Rapture 2024 - What day is Rosh Hashanah?

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 73

  • @JeffreyRichardsonDude
    @JeffreyRichardsonDude Месяц назад +15

    I feel like saying, "Are we there yet," every day till rapture.

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +1

      Funny I know the feeling. 🙂

    • @FallenCloud.
      @FallenCloud. Месяц назад +1

      Lol. This is a great comment 😊

  • @JohnGuzikowski
    @JohnGuzikowski Месяц назад +7

    Interesting Facts that you brought up I looking forward to October

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +2

      @@JohnGuzikowski Me as well and I hope this is the year.

    • @waltersteffensthezr2man431
      @waltersteffensthezr2man431 Месяц назад +2

      I found another guy's channel randomly it's called fruits of the Spirit.hes been living in his car ever since COVID. He is absolutely dead set on October.

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +1

      @@waltersteffensthezr2man431 We will see. It looks promising.

    • @ivydornya2322
      @ivydornya2322 Месяц назад +1

      Please which day is roshana

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@ivydornya2322 Early October and it's based on the sighting of the new moon.
      Keep in mind. The rapture this year is not guaranteed.

  • @Walter-Ross
    @Walter-Ross Месяц назад +5

    Yes the rapture can only happen during the feast of trumpets, no other day. Hold on everyone we have less than 2 months

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +2

      Amen brother!

    • @yeshuaschild209
      @yeshuaschild209 Месяц назад +1

      @@Walter-Ross it can come on ANY day

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@yeshuaschild209 The rapture can only come on any day of one doesn't understand the appointed times of the Lord and they fail Paul's test of understanding.
      1 Thessalonians 5:1 NKJV - But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you.
      There are those appointed times. Paul's audience understood because he taught them. If Paul was alive he'd have so many letter to write as the majority of thise who think they will be raptured do not understand.

  • @gossman75
    @gossman75 13 дней назад +1

    Feast of Trumpets 34 Days, and 11 hours from 10:27 PM August 28 Central standard time. Only reason we don't know when the rapture is, is because every year the feast of trumpets is on a different day. SO we just don't know the year.

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  12 дней назад +1

      Actually there is a bit more to it than that. The pagen calendar we use is irrelevant. Rosh Hashanah is always Tisheri 1. A month on God's calendar always starts on the New moon. Here is the definition of the Hebrew word for month.
      - the new moon, month, monthly
      - the first day of the month
      - the lunar month
      2 witnesses must see the new moon for the month, and day, to start. I could take a few days for this to happen. Rosh Hashanah is the only appointed Tim to fall on the 1st of a month.
      Rosh Hashanah is also known as Yom HaKeseh, which is the day that is hidden or concealed and the day that we will be concealed.

    • @gossman75
      @gossman75 9 дней назад

      Here's an Update. Feast of Trumpets is going to be October 2-4 2024 at 6:14 pm.

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  9 дней назад

      @@gossman75 Who knows, if it's actually a 2 day feast day then it could go longer. You are definitely in the right ball park.

  • @ghomsey5372
    @ghomsey5372 Месяц назад +5

    Dave , What are your thoughts as to when our bodies get changed to incorruptible . I read that a jewish baby is dedicated to God 8 days after birth. I hope on 9-23 our bodies change then 8 days later rapture??

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +2

      @@ghomsey5372 we are changes incorruptible at the rapture.
      1 Corinthians 15:52 NKJV - in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
      The dedicated to God is more related to the 1st 7 days as a representation of tribulation and the times of Jacob's sorrows and the 8th day being the establishment of the millennial kingdom. Jacob's sorrows also connect to the death of Rebecca. It's kinda deep and hard to follow.

    • @ghomsey5372
      @ghomsey5372 Месяц назад +2

      @@DaveKull63 Yes I understand 1 corinthians but I am not finding anything saying that they happen at the same time. Maybe I need to research the 1537 Matthews Bible . I am not getting where you are going as to your 2nd paragraph. I'll keep viewing your videos in hopes to clarify in the near future. Tks

    • @ghomsey5372
      @ghomsey5372 Месяц назад +1

      @@DaveKull63 I was just wondering since Matthew 27 say's those who rose from the dead "walked the earth" But for how long ? IDK

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@ghomsey5372 I don't know either, it doesn't say.

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@ghomsey5372 It was a response to your comment about a baby being dedicated to God on the 8th day.

  • @gailward7449
    @gailward7449 Месяц назад +2

    There it is again, the shimmering sardius color of Messiah from Revelation 4:3. Today, I see it in my favorite liquidambar. It’s early for the colors of fall, yet October’s not far off. Dave, the world stage is set, with the Mideast conflict you’ve looked for since 2007 seemingly days away. Likewise, Messiah’s fetching of his bride is indelibly written on God’s calendar with a date that will soon be here. Yet, all of this excitement shouldn’t change the way we keep His commandments. What matters most is loving Him with all we’ve got while sharing with, serving next to, laughing beside, and crying over each other. He’ll bless our socks off as we love one another wherever we meet up during these last days. And, when those bare feet touch the clouds, previously concealed details will have fallen into place.

