感謝你的提問: 粗鹽的顆粒較大,其表面接觸食物的面積相對較小,因此它吸收水分的速度較慢。 這種特性使得粗鹽在醃制過程中可以更長時間地保持乾燥狀態,有助於防止蘿蔔乾過快變軟或產生過多的液體。粗鹽更純淨、通常含有較少的抗結塊劑。 Coarse salt has larger granules, which means the surface area in contact with food is relatively smaller. Therefore, it absorbs moisture at a slower rate. This characteristic allows coarse salt to remain in a drier state for a longer period during the pickling process, helping to prevent dried radish from becoming too soft too quickly or producing excess liquid. Coarse salt is also purer and typically contains fewer anti-caking agents.
Thanks for sharing
整個過程非常乾淨簡潔 不哆嗦又能講清楚,令人舒服所以點贊👍
Thank you friend, thank you for your likes!
May you have a joyful Winter Solstice
Thank you blogger for such a good old traditional natural formula
Thanks for sharing healthy recipes
Thanks for the detailed tutorial
外面賣的都參入假糖 吃了不舒服 這樣可以買蘿蔔自己做了 請教一下 是什麼原因用粗鹽醃制比細鹽好 我一直搞不懂原因 我以為細的會滲透力更快些 謝謝分享
Coarse salt has larger granules, which means the surface area in contact with food is relatively smaller. Therefore, it absorbs moisture at a slower rate. This characteristic allows coarse salt to remain in a drier state for a longer period during the pickling process, helping to prevent dried radish from becoming too soft too quickly or producing excess liquid. Coarse salt is also purer and typically contains fewer anti-caking agents.
Easy and Natural Radish Chinese Recipe
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