On The Beach Part 3

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 178

  • @frigate100
    @frigate100 3 года назад +14

    I remember reading this book back in 1983 and doing it for my english "o " level essay. It scared the hell out of me back then and now I can see how this could easily happen and very soon the way the world is going right now. A pity Neville Shute wrote this as a warning to the world as to what could happen back in 1952 and no one has listened. Maybe he knew something back then!

    • @smillagander
      @smillagander 2 года назад +1

      SAME! I read it in 1985 also for my English A levels and it gave me nightmares. I don´t know if I can watch it till the end

    • @jephrokimbo9050
      @jephrokimbo9050 Год назад

      yes. i remember the 1959 version with Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner along with Fred Astaire very well and found it to be rather depressing but realistically truthful. frankly i think that Neville Shute wrote it as a warning much as aldous huxley wrote in his brave new world book. honestly i think that the current crop of leaders in this world are sleep walking into a disaster and we are being led by the blind, stupid, corrupt, moronic idiots who have a lust for power that is driving them INSANE with MADNESS!

    • @ecamp6360
      @ecamp6360 Год назад +1

      It was once one of the most translated and assigned books in the world!

  • @DMoNCFL
    @DMoNCFL Год назад +5

    The fact that the admiral keeps calling a four stripe captain “commander” is grating. 😆

  • @forplumas8268
    @forplumas8268 Год назад +4

    Brian Brown did a great job in this movie.

  • @maarukka58
    @maarukka58 11 лет назад +21

    I just love dr Osbourne. He is such loudmouth yet still colourful person. And from the begin to the bitter end Jules Osbourne is in right. The actor plays his role so good. :D

    • @davidbrumbaugh7809
      @davidbrumbaugh7809 2 года назад +1

      Who was the greater cynic? Brown or astsire?

    • @garyturner5739
      @garyturner5739 Год назад

      The greater realist.

    • @jephrokimbo9050
      @jephrokimbo9050 Год назад +2

      @@davidbrumbaugh7809 Bryan Brown played the role in the more post modern sense as being overtly cynical and realistic to someone living with the knowledge of impending doom. Fred Astaire played it more intellectually and realistic but not fatalistically always holding out for hope and the possibility that human life will continue. not really sure who is greater but Bryan Brown's approach is more relevant to the society of the early 21st Century whereas Fred Astaire is played more to the optimism of the late 1950s that we could orchestrate away from this pending manmade disaster.

    • @davidbrumbaugh7809
      @davidbrumbaugh7809 Год назад +1

      @@jephrokimbo9050 thanks for the input. The second film allowed brown a much larger role to play the character. Still one has to admire astaire with his droll approach that he always expressed

    • @jephrokimbo9050
      @jephrokimbo9050 Год назад

      @@davidbrumbaugh7809 yes, i would agree with that assessment. bryan brown played the role as probably many people would become so cynical and imbittered over the fact that the ULTIMATE STUPIDITY of mankind was committed which resulted in a collective SUICIDE/HOMICIDE of the human race by poisoning the Earth with radioactive fallout that would ultimately destroy the entire biosphere of the Earth. there has always been such a fear since the advent of the atomic era in 1945 and increasingly more so with the advent of the thermo nuclear era in 1949. the hydrogen bomb and the exchange of the delivery of such weapons became a sword of damarcles hanging above humanity for the past 66 years with the invention of rockets and missiles to deliver such weapons. fred astaire's portrayal is that of the era of the late 1950s in which human world society was not so much inter connected and jaded. the re-make from 2000 is more representative and relevant of 2023 and the future than one can really appreciate. i see such collective STUPIDITY happening each and every day which makes for some genuine fear in the years to come. especially with HOMICIDAL CRIMINALS like vladimir putin, THIEVES like xi jinping in chaine and the CROOK BRANDON and the demonrat sycophants of the current administration. of course there are MANIACS like kim jong un in north korea, the ISLAMO FASCISTS in iran and other wild cards in pakistan and india. God Help Us and Mankind

  • @Rufinoman
    @Rufinoman 2 года назад +1

    I've just finished the book for the second time, watched the 1959 film and then I found this. You're a star! Looked everywhere for it.

  • @dennissvitak6453
    @dennissvitak6453 2 года назад +3

    Greenhouses could have grown unlimited food. Air filters could have been created, easily, and massive buildings could have been constructed. Given three months, hundreds of thousands of people could easily have been saved.

