This book was the first serious thing I ever read from an atheist on the subject and it was probably the biggest single reason I began to question my faith and gave it up over 30 years ago. It was literally one of those life changing moments that only theists think they have. Russell has earned a greater and more meaningful immortality than anything he could've received polishing harps in heaven.
+RVapes I've always known of Bertrand Russel but have rarely heard him until this evening. Having followed Christopher Hitchens for some eight months or so, I hear many parallels in Russell and think Hitchens must have cut his teeth on Russell. Great stuff and much catching up to do.
+RVapes the entire Judeo--christo-islamo progression of doctrines will forever be infected with the venom and barbarism of Leviticus. It is it's own demon. The first doctrine of who is pure, who is not, and how to kill them; it was written with the purpose to cleanse (more softly said as "purify") Those that adhere to the covenant of Israel are destined to follow in the bloody footsteps of the House of David. That being said, the concept of God, especially the Christian concept of God is so child-like, cartoonish, and lacking, that the concept is comically easy to debunk. But, has the reality of God been debunked, or just one shitty concept of what God might be? It would be like people disproving the existence of Chinese people by proving Marco Polo's claim of people with mouths in their stomachs being preposterous. Disproving the validity of concept has nothing to do with reality.
I don't think anyone will be polishing harps in Heaven. If that was the depth of your belief, it's better you got rid of it, even if your new beliefs are no better.
Hearing him speak of fear as a means to an end I looked at his image and something of Grand Moff Tarkin was evoked. It only helped make the already profound statement hit a great deal harder.
The more I read and understand about this great man, the more I am in awe. I know Bertrand Russel in connection to his Principia Mathematica and this gets you to Hilbert,Frege and of course Gödel. But his sharpness and directness in the most clear and precise and eloquent fashion is so charming. And not a foul word.
@@ernstvangelderen9537 It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. Stephen Hawking said "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." So, he thinks the law of gravity is nothing but actually that is something. Dr. John Lennox points out that that is self contradictory. Lennox says "If I say x creates y this presupposes the existence of x in the first place in order to bring y into existence. If I say x creates x, I presuppose the existence of x in order to account for the existence of x. To presuppose the existence of the universe, to account for it's existence is logically incoherent." It's much more easier to believe Genesis 1:1 than to believe that sci fi nonsense. So, some Atheists have to redefine nothing to make it something so something can come from nothing. Also the complexity of DNA is proof for intelligent design. "DNA is so compact that a one square inch chip of DNA could encode the information in over seven billion Bible's." - The new answers book 2 p. 70. Bill Gates said "DNA is more advanced than any software ever created." Here, the following are just some out of many scientists who are Biblical creationists, Dr. Jason Lisle has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Dr. Georgia Purdom holds a PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Bodie Hodge has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in Physics from Clemson University and an MA and PhD in Astronomy from Indiana University, Dr. Terry Mortenson holds a masters of divinity and a PhD in the history of geology. It's not that science is against the the Bible, the darkened mind interprets the evidences for it through a naturalistic presupposition that doesn't allow anything spiritual because God's word says it's because people love their sin and wanna suppress the truth Romans 1:18-32. Note, archaeology confirms the Bible, the Popular handbook of archaeology and the Bible" Page 181 says "Today nearly 100 Biblical figures, dozens of Biblical cities, over 60 historical details in the Gospel of John and 80 historical details in the book of Acts, among other things, have been confirmed as historical through archaeological and historical research. Moreover, the Israeli Antiquities Authority has over 100,000 artifacts [discovered in Israel since 1948] available on their data base." Also it's strange when Christians bring up the fine tuning argument which there is evidence, atheists have to make up the multi verse theory which there is no evidence, so they make up a theory with no evidence to try and refute a scientific fact of fine tuning, so at that point its the atheist who's going by blind faith. Some atheists say they don't believe in anything immaterial but the laws of logic are immaterial and it exists. Jesus said "So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire, in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50. Jesus also said "You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, repent and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
In New Spain, during the Faith Trials by the Spanish Inquisition, they asked the Indigenous chief to repent and to believe, so as not to start the fire in the stake, he said no, they asked him for the last time to confess and give up the adoration of his pagan Gods and told him the Spaniards would go to heaven with God, and he would go to hell forever and ever, but if he repented he would reach heaven and God would pardon him, he asked, where are the ones burning me to go to? and the Priest of the Inquisition said ¡to Heaven too of course! and the Indigenous non-believer answered, burn me up, I do not want to see them again never.
+Alma Minerva Leal Benavides Religion really ruined spain and they actually would still have their civilzations if they did not have to convert indians.
And what Aztec King was that ? Remember the Aztec's practiced Human sacrifices that involved cutting out a beating heart and offering it to their Gods, then they threw the corpse down the pyramid steps were at the bottom the legs and the arms were cut off.
"Most people think that they think but what they are actually doing is reordering their prejudices." "Most men would rather die than think. And, so they do." - B. Russell (paraphrased from memory).
Reason, brilliance. "Faith is the concious decisions to suspend rational thought". Hitchins said "religion poisons everything", and that is absolutely spot on.
@@unggrabb It is outlandish to think that religious/spiritual people are hallucinating. Sweden, the least religious/spiritual country in the world, atheism is estimated at approx. 85%. Swedenbelieve religion is important in daily life and trust a religious leader. Ha!
Unless of course it’s wrong. Which you should know by listening to him that we’ve discovered much in science since his time. Such as the Big Bang, taking down his first cause argument for example
After reading some of the comments, especially from the believers or creationists, I've come to the same conclusion as always when there is a discussion on this topic. "You can't reason with a believer, for they have a deep seated need to believe." In other words, if there is no proof or explanation then it must be god." This has been proven wrong over & over again by discoveries in science & evolution. Oh, you silly, silly people.
+Larry Dimmer except that evolution has proved nothing. Do some research and listen to people like Lloyd Pye. Don't go with what is put in front of you, you will be misled by those who only want power and consensus.
+Greg Delapaix I think it is you that has to do some research. There is a great abundance of evidence for evolution. There is absolutely none for the opposing view. For once take your head out of the sand & read some books or go to a few museums.
People who believe there is only one god and also try to convince you that you're wrong for not believing what they do are very rude for calling you names like sinner or lost lamb or dead inside. So many people CAN be wrong. Feel FREE to think for yourself. It's not so uncommon as you might think in today's modern world. A world we NOW call planet Earth. A very rare planet with very strange superstitious humans on it. Humans obsessed with not dying like all other living creatures.
Thanks for sharing. I do see _some_ progress in this area since 1927. This helps my struggle against those what would indoctrinate my children to not feel so lonely.
His works are by far some of the greatest ever written on the atheist mind. Tho written so very long ago matters not as what he speaks is the truth. Brilliant mind, far, far advanced for the day.
The address by Russell was made 85 years ago and what he said is as accurate today as it was then. He lived at the same time as Einstein and understood the significance of Science compared to religion. Science in 85 years has enlightened us to many aspects of life and the Universe, Religion has remained miserably static. He also understood about human values, like compassion, kindness, justice, reality. He really was a wise man and I admire him greatly.
I will repeat here what I said to +ElectedWatcher, why cant we all be civil about this? "I say, why could both of our theories be correct!? I will not offend your religion, your beliefs nor your intelligence. All I ask of you, is to open you mind. I mean that in the softest, kindest way possible. Sometimes things aren't as black and white as we are lead to believe. I'm glad you took a moment to give us insight into what you believe, and it was quite a good read and "I personally" believe - on some level, that you could be right - though I still support my own beliefs more so. So I ask you this, follow your curiosity, continue to follow your curiosity, read some philosophy books, or listen to the audio recordings if you're stuck for time. No harm can come of it, it can only test your belief and possibly bring you closer to your god. On the other hand, it might open your mind to other ideas and that's ok too. Maybe evolution "IS" in-fact correct, but perhaps "GOD" is still what put us here. Though perhaps he put us on earth as single-celled organisms with the intention of us to become what we are today. This would still make you and I his children. But at the same time, it makes us evolved creatures. If this was the case, we can all be correct. Perhaps "the big bang" which Christians and other religious folk despise the idea of, was the single action that was carried out by God himself? He is supposedly that powerful after all. My main point here is that we just can't be 100% sure what happened, all we have is our individual beliefs, but why not be civil about it? Perhaps in some way, we are all correct."
