with reverence, foe the entirety of his career, over advice we may disagree with is absolutely tragic. GO and listen for yourselves.
I have listened to all of AB’s published commentary, discussion, and sermons on this topic. I have listened to this and several other podcasts on the debate as well. Most of those are misleading and take what AB has said out of context, IMO. I am a conservative Christian that also has a nephew that is gay and may face this “decision” on attending his wedding someday. AB has taken a brave position that I believe in the long run will be helpful to the multitude of Christians that are in the position that the grandmother was in. AB did not give blanket guidance on this issue. Listen to his full sermon delivered last Sunday evening. I am grateful for AB, his ministry, and courage to be a true Pastor.
How is his position brave? It's exactly in step with the world. His definition of compassion is the world's definition.
@@lauraandrews1676 He is disobeying God .. we are not here to please man. God is on control. I have listened to Begg and like him but he's wrong so I will pray for him.
Pastor Begg should have told the grandmother to tell her grandchild that she loved her very much, but going to her "wedding" would go against God's design for humanity. While she can't celebrate her decision, she would celebrate her life by interceding for her every day and be willing to see and meet with her often. That's it! When Jesus met with tax collectors and sinners, they were seeking Him out to hear his teachings. Many turned from their wicked ways, and the ones that didn't, rejected him and left. Jesus didn't go with any sinner to celebrate or participate in sin with them. AB should know better. But I think he's seriously deceived. May God open his eyes, soften his heart, and bring him to repentance. We will all celebrate him turning around. 🙏
"Friendship with the world is enmity with God." It is cowardly to go along with a celebration of sin (rejoicing in the permanent lifestyle of acts God calls abomination). Would you sit with your niece in the waiting room of an abortion clinic? Would you go with your sister to be a spectator in an orgy? Would you attend a CayQueCay rally to show love to your racist friend?
I hope you stand for Christ rather than capitulating to the celebrated sin of our age. Love rejoices in the truth. Wisdom doesn't sit in the seat of scoffers. Obedience to Christ is love, not making a sinner feel good in their sin.
The father did NOT run to the son and pull him out of the pig pen. He saw him RETURNING and ran to him. Big difference.
Not even that, the father would have had to get in the pig pen and wallow with the son.
Actually he does not suggest that ALL Christians do this. It was advice to one grandmother.
Thank you for pointing that out. Reformers can be excellent word twisters.
@lizbeck854: No matter. It was bad advice. Wrong solution for the dilemma the grandmother faced. And the wrong advice for any Christian, under any circumstance.
Sometimes Liz, we must call out error in a person, even a pastor that we like and admire.....not rationalize and create cover for them.
The issue is really, whether there is ANY circumstance in which any Christian can attend a homosexual wedding ceremony? No.
Now, there are several ways the grandmother can uphold her principles in how she responds to the wedding invitation, but attending the wedding is not one of them. Ever.
It's still evil advice. I would never tell anybody under any circumstances that it's ok to rebel against biblical doctrine.
@silvereight6054 He is a false teacher whether the statements were public or not. The issue in his public statement is that he spread that message far and wide.
More damage.
@@sheilasmith7779have you ever attended a second marriage? The “church” seems to embrace second marriages even though it is called adultery and condemned in the same verses as homosexuality. Why does the church discriminate sin?
The prodigal son was returning FROM his sinful life. He was repenting. Begg knows better. He knows that difference. To twist scripture and double down on his mistake, this is even more shocking that his initial comment. Even a baby Christian is capable of understanding the discrepancy between the lesson of the prodigal son and grandma attending a gay wedding.
Listen to the full sermon. He spoke of the brother's response. The prodigal was not the focus.
I really dislike the misuse of the term 'Pharisaical' to criticize Christians for opposing sin. Jesus criticism of the Pharisees was never that they refused to celebrate sin, but that they themselves DID sin while simultaneously placing a burden beyond what the law required on others (opposing Jesus healing on the Sabbath for example).
Wrong. A quick read of 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 says differently.
The Pharisees didn’t like it either
@@heidib9275 amen, amen, and AMEN!!!!!
@@geef0813 That passage is referring specifically to dealing with sin in the church and that our response to sin outside the church is not the same. Moreover, 1 Corinthians 8 clearly states that anything that encourages another believer to go against his conscience (for example, telling them they should participate in a sinful 'wedding' celebration) is a sin against Christ.
@@lukedornon7799 or like eating and celebrating with sinners? Like Jesus did? I’m sorry. You’re wrong.
My exact words about the prodigal son story. So sad. I listened to Alistar every night 😢 Love doesn't always look or seem loving but going and celebrating sin isn't love.
@getrit3007when you attend a wedding you are celebrating with the couple and supporting them.
@getrit3007 if you read scripture God declared marriage between 1 man and 1 woman period. So if an unbelieving man marries an unbelieving woman they are still married, if 2 Hindus marry they are still married. Man and woman. So if 2 unbelievers man and woman marry they are all married in God's eyes. Now if a friend commits adultery divorces they spouse to marry the person and asked me to come to their wedding I would not go but share the Gospel, call them to repent and be reconciled to their spouse. In the supposed situation if they were believers I would council them to separate and go to the court house get married and then have a reception. All the weddings we've been to are believers who are following the Lord, or they both have been unbelievers. So would you go to a wedding where 3 people are getting "married"?
@getrit3007 the council was go and buy a gift. That shows support of them.
@getrit3007 would you attend a "wedding " of 3 people? You never answered the question. Would you apply his statement to this situation also? ?
@getrit3007 marrying someone of the same gender is a sin in the eyes of God. going to the marriage of someone doing that and bringing a present most certainly is celebrating you only bring presents to celebrations
Jesus hungnout with sinners but he also rebuked them when hanging out with them!
