Не валяй дурака, Америка! (Don't Play the Fool, America!) - Russian Cold War song

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @fatum-bx9bg
    @fatum-bx9bg Год назад +1022

    пузырь in russian translates not only as a bubble, but as a bottle of alcohol too

    • @SvetlanaVladimirova8590
      @SvetlanaVladimirova8590 Год назад +47

      Yes, that's the meaning sung here in the song.

      @REZIK.XKREUIS Год назад +5

      Пузырь=vodka, говорю как русский

    • @ЖекаК-й3т
      @ЖекаК-й3т 10 месяцев назад +13

      Вы немного не правы, пузырь как бутылка водки не литературное слово а слэнг.

    • @ABsvt
      @ABsvt 9 месяцев назад +7

      @@ЖекаК-й3т а что значит "запотевший пузырь"? Запотевшая водка?

    • @slava_novorossii
      @slava_novorossii 9 месяцев назад

      Запотевшая бутылка водки, ну обычно у нас пузырь называют чекушку​@@ABsvt

  • @ГеоргФонШеп
    @ГеоргФонШеп Год назад +2302

    I'm Russian. This is a comic song written in 1990, after the end of the USSR. The main message was rather about the unity of Russia and the United States. In those years, it would be completely absurd to think that Alaska would return to Russia. Then we lost a third of our territories. This is not Cold War propaganda, but a reflection on the theme of lost greatness.

    • @lukdhguirg7121
      @lukdhguirg7121 Год назад +41

      Ussr died in 1991

    • @ГеоргФонШеп
      @ГеоргФонШеп Год назад +268

      @@lukdhguirg7121 1989+ - is the end of USSR. Everyone felt his collapse. Censorship has disappeared. The state security was destroyed. The country was heading towards anarchy. Humorous songs are always popular in dark times.

    • @Gold_Not_God
      @Gold_Not_God Год назад +1

      Ahahaha you think that Russia lost territories when the USSR collapsed? And you don't care that, for example, Ukrainian general secretaries ruled 4 times longer than Russian ones, and RSFSR was the only republic where nationalism was suppressed, you don't care? You even have an independence day lol. Putin's revanchism propaganda is making idiots out of people..... they think Russia = USSR.

    • @qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv-c2b
      @qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv-c2b Год назад +6


    • @qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv-c2b
      @qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv-c2b Год назад +29

      This song was made in 1992.

  • @madmachine5244
    @madmachine5244 Год назад +157

    In case anyone missed it there was a scene taken from the original movie Red Dawn near the end of this song. Where it shows the Soviet-American friendship center just before it blows up because of the Wolverines.

  • @Александр-й7ъ9ц
    @Александр-й7ъ9ц Год назад +901

    This is NOT a Russian Cold War song. This song is written in 1992 by Lyube (Любэ) group.

    • @iiberlin
      @iiberlin Год назад +10

      Just a year late it looks

    • @4ester709
      @4ester709 Год назад +44

      @@iiberlin 3 years late, Cold War ended in 1989

    • @iiberlin
      @iiberlin Год назад +19

      @@4ester709 meh, I consider the collapse of the USSR the very end. 1989 was just the end of the Warsaw pact, practically

    • @robertortiz-wilson1588
      @robertortiz-wilson1588 Год назад

      1988, 1989, and 1991 are all contenders for the end of The Cold War in my view. With each came greater US victory!

    • @Ved000000
      @Ved000000 Год назад +13

      @@iiberlin Gorbachev had already abdicated any pretensions at wanting to keep the USSR as an actual superpower or meaningfully opposing US actions. They didn't exercise their veto on the Gulf War resolution, that was the real end.

  • @hans_8048
    @hans_8048 Год назад +1180

    imagine how different hisotry could have played out if russia stil had alaska

    • @hitherehowareyou5934
      @hitherehowareyou5934 Год назад

      i bet it would have become the last bastion of the white russians much like how japan housed a bunch of the whites

    • @yellowyacket4886
      @yellowyacket4886 Год назад +179

      We’d probably all be dead or Alaska would be like Taiwan

    • @hans_8048
      @hans_8048 Год назад +101

      @@yellowyacket4886 you* i am european so i get the holy imortality package

    • @sorenzo5159
      @sorenzo5159 Год назад

      @@hans_8048Russia plans to invade Europe but 👍

    • @Antonio.Cordeiro.
      @Antonio.Cordeiro. Год назад +42


  • @Dornana
    @Dornana Год назад +922

    Dont play fool, AMERICA! Love the song. Cheers from Brazil.