I can answer that. First off, people like +ElectedWatcher are young earth creationists. Their myth (not a theory) of a 6K year old earth is not reconcilable with reality. Neither is their flood myth or their creation myth. They have no theories, unless you're using the lay definition of a theory as a guess. There is no theory of ID. There is no theory of creationism. There is no theory of a worldwide flood. They have no theory of cosmology. Their position is not science or reality based. They not only have no theories, they don't even have the collection of facts or phenomenon that theories are supposed to explain. All they have is a list of disagreements and questions regarding evolution. They have no answers, make no predictions and do no research. They depend on an ever shrinking list of evolutionary unknowns to grant them the argument by default. When dealing with young earth creatards, you cannot reconcile reality with dogma. You cannot lead the willfully ignorant to a place where he can reconcile something he believes (religion) with a contradicting paradigm he can't even begin to grasp (science). There are "Theistic Evolutionists" who manage to reconcile evolution with their religion, but they are NOT fundamentalists or bible literalists and especially not young-earth creationists. Young earth creationists are the troglodytes even among their own religion. They're beyond hope. The only thing you can do is to mercilessly ridicule them and their manner of thinking in the hope it won't spread to others.
The 'Big Bang' is not despised by Christians. It was in fact first proposed by a Catholic priest and astronomer Georges Lemaitre in 1927! God really has great sense for Monty Python humour 🤣
Religion is not "past lies" based out of pure "ignorance." As many an atheist has noted, one is morally bankrupt without faith -- this isn't to say that every individual is bankrupt, just that the general population would have problems with narcissism, as the famed philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche stated so eloquently in his work. There are four proofs for G-d which, if anyone takes seriously, will be utterly convinced of His existence. I. The existence of the soul and reincarnation. See the works of Dr. Stuart Hameroff & Roger Penrose (Orch-Or Theory of Everything) and Dr. Ian Stevenson's rigorous anecdotal evidence for the latter. II. Biblical criticism is false. See the recent work by Rabbi Joshua Berman "Ani Maamin." When you put it down, you'll never again have faith in the famed Documentary Hypothesis. III. There are countless examples all through Jewish literature (be it mystical Kabbalah or the ocean of Talmud) of amazing scientific facts unknown to human history outside of revelation... until the recent findings of modern science. Some examples, but not limited to are: a) the number of stars in the universe, b) the age of the universe, c) the evolution of the Big Bang, d) the number of stars in the Pleiades star cluster, e) continental drift and the fact of Pangaea, and so on and so on. All this points to Judaism being the truth (note that this doesn't negate my first proof, as Judaism speaks of reincarnation in certain mystical places). This is not to say that other religions have no value. In fact, my views are, for once, liberal when it comes to religion. Judaism itself, though, takes a liberal view of Hell -- there is no Hell in Jewish literature, and whatever is there isn't fire and brimstone, and only lasts for no more than 12 months. In short, the Jewish version of Hell is more akin to your washer. The soul, in other words, cleanse itself before it enters Paradise. All of this is compatible with the Anthropic Principle, of course. IV. See Dr.'s Stephan Meyer & David Gelernter's evidence debunking macroevolution (note that this isn't to say that man didn't evolve from apes, but rather, that abiotic life could create biotic life). Moreover, see Dr. David Berlinski's rebuttal of Dr. Jerry Coyne. Since Sep. 2019, Dr. Jerry Coyne, to my recollection, has refused to (or been unable to) respond. Dr. Jerry Coyne is just one of the many prolific voices representing the so-called "facts" of macroevolution, and if he can't even respond to the arguments of Intelligent Design (or in Berlinski's case, the obvious refutation of macroevolution alone), that shows something, I think, for the evidence of G-d and the truth of His power. In conclusion, I think that atheists are the ones emotional and anti-intellectual. As the famed atheist Thomas Nagel once said, atheists are such not because of logical argumentation, but because they want to lead the sort of bankrupt lives without having to answer to any authority. In short, emotional. Moreover, for those who'd claim that religion is only about life after death, I have this short though experiment for you. Everyone wants to live. If you'd have to pay for another day, at the end of life, you'd willingly do so. If you doubt this, please Google those forced to live out their lives in the Iron Lung, due to the natural causes of Polio (one can't pull from this the argument that "such suffering disproves G-d." As the famed sage, Maimonides noted, natural law dictates that suffering exist. Free will is also responsible for this, too). Ask yourself: why do they live on, those in the Iron Lung? Perhaps life is more beautiful than any of us can imagine. Lastly, atheists need to confront themselves: are they sure there is no G-d? Are they upset by the fact that He might, indeed, exist, or that there is a whole list of intelligent people who believe in Him (such as the famed brother of Christopher Hitchens)? Do they not want to think of any rational argument(s) for His existence? Do they not want justice, purpose, and moral objectivity? Do they not want to see their loved ones after death? Lastly, why is it that people of faith doubt all the time (even with all the above), and atheists, apparently, not? Hence, who's really being intellectually honest here? These are the most important questions any atheist should ask him or herself. I believe with full faith, that if one thoroughly examines their self and the arguments for G-d, all logic points to a Supreme Being all should worship. Lest the human race, as atheist Stefan Molyneux and deistic Jordan Peterson say, fall into oblivion.
@The505Guys It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. Stephen Hawking said "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." So, he thinks the law of gravity is nothing but actually that is something. Dr. John Lennox points out that that is self contradictory. Lennox says "If I say x creates y this presupposes the existence of x in the first place in order to bring y into existence. If I say x creates x, I presuppose the existence of x in order to account for the existence of x. To presuppose the existence of the universe, to account for it's existence is logically incoherent." It's much more easier to believe Genesis 1:1 than to believe that sci fi nonsense. So, some Atheists have to redefine nothing to make it something so something can come from nothing. Also the complexity of DNA is proof for intelligent design. "DNA is so compact that a one square inch chip of DNA could encode the information in over seven billion Bible's." - The new answers book 2 p. 70. Bill Gates said "DNA is more advanced than any software ever created." Here, the following are just some out of many scientists who are Biblical creationists, Dr. Jason Lisle has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Dr. Georgia Purdom holds a PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Bodie Hodge has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in Physics from Clemson University and an MA and PhD in Astronomy from Indiana University, Dr. Terry Mortenson holds a masters of divinity and a PhD in the history of geology. It's not that science is against the the Bible, the darkened mind interprets the evidences for it through a naturalistic presupposition that doesn't allow anything spiritual because God's word says it's because people love their sin and wanna suppress the truth Romans 1:18-32. Note, archaeology confirms the Bible, the Popular handbook of archaeology and the Bible" Page 181 says "Today nearly 100 Biblical figures, dozens of Biblical cities, over 60 historical details in the Gospel of John and 80 historical details in the book of Acts, among other things, have been confirmed as historical through archaeological and historical research. Moreover, the Israeli Antiquities Authority has over 100,000 artifacts [discovered in Israel since 1948] available on their data base." Also it's strange when Christians bring up the fine tuning argument which there is evidence, atheists have to make up the multi verse theory which there is no evidence, so they make up a theory with no evidence to try and refute a scientific fact of fine tuning, so at that point its the atheist who's going by blind faith. Some atheists say they don't believe in anything immaterial but the laws of logic are immaterial and it exists. Jesus said "So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire, in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50. Jesus also said "You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, repent and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
One of the great things about the Lord is that He does not force anyone to do anything they don’t want to. He lets you choose the life you want to live. He presents His Word to you and if choose to not hear He moves on. Jesus warned Jerusalem that they missed the One that could have brought them peace. He continues to say to them that now that would be hidden to them because they did not recognize the time of God coming to them In Luke 21. Forty years later the Romans destroyed the Temple and the city just as He said. The Lord says the grass will wither the flower will fade but the Word of the Lord will stand in Isaiah chapter 40. The grass are people and the flower is the glory of man that he accumulated in his life.
