He spends 4 hours talking to congress about his concerns but its like he's talking to the wall. Nothing happens after this, no change. Just seems like waste of time.
I use this video as background noise for studying. Something I'm 100% uninterested in, so im not tempted to watch/get distracted. But i dont want it completely silent either.
If by patriot, you mean someone who, having previously taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, gave aid and comfort to enemies who engaged in an insurrection against the same. When it comes to patriotism, Mike Lee is just short of being a true American traitor.
Ukraine didn’t want this war either, but they have it just the same. They are fighting for their freedom much like the America was during the Revolutionary War. Where would we be now without the support from France and Spain during the Revolutionary War? No surprise that Mike Lee is supporting Russia by cutting off aid to Ukraine, Mike Lee also supports Putin’s best friend trump. Along with not voting for trump this Utahn will not be voting for Mike Lee.
There just to many rhino Republicans in Senate best way to solve that problem is at ballot box vote them out with more conservatives who won't cow bow down to democrats
Ce minunat este cand adevarul isi arata fata ce minunat este cand oamenii de buna cerinta isi asuma ceea ce fac fin toata inima,altfel nu cred ca publicul ar citi ceea ce scriu eu cu acest neobosit defer.Multi ma umileasca ptr.ca nu -mi cumpa apparatus inteligent.Care ar fi motivul?Nu numai stiri dar pe copii nu-ocolesc niciodata si se pare ca si ei ma accepta pe mine.Maopresc zilnic umilinta si fara puterea de a ajutamereu Ei de ce nu vad aceste lucruri din jurul lor si ma critica fara mila si ma barfesc fara jena ca as avea nu stiu nu stiu ce boala inventata de ei ptr.corpul meu?Au EU scruples?Cum as aiba daca ies la "drumul mare si inventeaza atatea despre comportamentul meu de femeie si nu de transgender?Cum as le mai zici acelor nemernici care fara nicio autoritate au acuzat de corpul meu ptr a satisface curiozitatila clientilor lor umulundu'-mi corpul,implicit pe mine ca om?Ce merits astia?La intreventia domnului Senator KENNEDY aproape ca nu-i promiteau sa-si duca fraza la sfarsit.Curata smecherie ,sa arate publicul lui ca se incumeta sa-l intrerupa.Spre necazul cu ciuda lor sunt un om,da ptr.ca inainte de toate sunt om dar cu attributable pe care mi le-dat mostenirea parintilor.Sunt bine,sunt sanatoasa, merg printre semeni mei ,oamenii cu mandria si demnitatea pe care avem sau nu,acum depinde de cei care mi'-au calcat demnitatea cu bocancii lor mizerabili,mai aled cu caracterele lor mizerabile.!Important este ca o autoritate in stat,domnul Senator,acum dumneavoastra va sesizati din proprie initiative si poate vor inceta as denigreze si alte.persoane.
Meritocracy is one concept long gone . This is why good men like this man and like Rand Paul (and his wonderful father) are scarce.. America is overwhelmed with traitors.
@@ElizabethMarinescuPseudo intellectualls, elites and Leftists like Obama, Hillary Clinton and the whole bunch destroying the country are not bright. They sure as heck aren't funny. A sense of humor is the true measure of intelligence. On a filibuster by Senator Cruz, he read from the classic, Green Eggs and Ham😭🤣😭🤣🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭. I think Senator Paul read from the telephone book🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣. I mean, that's a RIOT!!!!! GIVE ME A BREAK!! Obama? NOT funny. Hillary Clinton? REALLY NOT FUNNY. Her husband? ALSO NOT HUMOROUS AT ALL and he has a very high i.q. JRB? OMG, REALLY REALLY REALLY NOT FUNNY. Actually extremely scary at times. That's all. God bless this Senator. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!! FOUR (4) HOURS? 😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙
As a U.S. Army Veteran who served 2 years in Germany I am greatly concerned with the Ukrainian government honoring Nazi collaborators as national hero's. Nazi's took the lives of Americans soldiers just like Russian soldiers. I do not support in anyway protecting a nation that could turn into another Nazi nation. This world has already lived through that horror once and it is not something we should ever allow to re-establish itself ever again. And I would like to know why this was not caught before we sent them billions of dollars in weapons that are essentially military support for a new Nazi nation.
