Thank you for sharing your journey. You (and Selma Blair) have given me the courage to share mine as well. The more I learn, the more I realize MS has been a major part of my life for an extremely long time. But we are warriors! We will adapt and continue to live life to the best of our ability.
I didn't know the exact symptoms of MS till I saw Selma Blair talking about them. I am a huge fan of hers and seeing her go through such a debilitating disease and fighting it, just impacted me hugely. My heart goes to everyone suffering from this disease. I admire also all the people coming out and posting these videos and sharing their stories to create awareness and more understanding on this. I hope one day there will be a cure. Blessings to all
I got diagnosed with a ridiculous amound of lesions yesterday because of the exact same reason; double vision and loss of speech and walking. it is very nice to listen to other people right now to get through the initial shock. In the hospital now. I very much hope you are doing good and well. thank you for uploading this video.
My mom was diagnosed when I was in the 6th grade.. I’m 32 yrs old now and still blessed to have my mom in our lives. I do not wish this on my worst enemy, hate this disease
MS does not cause death... your mum will be fine. We need to stop this Stigma of MS being this horrible deadly disease. It is not. The treatments available now are amazing.
I too have MS. After years of various symptoms I was finally diagnosed in 1998. I don't have any medication but have a vit b12 injection every 3 months. I have a positive attitude, even when I am having a bad time. It's holistic and I will not let it rule me....well, not my mind anyway. Good luck to you my man.....🙂
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with secondary progressive ms and I am not sure about medications. Did you follow any specific diet? Are you still without any medications now? Thank you.
My mum had ms for about 25 years had the b12 injections every 3 months went into nursing home January 2020 because all mobility had gone but happy in there she was getting the best care for her.then COVID took her on 1st November 2020 she was only diagnosed with Covid on the 24th of October so quickly.but my point is some people can live a long time after being diagnosed with ms 💕
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with MS and I did some research on alot of things , and when I did my research on the list of medications I could try , I am very nervous to start on a medication because of some of the harsh side effects, and when my blood tests came back everything was fine except my vitamin D3 was very low and I also had gotten covid 19 which sparked a trigger in my immune system, and then I did some more research and it saids that having low vitamin D3 can trigger an Ms attack and getting a unknown virus can trigger an Ms attack and stress can be a trigger and eating unhealthy can trigger for an Ms attack , so I decided that for a year im going to eat really healthy and get as much sunlight and eat alot of rich foods in vitamin D3 and exercise because exercise is really good for the body to avoid an Ms attack and naturally you body wants to heal itself but if you have alot of toxins and other issues your body has to fight off first then the body cant heal what you want it to heal, and in that year if doing my very best of staying healthy doesn't work and in my MRI tests shows that I developed more lesions then I will consider taking an medication, alot of those medications have liver side effects and possibly brain infection side effects that can cause death and I seen alot of things that saids that the medications could be used for chemo for cancer which is very strong to take and the medications make your immune system very weak which can be scary and some of the medications that you can take can make your Ms worse if you got off of it so that's another concern and the doctors want to say that you'll be fine but my doctor wanted me to do a medication that can cause an brain infection and he didn't tell me that side effect the pharmacy had told me about it so I would say make sure you do your research as well , and the doctors want to say that they don't know what causes Ms but I have a very strong feeling that it's from not being healthy , having alot of inflammation in your body can cause Ms triggers and can cause other diseases as well , alot of the process foods that people eat have alot of chemicals in the food that your liver and body have to detox from it and if you eat constant process food your liver and body can go on overload and act out of wack , your hormones act out of wack and your immune system will act out of wack as well, vitamin D3 is probably the most important vitamin to have and make sure it's not low ever , I understand that I could put myself in risk for a year by doing the holistic porch but I would like to at least try that way first and if I know that I tryed my very best to be healthy and if it still doesn't work then I guess I will try a medication.
hey, I just wanted to let you know that, after watching your "my MS story video," I finally got off my a#% and posted my own. so thanks for the inspiration! :)
+metaspencer Hey metaspencer! I'm very happy my video incited you to make your own. I think everyone with MS, no matter how different, can find something to relate to in these experiences and that makes us feel less alone. Keep it up!
@@LifeofSebMS thanks, Seb, in my vision, i have also stories. I have a Chanel Sons of Anarchy, with stories about Marilyn Manson, rock singer. 👍👍👍👍Keep on touch
As a psychologist, I understand all of your pain.., the depth of disease. I pray to God to give courage & strength to all of them who are suffering. You are strong enough dear people.
Saying "I understand" is really unprofessional for a psychologist. Word it better, "I can only imagine" since you don't have MS yourself. I wouldn't want to sit with a psychologist with that type of mentality or reckless wording.
I'm glad the two previous replies see through the bullshit of your comment. You can be familiar with the pain, perhaps through observing/working with other clients, but you cannot truly understand individual pain from their point of view. Seriously, wtf were you thinking by flexing you were a psychologist. "I understand all of your pain". Wtf??
100% @krux I agree. As a person who suffers from these symptoms AND goes to therapy with a real professional, her words that she “understands” deeply is insulting to me, given she has no experiential lived reality. Thank you for speaking the truth. It is unhealthy when people misrepresent themselves this way - it makes creating safe spaces for others even more difficult
Hope you're doing well now. I've had MS for over 25 years, no disease modifying drugs in the past ten years. Stay strong and keep a positive mental attitude. x
Hi, what made you stop taking the medication? I was diagnosed 6 years ago but think I've had MS for longer. I refused all treatment, I'm just a very holistic person, I prefer a good diet and yoga. What have you found helps?
@Anu bala hi, my balance is off but I'm working on it with tai chi, my legs get tired when walking uphill, I have a neurogenic bladder but seem to manage 90% of the time.
Wow, your bravery gives me chills. I’m still learning to accept MS and the way it will affect my life, and yet, I persist on living my best life! I hope you will too!
Wow 20 lesions, you poor guy! I'm recently diagnosed but only had 3. My attack/relapse was very different from yours. Tingling from the neck down then paralyzed on the right side for just over a week. I see a lot of people arguing in the comments. This disease is individual for every single person. It is not a competition. If anything we need to ban together. Thank you for sharing, it helps hearing peoples stories.
yes def gotta stick together! My first doc said he thought only young girls got MS, i said NEXT! I only had 3 lesions also, my neuro said i cant have MS cuz i only had 3 LOL. I said i know MS confirmed ppl with NO lesions. I try not to get jaded but damn ive had my share of bad docs... After 7 MRIs, 2 LPs I STILL havnt got an official DX, after years of living with it there isnt anything else it could be....recently ive heard very interesting things like ambien (the sleeping pill) for dramatic improvements in brain injury, stroke patients etc...i wonder if MS ppl can benefit?! another one is QUALITY coconut oil for cog fog & fatigue, i like it. I take 1 tablespoon a day with food or in hot drink, some ppl say the saturated fat isnt good but why not cut down on other fat (like crisco, lard, butter) when cooking, use better for you coconut oil instead.... 5K to 10K a day Vit D (infused WITH Vit K) with biggest meal of the day, make sure you eat calcium rich foods daily as it helps Vit D absorb. these are just a few things to get you curious to research for yourself
Daniel im assuming your asking me that question... No i wasnt paralyzed on my whole left side. I had left head / face numbness tingly, my left foot is very numb & sensitive to stimulus. I have various degrees of numbness in about 40% of my body btw. time to take coconut oil i feel fatigue coming on... lol
Wow! I can so relate to your story and symptoms. I hope you are managing well with this disease. Don't lose hope. I was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting 27 years ago and I am currently very active.
Thank You...I'm starting my journey, I noticed symptoms about a years ago. The constant pain, especially my back, legs, arms and neck, headaches, vision changes, my balance, and this uncontrollable sleepiness and walking slowly with a cane now...It's shameful 2 doctors thought I was faking! Going to see specialist in major city next week.
it’s bad really bad when ppl does that. sorry to hear this hope you’d found the better doctors and got better. I know this I went through the same situations.
Hello everyone best of luck fighting against ms I got diagnosed when I was 19 I had complete paralyzes on the left side of my body I couldn't speak either and I had optic neurits all in one attack I'm 22 now starting treatment soon relapses have been on and off affecting walking speech and vision . However I'M currently studying two degrees and working part time , we are all in this together and I believe that by sharing our stories we are encouraging each other to keep going . Healthy diets everyone without saturated fats and excerise . Keep positive 😉
What DMT drugs do you use? You look strong and hard-working. You have a high talent and can be so full of fighting spirit and complete your studies and tasks.
My Daughter got diagnosed with MS today, She had double vision. Continuous hiccups, pain in legs. We r treating her. Thnx for sharing your story. Stay Strong. Miracles happen you will be fine in one day.
I'm glad were all sharing! My first attack was December 2012 i was working for a Watch Company it was very busy. I noticed my right side of my body was slowly going numb started in my feet & worked its way all the way up and lasted for two weeks, Keep in mind am working like crazy! I was 24 years old at the time i was diagnosis in early 2013. The doctor told me you have Stage one MS after going though a lot of tests now i'm 30 and feel alright i take one pill everyday for my MS.