    • @zachhoward9099
      @zachhoward9099 Год назад +1

      The radiation in this was so lethal that the XO having a hole in his suit was fatal and that was after about what 2 minutes?? There was nothing they could’ve done, unless you’re implying they could’ve went underground

    • @Nnneemo
      @Nnneemo 9 месяцев назад

      Air filters? Alpha and gamma nanoparticles emitors will go though this like nothing.
      Even in this show they use close recycle oxygen system.
      Maybe if government building shelter in mines across country and use sub as power source to recycle air in vaults - it gives 10-15 years maximum.
      It's cobalt "game over"

  • @maarukka58
    @maarukka58 9 лет назад +4

    I always loved loved Julian Osborne. :)

  • @chellelspears5380
    @chellelspears5380 6 лет назад +4

    aussieroo1 -- thank you for this...shot craps trying to watch the 1959 version...your transitions between parts are absolutely seamless...awesome job =0)

  • @Professor6871
    @Professor6871 12 лет назад +5

    It does say somewhere in the novel that the radiation would of reached Antaractica. . Anyway once their food supplies had run out they'd of starived to death because they wouldn't of been able to grow food there. All the food on those bases comes from the outside world because its too cold too produce any food there. Believe it or not Antartica is one of the dryest places on earth cos of its extremely dry air.

  • @Professor6871
    @Professor6871 12 лет назад +3

    Interesting at 2:16 where Mord-strum the elderly scientist says the bombs have made a huge hole in the ozone layer in the Arctic, thus dramatically lowering the levels of radiation there. True but you still wouldn't able to live there for the simple reason they'd be no ozone layer to protect you from the dangerous ultraviolet light. It would be just replacing one death with another one but one that would take longer and be more painful.

    • @missedmebich2963
      @missedmebich2963 Год назад +1

      Some years ago we had scientists claiming their was already a hole in the ozone over the south pole. We've had a scientific station there for years. Do they exhibit health issues related to UV exposure?

  • @HerrEllsworth
    @HerrEllsworth 13 лет назад +2

    @OneWorldHistory I'm always reminded of what George Burns (as God) said to John Denver in that famous film "You can love one another, you can help one another, you can kill one another". The choice is always ours.

  • @johnhewlett1628
    @johnhewlett1628 8 лет назад +15

    Having seen Shutes version and this one.This to me was more horrific as you saw people coming down with radiation and that made it scary.When u see people waiting in a queuing up for death pills.terrible. Better than the original although Shutes version was good, Glad they did not play waltzing Matilda as it was playing all through the original. Nightmares for me tonight

    • @megabojan1993
      @megabojan1993 7 лет назад +2

      This movie gave me a lot of nightmares too :(

    • @mselbit
      @mselbit 7 лет назад +5

      Other film directed by Stanley Kramer. Shute is the author.

  • @utar88utar
    @utar88utar 12 лет назад +8

    although i enjoy watching/reading most of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic visions,
    nuclear war is nothing to worry about.
    no one can use nuclear weapons and survive it, even if the other side wont respond.
    one cant win nuclear war.

    • @eric777100763
      @eric777100763 7 лет назад +1

      utar88utar I think your basic assumption is correct in an all-out exchange however the theory that a nuclear war would kill every human being off is not correct it looks like we're heading toward a tribulation type time and in the end biblically we know that four fifths of the earth will be killed off before Jesus comes back and clean house but I think we will see you at limited nuclear exchanges 2017 and you got this crazy guy Kim Jong on and people are crazy even people in America and England and every place else they just can't wait to let the genie out of the bottle Somebody's gotta push your button it's the way people think you're crazy I don't know that I could make any better decision but interesting post you had thank you greetings from Kentucky and take

    • @ninahocking5709
      @ninahocking5709 2 года назад

      Yeah but there's some crazy old bastards out there..and mistakes can get made. We need to get very friendly with our fellow humans and deconstruct these bloody weapons. X

  • @CrappyScrap
    @CrappyScrap 5 лет назад +3

    1:41 When you order falafel with lafa but get falafel with pita

  • @frankbalistreri6822
    @frankbalistreri6822 5 лет назад +6

    I was on a missile sub, and after seeing this, I wanted to bust Osbourne in the chops for his "Boys with toys" BS remark. We were the last ones who wanted to launch, because we knew that it was at that point our world would be dead.