A very smart man indeed. Most everything about religion is based on human fear. If people didn't fear the fact that eventually they will cease to exist or they might suffer eternal torture for eternity for making a bad decision, most wouldn't give something as obviously ridiculous as organized religion a second thought. Another great point he makes is the fact that religion has constantly stood in the way of human progress and human advancement and has often been very lacking in "morality."
It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. Stephen Hawking said "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." So, he thinks the law of gravity is nothing but actually that is something. Dr. John Lennox points out that that is self contradictory. Lennox says "If I say x creates y this presupposes the existence of x in the first place in order to bring y into existence. If I say x creates x, I presuppose the existence of x in order to account for the existence of x. To presuppose the existence of the universe, to account for it's existence is logically incoherent." It's much more easier to believe Genesis 1:1 than to believe that sci fi nonsense. So, some Atheists have to redefine nothing to make it something so something can come from nothing. Also the complexity of DNA is proof for intelligent design. "DNA is so compact that a one square inch chip of DNA could encode the information in over seven billion Bible's." - The new answers book 2 p. 70. Bill Gates said "DNA is more advanced than any software ever created." Here, the following are just some out of many scientists who are Biblical creationists, Dr. Jason Lisle has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Dr. Georgia Purdom holds a PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Bodie Hodge has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in Physics from Clemson University and an MA and PhD in Astronomy from Indiana University, Dr. Terry Mortenson holds a masters of divinity and a PhD in the history of geology. It's not that science is against the the Bible, the darkened mind interprets the evidences for it through a naturalistic presupposition that doesn't allow anything spiritual because God's word says it's because people love their sin and wanna suppress the truth Romans 1:18-32. Note, archaeology confirms the Bible, the Popular handbook of archaeology and the Bible" Page 181 says "Today nearly 100 Biblical figures, dozens of Biblical cities, over 60 historical details in the Gospel of John and 80 historical details in the book of Acts, among other things, have been confirmed as historical through archaeological and historical research. Moreover, the Israeli Antiquities Authority has over 100,000 artifacts [discovered in Israel since 1948] available on their data base." Also it's strange when Christians bring up the fine tuning argument which there is evidence, atheists have to make up the multi verse theory which there is no evidence, so they make up a theory with no evidence to try and refute a scientific fact of fine tuning, so at that point its the atheist who's going by blind faith. Some atheists say they don't believe in anything immaterial but the laws of logic are immaterial and it exists. Jesus said "So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire, in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50. Jesus also said "You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, repent and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
6:54 the entire Earth resting on one elephant? How absurd! Everybody knows it takes FOUR of them 🤣 anyway this 'World Tortoise' argument has been dismissed by John Locke almost 200 years before Bertrand Russell was even borne
When Russell asserts that all valid knowledge/belief must be justified through formal logical reasoning, he's making a metaphysical and epistemological claim that itself cannot be proven through formal logical reasoning. No formal system can prove all of its own assumptions. - Kurt Gödel. Russell's critique of Christianity demonstrates the limits of certain kinds of religious claims to logical proof, but not necessarily the invalidity of religious experience or faith itself.
I may be old fashioned with generally wholesome morals, but I don't think I should be compelled to respect ALL my elders who may very well be off their rocker with superstitious beliefs they got through a lifetime of rehearsed religious dogma. I am forced to fake respect for people with the power to harm or kill me. Oppression propagates dishonest behavior among otherwise honest people.
+wg2insane e It's his old-school understanding of philosophy and hard logic that came with it. I like it too, but beware making the wrong decision. In his book, The Impact of Science on Society, he espouses his belief that the world will be governed sooner or later by a single totalitarian "scientific" dictatorship. What he describes is a nightmare, but he *likes* it. It is a world without God, it sucks, and it's where modern humanity is headed.
@@johnmacrae2006 a scientific dictatorship would be better than the anti science voted in dictatorships so many countries have now. If every decision was based in reality it has a far better chance of being good for the planet
Obey me, or else! Turn or burn! There was a time in our history when a lot of people found this argument compelling, probably because the threat of burning in *this* life was very real if the same people chanting this line could find and catch you. However, as the good book says, "...I have put childish things behind me." Obedience is not the highest virtue, nor fear a good reason to listen to anyone.
The great intellect of bertrand Russell here , using his unique logic in discussing the existance of God evidently delivered here by actor Terrence Hardiman according to imformation provided about the recording !!
An excellent lecture - nearly wholy relevant and accurate still today. The only thing that shows the age of the lecture was the reference to there being no reason to think that the Universe had a begining; though Russell correctly pointed out that even if it did, "god" wouldn't bring anything explanatory to the equation. I rather think that Russell would have been fascinated by modern cosmology, which includes models for the origin of the universe that are quite satisfying to an atheist.
Hey i just thought of a book title why i am not an athiest by jeff bogue it should sell millons yes and you can all tell me in the comments section how wonderful and truthful it is wow. Oh yeah
Re Christ foibles Russell overlooks: Jesus would not see his mother Mary when she came to see him when he got popular. Rather he just continued w his dinner w friends, disavowed her, and says ‘a prophet is never believed in his own town’ Jesus died w a largely broken family.
this is great, the question is "if this has existed for almost 100 years now, why is their still religion?, or at least, why is religious people still using he same arguments that have been debunked here a 100 years ago"
You are very welcome, anytime! EattherichBuddy commented ‘knowledge is power’ which is very true but it’s also very exciting - a natural sensation so, enjoy the trill as the only ‘work’ that god do is make all his admirers miserably illogical!
Thanks for posting this. He presents a persuasive argument. Is he right or wrong?. Either way he knows NOW. He may regret not taking out 'fire insurance'. Do what works for you. We'll all find out the truth eventually.
Jesus said "So it will be at the end of the age,the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous,and will throw them into the furnace of fire,in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."Matthew 13:49-50.Jesus also said "You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, obey him and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
@@seanh4841 It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. Stephen Hawking said "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." So, he thinks the law of gravity is nothing but actually that is something. Dr. John Lennox points out that that is self contradictory. Lennox says "If I say x creates y this presupposes the existence of x in the first place in order to bring y into existence. If I say x creates x, I presuppose the existence of x in order to account for the existence of x. To presuppose the existence of the universe, to account for it's existence is logically incoherent." It's much more easier to believe Genesis 1:1 than to believe that sci fi nonsense. So, some Atheists have to redefine nothing to make it something so something can come from nothing. Also the complexity of DNA is proof for intelligent design. "DNA is so compact that a one square inch chip of DNA could encode the information in over seven billion Bible's." - The new answers book 2 p. 70. Bill Gates said "DNA is more advanced than any software ever created." Here, the following are just some out of many scientists who are Biblical creationists, Dr. Jason Lisle has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Dr. Georgia Purdom holds a PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Bodie Hodge has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in Physics from Clemson University and an MA and PhD in Astronomy from Indiana University, Dr. Terry Mortenson holds a masters of divinity and a PhD in the history of geology. It's not that science is against the the Bible, the darkened mind interprets the evidences for it through a naturalistic presupposition that doesn't allow anything spiritual because God's word says it's because people love their sin and wanna suppress the truth Romans 1:18-32. Note, archaeology confirms the Bible, the Popular handbook of archaeology and the Bible" Page 181 says "Today nearly 100 Biblical figures, dozens of Biblical cities, over 60 historical details in the Gospel of John and 80 historical details in the book of Acts, among other things, have been confirmed as historical through archaeological and historical research. Moreover, the Israeli Antiquities Authority has over 100,000 artifacts [discovered in Israel since 1948] available on their data base." Also it's strange when Christians bring up the fine tuning argument which there is evidence, atheists have to make up the multi verse theory which there is no evidence, so they make up a theory with no evidence to try and refute a scientific fact of fine tuning, so at that point its the atheist who's going by blind faith. Some atheists say they don't believe in anything immaterial but the laws of logic are immaterial and it exists. Jesus said "So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire, in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50. Jesus also said "You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, repent and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
@@georgemoncayo8313 You've just typed out a 500 word steaming turd without one shred of real evidence, you will have to do better, perhaps you could do something about the rampant pedophilia that seems to infest organized religion or is this all part of your Gods plan?
