@@user-fw5fd3pq6m to be stucked in mutazili aqidah issues for example where in our day and age we barely find one, or debate in old khilafi issues... we found many of that in some countries, they make islam as a secular non related to reality relegion
Would really like more videos if you are able to make them. Maybe some of early tafsirs and some polemics regarding aqeedah. It is rare to see a deep dive like this. May Allah reward you.
I agree! I would be interested in an examination of tafsir the verse “أأمنتم من في السماء “ From Ibn Abbas to present and how it’s been implicated in aqeedah polemics. Barakallah feekum, I look forward to more content inshallah!
I must say, as a layman, this video led me to be thoroughly confused and deflated, kind of all over the place, so many tangents, disjointed and frustrating to listen to. I am sorry, just feel like it was very disorganized, and i am more perturbed going out of this then coming into. So it seems like this ayah is meaning that these 2 corruptions have already occurred, and has nothing to do with the current situation. Allahu alam. If so, regardless, we Muslims will continue to struggle and fight the zionist oppression no matter what, in sha Allah. Allah musta’an. May Allah reward you all though, this is very complex work and so many different interpretations and to cohesively come to some kind of main and unified understanding of these understanding is a monumental task. Barak Allahu feek
A really interesting and informative discussion, jakallah khair. Just one request for next time inshallah - please try to remember to translate the Arabic terms you use in your discussions or add as captions/show notes afterwards. [And Sh. Nasir needs a better quality mic...]
There is a Palestinian Sheikh living in Lebanon named Bassam Jarrar, who analyzed the passages and compared it to a story from an old jewish lady, and with calculations he arrived at the conclusion that Israel would end at 2022. His prediction was from more than 20 years ago I think. Maybe he miscalculated with only a few years? I have seen many mathematical miracles relating to future from the Qur'an, so it's a possibility.
This was awesome, love seeing both of you doing work together. Allah bless you both and keep em coming iA! I had a question about word choice when it comes to translations. Yall both talked alot about the particularities of a translator picking one word over another. Could yall make a video explaining that in more detail? What constitutes the appropriate translation? How subjective is the process? Is it simply a matter of picking what is the most commonly used meaning of the word or can one use less common meanings that better fit the context or essence of the verses?
Mashallah. This discussion is beautiful. I have a humble request to you brothers who in turn can inform the relevant organizations or publications to come up with an online repository for the tafsir sources. Christians have made Bible gateway or other websites where they have thoroughly cross referenced the exegesis of the Bible by different scholars. I wish to see such a reference inshallah 🙏
Thank you for the suggestion. We are cooperating with Quran.com to expand their tafsir offerings, and it would be helpful to take note of best practices in Bible study etc.
@ mins 11.17 good discussion re value and limitations of translations. Good to know translators inbuilt preferences seep through...to limit or take off tangent what is intended
Also, 2:06:07, correct me if I'm wrong, please, but isn't 'idha' an adverb for an event in the past? I was taught that in the future or present, 'idh' is used. My apologies as I am not a scholar, just a student absorbing the teachings of Ustadhs.
It would nice if you could cover Surat Anbiya, 25-26. There is a contemporary interpretation which suggests that it proves that yajooj majooj have already broken through because the Jews have returned to the “qariya”.
Just to clarify, the Josephus reference in Antiquities, while it does mention a punishment for the execution of Yahya alaihis-Salaam, does not connect it to the War with the Romans that started in 66CE nor to the destruction of the Temple at the end of the war in 70CE. The punishment mentioned in Josephus' Antiquities is specific to the Jewish Ruler of Galilee and Peraea Herod Antipas (who had ordered the execution of Yahya alaihis-Salaam) and his army when they suffered defeat in a battle against the army of a local Nabataean Arab king named Aretas (Arabic: al-Harith) due to Antipas' mistreatment of Aretas' daughter, whom Antipas had married.
@@IbnAshur Sunan Ibn Majah 4075 Read the whole thing. He reveals to Isa Ibn Maryam “O 'Isa, I have brought forth some of My slaves whom no one will be able to kill, so take My slaves to Tur in safety.”