    • @Electra-AI1605
      @Electra-AI1605 Год назад

      Stop making disgusting Pizzas

    • @xxxyyy5072
      @xxxyyy5072 Год назад

      Дружище мы вместе против чёртовых америкосов сша. Люблю Бразилию ❤

    • @williscri
      @williscri Год назад +8

      We..bought it, though..why gives something we spent money on? (100M in modern day currency)
      Also, they sold it to us.

    • @usuari6981
      @usuari6981 Год назад +1

      Jello i am Brazilian

    • @alekseysoroka6308
      @alekseysoroka6308 Год назад +5

      ​@@williscrihi) I’m from Russia, sometimes, of course, many people have the mood to return Alaska, but of course it’s not clear how to do it, but they are not that great, they may have ridiculed it in the song, but yes, many want it back)

  • @bread_enjoyer141
    @bread_enjoyer141 Год назад +221

    This sounds like the classic cold war American songs combined with Russian quality. Beautiful!

    • @D_jungleskog
      @D_jungleskog 11 месяцев назад +1


    • @bread6811
      @bread6811 9 месяцев назад +3


    • @bread_enjoyer141
      @bread_enjoyer141 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @adityapf9753
      @adityapf9753 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@bread6811 bread

    • @Кукусель
      @Кукусель Месяц назад

      Майн готт, это песня выпущена после холодной войны

  • @randomyankee8923
    @randomyankee8923 Год назад +56

    Hello to everyone and especially Russians from the US
    Great song btw

  • @titanicandthomasfan0559
    @titanicandthomasfan0559 Год назад +2020

    Song was made in 1992 and was a satirical song making fun of Soviet Anti-American propaganda

  • @PHZanoni
    @PHZanoni Год назад +73

    I really like the style of this video, it's truly a glimpse from so many identical country folk music video....

    • @canaldoironpirate7845
      @canaldoironpirate7845 Год назад

      Enquanto isso to minerando o fundo dos comentários e te acho kk

    • @SoyCepebeXd
      @SoyCepebeXd 7 месяцев назад

      X2 ​@@canaldoironpirate7845

  • @Удалиленно
    @Удалиленно Год назад +186

    То самое чувство, когда песня русская а комментарии иностранные......

  • @ProstoLeonidMartynov
    @ProstoLeonidMartynov Год назад +157

    Probably it would be better to translate "Запотевший пузырь" not as a "steamy bubbles", but as a "steamy bottle", since in russian it is actually means a glass of a strong alcohol, usually vodka.

  • @MinkJu
    @MinkJu Год назад +660

    I'm confused, I've seen some people call this song legit propaganda, and others call it satire. Is it a genuine song about Russian irredentism, or is just being fun? Either way I love it

    • @eyraaaaaa
      @eyraaaaaa  Год назад +417

      i reckon its somewhere inbetween, both a song of russian revanchism and satire. the band, lyube, has been vocal about their support of russia in the invasion of ukraine, so theres definitely a nationalistic sentiment from them

    • @cytoplasmred_4886
      @cytoplasmred_4886 Год назад

      The band that made the song, Lubeh, is pro-Russian government, so most likely it's propaganda

    • @tavish4699
      @tavish4699 Год назад +50

      @@eyraaaaaa every rumor hasd a little truth in them

    • @alfiz9943
      @alfiz9943 Год назад +18

      одно другому не мешает

    • @ГригорийПерфильев
      @ГригорийПерфильев Год назад +124

      ​@@eyraaaaaaLyube was actually one of my favourite Russian bands. Till this single moment, when I found out their leader supports Russian invasion of 2022. It was quite a shock for me, although it's not very surprising because this bands is supposed to represent patriotism and Russian force. Also, the leader of the band is a member of the party which is now ruling in Russia, actually eliminating every opposition and not allowing anyone to criticize their policy. This changed my attitude to this group in the bad way. But, to be honest, most songs of this group are real masterpieces, and they have Russian "folk" atmosphere, because of this I can't completely stop respecting Lyube.

  • @aregularperson7573
    @aregularperson7573 Год назад +22

    As an American I like this song because because it slaps

  • @exospaceman8209
    @exospaceman8209 Год назад +154

    I'm an American but this song is just so Catchy and Awesome!