He refutes God but he doesn't refute the idea that the world might have been created by the devil. If the world was created by the devil - why does goodness and love and sacrifice exist. What an unreasonable statement.
Evil exists because we have free will. Free will exists because he wanted us to be able to love. Love doesn't exist or exists in only a very limited way with out free will. God does not cause suffering but he allows it because suffering brings out compassion. It is also the ultimate expression of love. God gave his son and Jesus came to suffer. I've been around a lot of suffering. People with faith somehow make it beautiful. People without faith loose all hope and that's a horrible thing to see.
@@deeptibhardwaj9814 God didn't make robots. he made people who could freely choose to stay with him or to turn away. God doesn't commit evil acts. People do.
@@deeptibhardwaj9814 God doesn't only exist on the surface. Sometimes we have to look deep for him. Like when we see people suffering. As an atheist I thought suffering was simply wrong and evil. As a Christian I realize that there's more to it than that. I've been at the foot of the bed of suffering people near death and it was literally like standing at the foot of the cross. God is there always. Sometimes we just have to look a little deeper to find him or to completely surrender and let him find us.
At 28:18 I've used this argument against Christians also, but in the sense that if the bible had condemned rape, slavery, and genocide humans wouldn't have had such a bad guide on how to act. Remember, christians, just like everyone else, are simple people that only do what they know. If the bible would have been a better guide to how humans should interact, the christian world would be a better place. We wouldn't have rape culture, the bible wouldn't have been used to justify slavery in the Americas, and maybe the hollocaust wouldn't have happened.
God, originally, created Adam and had no plan to create Eve. He realised that Adam needed help. Adam considered all the animals, but he didn't fancy any of them (Genesis 2:20) Then God had a brilliant idea. He created Eve and the rest is misery (Genesis 3:24)
It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. Stephen Hawking said "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." So, he thinks the law of gravity is nothing but actually that is something. Dr. John Lennox points out that that is self contradictory. Lennox says "If I say x creates y this presupposes the existence of x in the first place in order to bring y into existence. If I say x creates x, I presuppose the existence of x in order to account for the existence of x. To presuppose the existence of the universe, to account for it's existence is logically incoherent." It's much more easier to believe Genesis 1:1 than to believe that sci fi nonsense. So, some Atheists have to redefine nothing to make it something so something can come from nothing. Also the complexity of DNA is proof for intelligent design. "DNA is so compact that a one square inch chip of DNA could encode the information in over seven billion Bible's." - The new answers book 2 p. 70. Bill Gates said "DNA is more advanced than any software ever created." Here, the following are just some out of many scientists who are Biblical creationists, Dr. Jason Lisle has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Dr. Georgia Purdom holds a PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Bodie Hodge has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in Physics from Clemson University and an MA and PhD in Astronomy from Indiana University, Dr. Terry Mortenson holds a masters of divinity and a PhD in the history of geology. It's not that science is against the the Bible, the darkened mind interprets the evidences for it through a naturalistic presupposition that doesn't allow anything spiritual because God's word says it's because people love their sin and wanna suppress the truth Romans 1:18-32. Note, archaeology confirms the Bible, the Popular handbook of archaeology and the Bible" Page 181 says "Today nearly 100 Biblical figures, dozens of Biblical cities, over 60 historical details in the Gospel of John and 80 historical details in the book of Acts, among other things, have been confirmed as historical through archaeological and historical research. Moreover, the Israeli Antiquities Authority has over 100,000 artifacts [discovered in Israel since 1948] available on their data base." Also it's strange when Christians bring up the fine tuning argument which there is evidence, atheists have to make up the multi verse theory which there is no evidence, so they make up a theory with no evidence to try and refute a scientific fact of fine tuning, so at that point its the atheist who's going by blind faith. Some atheists say they don't believe in anything immaterial but the laws of logic are immaterial and it exists. Jesus said "So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire, in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50. Jesus also said "You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, repent and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
@@georgemoncayo8313 Laughing reading your babbling. Nearly choked on my coffee when I got to the intelligence design and DNA bit. It’s also, funny using Jesus and bible as basis of illustrating your confusion. If you don’t know something, it’s not therefore God/Jesus. It’s, you don’t know. It’s really impossible debating “the therefore God/Jesus people” from a scientific perspective as you guys don’t do ‘facts’, just conjectures, made up nonesense and more conjectures. More importantly, as I get paid for my time, all I can say is, have a good day Sir/Madame.😊👍
@@chucks172 No moron there are scientists with equal credentials on both sides and both have the same evidence but both interpret it in light of their presupusitions their worldviews and yes atheists have presupusitions because neutrality is a myth and the only reason people reject the Gospel is because they love their sin and wanna suppress like God's word says in Romans 1. It's laughable atheists believe something came from nothing but redefine nothing to make it something so something can come from nothing. I see why God's word calls atheists fools and morons. Really all creation is enough evidence and that's why on judgment day you won't have an excuse according to God's word but if you know about the complexity of DNA and irriducable complexity and not see intellegent design is to commit suicide of the brain. That's why moron Richard Dawkins 1 of the biggest names in your delusional camp thought it was a fascinating idea that we were created by aliens because of the complexity of our DNA. It's that Romans 1 thing, you have a bias and don't want to believe, people suppress the truth and that manifests itself in different ways atheism the religion of fools and morons is one of them.
a great thinker and moral person. yet, his effort to deduce math from logic was doomed to failure by way of the incompleteness theorems. one wonders if the effort to deduce the non-existence of G_d from logic is also epistemologically impossible.
I dont know. If there is a God, and he is the christian God, then all this harsh, disrespect, and arrogance, would be enough for hell. Its not just"i dont believe" its f God. I dare him to do something. Well, he just might folks, he just might.
One wonders if his rejection of Christianity was rooted not in deep philosophy but a simple rejection of what would be called 'sin.' Source Bible👇 "Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery. Hebrews 13:4 Source Wikipedia 👇 "His parents, Viscount and Viscountess Amberley, were radical for their times. Lord Amberley consented to his wife's affair with their children's tutor, the biologist Douglas Spalding" "Russell's adolescence was very lonely, and he often contemplated suicide." "Russell claimed that beginning at age 15, he spent considerable time thinking about the validity of Christian religious dogma, which he found very unconvincing." "For most of his adult life, Russell maintained religion to be little more than superstition and, despite any positive effects, largely harmful to people." "Their marriage began to fall apart in 1901 when it occurred to Russell, while he was cycling, that he no longer loved her....During his years of separation from Alys, Russell had passionate (and often simultaneous) affairs with a number of women" He was married four times. One also wonders if his pacifism was rooted not in deep philosophy but cowardice. "I found prison in many ways quite agreeable. I had no engagements, no difficult decisions to make, no fear of callers, no interruptions to my work. I read enormously; I wrote a book, "Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy"... and began the work for "The Analysis of Mind". Source Bible👇 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants. ” John 3:16-21
The die has been cast. The decision has been made. I have stepped over the line. I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is in God’s hands. I am finished and done with low living, small planning, the bare minimum, smooth knees, mundane talking, frivolous living, selfish giving, and dwarfed goals. I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, applause, or popularity. I don’t have to be right, first, the best, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded. I now live by faith. I lean on Christ’s presence. I love with patience, live by prayer, and labor with the power of God’s grace. My pace is set. My gait is fast, my goal is heaven. My road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my Guide is reliable, and my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, let up or slow up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, and spoken up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus. I am a Catholic. I must go until He comes, give until I drop, speak out until all know, and work until He stops me. And when He returns for His own, He will have no difficulty recognizing me. My banner is clear: I am a part of the Fellowship of the Unashamed.
Thor has a magic hammer that can fly from his hand, kill and enemy, then fly back to his hand. All jesus has is a pathetic, non-magical hammer that can't do anything.
