Why I went to 3HO Solstice? Response to Gursant Singh

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 304

  • @ballybrar9127
    @ballybrar9127 8 лет назад +33

    You and your organization have done more for Sikhi then anybody. Keep up the good work. Waheguru has blessed you with this work. You have taught us what the gurdwara never could. So glad you are coming to Calgary. So blessed to hear you talk in person. Hope to be able to meet you in person as I would like to learn and join your organization. Thank you and God bless You!!

  • @novelnotionsandscents
    @novelnotionsandscents 7 лет назад +17

    I came to Sikhism through videos done by 3HO, videos that featured Yogi Bhajan, and videos done by Sikhnet. If you were to listen to Gursant Singh, because of how I came to Sikhism and began learning, I am not worthy. I am wrong. I am doing everything wrong. I am reading the wrong things, and so on. Simply because of the path that brought me here. Your video here spoke to me and speaks volumes for what I love about Sikhi, teaching the words of the Guru, and what they are saying. Thank you so much!

  • @arnie8958
    @arnie8958 7 лет назад +12

    Bhai saheb we are always standing with you. U doin great job and don't even need to clarify anything. You are the true person. You are the one who trying to unite us all . People who question u should have shame on themselves! You are our hero!

  • @SinghTheMaster
    @SinghTheMaster 8 лет назад +21

    Ssa Jugraaj Singh, I agree with most of your views and opinions. And, I also believe that Gursant Singh also has a lot of goodness, Love, sincerity and respect for Sikhi. He is supporting Sikhi and he took positive stands on many occasions. May Vaheyguru bless us with Su-matt.

  • @peetasingh7375
    @peetasingh7375 8 лет назад +13

    Bhai Jugraj Singh keep up the great work and lead the 3HO community to the actual path of Sikhi.
    ਭਗਤਿ ਕਰਹਿ ਮੂਰਖ ਆਪੁ ਜਣਾਵਹਿ ॥
    Bhagath Karehi Moorakh Aap Janaavehi ||
    The fools perform devotional worship by showing off;
    ਨਚਿ ਨਚਿ ਟਪਹਿ ਬਹੁਤੁ ਦੁਖੁ ਪਾਵਹਿ ॥
    Nach Nach Ttapehi Bahuth Dhukh Paavehi ||
    They dance and dance and jump all around, but they only suffer in terrible pain.
    ਨਚਿਐ ਟਪਿਐ ਭਗਤਿ ਨ ਹੋਇ ॥
    Nachiai Ttapiai Bhagath N Hoe ||
    By dancing and jumping, devotional worship is not performed.
    ਸਬਦਿ ਮਰੈ ਭਗਤਿ ਪਾਏ ਜਨੁ ਸੋਇ ॥੩॥
    Sabadh Marai Bhagath Paaeae Jan Soe ||3||
    But one who dies in the Word of the Shabad, obtains devotional worship. ||3||
    ਭਗਤਿ ਵਛਲੁ ਭਗਤਿ ਕਰਾਏ ਸੋਇ ॥
    Bhagath Vashhal Bhagath Karaaeae Soe ||
    The Lord is the Lover of His devotees; He inspires them to perform devotional worship.
    ਸਚੀ ਭਗਤਿ ਵਿਚਹੁ ਆਪੁ ਖੋਇ ॥
    Sachee Bhagath Vichahu Aap Khoe ||
    True devotional worship consists of eliminating selfishness and conceit from within.
    ਮੇਰਾ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਸਾਚਾ ਸਭ ਬਿਧਿ ਜਾਣੈ ॥
    Maeraa Prabh Saachaa Sabh Bidhh Jaanai ||
    My True God knows all ways and means.
    ਨਾਨਕ ਬਖਸੇ ਨਾਮੁ ਪਛਾਣੈ ॥੪॥੪॥੨੪॥
    Naanak Bakhasae Naam Pashhaanai ||4||4||24||
    O Nanak, He forgives those who recognize the Naam. ||4||4||24||
    ਗਉੜੀ (ਮ: ੩) ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੧੫੯
    Raag Gauri Guaarayree (M:3) Guru Granth Sahib : Page 159

  • @amaninderpawar2404
    @amaninderpawar2404 2 года назад +2

    I have never met anyone as humble as you, thank you, my friend

  • @royaljattsidhu
    @royaljattsidhu 8 лет назад +53

    We support you veer. Sant jarnail singh ji did the same thing he always tried to unite our panth not split us. You are doing great. Keep it up 🙏🏽
    See you in victoria soon.

    • @TheTurbanatore
      @TheTurbanatore 8 лет назад +16

      Sant jarnail singh ji would certainly not support some of the actions of 3HO however he would build bridges instead of blindly hating and would work towards solving the problem.

    • @kurransingh7436
      @kurransingh7436 8 лет назад +3

      +The Turbanator
      Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindrawale Would Condemn Some of Those things ; Dancing to Gurbani???!!
      That is the most disrespectful and meaningless way to connect to Waheguru
      *#Worse than worshipping idols .
      The Guru would also condemn this
      Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
      Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

    • @kamalkss4848
      @kamalkss4848 8 лет назад

      +Kurran Lakhan u r right

    • @kurransingh7436
      @kurransingh7436 8 лет назад +3

      +Kamalpreet Chambal
      Bhaiji It's always about Guru's word ; Singing / Chanting and Meditating upon God's Name ; Simran . Letting our Dasam Duaar Find Waheguru .
      Something which many Sikhs, including myself , need to learn the Power and meaning of Gurbani . And Respect Guru's Wisdom and Teaching .
      Dancing is pure disrespect to the Guru and the mind isn't at peace, focused on finding God . Dancing will never help Sikhs

    • @TheGur333
      @TheGur333 6 лет назад +2

      Sant Jarnail SINGHJI never unite with hindouits who killed them! 3HO are HINDOUISTS but in SIKHS CLOTHES!!!! with some Sikh words , knowing GURUGRANTH SAHIBJI TO SPOIL HIM WITH THEIR HINDOUIST GODS-DEMONS

  • @t90india1
    @t90india1 Год назад +1

    After watching lot of Gursant singh videos this is a relief!