  • @walleyrt69
    @walleyrt69 12 лет назад +9

    Yes,The radiation would disapate in a few weeks or months making the planet habitable in some places.Altho the growing food thing would still be an issue.A big issue.

    • @Nnneemo
      @Nnneemo 4 года назад +6

      Not the cobat.
      And fallout 10-x half-life cycles of cesium is 30 years.
      30 years to reach safety level even for conventional nuclear weapons.
      And we have POSEIDON FULL OF COBALT.
      IT'S SAFETY 10-x half-life cycles is 500 years.

  • @montanabulldog9687
    @montanabulldog9687 5 лет назад +1

    This is a BETTER film, than the original . . . but you must REMEMBER, its "Only a Movie" . . . as it is completely without REALITY. God forbid we were ever to have an "Actual Nuclear War", the radiation created from the explosions would be completely GONE, in under "2" weeks . . . which makes the premise for the film, SILLY to those know know the actual "Reality" of such things, especially when your a TRAINED "Radiological Detection Officer", as I am ( 1260 classroom hours ) Its a GOOD STORY though ! . . . in ironically, while working for GD Electric Boat Div., I actually BUILT the submarine shone in this film ( SSN-704 ) she entered service in 1985.

  • @Professor6871
    @Professor6871 12 лет назад +3

    Yes it would do that but then you would have the bigger problem of the increased ultraviolet radiation to contend with in those higher northern latitudes. Even a small rise in it is determental to life. Basically its a none starter whatever way you look at it. The phrase out of the frying pan but into the fire comes to mind here.

  • @Kelly14UK
    @Kelly14UK 9 лет назад +8

    Haha. Aussies prepared to live in the Arctic? Aye right.

    • @AriochThe
      @AriochThe 5 лет назад +4

      why not? Arctic and Antarctic are not so different

    • @larapalma3744
      @larapalma3744 3 года назад

      Keep the beer cold, that's all that matters

    • @Kelly14UK
      @Kelly14UK 3 года назад

      @@larapalma3744 You'd be pissing all the time with the cold. Why Russians chose vodka. Gets you there quicker hehe.

    • @Nnneemo
      @Nnneemo 3 года назад

      Haha it just win for 3-6 month before radiation reach southern pole.

  • @jawbella
    @jawbella 16 лет назад +1

    thank you armand. now i saw the movie!
    look good in uniform...
    good performance.. what a way to communicate huh? gotta love it...laugh

  • @ecamp6360
    @ecamp6360 Год назад

    I find it interesting that the actor playing Towers actually sounds like Gregory Peck at times.

  • @soeffingwhat
    @soeffingwhat 13 лет назад +4

    @dantesque17 - Thats true but films like this are great for the Human Psyche, shows us that we are capable of destroying ourselves. We must keep that in mind, cos it helps prevent us from doing so.

  • @eric777100763
    @eric777100763 14 лет назад +1

    Thanks for that post, it was funny. I would be willing to help!!! LOL!!

  • @davidbrumbaugh7809
    @davidbrumbaugh7809 4 года назад +2

    Though neither movie adaptations are completely true to the book, both are fine films

  • @acohen3951
    @acohen3951 8 лет назад +5

    Good food for thought movie. With all the nukes in this world, and possibility that at any time some maniac may decide to loose one on who knows which country, all of this could come true, in a matter of hours !

  • @davidbridge5652
    @davidbridge5652 4 года назад +10

    The world could be heading this way if Russia, China and the US carry on the way they are

    • @davidbridge5652
      @davidbridge5652 3 года назад

      @John Doe no your right, China is looking to assert itself which it historically hasn't done. The best we can hope for is another cold war maybe where the US and China cancel each other out

    • @davidbridge5652
      @davidbridge5652 3 года назад +1

      @John Doe thanks mate, greetings from the UK. Hope you and your family are well.

    • @davidbridge5652
      @davidbridge5652 3 года назад +1

      @John Doe definitely, we should always try to talk things over before resorting to violence and unfortunately it's the ordinary person in the street that suffers.

    • @Americanpatriot-zo2tk
      @Americanpatriot-zo2tk 9 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, we’re pretty much stuffed the way it’s going.

  • @MikeJones-wx1hu
    @MikeJones-wx1hu 6 лет назад +6

    Where is part 4?