The only reason to attend a same sex wedding would be to speak out when the pastor announces," if anyone know of an impediment to this union...."
As Christians we need to speaknout for the gospel and let people know their sin so they can realize their need of a saviour. That is the most loving thing we can do for those we claim to care about!
Alistair is quoted as saying this is not blanket advice for all Christians. I disagree with his advice to this woman, but what a reminder that he is just a man. I enjoy his teaching and don’t believe this is a reason to suddenly take all of his teaching as false or bad.
He also is quoted as saying he was thinking with a grandfathers heart. He is human. We are wrong for putting pastors on such a pedestal that they are never allowed to get something wrong. I will continue to listen to his sermons.
It’s hard trying to sort out how to love others well in this crazy time.
Thank you for some much needed grace
WHY is he calling attending a celebration of sin "compassion'?
He's not. Go and actually listen to his sermon.
@@cowboib4680I have watched it 3 times he most definitely called going the compassionate loving thing to do. he didn’t use those words but it comes out the same way
It is compassion to stand your ground for what is morally right. Not allow the same sex couple to think their sin is okay with God. Love is to do what the Father commands. Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth. Repent from your sinful ways.
@@shirleylouise4421the grandmother told him she thought it was detestable. Sinners sin. I know. Shocker, right? We aren’t called to disassociate with the sexually immoral of this world. Only the sexually immoral within the church. .
He is not. Where did you get that?
He didnt say we all should go gay weddings, actually. I Encourage you to actually listen to his sermon he gave this past Sunday. Love you Allie, but its horrible how all these christians are using their platform to come at him and punish him for this. Hes not condoning or endorsing anything. He told the one lady, in her own circumstance, to go to her granddaughters wedding if in fact her grand daughter knew where she stood- in his sermon, he totally did clarify that.
Pharisees absolutely
@the11thhour77 I did listen to it and it was absolutely not a blanket statement. Also, He never said what the gift was at first, and later did- you're assuming he's lying about what it was because you are angry at him for not giving the same advice you would give. Your also angry with me to accuse me of not reading my bible. He did not and does not condone or endorse gay marriage instead He gave difficult advice that some may not agree with, and look at the family of God jumping on, and canceling him- shame on them
Would I be a Pharisee for telling a Christian to not attend an orgy, sit with a abortive mother in the clinic, or March in a JJJ rally to witness to a racist friend? No! We don't participate in sin in order to shine for Christ. Did Jesus go with tax collectors and quietly watch them swindle people? Did He attend an adulterous rendezvous in order to show the couple love?
To be clear up front, I don’t agree with the advice to attend the wedding. Alistair Begg was not affirming the celebration nor was the grandmother celebrating..as Pastor Begg said, she was grieved over the sin, and by the way, so is Alistair. Neither were affirming, in fact the entire point of his advice to her (which, again, I disagree with) was to show such a love to her granddaughter that would be unexpected. Well, her attending would be unexpected for the very reason that she had not compromised the gospel and made it clear she did not approve.
I understand the concern. I also would not attend a same-sex wedding, since I cannot affirm a contradiction and direct opposition to God's order.
But Alistair Begg never said that Christians should attend same-sex weddings, celebrate and to give the couple a gift. 3:11 He gave that advice to a specific grandma and never recommended that every Christian do the same.
Does his advice to this grandma, automatically mean he has succumbed to culture and that he should take such lashing remarks from fellow Christians? Is everyone privy to the contents of the grandma's letter and deemed the pastor stupid or flippant or worse spiritually lacking in discernment and blatantly disobedient to God to give such advice? If his advice to that grandma is incongruous to his stance with regards to biblical teaching, don't you think there's a nuance in the circumstance that would call for such unconventional/unpopular response?
Allie, I was so disappointed at how quickly and thoroughly you tore down a good man's lifetime of service to God's kingdom and His people over one comment. You complain of how he uses logical fallacies to defend himself, but you are using fallacies in equating this one comment to represent his stance on marriage. I believe you should apologize.
Well said. Totally agree. But I bet she'd "double down" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
She’s done no such thing. Watch it again.
Would you celebrate a divorce, a abortion, etc. The list goes on. I understand what he is saying. He wants to keep an open door to the relationship but he should not do that in affirming or celebrating what God calls a sin.
Watch Begg's entire sermon from which these excerpts are taken and listen to ALL his points and listen to his heart. He reads widely from Scripture. Let the Word speak to you. Listen to when he says he might not have given the same advice to another person in another circumstance. Listen to the mesage he got from a fellow Christian who pointed out that he respected his thoughtful response to this grandmother, even thought he might have come to another conclusion.
John the Baptist was not related to King Herod, was he? He gave his opinion, yes, but he was not concerned with keeping the door open with him.
Jesus ate with sinners. Did He require their repentance first? I don't think the Bible says so in some of the cases. Did the Good Samaritan get some assurance of holiness before helping the injured man? He did it without counting the cost.
Sometimes we can do a more effective job building a bridge rather than building a wall. If they already know where you stand and you've made it known, showing "I love YOU" even though you are enemies with God can do more than wagging fingers and other gestures of disproval." While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. His kindness leads to repentance."
And YOU ALL are free to make an entirely different choice IF you should ever find yourself in a similar circumstance. But it's awfully ungracious for you to question his entire theology from this single piece advice to a godly grandmother.
💯. The judgemental wagging of fingers makes me nauseous. No charity.
Yes You do need to listen to his sermon .. so tired of all .. we need to spend time in prayer ..