@@IbnAshur Not just that. Nabi SAW described Musa as black, which mean md his brother Haroon and his sister Maryam were black. Which means so we’re his mother and father (Haroon and Musa are both sons of Imran). You can therefore conclude that Israelites are black. Don’t hide this or negate this fact either. Proof is below in Hadith that are mutawatir. Sahih al-Bukhari 3438 Book 60, Hadith 109 And as for Musa he was Adam in complexion and and slim as of he was from the men of Zut.” صحيح البخاري ٣٤٣٨ وَأَمَّا مُوسَى فَآدَمُ جَسِيمٌ سَبْطٌ كَأَنَّهُ مِنْ رِجَالِ الزُّطِّ ” Ibn Taymiyyah makes mention of an authentic narration that mentions people of Zut being jet black in colour Jamea Al Masaail chapter 5 page 78 “…jet black skinned men as if they were from the men of Al Zut“ قال ابن تيمية في كتابه جامع المسائل الحديثية - بدء الخلق والملائكة والجن والأنبياء ج ٥ ص ٧٨ أخرج ابن مردويه وأبو نعيم في الدلائل عن ابن مسعود قال : خرج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قبل الهجرة إلى نواحي مكة فخط لي خطا وقال : لا تحدثن شيئا حتى آتيك، ثم قال : لا يهولنك شيء تراه، فتقدم شيئا ثم جلس فإذا رجال سود كأنهم رجال الزط وكانوا كما قال الله تعالى : كادوا يكونون عليه لبدا . l Sahih al-Bukhari 3395, 3396 Book 60, Hadith 69 The Prophet may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him mentioned the night of his Ascension and said, “The prophet Moses was Adam ( dark brown to jet black ) , a tall as if he was from the men of the tribe of Shanu’a. وَذَكَرَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم لَيْلَةَ أُسْرِيَ بِهِ فَقَالَ ” مُوسَى آدَمُ طُوَالٌ كَأَنَّهُ مِنْ رِجَالِ شَنُوءَةَ ” l Sahih Muslim 165 Book 1, Hadith 326 ”On my night journey I passed by Musa Ibn Imraan may peace be upon him was an Adam (dark brown to jet black skinned) man, tall, kinky/woolly haired as if he was a man from Shanua tribe” مررت ليلة أسري بي على موسى بن عمران عليه السلام . رجل آدم طوال جعد . كأنه من رجال شنوءة In Al Masdar by Al Bayhaqi , Chapter 2 Page 390 .. Musa Ibn Imraan - Aadam coloured man ( dark brown to jet black) , very hairy …. الراوي: أبو سعيد الخدري المحدث: البيهقي - المصدر: دلائل النبوة ج ٢ ص ٣٩٠ فإذا أنا بموسى بن عمران -رجل آدم كثير الشعر لو كان عليه قميصان لنفد شعره دون القميص خلاصة الدرجة: أمثل إسنادا In Musnad Ahmed Ibn Hanbal , Chapter 50 page 488 Authenticated by Sheikh Arnoot The Messenger of Allah may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him said, And the description of Moses may peace be upon him : ” And I saw Moses intensely black skinned” The words used here are Asham Adam which in another example which shows us how Adam and intense blackness are related. ن مسند أحمد بن حنبل ج 50 ص 488 قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم في وصفه لموسى عليه السلام: “و رأيت موسى أسحم آدم”. رواه أحمد وغيره وصححه الأرناؤوط Ibn Mandhor narrates in Lisaan Al Arab AsSahm wal Suhaam wal Sahmah is black and Al Layth said that As Sahmah is black like the blackness of the crow. لسان العرب السَّحَمُ والسُّحام والسُّحْمَةُ السواد وقال الليث السّحْمَةُ سواد كلون الغراب Tafseer Al Baydhaawy Chapter 3 page 29 Verily (Musa) alayhi Asalaam was Adaam shadeed Al Udmah jet black. تفسير البيضاوي ج 3 ص 27 روي: انه علي السلام كان ادم شديد الادمة
Have not seen the video yet, but have seen other videos who do make the argument that the said verses refer to the so called state of IS/rael. I don't believe that it does. The verses clearly say "Bani-Israel" and not Yahud. The people occupying Pale/stine are NOT Bani-Isael. They are mostly European converts to the religion of Yahud. I hope this video does not make the same mistake as does Yasir Qadhi and Imran Hussien.