  • @ThChrstnLdsm
    @ThChrstnLdsm 6 лет назад +3

    Thank you so much for posting this. Wahe Guru Ji

  • @TheTurbanatore
    @TheTurbanatore 8 лет назад +61

    In my opinion Jagraj Singh Ji and Gursant Singh Ji are both right and wrong on this issue. Both of them are highly educated on Sikhi and have a "Good Cop, Bad Cop" approach to dealing with a problem. The strategies laid out by Jagraj and Gursant Singh have there Pros and Cons, however both are fundamentally flawed and need each other if they are going to work.
    Gursant Singh Ji advocates that we attack the problem head on and expose the Un-Sikh like practices of 3HO and Yogi Bhajan. Jagraj Singh advocates that we find common ground and focus on the positive. 3HO has some very blasphemous practices such as Idol worship, kundalini yoga, and bowing down to pictures. To put it blatantly: 3HO is a Cult which while sharing a lot of practices with Sikhi has strayed away from the Gurus message.
    Jagraj SIngh explains that we should not just blindly hate on 3HO but rather kindly explain to them whats wrong and how to fix it. Just hating on something wont make it go away if you can't build common ground and formulate a plan to take action on.
    What Jagraj Singh Ji doesn't understand is that 3HO is already aware of there Un-Sikh like practices and has already been warned multiple times by various Sikh leaders but they continue to ignore all warnings. The only practical way to bring forth change is to work towards a common goal and build bridges. The main issue that I have with Jagraj Singh is that by refusing to publicly condemn the specific actions committed by 3HO that violate the Sikh Code of Conduct he is ignoring them and thus by doing nothing he is letting corruption prosper. At the end of the day 3HO still bow down to the same Guru we do and should be treated like family because despite there differences they are still a part of the panth.
    Gursant Singh explains the problems with 3HO using Facts and Evidence to back up his claims. However Gursant Singh does also over exaggerate a lot of things and also occasionally misrepresents 3HO's views. The main issue with Gursant Singh is that he exposed the Bad but does not have a plan to make things better. Also instead of waiting for the full information about the 3HO gathering that Jagraj Singh attended to come out, Gursant Singh just jumped to conclusions and assumed that Jagraj Singh supported the practices of 3HO. Gursant Singh needs to pause and reflect before he makes statements and he needs to look for a way to solve the problem instead of just hating on it.
    In conclusion, I have a lot of respect for both Jagraj Singh Ji and Gursant Singh JI and both bring up some very good points but neither can succeed without the help of the other. The Panth needs to get together and have an honest discussion about many of the issues that we are faced with. However refusing to see the other side of the argument and refusing to take action is not the way to go. We must work together if we are to Make The Panth Great Again.

    • @TheGur333
      @TheGur333 6 лет назад +4

      how can you try to do Something with BETRAYORS!!!!! those 3HO are the corrupt new age for the N.W.O agenda!!! bhajan had been paid by hindouist RSS to spoil SIKHY!!!!! he was indhira gandhi's friend! those 3HO are hindouits, they put some Sikhs things in their business to destroy the Truth; they are in dirty sex, dirty money, dirty power and when people look at that, they think that Sikhy is wrong!!

    • @founderofself
      @founderofself 5 лет назад +1

      Bani is so deep...no matter how educated u are..it doesn't mean u have 'full' knowledge

    • @tsbspionkop
      @tsbspionkop 4 года назад

      This is the plot of X-Men

    • @jaipreetsingh6566
      @jaipreetsingh6566 3 года назад

      No sympathy for psuedo science idiots

  • @sandeepsekhon1
    @sandeepsekhon1 8 лет назад +18

    Well said, stick to the point. Too many people have silly opinions ,we all should be concentrating on reaching closer to vaheguru.

    • @realityron3623
      @realityron3623 8 лет назад +9

      Sure even if it means to pay a MANDATORY fee to bow your head to Guru Granth Sahib with 3h0. Since when is Guru Granth Sahib on private property and can only be worshiped if a fee is paid??
      And according to you Sekhon than why do we argue about Radha Swami's? They hold similar view with only small variations to Sikh faith, they believe in re-incarnation, they read Guru Granth Sahib, etc? How about Dera Saucha sauda? Why we argue against them?
      Is it just MAYBE because that 3h0 VISUALLY looks more "Sikh" than those other 2 cults? That we give them the pass since they rocking the Turban and beard? Even many Radha Swamins, Nirinkaris and DSS followers have uncut hair with proper turban, and YES some even wear the KIRPAN.
      3h0 is a kink, a klunk - whatever you wanna call it. Jugraj knows these things and tried to teach them the true aspect of Sikhi at their solictice. They dont know any better, they are simply trained by modules written and prepared by Bhajan Puri, AND Jugraj went to teach about Guru Granth Sahib.

    • @sandeepsekhon1
      @sandeepsekhon1 8 лет назад

      +Reality Ron I dunno bout that all I'm saying is rather than argue with ourselves bout wats right wats wrong is waste of time. We need to focus more on making sure we are doing right, more people do things the right way more followers. Eventually you have a strong unit, these little things are minor that can be resolved once there's more people just doing paath, parchar etc. Which is why I love bos

    • @realityron3623
      @realityron3623 8 лет назад +1

      + Sandeep Sekhon, accordingly than why do we argue about Radha Swami's? They hold similar view with only small variations to Sikh faith, they believe in re-incarnation, they read Guru Granth Sahib, etc? How about Dera Saucha sauda? Why we argue against them?
      Is it just MAYBE because that 3h0 VISUALLY looks more "Sikh" than those other 2 cults? That we give them the pass since they rocking the Turban and beard? Even many Radha Swamins, Nirinkaris and DSS followers have uncut hair with proper turban, and YES some even wear the KIRPAN.
      3h0 is a kink, a klunk - whatever you wanna call it. Jugraj knows these things and tried to teach them the true aspect of Sikhi at their solictice. They dont know any better, they are simply trained by modules written and prepared by Bhajan Puri, AND Jugraj went to teach about Guru Granth Sahib.

    • @guruword8378
      @guruword8378 8 лет назад

      radhaswami satsang beas are Sikhs but their followers are mostly non sikhs

    • @sandeepsekhon1
      @sandeepsekhon1 8 лет назад +1

      +Reality Ron tbh I don't argue with anything, I firmly believe in just doing the basic thing which is paath, try and follow a rehat. These groups of ppl will faze out by people following and saying naam, nothing is bigger and stronger than naam. He himself can get rid of any wrong.

  • @mandykaursarai
    @mandykaursarai 8 лет назад +7

    I agree with you Jagraj Singh. As a Sikh our job is not to convert people, and especially not force our rules onto other people that are not part of our religion - our job is to educate other communities about our religion so that they know who Sikhs are, which will help other religious people to accept us more. Great Job to the entire team of Basic of Sikhi!
    Also, this concept can be applied to our own community - especially to the more modern generation. The modern generation don't want to be Sikhs because of the Parchars that are more Strict and Sikhs who say that you can't help volunteer at Gurdwaras if you don't dress like a Sikh. For example, we were at a Gurdwara in India, the 'Mangee Sahib Gurdwara,' we went there to just visit and as we entered we realized that there was Nagar Kirtan just starting and we stood to one side and when the Ardaas was complete, a few people rushed forward to help carry Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji out of the Gurudwara and my husband who does not wear a turban also rushed forward too with great enthusiasm and someone infront of him said you don't deserve to hold Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji because you have your hair cut and don't wear a turban. My husband didn't feel shamed, he felt angry that someone would say that not thinking that despite how he looks he has great respect for the Guru. So, I think some people really need to remember that just because someone doesn't dress like a Sikh (keep their hair) that doesn't mean that they don't respect the Guru - it could mean that they are not ready yet and other Sikhs by being nice can help encourage others to become a Sikh. What I mean by this is, when that guy said to my husband that you don't deserve to hold Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, my husband did not back away, he kept on holding, but the guy should have given my husband room and thought to himself this guy needs to get closer so he can feel the Guru's love like I have and he can change himself one day.