First, thank you for your service to this nation. Second, the Executive Branch has been commandeered by MIC+. MICMA, Military Industrial Complex (1946) joined more recently by Media & Academia, are 20% of our GNP. Any weak Commander in Chief will fall prey to this monstrosity of which General Eisenhower had great concern. Additionally, our government is no longer representative; it is NOT of, by and/or for the people, We the People. This is the true meaning of a "Democracy," rule of and by the people. That's the etymology. We're about corporations and money and lobbies. There ARE good Public Servants who understand The Constitution and the essence of what it is to truly be a citizen of a Constitutional Presidential Republic. There are MORAL leaders. There are Godly Public Servants. There is a solution. But this Republic was set up as an experiment and it's fragile and it's failing because of corruption. So, now I forgot what you were asking. Well, this guy seems straight. Have faith. This too shall pass. Be assured, this administration is not on the right side of history. It is part of the problem. Again, thank you for your service. God bless you. With determination, faith, tenacity, gotta be a little clever and a sense of humor, we might just get through this and still have a semblance of a Republic left after Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., Obama, and all the creepy people associated him LEAVE THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 😊
DEFUND: United Nations so - called peace treaty, Paris Accord agreement, European Union, Environmental Social corporation Governance, Nato, WHO, and WEF.
Referitor la sumele mele mari sau mici,provin numai in mod legal100% din placere publicului de a-mi bucura sufletul dar au avut si totala incredere in cinste mea de om.Stiti voi oameni buni ce insemneaza ca atatea persoane necunoscute sa-si dea economiile lor pe mana mea,o necunoscuta?Maaaaareee ,mandrie,mare!Dupa cum vedeti sat unii dntre cei mai corecti si necinstiti sa-mi confiste darurile ptr.ca eu asta consider ca banii lor incredintat mie,suny daruri care nu sunt impozitate nicaieri in lume dar sa te "arunci" asupra mea sa faci ce?Sa alimentezi raxboiul impotriva unui singur om,acesta fiind PRESEDINTELE PUTIN,o incapacitate de om care poate sa explice situatii,as raspunda la intrebari ore,ore,fara oprire?Azi in zori sa ma trezesc din somn si sa aud UN OM,da acest domn infata mea care este si la ora cand inca scriu indignat de ce afla la fata locului si ce aude in public despre mine.Multumesc ,D-LR SENATOR!,multumesc!Asta sunt eu persoana terfelita de cate ori li se nazare unora ,nu publicului visitor.zPublicul meu cred ca a ramas devotat informatiilor mele,a postarilor cu copilasi a celor micuti in bratele parintilor si a celor ai mari carora le place sa dansez si-mi arata si mie.Va multuesc!
@@sarahkragness7138No, Sarah. Not any teenager can speak on a subject intelligently for four (4) hours. I doubt you could either. If you can't appreciate what this man did, whether you are conservative or liberal, then you are just plain ignorant and EXTREMELY UNGRATEFUL. I'll pray for ya', sister 🙏🇺🇸
NOT A TEENAGER, sweetie. And yes, I could very well declaim on quite a few topics from Greek mythology and ancient eastern Mediterranean history, post- & sub-Roman northern British history, comparative religion, the early history of so-called "Christianity" (which should be called PAULIANITY, the man known as JC had nothing to do with it and would have taken the whip he used in the Temple to PAUL/SAUL and shredded every inch of skin off his *ss), and a few others. And I don't have to be 'grateful' for idiots. Don't need prayers, need more humans who use rational brains instead of the chimp brain.
