Atheist Dies, Meets Jesus, Lives to Tell: Howard Storm Near Death Experience

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • For more near death experiences with Jesus Christ, subscribe! / @christianmysticism
    In June 1985, Howard Storm took a group of his students on a field trip to Europe. After returning to his Paris hotel room with his wife around 11:00 a.m. from a morning excursion, he had a sudden onset of severe abdominal pain. He was evaluated at a Paris hospital, Hôpital Cochin, and diagnosed with a duodenal perforation, which required surgery. The earliest a surgeon could perform this procedure was around 9:00 p.m. that day. As he lay waiting for surgery, he truly believed that he was going to die due to the severity of his pain and so mentally prepared himself for death. After saying goodbye to his wife, he eventually passed out.
    Storm reports the following experience: He opened his eyes and found himself standing outside of his body, looking down at the hospital bed with his wife crying beside him. He was without pain and hypersensitive. His wife could not see or hear him. He was then drawn by voices calling his name outside the hospital room, and he followed them, believing they were taking him to a doctor. He describes pale humanoid creatures that urged him down the hallway, saying they had been waiting for him. The creatures became increasingly hostile, and when he refused to continue following them, they began to attack him. He then heard a voice saying, “Pray to God,” and so he recited fragments of Bible verses and the Pledge of Allegiance. With the mention of the word “God,” the creatures would retract, and eventually he was alone again. After a period of time, he called out for Jesus to save him, suddenly he was rescued by Jesus Christ.
    Thereafter, he had a recollection of his entire life, a life review, which highlighted some negative aspects of his life, before the “beings of light” answered his questions. They told him that the United States was a “blessed nation” but one which required a change lest it lose its prosperity. He describes visions of a future plagued by war, natural disasters, and despair, but which could be avoided should there be a major spiritual “shift” in the consciousness of the world. These beings told him that the “correct religion” is that religion which “brings you closest to God.”
    When he awoke, he was being prepped for surgery, which repaired the duodenal perforation. In the following days, he reports that he was visited by a doctor upon whose arrival the room lightened, and upon his exit, it darkened again. The nurse (whose desk was just outside Storm’s room) had seen nothing. Storm also recounts “a Voice” that told him to ignore the advice of doctors and buy return tickets to the U.S. a week after his procedure, which he did. Upon his arrival in Cincinnati, he was admitted in the hospital in critical condition with double pneumonia, collapsed lung, extreme peritonitis, and non-A non-B hepatitis. His recovery took five weeks, and he reported a period of seven months of extreme weakness before he was able to return to work.

Комментарии • 72

  • @christianmysticism
    @christianmysticism  Год назад

    Watch the entire NDE playlist:

  • @tawthylawn351
    @tawthylawn351 Год назад +17

    That’s terrible that the Jesuits and priests discouraged you from becoming Catholic. The faith you were raised in. The Catholic Church has the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. The only church that does.
    Your talk is beautiful and very inspiring. Thank you for your witness. God bless you✝️

  • @Railguns98
    @Railguns98 Год назад +8

    Howard Storm is the man!

  • @yvonnemckain9551
    @yvonnemckain9551 Год назад +5

    Thank you 🙏🏽 mr. Storm God is using you to tell us of the greatest love story, his infinite love for all and he awaits only our love for him.Godbless you and your family and mission. Thank you 🙏🏽 ❤

  • @thedooran
    @thedooran Год назад +5

    The comments are sad, i think people are getting way too caught up in this mans attempt to describe his experience, rather than understand the message

  • @draspotnuk
    @draspotnuk Год назад +11

    Interesting interview. Concerning that the Catholic Church turned him away and told him that he is on the right path.

    • @christianmysticism
      @christianmysticism  Год назад +4

      Was thinking the same thing.

    • @zach6643
      @zach6643 Год назад +7

      Classic Jesuits tbh

    • @brianw.5230
      @brianw.5230 Год назад +3

      Just one Jesuit.

    • @samschannelish
      @samschannelish Год назад

      It’s because the great apostasy was in full swing. It may not seem like it on the surface but it’s waning now as Satan’s time is coming to an end. People are waking up now and realizing the deception they have been under. That wasn’t happening as much in the 80s and 90s.