    • @basicsofsikhi
      @basicsofsikhi  8 лет назад +7

      Vaheguru, you're so right, we should encourage more than discourage

    • @ozzyozzzy8979
      @ozzyozzzy8979 8 лет назад +1

      +Basics of Sikhi Mr Jagrath singh you lie about muslims and you are a traitor to the Sikh religion

    • @ozzyozzzy8979
      @ozzyozzzy8979 8 лет назад

      +Basics of Sikhi bow much money did they pay you. ....sellout

  • @KarinaSkye
    @KarinaSkye Год назад +1

    I would’ve never come to know sikhi if it wasn’t for 3HO and Kundalini Yoga. I feel in love with Sikhi and Gurbani due to Kundalini Yoga. I am truly grateful this man called Yogi Bhajan introduced Sikhism through Yoga, we westerners would not be so opened to understand and embrace Sikhi if it wasn’t slowly given to us in a yoga setting. I was a Hatha yoga teacher for years, I am a Brazilian singer… the Sikhi and Gurbani infused in Kundalini Yoga softened my heart and opened my mind. I am in love with the Guru’s message and getting ready to take Amrit all because of Kundalini Yoga. I came here and found you because of this path… IT IS ALL HUKAM!!! Nothing is good or bad, EVERYTHING IS GURU’S HUKAM! Everyone is Ik Oangkar Guru said “who is good or bad” this distinction is all in Maya and in Haumei 🙏 everything is according to Sat GurPrasad! ❤️🙏

    • @josh-l4r8k
      @josh-l4r8k 6 месяцев назад

      I mean Its good that you got introduced to Sikhi through Yogi Bhajan but it still does not undermine the horrible things that Yogi Bhajan did. Yogi Bhajan says "r@p4 is always invited". It is such a weird and wrong statement. Also he was having s4xu@l relationship with multiple women and abusd them. I don't understand how you still like Yogi Bhajan as a woman. Just watch some documentary on him and you will understand more weird things about him.
      Also Kundalini Yoga (or yoga in general) hold no significance in Sikhi. It plays no role in your liberation. It might be good for physical health (even that is debateable).

  • @harindersingh8169
    @harindersingh8169 8 лет назад +6

    You guys are doing great job please keep it up thank you

  • @ssmufc9941
    @ssmufc9941 8 лет назад +15

    I don't even see the issue here! 😂... Keep up the good work BoS... Waheguru-Ji ka Khalsa, Whaeguru-Ji ki Fateh!

    • @TheTurbanatore
      @TheTurbanatore 8 лет назад +5

      You don't see an issue with "Sikhs" bowing there heads to idols and paintings when they should only bow to the Guru?

    • @ssmufc9941
      @ssmufc9941 8 лет назад +2

      +The Turbanator no I don't see what other people's issue is with BoS's work in spreading guru's message...

    • @TheTurbanatore
      @TheTurbanatore 8 лет назад +5

      +Saty MUFC I don't see an issue with the work BOS does, I see an issue with what 3HO does. I was referring to bowing heads to idols i was talking about 3HO not BOS.

    • @ssmufc9941
      @ssmufc9941 8 лет назад +4

      +The Turbanator and when I was saying I don't see the issue, I was referring to the work of BoS, so we're fine here bro 😊

    • @JaspreetSinghArtist
      @JaspreetSinghArtist 8 лет назад +3

      Sikhnet and 3ho promoting waah yantee hindu mantar as part of sikh nitnem name and this is a big issue but BOS visited there and remain silent its not what Guru Gobind singh ji teached

  • @SKKbliss
    @SKKbliss 8 лет назад +22

    Thank you Jagraj Singh ji for this video and for coming to Summer Solstice to speak to us about Sikhi. I also appreciate this video that is partly directed to an individual who doesn't seem to understand the basic principals of Sikhi. Many years ago I shared some of the same quotes and ideas you speak about with him. I sent a message of love, and all he could do is delete the message... proof that he doesn't have an iota of wishing to step forward towards the divine blessing of Love, Compassion, Understanding, Respect, Tolerance, and so forth. Sikh Panth has to come together and be united. Division is the biggest problem in the world. May God and Guru keep blessing you and your team in spreading the Guru's teachings. Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji ki Fateh!

    • @TheMrJaggasingh12
      @TheMrJaggasingh12 8 лет назад +1

      Do you believe in astrology?

    • @TheMrJaggasingh12
      @TheMrJaggasingh12 8 лет назад +2

      Poakenfold Who on Earth do you think you are to tell people what to or not to follow?

    • @TheMrJaggasingh12
      @TheMrJaggasingh12 8 лет назад +1

      Poakenfold See you can't even justify your answer. Typical keyboard warrior.

    • @TheMrJaggasingh12
      @TheMrJaggasingh12 8 лет назад +2

      Poakenfold Why does it matter if I'm white or black? I never knew God looked at your skin orientation.

    • @TheMrJaggasingh12
      @TheMrJaggasingh12 8 лет назад +1

      Poakenfold What does your ideal world look like?

  • @navneetsingh8941
    @navneetsingh8941 7 лет назад +3

    Brilliant move veerji. Stop diving start uniting msg to all my brothers and sisters.

  • @jeethanda
    @jeethanda 8 лет назад +7

    Guru NANAK Sahib ji went to hindu, muslim and christian religious places to spread sikhi only not to become one of them. they used the crowd to spread waheguru message. You've done the same Bahi Sahib ji... keep up the good work and stay focused.

    • @sikhkhalsa2922
      @sikhkhalsa2922 8 лет назад +1

      Well said. WaheGuru..

    • @realityron3623
      @realityron3623 8 лет назад +4

      yes, but those people at the time were practicing their OWN faith in an un-ashamed manner. IMAGE Guru NANAK visiting and hanging out with RSS, Dera Saucha Sauda, and Nirinkaris?

    • @jeethanda
      @jeethanda 8 лет назад

      veer ji if you read guru sahib ji baani and understand it, then you wouldn't even ask this question. why did a sikh Guru(9th Nanak) sacrifice himself for the faith which he don't even believe in. Read Granth sahib ji as much as you can and a get a better understanding of the divine message() and try to have dialogue with non believer because something has to be done to break the ice. Dera Sauda and Radha Swami etc--- they all started as gurdwaras in the beginning but they became separated at later stages...same thing is happening with nanaksar..not right now but they are on the way to become another namdhari, nirankari or may be even worse...who knows... so please khalsa ji keep the dialogue .and.. interaction on..

    • @guruword8378
      @guruword8378 8 лет назад +2

      if he went to educate them there is nothing wrong

    • @jasbirkaurvillaschi8019
      @jasbirkaurvillaschi8019 8 лет назад +2

      Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib ji gave his sees to protect the freedom of humanity to pray to Akal Purakh in their own manner not for a particular faith but, the Hindus benefited immensely from it . Other sects with their fake Gurus are NOT sikh in any outlook they are just using Guru Granth Sahib ji to pull in innocent people to their webs , Sauda has been guilty of castrating over 400 sikh males and sexually assaulting females and Radha Soamis have purely repackaged Gurbani as 'Radha Soami' shabads and mixed in kachi bani they also have their own Dehdhari Gurus . It is all pulling sikhs who are searching into spiritual cul-de-sacs instead of helping them by joining them with Akal Purakh.

  • @WTFVIDSok
    @WTFVIDSok 7 лет назад +14

    As someone who is NOT a sikh nor a 3HO member, I find the chasm disturbing. Personally, I love the the principles of Sikhism. I don't have a teacher or a temple but I am sincere in my love. My soul is instinctually attracted to the Japji Sahib. (I watch "Basics of Sikhi" videos, 3HO videos, as well as memorize the pauris little by little) Isn't that what it's about. What I am repelled by are overly strict religious rules enforced by HUMANS because of overly analytical brains. Let your heart lead you and you can't go wrong.