Hey sweetheart, I am 46 and have lived with lupus all my life . I now have ms because lupus attacked my Milan sheath . It's hard some days and I struggle walking these days and my eye sight is very poor . Never give up hope and faith because that is what gets us through the hard days. Stay strong and keep blogging I am listening xoxoxo molly from Sydney Australia
Kudos for the video content! Sorry for chiming in, I would appreciate your initial thoughts. Have you heard the talk about - Liyaraah Sclerosis Redemption (should be on google have a look)? It is an awesome one off product for overcoming the symptoms of multiple sclerosis minus the normal expense. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my best friend Jordan after a lifetime of fighting got astronomical success with it.
Hi, thank you for sharing your story. I was diagnosed with MS four years ago and I completely understand when the symptoms become so aggressive you can not ignore them anymore. I pray your journey gets better and manageable.
you are an amazing person im 17 and have ms it is verry hard living with it but it was good to hear your story becouse ms has taken me out of school and made me very depressed thanks for sharing its verry helpful
This is the 2nd spinal tap scare story I've encountered in these videos. I had one when I was 6, and it was nothing. That was 60 years ago. Now, I can be grateful.
What kinda of a person puts a dislike?. You are extremely strong and brave. I have a brain disorder. It's not MS but very similar. You are amazing to have carried on functioning. Inspirational x
I suffer from MS too :) Thank you for sharing with us your story Seb! :) It's been 10 years that i live with MS and everything was fine till i started suffering from unbelievable headaches, migraines and ear pain 1 year ago. I quitted my job, my social life, my personal life but not because I was depressed. I'm really in much pain so i can't do anything. But i do believe that everything is going to be alright for all of us. We have to be patient and strong physically n mostly psychologically :) Greetings from Greece :)
My mom has had MS since I was little and I worry that I may have it as well because there are some concerning symptoms that I have... I’m happy to see more people online talking about it and living normal-ish lives :)
I know that you posted this year's ago, I identify with many of your symptoms and can empathize. MS is a thief that steals pieces of us, you seem like such a genuine sincerely sweet young man. I'm really hoping you go into remission, and have peace. *Big Hugs* to you, your Canadian sister 💕
I've gone through 3 different treatments for MS in the past 4 years and Tysabri has helped the most. I do not have any more active lesions and all of my symptoms come from numerous lesions that remain as scars in my nervous system. Possibly becoming JC positive is one of my biggest fears at the moment and so sorry to hear that you had to stop Tysabri due to that reason. But I'm so happy you've shared your story!! Thank you!
I want to tell you and everyone that was so brave to tell your truth about MS. I am more inspired to tell my truth about MS. for the last 3years I have been so ashamed of my diagnosis. I've cried many days because I felt so alone and voiceless. I am a mother to 2 boys and to see my children worry about me makes me feel less than a mother. Every weekend were our playdates game days but being depended on a Walker breaks my heart. Hearing my children tell me I'm still as perfect as I was when God created me melts my heart. Continue to keep me in prayers and I will pray for my entire MS family❤
Thank you for this video. I'm 17 and was recently diagnosed, however, I experienced symptoms years before around the age of 13 that I just brushed off out of fear. It wasn't until around six months ago when I had an attack that numbed and weakened the left side of my body that I was finally diagnosed.
Thank you for sharing your story , i just got diagnosed with ms and I thought like my whole life is falling apart but seeing all you guys in the comments make me feel like this isn’t such a big deal after all and i can live my life like most normal people do although it may be more difficult to do so
You're a beautiful man...I've just been diagnosed in the hospital in the last few days. Woke up to a dragging foot and needing to use a walking stick. MS is not fun. Hang in there and stay prayed up, Doll! Im too afraid to trust pharmaceuticals due to side effects. I'm going to try a plant based diet and pray to God for healing. Bless you, Seb
I am really sorry you were treated like a specimen not a person,then spinal uuuweee and more tests!!!!I have messed up immune system,No spinal but tests and Drs.&tests,ugh.finally after lupus dianosis,Rheum.arth.osteodegenerative arth.thyroid issues,now after being not believed I thot had Parkinson's disease ,My.rheum.sending me back to neurologist cause thinks I do!!My dad died in 2000 from it.i got symptoms shortly after that,but not believed,tests don't always show,but was ruled out what u have frm.mri.i have had 4 @20yrs.then&suddenly I can't get up good walk good sleep good memory leaving me or can't say correct words.and can't take steroids like prednisone so I take plaquenil. Now I'm 62,so told my daughter no more tests& more added meds.but I'd let them officially diagnosed me to help with care&disability. I live with her.i have strong faith& days are sometimes long.hope you the♥️
Anonymous Girl plant based diet and low sat fat kept people in a Canadian study symptom free for over 30years!!! I was dx’ed 12 tears ago - I have no symptoms. Look up the study!!!
@@1life857 Disgusting. You should crawl back under whatever rock you've been living under. Plants are the most nutritious and healing foods on the planet. Let me guess, you think keto is conducive to health. It's not like Atkins died of a heart attack, or that Baker's bloodtests are disastrous. I'm afraid the only way you've woken up is by waking in another dream. You're in deep, deep sleep.
Thank you for sharing your story. I have a girlfriend with MS. She’s been diagnosed over 20 years ago. She’s been on Tysabri these past few years but will have to come off it soon. She was doing remarkably well until and unfortunate accident at Work. She’s been recovering slowly since. Most people including myself don’t understand the full spectrum a person with MS goes thru. Particularly the ups and downs, I keep her moving forward but often forget how difficult things can be. Every now and then you need a reminder to realized how resilient people with MS are and focus on what they get accomplished rather what they can’t on a given day. Thanks again for sharing
OMG!! I suffer from this debilitating disease as well! I understand your pain and frustration. It’s awful! But all we can do is TRY and be strong. Take care❤️
I have muscular dystrophy fshd. We all have something.... just keep moving forward and have faith. Every day is a blessing no matter what our bodies do.
Keldor Miro surprisingly she did great for a long time. She was in a wheel chair and luckily she could afford a nice van and everything to get around. We were very lucky to have her around for all those years. She was the best grandma ever!
@@DStabs720 Such a blessing for many other Grama's and people to hear this. You are loved and special still, and so very important to your loved one's. ❤
If you have MS, you may have been misdiagnosed. Check list: Do you have Mercury Fillings? Have you had root canals? These are the 2 Leading Root causes of MS. And curable. Get with a biological dentist for proper removal.
I'm 16 and was diagnosed with MS just a month ago, after experiencing 3 months of symptoms. It's very unnerving knowing that you have to live with a chronic disease, but I'm staying strong! Hopes and prayers for everybody else out there suffering with this - you are not alone!
Thank you. You have made me feel 'less scared' ..... perhaps even 'less alone' ......... I was diagnosed just yesterday. A whole new chapter for me .... though I have been living with MS for a few years .... I have not known. Until that diagnosis yesterday. I hope your tomorrows are better than your todays. xx
Sue Randle I've been diagnosed today after all scans and I've got a similar symptoms.. I hope I will stay strong enough to fight MS back... wish u all the same xxx
I don't know how your video came across my feed but I am feeling blessed by your words. Thank you. I was diagnosed four years ago but I have a Dr that has kept telling me my issues aren't MS related. (She is amazing and helps me in so many ways that I haven't questioned her.) I have been in so much pain and I feeling like I am losing my mind. I related and recognized so many things in your video and I think it's time to find another Dr. I have been questioning that all day and your video gave me the answers I needed, thank you.
kay w. you are very lucky !! my spinal tap was horrible. the Dr couldn't get the needle in the right spot so they sent me to x-ray and another Dr did it. my right leg started flopping around. the pain was excruciating. never again...
Lucky! For me they didnt get it right and my foot kicked by it self, and it came blood out of the spinal test.. i asked for something so i could relax because i had to take a new one.. but they didnt give me anything (they are very strict in norway when it comes to valium ecs, so the simply didnt have it where i was).. so they just had to take a new test right afterwards. I was 24 and so scared. Felt the same as when i gave birth without medication.
My first was painless followed by headaches. My second, they were trying to find why I lost muscle on my right arm, hurt like hell but hardly any headaches.
My spinal tap was virtually painless. They gave me a mild sedation and anesthesia. I couldn't feel a thing and was surprised it took only around 15 minutes.
Oh my goodness, much of this is what's been going on for me as well. Even typing this my left hand is tingly and numb. Going to the doctor tomorrow. Hope that you are doing well :) Thanks for sharing
Know you're not alone even though it feels like it sometimes. I was born with chronic illness and things really started going downhill at 14. I'm 24 now and still struggle with progressive symptoms and what it means for my life, but we have to play to our strengths and know it's totally okay so be sad and angry sometimes. Life with chronic illness is different, so is youth, and though it's closed some doors for me, I've found things I love that I may never have discovered without it. I know you didn't ask for my comment and it's been a year, but I was really helped by others in the chronic illness community who reached out so... spoonie solidarity 🥄
@@zach9930 hi :) I'm not yet diagnosed with MS and may have something different, but I started getting neurological motor function and cognitive issues 6 years ago and in the past year paralysis (among loads of other stuff) and am on a waiting list, so I don't claim to have any personal experience with MS, just progressive neurological illness and chronic illness. I was born with EDS, VSS and have CFS and Fibromyalgia, and honestly a long list of diagnoses, mostly neurological conditions! I've been watching lots of MS videos to learn more, even if it isn't the answer to what I have I still want to be more aware and knowledgeable :) sorry that's long 😅
@@Eloise_Please I had a migraine for 2 months which was very abnormal for me and that made me get an MRI which showed that i have 5-6 lesions in my head, most likely it's MS. I'm 20 yo and i never noticed any of these MS symptoms in the past, i always thought that any never pain i had was related to my kyphosis, but i'm not so sure anymore. I don't even have any walking or balancing problems.. yet.. the future seems gloomy.. i was supposed to start studying in a really hard program this fall but now i'm questioning if i should even do it, i guess i'll try
My father has MS, wheel-chair bound, I'm going through the diagnoses stage at the moment. I've had a couple of attacks and my balance and vision, along with brain fog and shooting pains, sensations etc. Seems each episode leaves a different problem behind. Where-as my dad, has terrible ataxia. Really is different for everyone. Thank's for sharing, it helps people who may not otherwise have known what thier suffering could be, and prompt a visit to the DR.