The Revelation 19.13?(Aka The Apocalypse- a new beginning dictated by the Raj yogi known as John the Divine)- :His Name is called the Word of God." Traditionally, this Name cannot be spoken with the lips because it is the sound of our very life breath. In gurudevic succesion, it is proper to speak a two syllable mantra to remind the practitioner of the source of life, called the Word. No one can tell you how or why there is life. Politics and religion take life away. The priesthood in the Jesus drama could have legally hung him up for verbally taking the ritual of the high priest upon himself.Sacred cows, barbeque, sacrifices, warfarte and blah, blah blah. Embrace life and compassion.
Contrary to belief in these comments. The atheist argument is the one that hasn’t changed for 100s of years. And apologetics in Christianity has been much stronger than ever. Science after his days have shown overwhelming evidence of a beginning, for example, that time space and matter had a beginning and the creator of these qualities must infact be outside of them. So the answer to where God came from is he didn’t come from anything.He’s outside of time, and eternal.
Cool so zeus is our eternal savoir all hail zeus! Oh wait you don't believe in zeus! Athiest!!!! You athiest how dare not believe in zeus!!! Zeus is the one created everything! How dare you deny zeus!!!
Quran 52:35 were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]? Quran 52:36 Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain. Quran 52:41 Or have they [knowledge of] the unseen, so they write [it] down? Quran 41:53 We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness? Quran 41:51 And when We bestow favor upon man, he turns away and distances himself; but when evil touches him, then he is full of extensive supplication. Quran 41:54 Unquestionably, they are in doubt about the meeting with their Lord. Unquestionably He is, of all things, encompassing. Quran 30:8 Do they not contemplate within themselves? Allah has not created the heavens and the earth and what is between them except in truth and for a specified term. And indeed, many of the people, in [the matter of] the meeting with their Lord, are disbelievers. Quran 8:22 Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason.
Freedom from religion. Sometimes religious people cause more harm than good.It is very easy to speculate about the unknown. Wars and intimidations in the name of GOD. Silly humans.
This book was the first serious thing I ever read from an atheist on the subject and it was probably the biggest single reason I began to question my faith and gave it up over 30 years ago. It was literally one of those life changing moments that only theists think they have. Russell has earned a greater and more meaningful immortality than anything he could've received polishing harps in heaven.
A brilliant writer and thinker.
RVapes Ditto
+RVapes I've always known of Bertrand Russel but have rarely heard him until this evening. Having followed Christopher Hitchens for some eight months or so, I hear many parallels in Russell and think Hitchens must have cut his teeth on Russell. Great stuff and much catching up to do.
+RVapes the entire Judeo--christo-islamo progression of doctrines will forever be infected with the venom and barbarism of Leviticus. It is it's own demon. The first doctrine of who is pure, who is not, and how to kill them; it was written with the purpose to cleanse (more softly said as "purify") Those that adhere to the covenant of Israel are destined to follow in the bloody footsteps of the House of David.
That being said, the concept of God, especially the Christian concept of God is so child-like, cartoonish, and lacking, that the concept is comically easy to debunk. But, has the reality of God been debunked, or just one shitty concept of what God might be? It would be like people disproving the existence of Chinese people by proving Marco Polo's claim of people with mouths in their stomachs being preposterous. Disproving the validity of concept has nothing to do with reality.
I don't think anyone will be polishing harps in Heaven. If that was the depth of your belief, it's better you got rid of it, even if your new beliefs are no better.
"The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible."
Mark Twain
32:38 This man knew things that not many understood in his time, and even now there are people that still do not
Still holds great weight. Beautifully presented. Thanks.
Really kicks in at 20 minutes. Brilliant
Hearing him speak of fear as a means to an end I looked at his image and something of Grand Moff Tarkin was evoked. It only helped make the already profound statement hit a great deal harder.
I'm not Christian because I couldn't be so hypocritical.
The more I read and understand about this great man, the more I am in awe. I know Bertrand Russel in connection to his Principia Mathematica and this gets you to Hilbert,Frege and of course Gödel. But his sharpness and directness in the most clear and precise and eloquent fashion is so charming. And not a foul word.
@@ernstvangelderen9537 It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. Stephen Hawking said "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." So, he thinks the law of gravity is nothing but actually that is something. Dr. John Lennox points out that that is self contradictory. Lennox says "If I say x creates y this presupposes the existence of x in the first place in order to bring y into existence. If I say x creates x, I presuppose the existence of x in order to account for the existence of x. To presuppose the existence of the universe, to account for it's existence is logically incoherent." It's much more easier to believe Genesis 1:1 than to believe that sci fi nonsense. So, some Atheists have to redefine nothing to make it something so something can come from nothing. Also the complexity of DNA is proof for intelligent design. "DNA is so compact that a one square inch chip of DNA could encode the information in over seven billion Bible's." - The new answers book 2 p. 70. Bill Gates said "DNA is more advanced than any software ever created." Here, the following are just some out of many scientists who are Biblical creationists, Dr. Jason Lisle has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Dr. Georgia Purdom holds a PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Bodie Hodge has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in Physics from Clemson University and an MA and PhD in Astronomy from Indiana University, Dr. Terry Mortenson holds a masters of divinity and a PhD in the history of geology. It's not that science is against the the Bible, the darkened mind interprets the evidences for it through a naturalistic presupposition that doesn't allow anything spiritual because God's word says it's because people love their sin and wanna suppress the truth Romans 1:18-32. Note, archaeology confirms the Bible, the Popular handbook of archaeology and the Bible" Page 181 says "Today nearly 100 Biblical figures, dozens of Biblical cities, over 60 historical details in the Gospel of John and 80 historical details in the book of Acts, among other things, have been confirmed as historical through archaeological and historical research. Moreover, the Israeli Antiquities Authority has over 100,000 artifacts [discovered in Israel since 1948] available on their data base." Also it's strange when Christians bring up the fine tuning argument which there is evidence, atheists have to make up the multi verse theory which there is no evidence, so they make up a theory with no evidence to try and refute a scientific fact of fine tuning, so at that point its the atheist who's going by blind faith. Some atheists say they don't believe in anything immaterial but the laws of logic are immaterial and it exists. Jesus said "So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire, in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50. Jesus also said "You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, repent and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
In New Spain, during the Faith Trials by the Spanish Inquisition, they asked the Indigenous chief to repent and to believe, so as not to start the fire in the stake, he said no, they asked him for the last time to confess and give up the adoration of his pagan Gods and told him the Spaniards would go to heaven with God, and he would go to hell forever and ever, but if he repented he would reach heaven and God would pardon him, he asked, where are the ones burning me to go to? and the Priest of the Inquisition said ¡to Heaven too of course! and the Indigenous non-believer answered, burn me up, I do not want to see them again never.
I was reading my comments again and I forgot to point out this happened a long time ago like in the 1500 in New Spain.
Alma Minerva Leal Benavides
But I still have a good point. And yes, I knew that that's when it happened.
+Alma Minerva Leal Benavides Religion really ruined spain and they actually would still have their civilzations if they did not have to convert indians.
And what Aztec King was that ? Remember the Aztec's practiced Human sacrifices that involved cutting out a beating heart and offering it to their Gods, then they threw the corpse down the pyramid steps were at the bottom the legs and the arms were cut off.
All religions are enemies of moral progress !!!
"Most people think that they think but what they are actually doing is reordering their prejudices."
"Most men would rather die than think. And, so they do." - B. Russell (paraphrased from memory).
The best Cure for Christianity is reading the bible. -Mark Twain
A smart man, thinks for himself, has courage.
And thinks well speaks well lays out his arguments w clarity and organization and thought
Thank you for improving my life more than anything else in the world.
Reason, brilliance.
"Faith is the concious decisions to suspend rational thought". Hitchins said "religion poisons everything", and that is absolutely spot on.
Spot of tea spilled all over. ....
God Exists.
@@agapefor-the-trouble-heart5060 "as a hallucination in some people"
@@unggrabb It is outlandish to think that religious/spiritual people are hallucinating.
Sweden, the least religious/spiritual country in the world, atheism is estimated at approx. 85%. Swedenbelieve religion is important in daily life and trust a religious leader. Ha!