  • @WasteTime4Passwords
    @WasteTime4Passwords 12 лет назад +3

    A statement, sky-written, by the final/last generation.

  • @karmicselling4252
    @karmicselling4252 2 года назад +1

    So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure
    How amazingly unlikely is your birth
    And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space
    'Cause it's bugger all down here on Earth

  • @WilliamRWarrenJr
    @WilliamRWarrenJr 12 лет назад +2

    And Dwight Towers was a Commander, not a 4-striper, IIRC. Anyone reading his boards should address him as Captain, whether it's a brevet rank or not -- otherwise, he's out of uniform.

  • @johnnylackland3992
    @johnnylackland3992 6 лет назад +7

    Best part: when Captain Towers tells Dr. Osborne to shut up. I was getting tired of his arrogant mouth.

    • @zachhoward9099
      @zachhoward9099 Год назад

      I think he covered his depression and sadness at the species impending death with that arrogance

  • @BohemothWatts-vz1lc
    @BohemothWatts-vz1lc 6 месяцев назад

    The Australian Admiral called the American Submarine captain COMMANDER. But the Submarine COMMANDER is wearing a Navy Captain uniform.

  • @gregwhited8037
    @gregwhited8037 5 лет назад +2

    WHY do the Aussies persist in addressing a US Navy CAPTAIN as"Commander"??

    • @josephpadula2283
      @josephpadula2283 4 года назад +2

      Yes he is a Captain.
      He is also the commander of the sub.
      He is also the ship’s captain.
      So Captain is correct.
      Many ship’s captains have the rank of Commander.
      They are still called Captain if you know that is his job.
      If you just see an officer with three bars and do not know him he is commander.

  • @ObssesedNuker
    @ObssesedNuker 13 лет назад +3

    @englishbook77 The Chinese have the following ballistic missiles capable of striking the entirety of the continental US:
    15 DF-31 (single warhead, 1 megaton)
    15 DF-31A (3 warheads, 150 kilotons each)
    20 DF-5 (single warhead, 5 megatons)
    12 JL-2 (multi-warhead, exact number and yield unknown)
    In addition, the Chinese began deploying the new DF-41 (up to 12 warheads, yield unknown) last year. Also, it seems likely in this movie that other nations (like Russia, Israel, etc) got dragged in, so there

  • @KataAnimata
    @KataAnimata 16 лет назад +1

    Well, it was called the USS Scorpion in the book.

  • @josephthistle7026
    @josephthistle7026 4 года назад +3

    Someone cared enough to put this on thanks

  • @soonernutok
    @soonernutok 13 лет назад +5

    I love how the captain has a rocker on his shoulder, could they not have got one navy guy to help them with uniform etiquette?

    • @hiramevans9158
      @hiramevans9158 3 года назад +1

      and the AUS admiral continues to address him as Commander when he is a Captain

    • @missedmebich2963
      @missedmebich2963 Год назад

      If I had ever saluted anyone like that I would have been sent back to basic.

  • @soeffingwhat
    @soeffingwhat 13 лет назад +3

    @ObssesedNuker - I like to think your long Theory here is true, and in a worse case scenario I do hope it is, but then again it might not be, certainly I don't think it would be in the case of a Global Nuclear War. Anyhow, your are correct that this is only a Film, but I think its good they're made because, as I said in another Post, they show that we as Human Beings, are faaaar to capable of destroying ourselves.

  • @Stgfre
    @Stgfre 14 лет назад +1

    Cause, theoretically speaking if UN radiation increases because of the hole in the ozone layer it would suck up all the gamma radiation into the atomosphere.

  • @teddythebenny
    @teddythebenny 13 лет назад +4

    what happened to new zealand XD ... tell me.. did the sheep mutate and take over govt.. ? animal farm anyone ?

    • @larapalma3744
      @larapalma3744 3 года назад

      They were always in charge, baaah, uh I mean, mate

    • @Nnneemo
      @Nnneemo 2 года назад

      They all dead. And then Antarctica is only surviver. Southern polar water circle flow block air.

  • @Eder5837
    @Eder5837 13 лет назад

    Esa pelicula me hace pensar muchas cosas.... es bella molto bella!

  • @WasteTime4Passwords
    @WasteTime4Passwords 12 лет назад +3

    Dear World,
    Please stop whining, is what the smoke of the final mushroom cloud should say, in the big sky.