My husband, a Romanian inventor with close to 40 inventions in the automotive field (not released yet for the public), over 15 years ago was put under pressure by your gvt to get out of the US, after paying taxes for 10 years, and chose to move to Canada to finally unite with his family - me, his wife, also from Romania. This, because your gvt did not allow me to join him there. You deserve your faith. You got what you embraced all along - misery. If you didn't, you would have kept the good people like my husband, not reject them and invite the ones you invite today.. It comes down to the regular American, or so-called "American people" who "elect" to represent their own culture. The results speak. A culture of bandits who cannot do any better, but to destroy other countries and grab everything you can.. because you can't do any better. If you don't wake up you will cannibalize one another until there's nothing left.
"Can somebody tell me when Ukraine became the 51st State" I have been wondering the very same thing thanks for saying it out loud. I watched the whole four hours. I wish Senator Lee was President.
Search for senator Lee in Tucker Carlson podcast. Do it no matter whether you like Tucker Carlson or not because he basically doesn't say very much. However senator Lee says much much importance in that podcast about Over-regulation How the power of the federal government has somehow far exceeded what it was originally intended to have. The absolute disgusting way bills get passed with a bunch of pork in them and who's complicit If any of those and a few other topics interest to you I guarantee you will not be disappointed. I for one would be most proud and happy to have senator Lee be my senator but I live in Florida
Why does this video have under 2000 views a day after it has been released? How many people know about this filibusterer? America is feeling the pain but we still are not paying attention. We seem to think this is just some kind of bad dream and that as soon as we wake up things will be okay. This needs to be on the news and everyone who has the patience to listen to this who has a social media presence needs to share this and donate to Mike Lee so he knows people are listening and care and want something done. Republican representatives need to be shamed to their bone for not being strongly against our borders being flooded with all these people. You have to start holding these people accountable and Kentucky you need to vote Mitch McConnell out of office.
I don't know. I didn't really know what filibustering was until recently. I think many don't. I think it is one of the most charming aspects of our Republic. Please, let's not worry about being anti-democratic when we are sliding down the road into Fascism. Senator Lee is talking about our CONSTITUTIONAL PRESIDENTIAL REPUBLIC. We need to protect that. LISTEN & LEARN. Fascism is very, very bad and the seeds have already been planted here and are growing. Filibusters are a way to kill the growth; there is nothing "un-democratic" about what this great American is doing.🇺🇸🙏
I can only all Republicans were like you. Your constituents are very fortunate. I forgot what it's like to have a conservative, representing my state or district., probably have to go back to win Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor of California or maybe even back to Reagan. But it's OK. My family and I support people like you financially otherwise, excellent filibuster, you're a patriot and my family and I will continue to support you
The border has been a mess for decades. It seems to me both sides prefer having the issue unsolved to support their fundraising vs fixing the problem. The current bill was certainly flawed - however, if it had been passed, the debate next year likely would have shifted to decreasing the daily number - vs the current no progress at all. Every President except 2 (Harding and Coolidge) have increased the federal debt. Interesting how every time either party is OUT of power, they talk about reducing spending - and when they are in power, they spend like drunken sailors. I personally feel the US should be able to both walk (close the border) and chew gum (support countries who are attempting to transform from a corrupt Soviet satellite state to a democratic, western looking society). I hope the current leaders are not the Chamberlian's of this generation. HERE is my frustration: 1. No military spending if Russia had not invaded. 2. If the US is going to resist Russia imperialistic efforts, do it with a clear purpose. Like Desert Storm. Have clear objectives and get the mission done.... I do agree with Senator Lee on the military industrial complex in this point: the current administration seemed focus on just keeping Ukraine from being overrun - vs on winning.... You should consider all my comments from the lens that my official political party: I am politically cynical 🙂
The last president with any military experience was George HW Bush. Like him or hate him, he kept casualties under 500 in Desert Storm. How? He used Norman Schwarzkopf as his military advisor. Stormin' Normin' knew military history. He used the guerilla warfare tactics developed by Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest who was notorious in many ways, yes, but a great military man. Take what you need and leave the rest. The other attacks were done by air.