    • @Walentime99
      @Walentime99 6 месяцев назад +8

      Don't worry, it's just a joke song about America.Greetings from Russia

  • @norikofu509
    @norikofu509 11 месяцев назад +56

    Meanwhile in the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin rn:

  • @xxmodzhaxsxx7910
    @xxmodzhaxsxx7910 Год назад +53

    When I played this I had it on loop and I didn't even realize until later

  • @matthewclaridge8063
    @matthewclaridge8063 Год назад +20

    Unfortunately most of the people who think Alaska should not have been sold only have this opinion because they have been taught propoganda instead of history.
    The truth is that when Alaska was sold. Russia was facing a geo-political challenge (primarily)
    in the form of the Crimean war.
    As the Crimean war progressed, Russia’s weakness in the Far East became painfully apparent and the presence of
    the British in North America loomed as an increasingly serious threat to Russian held territory.
    The reality of the situation was,
    Any proceeds Russia was making from Alaska (manly in the from of the fur business)
    no longer justified the cost and difficulty of defending it.
    This combined with the fact that Russia was having enough trouble defending just the
    Kamchatka peninsula. Made Russia's sale of Alaska the correct decision, both economically and militarily.

    • @TheRealHanz168
      @TheRealHanz168 11 месяцев назад

      It's either power separation or just sell it to the us, but Ussr sell it anyways

    • @Oswaldo_Joe02
      @Oswaldo_Joe02 11 месяцев назад +4

      Lmao imagine if Liechtenstein bought Alaska.

    • @zloycommentator83
      @zloycommentator83 Месяц назад

      ​@@Oswaldo_Joe02the good ending

  • @realspeed1944
    @realspeed1944 11 месяцев назад +72

    Respect From Serbia

    • @Galaxy-tm5ev
      @Galaxy-tm5ev 11 месяцев назад +2


    • @AmericanRedGuard
      @AmericanRedGuard 11 месяцев назад +11

      I respect my Serbian and Russian brothers and sisters as an American, ✊

    • @realspeed1944
      @realspeed1944 10 месяцев назад +4

      Respect to you!@@AmericanRedGuard

    • @AmericanRedGuard
      @AmericanRedGuard 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@realspeed1944 thank you!

    • @loken.
      @loken. 10 месяцев назад +8

      Kosovo is serbia!

  • @Cocoabean767
    @Cocoabean767 10 месяцев назад +84

    The fact 99% of us are Americans watching this lol

  • @agniteyt
    @agniteyt Год назад +132

    I come to this song every time something stupid and dumb happens in America

    • @jolt9484
      @jolt9484 Год назад +38

      So every single day??

    • @agniteyt
      @agniteyt Год назад +18

      @@jolt9484 Yeah... Pretty much

    • @glizzyglizzovich6309
      @glizzyglizzovich6309 Год назад +28

      @@agniteyt American here, just wanted to say not everyday but every hour or two

    • @williscri
      @williscri Год назад +3

      ​@@glizzyglizzovich6309American here..move to Connecticut, pretty chill here.

    • @mukundhashok8486
      @mukundhashok8486 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@agniteyt At least we got something to keep our minds away from the chaos that is America post covid, but let's hope we got hope for the future.

  • @laobailong8888
    @laobailong8888 Год назад +89

    This is a satirical (at the very least comical) song by the Russian group Lyube made in 1992 about Alaska, and a good one at that 🔥

    • @stahlhelmturtle9822
      @stahlhelmturtle9822 Год назад +13

      ​@user-zt5lh5cv7qrussians who think they will get Alaska back are so cute 🥲

    • @DarkIsTheNight-046
      @DarkIsTheNight-046 Год назад +14

      @@stahlhelmturtle9822 people who waste their time arguing in comment sections are so cute 😘

    • @stahlhelmturtle9822
      @stahlhelmturtle9822 Год назад +6

      @@DarkIsTheNight-046 kinda weird for you to drop in and talk about yourself like that, but you do you 😘

    • @DarkIsTheNight-046
      @DarkIsTheNight-046 Год назад

      @@stahlhelmturtle9822 Nothing is weirder and cuter than your comments stahlhelmturtle9822 (no homo ofc) 😘

    • @Gaizaz
      @Gaizaz Год назад

      Russia sold Alyaska to America, fair and square. I dont know why Russians act like it was stolen. Makes no sense to me.

  • @Rainnyash
    @Rainnyash 9 месяцев назад +54

    Единственная ремарка: Аляску продала не Екатерина, а Александр II. Более того, существует версия, что Аляску не продавали, а выдали в аренду на один век, однако документ, подтверждающий это, был навсегда утерян.

    • @МихаилПрохоров-д2ы
      @МихаилПрохоров-д2ы 9 месяцев назад +13

      Екатерина поддержала американцев, о чем и шутиться.
      Она самая первая применила вооруженный нейтралитет в МИРЕ!!

    • @OptimisticLock
      @OptimisticLock 9 месяцев назад +3

      На век или навек?