Yes these men don’t understand that they give credibility to their claim of Palestine when the call them “Bani Israel”. I haven’t watched the full video I hope they don’t make this mistake
what's shocking is that Imran Hussien explicitly says "Allah gave the Holy land to the J/ews." Are you kidding me? How can men who have read a thousand books on the topic not understand the difference between Bani-Israel and Yahud? These people are telling a lie against the Quran and need to stop.@@Nobody-q2j
Do we know who are all the descendants of Bani-Israel though? Aren't the tribes missing? I mean if you take the leaders of zionism into account and the occults they are a part of, they are not Yahud either, but maybe we can say they use Children of Israel and Jews among them for their evil cause...
@@oktayakbas4904 Yahood are a tribe of bani Israel called ‘Judah’. The reason between the distinction between ‘Bani Israel’ and ‘Yahood’ is that the northern ten tribes were already dispersed hundreds of years before the time of Isa Ibn Maryam. Only Benjamin, Judah, and a few Levites were left. Isa was a Levite and so was Maryam (if you want proof from the Quran and Hadith let me know). The Yahood denied Isa and they went into exile too for their denial and the only hope left for them was Muhummad saw. They denied him too. Many other tribes across the world accepted Islam though. Whoever they are and wherever they are, they will never come back except as Muslims who submit.
Yahud is a generic term for "Jewish." The reason our scholars must differentiate between Bani Israel and "jews" is because anyone can convert to the religion, but they will never have any connection with Bani Israel. If China converts to the Yahud religion, by Imran Hussien and Yasir Qadhi's logic, they will have a claim to the Holy Land. It is more likely that the Palestinians are remnants of Bani Israel than the european converts who laughably make claims to semi'tism. @@Nobody-q2j
Israelis are now entering Al-Aqsa but I can't verify it other than a video I saw. They have entered before pretending to be muslims, so the people entering were asked the recite Fatiha in the recent years (correct me if I'm wrong). Also there are rumors that israeli extremists are engaged in rituals in tunnels under Al-Aqsa...
They plan to destroy Al-Aqsa and build a huge temple as the 3rd temple as you probably already know. They already prepared this, and gathered the animals for sacrifice also...
Wa alaykum assalam, there is an official site which is currently unavailable, but you can get the PDFs here: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Lsl0HunUtRzsPgkdNbJNNuYSSHirbE4S
I'm at the start of this video but, I have listened to Sheikh Dedew's interpretation before, his explanation about the servants was the same, meaning it can refer to other than muslims, and it referred to Romans in that part.
It would be nice to bring up Anbiyaa 95 onwards as that is actually a future description and Jerusalem is referred to as a qariya in the quran (as well is on Hebrew/Aramaic sources such as book of Ezra and other places). And it relates to a people returning to it after being prevented from returning. It definitely seems interesting to explore in our times and I am surprised modern mufasireen writing in 20th century didn't make a connection (as far as I am aware)...
this was already discussed in The Fall of Israel in 2022 AD a Prophecy or a Numerical Coincidence by Bassam Nihad Jarrar . This small pamphlet was written like 15 years ago.
It was already discussed in a lot of works we mentioned and others we didn’t mention - here we are assessing such modern claims, but not the specific predictions from Bassam Jarrar.
About the descendants, in Al-Isra' 17:3 O descendants of those We carried [in the ship] with Noah. Indeed, he was a grateful servant. It doesn't just say simply descendants of Noah because human need father and mother to have descendants. Noah is not another Adam. So that why additional "those We carried with". So when someone saying all others with Noah dies without any descendants, they missed out the mothers. Allah definitely doesn't forget. Just my understanding.