He is no Traitor! You are wrong on the definition of What a Traitor is! Ukraine is not a American State! If you only get your News from Google, Main stream media or left leaning media you are being lied to every Day! Be careful what you Say about other People! You broke one of the Ten Commandments with that Statement! #9 To be exact!
@@lisafrequency55 I don't think you understand how dangerous his words are and who he is really trying to appease. There is a reason his amendment failed. Thank God for cooler heads.
Я бы хотел добавить, чтобы это прочитали американцы. Вы нашу история не знаете, её знает Путин и мы. Да к ней есть вопросы, но есть одни слова великого РУССКОГО человека. Это Александр Невский: -Но если кто с мечом к нам войдёт, от меча и погибнет! На том стоит и стоять будет Русская Земля! I would like to add that the Americans read it. You do not know our story, Putin also knows it. Yes, there are questions to her, but there are only words of a great Russian person. This is Alexander Nevsky: -But if anyone enters with a sword, from the sword and die! The Russian land will stand and stand on that!
You could not be more wrong. Putin is evil and desires the complete downfall of Western culture and of the United States in particular. He's not a good guy at all.
He spends 4 hours talking to congress about his concerns but its like he's talking to the wall. Nothing happens after this, no change. Just seems like waste of time.
Just like his life
I use this video as background noise for studying. Something I'm 100% uninterested in, so im not tempted to watch/get distracted. But i dont want it completely silent either.
Good work, senator.
Brilliant work, it's been too long since we've seen a good old-fashioned conservative filibuster! Keep the faith, Senator Lee
A job well done sir! Thank you for your representation of the people! Please continue to help our country to focus on the future..
Yes Comrade Martin - Putin loves you - Commie
A voice crying in the wilderness! Thank you, Senator Lee. BTW, did your team win yesterday?
Thank you, Senator, for your pragmatic, calm, reasoned approach to your duties.
There is definitely proof now that there is NO life on Mars.
It’s the only place we Haven’t sent Money Too!
Thank you Senator Lee! You're a true patriot!
If by patriot, you mean someone who, having previously taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, gave aid and comfort to enemies who engaged in an insurrection against the same.
When it comes to patriotism, Mike Lee is just short of being a true American traitor.
If we listened to Mike Lee in 2022, China would have already invaded Taiwan.
"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." (Samuel Johnson, 1775.)
Thank you, Senator Lee. I agree that I don't want another war proxy or not.
Ukraine didn’t want this war either, but they have it just the same. They are fighting for their freedom much like the America was during the Revolutionary War. Where would we be now without the support from France and Spain during the Revolutionary War?
No surprise that Mike Lee is supporting Russia by cutting off aid to Ukraine, Mike Lee also supports Putin’s best friend trump. Along with not voting for trump this Utahn will not be voting for Mike Lee.
There just to many rhino Republicans in Senate best way to solve that problem is at ballot box vote them out with more conservatives who won't cow bow down to democrats
Mike Lee please keep fighting for us, cause you are right about the Border.
Nice apple you have there son, but we're talking about oranges.