    • @Rainnyash
      @Rainnyash 9 месяцев назад +4

      @@OptimisticLock На век, то есть на 100 лет

    • @Novorossiya625
      @Novorossiya625 8 месяцев назад +2

      Интересный факт: Аляска стала штатом США только 3 января 1959 года. Что это значит? Это значит, что Аляска была сдана в аренду, но никак не была продана.

    • @starman2870
      @starman2870 8 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@Novorossiya625 это значит то что конгресс слишком долго ебался со своими проблемами, что бы давать статус штата Аляска и Гавайи. Новые территории сразу статус штатов не получали, если смотреть на историю

  • @Titanus_Tiamat2
    @Titanus_Tiamat2 Год назад +19

    Best Music to listen to at Christmas
    and Merry Christmas to Everyone 🎄🎅

  • @Portuguese-gigachad
    @Portuguese-gigachad Год назад +62

    Dont play the fool, AMERICA! this is actually so good

    • @glorihol6803
      @glorihol6803 Год назад +8

      yup, America will soon learn

    • @sleeperboi8701
      @sleeperboi8701 Год назад +5

      ​@@glorihol6803 We're not the only ones with problems man

    • @glorihol6803
      @glorihol6803 Год назад +2

      @@sleeperboi8701 But we are the ones with the most and worse problems

    • @ajaturoalba6898
      @ajaturoalba6898 Год назад

      but you just hate the government right not the people@@glorihol6803

    • @williscri
      @williscri Год назад +3

      ​@@glorihol6803No, not at all. We are #1 Economical and Militarial power. Most problems you see don't happen as often as it's talked about.

  • @Gold_Not_God
    @Gold_Not_God Год назад +6

    At 1:26, "steamy bubble" is slang for a bottle of alcohol, usually hard alcohol, usually moonshine.

  • @Greyhuskey1940
    @Greyhuskey1940 Год назад +206

    honestly one of my favorite songs...wonder what they meant by "Catherine you were wrong" what did Catherine the great do wrong in the context of this song?

    • @eyraaaaaa
      @eyraaaaaa  Год назад +194

      its supposed to be saying that she was wrong for selling alaska, even though it was actually alexander II who did that

    • @eyraaaaaa
      @eyraaaaaa  Год назад +71

      @@nixeistee oh damn youre right, i really thought it was referring to catherine the great

    • @aleksejkrszestowski6161
      @aleksejkrszestowski6161 Год назад +12

      ​@@eyraaaaaa Nah, lad, her name was Maximiliana Maria.

    • @eyraaaaaa
      @eyraaaaaa  Год назад +28

      @@aleksejkrszestowski6161 he had two wives during his life, one was called maria and the other called catherine

    • @evangelionfan2A
      @evangelionfan2A Год назад +63

      From the Original music vid by the creator translated: There is an opinion that the song contains a false attribution to Catherine II of the sale of Alaska (Alaska was sold in 1867, when Alexander II was emperor), but in fact, Catherine II is mentioned in the song not because she allegedly sold Alaska, but because, that she supported US independence from England

  • @RdFg-b3n
    @RdFg-b3n 2 месяца назад +2

    Хорошая песня Коляна,как обычно,Лучшая!Да здравствует Россия Матушка Наша!Победа за Матушкой!Низкий поклон Воинству Нашему!Русская Душенька радуется!

  • @cisco8257
    @cisco8257 11 месяцев назад +59

    Who’s here after Putin declared the sale of Alaska illegal?

    • @dudasuda
      @dudasuda 10 месяцев назад +2

      So before that, America was like that?

    • @ЕжанТычоблин
      @ЕжанТычоблин 8 месяцев назад +2

      Not after, but before. Zhirinovsky.

  • @Duo_00.52
    @Duo_00.52 8 месяцев назад +3

    Отличная песня! Спасибо автор! Из России😊

  • @GenadijusZiaurusis
    @GenadijusZiaurusis 3 месяца назад +6

    3:01 is this JSchlatt?

  • @YugoslavForever
    @YugoslavForever Год назад +7

    like Yankee Doodle and the FDJ song before it, this song of mocking has backfired, and sounds epic

  • @readisgooddewaterkant7890
    @readisgooddewaterkant7890 Год назад +77

    i looove this vibe

  • @gnome1488
    @gnome1488 Год назад +21

    Не валяй дурака, Америка.

  • @kit_catbar9763
    @kit_catbar9763 Год назад +6

    this song may not actually be from the cold war, but it’s too good to even care about that fact

  • @brose2323
    @brose2323 Год назад +50

    We have " keep your rifle by your side. "

    • @Kubaadamiec
      @Kubaadamiec Год назад +7

      Thats a song from far cry 5 💀💀yo asses are da peggies???