I've been born again since 1973. The fact that this question has been raised is a sick testimony to how weak and cowardly Christian leadership has become. If the Body of Christ were being taught to have rock solid convictions and standards. Not worrying about what the rest of the world thinks. We would all already know and be in agreement with what the Bible says about abstaining from the appearance of evil.
This question displays the fact that Christians are not reading studying and meditating upon scripture.
This is sorrowful. I got born again in 1973. Back then this would never have been raised as a serious question.
Look where the Body of Christ is now. Be strong and of good courage 3 times in Joshua chapter 1. Read Proverbs chapters 1....4. Strength. Standards. Convictions
What has happened to the church? Weak leadership!!
Alistair is not stupid. He knows the prodigal first turned away from his sin before heading home. He knows this but he's accusing others of being Pharisees! I'm so disappointed in him.
I guess I'm a pharisee in his eyes. It was sickening to listen to him try to explain himself. He dug the hole deeper.
@@nancyw8341 I agree and it's very sad. I know we can all stumble so I'm mindful that we need to be praying for him. I know Allie mentioned the Shepherds conference and I even wondered if he would still be taking part.
Very sad indeed. I heard today that MacArthur called Begg and it was decided that Begg will not be a speaker at the conference.@@dejayne8246
I appreciate your response so much Allie!!
There are soooo many family members in the same predicament as this grandma. Many of you are saying “this was just for one person”. But it truly is magnified!! This advice AB gave is going to lead many astray from the word of God!
How do you know this??? It may also bring many from the LGBTQ community to repentance.
I have followed you for a long time and have never disagreed with you on any subject but I have to say your reporting on Alistair Begg was so disappointing to me.
You didn't have the story straight for starters. He never said "all Christians should go to gay weddings" not at all. If you watched his message nothing was further from the truth.
And I think people forget that a gay wedding is not a sacred union. God is in no way involved . God's name is not even mentioned and they will certainly not be asking if anyone has any reason why they shouldn't be married. Honestly it's just a ceremony because legally they are allowed to marry in this country but it has nothing to do with God.
Alistair has ALWAYS been against homosexuality. Always. And he has been a faithful pastor for 41 years. Never speaking anything unbiblical. His record speaks for itself. He is a faithful and humble servant and does not deserve these kind of attacks nor this kind of twisting of the words that he actually said in his message.
You said it perfectly. Thank you. Supporting and unconditionally loving a child or grandchild is not the same as condoning their sin.
@@patriciabrown4487 Would you attend their satanic ritual induction into satanism? Their Gala debut into the X film industry? Their promotion in a clan event?
Love rejoices in the truth
"If you love Me, keep My commandments."
God defines love, and attending a sacrilegious ceremony is not loving.
So well said!
Allister DID NOT say “Christians attend same sex weddings” he said this how he counseled ONE woman based on a conviction that he had when talking to her and learning about this woman’s context. Allie, stop jumping on the bandwagon to benefit from this non sense if you haven’t taken the time to listen to the whole context.
Simply grift.
Thank you for your input.
This was really helpful.
I have sided with you consistently but you missed a nuance…he says this is his advice in THIS circumstance, for this grandma. He has a video that explains his process and it is situation specific “ I let my grandpa brain take over”! It is hard in your Winter season of life…to cutoff a dearly loved grand. Please AB, correct your reporting to be accurate!
PS I would NOT be attending but want truth to set us free.
Thank you. I also noticed that this was ommited from the commentary by this host--*The fact that Alistair Begg asked the grandma if her grandson fully understood that she could not in any way countenance affirming the union in any way whatsoever because of her faith. He asked the grandma this twice.
It is a short clip and in the interests of transparency/not bearing false witness it would have shown more integrity to just play the clip of Alistair in his own words.
I feel this was initially an emotional response from Alistair as it sounds like this granny was in great distress.
Lets pray for all.
I don't get why anyone is surprised. He always had a "northern European" mindset on culture war issues---he said so himself when he made his "non" apology for his remarks. He was always from the CS Lewis school of "nuance" and had more in common with him than Jerry Falwell
Have you ever attended the wedding of divorced persons ?
I am so disheartened by the attack on Alistair Begg... and yes, it has been an attack... by many Christians who have not even listened to the entire story, his follow-up message, and the reasons for his advice to one woman, which he was certainly entitled to give. He has NOT changed his mind on homosexuality or same-sex marriage. Nor should he be bullied into changing his mind regarding attending a ceremony. Personally, I believe if an individual chooses to go to a same-sex wedding, that choice is between him/her and God. The online bickering serves no one, and only causes the unsaved to run farther from the faith while Satan is running all the way to the bank.
Rosey, he’s an influential teacher who is responsible for his teaching and counsel given. Teachers’ will be judged more strictly. People listen to him. They follow his advice. His ministry is worldwide. What should be the take for another grandparent or parent from hearing this advice? What is specific about this particular woman? Did Alistair call those who came to a different conclusion condemning and Pharisaical or not?
No, our choices are not just between us and God. Our choices affect others on a daily basis.
The world is watching!
satan wins when we compromise and capitulate to the world's agenda.
@@christineolexa5116 I totally agree! Our actions definitely influence others and Christians bow to a higher calling. I was talking about a personal decision to attend or not attend a same-sex ceremony. What I really take issue with is the mischaracterization by many that Alistair Begg now is unequivocally affirming the LGBT community without giving the facts of the situation.
@@mrskerry8111 Yes, I'm very familiar with him. The take for another grandparent or parent is to listen and weigh his response. As he said, "It is a very fine line." Regarding Pharisaical, hmmmm.
Sin is never a subject that us up for debate! Many Christians are willing call something that God has condemned as sinful, simply a matter of personal preference! God has already spoken, it's up to us to line up with HIM,He won't adjust to US!