Ce minunat este cand adevarul isi arata fata ce minunat este cand oamenii de buna cerinta isi asuma ceea ce fac fin toata inima,altfel nu cred ca publicul ar citi ceea ce scriu eu cu acest neobosit defer.Multi ma umileasca ptr.ca nu -mi cumpa apparatus inteligent.Care ar fi motivul?Nu numai stiri dar pe copii nu-ocolesc niciodata si se pare ca si ei ma accepta pe mine.Maopresc zilnic umilinta si fara puterea de a ajutamereu
Ei de ce nu vad aceste lucruri din jurul lor si ma critica fara mila si ma barfesc fara jena ca as avea nu stiu nu stiu ce boala inventata de ei ptr.corpul meu?Au EU scruples?Cum as aiba daca ies la "drumul mare si inventeaza atatea despre comportamentul meu de femeie si nu de transgender?Cum as le mai zici acelor nemernici care fara nicio autoritate au acuzat de corpul meu ptr a satisface curiozitatila clientilor lor umulundu'-mi corpul,implicit pe mine ca om?Ce merits astia?La intreventia domnului Senator KENNEDY aproape ca nu-i promiteau sa-si duca fraza la sfarsit.Curata smecherie ,sa arate publicul lui ca se incumeta sa-l intrerupa.Spre necazul cu ciuda lor sunt un om,da ptr.ca inainte de toate sunt om dar cu attributable pe care mi le-dat mostenirea parintilor.Sunt bine,sunt sanatoasa, merg printre semeni mei ,oamenii cu mandria si demnitatea pe care avem sau nu,acum depinde de cei care mi'-au calcat demnitatea cu bocancii lor mizerabili,mai aled cu caracterele lor mizerabile.!Important este ca o autoritate in stat,domnul Senator,acum dumneavoastra va sesizati din proprie initiative si poate vor inceta as denigreze si alte.persoane.
I listened to 90% of this speech. Mike Lee is the best senator.. Together with Rand Paul
Meritocracy is one concept long gone . This is why good men like this man and like Rand Paul (and his wonderful father) are scarce.. America is overwhelmed with traitors.
@@ElizabethMarinescu Rand Paul thinks the US provoked Pearl Harbor. yes America has traitors.
@@ElizabethMarinescuPseudo intellectualls, elites and Leftists like Obama, Hillary Clinton and the whole bunch destroying the country are not bright. They sure as heck aren't funny. A sense of humor is the true measure of intelligence. On a filibuster by Senator Cruz, he read from the classic, Green Eggs and Ham😭🤣😭🤣🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭. I think Senator Paul read from the telephone book🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣. I mean, that's a RIOT!!!!! GIVE ME A BREAK!! Obama? NOT funny. Hillary Clinton? REALLY NOT FUNNY. Her husband? ALSO NOT HUMOROUS AT ALL and he has a very high i.q. JRB? OMG, REALLY REALLY REALLY NOT FUNNY. Actually extremely scary at times. That's all. God bless this Senator. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!! FOUR (4) HOURS? 😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙♥️🤍💙
Both are nutjobs
As a U.S. Army Veteran who served 2 years in Germany I am greatly concerned with the Ukrainian government honoring Nazi collaborators as national hero's. Nazi's took the lives of Americans soldiers just like Russian soldiers. I do not support in anyway protecting a nation that could turn into another Nazi nation. This world has already lived through that horror once and it is not something we should ever allow to re-establish itself ever again.
And I would like to know why this was not caught before we sent them billions of dollars in weapons that are essentially military support for a new Nazi nation.
Yea well there 's that. How can we overlook it?
either a RUSSIAN TROLL or a TRAITOR....
Russia has it's own neo-nazi soldiers called RUSICH. PUTIN's private army Wagner was founded by a neo-nazi named Dimitri Utkin.
Yeah right Vladimir. America made a huge mistake not helping Germany defeat the USSR in 1941.