Thank you for sharing ... this is heart breaking to hear hope to know how are you doing recently since I know it’s been 3 years so far ... stay strong! Your life is worth living and you have purpose with or without MS P.S. you have the most biggest beautiful eyes! (Hope that made you smile)
What can I say. I got diagnosed, MS a year ago. But the body challenges I was experiencing, were way older than I thought. Almost 8 years before my diagnosis and subsequent treatment. I can totally relate to your situation my friend. I get emotional when I see others jogging at the park, knowing I was an athlete once and can't do this anymore. And recently my wife left me because of my condition was the worst of all. But I know there is hope and there is nothing you can't achieve. I wish you good health and more power my friend. Stay positive and keep smiling 🙂 Would love to meet you one day 🙏
My grandfather has had MS since before I was born (I'm 21), and he's still going strong even though he has his struggles. Now, they are thinking I might have MS, which is a bit scary, but I know I can get through whatever life throws at me!
You did such a great job explaining your symptom evolution, thank you. It is very scary and I have had a number of those you've mentioned and have just been to my doctor where I'm not getting much help at all and it's so frustrating. The way you describe the numbness in your face is "exactly" what I've experienced and the vision loss. ...I think the pandemic has really turned our medical system upside down and my doc seems to prefer to believe I'm not in the typical age group.?! ....but I'm not convinced. I even had a salty tongue for six weeks. Sigh.... The very best wishes to you. You seem like an exceptional person.
Thank you for sharing Jane! Yeah the pandemic has really messed things up… the medical system and OUR system. I’m really sorry you need to go through this. Focus on following a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet for now. All the best to you 🧡💪🏻
I can’t thank you enough for this!!!! My middle school sweetheart just reached out to me and asked if we could just do the wild relationship because he doesn’t have much time left and has always been in love with me. He explained he has MS and just wants to live out the end with the woman he’s always loved. I’ve always loved him but I didn’t know what to expect and wanted to know what he was going through because a really private and humble person. Thank you so much for being so authentic and open with your journey. Seriously...thank you. I know this has been YEARS since you’ve posted it. I hope in all hopes of hope you’re doing well.
HI Seb. Hearing you speak about your story makes me reliving mine. I recognize so much, I have been struggling for years to go with the flow but I just can't anymore. SInce november 2016 I am on sick leave because of serious fatigues . I am doing better than months ago, less dizzyness, but always tired and I can't handle stress anymore. We have to remember were are not alone in this battle. I am still having trouble accepting this whole MS thing. Stories like yours give me strength, Big hugs !!
I remember my spinal tap, I got to watch ,the nurses held several mirrors angled so can was cool.the needle was huge.i didn't know there was liquid in your spine. its feels really good hearing other people's stories. it reminds you that you are not the only one. KEEP FIGHTING WARRIORS!!! KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
I had 1 , 2 weeks ago. It is cool. Yeah, it's not pleasant at all, but you get the results you need. I was shown the fluids and saw them as crystalline light fluids. Amazing.
Good to hear your story. Thanks for sharing. I have permanent optic neuritis in my right eye which started almost three years ago. After two MRI scans, and a lumbar puncture last Monday, I have finally been diagnosed with MS. It is reassuring to hear the similarities in your story. Along with the loss of balance, terrible memory, vertigo and fatigue, I also get the itching thing. I didn't realise it could be a symptom. I just thought it was me going nuts with everything else that's been going on, lol. All the best to you, pal, and good luck for the future!
I was diagnosed at 15, my MS was so extreme they put me on Prednisone(6 months) and ran tests for about a week. My spinal tap was the single worst experience of my life. I was immediately put on Tysabri and I have had a semi normal life for the past 7 years.
You are so strong I'm on my journey for MS diagnosis but here on the UK they take so long. Hope you're doing fine with no more attacks, I know they can be awful. It's been suspected MS to me, excuse my english, pronunciation, so I'm waiting to see my doctor to see what she says. Hope that if indeed is MS, I can get it diagnosed and treated sooner rather than later 'cause I'm stuttering, numbness and tingling on my legs and arms as well as stiff legs, balance and coordination problems, and the other day I was walking with my friends and my right foot kept dropping and making me almost fall each time. Very embarrassing. I've been living with MS, not 100% confirmed, for about 8 years or so. Keep strong. Your support would mean very much to me, all the best and hope you're doing fine :)
XxThePianist & ViolinistxX I am also a RUclipsr who has MS. I am just now starting a channel! Come follow me for some humor... it’s my greatest form of therapy!
Thanks for the people leaving sweet comments. this has been a year ago I posted here I will certainly follow you hehe :p :) I got into day vlogging so u can check that out and I did some vlogs on explaining what's happening now. which I'll upload the rest in due time xP :)
I fell 400 ft 22 yes ago. No one ever mentioned the possibility of aquiring MS. Thank you for your story!! I had many a ha moments listening to you. Also, immunotherapy (chemo) for melanoma I believe sped this up. Best wishes to u xo
I was just diagnosed and i found your story very comforting i have been telling my dr for 3 years something is wrong with my balance and my feet going numb, finally i know i am not crazy thank you
First off - God bless you. You’re very brave to make a video describing your ordeals with MS. Very brave. You should be commended. You’re doing the world a lot of good in showing people that a handsome young man such as yourself can be afflicted with MS. You’re a very courageous man and your upbeat attitude and humor shine quite bright. It sounds like you had Trigeminal nerve involvement (specifically v2 and v3 branches). If you ever come down with Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN), I highly recommend you contact Dr. Ronald Brisman, a New York City based doctor. Brisman is one of the world’s foremost experts on the disease and has arguably the highest success rate in treating it. God bless you my friend. Given your indomitable spirit, I predict a life filled with success and happiness for you. :)
Electric Eye Slide I am also a RUclipsr who has MS. I am just now starting a channel! Come follow me for some humor... it’s my greatest form of therapy!
I feel you bro! The condition dare i say sucks! One of the things i constantly remind myself is "things could be worse" but never do i even attempt to imagine how so... Subscribed
Just watching your story. It’s so helpful to hear you speak your story. I started with vision loss, having optic neuritis. I had blood work done, home heath nurse giving me steroids, and yes a spinal tap with also was the most horrendous experience. That and my MRI came back normal. Then I had episodes of random muscle spasms that would last days, seizure like episodes, fatigue where I can’t keep my eyes open no matter how hard I try and it feels like I’m in a haze. I’ve also had several numbness episodes in one leg. I’ve also developed migraines so bad that I can’t move and most recently, memory loss and trouble with multitasking and now I stutter in my speech when trying to say a word. After a year and a half I had a new MRI done where they found T2 flair hyperintensities in the periventricular region of my brain, which was not there prior and is one of the more common areas that MS attacks. And yet my doctor says I’m fine.... hopefully I get some answers soon. ❤️
an MSer here from 2005..keep strong!! I also remember at my first spinal tap I was screming and 4 people were trying to keep my body stable for 45 minutes...Then I would feel such an awful dizziness for more than a month..With Tysabri I would feel so fine for 3 years and then with Gilenya for 5,5 years...but when my body got really got used to it and it didn't have anything more to offer...I wish u the best mate!
Thanks for sharing your story, you are a strong person. I have recently been diagnosed with MS at 22 and it is nice there is information and support out there. I hope you continue to live a good healthy life
Hi, Sab, your story is very similar to mine and I had almost the same attaches. My type of MS is also RR and because of my 27 lesions my doctors in Spain directly gave me gylenia which I've been taking for 2yrs now.Stay strong.
MissBellaaa1 hi i m also having gilenya foe last 6 u doing n how long u have to continue?? it's very costly n not affordable without insurance.
Hi, I've been under Avonex for 14 years and the neurologist also gave me paracetamol so I don't feel the side effects of the treatment, I feel so surprised your didn't prescribe you such a simple thing to make your life easier. Now, I'll switch to Gylenia because my number of flares increased so I hope it will work well, I'll check your other videos to see if you talk about it. Another man with MS
my mom has had ms for over 20 years. it got really bad once i was born. the doctors were dumb and thought chemo would help it back in 99’, it didnt. i’ve seen my mom deteriorate my whole life and i’m 20 now. she’s on a scooter and needs help getting into bed, showering, going to the bathroom, ect. i wish everyday that i could’ve seen her walk and could’ve had a normal life with her. it makes me so sad. good luck on your journey, ms hits everyone differently.