    • @allforyouii2
      @allforyouii2 Год назад

      @@zach6643 😂

  • @reginab722
    @reginab722 Год назад

    And people complain about our healthcare system! What kind of doctor did he have?! I know that’s not the point but his story is a blessing but makes me appreciate America.

  • @GizelleJane2012
    @GizelleJane2012 Год назад +10

    I am so curios to know why after this man having that experience, did not convert to Catholicism. I have heard several testimonies from people who have had an illumination of conscience Jesus has always pointed them to the Catholic faith. Especially because the Eucharist is the source of our life & our salvation.. not once did he speak about the Eucharist. So weird.

    • @RestoreJustice675
      @RestoreJustice675 Год назад +3

      Agreed but God might not be done illuminating his conscience yet. Maybe our prayers will help him make the leap.

    • @rdg6543
      @rdg6543 Год назад +3

      I think when you take on protestantism - one who protests the Catholic church - you have a sin to overcome. This sin blinds you. The sin is "I decide". I am the pope, in a sense. It takes a revelation/recognition that the sin is there and you have to abandon it, otherwise you cannot submit to the truth of the Church's authority. I am a former protestant and found stages of conversion/submitting to the Church. I have protestant relatives who can hear the truth of the authority, agree to it, yet not leave their protestant churches. So my discernment is it's a sin that has to be revealed and confessed in the confessional to be able to move forward.

    • @ros6111
      @ros6111 Год назад

      @@rdg6543 You do realize that it works both ways right? There are numerous people who leave catholicism too. And claim that Jesus told them. So your "discernment" means nothing in reality.

    • @ros6111
      @ros6111 Год назад

      Have you heard this testimony?
      Lessons From The Light
      Professor Ken Ring:
      Behind the question, there is usually the implication that some persons should be disqualified for this experience ‐‐ ra*ists, for example, or others who have led reprehensible lives.
      The answer I have heard several near‐death experiencers give to this question is unqualified: Everyone, they say, will come into this light. The Light is unconditional and plays no favourites. This reply invariably stirs an agitated response in some members of the audience, and someone will then play the trump card. "Even Hitler?," a voice will ask incredulously.
      I remember an answer that was given to this query by a near‐death experiencer who, as a child, had suffered severe se*ual and physical a*use from her father. When she found herself in the Light, she asked it telepathically, "Does everyone come here?" She was told, "yes." Then, she herself asked the very question that represents the limit for most people: "Even Hitler?" "Yes." And, then, pushing the Light even further, she found herself asking, "Even my father?" Again, "yes."
      These life reviews are seemingly always tempered by a kind of mercy that allows most of us to re‐experience our lives without teeth‐gnashing anguish and remorse. There is never any condemnation ‐‐ you are not judged. You are in the presence of a being who loves you unconditionally. You are treated with total compassion. You are already forgiven. You are only asked to look at your life, and to understand.
      The presence within the Light helps you through it with the greatest and most tender compassion and love and, even at times, humour. You are not being punished; you are being shown, so that you can learn.
      A man who had quite a hard time looking at his life during his review commented: "I feel strongly that the whole life review would have been emotionally destructive ... if it hadn't been for the fact that my friend [the being of light] and my friend's friends, while we watched the whole thing, were loving me. I could feel that love. Every time I got a little upset, they turned it off for awhile and they just loved me. Their love was tangible. You could feel it on your body, you could feel it inside of you; their love went right through you. The therapy was their love, because my life review just kept tearing me down. It was pitiful to watch, just pitiful ... it was nauseating. But through it all was their love."

    • @miguelortiz8613
      @miguelortiz8613 8 месяцев назад

      The reason why is because Jesus is the focus of the Christian faith and Chatolicism is not. Research Chatolism. I have personally talked with many Catholics and they do not want to accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

  • @joeychicago6322
    @joeychicago6322 Год назад +1

    Well just watched all of this and I have to say the theology that this man explained threw his heart first off touched my soul but all of this deep understanding is of the Catholic faith period. It is deep but like I always say to my protestant friends, u love God the way that u do and ill honour and worship Him the way that I do. As long as were trust worthy Christian brothers who r willing to die for Each other and for Christ at the drop of a dime!!! Keep looking up, may God bless us all, pray for the safety of all children and for the conversion of all sinners.