  • @sahejdeepsingh668
    @sahejdeepsingh668 8 лет назад +4

    Thank you sir for clearing my doubts 😊

  • @SukiC1981
    @SukiC1981 4 года назад +2

    Need some advice. My husband has gone from being a very knowledgeable Sikh man, understanding Gurbani, paart in the mornings and so forth. With all his knowledge on Gurbani and Sikhi he has now joined the cult and meditates on their chants. Constantly listening to their trance music and meditating for hours, sometimes for a whole day. I’ve started to wake up at Amritvela and do Naam Simran and listen to your Kirtan. All I know from experience is this cult has broken my family and isolated my husband to the point of him believing and saying this is him going deeper into Sikhi!! Any advice is appreciated. 🙏🏽

    • @jnanashakti6036
      @jnanashakti6036 4 года назад

      Maybe it's not a cult and this is persecution you're speaking.

    • @gulabjamun1988
      @gulabjamun1988 2 года назад

      Hey , one of my friend started doing same . Can you pls suggest what can I do to make her understand ?

    • @sarabjeetkhalsa7866
      @sarabjeetkhalsa7866 2 года назад

      What rock do you live under? This absolutely is a cult. I’m a second generation adult survivor of this cult. Listen to what all the stories from the kids of yogi bhajans first students!

  • @tvaccount6896
    @tvaccount6896 Год назад

    Miss you Veerji 💙

  • @daljitdavgun
    @daljitdavgun 8 лет назад +7

    Its crazy that people in our panth love to make a mole out of a mountain. These guys are doing amazing work and have given their life to spreading the word of sikhi. All you people saying all these negative comments, what have you done to help the panth? When you point a finger at someone, remember, there are four pointing back to you.

    • @kiratkaur2141
      @kiratkaur2141 8 лет назад

      Bhenji these days there's more keyboard warriors in the Sikh panth than any other religion in the world.

    • @bonitaunit8795
      @bonitaunit8795 8 лет назад

      Daljit Kaur behave.....stupid statement

    • @ThePhilosophicalOne
      @ThePhilosophicalOne 2 года назад

      Exactly this... These idiots probably don't even know all of our gurus were Hindus (Kshatriya cast). I mean, they used the title "deva" as a suffix on their names (Nanak dev, angad dev, arjan dev). Baba Buddha would put a tilak on their foreheads to represent enlightenment when the guruship was passed onto the next guru... God is light, and the signs in the sky are light... Connect the dots, folks. The signs affect us. Even the Bible says in genesis that the lights in the sky are put as signs for us. Waheguru. 🙏

    • @evisuification
      @evisuification 2 года назад

      @@ThePhilosophicalOne they weren't HINDUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @janburn007
    @janburn007 8 лет назад +25

    I've watched a few videos on the RUclips Sikhnet channel - those where a question about Sikh beliefs is put to Guruka Singh by one of the other Sikhnet chaps. However, I've generally found that Guruka's responses are not very helpful at all - because he never seems to provide a definitive response, nor do his "answers" provide any useful insights into the beliefs of Sikhi. To me, his responses always seem to be very "wishy washy", making it seem like it's almost a case of "anything goes" with his version of Sikhi. He also does not seem to quote much Sikh scripture, when giving his responses - so one could easily get the impression that he's just conveying his own personal views, rather than providing an official "Sikh" view of the matter, supported by Sikh scripture. So, if people wanted to learn more about Sikhi & its teachings, I would tell them not to bother with the Sikhnet channel, but instead watch the videos from Basics of Sikhi, where the information is more definitive, & usually backed up with quotes from Sikh scripture.

  • @pack_9mm
    @pack_9mm 8 лет назад +1

    Good video. Don't be discourage. Keep up Bhaji🙏🏽

  • @AK47infidel
    @AK47infidel 8 лет назад +18

    Hope you spread the word of Sikhi to that cult.

    • @TheGur333
      @TheGur333 6 лет назад +3


  • @earthkindsanctuary
    @earthkindsanctuary Год назад

    Waheguru I thought Gursant had some valid points but I cannot believe the way he talked about Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji after all the amazing things that he has created with Basics for Sikhi and has done for Sikhism. Now I realise that Gursant is purely following his own ego with his activism. This video was very humbling.

  • @sukhmandirsinghkhalsa3388
    @sukhmandirsinghkhalsa3388 8 лет назад +1

    Good response to what amounts to the hate motivated ideology of Gursant....The only way to change is to educate and this is done exactly how you are proceeding........You will ind that most people in 3HO will respond to the truth and gradually modify and correct their mistakes about Sikhi......Keep Up...

  • @MinhSen11
    @MinhSen11 4 года назад

    I love your message! Keep sharing!

  • @theGary29
    @theGary29 7 лет назад

    I'm agree with u jagraj Paji u r so down to earth . He said a lot of bad things to u and ur family but still u were humble to him that's call true singh I'm inspiring by ur videos hey waheguru plz kirpa karni jagraj paji te dashmes pita tuhade nal ne Paji don't worry waheguru g samath bakhshan who is saying bad things about jagraj Paji coz one day they will find that jagraj Paji is rite

  • @Cominthroughlikeazoo
    @Cominthroughlikeazoo 5 лет назад

    It’s easy to be a critic, it’s much harder to co create, and allow different benevolent paths to co exist. Insisting on one path for all, is that yoga? Is that flexible? I teach kundalini yoga, and although I remain skeptical about yogi Bhajan , I respect the fact that he spread a technology to connect to spirit. Without mantra, I would not be alive, without yogi Bhajan, I and many others wouldn’t know what Sikhs are. My question is what’s the difference between a cult, and a religion? People seem to have so much fear around the word cult. It kind of reminds me of the word conspiracy. It’s automatically bad. Great video, I love your videos, and thank you for teaching your ways🙏.

  • @JaspreetSinghArtist
    @JaspreetSinghArtist 8 лет назад +42

    i can't post screenshots here but three days ago i asked questions to sikhnet website why the promoting hindu mantars and if they are really promoting sikhi then why they don't stop promoting hindu mantars. but Guruka singh removed my my questions. when i ask question again why they re running away they just deleted my question . thats why Gursant singh asking you if you went there you should ask them why they are promoting hindu mantar , google anytime waah yantee sikhnet and you will see the results. and other jatha akj , taksali and other they don't mix hindu mantars in Nitnem name like 3ho doing so this is not just problem of Gursant singh but all the panth should stand together and tell sikhnet and 3ho to stop promoting waah yantee mantar as part of sikhi

    • @cjt5560
      @cjt5560 8 лет назад +3

      Use arabic , muslim words.. and make your Khalistan .. khalistani .. Bless your deeds ..

    • @cjt5560
      @cjt5560 8 лет назад +3

      Dream on ! it seems like you gonna piss under 5 slaps , it doesn't need more than that! Make Khalistan !