30.05 sifting deep through the scholars you pick up, that they did critique work, relooked at it. So we do have a tradition and allowances to not regard work of the pious predecessors as sacrosanct. We can relook at it Some info passed on, as is and sometimes it went through a roadblock and minutely examined. Ultimately can we not say it's by Allah's decision when dormant accepted facts get to be rehashed? By his drcree and wisdom. Sometime its OK to let opinions exist as facts?
@25.20 earliest mufassirs info based on speculation, in some cases, without it being a slur, just took some things as 'known'. Good discussion there Insight into what circulated in that era. (Sometimes hearsay is an indication of the mood of the age?) What's known = maroof?
If the Quran is a book of guidance for all, for all time, for all era, then a scholar living in two different times will perhaps be able to argue for their own times. Allah knows best.
40.45👍 different decrees 42.03 events to shock even the heathens (parallel for today?) There's a limit to what even heathens can overlook. what low level can humanity sink to. (far worse than animals?) Relevant comparison? Sins of today?
I was always aware of the differing interpretations of these verses but this is the first time I could know the details and the nuances. Even with all the evidences that Dr. Suhaib and Shaikh Salman brings, my heart wants to go with the latter day interpretation. Maybe because it gives me hope. But then I come across a fascinating interpretation by Shaykh Muhammad al-Hassan Walid al-Dido al-Shanqiti. He is in the second camp but his arguments are not some of the arguments that were covered in this discussion. I would love to seek attention of Dr. Suhaib and Shaykh Salman to this interpretation of Shaykh Muhammad al Dido. It's a small clip: ruclips.net/video/tW-ZhRJaC5s/видео.html
43.35 recently heard a theory that post holocaust jews became atheist coz of disappointment. How could God let this happen to us 44.15 bani israel were the Muslim ummah of the time. Our predecessors in faith, the abdullahs 46.00 interestingly Allah uses non muslims (as his abd) to teach us believers a lesson 🤔 Can we consider the support shown through demonstrations, throughout the western world as an example? 🤔
Salaam brothers, Two improvements: 1. Please don't drink tea when giving talks. Observe discipline and etiquette. Shaykh Salmaan Nasir has tea or coffee at 2:39. 2. Dr. Sohaib Saeed's introduction of the topic is 6:42 minute-long. That is way too long! Cheers, ab
I'm very happy that the True students of knowledge are intressted in Modern-age issues; I thank you for that !
whats a "non modern day" issue?
@@user-fw5fd3pq6m to be stucked in mutazili aqidah issues for example where in our day and age we barely find one, or debate in old khilafi issues... we found many of that in some countries, they make islam as a secular non related to reality relegion
Would really like more videos if you are able to make them. Maybe some of early tafsirs and some polemics regarding aqeedah. It is rare to see a deep dive like this. May Allah reward you.
I agree! I would be interested in an examination of tafsir the verse
“أأمنتم من في السماء “
From Ibn Abbas to present and how it’s been implicated in aqeedah polemics.
Barakallah feekum, I look forward to more content inshallah!
I must say, as a layman, this video led me to be thoroughly confused and deflated, kind of all over the place, so many tangents, disjointed and frustrating to listen to. I am sorry, just feel like it was very disorganized, and i am more perturbed going out of this then coming into. So it seems like this ayah is meaning that these 2 corruptions have already occurred, and has nothing to do with the current situation. Allahu alam. If so, regardless, we Muslims will continue to struggle and fight the zionist oppression no matter what, in sha Allah. Allah musta’an.
May Allah reward you all though, this is very complex work and so many different interpretations and to cohesively come to some kind of main and unified understanding of these understanding is a monumental task. Barak Allahu feek
A really interesting and informative discussion, jakallah khair. Just one request for next time inshallah - please try to remember to translate the Arabic terms you use in your discussions or add as captions/show notes afterwards. [And Sh. Nasir needs a better quality mic...]
Jazakallah ghairan for this one.
There is a Palestinian Sheikh living in Lebanon named Bassam Jarrar, who analyzed the passages and compared it to a story from an old jewish lady, and with calculations he arrived at the conclusion that Israel would end at 2022. His prediction was from more than 20 years ago I think. Maybe he miscalculated with only a few years? I have seen many mathematical miracles relating to future from the Qur'an, so it's a possibility.