  • @lukang72
    @lukang72 Год назад +2

    Amazing testimony. The interviewer asks great and insightful questions

  • @jakefreedomfighterjosohqajds
    @jakefreedomfighterjosohqajds 8 месяцев назад

    I met Jesus before and had a vision of Hell when I told my sister and brother in law bout it I cried It never leaves my mind I know my dad and brother don't believe me and I truly don't care that they don't believe me I know what I saw and what I experienced I just pray that God will forgive me for all the things I've done in my life I pray I don't ever have another vision of Hell Its horrific I wouldn't want even my enemies to go there I can't tell people my vision of Hell cause they will think I'm crazy so its no point telling people what I saw I rather keep it blocked and not ever remember hell I sleep with the light on cause it helps me sleep , please listen to me forgive people have your heart right with God believe me you don't wanna go through what I went through pray you never have to see it I still till this day cry at times when I remember it , I know what Jesus looks like but I don't know what he sounds like

  • @joeychicago6322
    @joeychicago6322 Год назад

    Wen he said to pray for and b nice to your family members to go to church, not to force it, I'm guilty of this! Say it and pray for it. U know I'm really trying to have a deeper belief in my prayers, that they will come to fruition for my loved one's my enemies. Pray for the conversion of all sinners.

  • @lollover411lol5
    @lollover411lol5 5 месяцев назад

    This journalist is amazing.She knows the story better than the guy does

  • @myspurs2003
    @myspurs2003 Год назад +8

    For the Lord JESUS CHRIST is the way the truth and the life and no man cometh to the Father except thru him.. not Allah ,not Buddha,not Hinduism, Judaism !! In the video he says that all people that have love in they're heart's will be saved for they know CHRIST thru they're love and CHRIST knows them as well?? So if that being the case why would the Father sent his Son to die a cruel death on the cross if everyone w love shall be saved?? Doesn't make sense for the bible says the heart is deceitful and wicked who can trust it !! You MUST believe in CHRIST JESUS for he said he that keeps my commandments and abides by them is he that loves me and he that loves me is also loved by my Father ,I too will love him and will reveal myself to him.the bible was very clear on who will not see the kingdom of God do not be deceived.

    • @christianmysticism
      @christianmysticism  Год назад +4

      @Kiko agreed. I will also be uploading an NDE of a Hindu man who died and met Christ Jesus. He was denied Heaven and he lives to tell. Captivating story.

    • @myspurs2003
      @myspurs2003 Год назад +4

      @@christianmysticism please do I would like to see it. You have a very humble heart most wouldn't message back because pride has over taken they're hearts.god GOD bless you ! Mary most holy pray for us.❤🙏

    • @ros6111
      @ros6111 Год назад

      @@myspurs2003 THE NDE REALITIES......................
      Scratch beneath those flat EKG lines, and the stories are a veritable twilight zone of inconsistencies. Some near-death voyagers claim to have met God - BUT A FEW SAW ELVIS PRESLEY OR GROUCHO MARX, researchers say. Others get to heaven not through the famous “tunnel”, but ABOARD GHOSTLY TAXICABS, FERRIES THAT CROSS THE RIVER STYX, OR SPANGLED COWS.
      Even children - often touted as the best source of unbiased information - commonly return from “death” claiming they were GREETED IN THE OTHER WORLD BY STILL LIVING TEACHERS, AND NINTENDO CHARACTERS, instead of deceased relatives.
      A few hospitals have placed signs in their cardiac units - with nonsensical messages visible only from above - but so far NOBODY HAS RETURNED FROM DEATH CLAIMING TO HAVE FLOATED UP AND SEEN ONE.
      You would expect, that if any particular religious account of the afterlife were true, NDEs would be pretty much the same. BUT THESE ACCOUNTS ARE SO VARIED AND ARE ALL BASED ON CULTURAL EXPOSURE. IN INDIA PEOPLE SEE HINDU GODS, IN SAUDI ARABIA IT'S MOHAMMED, ALLAH, AND A BUNCH OF VIRGINS. The kid from the book/movie Heaven is for Real saw a Jesus with bright blue eyes, and ONE LITTLE GIRL WENT TO HEAVEN AND WAS GREETED BY A PORTLY MAN WITH A WHITE BEARD AND A RED CAP A.K.A. SANTA CLAUSE.
      An NDEr’s subjective experiences can be attributed to many factors: THE NDEr's PSYCHOLOGY, PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, BACKGROUND, ETC. - NOT JUST CULTURE.
      The terrain of heaven also varies wildly - from gardens, forests, or CATTLE FILLED PASTURES in some accounts, to clouds, COMPUTER ROOMS, or castles in others. A TEXAN SAW BARBED WIRE FENCES IN THE AFTERLIFE; Micronesians describe large, noisy CITIES WITH CARS AND SKYSCRAPERS.
      Whereas American near-death survivors are typically sent back by God because “it’s not your time yet,” INDIA'S AFTERLIFE VISITORS ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE TOLD THERE WAS A “CLERICAL ERROR.”
      Moody has chronicled at least two such sightings. In one, a Nebraska teacher who had met the singer briefly in real life, encountered him again when her heart allegedly stopped during gallbladder surgery in 1979. “Hi, Beverly, remember me?” the slimmed-down King reportedly asked as he stepped from the light.
      Drugs - including LSD, hashish, and Ketamine - also can induce near-death-type sensations, Siegel says.
      So can electrical stimulation of the brain. Sixty years ago, Dr. Wilder Penfield, a neurosurgeon, poked around the right temporal lobe of some epileptic patients and discovered that they would hear heavenly music, relive their pasts in 3D, and have out-of-body visions. Similar experiments continue.