Good video! I have MS (10 years now) was diagnosed at the age of 11. It was a scary time in my life for sure. I went through 3 different medications (avonex, rebif, tysabri) I am now on retuxan and have been on it for a few years now. I am doing extremely well, my last relapse was in the year 2011 🙏🏻
My mom has been diagnosed with ms before eleven years. When my family announced me that she had this dissease i lose my world. But after months I learned how to help my mom. I become "friend" with this and in my country we have the sentence whatever you dont kill you, make you powerful. I hope all people in the word and more specific in my country face this dissease as health issue and not as stigma Many kisses from Greece
Double vision is what got me diagnosed. I also had swallowing difficulty at that time. That was a very scary time. My double vision also improved over a couple months with steroids. I did the rebif injections for a couple years and now am on tecfadera. Doing pretty well. Still have some mild balance issues, some shockey sensations in legs, and some fatigue. Doing quite well over all though. I started running and weight training last year, and plan to run my first half marathon in the spring!! Best of wishes.
Loved to hear your story! I just started gilenya in March after 2 treatments (extavia 1year and aubagio 5 years) I feel the best I have been in the last 6 years. I wish you the best with this treatment aswell.
My Dr suspects MS so I’m scheduled for an MRI soon. I have really bad memory problems, a difficult time finding words, but mostly I have bladder retention problems which has been an issue for almost a decade. Thanks for sharing your story! Wish me luck!
My dad did a special diet called The Swank Diet. Low fat with fish, chicken and not much for animal fat. He stayed healthy well into his 80s and just passed away at 89. You are an inspiration to me with your positive attitude! Keep it up :)
My wife was diagnosed with Ms a number of years ago, fast forward to now she is exhibited many symptoms, I just found your channel tonight, the info you shared is very helpful for me to know what to look for in her and helps me to understand it better, Thank you, Liked, StaySafe
I will keep you in my prayers. Thanks for posting your story, l hope you can be as symptom free as possible, for many, many more years. May God bless you.
Thank you for sharing. I am undiagnosed at present . But I have some symptoms... I don't know what it is but ms is what a friend of mine who works in a hospital has suggested. You make it seem less scarry. Thank you.
MS is a horrible thing to have. My brother had it for 20 years before passing away. I watched his decline by inches all those years. My prayer is that someday they will find a real cure. Stay strong.
I'm sorry to hear that. My brother passed with MS, having it only for 9 years. Agressive cases are rare thankfully. I take my hat off to the many people who have MS and other illlnesses, they are true Warriors of life 🙏
You don't fucking die from MS stop spreading such depressing messages to other people. Ms has nothing to do with life expectancy. My mum and brother have it and so do i.
@@jamesemerson4102 There are MANY different Types categories some have both lesions brain and spine some lesser yes some unfortunate pass please dont be RUDE Do your HOMEWORK I Pray your family and yourself a recovery GOD help You
@@DavidSmith3750 People who make general statements about MS being horrible should be told to shut up. They are contributing to the stigma that I and others have to be a part of now every day. I know there are many types. I HAVE the disease, and I am fortunate to have one of the best neurologists in my country. I am here trying to tell young people who have been newly diagnosed not to fear, and there are people on here telling them otherwise. What good is that going to do? You don't tell a young newly diagnosed person about your terrible, awful experience with MS. It's common sense. Wake up.
Thank you so much for taking the time out to make this video for us. I'm so afraid I'm starting symptoms of MS myself. I hope you are doing ok. Again thanks.
i'm a 2nd going on 3rd year medical student in America studying for my board 1 exam before starting rotations in hospital this June of 2018, and i want to thank you for sharing your story. I used it to better learn about multiple sclerosis-- to associate a face and story with the disease. The detailed info you offered--- initial symptoms, medications used, adverse effects-- was all helpful; I even watched your video with my textbook open, so as to reference the medications you've used and the symptoms you've experienced. Now, in the future, when someone walks in with early symptoms as you described, I hope to catch it early in its course. Thanks and best of luck!
May God heal you!! We have a friend who was diagnosed 20 years ago and he was on expensive medication for years, and now the Dr. tells him that he no longer has MS. !!
I loved the part when you talked about the handsome doctor 😂. I had a similar experience. I have Crohn’s disease and had 2 surgeries in the past... The first one was the worst and I had to be hospitalized for 5 weeks. Prior to the surgery, I had lost 12 kilos, felt so powerless and looked terrible. One day, while I was recovering, this super handsome doctor came into my room and just seeing him made my day, but at the same time I started thinking “shit, why am I meeting such a gorgeous guy now that I look like shit?!” 😂.
Thank you for sharing your journey. You (and Selma Blair) have given me the courage to share mine as well. The more I learn, the more I realize MS has been a major part of my life for an extremely long time. But we are warriors! We will adapt and continue to live life to the best of our ability.
Thank you for your comment! And indeed, I want to show the world that our lives still carry on however difficult we may have it!
Yes I have had Ms for almost twenty years now
@@dianeamaral8151are you mobile? I'm not diagnosed with anything. I just have crazy tingling that doesn't go away.
I didn't know the exact symptoms of MS till I saw Selma Blair talking about them. I am a huge fan of hers and seeing her go through such a debilitating disease and fighting it, just impacted me hugely. My heart goes to everyone suffering from this disease. I admire also all the people coming out and posting these videos and sharing their stories to create awareness and more understanding on this. I hope one day there will be a cure. Blessings to all
I got diagnosed with a ridiculous amound of lesions yesterday because of the exact same reason; double vision and loss of speech and walking. it is very nice to listen to other people right now to get through the initial shock. In the hospital now. I very much hope you are doing good and well. thank you for uploading this video.
Omg stay strong sister!! 💪🏻🧡
Hope you're well. I've had MS for 22 years now. How are you coping 1 year later?
how are you doing now if I may ask?? I was diagnosed almost 6 months ago...
@@adamslilith-art do you have some symptoms?
@@anubala6421 of course I do... how would I have been diagnosed if I didn't have symptoms?😅
My mom was diagnosed when I was in the 6th grade.. I’m 32 yrs old now and still blessed to have my mom in our lives. I do not wish this on my worst enemy, hate this disease
MS does not cause death... your mum will be fine. We need to stop this Stigma of MS being this horrible deadly disease. It is not. The treatments available now are amazing.
I too have MS. After years of various symptoms I was finally diagnosed in 1998. I don't have any medication but have a vit b12 injection every 3 months. I have a positive attitude, even when I am having a bad time. It's holistic and I will not let it rule me....well, not my mind anyway. Good luck to you my man.....🙂
What r your symptoms do your skin burns
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with secondary progressive ms and I am not sure about medications. Did you follow any specific diet? Are you still without any medications now? Thank you.
My mum had ms for about 25 years had the b12 injections every 3 months went into nursing home January 2020 because all mobility had gone but happy in there she was getting the best care for her.then COVID took her on 1st November 2020 she was only diagnosed with Covid on the 24th of October so quickly.but my point is some people can live a long time after being diagnosed with ms 💕
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with MS and I did some research on alot of things , and when I did my research on the list of medications I could try , I am very nervous to start on a medication because of some of the harsh side effects, and when my blood tests came back everything was fine except my vitamin D3 was very low and I also had gotten covid 19 which sparked a trigger in my immune system, and then I did some more research and it saids that having low vitamin D3 can trigger an Ms attack and getting a unknown virus can trigger an Ms attack and stress can be a trigger and eating unhealthy can trigger for an Ms attack , so I decided that for a year im going to eat really healthy and get as much sunlight and eat alot of rich foods in vitamin D3 and exercise because exercise is really good for the body to avoid an Ms attack and naturally you body wants to heal itself but if you have alot of toxins and other issues your body has to fight off first then the body cant heal what you want it to heal, and in that year if doing my very best of staying healthy doesn't work and in my MRI tests shows that I developed more lesions then I will consider taking an medication, alot of those medications have liver side effects and possibly brain infection side effects that can cause death and I seen alot of things that saids that the medications could be used for chemo for cancer which is very strong to take and the medications make your immune system very weak which can be scary and some of the medications that you can take can make your Ms worse if you got off of it so that's another concern and the doctors want to say that you'll be fine but my doctor wanted me to do a medication that can cause an brain infection and he didn't tell me that side effect the pharmacy had told me about it so I would say make sure you do your research as well , and the doctors want to say that they don't know what causes Ms but I have a very strong feeling that it's from not being healthy , having alot of inflammation in your body can cause Ms triggers and can cause other diseases as well , alot of the process foods that people eat have alot of chemicals in the food that your liver and body have to detox from it and if you eat constant process food your liver and body can go on overload and act out of wack , your hormones act out of wack and your immune system will act out of wack as well, vitamin D3 is probably the most important vitamin to have and make sure it's not low ever , I understand that I could put myself in risk for a year by doing the holistic porch but I would like to at least try that way first and if I know that I tryed my very best to be healthy and if it still doesn't work then I guess I will try a medication.
Take the medication as early as possible. Healthy eating won’t stop the progression. Hope you make the right choice 🙏🏻🧡
hey, I just wanted to let you know that, after watching your "my MS story video," I finally got off my a#% and posted my own. so thanks for the inspiration! :)
+metaspencer Hey metaspencer! I'm very happy my video incited you to make your own. I think everyone with MS, no matter how different, can find something to relate to in these experiences and that makes us feel less alone. Keep it up!
@@LifeofSebMS thanks, Seb, in my vision, i have also stories. I have a Chanel Sons of Anarchy, with stories about Marilyn Manson, rock singer. 👍👍👍👍Keep on touch
have you tried pine bark?
I will help cure multiple sclerosis!
@Storm Media good stuff!
As a psychologist, I understand all of your pain.., the depth of disease. I pray to God to give courage & strength to all of them who are suffering. You are strong enough dear people.