    • @danielcarr8103
      @danielcarr8103 8 лет назад +1

      Ask a Sikh, every opinion, especially an opinion ABOUT Sikhi, should be filtered through and be able to be backed up 100% by SGGS... If u have an opinion about Sikhi that has no backing in SGGS and even directly contradicts many parts, maybe u shud take a look at that... Now tell me where it says Sikhs should "correct" other people on the "right" mantras/prayers?

    • @rahulkaulvakil
      @rahulkaulvakil 8 лет назад +4

      You have narrow understanding of mantras because your energy revolves around defending a set of principals. This is why religion corrupts so easily. Hindu mantra and sikh mantra. I hope you gain some knowledge about dharam. Waheguru.

    • @JaspreetSinghArtist
      @JaspreetSinghArtist 8 лет назад +8

      Daniel Carr i don't say a hindu should not chant hindu mantars but Gurubani say sikh should only follow Guru Granth Sahib ji mahraj and in Chopai sahib Guru Gobind singh ji Mahraj says - Sagal dwaar ko shad k gaeyo toharo dwaar. And as Sikhnet call themselves Sikh then they should only follow Gurubani not Waah yantee. If it was related to Gurbani then Guru mahraj already added it or mentioned it because if they can add Bani of Bhagats then there was not big deal to add waah yantee in Guru Granth sahib ji if it was right according to Gurmat.

  • @baninderxsingh
    @baninderxsingh 8 лет назад

    U r doing great veer Ji... You are right veer Ji sikhi is all about being positive n spread positivity ...

  • @jujarsingh1420
    @jujarsingh1420 8 лет назад

    wjkk wjkf this video is sooooo amazing as bhai jugraj singh ji the way they put all the deeds out about the jatha and dont mention or care about the negative things this makes us realise that you can get gunns (deeds) from everywhere

  • @perfecto100
    @perfecto100 8 лет назад +2

    Well done on the fine parchar work done jagraj. Whilst I don't fully go with gursants overbearing methods . We should remind sangat how the gurus treated groups who distorted sikhi for their own agenda. Guru har rai disowned his son for distorted bani . Guru ramdas son, Theer mal was excommunicated . Guru nanaks sons have no reverence in sikhi for not following their fathers teachings . Sant bhindranwale who we all love and admire made his feelings of Radha Soamis and nirankaris clear . So point is we aren't a bunch of tree hugging , sandal wearing liberals either , especially when people teach sggs wrong .

  • @JaspreetSinghArtist
    @JaspreetSinghArtist 8 лет назад +23

    as a Sikh its your duty to told Sikhnet to remove Waah yantee mantar from website, because thats from Patanjali ved not from Gurbani . i also asked them but Sikhnet Guruka singh deleted my questions . but you visited there it was your duty brother .

    • @bandeepsingh8437
      @bandeepsingh8437 7 лет назад +3

      Jaspreet Singh totally agree

    • @WTFVIDSok
      @WTFVIDSok 7 лет назад +4

      Wah Yantee is so beautiful. So sad for this negativity. I read that it's important because Patanajli prophesied Guru Nanak Dev Ji's coming into the world.

    • @navneetsingh8941
      @navneetsingh8941 7 лет назад +4

      veerji why this negativity.We are all one.

    • @navneetsingh8941
      @navneetsingh8941 7 лет назад +3

      Also ask yourself what u are doing for the panth?? and then look at what BoS and sikhnet are doing

    • @jaswindersinghsuniara800
      @jaswindersinghsuniara800 7 лет назад +1

      What exactly is "Waah yantee mantar " ?Is it like jantar mantar in Jaipur india?

  • @sarbkaur318
    @sarbkaur318 3 года назад +1

    Waheguru Ji 🙏

  • @baidwanijs
    @baidwanijs 8 лет назад

    I support you jagraj Singh .nice vivek you have. nice reply

  • @MrSunny421
    @MrSunny421 8 лет назад

    Great video, Sat Nam Wahe Guru.

  • @realityron3623
    @realityron3623 8 лет назад

    Great informative video. Totally agree with you. I posted this on your other page, for some reason did not show up.
    In essence yoga is just stretching and deep breathing, (In its realest form it is 1 step higher and a tool to connect with God) and does not contradict Sikhi.
    The problem is the organizations like 3H0, Sikhnet are mixing Hinduism with Sikh religion and putting "yogi bhajan" on a higher more intellect level than words of 10 Gurus. Indoctrinating masses of people with their OWN re-written view of what Sikh faith is. I recently even heard a "certified" 3h0er saying 3h0 is moderate Sikhs, and the others are fundamentalists. I was shocked.
    Go on offical 3h0 site, No quotes from Guru Granth Sahib, only quote posts from yogi bhajan puri.
    3h0 and Sikhnet will post "rip to Orlando gay victims" but Punjab police can gun a dozen Sikhs and they will pretend they never heard of it. These things make 3h0 and Sikhnet Suspect.
    3ho Sikhs have made itself it a major lucrative brand, Only people with $$$ can attend. Which is unfortunate and goes against Sikhi.
    Want to practice doing yoga at 3ho solastic or a full moon gathering? pay your $2400 fee for 5 days. Travel extra. Once you get their every sacred part of Sikhi is bastardized. Its history, its Gurus, symbols of Sikhi. Even the Guru Granth Sahib. Want to buy a kharra from 3h0 at their gift shops scattered around the world? $55 dollars. Better yet why not buy the OM symbol of Hinduism at their official 3ho shop? or buy a turban, only $120, organic hemp and gmo free (you can even eat it after your yoga workout). Yoga tea makes a billions of dollars of profit a year. How much has that been used to help widows colony in Delhi?? Or propagate Sikhi? or help legal costs of innocent Sikhs being arrested and murdered in India? None.
    Dialogue with these organizations is wise, however its difficult to have a normal conversation with 3h0ers. From my experience they are sooo conditioned and molded to view Sikh faith from only THEIR point of view, and often think they are Experts on Sikh faith. 3hoers will arguer for hours on end about Sikhi means (incorrectly ofcourse).
    3hoers,Sikhnet have their own indoctrinated theories of Sikh Gurus and History. They are especially touchy when it comes to Social Justice and martyrdom aspect of Sikhi and Sikhs relationship with India, 3h0ers really dont care about Sikh issues from post Indian- independence or contemporary happenings. What most Sikhs call freedom fighters they consider as criminals with automatic weapons.
    Think about it ever seen a 3h0er or Sikhneter join a Sikh rally (or even a social media post) in ANY city worldwide, be it for Rajowana, 1984, Sikh dress protest, or anything even related??
    Again nothing wrong with stretchering your body, but bastardization of Sikh faith with the attention of gaining money is dead wrong, even mischievous. They groups know Sikhi leaders appointed by RSS and Badals family wont say anything, ( they've mailed enough expensive gift parcels to make them happy and keep their mouths shut) so they will continue. Bring in more White, black, orient Sikhs, just not associated with 3h0.
    Guru Granth Sahib, BOS, Sikhi culture and history = Good.
    SikhNet and 3H0 = Legit Snakes.