These are ideas and perspectives that so many of us have been sanctified OUT of over the past few years. We have wrestled with these questions and found clarity and courage in standing for the Truth and God’s holy standards. It’s sad Alistair is just starting his thought journey on all of this stuff but I pray for his sanctification too. He’ll get there. 🙏
He’s wrong. I’m 25 years old and consider myself a baby still in the faith but I can tell you right now I never would or will. He says it in a form of “absolute”: “it closes all doors for opportunity” no it doesn’t and how do you know that it will.
If going to a gay wedding is bad, it is also bad to attend a wedding for someone who was previously married before.
If they are not widowed I agree. I would not attend those either
Or weddings where it's a second marriage, had premarital sex, masturbate, are Jewish, Islamic or atheist, work on Sundays or eat pork. Yeah, get an FBI background and DNA checks. Spreading hypocrisy and hate.
I have listen to Pastor Begg for years. As a grandmother, I hope I NEVER have to make that decision with my grandchildren ( they are all Christians and walk in the word). What amazes me is all the furious responses to this situation. I totally believe homosexuality is outright sin but as Christians, the sin seems to be on the top of the “worst sin” list. We forget that sin is sin and God abhors all of them, including PRIDE. Do Christians attend wedding where the couple lived together prior to their marriage? That’s considered a sin but I’m sure many Christians have attended such weddings. I’m giving Pastor Begg a pass on this one.
When a couple lives together then chooses to marry, they are ending fornication. When a gay couple has a ceremony, they are promising to continue in sin. I hope you can see the difference. One celebrates a sanctifying event, the other celebrates a condemning event. Lest you think this is about a particular sin, I wouldn't attend a family member's clan promotion, their abortion, or their inductive ritual into satanism. Some events are evil and blasphemous and we ought to either absent ourselves or beg and plead for repentance outside the door.
I don’t see a link to the article of the last rebuttal you read from. Can someone supply that please? Thanks. Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed by the original advice, but the response from Mr. Begg is quite disturbing. I’m afraid it is pride that is keeping him from admitting his error. I have listened to him for nearly a decade and have considered him biblically sound, but the advice followed by the misapplication of scripture grieves my heart.
The key issue for me here is that we, as followers of Christ follow Christ and not the culture. There are lots of things we wouldn't participate in because we are a peculiar people. Our families and friends should not be surprised when we make decisions on things like this, because they have seen us loving and living for Christ, fulfilling the great commision. They should know that while we love them, Christ and His precepts always come first for us. That's just grandma, I know she loves me, but she's not going to change! We love people, but don't change with the culture. We always share the truth in love and they can count on it.
The prodigal son wasn't celebrating the life style he had been living in. He wanted to turn away from it and come back to the father with great humility.
We are to be holy because our God is holy.
That holiness must include all of our activities in a sinful world.
I mostly agree with what you are saying about not affirming by going…but now let's move past the wedding. Let's say we do not go…so what do we do about being part of the now "married" couple? do we go over to their home? do we have dinner at our house? do we do anything with them? IF yes then how is that not also affirming? Where is the line to be drawn? Is this "conviction" territory?
What do former homosexuals and former transgenders have to say about attending either gay weddings or trans weddings. Ask Beckett Cook and Sofia Galvin. I think that Alistair is naive. Job 17:2 "Surely mockers surround me and my eyes must gaze at their rebellion." As far as running after the prodigal son....The father did NOT follow the prodigal and attend his parties and wild living. Only when the son repented and decided to return did the Father run to him. I am disgusted with Alistair. He is the one who is self righteous.
Is Becket now a 'heterosexual '?
I have a family member who first identified as trans and now as non-binary. Her Christian parents have given in to her demands to call her by her new name and pronouns. They do this because they are more concerned with her cutting them off then they are with affirming a lie. But despite them doing this, her relationship with them is more fractured than ever. It seems the harder they try to please her, the more she pushes back. The whole situation is heart breaking.
We don't love by constantly lying to our children. :(
I expect many are in this situation. Eventually the parents will step on the egg shell. Keep praying!
Every christian youtuber MUST comment on this issue. Is it any wonder in an honest attempt to correct a brother many have sunk into slander.
It is an attempt by RUclipsrs to gain more clicks thereby make more money!!!
The father did not go looking for his son, the son eventually recognized the error of his ways and went back to his fathers house.
Alistair Begg needs to understand that attending a gay wedding is not a matter of conscience. This is not to shop or not shop at Target. This is giving the nodd to someone's sin. There's no hope for a gay couple. If they get saved, they won't remain married becsuse their marriage is not valid in God's eyes. A wedding for unbelievers, there is hope. A wedding where one professes to believe but the other doesn't, there is hope. And in situations where one professes to believe but the other doesn't, chances are the professor is a false professor, thus you would be attending a yoked wedding with two unsaved people
It seems that many are, "Straining out gnats while swallowing camels" Jesus said that those Pharisees and hypocrites had, "Neglected the weightier matters of the law, justice and mercy and faithfulness" Matthew 23:23,24
Think about it, honestly...
@@rtrouthouse1506There might be married gay couples who are actually True Born Again Christians. There are Christians who cheat on their spouses and commit fornication. It all contradicts the Biblical Definition of sexuality.
He didn't say that Christians should attend gay weddings and give gifts. He told a particular person (the grandma) in her particular situation to do it. You misspoke by saying he said that christians should go and 'we" should give gifts.
Not saying he was right in his advice or counsel but state the facts correctly.
That's right!
But he gave the advice publicly for all listeners to receive.