Shruti, you don’t understand unless you have multiple sclerosis. I think you want attention. You aren’t powerful and special.
Saying "I understand" is really unprofessional for a psychologist. Word it better, "I can only imagine" since you don't have MS yourself. I wouldn't want to sit with a psychologist with that type of mentality or reckless wording.
I'm glad the two previous replies see through the bullshit of your comment.
You can be familiar with the pain, perhaps through observing/working with other clients, but you cannot truly understand individual pain from their point of view.
Seriously, wtf were you thinking by flexing you were a psychologist. "I understand all of your pain".
A psychologist who chats wishes to an invisible sky fairy who gives cancer to kids is not someone who'd I'd let anywhere neat my ailment lol
100% @krux I agree. As a person who suffers from these symptoms AND goes to therapy with a real professional, her words that she “understands” deeply is insulting to me, given she has no experiential lived reality. Thank you for speaking the truth. It is unhealthy when people misrepresent themselves this way - it makes creating safe spaces for others even more difficult
I also have MS. Stay strong 💪
TaijuannaJaye I am also a RUclipsr who has MS. I am just now starting a channel! Come follow me for some humor... it’s my greatest form of therapy!
How are you feeling taijuanna? You're on any medication?
Hi taijuanna hope you are well and doing better?
i do to
@@BMax-no9mg 😍
Hope you're doing well now. I've had MS for over 25 years, no disease modifying drugs in the past ten years. Stay strong and keep a positive mental attitude. x
Hi, what made you stop taking the medication? I was diagnosed 6 years ago but think I've had MS for longer. I refused all treatment, I'm just a very holistic person, I prefer a good diet and yoga. What have you found helps?
@@27TaLisa What are the symptomps of MS ?
@@BevRother do you have some disability without any medication or treatment? Please reply
@Anu bala hi, my balance is off but I'm working on it with tai chi, my legs get tired when walking uphill, I have a neurogenic bladder but seem to manage 90% of the time.
Wow, your bravery gives me chills. I’m still learning to accept MS and the way it will affect my life, and yet, I persist on living my best life! I hope you will too!
I will help cure multiple sclerosis!
I haven’t been diagnosed yet but I’m waiting to get answers from my neurologist. I plan on doing the same
Gorgeous man I'm so sorry to hear of your health struggles and just want to wish you love n happiness.
My mom had MS!! The most beautiful human in the world...she has past but will forever be my hero 💜💜💜
Wow 20 lesions, you poor guy! I'm recently diagnosed but only had 3. My attack/relapse was very different from yours. Tingling from the neck down then paralyzed on the right side for just over a week. I see a lot of people arguing in the comments. This disease is individual for every single person. It is not a competition. If anything we need to ban together. Thank you for sharing, it helps hearing peoples stories.
yes def gotta stick together! My first doc said he thought only young girls got MS, i said NEXT! I only had 3 lesions also, my neuro said i cant have MS cuz i only had 3 LOL. I said i know MS confirmed ppl with NO lesions. I try not to get jaded but damn ive had my share of bad docs... After 7 MRIs, 2 LPs I STILL havnt got an official DX, after years of living with it there isnt anything else it could be....recently ive heard very interesting things like ambien (the sleeping
pill) for dramatic improvements in brain injury, stroke patients etc...i
wonder if MS ppl can benefit?! another one is QUALITY coconut oil for
cog fog & fatigue, i like it. I take 1 tablespoon a day with food or
in hot drink, some ppl say the saturated fat isnt good but why not cut
down on other fat (like crisco, lard, butter) when cooking, use better
for you coconut oil instead.... 5K to 10K a day Vit D (infused WITH Vit
K) with biggest meal of the day, make sure you eat calcium rich foods
daily as it helps Vit D absorb. these are just a few things to get you
curious to research for yourself
Sleekcartim .sleekcartim
If you don't mind me asking, were completely paralysed on your left side for a week?
Daniel im assuming your asking me that question... No i wasnt paralyzed on my whole left side. I had left head / face numbness tingly, my left foot is very numb & sensitive to stimulus. I have various degrees of numbness in about 40% of my body btw. time to take coconut oil i feel fatigue coming on... lol
Wow! I can so relate to your story and symptoms. I hope you are managing well with this disease. Don't lose hope. I was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting 27 years ago and I am currently very active.
Mam do you have some disability during the span of 27 years? Please reply
You’re an example of strength! 💪🏻🧡
Thank You...I'm starting my journey, I noticed symptoms about a years ago. The constant pain, especially my back, legs, arms and neck, headaches, vision changes, my balance, and this uncontrollable sleepiness and walking slowly with a cane now...It's shameful 2 doctors thought I was faking! Going to see specialist in major city next week.
it’s bad really bad when ppl does that. sorry to hear this hope you’d found the better doctors and got better. I know this I went through the same situations.
Hello everyone best of luck fighting against ms I got diagnosed when I was 19 I had complete paralyzes on the left side of my body I couldn't speak either and I had optic neurits all in one attack I'm 22 now starting treatment soon relapses have been on and off affecting walking speech and vision . However I'M currently studying two degrees and working part time , we are all in this together and I believe that by sharing our stories we are encouraging each other to keep going . Healthy diets everyone without saturated fats and excerise . Keep positive 😉
What DMT drugs do you use? You look strong and hard-working. You have a high talent and can be so full of fighting spirit and complete your studies and tasks.
My Daughter got diagnosed with MS today, She had double vision. Continuous hiccups, pain in legs. We r treating her. Thnx for sharing your story. Stay Strong. Miracles happen you will be fine in one day.
So sorry about your daughter! Hope you two are staying strong 💪🏻🧡
I'm glad were all sharing! My first attack was December 2012 i was working for a Watch Company it was very busy. I noticed my right side of my body was slowly going numb started in my feet & worked its way all the way up and lasted for two weeks, Keep in mind am working like crazy! I was 24 years old at the time i was diagnosis in early 2013. The doctor told me you have Stage one MS after going though a lot of tests now i'm 30 and feel alright i take one pill everyday for my MS.
Hi. What Med are you taking?
Hey sweetheart, I am 46 and have lived with lupus all my life . I now have ms because lupus attacked my Milan sheath . It's hard some days and I struggle walking these days and my eye sight is very poor . Never give up hope and faith because that is what gets us through the hard days. Stay strong and keep blogging I am listening xoxoxo molly from Sydney Australia
Kudos for the video content! Sorry for chiming in, I would appreciate your initial thoughts. Have you heard the talk about - Liyaraah Sclerosis Redemption (should be on google have a look)? It is an awesome one off product for overcoming the symptoms of multiple sclerosis minus the normal expense. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my best friend Jordan after a lifetime of fighting got astronomical success with it.
I hope you get better..
Hi molly I'm percocet from US
Molly Mayor I have the same thing
look up Dr terry wahls
You guys are all brave. I have a cousin with progressive MS. May god give you all strength 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hi, thank you for sharing your story. I was diagnosed with MS four years ago and I completely understand when the symptoms become so aggressive you can not ignore them anymore. I pray your journey gets better and manageable.
you are an amazing person im 17 and have ms it is verry hard living with it but it was good to hear your story becouse ms has taken me out of school and made me very depressed thanks for sharing its verry helpful
Haven Cook do you have trembling in ur hands and all over ur body??
Haven Cook I am also a RUclipsr who has MS. I am just now starting a channel! Come follow me for some humor... it’s my greatest form of therapy!
Hi I'm 25 and have had multiple sclerosis for 10 years. Thank you for sharing your story
@@toeders1 but everyone has specific signs patients of ms are not the same
@@lunaestrella531 I know
This is the 2nd spinal tap scare story I've encountered in these videos. I had one when I was 6, and it was nothing. That was 60 years ago. Now, I can be grateful.
What kinda of a person puts a dislike?. You are extremely strong and brave. I have a brain disorder. It's not MS but very similar. You are amazing to have carried on functioning. Inspirational x
I'm here watching this video after falling in love with someone living with MS.... Thanks for sharing 😘
I suffer from MS too :)
Thank you for sharing with us your story Seb! :)
It's been 10 years that i live with MS and everything was fine till i started suffering from unbelievable headaches, migraines and ear pain 1 year ago. I quitted my job, my social life, my personal life but not because I was depressed. I'm really in much pain so i can't do anything. But i do believe that everything is going to be alright for all of us. We have to be patient and strong physically n mostly psychologically :)
Greetings from Greece :)
hey how are you now if I may ask??
My mom has had MS since I was little and I worry that I may have it as well because there are some concerning symptoms that I have... I’m happy to see more people online talking about it and living normal-ish lives :)
did you get diagnosed if I may ask?
I know that you posted this year's ago, I identify with many of your symptoms and can empathize. MS is a thief that steals pieces of us, you seem like such a genuine sincerely sweet young man. I'm really hoping you go into remission, and have peace. *Big Hugs* to you, your Canadian sister 💕
I've gone through 3 different treatments for MS in the past 4 years and Tysabri has helped the most. I do not have any more active lesions and all of my symptoms come from numerous lesions that remain as scars in my nervous system.
Possibly becoming JC positive is one of my biggest fears at the moment and so sorry to hear that you had to stop Tysabri due to that reason. But I'm so happy you've shared your story!! Thank you!
Are you saying you no longer have ms symptoms after the treatment?
