Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur.
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022......
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022..,.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.??
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022..
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.'''
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.!
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.@@
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022....
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.'''@!
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.,.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022...
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022..
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.;'
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur....
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
@@sonalisahu552 Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022..
Super collection mene dekha h inka collection
शानदार कलेक्शन🎉
Superb quality nd collection 👌
Yeh to Suratwale Mahaveer bhai hai-----ab to Jaipur main bhi factory laga di wah bhai.🍒
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Congratulations women Bazar
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Nice collections and response is very nice
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Bhot mst
Super idea
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Always shandaar collection ❤️👌👌👌
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur.
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Best option in business
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Good concept
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Very nice collection
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Thumbnail pe 'This Business is Closed' Likhne ka Kya Matlab?
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Very nice 👌 video.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Ye surat ka women bazaar wala jaipur kaise agya???doubtful hai..visit kar ke buy kare plz
Nice collection
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Bhai kapde ka retail bahut mushkil hai dead stock bahut hota hai km punji me rakam hi dub jaaegi
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022......
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Kya 120 piece same hota h kya
Jaipur k sabhi campy aachi h
Mene online oder kiya tha 37000 inko bhaut aacha callection h
Konsa company se apne mangaiya
Kaha se liyaaa plz batayee
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
This seller is earlier with women bazar which was known for lot of negative comments cheap quality??? Please share bad experience with this person!!!!
is it correct?
They’re frauds!! Bad experience with women bazar.they sell dead stock to online customers.
@@chetansir100----Yes 100%
ha me bhi gaya tha kich pasand nhi aaya tha
Aap kon kon se fabrics ki design banate Ho
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre
chanderi ki kurrti ambraydri me bhi Banat e He kiya
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022..,.
Sir I'm from Jaipur sir kya Jaipur m bhi deliver kar sakte ho
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.??
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre
starting range?
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Ye surat ka he women bazaar me surat women bazaar me visit kiya he ye jaipur kaha se chale gaye samaj nahi aaya
Sahi bola ye to Surat wala he 😂😂😂
Bhai surat me whole sale kurti kaha achhi mil jayegi????
Shi me
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022..
Yeh women bazaar wale hai
Ready material design me kya system hai aapka
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
ये women bazzar surat वाला फ्रॉड सेलर है,carefylly
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.'''
Beautiful collection
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Mahaveer bhai women bazar
@ White apple-----khara sangitla tumhi.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.!
apke pass surplus ka kapda bhi hota kya sir
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Perfect Jumlas nothing else 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
manfacturing band ho gaya?
Paru is garet manufacturing campy
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.@@
Koi order nhi karna in se payment lene ke bad koi reply nahi dete h na product bhejte h
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Yh to Mr mahavir hyn Surat waley.women Bazar waley
contact details/ address of seller in video/ description. please contact directly for any enquiry
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
Pls translate in English Sir Subtitle Tq
Thier rates are not wholesale rates. They give same price for resellers and bulk purchasers. Which is wrong. Not just them many do thus.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Agar Mai apna design doon toh aap kerdenge ?
Scrap be banta ho kay
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022....
Ye surat ka women bazaar hai na,Sir ji
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Cod avilable kro plz
सर 2:36 दो मिनट 36 सेकंड का इंट्रो दिया है ये ज्यादा नहीं है फिर आप बोलते हो स्किप मत करो। एक बात को दो बार मत बोलिये
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.'''@!
Surat wale women bazar wale hae ye
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.,.
Surat ka branch hai mention kijiye
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Ye to Surat ke woman Bazaar ke hai .Mai visit Kiya tha .much pasand nahi aaya tha
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022...
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
If I wanted to order for personal use?
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur
Andhain nuks nikalte hai aur bahrain kahte hai galat boltein ho***********
Kurti business for more information
Quality of kurti,*(safalta ke beej)***
Ham. aap bhaio. se. request. hai. esase. onlion. mal. mat. mangwana. purana. pahana. huya. bhejata. hai.
Thank you
चेनल वाले ऐसी बदनाम कंपनी का विडियो डिलेट मार देना चाहिए.... वरना बेचारे दूसरे लोग भी ठगे जायेंगे तब क्या चेनल वाले उन बेचारो की भरपाई करेंगे क्या ??
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
सर जी आप बात बहुत करते हैं इंट्रो पहले भी दिए फिर बाद में भी एक ही बार दीजिए ना ज्यादा बोलकर बोर कर देते हैं
Plz check comments
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
Bat karneme hi jada time jate hei , jo baat se public keliye kam nahi
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022..
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Muje bi chahiye
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre
Arey ye to woman bazaar wala hai surat me bhi khol k betha hai.
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.;'
120 piece jyada hai...
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around 97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur....
@@bharathsha007 ye kon h pta nhi ye paru fashion jaipur me h agr apne paru fashion se purchage kiya h to action lege adrewise comment na kre nhi to hm action lege
Third class video
In se sasta to hum retail mai sell karte hai
Bhai aap kha se lare ho kapde ka mall ..Surat best h ya Jaipur
@@sonalisahu552 Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
Don't visit, I lost money
Froud seller hai ye woman bazar
In surat
Bakwas h
Froad company hai ye
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022.
Super collection
Yeh Mahaveer Ji Yahan Kaha Pahuch Gye
Apto Surat wuman bajar bandh kardiya keya
Very nice collection
Mahaveer Rajpurohit Singh has duped me to the sum of around Rs.97000, he was owning Women Bazar with Pramod Dhidaria. I had also launched FIR in my town regarding them. They take the money in full advance and they never send you the order. They are frauds. I have the Invoice of Women Bazaar Jaipur with me. Please help me. Now these guys are running Paru Fashions Jaipur. Also the GST of Women Bazaar was cancelled long back in 2022..