His justification to Grandma was their perception of her love for them and lack of being judgemental. How would that advice be true in this scenario but not in others in the basis is the perception of the loved one, not a hard and fast Scriptural principle that suggests we can be a willing spectator to sin to show love?
Yes but again, he didn't say that we as christians should and we all should give gifts. As a Canadian who has to listen to the CBC I see this ALL THE TIME. Just state the facts. He was on a podcast and was retelling his advice about a particular person....was the advice good? No. But state what actually happened. @@geraldine4727
@@eurekahope5310Again. He didn't say that all Christians should go to gay weddings and give gifts which is what she is saying happened. Report the events correctly AND THEN you can say his counsel has consequences because they carry on and other people interpret that its okay to attend gay weddings when its not okay according to scripture. In a world we as christians complain about reporting standards, we can't be doing the same poor reporting if the actual events.
He was on a podcast. He retold his advice to a particular person. He gave his reasoning.
Was it good advice. No. Was it scriptural. No. Does it have consequences. Yes. Do we now let the Church carry out the proper discipline for when pastors error? Yes.
I know brothers like Justin Peters that have publically said theyve reached out. Im assuming if he has then others have also reached out to him privately.
But again, state the facts properly. Don't report things he did not say and give the impression that he said ALL christians need to attend gay weddings and WE need to give gifts.
Also, pray for him. Goodness, I'm glad we have a Master that although Peter denied him 3 times, he forgave and restored him. Pray that God grants Pastor Begg repentance from this.
Officially done with ABS. Can we go through this same level of minutia for a wedding where the couple are liars? Lived together? Gossips? The Reformed cliche will crucify anyone who dares think for themselves.
Well said and well done Allie. I have daughters your age and I can’t help being proud of you. Keep being courageous.
I love you, Allie, but I don't think this was a fair representation of the situation. 😞 you stated multiple times that he was advising this grandmother to go and "affirm" this union. But that's not entirely accurate. From what I've seen and read, his advice came after he asked if the grandchild knew what the grandmother believed about sexuality and sin and if the grandchild knew that the grandmother could not celebrate the union. After the grandmother confirmed that, he then advised her to go, take a gift, and "demonstrate the lovingkindness of God to those who are hostile to Him." He clearly is not recommending that she go and affirm this union. He is recommending that he show compassion by not severing that relationship completely while ALSO not affirming the union. This was specific advice for a specific person. Again, I love you and agree with 99% of what you say but I think this was an unfair assessment with some key details being left out. ❤
Allie's not showing much grace here.
How is the grandson knowing the stance of the Grandmother on his celebration relevant at all? It isn't. And does that knowledge make attending ok? It doesn't.
What is relevant is does the grandmother know for whom she stands, for whom she is to bestow honour upon. As a Christian, her responsibility is to honour God. By attending the event she has chosen to honour her grandson and dishonour the sovereign God. She has attended an event that celebrated sexual sin and the desecration of God's marriage ordinance. Yes, we are to show compassion to sinners. But the price paid for showing compassion should never be the dishonouring of our sovereign God and Saviour.
the argument is that by attending the wedding you are approving / affirming the marriage. (that is the traditional christian purpose for the wedding after all, "in the sight of God and the witnesses")
and like allie mentions, in every ceremony they ask "if you have a problem with the wedding speak up" (roughly). so... as a christian you should have a problem, right? and speak up?
The grandmother’s attendance is affirmation enough of the union. Also, you are not to be a stumbling block to others. Other Christians will see her there, see pictures of her on social media. It can then lead others astray as well. This grandmother should have reached out to someone with experience in this like becket cook.
@@barbarahester9172 Mighten it be worth the risk to open up the conversation? Do you live your life based on the assumptions of others?
He said very clear in his message that he is against gay marriage because he believes in god’s word and for that same reason we should treat each other with love and respect!
The world will always be offended and always hate Christians (John 15:18). There is no need to compromise our beliefs and doctrines to express love towards other people. Great episode, Allie!
This is improperly framed, the advice was to one grandmother who was struggling with compassion and conviction for her grandson, but we have turned it into a circus of snippets from his response and Alistair Begg actually addressed this as well; but that was also misunderstood, misrepresented and taken as doubling down 😂.
I see several comments here that are saying that they will no longer support Begg financially. Is our response supposed to be that we believe that because of this one issue that his ministry should be cancelled? Really? Are we to be his judge?
This one issue happens to be a matter of Begg telling ppl to disregard God's position on homosexuality and supporting it. And as bad as that is, Begg tells ppl that he has NOTHING to repent of, and that the ppl who dare to hold him accountable for his words are the villains.
The father in the Prodigal Son story didn't go and celebrate in his son's hedonistic living and debauchery. He waited patiently at home, hoping he would return, and when he did he ran and met him on the road back. God is the father, he loves all people despite their sin and wants everyone to love him back and trust him (on His terms though, not on our own terms).
What's really surprising is you, Allie Beth Stuckey, putting so many words in another person's mouth. I’m more disappointed in the reactions to Begg than what he actually said. Only Alistair Begg knows the specifics of the “wedding” in question. Everyone is acting like he’s changed his point of view and has given blanket permission to attend all things lgbtq. He did not. He gave advice to ONE individual and asked for very specific criteria. He made it clear that in this case he was encouraging an act of love and compassion from one Christian to a non-believing family member in this specific situation, not in any way condoning the person's choices. You may think his advice was bad, but it was not heretical. You may disagree with him but the accusations you are making are intellectually dishonest at best. He NEVER said that Christians should go to same sex weddings and celebrate them. He was speaking of an individual Grandmother about their Grandchild marrying a trans person. I don’t know all the personal details and neither do you. I give him credit enough to assume he did what he thought best. I personally would not attend but people making Begg out to be affirming of attending same sex weddings is just ridiculous. He even admits he may have been misguided by his empathy as a Grandfather. You on the other hand evidently have very little grace for people who don’t say things in the manner you want them to. Your title is pure clickbait and beneath your usual standards. I would suggest to everyone watch the response for yourself on Alistair Begg's RUclips channel and make up your own mind. It's called Compassion vs Condemnation. In my opinion he might of called it compassion is not compromise.