I want to tell you and everyone that was so brave to tell your truth about MS. I am more inspired to tell my truth about MS. for the last 3years I have been so ashamed of my diagnosis. I've cried many days because I felt so alone and voiceless. I am a mother to 2 boys and to see my children worry about me makes me feel less than a mother. Every weekend were our playdates game days but being depended on a Walker breaks my heart. Hearing my children tell me I'm still as perfect as I was when God created me melts my heart. Continue to keep me in prayers and I will pray for my entire MS family❤
stay strong dear, prayers to everyone suffering from MS,
@@OM10000 thank you so much❤🙏
You’re amazing 🙏🏻🧡
Thank you for this video. I'm 17 and was recently diagnosed, however, I experienced symptoms years before around the age of 13 that I just brushed off out of fear. It wasn't until around six months ago when I had an attack that numbed and weakened the left side of my body that I was finally diagnosed.
Caroline B I am also a RUclipsr who has MS. I am just now starting a channel! Come follow me for some humor... it’s my greatest form of therapy!
I had such a similar experience. I hope you are well. X
Thank you for sharing your story , i just got diagnosed with ms and I thought like my whole life is falling apart but seeing all you guys in the comments make me feel like this isn’t such a big deal after all and i can live my life like most normal people do although it may be more difficult to do so
Exactly!! Stay positive 💪🏻🧡
My mother has MS too, thank you for sharing your story and getting awareness out! You are so handsome, keep up the good videos!
Same here however I got diagnosed with my MS at eleven years old & I’m twenty one years old so for ten years I’ve been battling it!👌🏼
weird,11, unheard of 20 years ago
Jesus Octavio Miramontes May I ask what you felt that made you go to the doctor? And how has your life been since being diagnosed?
I will help cure multiple sclerosis!
You're a beautiful man...I've just been diagnosed in the hospital in the last few days. Woke up to a dragging foot and needing to use a walking stick. MS is not fun. Hang in there and stay prayed up, Doll!
Im too afraid to trust pharmaceuticals due to side effects. I'm going to try a plant based diet and pray to God for healing. Bless you, Seb
I am really sorry you were treated like a specimen not a person,then spinal uuuweee and more tests!!!!I have messed up immune system,No spinal but tests and Drs.&tests,ugh.finally after lupus dianosis,Rheum.arth.osteodegenerative arth.thyroid issues,now after being not believed I thot had Parkinson's disease ,My.rheum.sending me back to neurologist cause thinks I do!!My dad died in 2000 from it.i got symptoms shortly after that,but not believed,tests don't always show,but was ruled out what u have frm.mri.i have had 4 @20yrs.then&suddenly I can't get up good walk good sleep good memory leaving me or can't say correct words.and can't take steroids like prednisone so I take plaquenil. Now I'm 62,so told my daughter no more tests& more added meds.but I'd let them officially diagnosed me to help with care&disability. I live with her.i have strong faith& days are sometimes long.hope you the♥️
Anonymous Girl plant based diet and low sat fat kept people in a Canadian study symptom free for over 30years!!! I was dx’ed 12 tears ago - I have no symptoms. Look up the study!!!
@@jakethedog4397 Plant based/vegan diet is what caused MS. Stay away from plants and wake up!
@@1life857 Disgusting. You should crawl back under whatever rock you've been living under. Plants are the most nutritious and healing foods on the planet. Let me guess, you think keto is conducive to health. It's not like Atkins died of a heart attack, or that Baker's bloodtests are disastrous. I'm afraid the only way you've woken up is by waking in another dream. You're in deep, deep sleep.
@@1life857 I’ve been plant based for over 40 years it’s the most healthy way and no I don’t have MS I’m listening for a friend who may have it
Thank you for sharing your story. I have a girlfriend with MS. She’s been diagnosed over 20 years ago. She’s been on Tysabri these past few years but will have to come off it soon. She was doing remarkably well until and unfortunate accident at Work. She’s been recovering slowly since. Most people including myself don’t understand the full spectrum a person with MS goes thru. Particularly the ups and downs, I keep her moving forward but often forget how difficult things can be. Every now and then you need a reminder to realized how resilient people with MS are and focus on what they get accomplished rather what they can’t on a given day.
Thanks again for sharing
OMG!! I suffer from this debilitating disease as well! I understand your pain and frustration. It’s awful! But all we can do is TRY and be strong. Take care❤️
I have muscular dystrophy fshd. We all have something.... just keep moving forward and have faith. Every day is a blessing no matter what our bodies do.
God bless you for your wisdom.
My grandma lived with MS for 50 years
My mother had it for about 16 years and died a miserable death from it at the age of 44. The most debilitating thing I have ever seen.
Keldor Miro surprisingly she did great for a long time. She was in a wheel chair and luckily she could afford a nice van and everything to get around. We were very lucky to have her around for all those years. She was the best grandma ever!
Let's hope if it's a correct diagnosis ..its a treatable situation.
@@DStabs720 Such a blessing for many other Grama's and people to hear this. You are loved and special still, and so very important to your loved one's. ❤
I am a Med student here.... watching ur story gives a diffrent perspective than books... May lord give u immense strength...
If you have MS, you may have been misdiagnosed. Check list: Do you have Mercury Fillings? Have you had root canals? These are the 2 Leading Root causes of MS. And curable. Get with a biological dentist for proper removal.
I'm 16 and was diagnosed with MS just a month ago, after experiencing 3 months of symptoms. It's very unnerving knowing that you have to live with a chronic disease, but I'm staying strong! Hopes and prayers for everybody else out there suffering with this - you are not alone!
Did u try vitamin B1
Check out DR Berg on vitamin B1
Try dr wehls diet, wim hof cold therapy include vitamin + minerals like B1,6,12 magnesium, zink & vitamin D over 3,000
@@leximohamed9532 have you tried not to follow an advise from someone who is not a real doctor .
Dr. Berg is better than a REAL doctor. You know real doctors get more business with sick people
There is a girl who said her moms MS went away she went vegan it helped her
My daughter has MS now for 29 years and she is very frail and bed ridden. Just keep strong and take it Day by Day.
Thank you. You have made me feel 'less scared' ..... perhaps even 'less alone' ......... I was diagnosed just yesterday. A whole new chapter for me .... though I have been living with MS for a few years .... I have not known. Until that diagnosis yesterday. I hope your tomorrows are better than your todays. xx
Sue Randle I've been diagnosed today after all scans and I've got a similar symptoms.. I hope I will stay strong enough to fight MS back... wish u all the same xxx
Sue Randle I am also a RUclipsr who has MS. I am just now starting a channel! Come follow me for some humor... it’s my greatest form of therapy!
Bravo !
How are you now, bro? Have you used DMT, or have you overcome those symptoms?
Our family is also affected by MS. Hope you are doing well and continuing to inspire others.
Thank you for putting your story out. It's eerie but also comforting to hear such a similar story
I don't know how your video came across my feed but I am feeling blessed by your words. Thank you. I was diagnosed four years ago but I have a Dr that has kept telling me my issues aren't MS related. (She is amazing and helps me in so many ways that I haven't questioned her.) I have been in so much pain and I feeling like I am losing my mind. I related and recognized so many things in your video and I think it's time to find another Dr. I have been questioning that all day and your video gave me the answers I needed, thank you.
AK Sonya 80i769
Carol, I don't know what that means.
my spinal tap was completely painless.. im so blessed I had a good experience with it
ur very lucky!
kay w. you are very lucky !! my spinal tap was horrible. the Dr couldn't get the needle in the right spot so they sent me to x-ray and another Dr did it. my right leg started flopping around. the pain was excruciating. never again...
Lucky! For me they didnt get it right and my foot kicked by it self, and it came blood out of the spinal test.. i asked for something so i could relax because i had to take a new one.. but they didnt give me anything (they are very strict in norway when it comes to valium ecs, so the simply didnt have it where i was).. so they just had to take a new test right afterwards. I was 24 and so scared. Felt the same as when i gave birth without medication.
My first was painless followed by headaches. My second, they were trying to find why I lost muscle on my right arm, hurt like hell but hardly any headaches.
My spinal tap was virtually painless. They gave me a mild sedation and anesthesia. I couldn't feel a thing and was surprised it took only around 15 minutes.
Dear God, I pray for you and others that Are faced with MS. I thank you 🙏 for sharing your story; please hang in there as I pray for a cure.
Oh my goodness, much of this is what's been going on for me as well. Even typing this my left hand is tingly and numb. Going to the doctor tomorrow. Hope that you are doing well :) Thanks for sharing
Hope you’re well today! 🙏🏻🧡
Just got diagnosed with this today. I’m nervous on What to expect, I’m only 16
do u have it
Know you're not alone even though it feels like it sometimes. I was born with chronic illness and things really started going downhill at 14. I'm 24 now and still struggle with progressive symptoms and what it means for my life, but we have to play to our strengths and know it's totally okay so be sad and angry sometimes. Life with chronic illness is different, so is youth, and though it's closed some doors for me, I've found things I love that I may never have discovered without it. I know you didn't ask for my comment and it's been a year, but I was really helped by others in the chronic illness community who reached out so... spoonie solidarity 🥄
@@Eloise_Please hey, thanks so much for the comment. May I ask which kind of MS you have?