* Noticed you refer to these kinds of theories later on in the video even though you don't dive into it much.
We may get into this properly another time.
My two favourite tafsir scholars!
Pls name the two scholars pls. I would like to read their Tafsirs.
@@bravelionheart6572He is referring to Shaykh Salman Nasir and Shaykh Sohaib Saeed (the two speakers in this video)
Jazakumullah khairul jaza'...
This was awesome, love seeing both of you doing work together. Allah bless you both and keep em coming iA! I had a question about word choice when it comes to translations. Yall both talked alot about the particularities of a translator picking one word over another. Could yall make a video explaining that in more detail? What constitutes the appropriate translation? How subjective is the process? Is it simply a matter of picking what is the most commonly used meaning of the word or can one use less common meanings that better fit the context or essence of the verses?
I like Sh Qaradawi's points. Subhanallah. Thank you for these discussions. Sheds light on the ongoing landscape.
Mashallah. This discussion is beautiful. I have a humble request to you brothers who in turn can inform the relevant organizations or publications to come up with an online repository for the tafsir sources. Christians have made Bible gateway or other websites where they have thoroughly cross referenced the exegesis of the Bible by different scholars. I wish to see such a reference inshallah 🙏
Thank you for the suggestion. We are cooperating with Quran.com to expand their tafsir offerings, and it would be helpful to take note of best practices in Bible study etc.
مَا شَاءَ اللّٰهُ interesting
MachaALLAH, good work
Many things got cleared...
@ mins 11.17 good discussion re value and limitations of translations. Good to know translators inbuilt preferences seep through...to limit or take off tangent what is intended
Also, 2:06:07, correct me if I'm wrong, please, but isn't 'idha' an adverb for an event in the past? I was taught that in the future or present, 'idh' is used. My apologies as I am not a scholar, just a student absorbing the teachings of Ustadhs.
It is generally the other way round, as "idha" is used for "when" something happens in the future, but also "when" it used to happen in the past.
It would nice if you could cover Surat Anbiya, 25-26. There is a contemporary interpretation which suggests that it proves that yajooj majooj have already broken through because the Jews have returned to the “qariya”.
Just to clarify, the Josephus reference in Antiquities, while it does mention a punishment for the execution of Yahya alaihis-Salaam, does not connect it to the War with the Romans that started in 66CE nor to the destruction of the Temple at the end of the war in 70CE. The punishment mentioned in Josephus' Antiquities is specific to the Jewish Ruler of Galilee and Peraea Herod Antipas (who had ordered the execution of Yahya alaihis-Salaam) and his army when they suffered defeat in a battle against the army of a local Nabataean Arab king named Aretas (Arabic: al-Harith) due to Antipas' mistreatment of Aretas' daughter, whom Antipas had married.
Thank you for this information!
Allah calls Yajuj and Majuj “servants of ours” in the Hadith referring to Isa taking the Muslims to mount Tur. Take all of this into consideration.
Could you please quote it in Arabic?
@@IbnAshur Sunan Ibn Majah 4075
Read the whole thing.
He reveals to Isa Ibn Maryam “O 'Isa, I have brought forth some of My slaves whom no one will be able to kill, so take My slaves to Tur in safety.”
Good catch
ثُمَّ يَأْتِي نَبِيُّ اللَّهِ عِيسَى قَوْمًا قَدْ عَصَمَهُمُ اللَّهُ فَيَمْسَحُ وُجُوهَهُمْ وَيُحَدِّثُهُمْ بِدَرَجَاتِهِمْ فِي الْجَنَّةِ فَبَيْنَمَا هُمْ كَذَلِكَ إِذْ أَوْحَى اللَّهُ إِلَيْهِ يَا عِيسَى إِنِّي قَدْ أَخْرَجْتُ عِبَادًا لِي لاَ يَدَانِ لأَحَدٍ بِقِتَالِهِمْ وَأَحْرِزْ عِبَادِي إِلَى الطُّورِ . وَيَبْعَثُ اللَّهُ يَأْجُوجَ وَمَأْجُوجَ وَهُمْ كَمَا قَالَ اللَّهُ مِنْ كُلِّ حَدَبٍ يَنْسِلُونَ
@@IbnAshur Not just that. Nabi SAW described Musa as black, which mean md his brother Haroon and his sister Maryam were black. Which means so we’re his mother and father (Haroon and Musa are both sons of Imran). You can therefore conclude that Israelites are black. Don’t hide this or negate this fact either. Proof is below in Hadith that are mutawatir.