@@agapefor-the-trouble-heart5060 of course belief in something non existing is a hallucination. A delusion
He was surely ahead of his time
Hard to argue against thoughtful logic.
thank you !!
Unless you are a arrogant prick.
@@pawanadhikari7178 *an arrogant prick. LoL I had to do correct it.
REB Bal really?! Try this for reason:видео.html
Unless of course it’s wrong. Which you should know by listening to him that we’ve discovered much in science since his time. Such as the Big Bang, taking down his first cause argument for example
After reading some of the comments, especially from the believers or creationists, I've come to the same conclusion as always when there is a discussion on this topic. "You can't reason with a believer, for they have a deep seated need to believe." In other words, if there is no proof or explanation then it must be god." This has been proven wrong over & over again by discoveries in science & evolution. Oh, you silly, silly people.
+Larry Dimmer except that evolution has proved nothing. Do some research and listen to people like Lloyd Pye. Don't go with what is put in front of you, you will be misled by those who only want power and consensus.
+Greg Delapaix I think it is you that has to do some research. There is a great abundance of evidence for evolution. There is absolutely none for the opposing view. For once take your head out of the sand & read some books or go to a few museums.
+Greg Delapaix Evolution is a fact.
Larry Dimmer immanual kànt
Excellent answer!
"If the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness"
...I couldn't of said it better my elf...!!...a man of clarity: Bertrand Russell !!
"or maybe it's a case of bad digestion". Lol, Lord Russell had quite the sense of humor.
The Perspective explained here...Topographical - Love it!
People who believe there is only one god and also try to convince you that you're wrong for not believing what they do are very rude for calling you names like sinner or lost lamb or dead inside. So many people CAN be wrong. Feel FREE to think for yourself. It's not so uncommon as you might think in today's modern world. A world we NOW call planet Earth. A very rare planet with very strange superstitious humans on it. Humans obsessed with not dying like all other living creatures.
Thanks for sharing. I do see _some_ progress in this area since 1927. This helps my struggle against those what would indoctrinate my children to not feel so lonely.
19:20 very true, people don't think for themselves
His works are by far some of the greatest ever written on the atheist mind. Tho written so very long ago matters not as what he speaks is the truth. Brilliant mind, far, far advanced for the day.
And yet... so many have debunked him.
@@yitzhakgoldberg2404 so many delusional fools
The address by Russell was made 85 years ago and what he said is as accurate today as it was then. He lived at the same time as Einstein and understood the significance of Science compared to religion. Science in 85 years has enlightened us to many aspects of life and the Universe, Religion has remained miserably static. He also understood about human values, like compassion, kindness, justice, reality. He really was a wise man and I admire him greatly.
People like Bertrand Russell can spend a lifetime studying sheet music, metaphorically speaking, without ever experiencing the power of a symphony.
Well your wife and you!
Really fantastic it
Great man!
Bertrand Russell the greatest of all time
I will repeat here what I said to +ElectedWatcher, why cant we all be civil about this?
"I say, why could both of our theories be correct!?
I will not offend your religion, your beliefs nor your intelligence.
All I ask of you, is to open you mind. I mean that in the softest, kindest way possible.
Sometimes things aren't as black and white as we are lead to believe.
I'm glad you took a moment to give us insight into what you believe, and it was quite a good read and "I personally" believe - on some level, that you could be right - though I still support my own beliefs more so.
So I ask you this, follow your curiosity, continue to follow your curiosity, read some philosophy books, or listen to the audio recordings if you're stuck for time.
No harm can come of it, it can only test your belief and possibly bring you closer to your god. On the other hand, it might open your mind to other ideas and that's ok too.
Maybe evolution "IS" in-fact correct, but perhaps "GOD" is still what put us here. Though perhaps he put us on earth as single-celled organisms with the intention of us to become what we are today.
This would still make you and I his children. But at the same time, it makes us evolved creatures. If this was the case, we can all be correct.
Perhaps "the big bang" which Christians and other religious folk despise the idea of, was the single action that was carried out by God himself? He is supposedly that powerful after all.
My main point here is that we just can't be 100% sure what happened, all we have is our individual beliefs, but why not be civil about it? Perhaps in some way, we are all correct."
I can answer that. First off, people like +ElectedWatcher are young earth creationists. Their myth (not a theory) of a 6K year old earth is not reconcilable with reality. Neither is their flood myth or their creation myth. They have no theories, unless you're using the lay definition of a theory as a guess. There is no theory of ID. There is no theory of creationism. There is no theory of a worldwide flood. They have no theory of cosmology. Their position is not science or reality based. They not only have no theories, they don't even have the collection of facts or phenomenon that theories are supposed to explain. All they have is a list of disagreements and questions regarding evolution. They have no answers, make no predictions and do no research. They depend on an ever shrinking list of evolutionary unknowns to grant them the argument by default.
When dealing with young earth creatards, you cannot reconcile reality with dogma. You cannot lead the willfully ignorant to a place where he can reconcile something he believes (religion) with a contradicting paradigm he can't even begin to grasp (science).
There are "Theistic Evolutionists" who manage to reconcile evolution with their religion, but they are NOT fundamentalists or bible literalists and especially not young-earth creationists. Young earth creationists are the troglodytes even among their own religion. They're beyond hope. The only thing you can do is to mercilessly ridicule them and their manner of thinking in the hope it won't spread to others.
The 'Big Bang' is not despised by Christians. It was in fact first proposed by a Catholic priest and astronomer Georges Lemaitre in 1927! God really has great sense for Monty Python humour 🤣
FEAR> That's how religion control your minds.
excellent!! nice upload.
He has not been exposed to Hinduism. He would have changed his views. Many of his comments about the church are true only of Christianity and Islam
The ending was especially poignant. Our future lies with science and intellectual curiosity, or past lies with religion and willful ignorance.
Religion is not "past lies" based out of pure "ignorance." As many an atheist has noted, one is morally bankrupt without faith -- this isn't to say that every individual is bankrupt, just that the general population would have problems with narcissism, as the famed philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche stated so eloquently in his work.
There are four proofs for G-d which, if anyone takes seriously, will be utterly convinced of His existence.
The existence of the soul and reincarnation. See the works of Dr. Stuart Hameroff & Roger Penrose (Orch-Or Theory of Everything) and Dr. Ian Stevenson's rigorous anecdotal evidence for the latter.
Biblical criticism is false. See the recent work by Rabbi Joshua Berman "Ani Maamin." When you put it down, you'll never again have faith in the famed Documentary Hypothesis.
There are countless examples all through Jewish literature (be it mystical Kabbalah or the ocean of Talmud) of amazing scientific facts unknown to human history outside of revelation... until the recent findings of modern science. Some examples, but not limited to are: a) the number of stars in the universe, b) the age of the universe, c) the evolution of the Big Bang, d) the number of stars in the Pleiades star cluster, e) continental drift and the fact of Pangaea, and so on and so on.
All this points to Judaism being the truth (note that this doesn't negate my first proof, as Judaism speaks of reincarnation in certain mystical places). This is not to say that other religions have no value. In fact, my views are, for once, liberal when it comes to religion. Judaism itself, though, takes a liberal view of Hell -- there is no Hell in Jewish literature, and whatever is there isn't fire and brimstone, and only lasts for no more than 12 months. In short, the Jewish version of Hell is more akin to your washer. The soul, in other words, cleanse itself before it enters Paradise.
All of this is compatible with the Anthropic Principle, of course.
See Dr.'s Stephan Meyer & David Gelernter's evidence debunking macroevolution (note that this isn't to say that man didn't evolve from apes, but rather, that abiotic life could create biotic life). Moreover, see Dr. David Berlinski's rebuttal of Dr. Jerry Coyne. Since Sep. 2019, Dr. Jerry Coyne, to my recollection, has refused to (or been unable to) respond.
Dr. Jerry Coyne is just one of the many prolific voices representing the so-called "facts" of macroevolution, and if he can't even respond to the arguments of Intelligent Design (or in Berlinski's case, the obvious refutation of macroevolution alone), that shows something, I think, for the evidence of G-d and the truth of His power.