@@zach9930 hi :) I'm not yet diagnosed with MS and may have something different, but I started getting neurological motor function and cognitive issues 6 years ago and in the past year paralysis (among loads of other stuff) and am on a waiting list, so I don't claim to have any personal experience with MS, just progressive neurological illness and chronic illness. I was born with EDS, VSS and have CFS and Fibromyalgia, and honestly a long list of diagnoses, mostly neurological conditions! I've been watching lots of MS videos to learn more, even if it isn't the answer to what I have I still want to be more aware and knowledgeable :) sorry that's long 😅
@@Eloise_Please I had a migraine for 2 months which was very abnormal for me and that made me get an MRI which showed that i have 5-6 lesions in my head, most likely it's MS. I'm 20 yo and i never noticed any of these MS symptoms in the past, i always thought that any never pain i had was related to my kyphosis, but i'm not so sure anymore. I don't even have any walking or balancing problems.. yet.. the future seems gloomy.. i was supposed to start studying in a really hard program this fall but now i'm questioning if i should even do it, i guess i'll try
I'm struggling with MS for almost 15 years mainly my attacks related to my vision, thank you for sharing your story 💐 ps. You're so handsome 😎
Sara Andersen I am also a RUclipsr who has MS. I am just now starting a channel! Come follow me for some humor... it’s my greatest form of therapy!
My mom got diagnosed today, she has blurred vision in one eye. Does every one with MS loose their ability to walk?
im a bad youtuber No, MS is different for everyone & about two thirds of people with is never lose their ability to walk without assistance
Sara Andersen ❤️
My father has MS, wheel-chair bound, I'm going through the diagnoses stage at the moment. I've had a couple of attacks and my balance and vision, along with brain fog and shooting pains, sensations etc. Seems each episode leaves a different problem behind.
Where-as my dad, has terrible ataxia. Really is different for everyone.
Thank's for sharing, it helps people who may not otherwise have known what thier suffering could be, and prompt a visit to the DR.
Thank you for sharing ... this is heart breaking to hear hope to know how are you doing recently since I know it’s been 3 years so far ... stay strong! Your life is worth living and you have purpose with or without MS
P.S. you have the most biggest beautiful eyes! (Hope that made you smile)
What can I say. I got diagnosed, MS a year ago. But the body challenges I was experiencing, were way older than I thought. Almost 8 years before my diagnosis and subsequent treatment. I can totally relate to your situation my friend. I get emotional when I see others jogging at the park, knowing I was an athlete once and can't do this anymore. And recently my wife left me because of my condition was the worst of all. But I know there is hope and there is nothing you can't achieve. I wish you good health and more power my friend. Stay positive and keep smiling 🙂 Would love to meet you one day 🙏
Oh no, so sorry to hear about that 😞💪🏻
Thanks for sharing 🧡🙏🏻
My grandfather has had MS since before I was born (I'm 21), and he's still going strong even though he has his struggles. Now, they are thinking I might have MS, which is a bit scary, but I know I can get through whatever life throws at me!
love your attitude!!!! 😁
Do you have some issues ?? Reply please
@@anubala6421 you could have just checked out my channel.. I have many videos about this
You did such a great job explaining your symptom evolution, thank you. It is very scary and I have had a number of those you've mentioned and have just been to my doctor where I'm not getting much help at all and it's so frustrating. The way you describe the numbness in your face is "exactly" what I've experienced and the vision loss. ...I think the pandemic has really turned our medical system upside down and my doc seems to prefer to believe I'm not in the typical age group.?! ....but I'm not convinced. I even had a salty tongue for six weeks. Sigh.... The very best wishes to you. You seem like an exceptional person.
Thank you for sharing Jane! Yeah the pandemic has really messed things up… the medical system and OUR system. I’m really sorry you need to go through this. Focus on following a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet for now. All the best to you 🧡💪🏻
"The head doctor - a very, very handsome man." LOL
Delana Johnson that’s gay
Delana Johnson “shall we stick him in the back” lolllll
Lol - The gaze and smile after the “handsome” doctor comment. Lol
Yeah, he already assumed in other vids he's gay, so what?
I can’t thank you enough for this!!!! My middle school sweetheart just reached out to me and asked if we could just do the wild relationship because he doesn’t have much time left and has always been in love with me. He explained he has MS and just wants to live out the end with the woman he’s always loved. I’ve always loved him but I didn’t know what to expect and wanted to know what he was going through because a really private and humble person. Thank you so much for being so authentic and open with your journey. Seriously...thank you. I know this has been YEARS since you’ve posted it. I hope in all hopes of hope you’re doing well.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, Jo! Give him all the support you can from the love you have for him. Best of luck to you two!
Good luck.
HI Seb. Hearing you speak about your story makes me reliving mine. I recognize so much, I have been struggling for years to go with the flow but I just can't anymore. SInce november 2016 I am on sick leave because of serious fatigues . I am doing better than months ago, less dizzyness, but always tired and I can't handle stress anymore. We have to remember were are not alone in this battle. I am still having trouble accepting this whole MS thing. Stories like yours give me strength, Big hugs !!
Girl Myrna I am also a RUclipsr who has MS. I am just now starting a channel! Come follow me for some humor... it’s my greatest form of therapy!
I remember my spinal tap, I got to watch ,the nurses held several mirrors angled so can was cool.the needle was huge.i didn't know there was liquid in your spine. its feels really good hearing other people's stories. it reminds you that you are not the only one. KEEP FIGHTING WARRIORS!!! KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
I had 1 , 2 weeks ago.
It is cool.
Yeah, it's not pleasant at all, but you get the results you need. I was shown the fluids and saw them as crystalline light fluids. Amazing.
Yeeees 💪🏻🧡
When I had my spinal tap I was so anxious I couldn't stop panic laughing. Thank you for sharing you're experiences
SecretMermaid yeah I got some drugs before mine it was fun enough
I will help cure multiple sclerosis!
My nime is khattab Iraq.MS 7years
Good to hear your story. Thanks for sharing.
I have permanent optic neuritis in my right eye which started almost three years ago. After two MRI scans, and a lumbar puncture last Monday, I have finally been diagnosed with MS.
It is reassuring to hear the similarities in your story. Along with the loss of balance, terrible memory, vertigo and fatigue, I also get the itching thing. I didn't realise it could be a symptom. I just thought it was me going nuts with everything else that's been going on, lol.
All the best to you, pal, and good luck for the future!
I was diagnosed at 15, my MS was so extreme they put me on Prednisone(6 months) and ran tests for about a week. My spinal tap was the single worst experience of my life. I was immediately put on Tysabri and I have had a semi normal life for the past 7 years.
I’m so sorry you had to endure the stress of all those years of not knowing. Blessings to you ❤️
You are so strong I'm on my journey for MS diagnosis but here on the UK they take so long. Hope you're doing fine with no more attacks, I know they can be awful. It's been suspected MS to me, excuse my english, pronunciation, so I'm waiting to see my doctor to see what she says. Hope that if indeed is MS, I can get it diagnosed and treated sooner rather than later 'cause I'm stuttering, numbness and tingling on my legs and arms as well as stiff legs, balance and coordination problems, and the other day I was walking with my friends and my right foot kept dropping and making me almost fall each time. Very embarrassing. I've been living with MS, not 100% confirmed, for about 8 years or so. Keep strong. Your support would mean very much to me, all the best and hope you're doing fine :)
XxThePianist & ViolinistxX
I'm sorry but what did u mean why ur legs were dropping ?!
XxThePianist & ViolinistxX I am also a RUclipsr who has MS. I am just now starting a channel! Come follow me for some humor... it’s my greatest form of therapy!
My foot kept dragging on the floor during the relapses. It's called foot drop. Hope that clarified it :)
Thanks for the people leaving sweet comments. this has been a year ago I posted here I will certainly follow you hehe :p :) I got into day vlogging so u can check that out and I did some vlogs on explaining what's happening now. which I'll upload the rest in due time xP :)
I fell 400 ft 22 yes ago. No one ever mentioned the possibility of aquiring MS. Thank you for your story!! I had many a ha moments listening to you.
Also, immunotherapy (chemo) for melanoma I believe sped this up.
Best wishes to u xo
Everything you said exactly is my M.S. story also! Relapsing/Remitting M.S.! I felt such a kinship listening to your story. :-)))
I will help cure multiple sclerosis!
Brave and openly honest video - I wish you the very best. For what it’s worth you look and sound great - be strong!
Thank you for posting your story. My heart & blessings are with you. Keep fighting.
I was just diagnosed and i found your story very comforting i have been telling my dr for 3 years something is wrong with my balance and my feet going numb, finally i know i am not crazy thank you
First off - God bless you.
You’re very brave to make a video describing your ordeals with MS. Very brave. You should be commended.
You’re doing the world a lot of good in showing people that a handsome young man such as yourself can be afflicted with MS.
You’re a very courageous man and your upbeat attitude and humor shine quite bright.
It sounds like you had Trigeminal nerve involvement (specifically v2 and v3 branches). If you ever come down with Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN), I highly recommend you contact Dr. Ronald Brisman, a New York City based doctor. Brisman is one of the world’s foremost experts on the disease and has arguably the highest success rate in treating it.
God bless you my friend.
Given your indomitable spirit, I predict a life filled with success and happiness for you. :)
Electric Eye Slide I am also a RUclipsr who has MS. I am just now starting a channel! Come follow me for some humor... it’s my greatest form of therapy!
I feel you bro! The condition dare i say sucks! One of the things i constantly remind myself is "things could be worse" but never do i even attempt to imagine how so...