    • @ros6111
      @ros6111 Год назад

      I wouldn't put too much faith in subjective experiences (anecdotes), when people claim to see yamatoots, Jesus riding a rainbow colored horse, a talking turtle, the virgin Mary, Jewish Rabbis, fur balls with teeth, a wizard, Jesus with blue, green, and brown eyes, Hindu gods, purgatory, Allah and a bunch of virgins, people who are still living, and Santa Clause. Todd Burpo tells the story of how his son Colton endured the equivalent of an NDE. Speaking supposedly “with the simple conviction of an eyewitness,” Colton reveals a God who looks like Gabriel(?), only larger, has blue eyes, yellow hair, and huge wings; a Jesus with sea-green-bluish eyes, brown hair, no wings, but with a rainbow-colored horse. Hindus who believe in Yamraj, the Hindu god of the dead, experienced meeting him, Jews who don’t believe in Jesus or "hell", experienced God as described in the Old Testament, while Messianic Jews experienced God as Jesus. Are you kidding me?
      Dr. Richard Eby had a so-called NDE and allegedly Jesus told him he had to go back and that he (Jesus) would return (2nd coming) before Richard Eby died permanently. Well, Dr. Richard Eby has now died, and Jesus has not returned. So, now what do you think?

  • @jntwyatt
    @jntwyatt Год назад +1

    Very inspiring 👍🏻❤️ Thank you.

  • @bvokey8842
    @bvokey8842 Год назад +3

    I like his story and watched all of this video but he talks that revelations/visions must pass the sniff test - that if it’s not Biblical then it’s not legit - but then he seems to go against that himself saying all religious paths have potential to lead to God, which of course isn’t scriptural. So from what I can tell he seems to contradict himself in a large way. Other than that like I said I enjoyed the story and don’t disbelieve he had a real enlightening experience of the world beyond ours and I wish him well.

  • @stephendufort4154
    @stephendufort4154 8 месяцев назад

    glad the interviewer , asked for some details , because every show I saw HS, HE never goes into details .....which I wish he would, what do the angels look like the demons ,Jesus , etc, etc.

  • @myspurs2003
    @myspurs2003 Год назад +6

    What's the deal with the satanic background ??

    • @christianmysticism
      @christianmysticism  Год назад +7

      The thumbnail represents the brimstone of Hell.

    • @myspurs2003
      @myspurs2003 Год назад +2

      @@christianmysticism are you catholic?

    • @christianmysticism
      @christianmysticism  Год назад +7

      @@myspurs2003 Devout Catholic, yes.

    • @loarnotoole36
      @loarnotoole36 Год назад +2

      @James Palmer2 .... "Wisdom will never enter the soul of wrong doer , nor dwell in a body enslaved to sin "....