Sahih al-Bukhari 3438 Book 60, Hadith 109
And as for Musa he was Adam in complexion and and slim as of he was from the men of Zut.”
صحيح البخاري ٣٤٣٨
وَأَمَّا مُوسَى فَآدَمُ جَسِيمٌ سَبْطٌ كَأَنَّهُ مِنْ رِجَالِ الزُّطِّ ”
Ibn Taymiyyah makes mention of an authentic narration that mentions people of Zut being jet black in colour
Jamea Al Masaail chapter 5 page 78
“…jet black skinned men as if they were from the men of Al Zut“
قال ابن تيمية في كتابه جامع المسائل الحديثية - بدء الخلق والملائكة والجن والأنبياء ج ٥ ص ٧٨
أخرج ابن مردويه وأبو نعيم في الدلائل عن ابن مسعود قال : خرج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قبل الهجرة إلى نواحي مكة فخط لي خطا وقال : لا تحدثن شيئا حتى آتيك، ثم قال : لا يهولنك شيء تراه، فتقدم شيئا ثم جلس فإذا رجال سود كأنهم رجال الزط وكانوا كما قال الله تعالى : كادوا يكونون عليه لبدا .
Sahih al-Bukhari 3395, 3396 Book 60, Hadith 69
The Prophet may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him mentioned the night of his Ascension and said, “The prophet Moses was Adam ( dark brown to jet black ) , a tall as if he was from the men of the tribe of Shanu’a.
وَذَكَرَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم لَيْلَةَ أُسْرِيَ بِهِ فَقَالَ ” مُوسَى آدَمُ طُوَالٌ كَأَنَّهُ مِنْ رِجَالِ شَنُوءَةَ ”
Sahih Muslim 165 Book 1, Hadith 326
”On my night journey I passed by Musa Ibn Imraan may peace be upon him was an Adam (dark brown to jet black skinned) man, tall, kinky/woolly haired as if he was a man from Shanua tribe”
مررت ليلة أسري بي على موسى بن عمران عليه السلام . رجل آدم طوال جعد . كأنه من رجال شنوءة
In Al Masdar by Al Bayhaqi , Chapter 2 Page 390
.. Musa Ibn Imraan - Aadam coloured man ( dark brown to jet black) , very hairy ….
الراوي: أبو سعيد الخدري المحدث: البيهقي - المصدر: دلائل النبوة ج ٢ ص ٣٩٠
فإذا أنا بموسى بن عمران -رجل آدم كثير الشعر لو كان عليه قميصان لنفد شعره دون القميص
خلاصة الدرجة: أمثل إسنادا
In Musnad Ahmed Ibn Hanbal , Chapter 50 page 488 Authenticated by Sheikh Arnoot
The Messenger of Allah may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him said, And the description of Moses may peace be upon him : ” And I saw Moses intensely black skinned”
The words used here are Asham Adam which in another example which shows us how Adam and intense blackness are related.
مسند أحمد بن حنبل ج 50 ص 488
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم في وصفه لموسى عليه السلام: “و رأيت موسى أسحم آدم”. رواه أحمد وغيره وصححه الأرناؤوط
Ibn Mandhor narrates in Lisaan Al Arab
AsSahm wal Suhaam wal Sahmah is black and Al Layth said that As Sahmah is black like the blackness of the crow.