Just watching your story. It’s so helpful to hear you speak your story. I started with vision loss, having optic neuritis. I had blood work done, home heath nurse giving me steroids, and yes a spinal tap with also was the most horrendous experience. That and my MRI came back normal. Then I had episodes of random muscle spasms that would last days, seizure like episodes, fatigue where I can’t keep my eyes open no matter how hard I try and it feels like I’m in a haze. I’ve also had several numbness episodes in one leg. I’ve also developed migraines so bad that I can’t move and most recently, memory loss and trouble with multitasking and now I stutter in my speech when trying to say a word. After a year and a half I had a new MRI done where they found T2 flair hyperintensities in the periventricular region of my brain, which was not there prior and is one of the more common areas that MS attacks. And yet my doctor says I’m fine.... hopefully I get some answers soon. ❤️
Hope you got some answers by now! 🙏🏻🧡
an MSer here from 2005..keep strong!! I also remember at my first spinal tap I was screming and 4 people were trying to keep my body stable for 45 minutes...Then I would feel such an awful dizziness for more than a month..With Tysabri I would feel so fine for 3 years and then with Gilenya for 5,5 years...but when my body got really got used to it and it didn't have anything more to offer...I wish u the best mate!
So brave....and gorgeous 😊. Sending you good vibes. .. and hope you find the right treatment. .. Thanks for this video.
Best vibes to you too! And thank you :)
Bibi T 😎
Bibi T 😎
Bibi T ♠♥😎
Bibi T 😎😍
Thanks for sharing your story, you are a strong person. I have recently been diagnosed with MS at 22 and it is nice there is information and support out there. I hope you continue to live a good healthy life
Hi, Sab, your story is very similar to mine and I had almost the same attaches. My type of MS is also RR and because of my 27 lesions my doctors in Spain directly gave me gylenia which I've been taking for 2yrs now.Stay strong.
MissBellaaa1 hi i m also having gilenya foe last 6 u doing n how long u have to continue?? it's very costly n not affordable without insurance.
You might find the book and website called "Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis" interesting. Take care, and God bless.
Robert thanku
MissBellaaa1 I am also a RUclipsr who has MS. I am just now starting a channel! Come follow me for some humor... it’s my greatest form of therapy!
Hi, I've been under Avonex for 14 years and the neurologist also gave me paracetamol so I don't feel the side effects of the treatment, I feel so surprised your didn't prescribe you such a simple thing to make your life easier. Now, I'll switch to Gylenia because my number of flares increased so I hope it will work well, I'll check your other videos to see if you talk about it.
Another man with MS
Being tested right now. Bless you and thanks so much for sharing.
my mom has had ms for over 20 years. it got really bad once i was born. the doctors were dumb and thought chemo would help it back in 99’, it didnt. i’ve seen my mom deteriorate my whole life and i’m 20 now. she’s on a scooter and needs help getting into bed, showering, going to the bathroom, ect. i wish everyday that i could’ve seen her walk and could’ve had a normal life with her. it makes me so sad. good luck on your journey, ms hits everyone differently.
God bless you xx
Good video! I have MS (10 years now) was diagnosed at the age of 11. It was a scary time in my life for sure. I went through 3 different medications (avonex, rebif, tysabri) I am now on retuxan and have been on it for a few years now. I am doing extremely well, my last relapse was in the year 2011 🙏🏻
Sister, How are you now ??? Do you have any type of disability?
I was just diagnosed with ms. Tingling in hands and numbness in stomach and back. I’m starting ocrevus in 4 weeks. Thanks for sharing your story!
I hope you’ll be happy on Ocrevus! 💪🏻
@@LifeofSebMS so far so good 😊
You got a good doctor when I reported my symtoms the doctor checked my temp and heart rate and said i was fine
My mom has been diagnosed with ms before eleven years. When my family announced me that she had this dissease i lose my world. But after months I learned how to help my mom. I become "friend" with this and in my country we have the sentence whatever you dont kill you, make you powerful.
I hope all people in the word and more specific in my country face this dissease as health issue and not as stigma
Many kisses from Greece
So inspiring!! Thank you 💪🏻
Thank you for sharing your health journey. I think I might have MS. I get the itching all over, which is a new symptom. I'm seeing a neurologist soon.
I hope you got some clarity on this 🙏🏻🧡
I'm so sorry that you've had to go through all of that. I will pray for you.
Double vision is what got me diagnosed. I also had swallowing difficulty at that time. That was a very scary time. My double vision also improved over a couple months with steroids. I did the rebif injections for a couple years and now am on tecfadera. Doing pretty well. Still have some mild balance issues, some shockey sensations in legs, and some fatigue. Doing quite well over all though. I started running and weight training last year, and plan to run my first half marathon in the spring!! Best of wishes.
You are great. Did you finish the marathon well? I admire your enthusiasm.
@@谢特妈惹法克 I did! That has been 7 years now and I am no longer taking MS meds and am healthy to date. Thank you!
@ You are a miracle, and I am also exercising and recovering.
Loved to hear your story! I just started gilenya in March after 2 treatments (extavia 1year and aubagio 5 years) I feel the best I have been in the last 6 years. I wish you the best with this treatment aswell.
Thank you so much for sharing! I was recently diagnosed with MS also. Your video was inspiring!
I will help cure multiple sclerosis!
My Dr suspects MS so I’m scheduled for an MRI soon. I have really bad memory problems, a difficult time finding words, but mostly I have bladder retention problems which has been an issue for almost a decade. Thanks for sharing your story! Wish me luck!
My dad did a special diet called The Swank Diet. Low fat with fish, chicken and not much for animal fat. He stayed healthy well into his 80s and just passed away at 89. You are an inspiration to me with your positive attitude! Keep it up :)
Was he diagnosed with MS, could u please me details of diet,,thanks in advance
I do hear wonders about that diet! 🙏🏻🧡
My wife was diagnosed with Ms a number of years ago, fast forward to now she is exhibited many symptoms, I just found your channel tonight, the info you shared is very helpful for me to know what to look for in her and helps me to understand it better, Thank you, Liked, StaySafe
It’s really a kind gesture of you to stay informed on this condition for her. Stay strong 😅
@@LifeofSebMS Thanks, Thank You, She is currently in critical care unit at hospital now, Drs are having a difficult time diagnosing her
I will keep you in my prayers.
Thanks for posting your story, l hope you can be as symptom
free as possible, for many, many more years. May God bless you.
Thank you for sharing. I am undiagnosed at present . But I have some symptoms... I don't know what it is but ms is what a friend of mine who works in a hospital has suggested. You make it seem less scarry. Thank you.
Life goes on! 🙏🏻🧡
MS is a horrible thing to have. My brother had it for 20 years before passing away. I watched his decline by inches all those years. My prayer is that someday they will find a real cure. Stay strong.
I'm sorry to hear that. My brother passed with MS, having it only for 9 years. Agressive cases are rare thankfully.
I take my hat off to the many people who have MS and other illlnesses, they are true Warriors of life 🙏
You don't fucking die from MS stop spreading such depressing messages to other people. Ms has nothing to do with life expectancy. My mum and brother have it and so do i.
@@jamesemerson4102 There are MANY different Types categories some have both lesions brain and spine some lesser yes some unfortunate pass please dont be RUDE Do your HOMEWORK I Pray your family and yourself a recovery GOD help You
@@DavidSmith3750 please don't be rude? Piss off. I have MS myself. Don't tell me to do my homework.
@@DavidSmith3750 People who make general statements about MS being horrible should be told to shut up. They are contributing to the stigma that I and others have to be a part of now every day. I know there are many types. I HAVE the disease, and I am fortunate to have one of the best neurologists in my country. I am here trying to tell young people who have been newly diagnosed not to fear, and there are people on here telling them otherwise. What good is that going to do? You don't tell a young newly diagnosed person about your terrible, awful experience with MS. It's common sense. Wake up.
Thank you so much for taking the time out to make this video for us. I'm so afraid I'm starting symptoms of MS myself. I hope you are doing ok. Again thanks.
Penny Baroody me too Penny very frightening isn’t it? Other illness has similar symptoms though so don’t overly worry xxx
i'm a 2nd going on 3rd year medical student in America studying for my board 1 exam before starting rotations in hospital this June of 2018, and i want to thank you for sharing your story. I used it to better learn about multiple sclerosis-- to associate a face and story with the disease. The detailed info you offered--- initial symptoms, medications used, adverse effects-- was all helpful; I even watched your video with my textbook open, so as to reference the medications you've used and the symptoms you've experienced. Now, in the future, when someone walks in with early symptoms as you described, I hope to catch it early in its course. Thanks and best of luck!
May God heal you!! We have a friend who was diagnosed 20 years ago and he was on expensive medication for years, and now the Dr. tells him that he no longer has MS. !!
erm, as far as im aware there is no cure for MS just yet. So either the person was misdiagnosed, or managed hes decease very well. well done!
which medication?
Praise God!
Barbara Ellis which medication? Could you ask him? You could do us all a big favor
I know too my friend after year she can walk and she will be she is so fine and strong without cure just only with ability
I just watched this video of of curiosity but I am glad that you have shared your story, you’re very sweet
I loved the part when you talked about the handsome doctor 😂. I had a similar experience. I have Crohn’s disease and had 2 surgeries in the past... The first one was the worst and I had to be hospitalized for 5 weeks. Prior to the surgery, I had lost 12 kilos, felt so powerless and looked terrible. One day, while I was recovering, this super handsome doctor came into my room and just seeing him made my day, but at the same time I started thinking “shit, why am I meeting such a gorgeous guy now that I look like shit?!” 😂.
Hahahaha 😆🧡