    • @luigimrlgaming9484
      @luigimrlgaming9484 Год назад +6

      @@KubaadamiecHe’s saying “Come and take it over my dead body”

    • @luigimrlgaming9484
      @luigimrlgaming9484 Год назад +5

      @@weetbix4497 Technically “Keep your rifle by your side” is satire but it’s an absolute banger and the message is good so we treat it as genuine.

    • @ImPedofinderGeneral
      @ImPedofinderGeneral Год назад +3

      @@luigimrlgaming9484 idk but “Come and take it over dead body” it what Russia did with its enemies whole their history

    • @luigimrlgaming9484
      @luigimrlgaming9484 Год назад +2

      @@ImPedofinderGeneral Yeah, that’s because they don’t have an ocean between everyone that means them harm.

  • @かまーん
    @かまーん Год назад +187

    ロシアの軍歌で一番好き。いつかロシアに行ってみたい、ロシア ウクライナ戦争がどんな形でも、早く終結してくれることを祈っています。

    • @trinhngocthuan4023
      @trinhngocthuan4023 Год назад +14


    • @LoneWolf-jv8pu
      @LoneWolf-jv8pu Год назад +15


    • @deitchj003
      @deitchj003 Год назад +25

      Спасибо, мой японский брат 🇷🇺🫶🏼🇯🇵

    • @manstermanman08
      @manstermanman08 Год назад +6

      ​@FABMODERFEROMONIXIОни воюют на территории Украины

    • @ordenmanvrn7685
      @ordenmanvrn7685 Год назад +12

      心配 ない、戦争は永遠ではありませんが、平和も永遠ではありません。

  • @canaldeyoutubebuenisimo
    @canaldeyoutubebuenisimo Год назад +9

    No, this isn't Propaganda, it was released in 1992, So no it wasn't a soviet song. This song is of course referincing the Sold of Alaska and how the Soviets and Russians want it back. This song is Anti-America. But it wasn't released like a Propaganda song, something like the modern day Russian songs do. Yes it might have been in produce when the USSR was around. But no it isn't a Propaganda song.

  • @user-bm9ln6wl8r
    @user-bm9ln6wl8r Год назад +6

    Some reason I feel like In cod Cold War this song would be playing when breaking in the KGB place.

  • @pablo.bonavena
    @pablo.bonavena Год назад +6

    Pravda High School:
    Don't play the fool, Saunders!

  • @Real-p3q
    @Real-p3q 11 месяцев назад +16

    Muito bom essa música 🐊🐊

  • @grassSherman
    @grassSherman Год назад +15

    bass is fire

  • @Historiarmada
    @Historiarmada Год назад +43

    amo esta cancion

  • @krystiankrystian9736
    @krystiankrystian9736 Год назад +4

    edit is amazing

  • @ingvarz7468
    @ingvarz7468 11 месяцев назад +4

    Just a small correction.. there were more of Russian American land not only alaska but also fort ross, St, petersburg in florida. And some other land i forgot which one.

  • @marolibez
    @marolibez 10 месяцев назад +8

    That song hits different after Putin's last decree HUAHUA

  • @Владимир-ю9ю8к
    @Владимир-ю9ю8к 4 месяца назад +1

    Спасибо Самойлову за его творчество))) Он гениален, это не оспоримо❤❤❤

  • @vyacheslavpham2004
    @vyacheslavpham2004 Год назад +18

    молодец песня!

  • @nadiaitin7403
    @nadiaitin7403 6 месяцев назад +1

    Growing up in a Russian household will leave you with songs like these ingrained in your mind 😂

  • @bismarck9128
    @bismarck9128 Год назад +23

    I know the leaders of my country are fools, but I love the song " mutch Respect" and love for Russia, and "her people respect from a man in America 👍

  • @luigimrlgaming9484
    @luigimrlgaming9484 Год назад +29

    When they say say “Give us back our dear land” it sounds more like “GIVE US BACK OUR DAMN LAND!”

    • @1C3CR34M
      @1C3CR34M 2 месяца назад

      We bought it fair and square, not our fault your nation was so broke back then they had to sell their colony to us. Try and take it, too. Not only will you Ruskis encounter hundreds of thousands of armed Americans who have been dreaming of fighting a VDV paratrooper since they were children, but also the U.S. and Canadian militaries. Just face that yall will never be like Americans.