In conclusion, I think that atheists are the ones emotional and anti-intellectual. As the famed atheist Thomas Nagel once said, atheists are such not because of logical argumentation, but because they want to lead the sort of bankrupt lives without having to answer to any authority. In short, emotional. Moreover, for those who'd claim that religion is only about life after death, I have this short though experiment for you.
Everyone wants to live. If you'd have to pay for another day, at the end of life, you'd willingly do so. If you doubt this, please Google those forced to live out their lives in the Iron Lung, due to the natural causes of Polio (one can't pull from this the argument that "such suffering disproves G-d." As the famed sage, Maimonides noted, natural law dictates that suffering exist. Free will is also responsible for this, too).
Ask yourself: why do they live on, those in the Iron Lung? Perhaps life is more beautiful than any of us can imagine.
Lastly, atheists need to confront themselves: are they sure there is no G-d? Are they upset by the fact that He might, indeed, exist, or that there is a whole list of intelligent people who believe in Him (such as the famed brother of Christopher Hitchens)? Do they not want to think of any rational argument(s) for His existence? Do they not want justice, purpose, and moral objectivity? Do they not want to see their loved ones after death? Lastly, why is it that people of faith doubt all the time (even with all the above), and atheists, apparently, not? Hence, who's really being intellectually honest here?
These are the most important questions any atheist should ask him or herself.
I believe with full faith, that if one thoroughly examines their self and the arguments for G-d, all logic points to a Supreme Being all should worship.
Lest the human race, as atheist Stefan Molyneux and deistic Jordan Peterson say, fall into oblivion.
@The505Guys It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. Stephen Hawking said "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." So, he thinks the law of gravity is nothing but actually that is something. Dr. John Lennox points out that that is self contradictory. Lennox says "If I say x creates y this presupposes the existence of x in the first place in order to bring y into existence. If I say x creates x, I presuppose the existence of x in order to account for the existence of x. To presuppose the existence of the universe, to account for it's existence is logically incoherent." It's much more easier to believe Genesis 1:1 than to believe that sci fi nonsense. So, some Atheists have to redefine nothing to make it something so something can come from nothing. Also the complexity of DNA is proof for intelligent design. "DNA is so compact that a one square inch chip of DNA could encode the information in over seven billion Bible's." - The new answers book 2 p. 70. Bill Gates said "DNA is more advanced than any software ever created." Here, the following are just some out of many scientists who are Biblical creationists, Dr. Jason Lisle has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Dr. Georgia Purdom holds a PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Bodie Hodge has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in Physics from Clemson University and an MA and PhD in Astronomy from Indiana University, Dr. Terry Mortenson holds a masters of divinity and a PhD in the history of geology. It's not that science is against the the Bible, the darkened mind interprets the evidences for it through a naturalistic presupposition that doesn't allow anything spiritual because God's word says it's because people love their sin and wanna suppress the truth Romans 1:18-32. Note, archaeology confirms the Bible, the Popular handbook of archaeology and the Bible" Page 181 says "Today nearly 100 Biblical figures, dozens of Biblical cities, over 60 historical details in the Gospel of John and 80 historical details in the book of Acts, among other things, have been confirmed as historical through archaeological and historical research. Moreover, the Israeli Antiquities Authority has over 100,000 artifacts [discovered in Israel since 1948] available on their data base." Also it's strange when Christians bring up the fine tuning argument which there is evidence, atheists have to make up the multi verse theory which there is no evidence, so they make up a theory with no evidence to try and refute a scientific fact of fine tuning, so at that point its the atheist who's going by blind faith. Some atheists say they don't believe in anything immaterial but the laws of logic are immaterial and it exists. Jesus said "So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire, in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50. Jesus also said "You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, repent and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
One of the great things about the Lord is that He does not force anyone to do anything they don’t want to. He lets you choose the life you want to live. He presents His Word to you and if choose to not hear He moves on. Jesus warned Jerusalem that they missed the One that could have brought them peace. He continues to say to them that now that would be hidden to them because they did not recognize the time of God coming to them In Luke 21. Forty years later the Romans destroyed the Temple and the city just as He said. The Lord says the grass will wither the flower will fade but the Word of the Lord will stand in Isaiah chapter 40. The grass are people and the flower is the glory of man that he accumulated in his life.
A very smart man indeed. Most everything about religion is based on human fear. If people didn't fear the fact that eventually they will cease to exist or they might suffer eternal torture for eternity for making a bad decision, most wouldn't give something as obviously ridiculous as organized religion a second thought.
Another great point he makes is the fact that religion has constantly stood in the way of human progress and human advancement and has often been very lacking in "morality."
It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. Stephen Hawking said "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." So, he thinks the law of gravity is nothing but actually that is something. Dr. John Lennox points out that that is self contradictory. Lennox says "If I say x creates y this presupposes the existence of x in the first place in order to bring y into existence. If I say x creates x, I presuppose the existence of x in order to account for the existence of x. To presuppose the existence of the universe, to account for it's existence is logically incoherent." It's much more easier to believe Genesis 1:1 than to believe that sci fi nonsense. So, some Atheists have to redefine nothing to make it something so something can come from nothing. Also the complexity of DNA is proof for intelligent design. "DNA is so compact that a one square inch chip of DNA could encode the information in over seven billion Bible's." - The new answers book 2 p. 70. Bill Gates said "DNA is more advanced than any software ever created." Here, the following are just some out of many scientists who are Biblical creationists, Dr. Jason Lisle has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Dr. Georgia Purdom holds a PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Bodie Hodge has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in Physics from Clemson University and an MA and PhD in Astronomy from Indiana University, Dr. Terry Mortenson holds a masters of divinity and a PhD in the history of geology. It's not that science is against the the Bible, the darkened mind interprets the evidences for it through a naturalistic presupposition that doesn't allow anything spiritual because God's word says it's because people love their sin and wanna suppress the truth Romans 1:18-32. Note, archaeology confirms the Bible, the Popular handbook of archaeology and the Bible" Page 181 says "Today nearly 100 Biblical figures, dozens of Biblical cities, over 60 historical details in the Gospel of John and 80 historical details in the book of Acts, among other things, have been confirmed as historical through archaeological and historical research. Moreover, the Israeli Antiquities Authority has over 100,000 artifacts [discovered in Israel since 1948] available on their data base." Also it's strange when Christians bring up the fine tuning argument which there is evidence, atheists have to make up the multi verse theory which there is no evidence, so they make up a theory with no evidence to try and refute a scientific fact of fine tuning, so at that point its the atheist who's going by blind faith. Some atheists say they don't believe in anything immaterial but the laws of logic are immaterial and it exists. Jesus said "So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire, in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50. Jesus also said "You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, repent and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
6:54 the entire Earth resting on one elephant? How absurd! Everybody knows it takes FOUR of them 🤣 anyway this 'World Tortoise' argument has been dismissed by John Locke almost 200 years before Bertrand Russell was even borne
When Russell asserts that all valid knowledge/belief must be justified through formal logical reasoning, he's making a metaphysical and epistemological claim that itself cannot be proven through formal logical reasoning.
No formal system can prove all of its own assumptions. - Kurt Gödel.
Russell's critique of Christianity demonstrates the limits of certain kinds of religious claims to logical proof, but not necessarily the invalidity of religious experience or faith itself.
90 odd years later and people still have a 'Wishlist' about believing in magic, spells and religious dogma. It's pathetic.
I may be old fashioned with generally wholesome morals, but I don't think I should be compelled to respect ALL my elders who may very well be off their rocker with superstitious beliefs they got through a lifetime of rehearsed religious dogma. I am forced to fake respect for people with the power to harm or kill me. Oppression propagates dishonest behavior among otherwise honest people.
He can't even admit there is a right and wrong - yet he certainly feels that he's right about everything he tells us.
That's a pretty childish response. You must be an atheist
Right and Wrong is subjective. You don't need a god.