Allie, your analysis is spot on.
That sermon was a complete train wreck. I was baptized by Alistair 25 years ago and this is heart breaking to see what has hapoened to him. His advice was wrong and sinful. His response sermon was worse. It was bad on so many levels. I am just shocked at what is happening to him.
Nothing has happend to him! He's beliefs haven't changed at all- he gave advice to someone, his sermon he recently gave explains his reasoning for her situation- he may not be right in the advice he gave, but that dosnt mean he's gone of the rails, people! He's a soild Man of God, and clearly loves the Lord
@sundayandee His sermon was embarrassing. He gave a grandmother wrong and sinful advice, period. He called his critics, which is about 99% of Christianity, and some among his own pastoral staff, pharisees for not agreeing with his sinful advice. Instead of listening, he's ranting. Something very bad is happening to him. I've been listening to him for 25 years, he's not the same. He needs to repent, ask for forgiveness and move on. It's that simple.
@kevinelvington9569 well I feel like we both watched a differnt sermon. He didn't call people that he didn't agree with pharisees. He mentioned the ones in his own staff to make the point that its totally fine to not agree on things like that- it's the people who are coming at him with vitriol, mocking and canceling him that he is calling pharisees. And the people that are coming at him like this is definitely not 99 percent of Christians
@getrit3007 Yes, its was well said
@getrit3007 I don't get your point. He is a pastor and is held to a high standard. He should be judged and he is in error and should repent. He doesn't get a free pass on sin.
The Father didn't run after his son and neglect his duties at the house and other son. He never stopped Loving him and wanting him Home, but kept all righteous things going, and didn't wallow with the son in the muck. We have to remember that. To join our children on the path to Eternal separation won't save our Loved ones, but to be Lovingly and Truthfully steadfast in His Word might.
Let’s be clear, Begg did NOT tell Christians to attend same sex weddings. He clearly said in his recent message his advice was to that grandmother in her specific situation. Don’t know if his comment clarified a prior statement but he was crystal clear in his post-controversy follow up message to his church.
It’s easy to be black and white in the abstract - and I am - but much more difficult to navigate when you’re weighing your response to someone you love.
Years ago the father of a teammate on my son’s soccer team died of cancer. The father was in a gay relationship with another man. The man was an extremely likable person and we always got along with him very well, even though we never agreed with the lifestyle he chose. We decided to attend the funeral out of respect for our son’s teammate and friend, but I wish now we had not. We could have easily relayed our condolences without attending. The funeral was about remembering the man but it was also largely about the relationship between him and his partner.
He did not say ALL CHRISTIANS. He said that was his advice to that particular grandma. Disagree with that all you want but please disagree in truth!!!!
Cappylover192 so what take should other grandparents take from his counsel who find themselves in this same circumstance? What is so special about this grandmother to other grandmothers? Did he or did he not say those who didn’t take his view lacked compassion and were condemning and Pharisaical?
Exactly. Dare I say its also lying to say "that he told all christians"...he didn't. He was recalling a particular situation and altho I disagree 1000% on his advice or counsel, its also not okay to say he told all christians to do that when he didnt...
In other words, he approves of situational ethics. That’s a slippery slope@@the11thhour77
@@kevinwalsh7287 where did I say that??
@@the11thhour77 Begg in his response asked "What if the grandmother’s gift was a Bible?" You left this out. He asked a question, then he created a senario to illustrate his point. Then you accused a man with 50 years of biblically fruitful ministry of being untruthful and anti-biblical.
20:24 Pastor Begg gave a response to a specific situation presented by a specific grandmother. He did not say Christians should feel free to attend any/all gay weddings. Jesus when he did not condemn the woman brought to him whom had been caught in adultery did not say every one involved in adultery was not guilty, he acknowledged the law was right, but His love triumphed condemnation in this one specific instance. Pastor Begg said, based on the specifics of this specific situation, that God’s love would better be reflected in this specific situation by her attending, whereas not attending might reflect:
"See, they just hate us." Three things will last forever - faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love. 1-Corinthians 13:13
?? My question for Alistair Begg is:
Since you feel it is “ok” to attend a gay/trans wedding, what if the woman’s grandchild was getting into a three person (“throuple”) marriage? Would you advise differently then?
Sin = Sin
Have you ever attended the wedding of divorced persons ?
The same act of love can be accomplished by inviting the grandson and his partner, be it same sex or trans to her home. Preparing a meal, engaging in loving conversations about how she will not be cutting off ties with him and will continue to love him and in fact extend that love to their partner and explain in loving terms why she will not be able to attend their ceremony. That would be an act of Christian love far more powerful than showing them you are willing to go agaisnt your deeply held beliefs to be appeasing.
Allie, why would you have Beth Moore on who has come out in support of Same sex marriage?
Allie with all due respect, you are not being completely truthful. You said that Begg is counselling Christians to attend gay weddings…He did NOT give a blanket statement to all Christians. This was a stand alone advise to One grandmother. You may need to watch his latest sermon where he addressed this ; saying that he’s NOT giving this advise to all Christians as a blanket statement!