  • @n1kY1
    @n1kY1 Год назад +35

    Аляска моя

  • @Nooby3bb_1
    @Nooby3bb_1 Год назад +3

    i like the intro of the music

  • @Finnish_Hjm
    @Finnish_Hjm 5 месяцев назад +5

    Im Finnish but this hits hard

  • @ClassicalMusicMan
    @ClassicalMusicMan Год назад +38

    Can you do a TNO Russian Anthem Video for After Midnight Russian Warlords (Like you did for Regular Russia but After Midnight Warlords Flags and Leaders and Formables?)

    • @ClassicalMusicMan
      @ClassicalMusicMan Год назад +3

      It would be nice.

    • @eyraaaaaa
      @eyraaaaaa  Год назад +6

      ive been planning to make a video like that for a while, but never got around to making it. i’ll get to making it eventually

    • @ClassicalMusicMan
      @ClassicalMusicMan Год назад +1

      @@eyraaaaaa can you do that soon? Cus it would be neato.

    • @ClassicalMusicMan
      @ClassicalMusicMan Год назад +2

      @@eyraaaaaa Also I Know This is Not Related to After Midnight (But If Possible Could You 1. At the End Add the Dirlewanger Brigade/Orsk wirh the song Wir Sind des Geyers Schwarzer Haufen cus You Forgot it in your last Russian Warlord Video. And 2. Would it be Possible for You to Upload The Russian Warlord Video Again After the After Midnight Video but with the muted Songs not muted and post it on Bitchute?) Many Regards.

    • @uncubanodeporahi9514
      @uncubanodeporahi9514 Год назад +1


  • @anonim5052
    @anonim5052 3 месяца назад +2

    they did bad translation. Because bubble is a word for russian "Puzyr" that literally means bubble. But also we can say "Puzyr" about a bottle of vodka, or bottle of something(this bottle was in a sphere form, thats why we started to call it "Puzyr" but now many bottles we can call like "puzyr" even not round ones. But usually we do this about a bottle of alchohol. So consize answer wedding steamy bubbles should be translated as "Wedding bottles of vodka(or alchocol)" And steamy here is also bad translation, as when we say steam here we mean actually vapor inside the bottle of vodka(but this is different topic). Hope that helps!

  • @randomnameseventythree2255
    @randomnameseventythree2255 Год назад +12

    I dont speak russian but it slaps

    • @иванплечков-ф1ь
      @иванплечков-ф1ь Месяц назад

      если ты из Западе, ты не знаешь ничего, это правда.... УЧИ ЯЗЫКУ БОГА !

  • @Sunrisoff
    @Sunrisoff 6 месяцев назад +41

    Я не сторонник советского союза, но военные песни СССР(независимо от периода) добавляют патриотизма.

    • @Anvar-le8gd
      @Anvar-le8gd 5 месяцев назад +5

      Песня было сделана после развала

    • @Артем-ь9м3б
      @Артем-ь9м3б 5 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@Anvar-le8gd но в Советском стиле

    • @MoldovaUnited
      @MoldovaUnited 4 месяца назад +1

      Нет, только позора

    • @Hansalicious
      @Hansalicious 4 месяца назад

      Значит ты коммунист.

    • @brawl-bros6037
      @brawl-bros6037 4 месяца назад +1

      И пусть будет коммунистом вас это волновать не должно ​@@Hansalicious

  • @rikardas.
    @rikardas. Год назад +11

    2:12 с какого фильма это? Или просто откуда тот снимок?

    • @eyraaaaaa
      @eyraaaaaa  Год назад +6

      ruclips.net/video/4VNuyTlc64Q/видео.html 1:27

  • @pcsistems9031
    @pcsistems9031 Год назад +31

    0:32 начало слов)

  • @fleshtearer4399
    @fleshtearer4399 Год назад +37

    The hell...this is NOT Cold War song. Its russian 90-s song, performed by Lyube group in 1992.

    • @bakazan4497
      @bakazan4497 Год назад

      As i thought. I knew i heard these voices somewhere else

  • @tbm_de_Luxe
    @tbm_de_Luxe Год назад +9

    It isnt "cold war song"

  • @Andruha_Russia
    @Andruha_Russia Год назад +19

    Эта классная песня актуальная как никогда

    • @RDN_Stuart
      @RDN_Stuart 10 месяцев назад +1

      Актуальная, потому что "ну там типа Россия и Америка типа территории очень тонко я сигма сигма сигма"

  • @entertrashmans2519
    @entertrashmans2519 Год назад +3

    There must be 'steamy bottles', not 'bubbles'. :D ' Puzir' ' (bubble) in Russian it's also low-luanguage term for strong drinks bottle.
    And also it will be correct to replace 'crown' with 'queen'. It's about Catherine the Great, although in reality Alaska was sold roughly 70 years later after her death by Alexander II.
    Greetings from Russia. Don't play the fool, America! :D