First, thank you for your service to this nation. Second, the Executive Branch has been commandeered by MIC+. MICMA, Military Industrial Complex (1946) joined more recently by Media & Academia, are 20% of our GNP. Any weak Commander in Chief will fall prey to this monstrosity of which General Eisenhower had great concern. Additionally, our government is no longer representative; it is NOT of, by and/or for the people, We the People. This is the true meaning of a "Democracy," rule of and by the people. That's the etymology. We're about corporations and money and lobbies. There ARE good Public Servants who understand The Constitution and the essence of what it is to truly be a citizen of a Constitutional Presidential Republic. There are MORAL leaders. There are Godly Public Servants. There is a solution. But this Republic was set up as an experiment and it's fragile and it's failing because of corruption. So, now I forgot what you were asking. Well, this guy seems straight. Have faith. This too shall pass. Be assured, this administration is not on the right side of history. It is part of the problem. Again, thank you for your service. God bless you. With determination, faith, tenacity, gotta be a little clever and a sense of humor, we might just get through this and still have a semblance of a Republic left after Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., Obama, and all the creepy people associated him LEAVE THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 😊
Senator Lee certainly seems like one of the good ones.
My special appreciation, Senator Lee. Your damned right. Regards from Slovakia.
Just give your NATO membership to Ukraine, since Slovakia doesn't think Russia is a threat.
Yes Comrade Lars - Putin loves you Comrade - you live in a third world crap hole
Thank you, Senator Lee!
DEFUND: United Nations so - called peace treaty, Paris Accord agreement, European Union, Environmental Social corporation Governance, Nato, WHO, and WEF.
Yep. AND THEN complete overhaul of the FBI. They are DIRTY.
Referitor la sumele mele mari sau mici,provin numai in mod legal100% din placere publicului de a-mi bucura sufletul dar au avut si totala incredere in cinste mea de om.Stiti voi oameni buni ce insemneaza ca atatea persoane necunoscute sa-si dea economiile lor pe mana mea,o necunoscuta?Maaaaareee ,mandrie,mare!Dupa cum vedeti sat unii dntre cei mai corecti si necinstiti sa-mi confiste darurile ptr.ca eu asta consider ca banii lor incredintat mie,suny daruri care nu sunt impozitate nicaieri in lume dar sa te "arunci" asupra mea sa faci ce?Sa alimentezi raxboiul impotriva unui singur om,acesta fiind PRESEDINTELE PUTIN,o incapacitate de om care poate sa explice situatii,as raspunda la intrebari ore,ore,fara oprire?Azi in zori sa ma trezesc din somn si sa aud UN OM,da acest domn infata mea care este si la ora cand inca scriu indignat de ce afla la fata locului si ce aude in public despre mine.Multumesc ,D-LR SENATOR!,multumesc!Asta sunt eu persoana terfelita de cate ori li se nazare unora ,nu publicului visitor.zPublicul meu cred ca a ramas devotat informatiilor mele,a postarilor cu copilasi a celor micuti in bratele parintilor si a celor ai mari carora le place sa dansez si-mi arata si mie.Va multuesc!
He's a legend.
Impressive stamina
BS - any teenage girl can run her mouth for 4 hrs straight. All he needs is alot of caffeine and a DEPENDS-for-men.
@@sarahkragness7138No, Sarah. Not any teenager can speak on a subject intelligently for four (4) hours. I doubt you could either. If you can't appreciate what this man did, whether you are conservative or liberal, then you are just plain ignorant and EXTREMELY UNGRATEFUL. I'll pray for ya', sister 🙏🇺🇸
NOT A TEENAGER, sweetie. And yes, I could very well declaim on quite a few topics from Greek mythology and ancient eastern Mediterranean history, post- & sub-Roman northern British history, comparative religion, the early history of so-called "Christianity" (which should be called PAULIANITY, the man known as JC had nothing to do with it and would have taken the whip he used in the Temple to PAUL/SAUL and shredded every inch of skin off his *ss), and a few others. And I don't have to be 'grateful' for idiots.
Don't need prayers, need more humans who use rational brains instead of the chimp brain.
Keep up the good fight.
Mr Lee speaks truth but are they in agreement with him?
I wonder if GPT could generate filibusters
Exactly, have AI write it.