    • @ros6111
      @ros6111 Год назад

      Lessons From The Light
      Professor Ken Ring:
      Behind the question, there is usually the implication that some persons should be disqualified for this experience ‐‐ ra*ists, for example, or others who have led reprehensible lives.
      The answer I have heard several near‐death experiencers give to this question is unqualified: Everyone, they say, will come into this light. The Light is unconditional and plays no favourites. This reply invariably stirs an agitated response in some members of the audience, and someone will then play the trump card. "Even Hitler?," a voice will ask incredulously.
      I remember an answer that was given to this query by a near‐death experiencer who, as a child, had suffered severe se*ual and physical a*use from her father. When she found herself in the Light, she asked it telepathically, "Does everyone come here?" She was told, "yes." Then, she herself asked the very question that represents the limit for most people: "Even Hitler?" "Yes." And, then, pushing the Light even further, she found herself asking, "Even my father?" Again, "yes."
      These life reviews are seemingly always tempered by a kind of mercy that allows most of us to re‐experience our lives without teeth‐gnashing anguish and remorse. There is never any condemnation ‐‐ you are not judged. You are in the presence of a being who loves you unconditionally. You are treated with total compassion. You are already forgiven. You are only asked to look at your life, and to understand.
      The presence within the Light helps you through it with the greatest and most tender compassion and love and, even at times, humour. You are not being punished; you are being shown, so that you can learn.
      A man who had quite a hard time looking at his life during his review commented: "I feel strongly that the whole life review would have been emotionally destructive ... if it hadn't been for the fact that my friend [the being of light] and my friend's friends, while we watched the whole thing, were loving me. I could feel that love. Every time I got a little upset, they turned it off for awhile and they just loved me. Their love was tangible. You could feel it on your body, you could feel it inside of you; their love went right through you. The therapy was their love, because my life review just kept tearing me down. It was pitiful to watch, just pitiful ... it was nauseating. But through it all was their love."

  • @joanofarc708
    @joanofarc708 Год назад +1

    Hope you're watching FF FG SF Greens

  • @joeychicago6322
    @joeychicago6322 Год назад

    To bad he wasn't in contact with the Dominicans, they would've invited him in. Who knows maybe the Jesuits were right. Either way Mr Storm is great and a blessing to his church period.

  • @debbie2027
    @debbie2027 Год назад +4

    he believes in reincarnation thus thinks abortion isn't' a sin .. that is NOT Christian

    • @christianmysticism
      @christianmysticism  Год назад +3

      I know priests that believe in past lives... I don't think Howard Storm is endorsing it though, at least not in this video.

    • @brianw.5230
      @brianw.5230 Год назад +4

      He's against abortion. I emailed and asked him.

    • @debbie2027
      @debbie2027 Год назад

      @@christianmysticism you know "priests" ..... there are all kinds of people who think they are priests .... If "they" claim to be Roman Catholic, then they are holding heretical beliefs and need help

  • @joeychicago6322
    @joeychicago6322 Год назад

    The interviewer has this look on her face like, ya riiight! I'm sure that's just her look but funny. Wut he says about Purgatory, wen she described it, I was like YES! Proof that u do not have to b Catholic to love God. As a Catholic I would say it's to much of a deep theology for this man at his age to b involved. Maybe in the future. The show the music is all very traditional Latin Catholicum tho. I have a feeling Mr Storm shall become a Catholic in his near future. God bless us all, even the protestants!!!

  • @Mr.QuantumC0re
    @Mr.QuantumC0re Год назад +1


  • @istvancsiszar1118
    @istvancsiszar1118 Год назад

    There is no hell .

    • @christianmysticism
      @christianmysticism  Год назад

      You will believe in it when you get there.

    • @istvancsiszar1118
      @istvancsiszar1118 Год назад

      @@christianmysticism You are not from God . Threatening people with hell to incite fear and hatred in them comes from somebody else.

    • @christianmysticism
      @christianmysticism  Год назад

      @@istvancsiszar1118 Whatever dude. Negative NDEs are documented in peer-reviewed medical journals. You can say the Earth is flat and believe it as well, that doesn't make it true or real.
      The nonlocal nature of consciousness and continuance after death is documented. NDEs when people clinically die, they come back with testimonies about dark tunnels to different realms man, and they are consistent. There are four categories of NDE: (1) pleasant, (2) inverse, (3) void, and (4) hellish.
      Hellish NDEs documented in medical journals:видео.html
      Void NDE:видео.html
      Not all NDEs are pleasant. Some are in fact, hellish. By simply saying and believing that "there is no hell," it does not detract from the fact and the concrete reality that many people die and report hellish experiences.