  • @rubysummers7929
    @rubysummers7929 Месяц назад +3

    😂😅 Oh my gosh ! Rosh Hashanah ! Plenty of videos! Stop asking! Lol 😅😂😂 you made my day! Lol 😁 😆

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +4

      @@rubysummers7929Thank you. Glad I made you smile.

  • @aftonline
    @aftonline 19 дней назад +1

    Didn't Paul teach that there is a resurrection just before the rapture, so could it not be that Elijah and Moses are resurrected at that time and remain on the earth as the 2 witnesses during the first half of the tribulation? Edit: actually it would only be Moses who would be resurrected, Elijah already went to heaven in a chariot of fire, so he'd have to come back down again.

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  19 дней назад

      @@aftonline not that I am aware of. There was the resserection with Messiah and the others that arose with Him (firstfruits). The rapture at the start of tribulation (main harvest) and the tribulation saints (gleanings).
      My money is on the 2 witnesses being 2 people who will come in the power of Elijah and Moses, just as John the Baptist would have been Elijah if the Jews would have corporately accepted Messiah. God has a way of doing things the same way.

  • @louisethomas8617
    @louisethomas8617 Месяц назад +2

    Hi dave , just watched your video with my mum , Very interesting 😮, i realy realy hope an pray its october . All comes togther an makes alot of sense ❤xx Thank you for this xx

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +1

      You're welcome and tell Mum I said hello. Keep your eye opened for for a video I just recorded with a "War in Israel Update". not sure when I will upload it.

    • @louisethomas8617
      @louisethomas8617 Месяц назад +1

      @@DaveKull63 I will do, and ok I shall keep my eyes peeled for your video 😁xx

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +1

      @@louisethomas8617 🙂

  • @liarliar8654
    @liarliar8654 Месяц назад +3

    Hey Mr Dave
    How about the feast of Wines is there a possibility the Rapture happens then ????
    Lmk My Friend God Bless You

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +3

      @@liarliar8654 Leviticus 23 describes the 7 appointed times of the Lord and the Feast of wine is not included there. Wine is a symbol of Joy. The most joyful time of the year is a theme of Sukkots or Tabernacles which also speaks of God tabernacling with us, Emmanuel. This is the birth of Messiah and will be the millennial kingdom.
      If your looking at Isaiah 25 that is Millennial Kingdom, not rapture

    • @liarliar8654
      @liarliar8654 Месяц назад +1

      Thank you brother Dave 🩵

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@liarliar8654 you're welcome.

  • @hermanusprinsloo4468
    @hermanusprinsloo4468 Месяц назад +1

    A day is "as" (likened to, not equal to) a 1000 years, so working with 49 year counts you wont get to 6000 or 7000. Some interpret the Jubilee as multiples of 50 instead of 49 in order to get the round thousands.

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@hermanusprinsloo4468 Peter is specifically speaking about prophecy when making this statement. Each day of creation represents 1000 years of human history. I've walked through this a couple time.

  • @MedusaQueen729
    @MedusaQueen729 Месяц назад +1

    Was Jesus refering to the Rapture when He said: "One would be taken, and the other one left behind"? Do you believe all children under the age of acountability will be raptured?

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +2

      @@MedusaQueen729 Being the one taken here is not good. They get burned which is a picture of those whose names are not written in the book of life being cast into the lake of fire. The wheat and tares also correlate to what Messiah said in Matthew 24.
      40“Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left.
      This is not a rapture verse.
      Messiah did not overtly speak of the rapture but alluded to it in passages about the wedding feast. Messiah spoke of the Millennial kingdom.
      As for the children. I have done several videos about children and the rapture. I should probably do another. The "age of accountability" is not something we see in scripture. There is however a picture that appears to be valid when the children of Isreal wondered through the wilderness before entering the promiseland, which is a picture of entering the millennial kingdom.
      Here is the Judgement that was passed.
      Numbers 14:29 NKJV - ‘The carcasses of you who have complained against Me shall fall in this wilderness, all of you who were numbered, according to your entire number, from twenty years old and above.
      So 19 and under was good but in that day a new born was considered a year old. So for today it would be 18.
      Hope this helps.