  • @sathanumanskhalsa912
    @sathanumanskhalsa912 Год назад

    Singh Sahib ji, WGJKK WGJKF! I completely understand and empathize with your sincere presentation here. Gursant Singh is angry as i am also with the fake identity of Sikh (Dharma). I have practiced Sikhi since 1971. I was also under the illusion Yogi Bhajan was a Sikh teaching yogic techniques and meditations for 50 years! I am 73 and retired with my wife and family in Oregon. I worked for him and was paid very little over 25 years.
    YB abused many many people-
    His legacy is not one to be inspired by.
    Yogi Bhajan was a cult leader and his 3HO worldwide organization is still using Sikhi to promote more Kundalini Yoga for $$$ by creating Certified Yoga teachers who ultimately get a limited experience with Sikhi. There are sincere people living the Rehat of Sikhi in 3HO, but most only desire financial gain and know very little about the True Guru. It continues for now 55 years in Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, and Mexico to bring in innocent students, who eventually don turban and pay to get “spiritual” which are actually Sikh names pronounced and spelled incorrectly! Guru Sant instead of Gursant!
    Many have been abused, emotionally, physically, sexually, financially over the years!
    As you are fully aware, there is no Sikh Dharam or Dharma (Hindu) More accurately SIKHI- the is SIRI SINGH SAHIB or physical Guru (Harbhajan Singh Khalsa) but we only bow our heads to Shabd Guru!
    Your presence on these occasions has helped many.

  • @tanveersingh5423
    @tanveersingh5423 8 лет назад

    thank you for explaining your part....

  • @harjinder117
    @harjinder117 8 лет назад

    Didn't even need to listen to this but I did. Will always support true GurSikhs as yourself Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji keep it up :) That other so called Singh... is a bandhar xD

  • @SinghSaab-zq2cu
    @SinghSaab-zq2cu 8 лет назад

    Bhaji you are doing great work.. keep it up

  • @panthkhalsashastarvidya3369
    @panthkhalsashastarvidya3369 8 лет назад +1

    Wah, keep it up veer ji

  • @sarabjeetkhalsa7866
    @sarabjeetkhalsa7866 2 года назад

    GurSant, I love how cleverly you introduced yourself over and over and over and over and over at the begging of your RUclips’s. Did you stop now that you’re famous?

    • @sarabjeetkhalsa7866
      @sarabjeetkhalsa7866 2 года назад

      My cognitive dissonance made me keep forgetting you at first. That’s how I know it’s clever.

  • @sanzzana8277
    @sanzzana8277 3 года назад

    Well done! Respectful but to the point...

  • @tvaccount6896
    @tvaccount6896 Год назад

    Gem 💎

  • @divyavichar
    @divyavichar 6 лет назад

    "Every place has a certain tradition, certain customs." True. If only our Supreme Court judges understood this in connection with Sabarimala!

  • @luiscalvillo6926
    @luiscalvillo6926 2 года назад

    Yogidevi Ma'at Kaur Khalsa . She is in my heart for all of infinity.

  • @islamfakker5679
    @islamfakker5679 8 лет назад

    BOS is doing great job. carry on

  • @SunnyKooner13
    @SunnyKooner13 8 лет назад +1

    We all should stay united nd stop judging

  • @singh_13
    @singh_13 7 лет назад

    Beautiful gurmat thinking

  • @jackd2504
    @jackd2504 8 лет назад

    nuff love to you iam not religous but relate to nearly every word you saying

  • @abhairajllewellyn771
    @abhairajllewellyn771 8 лет назад +4

    Nice job Jagraj. Nice to see you at the festival. Thanks for taking the time to come.

    • @bonitaunit8795
      @bonitaunit8795 8 лет назад

      Abhai Raj Singh Khalsa make sure his ticket is paid in full u tight arse.all that money your scamming.

    • @abhairajllewellyn771
      @abhairajllewellyn771 8 лет назад

      Bonita Unit Ha. You'll have to talk to the solstice organizers to have your voice heard. I'm just a participant. 😁

    • @bonitaunit8795
      @bonitaunit8795 8 лет назад +2

      Abhai Raj Singh Khalsa don't participate ur a clog in their fake system

    • @abhairajllewellyn771
      @abhairajllewellyn771 8 лет назад

      Bonita Unit Ha! I'll participate where I want to participate. Thank you very much. 😁

    • @sunnyballin1
      @sunnyballin1 6 лет назад +1

      How'd you get to call yourself khalsa?

    @KKDWORLDFOREVER 8 лет назад

    Keep up the good work 🙏🏽

  • @saintsolider3359
    @saintsolider3359 5 лет назад +3

    I really respected Bhai Jagraj Singh, but this was one of the few things I absolutely disliked about him. He was way too soft on the 3HO cult. He would go to Punjab and teach about how bad trantic yoga was but then go to the 3HO cult and become their best friend. No consistency.

  • @michaelwelk5835
    @michaelwelk5835 7 лет назад +1

    Gursant Singh is @war with 3HO
    so as long as you talk or discuss him you give him energy - so you made him stronger in this way # also I can understand why you react the way you do - so nice video!

  • @surjitgosal4410
    @surjitgosal4410 6 лет назад

    You are doing right thing

  • @kamalkss4848
    @kamalkss4848 8 лет назад

    You both are right

  • @sumitbaddon05
    @sumitbaddon05 8 лет назад

    Thanks for clarifying

  • @tanveersingh4785
    @tanveersingh4785 8 лет назад

    Jagraj veer ji , I think this is quite similar to the deras in Punjab. Its been quite a menace in Punjab also. And about the 3ho community I can only say that ; they are our friends who are not yet fully educated about sikhi and yes they have been misled by the yoga practices, dancing, tantrik practices and some masterminds as well . And I feel really bad about it.I think they should be given the example of the sidhas , who were indulged in the same kind of pakhand . But when Guru Nanak Dev Ji showed them the right way they all said ,"Dhan Nanak Teri vadi kamai". And still some of the people now in the area near Sumer Parbat have the uncut kesh and call Guru Ji by the name 'Rimpoche'(Mukti da daata).So, being one of the subscribers of basics of sikhi , I would be highly pleased if you make a video pointing all these false practices , so, that people beware these deras and pakhandis. Because its also 'SAFE'.Thanking you in anticipationVaheguru Ji ka KhalsaVaheguru Ji ki Fateh.

  • @baldevJi
    @baldevJi 8 лет назад +1

    Jagraj Singh jio this is but a bleep in your endeavor to preach the gospel of Sikhi. Gursant Singh and his likes are going to keep bombarding every time they see an opportunity to strike down your journey and your thrive to bring Sikhi and Sikhs together. Weather it is in preaching Dasam Granth or in bringing all factions together or in attending a multi faith organisation or supporting different religion someone somewhere always has a reason to devalue your work and ethics.
    I have never been a fan of 3HO even when I was with Sant Bhindranwale and Y Bhajan came on a visit and could not answer to some questions I saw the through the Cholla they were wearing from Santji however I can also see the goodness and the good Sikhs they have within their quarters.
    It is going to be a difficult journey and I pray you have the best shoes on and pray that the path is cleared before you start each and every journey. My journey ended on the betrayal of my faith.
    Stay blessed.
    Me an atheist who was training to be a Granthi

  • @kooomz1
    @kooomz1 8 лет назад +1

    Previously, I didn't respect the 3ho guys because of their anti Sikh practices. But after watching this video my perspective has changed. Thanks, wjkk wjkf.