  • @ros6111
    @ros6111 Год назад +2

    Well....another contradiction! Now what?!
    Lessons From The Light
    Professor Ken Ring:
    Behind the question, there is usually the implication that some persons should be disqualified for this experience ‐‐ ra*ists, for example, or others who have led reprehensible lives.
    The answer I have heard several near‐death experiencers give to this question is unqualified: Everyone, they say, will come into this light. The Light is unconditional and plays no favourites. This reply invariably stirs an agitated response in some members of the audience, and someone will then play the trump card. "Even Hitler?," a voice will ask incredulously.
    I remember an answer that was given to this query by a near‐death experiencer who, as a child, had suffered severe se*ual and physical a*use from her father. When she found herself in the Light, she asked it telepathically, "Does everyone come here?" She was told, "yes." Then, she herself asked the very question that represents the limit for most people: "Even Hitler?" "Yes." And, then, pushing the Light even further, she found herself asking, "Even my father?" Again, "yes."
    These life reviews are seemingly always tempered by a kind of mercy that allows most of us to re‐experience our lives without teeth‐gnashing anguish and remorse. There is never any condemnation ‐‐ you are not judged. You are in the presence of a being who loves you unconditionally. You are treated with total compassion. You are already forgiven. You are only asked to look at your life, and to understand.
    The presence within the Light helps you through it with the greatest and most tender compassion and love and, even at times, humour. You are not being punished; you are being shown, so that you can learn.
    A man who had quite a hard time looking at his life during his review commented: "I feel strongly that the whole life review would have been emotionally destructive ... if it hadn't been for the fact that my friend [the being of light] and my friend's friends, while we watched the whole thing, were loving me. I could feel that love. Every time I got a little upset, they turned it off for awhile and they just loved me. Their love was tangible. You could feel it on your body, you could feel it inside of you; their love went right through you. The therapy was their love, because my life review just kept tearing me down. It was pitiful to watch, just pitiful ... it was nauseating. But through it all was their love."

  • @anabell5181
    @anabell5181 5 месяцев назад

    We did not did the holocaust, some did and many innocent suffered

  • @BryanKirch
    @BryanKirch Год назад

    I guess we’ll find out if this is true in a few months

    • @christianmysticism
      @christianmysticism  Год назад

      A few months?

    • @BryanKirch
      @BryanKirch Год назад

      @@christianmysticism he claims God said there would not be a 3rd world war…

    • @christianmysticism
      @christianmysticism  Год назад

      @@BryanKirch Ahhh, gotcha.

    • @BryanKirch
      @BryanKirch Год назад

      @@christianmysticism lots of people have near death experiences and come back with similar but also radically different explanations of the afterlife. It’s one of the reasons the church works to vet and validate spiritual experiences because they’re so often corrupted by an individuals personal narratives. It’s always interesting but it’s also playing with fire to a degree. Lots of people come back and say Jesus isn’t real and never existed

    • @christianmysticism
      @christianmysticism  Год назад

      @@BryanKirch True true. The ones I find most compelling are the atheists who meet Jesus. I'm supposed to be interviewing some more ppl who clinically died pretty soon.

  • @rdg6543
    @rdg6543 Год назад +2

    He says things that are anti scriptural therefore cant be true.

    • @pinkflamingo6162
      @pinkflamingo6162 Год назад

      Most of what he says is non biblical it's non scriptural, even worse, a lot of it is straight up anathema!

    • @pinkflamingo6162
      @pinkflamingo6162 Год назад

      @Rachel Orban I agree with you, he's full of false statements. Lots of word salad with no dressing.