  • @barbaragwenhadu464
    @barbaragwenhadu464 12 лет назад +5

    It's spelled "dissapate" and no, it would take hundreds of years... look it up

  • @WilliamRWarrenJr
    @WilliamRWarrenJr 12 лет назад +3

    Do I remember this incorrectly? A three-striper is a full Commander, but if in command of a vessel he is properly addressed as "Captain." A four-striper is a Captain, equivalent to an Army or Marine or Air Force Colonel (full bird) ... and it's apropos to refer to a Naval officer of LCDR or below as "Mister", (which Star Trek messed up, after Spock made full Commander rank) - but I don't think there's ANY Navy protocol that makes it appropriate to address a four-stripe Captain as "Commander"

  • @ZemplinTemplar
    @ZemplinTemplar 13 лет назад +1

    @soeffingwhat Yep. You can't win them - just "lose less", if that sound any more comforting... It doesn't to me.

  • @pizzaman147
    @pizzaman147 15 лет назад +2

    they could not the uv radiation would be severe we would need alot of sun block

  • @Pablo668
    @Pablo668 4 года назад +2

    I think one ting they definitely missed in this was the overall mood of the Capt and crew of the US sub.
    In the book, and the film, they came across to me as quite subdued. They'd just survived a nuclear war and everything they cared about in the northern hemisphere was destroyed/dead.
    Very strange mood they've tried to create for this version.

  • @alphaacton
    @alphaacton 12 лет назад +3

    mutually assurred destruction

  • @Steve10578
    @Steve10578 14 лет назад

    8:43 - "Light, slows depression. Off duty we seat here we read, meditate." Also reading a sign there thats reads CAUTION Radiation Area and being reminded of everyones fate.

  • @lillily1
    @lillily1 5 лет назад +1

    How many parts ?

  • @gregoryschubring4795
    @gregoryschubring4795 Год назад

    Sorry never served but isn't 4 strips make Assante rank Captain not Commander?

  • @ObssesedNuker
    @ObssesedNuker 13 лет назад +2

    ... the irradiated particles, which eventually float (or, closer to the detonation point, rain) back to the Earth. Fallout has half-life, meaning the radiation level eventually dies-off. The vast majority of fallout generated from nuclear blasts will fall to background (ie: safe) radiation levels within a month. Longer lived fallout is naturally heavier and will wind-up deposited much closer to the blast area. Any fallout that does wind-up making it down to Australia from, say, Los Angeles wil..

    • @larapalma3744
      @larapalma3744 3 года назад +1


    • @Nnneemo
      @Nnneemo Год назад

      They in their reality use cobalt 100mt warheads.
      And don't forget about nuclear power plants, nuclear waste storage, that's way enough to irradiate world.

  • @scottwrasse9596
    @scottwrasse9596 2 года назад +1

    Continuity error: "Commander" Towers is wearing Captain's rank.

    • @Nnneemo
      @Nnneemo Год назад

      Because he's last officer others - commite suicide.

  • @lindaterrell6104
    @lindaterrell6104 6 лет назад +1

    How did I miss this one?

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 3 года назад +3

    Actually the Osborne fellow is
    Better in this version not so

  • @rachelar
    @rachelar Год назад

    So, plot hole 1= they could live on the sub indefinitely. Plot hole 2, "half life"

  • @soonernutok
    @soonernutok 13 лет назад +2

    The sub has a twin caterpillar drive? Did they steal the plans for that from the captured red october?

  • @meraxes87
    @meraxes87 13 лет назад +2

    Why won't they simply try to build a system of self-sufficient underground shelters...? (Or settle a base on Antarctida...)

  • @monteiphone1
    @monteiphone1 12 лет назад +2

    Dear World,
    Please stop whining.

  • @marcellomaeda1086
    @marcellomaeda1086 3 года назад +1

    Onde posso conseguir esse filme inteiro??? 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

    • @Americanpatriot-zo2tk
      @Americanpatriot-zo2tk 9 месяцев назад +1

      It’s in pieces you have to watch one episode and then another the whole movie on here you just have to go from part one to part like 12.