    • @kooomz1
      @kooomz1 8 лет назад

      +Jon Snow that may be true, but it's not right right to bash then like that. We should just try to educate people more about what Sikhi is by ourselves and try becoming better Sikhs.

    • @ShanSinghR
      @ShanSinghR 8 лет назад +6

      No, its right to bash them. Anti Sikh practices should be bashed and desroyed

    • @harijotsingh8328
      @harijotsingh8328 8 лет назад

      It is amusing to watch the extent to which people have been manipulated to think 3ho is wrong. Waay yanti mantra comes from a saint who is deemed in Gurbani to be a Gurmukh. There is nothing wrong with reciting it. The British perverted Sikhi and conditioned Sikhs to fight each other. Yogi Bhajan came along and stood against this modernization and looking at everything through a confining box that will only divide us indefinitely. People were jealous of him and started investing resources to discredit him. That's been happening for the last 45 years. If any other saint you can think of had that much resources and that many vicious minded opponents trying to make up arguments about them, you would think that saint was wrong too. Pick any one person you think is right and I promise you could be conditioned to think they are wrong. No one knows who Yogi Bhajan was and what he did. History will be more clear on him in the future.

    • @kiratkaur2141
      @kiratkaur2141 8 лет назад

      +Harijot Singh while I agree that there is nothing wrong with reciting Wah Yanti, the Sikhnet website should probably tag these mantras as Non-Gurbani or something to indicate what comes from Sikh canon and what doesn't. We can all appreciate writings outside Gurbani, its part of the rich fabric we call life. And yes, Patanjali was deemed a Gurmukh by Bhai Gurdas, but the fact is that Wah Yanti is not included in SGGS. To many Sikhs from India, the ONLY texts they are interested in reciting are those that make up Sikh canon. Not clearly marking the difference between the two on a website called Sikhnet is going to create controversy among the 20 million Sikhs in Punjab who view any perceived conflation between Sikhi and Hinduism to be an assault on the distinctiveness and survival of their religion. 3HO is not wrong, they're just insensitive to the views of the Punjabi Sikhs.

    • @harijotsingh8328
      @harijotsingh8328 8 лет назад

      Yes Amrik, thank you. You have very succinctly hit at the heart of the issue with apt descriptions. While SikhNet is obviously well intended, the American culture is not always the most sensitive. 3HO as a whole would do well to pay more attention to the root of people's concerns and have some increased awareness of and appreciation for where they are coming from. Of coarse there will always be those with incomplete perceptions who make exaggerated claims that will never be satisfied, but the majority, I'm sure, are more reasonable.
      I do appreciate your suggestion of tagging, I think that's a perfectly legit idea.
      For what it's worth I do believe that Guru is in charge, the plan is that the light of the Guru will spread around the world, the survival of the teachings is guaranteed by that Guru who can make the greatest guarantee.
      Sarbat da bhala

  • @JatpuraTube
    @JatpuraTube 8 лет назад

    Hi love your videos, however i believe you have misquoted bani belonging to guru nanak dev ji as that of guru arjan dev ji at 14.28m of your video, the bani you mention is from ang 149 not 1299.

    • @basicsofsikhi
      @basicsofsikhi  8 лет назад +2

      Hanji, thanks for that. Apologies for the mistake. Hopefully wont happen again

  • @incrediblessss1235
    @incrediblessss1235 8 лет назад +3

    Sikh and Hindu are from same soil
    great work bos

  • @nxjifsv
    @nxjifsv 8 лет назад


  • @jsg245
    @jsg245 8 лет назад +2

    Well I tend to agree to a point. Small differences should not be fought over. But the 3ho way of doing things is not small differences. They are changing fundamental things about sikhi. Using eastern religion to pander to western culture and make money off sikhi is their goal. First teach the many traditional sikh families which are in need of your parchar . 3ho is a problem that is growing and one day sikh community will have to deal with it. There is only a point in which you can tip toe around issues. Miss leading people is not right and a stand needs to be made. Right now sikhnet is mainstream. They need to be ostracized and exiled from our community until they change their ways. The reason no ones standing upto them is we got to many problems to count. This is just another problem on the back burner. Seems like thats what is happening to any problems in our community. All are just ignored. No change can come with out disrupting the status quo. Their can be no change with out conflict. Anybody who thinks so is delusional and naive.

  • @ranjitmasih4634
    @ranjitmasih4634 8 лет назад

    Bhai Jagraj Singh can you give the exact tuk where it says sometimes its better not to criticize when u cant make a change? thanks

    • @basicsofsikhi
      @basicsofsikhi  8 лет назад +4

      Prabhsimran Singh posted it in the comments ji. "Jitthai Bolan Hareeai, titthai changi chup"

    • @ranjitmasih4634
      @ranjitmasih4634 8 лет назад


  • @RANDEEP685
    @RANDEEP685 8 лет назад

    Sat sri akaal, do a vid about shiv bsndar shena

  • @vittoriagrant4009
    @vittoriagrant4009 4 года назад +1

    As a good Sihk do you support Akal security defined as a sihk church, being a private prison profiteering on the misery of refugees brothers and sisters?

  • @kurransingh7436
    @kurransingh7436 8 лет назад +4

    These American Goreh Sikhs Need To Follow Sikh Teachings properly the way the Guru wanted. Not Twist and disrespect the Gurbani ; The Angs of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
    Jagraj you need to adress this issue of 3HO and not let Gursant get to you.
    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
    Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

  • @Madijo70
    @Madijo70 6 лет назад


  • @sunnyballin1
    @sunnyballin1 6 лет назад +4

    Why do those 3ho and sikhnet people call themselves khalsa?

  • @parmzs1958
    @parmzs1958 4 года назад

    I agree with everything bhai jugraj singh says in this video but according to Kavi Santokh Singh Ji Guru Arjan Dev Ji laid the foundations of Sri Harimandir Sahib and not sain mian mir

  • @satwinderkaur7455
    @satwinderkaur7455 8 лет назад +2

    bhai saab you are doing great job. i learned a lot about Sikhi from your videos. i dont have any concerns about why u went to 3HO. my only question is that why you didn't ask 3HO about dancing to gurbani? as a parchark it was your responsibility was to stop them from disrespecting gurbani.

  • @sunnyballin1
    @sunnyballin1 6 лет назад +3

    Akal Takht Jath called out 3ho to stop their practices, how come you guy's never mentioned that?

  • @speedysingh99
    @speedysingh99 8 лет назад +2

    invest more in advertising? like fb and other social media platforms offer awesome advertising plans that really get the word out of your channel!