  • @vicvancouver3123
    @vicvancouver3123 Месяц назад +1

    Hi Dave, thanks I'm following along still, maybe I've got it.
    Just doing a quick search on the interweb I found:
    "Probable Timing for the 70th Jubilee begins on Yom Kippour 2024 (Oct 11 & 12 of 2024) through Rosh Hashanah 2025".
    So then look for the Rapture to happen during Rosh Hashanah 2024, or as that festival ends (October 2 thru 4, 2024) ... at the start of the 2025 Jubilee Year?
    Basically is that correct?
    Thanks for another video! Be well & blessings 🙏🙏🐕
    PS: I have my Bible opened .... 📚📕!

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +1

      @@vicvancouver3123hi Vic I hope all is well. This response is more for whoever might read it, than you.
      Year of Jubilee is when the land goes back to Messiah. That's when He sets up the millennial kingdom, not the rapture. People come up with dates in history, something like 1948, and call it a YOJ and count from there where there is nothing that correlates it to a YOJ. It thet count from the beginning of creation or the time the Children of Isreal entering the promise land. It is year 5784 on the Hebraic calendar. Years are missing. We can't count from way back when.
      Also I I explained in the video. The rapture CAN NOT BE START IN A YEAR OF JUBILEE

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@vicvancouver3123 a close Bible like leaving a sword on a counter in a sheaf thinking it will protect you laying there. 🙂😀

  • @yeshuaschild209
    @yeshuaschild209 Месяц назад +1

    We know why it's called the Endurance of the sainta

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +1

      @@yeshuaschild209 That's because it's not one and done. Words like believe and faith are "pariciples" which imply continual action. We are to run the race until we reach the goal. We do not give up or lose heart. This is how we receive the imperishable crown 👑.

    • @yeshuaschild209
      @yeshuaschild209 Месяц назад +1

      @@DaveKull63 amen

  • @vicvancouver3123
    @vicvancouver3123 Месяц назад +1

    Hey Dave, I apologize and don't want to be a pain ... (seriously if I am just put me on disregard or other)
    But I watched the video again a second time ... started writing some notes to myself and ... getting perplexed and a little aggravated at myself possibly
    Anyway ...
    If you have another extra minute please?
    Is this somewhat close/closer?, Discernable? ...
    {With the last 100th blow of the trumpet (shofar) to signal the conclusion of the 2024 Rosh Hashanah festival ... is best possible anticipation of when The Rapture should happen (Oct 4th nightfall 2024).
    Furthermore ... if the Rapture indeed happens as anticipated ... this would mean we could Not soon be entering a Jubilee Year ....
    Because ... the Rapture would also signal the start of 7 years of the Great Tribulation ... and that would subsequently mean our Messiah's Second coming would be at the end of Tribulation 2031
    Concluding ... 2032 must be a Jubilee Year ... When the land goes back to Messiah and he sets up His millennial kingdom. (The land returns to its true owner with the Jubilee Year)}
    Then date of Christ's crucifixion and all that ... just other stuff for me to look at I suppose. But for me to try at least
    Quite possibly I'm rambling here 🤣 I have been trying to landscape the tiny 1000 sf of my own property all season and it's not very much fun! Wow - hard work and I'm old 🤣 Anyway ...
    Be well and Blessings to you Brother! Thank you for all your hard work. Later then 🙏💫🐕

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад +1

      @@vicvancouver3123 you're good.i understand that you are just trying to grasp what I was saying.
      2 things
      1 because the new moon has to be seen, and something like clouds could obscure the sighting, thus determining the day is not possible
      2 Armageddon, when Messiah returns would be Yom Kippur 2031. That would also be when the millennial kingdom and YOJ would begin. It is still 2000 years from the crucifixion in 32 ad when you look at the years on God's calendar not the pagan calendar we currently use as Rosh Hashanah starts the new year.

    • @vicvancouver3123
      @vicvancouver3123 Месяц назад +1

      @@DaveKull63 A great many thanks for following up with me!. Yes, those additional considerations you mention such as cloud obstruction ... wow another factor!
      Great to study along! The Bible so miraculous how it fits together so incredibly!, and yet I feel I'm only scratching the surface.
      Be very well & blessed Brother Dave! 🙏🙏

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@vicvancouver3123 It is an amazing Book, because the Author is Incredible. I too feel like I am just scratching the surface. Seriously!

  • @jaysanderson3167
    @jaysanderson3167 Месяц назад +1

    Hey brother, I have to admit that the Feast of wine and AV 9 were interesting to consider but I should probably stick to FOT. Is Teshuvah the same as the days of awe?

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@jaysanderson3167 I can't see considering something that is not an appointed time of the Lord for consider.
      Tushuvah is 40 days of prayer and repentance that starts of Elul 1 and ends on Tisheri 10, Yom Kippur. This is when Messiah was in the wilderness. So on tisheri 10 Messiah told Satan to get lost, it's a picture of Messiah defeating at Armageddon of Yom Kippur.
      The days of Awe are the last 10 days of that time, Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur. I Believe it represents tribulation

    • @jaysanderson3167
      @jaysanderson3167 Месяц назад +1

      @@DaveKull63 Thanks Dave, that makes sense. I guess I will keep my focus on the first weekend in October then.