  • @AReservoirDog
    @AReservoirDog Год назад +1

    Great Video

    @JOHN_STEVAN_THOMAS_ASHERR 2 месяца назад +3

    Me living in Alaska proud descendant of Russian comrade

  • @Review2022
    @Review2022 11 месяцев назад +2

    2:46 Best Part Of The Music

  • @rayleneshearer-i4m
    @rayleneshearer-i4m 8 месяцев назад +5

    This is better than morden songs

  • @revolutionandworld
    @revolutionandworld 7 месяцев назад +1

    что шрифт, который используется как субтитры?

  • @AlaskaRailroadGuy
    @AlaskaRailroadGuy 7 месяцев назад +5

    as a Alaskan this is a good soviet song

  • @MoscowMapping
    @MoscowMapping Год назад +3

    Its pretty cool

  • @theostalgist
    @theostalgist Год назад +8

    This feels like soviet turbofolk i love it 😭👍

  • @play-df1xf
    @play-df1xf 7 месяцев назад +19

    Мне очень нравится читать коментрии либерах которых очень уж ущемляет иекущая ситуация😂😂😂😂

    • @Hansalicious
      @Hansalicious 4 месяца назад

      Я либерал. Что с этим поделаешь, импералист?

  • @potatomahonman5008
    @potatomahonman5008 Год назад +243

    Ukraine joins NATO but Russia gets Alaska. Seems like a fair trade.

    • @Ghfvhvfg
      @Ghfvhvfg Год назад

      Yes let’s do it Canada is turning into a puppet anyway….

    • @kevinvargaslujan1266
      @kevinvargaslujan1266 Год назад +47

      the man who saved the world

    • @Terence.McKenna
      @Terence.McKenna Год назад +23

      Alaska is rightfully Canadian

    • @Antonio.Cordeiro.
      @Antonio.Cordeiro. Год назад +80

      @@ntf5211 northern america is rightfully mine

    • @gwyn_ch
      @gwyn_ch Год назад +7

      russia gets right to exist lmao

  • @baklazhan228
    @baklazhan228 22 дня назад +3

    Вот представьте союз России и Сша, либо же вступление России в НАТО. Две великие державы могли бы налаживать мир во всем мире, но каждая великая держава хочет быть единственной великой державой, к сожалению.

  • @juliusceaser7242
    @juliusceaser7242 Год назад +21

    Whilst I like NATO and America, this song is banger!

  • @Lemon-mx2ie
    @Lemon-mx2ie Год назад +15

    1:23 spongebob yakuza

    • @eyraaaaaa
      @eyraaaaaa  Год назад +5

      never unhearing this now lmao

  • @tankista25
    @tankista25 Год назад +4

    ein eingängiges Lied

  • @user-bm9ln6wl8r
    @user-bm9ln6wl8r Год назад +4

    I’m still wondering during the Cold War how nothing happened in Siberia and Alaska unlike how in Europe.

  • @jeffersondavis2200
    @jeffersondavis2200 Год назад +14

    Пузырь переведен не правильно, не "Bubbles", а сленговое название алкашки

    • @eyraaaaaa
      @eyraaaaaa  Год назад +3

      спасибо, исправил в описании

  • @Linerd-sf9nd
    @Linerd-sf9nd 5 месяцев назад +1

    There was a scene from Red Dawn in there

  • @Kotyarov
    @Kotyarov Год назад +11

    Это песня так актуално как не как 🇷🇺💪

    • @demianperez1182
      @demianperez1182 Год назад +7

      You ain't getting Alaska tho

    • @artyguthbeorn
      @artyguthbeorn Год назад

      @@demianperez1182 Alaska will be British

    • @USAshouldbetrayNATO
      @USAshouldbetrayNATO Год назад

      ​@@artyguthbeornna Tuvalu

    • @Kotyarov
      @Kotyarov 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@demianperez1182 да 😂😂😂 как Техас😂😂

    • @ponopop
      @ponopop 8 месяцев назад +2

      Ага, очень актуальна. Русские солдаты умирают за сёла в Донецкой Области, а мечтают об Аляске

  • @__taka__8200
    @__taka__8200 24 дня назад +2

    When you play the Soviet Path in Kaiserreich (but its 1980)

  • @FireGames18
    @FireGames18 10 месяцев назад +4


  • @Dope_Francis
    @Dope_Francis 10 месяцев назад +1

    I was blowing leaves and the dog barking sound caught me so off guard 😭

    @RK_BDR_TIMP Год назад +7

    Любэ вошло в чат...