  • @jackd2504
    @jackd2504 8 лет назад

    in this vid and many more

  • @astralatticart3328
    @astralatticart3328 7 лет назад

    The part that gets confusing to me is the religious aspect. Do they not teach that Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is not a religion?
    Yet a lot of the big teachers claim to be Sikh. And this yoga involves Sikh practices and beliefs. I've been trying to research this. One of the things I discovered is that Sikhs do not believe in even practicing yoga. They only chant to God (among other things).
    Is there a way to teach and practice Kundalini yoga in the West without disrespecting the Sikh faith? Is it not possible for yoga and sikhi to ever morally combine.
    I also don't see it being a cult. I'm pretty sure they are certain criteria to be deemed a cult. One of the big ones is being unable to leave. Lol. Which is not the case with Kundalini Yoga.
    Anyways, any thoughts or knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

  • @gurpssingh6593
    @gurpssingh6593 8 лет назад

    so basically you didnt see the idle worship as it was in a neighbouring tent so that makes it ok? if we all close our eyes then its not happening

    • @basicsofsikhi
      @basicsofsikhi  8 лет назад +2

      There are no idols in the Summer Solstice..there are however quite a few idle people :)

    • @gurpssingh6593
      @gurpssingh6593 8 лет назад

      +Basics of Sikhi i have a lot of respect for you guys but am worried that young impressionable sikhs will watch this and think BOS is recommending 3ho and people might start following them. and from looking at their website you can see they are quite controversial

  • @mysticvisionstx
    @mysticvisionstx 5 лет назад +1

    One of the best Sikh teachers around. He is missed. Totally in the spirit of the Gurus. I see way too much Sikh fundamentalist thinking out there today distorting Gurbani. We don't need some sort of a Sikh Taliban.

    • @saintsolider3359
      @saintsolider3359 5 лет назад +1

      Lies. Soon as we try to show people Khalsa Sikhi, people call us taliban. Such a straw-man. That yogi was not a true Gursikh. He was a Sindhi Sikh and most Sindhi Sikhs are basically hindus who have some Sikh influence. There is a reason the Akal Takht does not recognize them as Sikhs. They are a cult. And don't you ever compare that wierdo Yogi to the Gurus, that is a major insult.

  • @sunnyballin1
    @sunnyballin1 6 лет назад +2

    Gursant Singh is bring the issue to light... 3ho, sikhnet(cult) our inappropriately practicing sikhi, that practice is then being passed down to the next generation... It's a clut!!

  • @harijotsingh8328
    @harijotsingh8328 8 лет назад

    I see problems in 3HO. There are problems with every community. Chances are a lot of the things Jagraj doesn't see as so good in this community I would agree with. It would be very foolish for me to say whatever that might be in public. When I go other places I often see things that I think could be better or might be missing. It doesn't usually help to bluntly express my view if someone didn't ask. I try to just appreciate that we are all beloveds of Guru ji and all the beloveds have a blessing and light from the guru. Sikhs are so blessed! I'm so glad Jagraj ji provided the Gurbani behind this sentiment: Jithe bolan haarie tithai change chup.
    I also agree with him that whatever it might be it's pretty small beans compared to everything else going on in the world. I think that white Sikhs must be pretty easy to talk about. These are humans not just jpegs on a screen. I bet that a lot of people would have different views if they also met these humans they are criticizing. I do happen to view a lot of the criticism as exaggerations, opinions and sometimes simply not true. Mostly it's the mind looking for something to dig into.
    On another note it's time to get real. Every Sikh will have a different view of what is Gurbani, what is Gurmat, what the teachings are all about. We had all the jathedars here once and they all disagreed. Within our community there is different views, and in yours too I bet there is different views on many subjects. Lions aren't supposed to agree with each other on every point. We're too free for such a conformity of opinion.

  • @Haroratech
    @Haroratech 4 года назад +1

    Basics of Sikhi/Jagraj Singh
    Don't take me otherwise BUT At the end, you supported 3HO openly
    Sounds a bit manipulating as per you a Sikh cannot say what is wrong as per Sikhi
    May be Im wrong but its my view

  • @RavinderSingh-cz1ub
    @RavinderSingh-cz1ub 8 лет назад +1


  • @sunnyballin1
    @sunnyballin1 6 лет назад +1

    Who and how are they giving or having the right to self proclaimed themselves Khalsa?

  • @amarcheema1138
    @amarcheema1138 8 лет назад

    raj kare ga Khalsa

  • @PotentialPlayer
    @PotentialPlayer 5 лет назад

    14:30 its ang 149 not 1299.

  • @jackd2504
    @jackd2504 8 лет назад

    the world needs more giving not taking.

    • @tseliot7188
      @tseliot7188 8 лет назад

      but to give requires another to take...mind blown

  • @sohankaur6855
    @sohankaur6855 2 года назад

    Gursant does not deserve to be called like that he is a big traitor, devil, fanatic and a true example of what Not to listen.

  • @gagankhosla
    @gagankhosla 8 лет назад +1

    Been following this page for long, made several of my friends start following it too!
    You don't support people trying to change the meaning of a religion. If they know they are following their own version of religion, why call it with a name already booked?
    Are you so sure, that the "organisation" you supported deserves it?
    If so, I am sure you will be giving a prachar with Ram Rahim soon about how to make the world a better place to live in, because who cares he mocked Guru Gobind Singh ji?!!
    "You don't make truce with an organisation, thats aim is to disrespect your believes. You change that organisation to make sure they respect your believes. And then feel free to make truce!"
    We all make mistakeS, I might as well be wrong here but may the God decide it.
    Still won't stop watching your videos though. WJKK WJKF :)

  • @amandeol5177
    @amandeol5177 8 лет назад

    Waguru gi ka khalsa waguru gi ki futeh paji i support you you did kutchini wrong brother nor was anythinh i saw. Sus ri akal gi

  • @TheMrJaggasingh12
    @TheMrJaggasingh12 8 лет назад

    In before Gursant Singh dislikes this.

    • @jagdeepsingh6742
      @jagdeepsingh6742 6 лет назад

      Googlesucksballs why you hate gursant singh? What he post is with videos and proof. If not you are welcome by law to sue him. You cant, you havent have anything to complain. Videos are on Internet some of them got more than million views. Keep your 3ho nonsense to yourself.
      People and sikhs used to spared deras and nikrankaris cults in 60s70sjust like we are doing with 3ho. Cults should be kicked and destroyed. You cant feed cult like snakes. Eg osho cult in california, Ram rahim cult in india, isis in arab, and now 3ho. What next idol workshiping of guru nanak dev ji, they already do of penis.

  • @GurpreetSingh-zd7gv
    @GurpreetSingh-zd7gv 7 лет назад

    But guru nindaks and those who preach false are strictly ordered not to keep contact with any of them. And you are saying what is totally different and applies to different situations. You dont say "no problem,i love you" if someone has commited beadbi.

  • @luciacorrea3156
    @luciacorrea3156 6 лет назад


  • @jayd4ever
    @jayd4ever 3 года назад +1

    if you are educating people about true sikhism then it is fine but if you are going there and agreeing and participating in their non sikh activities then it is wrong

  • @ravithecool1
    @ravithecool1 8 лет назад

    I think that basics of sikhi should look into feedback put up here for future engagement with 3HO. Even if we have commonality with them, it doesn't justify going to their events as it gives the message that we believe in their philosophy. That way basics of sikhi should go to all deras and babas as they also follow or preach some principles of Sikhism. Basics of sikhi should treat all cults and fakers equally. Otherwise it shows hypocrisy. You are doing a great job but there are opportunities to make it better. Cheers.

  • @jackd2504
    @jackd2504 8 лет назад

    this vid could do with more english sub titels bro

  • @jnanashakti6036
    @jnanashakti6036 4 года назад

    Gursant Singh just seems like he's extra mad at 3HO vendetta style. Religions splinter and denominations infight all the time. Catholics think Evangelicals worship the devil and vice versa. Paths adopt culture. Gursant Singh is salty and negative. I feel sad compassion for him. He hurt.