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      Amen we will see. If not we wait and keep sharing Messiah

    • @jaysanderson3167
      @jaysanderson3167 Месяц назад +1

      @@DaveKull63 Based on the new update from Devorah's FOT will begin at sunset on Oct. 4th thru sunset on the 5th. Interesting since our calendars have it ending at sunset on the 4th. I use Jerusalem time so it will end mid morning on the 5th CST.

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@jaysanderson3167 I went and took a look. I'm confused as the new moon will still need to be sighted. If it clouding and not seen it doesn't start, at least that's my understanding.
      We will see.

  • @scottk3292
    @scottk3292 Месяц назад +1

    You said that God doesn't do reincarnation, and under that term and concept (of the same spirit in a new body, living a new life, with a new identity), you're correct. However: After Christ died on the cross, many dead prophets came back to life and came out of their graves, as a part of Jesus being the first fruits from the dead. So Moses and Elijah coming back as Moses and Elijah isn't at all a pagan concept. Remember that one of the arch angels contested with the devil over Moses' body. Why? Why would his body be so important? Because he has to come back.

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@scottk3292 My comment about reincarnation in that context may not have been the best choice of words. I'll give you that.
      At the rapture the bodies of those who died in Messiah will be reunited with their souls.
      When it comes to the 2 witnesses I see John the Baptist as our example. In speaking of John Messiah said this.
      Matthew 11
      14“And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who is to come.
      Elijah and Moses could be the 2 witnesses but based on how John the Baptist would have been Elijah I see it far to say the the 2 witnesses will be 2 people in the power of Moses and Elijah.

    • @scottk3292
      @scottk3292 Месяц назад +1

      @@DaveKull63 This is indeed a confusing issue. Elijah and Moses appeared with Yeshua during the transfiguration, and were recognized by the disciples present. I often wonder how the disciples would have recognized them without old newspaper clippings with photos of them. If Winston Churchill or Paul Revere appeared before me, I'd most likely have no idea who they were.
      Anyway, the thing about John the Baptist being Elijah has always been a bit foggy for me. It's written that God would raise up a prophet like Moses for the people, but we don't say that Jesus is Moses. Well, clearly Jesus being God in the flesh is entirely different from Him simply having the power/annointing of Moses.

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@scottk3292 I don't see it as confusing. As for the 2 witnesses, there will come a time when, from the Father's House we will see the events of this world taking place. Them we will know the answer for sure.
      As for Messiah, in John 14 He told us that He only speaks His Father's Words. He is sayingthat He is the prophet like Moses.
      23¶Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.
      24“He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.

    • @scottk3292
      @scottk3292 Месяц назад

      @@DaveKull63 The only plain and simple way to see John the Baptist as being Elijah is to label it as reincarnation. How is that not confusing? Well, okay, not the exact same person resurrected, but the same spirit in a different body - which is the definition of reincarnation. Otherwise, Elizabeth (the mother of John the Baptist) would have had a horribly difficult delivery, because Elijah was a full-grown man.

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@scottk3292 it's not the same person or Spirit. It is in the power of.
      If it was Elijah's actual sprint as you suggest what is more confusing is that if Isreal did not accept Messiah, so John the Baptist did not have that Spirit.
      Matthew 11
      11¶“Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
      12“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.
      13“For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.
      14“And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who is to come.
      Verse 14 is conditional, IF! They didn't so he wasn't.
      I'm not confused at all.

  • @fabiotuan5206
    @fabiotuan5206 Месяц назад +1

    Why would you say that 2024 would be a better fit than 2025, if the rapture were to happen in one of these years ?

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@fabiotuan5206 Because Passover, when Messiah was crucified has to be on a Thursday and 32 ad (2024) would work. 33ad (2025) does not.
      Part 3 explains why Thursday
      Part 4 why 2024 not 2025

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      @@fabiotuan5206 several problems here. The rapture can only happen on Rosh Hashanah. The Last Trumpet is the Tekiah Gedolah, look it up!. It's Rosh Hashanah.
      Fig tree generation starts when Isreal is producing fruit. That was not 1948.
      Here is a video about the figtree generation

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      Matthew 24
      32¶“Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near.
      33“So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near-at the doors!
      34“Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place.
      "All of these things" takes you through tribulation.
      "Branches putting forth leaves" fruit would have started 1st. That's the 1960s, probably 1967.

    • @fabiotuan5206
      @fabiotuan5206 Месяц назад +1

      Rosh Hashanah is in Oct 2024
      lets hope this is the year!
      Appreciate your teachings
      God Bless!

    • @DaveKull63
      @DaveKull63  Месяц назад

      I am. Check out the figtree video.