My husband, a Romanian inventor with close to 40 inventions in the automotive field (not released yet for the public), over 15 years ago was put under pressure by your gvt to get out of the US, after paying taxes for 10 years, and chose to move to Canada to finally unite with his family - me, his wife, also from Romania. This, because your gvt did not allow me to join him there. You deserve your faith. You got what you embraced all along - misery. If you didn't, you would have kept the good people like my husband, not reject them and invite the ones you invite today.. It comes down to the regular American, or so-called "American people" who "elect" to represent their own culture. The results speak. A culture of bandits who cannot do any better, but to destroy other countries and grab everything you can.. because you can't do any better. If you don't wake up you will cannibalize one another until there's nothing left.
You certainly worked hard! 4 hours? WOW!
I wish Tucker would have brought up the Cuban missile crisis and the Monroe doctrine
"Can somebody tell me when Ukraine became the 51st State" I have been wondering the very same thing thanks for saying it out loud. I watched the whole four hours. I wish Senator Lee was President.
Then he's a hypocrite on Israel. Russia funds Hamas since 2006. President? lol.
He should get together with Comrade Marjorie
Search for senator Lee in Tucker Carlson podcast. Do it no matter whether you like Tucker Carlson or not because he basically doesn't say very much. However senator Lee says much much importance in that podcast about
How the power of the federal government has somehow far exceeded what it was originally intended to have.
The absolute disgusting way bills get passed with a bunch of pork in them and who's complicit
If any of those and a few other topics interest to you I guarantee you will not be disappointed. I for one would be most proud and happy to have senator Lee be my senator but I live in Florida
That was a DUMB show.
listened to it live on tv...now listening again...God Bless Sen Mike Lee
Why does this video have under 2000 views a day after it has been released? How many people know about this filibusterer?
America is feeling the pain but we still are not paying attention. We seem to think this is just some kind of bad dream and that as soon as we wake up things will be okay.
This needs to be on the news and everyone who has the patience to listen to this who has a social media presence needs to share this and donate to Mike Lee so he knows people are listening and care and want something done.
Republican representatives need to be shamed to their bone for not being strongly against our borders being flooded with all these people. You have to start holding these people accountable and Kentucky you need to vote Mitch McConnell out of office.
Well said! 🇺🇸first! No more U funding with no oversight! Close 🇺🇸 border!!!!
Single bills only!!!!
God protect our Armed Forces!!!!!
GOD protect them because this administration is not.
You Senator Lee would make a good VP THEN President for us
Why only 204 likes from 1800 views? These are the so-called Americans..
Maybe filibustering is anti-democratic and a waste of Congress time? Or maybe he's a long-winded old shnock with too much time on his hands.
I don't know. I didn't really know what filibustering was until recently. I think many don't. I think it is one of the most charming aspects of our Republic. Please, let's not worry about being anti-democratic when we are sliding down the road into Fascism. Senator Lee is talking about our CONSTITUTIONAL PRESIDENTIAL REPUBLIC. We need to protect that. LISTEN & LEARN. Fascism is very, very bad and the seeds have already been planted here and are growing. Filibusters are a way to kill the growth; there is nothing "un-democratic" about what this great American is doing.🇺🇸🙏
As a california republican mike lee is my representative
Great job!
Неплохо.. И даже смешно
Spatiba.🤍💙♥️ + ♥️🤍💙
Thank you sir!
I support Mike Lee for President. He makes me so proud to be from Utah. Thanks for your hard work.
If we had listened to Mike Lee on Ukraine in 2022, China would have already invaded Taiwan.
You should be. God bless him. ♥️ You know who is mine? Durbin😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣
Why are your troops all over the world?
Lee should be next up SCOTUS .
That would be awesome. But RINO POS Spencer Cox would have to appoint his replacement.
I don't know. He sure is exemplary. Who really would want to move from Utah to DC?
What a windbag
Ben Shapiro called Mike Lee, "the most honest politician I know." I'm grateful to have him as my senator.