  • @ObssesedNuker
    @ObssesedNuker 13 лет назад +1

    ... will have fallen down to background levels by the time it gets there. None of the really long-term fallout (like plutonium or uranium left over from the detonation) will make it. However, such knowledge would not fit with On The Beaches themes and exploration of a really unique setting, and since the premise isn't TOO bullshit, it is best to remember its just a show and you really should just relax.
    tl;dr: Recite the MST3K mantra and enjoy.

    • @WG-tt6hk
      @WG-tt6hk 4 года назад

      Hello from 2020.It wasn't Nuclear War but Covid 19 (courtesy of China).

    • @NeverTalkToCops1
      @NeverTalkToCops1 2 года назад

      There will be no electricity. Forget about radiation.

  • @mcworker17
    @mcworker17 16 лет назад +1

    yes but i meant that the radiation waves coming in would be impossible the sun and wind would disperse the radiation granted some radiation would reach the mainland but it is impossible for it to just all at once head that direction and the genetic effects would cause cancer and lukemia in our generation following generations would have some effects such as albinoism and some genetic disorders granted we would be back to the middle ages but we would survive not go extinct like in the ending

    • @Nnneemo
      @Nnneemo Год назад

      Particles heavy enough to lower that opportunity.

  • @barbaragwenhadu464
    @barbaragwenhadu464 12 лет назад +4

    why would UV decrease nuclear radiation ?

  • @nicholaswoodall8980
    @nicholaswoodall8980 Год назад

    they should of built a under ground shelter then they could of survived

  • @alexcarter8807
    @alexcarter8807 7 лет назад +9

    That is the loudest Aloha shirt ever. Speaking as someone who grew up in Hawaii, we don't wear shirts like that. And you people who tuck them in, well ...

  • @JotalianLeague
    @JotalianLeague 15 лет назад

    Vault 101 and all the other Vaults that exsist .... Everyone will be safe .... Well thats what happened in the video game ....

  • @frankcolumbo9615
    @frankcolumbo9615 4 года назад +1

    A cartoonish version of original On the Beach 🏖

  • @dantesque17
    @dantesque17 15 лет назад +2

    How about ... it's a movie, and you can't count on the "science" to be accurate.

  • @aPINUP
    @aPINUP 11 лет назад +3

    WTF part 4 is blocked for USA, why?

  • @Craziejane69
    @Craziejane69 8 лет назад +4

    These guys didn't take into account the Wigner effect.

    • @cheryldeboissiere7824
      @cheryldeboissiere7824 5 лет назад +1

      Explain please...

    • @usermaneste1
      @usermaneste1 3 года назад

      @@cheryldeboissiere7824 Did you ever find out? It has been a year now.

    • @cheryldeboissiere7824
      @cheryldeboissiere7824 3 года назад

      @@usermaneste1 nope

    • @usermaneste1
      @usermaneste1 3 года назад +1

      @@cheryldeboissiere7824 I can't be bothered either. All the best to you in these amazing times

  • @victorin19
    @victorin19 15 лет назад


  • @IanCarpenter-walker-nv5xe
    @IanCarpenter-walker-nv5xe 5 месяцев назад

    I think its a o k movie....to me though the acting was.b movie standard..

  • @jmstowe
    @jmstowe 10 лет назад +3

    The main wearing 4 stripes, he is NOT a Commander he is a Captain.

    • @DaytonaRoadster
      @DaytonaRoadster 10 лет назад +3

      there is an admiral on board, there can only be ONE captain of the ship, since the admiral in on board and is in command, he is referred to as "captain" and the captain as commander. Another example is if the ship has Marines on board, and Marine with the rank of Captain is "promoted" to Major, the next rank up, to avoid confusion

    • @oldjagman
      @oldjagman 10 лет назад +1

      Brass 'n Barrels Firearms Channel Nobody was on board, they were on the dock between vessels, in addition, an Admiral is NEVER downgraded to Captain, he is never aboard in a ship handling capacity

    • @Talos402000
      @Talos402000 9 лет назад +1

      +MrOrthogonalization There is only one captain aboard a naval vessel so all army and marine captains are referred to as major to avoid any possibility of confusion.

  • @englishbook77
    @englishbook77 14 лет назад

    the fairest that the best ballistic Chinese missile can get is California. It is impossible the Chinese can hit main US, the scenario of this movie is completely surreal

  • @CynicalVision
    @CynicalVision 12 лет назад +1

    01:38 - Oh my god, she is so attractive..and in uniform too. Hnnnng!!