  • @Matt_Avgeek
    @Matt_Avgeek 4 месяца назад +1

    this song feels like 5 generations of my ancestry guiding me to restore my nation to it's former glory
    (I'm not even Russian)

  • @ichicha2663
    @ichicha2663 Год назад +11

    Как бы я не любил ри но это видео вызывает гордость и сам ссср люблю их обоих

  • @OGmf123
    @OGmf123 10 месяцев назад +1

    That opening garmoška tho 💓💗💖

  • @Nuhuh759
    @Nuhuh759 Год назад +11

    2:48 that communist dude looks more aryan than the most actual "aryans" 💀

    • @eyraaaaaa
      @eyraaaaaa  Год назад +11

      i mean youre right but idk how you watch this video and immediately think about nazi pseudo science

    • @Nuhuh759
      @Nuhuh759 Год назад +1

      @@eyraaaaaa I don’t know either, that thought just came across my mind lol

    • @Архив19
      @Архив19 Год назад +1

      Because the Aryans are nonsense, Hitler called the Japanese Aryans, although they were Asians, and about the Russians, he changed his mind three times during his reign like a pendulum. Complete nonsense.

    • @TheUSgoverment
      @TheUSgoverment Год назад +2

      I mean you aren't wrong but I'm pretty sure that's a shot from red dawn so idk if he's actually slav

    • @luigimrlgaming9484
      @luigimrlgaming9484 Год назад +1

      It looks like this is in the U.S or some movie scene.

  • @Login_1
    @Login_1 11 месяцев назад +1


  • @misheljane972
    @misheljane972 11 месяцев назад +4

    The reason why English speakers (and others) don't understand that this song is a satire is because of its translation. And to be precise, the translation does not reflect how vulgar the lyrics of this song are written (and some puns were also lost in the translation). And it’s strange to me why none of the Russian speakers noted this in the comments
    (Although some Russian speakers here seem to be both blind and deaf, and are trying to seriously discuss whether Russia will return Alaska💀 This song is not even about Alaska, lol)

    • @KashcheyV
      @KashcheyV 11 месяцев назад +5

      Нет , просто мы не обращаем на это внимания на перевод, мы вспоминаем прошлое своей страны хорошие стороны и плохие . За Аляску это шутка или может нет , ахаха.

  • @Pompolum
    @Pompolum Месяц назад +1

    Lyrics sound polite, its only the accent that makes it intimidating. 😆

  • @arfi19x
    @arfi19x 5 месяцев назад +4

    есть,в договоре почитай.Кстати ещё мы королеве Англии корону нашу отправляли посмотреть в 1793,а они нам её так и не вернули.Оно стоит как если каждому гражданину 200тыс. дать

    • @WorldAbyz29
      @WorldAbyz29 11 дней назад

      Источник давай

  • @HoChiMeme
    @HoChiMeme Год назад +1

    Great editing mine as well be the official music video

  • @Argentum2024
    @Argentum2024 4 месяца назад +15

    Слава Советскому союзу!

    • @Hansalicious
      @Hansalicious 4 месяца назад +5


    • @lordebastion2347
      @lordebastion2347 4 месяца назад +2

      @@Hansalicious 1945

    • @artiarora2883
      @artiarora2883 3 месяца назад

      Can you please tell me what he means when saying "wedding hey steamy bubbles"

    • @anonim5052
      @anonim5052 3 месяца назад

      ​@@artiarora2883 they did bad translations. Because bubble is a word for russian "Puzyr" that literally means bubble. But also we can say "Puzyr" about a bottle of vodka, or bottle of something(this bottle was in a sphere form, thats why we started to call it "Puzyr" but now many bottles we can call like "puzyr" even not round ones. But usually we do this about a bottle of alchohol. So consize answer wedding steamy bubbles should be translated as "Wedding bottles of vodka(or alchocol)" And steamy here is also bad translation, as when we say steam here we mean actually vapor inside the bottle of vodka(but this is different topic). Hope that helps!

    • @hailbandera
      @hailbandera 3 месяца назад

      ​@@lordebastion2347 Можем павторить

  • @kimsahoegwabudo
    @kimsahoegwabudo Год назад +2

    Can I add Korean subtitles to the video?

  • @a3_tv335
    @a3_tv335 Год назад +4

    Cheers from venezuela

  • @paradox880
    @paradox880 9 месяцев назад +2

    Я люблю эту песню.

  • @Dannyboi-re7vb
    @Dannyboi-re7vb Год назад +35

    Lost a Cold War did we?