I can only all Republicans were like you. Your constituents are very fortunate. I forgot what it's like to have a conservative, representing my state or district., probably have to go back to win Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor of California or maybe even back to Reagan. But it's OK. My family and I support people like you financially otherwise, excellent filibuster, you're a patriot and my family and I will continue to support you
Mike Lee would denounce his own children if it meant he would get re-elected.
Would he now?
Thank you
We need more like Senator Lee! THANK YOU 🙏
To many "opiniologists" , no actual doers. But.. many un-Americans..
Comrade Lee needs to be voted out of office
♥️🕊️God bless Senator Lee🕊️♥️
💜🕊️From the Land of Lincoln🕊️💜
Real politic!!!! Superman
That's what his head is full of
The border has been a mess for decades. It seems to me both sides prefer having the issue unsolved to support their fundraising vs fixing the problem. The current bill was certainly flawed - however, if it had been passed, the debate next year likely would have shifted to decreasing the daily number - vs the current no progress at all.
Every President except 2 (Harding and Coolidge) have increased the federal debt. Interesting how every time either party is OUT of power, they talk about reducing spending - and when they are in power, they spend like drunken sailors.
I personally feel the US should be able to both walk (close the border) and chew gum (support countries who are attempting to transform from a corrupt Soviet satellite state to a democratic, western looking society). I hope the current leaders are not the Chamberlian's of this generation.
HERE is my frustration: 1. No military spending if Russia had not invaded. 2. If the US is going to resist Russia imperialistic efforts, do it with a clear purpose. Like Desert Storm. Have clear objectives and get the mission done.... I do agree with Senator Lee on the military industrial complex in this point: the current administration seemed focus on just keeping Ukraine from being overrun - vs on winning....
You should consider all my comments from the lens that my official political party: I am politically cynical 🙂
The last president with any military experience was George HW Bush. Like him or hate him, he kept casualties under 500 in Desert Storm. How? He used Norman Schwarzkopf as his military advisor. Stormin' Normin' knew military history. He used the guerilla warfare tactics developed by Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest who was notorious in many ways, yes, but a great military man. Take what you need and leave the rest. The other attacks were done by air.
Thank you for not being a Romney.
I wonder how many people are present!!
How many do you think, Dog? God is there for sure.🙏
Thank you for representing Utah so honorably and diligently!
To Russia with Love from Sen. Lee. Lee is a traitor
Susan, you are a warmonger
He is no Traitor! You are wrong on the definition of What a Traitor is! Ukraine is not a American State! If you only get your News from Google, Main stream media or left leaning media you are being lied to every Day! Be careful what you Say about other People! You broke one of the Ten Commandments with that Statement! #9 To be exact!
Lmao nobody gives a damn about Ukraine they fuxked around and found out 😂
I don't think you understand a word he said.
@@lisafrequency55 I don't think you understand how dangerous his words are and who he is really trying to appease. There is a reason his amendment failed. Thank God for cooler heads.
Thank you Sen. Mike Lee ✅
Imagine Biden talking for 4 hours
My ears would bleed.
Я бы хотел добавить, чтобы это прочитали американцы. Вы нашу история не знаете, её знает Путин и мы. Да к ней есть вопросы, но есть одни слова великого РУССКОГО человека. Это Александр Невский: -Но если кто с мечом к нам войдёт, от меча и погибнет! На том стоит и стоять будет Русская Земля! I would like to add that the Americans read it. You do not know our story, Putin also knows it. Yes, there are questions to her, but there are only words of a great Russian person. This is Alexander Nevsky: -But if anyone enters with a sword, from the sword and die! The Russian land will stand and stand on that!
Many of us have respect for him because he seems to actually care for and protect his country.
I wish we had that strong of a leader in USA!!
You could not be more wrong. Putin is evil and desires the complete downfall of Western culture and of the United States in particular. He's not a good guy at all.
Thank you, Senator Lee.