لسان العرب
السَّحَمُ والسُّحام والسُّحْمَةُ السواد وقال الليث السّحْمَةُ سواد كلون الغراب
Tafseer Al Baydhaawy Chapter 3 page 29
Verily (Musa) alayhi Asalaam was Adaam shadeed Al Udmah jet black.
تفسير البيضاوي ج 3 ص 27
روي: انه علي السلام كان ادم شديد الادمة
Have not seen the video yet, but have seen other videos who do make the argument that the said verses refer to the so called state of IS/rael. I don't believe that it does. The verses clearly say "Bani-Israel" and not Yahud. The people occupying Pale/stine are NOT Bani-Isael. They are mostly European converts to the religion of Yahud. I hope this video does not make the same mistake as does Yasir Qadhi and Imran Hussien.
Yes these men don’t understand that they give credibility to their claim of Palestine when the call them “Bani Israel”. I haven’t watched the full video I hope they don’t make this mistake
what's shocking is that Imran Hussien explicitly says "Allah gave the Holy land to the J/ews." Are you kidding me? How can men who have read a thousand books on the topic not understand the difference between Bani-Israel and Yahud? These people are telling a lie against the Quran and need to stop.@@Nobody-q2j
Do we know who are all the descendants of Bani-Israel though? Aren't the tribes missing? I mean if you take the leaders of zionism into account and the occults they are a part of, they are not Yahud either, but maybe we can say they use Children of Israel and Jews among them for their evil cause...
@@oktayakbas4904 Yahood are a tribe of bani Israel called ‘Judah’. The reason between the distinction between ‘Bani Israel’ and ‘Yahood’ is that the northern ten tribes were already dispersed hundreds of years before the time of Isa Ibn Maryam. Only Benjamin, Judah, and a few Levites were left. Isa was a Levite and so was Maryam (if you want proof from the Quran and Hadith let me know). The Yahood denied Isa and they went into exile too for their denial and the only hope left for them was Muhummad saw. They denied him too. Many other tribes across the world accepted Islam though. Whoever they are and wherever they are, they will never come back except as Muslims who submit.
Yahud is a generic term for "Jewish." The reason our scholars must differentiate between Bani Israel and "jews" is because anyone can convert to the religion, but they will never have any connection with Bani Israel. If China converts to the Yahud religion, by Imran Hussien and Yasir Qadhi's logic, they will have a claim to the Holy Land. It is more likely that the Palestinians are remnants of Bani Israel than the european converts who laughably make claims to semi'tism. @@Nobody-q2j
The point about Noah a.s sons was pretty amazing.
Israelis are now entering Al-Aqsa but I can't verify it other than a video I saw. They have entered before pretending to be muslims, so the people entering were asked the recite Fatiha in the recent years (correct me if I'm wrong). Also there are rumors that israeli extremists are engaged in rituals in tunnels under Al-Aqsa...
They plan to destroy Al-Aqsa and build a huge temple as the 3rd temple as you probably already know. They already prepared this, and gathered the animals for sacrifice also...
Thank you. Can you provide links to the resources you mentioned?
If you mean the Elsharawy Reflections, you can find the PDFs here: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Lsl0HunUtRzsPgkdNbJNNuYSSHirbE4S
As-Salaamu Alaikum, where did you get Imam Sharawi's translation from?
Wa alaykum assalam, there is an official site which is currently unavailable, but you can get the PDFs here:
I'm at the start of this video but, I have listened to Sheikh Dedew's interpretation before, his explanation about the servants was the same, meaning it can refer to other than muslims, and it referred to Romans in that part.
Yes we could have brought up Sh. Dedew as well, he has a variation on this modern view.
It would be nice to bring up Anbiyaa 95 onwards as that is actually a future description and Jerusalem is referred to as a qariya in the quran (as well is on Hebrew/Aramaic sources such as book of Ezra and other places). And it relates to a people returning to it after being prevented from returning. It definitely seems interesting to explore in our times and I am surprised modern mufasireen writing in 20th century didn't make a connection (as far as I am aware)...
this was already discussed in The Fall of Israel in 2022 AD a Prophecy or a Numerical Coincidence by Bassam Nihad Jarrar . This small pamphlet was written like 15 years ago.