Exactly! That is the problem with these podcast people, judging and condemning and spreading incomplete information. I used to listen to Allie faithfully, but stopped because of the misinformation and twisted “truth” about people. Listen to Pastor Begg’s Sunday night sermon. This man of God has legacy of preaching the Word of God without compromise. And no, RC would not be turning in his grave. So disgusted with Allie on this, totally becoming a gossip podcast.
I have my doubts that she actually watched the entire sermon herself. The greater likelihood is that one of the producers skimmed Alistair's sermon and wrote a script based on the general feelings that are being expressed on the internet in an effort to get some content out quickly. Homework takes time and effort. These corporate vloggers don't have the bandwidth to do it themselves.
Did he or did he not say that people with a different opinion to him were not compassionate but rather condemning and Pharisaical? Why is it okay for this grandmother to attend? What teaching should fellow grandparents and parents take from this? Should they say well Alistair said it was okay in this circumstance so why wouldn't it be okay for my situation. It's a cop out to say it only applied to this one particular situation. He should have said I got it wrong. I'm sorry. And everyone could have moved on. But doubling down is heartbreaking. 😢
@@mrskerry3544 no, he did not. He said that even pastors on his own team had a different opinion than he. He said that he may even have a different perspective if given a different scenario. He did not give a blanket statement.
@@mrskerry3544 you missed the whole point of his sermon on Sunday night if you only got that he doubled down.
Yeah, the creation of a false dichotomy is always a sign that something is wrong. He’s may be emotionally attached to this issue for some reason, or he may be compromised in some way, but the false dichotomy is a give away that something is off. Someone close to Begg needs to talk to him and help him figure out what’s going on in his soul.
personally I believe this is a issue in his immediate family as he is fighting like a parent/grandparent would for their own child. blind and ignorant
@@paulan7218 stop spreading rumors.
I've thought the same thing. His grands are too young to be a factor and his kids are all married I believe. Maybe another relative. Still horrible advice.
@@paulan7218Have you ever attended the wedding of divorced persons ?😊
It almost sounds as if Alley did not listen to his sermon, though I trust she did. I don’t know how listening to Alistair’s heartfelt comment that perhaps he made out of weakness and admits to putting on his “grandfather” hat, and even saying that he would not give this advice in other circumstances, would imply that he is saying we should go to gay wedding*s* out of compassion as a practice. And, to jump to a questioning of his pronouns from this seems a bit emotive and unreasonable. I do *not* agree with Begg’s advice to the grandmother, but can we take a step back and listen to the man’s sermon with prayer and a stillness before the Lord before making assertions that seem rooted in emotion?
His comments and uncharacteristic handling of this makes me wonder if he has a family member or close friend in the lgbtq lifestyle he is trying to reach.😢 This whole thing has been a good reminder that we shouldn't put people up on pedestals and that none of us are immune from making mistakes. I'm praying for Pastor Begg and his ministry!
That was my first reaction ! The many Christians I know who fudge what the Bible says about such sins have eventually had to reveal they have family they love who partakes of such abomination.
Do we really have to drag his family into this and speculate if one of them is in that lifestyle? Really? Gossip and spreading rumors.
You are right on Allie. I'm glad to hear your thoughts. Justin Peters Ministries has a wonderful podcast on this subject as well.
There is a difference between being friends with someone who is gay and loving them like Christ and celebrating something that God says is sin and an abomination.
So many videos about this topic and an overwhelming amount of comments showing exactly how to be an example in Christ for the rest of the world. Bravo!
I'm guessing this is sarcasm. Just remember that Jesus threw over the tables of the money changers and never accompanied tax collectors to swindle or adulterers to their rendezvous. No one is hating on Alistair Begg. We mourn for him and pray he returns to biblical fidelity on this matter.
@@eurekahope5310 and Allister did not tell this woman to accompany the trans person in the bedroom. He simply said to make very clear her convictions on the subject but then give them the love they disserve, as commanded by Christ. Too much condemnation and not enough love is probably how this trans person got where they are. The help they need is more of that?
@@eurekahope5310 LOL
So disappointed with Alster Begg. More and more, we need to follow Jesus and His Word. It's so sad that when we do, we are accused of not being compassionate. Compassion and Love is the Word, Truth, Jesus.
I agree with you and pray others too stand in truth. Praying Alister Beggs heart will be open for God's compassionate correction.
We can not outdo the Lord's love and compassion which is living the Word which is a truly blessed life
Okay. This is unfair. He was giving advice, he wasn't telling everyone "do this or you're not Christlike". The concept of going to an unbeliever's gay/trans wedding is not a black/white issue and good people disagree on this. If your cousin is an unbeliever and gets married, but was fornicating before her marriage to the man, would you go to THAT wedding? Why? How is that different than going to an unbeliever's trans or gay wedding? It's all sin, and they're all unbelievers.
I don't know what I would personally do in the situation, but I think Alistair presents good reasons and isn't doing anything contrary to Scripture.
When I support a friend who has a baby out of wedlock, is that wrong? If a person is struggling with their identity and you try to point them in the right direction but they don't listen, do you abandon them? These are unbelievers! We are to treat unbelievers and believers differently here. There is room to debate. All of this vitriol towards Alistair is not good. There are issues to divide over. He's not saying that trans is okay. He's saying that his way of showing love to an unbeliever is by going to their wedding, even if they're gay or trans. I probably wouldn't, but I get it. If we'd go to a fornicator's wedding, then I don't see a whole lot of issue in going to a trans one. Sounds like politics is getting into this situation. Idk it's a debate. But that's why he shouldn't be cancelled over it. It's like cancelling someone over their eschatological beliefs. We all differ. Relax. 🤷♀
Pastor Begg has blessed the souls of an untold number of saints for decades. His spiritual gifts of teaching and preaching and his labors of love have been without question used by the ascended Christ to edify His church. He is a blood purchased brother. He has publicly expressed, my guess, millions of words over decades of ministry, with the most careful consideration in rightly dividing the Word of Truth. And thus it is sad to see how graceless and quick many saints are resolved to simply write this brother off as a heretic. It takes just a little blood in the water, evidently…even for some of God’s people.