  • @Adorahisms
    @Adorahisms 11 лет назад +4

    EMI blocked part 4, what nonsense! Down with censorship!

  • @walleyrt69
    @walleyrt69 14 лет назад

    Ill bring my sun lamp and breed them all !!!

  • @WilliamRWarrenJr
    @WilliamRWarrenJr 12 лет назад

    hee hee hee ... good one.

  • @innovalegal7230
    @innovalegal7230 11 месяцев назад

    Jesus will come for his church. Come in repentence to him!

  • @soeffingwhat
    @soeffingwhat 13 лет назад

    @jrtayloriv - Thats interesting, in what way is it Garbage?

  • @Professor6871
    @Professor6871 12 лет назад +3

    Yes a postmodernist interpretation of the movie

  • @glens51
    @glens51 Год назад

    4 bars means capt... comdr is 3

  • @airdriver
    @airdriver 15 лет назад +1

    Wishful thinking, I guess.

  • @jmstowe
    @jmstowe 11 лет назад

    Yes Indeed.

  • @florinivan6907
    @florinivan6907 Год назад

    'So shoot me.' I'm actually curious how the laws have been changed to deal with this event. Australia has no death penalty even for wartime offences.But in a world with no future would a life in prison sentence have any effect anymore?Has some emergency provision allowing summary executions been enacted?

  • @walleyrt69
    @walleyrt69 12 лет назад +1

    Yes the 3 Stripper uses the telescope pole to dance on where the 4 stripper can use the handrails and/or anything to strip and dance on.

  • @eric777100763
    @eric777100763 8 лет назад +1

    retreat ro Tasmania

    • @richardtaylor1652
      @richardtaylor1652 5 лет назад +1

      To what purpose? Fleeing to Tasmania would buy time but days... Maybe 2 weeks tops. There is only so much running one could do in this situation before you run out of place to run to.
      Later on the Sub crew is trying decide whether to stay in San Francisco or go back to Melbourne and it is a similar paradox; stay in San Francisco for 2 weeks and then die or go back to Melbourne and die 1-2 weeks later, there is no real difference.

  • @rogueriderhood1862
    @rogueriderhood1862 7 месяцев назад

    If Towers is a commander, why is he wearing the four stripes of a captain? This is a pretty crap version of the book, I'm afraid. The 1959 version was much better.

  • @soonerdave01
    @soonerdave01 14 лет назад

    @pieman97405 "Rebuilding"? What planet do you live on?

  • @fionanewman542
    @fionanewman542 6 лет назад +1

    On the plus side my country would be ok the uk would not take sides in a USA v China war lol

    • @ronaldlavender9657
      @ronaldlavender9657 5 лет назад


  • @walleyrt69
    @walleyrt69 12 лет назад


  • @sbains560
    @sbains560 4 года назад

    If only the avengers were around back then

  • @barbaragwenhadu464
    @barbaragwenhadu464 12 лет назад +1

    just because it's a "movie" doesn't mean "science" can't be accurate... people are already ignorant enough as it is, they don't read books, they watch "movies" so why not make them as accurate as possible?

  • @pieman97405
    @pieman97405 14 лет назад +1

    @colonialjill The thing is, American industry is rebuilding, it may take 20 years, but we will probably be on par with China by 2037. Combined that with Taiwan, peak oil, and a general falling out our two nations are having, and we will probably be in cold war 2 before the next generation graduates from collage.

  • @eric777100763
    @eric777100763 8 лет назад +2

    why not play for time 5 months at a time.

  • @thisorthat4195
    @thisorthat4195 4 года назад

    They couldn't teach Armond Asante to salute ?!?!?!?!?

  • @geoffck6969
    @geoffck6969 14 лет назад

    @anisete46 They screw!

  • @airdriver
    @airdriver 15 лет назад

    Seeing as how in the original movie most of the Aussies had American accents(because they were American actors), it can be forgiven.

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 3 года назад

    Using real australians
    No avagardner fred astaire
    Anthony perkins !

  • @hoorootv7266
    @hoorootv7266 5 лет назад +1

    "Julian, You're staying right here. " Bryan Brown as Julian comes across as about just as obnoxious & arrogant as one can get. Ehen I saw this on TV in the year 2000, I was bitterly dissapointed 😞 I have the original 1959 movie 🎥 on Bluray & it is heaps better.