Nicely explained. But few things missed here. May be in other leaaona ita covered. 1. A verb sentence is the one which starts with vwrb. But but when subject precedes verb, will the verb airab rules apply? 2. Katbati tthullabu - why is that kasrah used to combine 2 words. When should be done? 3. 3 typwa of kharaja. The last one not ezplained, ukrujun 4. Fa'ila - yaf'alu those 6 types also i didnt understand. How are framed?
Jazakallah khairan and thank you so much for providing me your feedback. 1. Explained already in a video uploaded just before this video. Make sure to check that out. 2. I will make it clear in one of my upcoming videos (in sha Allah) 3. This is a separate topic and I will explain it in a separate lesson. 4. There's no specific rule for that, these patterns are based on how Arabs used them 1400 years ago. Barakallahu feeka
Jazakallah khair
Mash allah thanks lots ❤❤
Jazzallahu khire brother
Jazakallahu khairan
Very clear explanation
Wajaazka ❤️
Thank you, good teaching
Mashaallah Tabarakallah
Shukran jaziilan
شكرا جزاك الله خيرا
Zazaak Allaah Khair 👍
Muchas gracias por compartir
Very well explained. شكرا
Thanks a lot 🙏
جزاك الله خيرا
ماشاءالله تبارك الله
شكرا جزيلا وبارك الله فيك
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.شكرا جزيلا على هذا الدرس المفيد. Merci beaucoup pour ce cours utile. ( 🇫🇷)
وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله. شكرًا على تعليقاتك وبارك الله فيك
Jazakhallah khair
Wajaazka ahsan aljazaa
Brilliant explanation
Thank you 🙏
Excellent explanation.
Thanks a lot 🙏
Thank you for the start of explaining verb conjugation,please keep it up as it helps me a lot,thanks
Thanks for the feedback.
Nicely explained. But few things missed here. May be in other leaaona ita covered.
1. A verb sentence is the one which starts with vwrb. But but when subject precedes verb, will the verb airab rules apply?
2. Katbati tthullabu - why is that kasrah used to combine 2 words. When should be done?
3. 3 typwa of kharaja. The last one not ezplained, ukrujun
4. Fa'ila - yaf'alu those 6 types also i didnt understand. How are framed?
Jazakallah khairan and thank you so much for providing me your feedback.
1. Explained already in a video uploaded just before this video. Make sure to check that out.
2. I will make it clear in one of my upcoming videos (in sha Allah)
3. This is a separate topic and I will explain it in a separate lesson.
4. There's no specific rule for that, these patterns are based on how Arabs used them 1400 years ago.
Barakallahu feeka