Not surprising. When I read one of his books and read that once one is born again we are freed from the law, to then be brought BACK to the law so we can be empowered to live by it. All I needed to hear and I never bothered with him again. Keep it simple folks, stick with Andy Woods. Probably the only sane teacher left on online ministry.
John MacArthur, Steven Lawson, Costi Hinn…just to name a few.
@JeniferMorris789 They are Lordship salvationists and preach a false gospel message. So no they are most definitely not viable.
@@jd_fishin_flippin_1708 oof. You’re lost.
@JeniferMorris789 Exactly the type of response I'd expect from someone who watches those people. Ironically , people who are ok with listening to people who unapologetically state that unless you surrender every area of your life to Christ, you cannot be saved says alot about why America is in the dark and why the church is so weak here. There is no power in a false gospel.
@@jd_fishin_flippin_1708 you’re confused. You clearly don’t understand their biblical beliefs and talking points if that is what you think they preach. Surrendering your life to Christ is important, but there is no expectation of perfection. It is apparent to me that you have never listened to one of John Macarthur’s sermons on salvation.
The on huge area I would disagree with Allie is the notion that showing up is celebrating this person's sin. That is not a biblical standard. That is a human standard. Holding Pastor Begg to that is unfair. His advice to this woman was to go into the lion's den and to give the gift of a Bible, God's Word.
Amazing how differently ppl can see this situation. Because it is not a biblical std/rule, as you said.
Very disappointed he's taken this position. He's gonna have to be approached with a lot more caution if you so choose to listen to him. Kind of like how we had to view Tim Keller the last few years of his life. If MacArthur no longer invites Mohler and Duncan to Shepherd's conference because they're pro social justice to one degree or another, then it's all reason more he won't invite Alistair
Congratulations Allie, here is the fruit of your program. (see Noah's comment above)
AB's position was not accurately understood nor presented, here or elsewhere. One of our most beloved, wise and greatly knowledgeable biblical heavy weights whose integrity has never been called into question has now been downgraded, assisted by a young lady who knows better.
Firstly, all teaching should be tested (Bereans). Not all agree with everything but it doesn't mean division.
This has not been handled well, and that includes by JP and co. JP sending a letter, stating his case, telling AB he is wrong, sinful, needs to repent, and BTW, here's my phone number and email if you want to talk.... is not opening a dialogue, and is not "loving". The loving part is apparently telling AB he is wrong. Then being upset AB is not engaging??? No wonder.
This whole thing is tragic, amplified badly.
I think better advice is how my wife and I dealt with similar situations. Albeit a cousin and not a grandkid I think the principle is the same. We did not attend the gay wedding or send a wedding gift. In our case, we had to explain our stand while reaffirming our love to our relative. While explaining our stand we had to be tactful and not condemning... that its a difficult thing but please also respect our faith, etc. The relationship remained and we would invite our cousin and her spouse to family hosted holiday events. Hug both at the door, etc. treat them with all love and respect, conversation, etc.
So what’s the difference, you hug and affirm them and bring them into your house as a couple. Is that not affirming their relationship just the same as you do any of your heterosexual relatives. Just because you didn’t attend the ceremony?
Maybe I’m missing something
We have to love these people, if we all turn our backs on them, who will tell them about the gospel?
Please watch Rosario Butterfields testimony. She was a lesbian and had dinner every week with a local pastor and his wife for years. She never would have been saved if he had that attitude.
@@angelapaterniti6394 I don’t know her whole story. Was she having dinner with a pastor and his wife and with her lesbian partner? Or just with the pastor and his wife?
Because marriage is a sacrament and a visit is not.
@sgtelias This is exactly how it should be handled. We love God and people. Hope you have a blessed day and that many will be encouraged by your post.
Ok. This is cancel culture at its worst ! Are all sins equal. If so, attending a wedding of someone who had been previously divorced is also a sin because it would become adultery according to the Bible. Many pastors have even married individuals who had been divorced. I stand with Alastair and his decades of faithful ministry of the Bible and Jesus.
Alastair is but a man. He is not the Christ. A man can have years of faithful service, and fumble the ball at the 10 yard line if he takes his eyes off the prize. This is not cancel culture, it’s holding a pastor to the high standards he is called. No real Christian wants Alastair canceled. They want clarity. He chose pride. Pray for him. That’s what we should all be doing.
Yes this is cancel culture, taken from liberal culture outside the church., copy catting their methods exactly.
This is heart breaking,. IF RC were alive he would be so upset.
Yeah. I miss brother RC
Listen to Begg's comment in context. It was to one specific person in one specific situation.
Please… have you even listen to Pastor Begg’s sermon and read the book. Allie is cherry picking information for her own agenda
@@wendydeckman558I have and I still find him in error. Even more so after the last sermon he had where he refuses to recant and trippled down. He sounded extremely prideful. I will continue to pray for him and his flock.
totally agree .
This is the first time I strongly disagree with so many Christian RUclipsrs like Allie and John Cooper and Justin Peters. As well as so many pastors who have come out against Begg. Very sad. I don’t understand what Begg said the same way as they all are. And I don’t think I’m his sermon, Begg was name calling everyone who came out in disagreement in his sermon this past Sunday. How did you come to that determination? Do you really think Begg is that passive aggressive and vindictive?