  • @ros6111
    @ros6111 Год назад +2

    1) Howard Storm DID NOT DIE. He wrote that his wife sat there by him. Are we supposed to believe his wife sat there looking at him while he was literally dead and not breathing? She never did anything? Never went to tell anybody he had died or run to get a nurse to at least try help? Why wouldn't she do that? The reason she didn't is because he did not die.
    2) Howard Storm doesn't seem to know specifically why he supposedly "went to hell" so he reads/projects things into it to try explain it. He wasn't "nice enough"? He was "materialistic"? This is all generic and ARBITRARY stuff. Sorry, you'll need to be more specific than that. You'll have to specifically define what "nice enough" actually means, and how to know where the cutoff point is, to know when you HAVE been "nice enough". you think "nice", and "loving", would have been defined the same way by Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon man, as people now define it? Or even 3500 years ago, as it is in the 21st century? No it wasn't, the concept of morality has been changing throughout the millennia, and still isn't the same everywhere even today! And Neanderthals wouldn't have even been AWARE of any such criteria to avoid being tormented in an afterlife.
    3) Howard Storm is telling everybody he supposedly went to hell because he wasn't "nice enough", wasn't "loving enough", and was "materialistic". NOW - NOTICE THIS 4X NDE PERSON, DAN BRINKLEY: “If I didn’t go to hell, in the last four journeys, nobody's going to hell, okay,” Brinkley said. "And I was a, well, basically a jackass, and a typical southern redneck, all the things that go with that. I thought I was the toughest, most narcissistic, ego maniacal bad boy. I thought I was the center of the universe. And I won’t say I was overly materialistic. But I was materialistic. I had a legendary overhand left and a really good right upper-cut. So my fights lasted maybe three minutes. I could tell that probably cynical, skeptical, anal retentive personality disorder, which is my basic personality, you know, and you add jackass, that you pretty well covered me. I JUST CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW IN THE WORLD, BASED ON ALL THE DOGMA THAT DESCRIBES GOING TO HELL, I HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE. About 27% of every time you hear somebody tell you about a near death experience, it’s not true. They’ve either emotionally or psychologically framed it to fit some kind of paradigm in their life, drug overdose, something that they can use that name and that term to brand their reality." He is counselling veterans, assuring them they have nothing to fear from death. NOW I ASK YOU, BASED ON HOWARD STORM'S STATEMENTS, WHY DID THIS MAN NOT "GO TO HELL"? It's a complete contradiction of things Howard Storm says.
    4) Here's another NDE story told by the interviewer, M.R.: "In fact, one fellow that was shot in the chest three times and beat up, and in the ambulance he had an experience that was beautiful. So when I was interviewing - "what was I doing there?" "Does God ever make mistakes?" He was questioning the appropriateness. He had a good experience, life review, everything. Had all the good stuff. But he was wondering why he was there. Because HE HAD KILLED TWO PEOPLE in a parking lot a year or two before that. He said, this all-compassionate, all-forgiving light: “Gee, I’ve got it made the first time around.” NOW I ASK: WOULDN'T THIS QUALIFY FOR "GOING TO HELL", ACCORDING TO HOWARD STORM? SO WHY DIDN'T HE?
    5) I think Howard Storm wrote that his alleged attackers left him "bloodied", etc. I'm sorry friend, but when you're dead you DON'T HAVE ANY BLOOD IN YOU. And you can't be marked up, bitten, scratched, or scarred, because YOU DON'T HAVE ANY SKIN OR BONES. If you did, that would logically mean you would also have kidneys and a bladder, among other organs. That would mean that an afterlife would have to have a sewage system! Do you REALLY believe that?
    6) Howard Storm wrote that these "beings" told him "we want you to do what you want to do. That means making choices and there isn’t necessarily any right choice." I now have a question for you: If there isn't necessarily any right choice, then exactly how is it possible to "go to hell"?
    7) He also wrote that these "beings" told him, "go, they said, and make all the mistakes you want, mistakes are how you learn." Here are more of Storm's own words: “Mistakes are an acceptable part of being human. We are to make all the mistakes we want. It is how we learn.” (Howard Storm) These words don't seem to be consistent with other things Howard Storm is now saying. Now again I ask: If you are to make all the mistakes you want because that's how you learn, exactly why do you "go to hell"?
    8) If you believe what Howard Storm says, why do you reject this person's Jesus story? Read and notice at the end that he had a changed life too: IANDS: "THERE IS NO HELL. WE ALL GO HOME. "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home."
    Or why do you reject this one? “Everyone goes to the same place. This includes Billy Graham, Hitler, and Jeffery Dahmer.” (Mac Wright)