It was already discussed in a lot of works we mentioned and others we didn’t mention - here we are assessing such modern claims, but not the specific predictions from Bassam Jarrar.
This episode is fascinating. But presentation is little poor. @@IbnAshur
About the descendants, in Al-Isra' 17:3
O descendants of those We carried [in the ship] with Noah. Indeed, he was a grateful servant.
It doesn't just say simply descendants of Noah because human need father and mother to have descendants. Noah is not another Adam. So that why additional "those We carried with". So when someone saying all others with Noah dies without any descendants, they missed out the mothers. Allah definitely doesn't forget.
Just my understanding.
30.05 sifting deep through the scholars you pick up, that they did critique work, relooked at it. So we do have a tradition and allowances to not regard work of the pious predecessors as sacrosanct.
We can relook at it
Some info passed on, as is and sometimes it went through a roadblock and minutely examined.
Ultimately can we not say it's by Allah's decision when dormant accepted facts get to be rehashed? By his drcree and wisdom.
Sometime its OK to let opinions exist as facts?
31.35 agree 100% 👍syed qutb
Be warned against arrogance
Resources now include there's also chat gpt
@25.20 earliest mufassirs info based on speculation, in some cases, without it being a slur, just took some things as 'known'.
Good discussion there
Insight into what circulated in that era. (Sometimes hearsay is an indication of the mood of the age?) What's known = maroof?
If the Quran is a book of guidance for all, for all time, for all era, then a scholar living in two different times will perhaps be able to argue for their own times. Allah knows best.
40.45👍 different decrees
42.03 events to shock even the heathens (parallel for today?)
There's a limit to what even heathens can overlook. what low level can humanity sink to. (far worse than animals?)
Relevant comparison? Sins of today?
What do you guys think of marvelous Quran channel?
We are not fans.
I was always aware of the differing interpretations of these verses but this is the first time I could know the details and the nuances. Even with all the evidences that Dr. Suhaib and Shaikh Salman brings, my heart wants to go with the latter day interpretation. Maybe because it gives me hope. But then I come across a fascinating interpretation by Shaykh Muhammad al-Hassan Walid al-Dido al-Shanqiti. He is in the second camp but his arguments are not some of the arguments that were covered in this discussion. I would love to seek attention of Dr. Suhaib and Shaykh Salman to this interpretation of Shaykh Muhammad al Dido. It's a small clip: ruclips.net/video/tW-ZhRJaC5s/видео.html
Please also sura kahaf , I don’t understand it .
What specifically in Surat al-Kahf?
How can this refer to our times
It said there were no jews at the time of UMAR ALLAH BE PLEASED HIM
In Jerusalem?
Jews were there in small numbers but the rulers were Byzantine empire just up till they were defeated by the Muslims
@@darcylicious22 If they were their why did the christens put a condition To Umar not to allow them there ?
43.35 recently heard a theory that post holocaust jews became atheist coz of disappointment. How could God let this happen to us
44.15 bani israel were the Muslim ummah of the time.
Our predecessors in faith, the abdullahs
46.00 interestingly Allah uses non muslims (as his abd) to teach us believers a lesson 🤔
Can we consider the support shown through demonstrations, throughout the western world as an example? 🤔
Please invite Mr. Shahid Bolsen #middlenation to the conversation.
Thanks in advance
Is he a scholar?
Salaam brothers,
Two improvements:
1. Please don't drink tea when giving talks. Observe discipline and etiquette. Shaykh Salmaan Nasir has tea or coffee at 2:39.
2. Dr. Sohaib Saeed's introduction of the topic is 6:42 minute-long. That is way too long!
There is no contradiction between tea/coffee and knowledge, as anyone who has spent time with the mashayikh will know :)
Allah also calls kafirs his salves in hadith Qodasi
,,O my salves the first of you and last of you
The point is bani isreal of today are kafirs
Fix up ur interview skills good sir, frustrating for the layman
This wasn’t an interview but thank you for feedback.
I'm beginning to doubt any sheekh who studied in Saudi Arabia, UAE