@@thepanda1044so if you thought it was right to rape a baby, it would be right, right?
this guys a boss
+wg2insane e
It's his old-school understanding of philosophy and hard logic that came with it. I like it too, but beware making the wrong decision.
In his book, The Impact of Science on Society, he espouses his belief that the world will be governed sooner or later by a single totalitarian "scientific" dictatorship. What he describes is a nightmare, but he *likes* it.
It is a world without God, it sucks, and it's where modern humanity is headed.
@@johnmacrae2006 a scientific dictatorship would be better than the anti science voted in dictatorships so many countries have now.
If every decision was based in reality it has a far better chance of being good for the planet
Shaun W
As long as you’re okay with being a subhuman who is fed lies to keep you in your place. That is Mr. Russell’s scientific utopia btw
As many of you know , we the open minded had marvelous parents !
Obey me, or else! Turn or burn! There was a time in our history when a lot of people found this argument compelling, probably because the threat of burning in *this* life was very real if the same people chanting this line could find and catch you. However, as the good book says, "...I have put childish things behind me." Obedience is not the highest virtue, nor fear a good reason to listen to anyone.
The voice in this lecture sounds pretty different from the face to face interviews of Bertrand. What was his age in this lecture .
The great intellect of bertrand Russell here , using his unique logic in discussing the existance of God evidently delivered here by actor Terrence Hardiman according to imformation provided about the recording !!
Amen to that
would you say it's a good book for a beginner into philosophy? thanks
An excellent lecture - nearly wholy relevant and accurate still today. The only thing that shows the age of the lecture was the reference to there being no reason to think that the Universe had a begining; though Russell correctly pointed out that even if it did, "god" wouldn't bring anything explanatory to the equation.
I rather think that Russell would have been fascinated by modern cosmology, which includes models for the origin of the universe that are quite satisfying to an atheist.
Such a greatly Sentient, life; meriting, a permanent physical body; irrespective of contrary opinion.
Hey i just thought of a book title why i am not an athiest by jeff bogue it should sell millons yes and you can all tell me in the comments section how wonderful and truthful it is wow. Oh yeah
Fascinating human
Interesting talk.
Please my friend my you help me telling the name of this man who is narrating this article,I need your assistance .
"Bertrand Russell first delivered this lecture..."
OK. Then what is this recording (date, time, place, etc.)? Is this Russell speaking?
what a genius.
What a joke!!!
I have read the Age of Reason where he rips apart the Bible in 1793. It should be required reading for rational people.
This is actually a quote from "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. Please cite your sources and not give the impression this is your original quote.
I thought he will say something important. 😔
It’s not the eyes are blind but the hearts.
The most devastating question of all ..... If god made us who made him
not really. replie to this if you still want an awnser because this was written 1 year ago
Certainly! It’s about 800 or so pages of action from pre-Socratic to modernity!
is this actually him reading it?
Re Christ foibles Russell overlooks: Jesus would not see his mother Mary when she came to see him when he got popular. Rather he just continued w his dinner w friends, disavowed her, and says ‘a prophet is never believed in his own town’
Jesus died w a largely broken family.
this is great, the question is "if this has existed for almost 100 years now, why is their still religion?, or at least, why is religious people still using he same arguments that have been debunked here a 100 years ago"
You are very welcome, anytime! EattherichBuddy commented ‘knowledge is power’ which is very true but it’s also very exciting - a natural sensation so, enjoy the trill as the only ‘work’ that god do is make all his admirers miserably illogical!
So What Is Up With The God..., od..., odd,...(A.I. , I suppose) at 19:50?
Science and intellect might rule in another two thousand years.
The immortal thesis of a persecuted academician by the academeia USA establishment.
Thanks for posting this. He presents a persuasive argument. Is he right or wrong?. Either way he knows NOW. He may regret not taking out 'fire insurance'. Do what works for you. We'll all find out the truth eventually.
Some folks can't choose and have to accept what they consider most truthful.
"fire insurance" aka pascals wager. debunked as quickly as it was posited and yet centuries later dumbasses are still going back to that dry well.
Before there was Christopher Hitchens, there was Bertrand Russell.
God exist.
No, no he doesn't.
Jesus said "So it will be at the end of the age,the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous,and will throw them into the furnace of fire,in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."Matthew 13:49-50.Jesus also said "You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, obey him and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
Any proof that would stand up in the Supreme Court?
@@seanh4841 It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. Stephen Hawking said "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." So, he thinks the law of gravity is nothing but actually that is something. Dr. John Lennox points out that that is self contradictory. Lennox says "If I say x creates y this presupposes the existence of x in the first place in order to bring y into existence. If I say x creates x, I presuppose the existence of x in order to account for the existence of x. To presuppose the existence of the universe, to account for it's existence is logically incoherent." It's much more easier to believe Genesis 1:1 than to believe that sci fi nonsense. So, some Atheists have to redefine nothing to make it something so something can come from nothing. Also the complexity of DNA is proof for intelligent design. "DNA is so compact that a one square inch chip of DNA could encode the information in over seven billion Bible's." - The new answers book 2 p. 70. Bill Gates said "DNA is more advanced than any software ever created." Here, the following are just some out of many scientists who are Biblical creationists, Dr. Jason Lisle has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Dr. Georgia Purdom holds a PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Bodie Hodge has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in Physics from Clemson University and an MA and PhD in Astronomy from Indiana University, Dr. Terry Mortenson holds a masters of divinity and a PhD in the history of geology. It's not that science is against the the Bible, the darkened mind interprets the evidences for it through a naturalistic presupposition that doesn't allow anything spiritual because God's word says it's because people love their sin and wanna suppress the truth Romans 1:18-32. Note, archaeology confirms the Bible, the Popular handbook of archaeology and the Bible" Page 181 says "Today nearly 100 Biblical figures, dozens of Biblical cities, over 60 historical details in the Gospel of John and 80 historical details in the book of Acts, among other things, have been confirmed as historical through archaeological and historical research. Moreover, the Israeli Antiquities Authority has over 100,000 artifacts [discovered in Israel since 1948] available on their data base." Also it's strange when Christians bring up the fine tuning argument which there is evidence, atheists have to make up the multi verse theory which there is no evidence, so they make up a theory with no evidence to try and refute a scientific fact of fine tuning, so at that point its the atheist who's going by blind faith. Some atheists say they don't believe in anything immaterial but the laws of logic are immaterial and it exists. Jesus said "So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire, in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50. Jesus also said "You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, repent and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
@@georgemoncayo8313 You've just typed out a 500 word steaming turd without one shred of real evidence, you will have to do better, perhaps you could do something about the rampant pedophilia that seems to infest organized religion or is this all part of your Gods plan?
He refutes God but he doesn't refute the idea that the world might have been created by the devil. If the world was created by the devil - why does goodness and love and sacrifice exist. What an unreasonable statement.
And if it created by God-why does evilness,hate and crime exist (I am not atheist,just being curious)
Evil exists because we have free will. Free will exists because he wanted us to be able to love. Love doesn't exist or exists in only a very limited way with out free will. God does not cause suffering but he allows it because suffering brings out compassion. It is also the ultimate expression of love.
God gave his son and Jesus came to suffer.
I've been around a lot of suffering. People with faith somehow make it beautiful. People without faith loose all hope and that's a horrible thing to see.
Life without God is life without hope and that's an unreasonable empty way to live
@@deeptibhardwaj9814 God didn't make robots. he made people who could freely choose to stay with him or to turn away. God doesn't commit evil acts. People do.
@@deeptibhardwaj9814 God doesn't only exist on the surface. Sometimes we have to look deep for him. Like when we see people suffering.
As an atheist I thought suffering was simply wrong and evil. As a Christian I realize that there's more to it than that. I've been at the foot of the bed of suffering people near death and it was literally like standing at the foot of the cross.
God is there always. Sometimes we just have to look a little deeper to find him or to completely surrender and let him find us.
At 28:18 I've used this argument against Christians also, but in the sense that if the bible had condemned rape, slavery, and genocide humans wouldn't have had such a bad guide on how to act. Remember, christians, just like everyone else, are simple people that only do what they know. If the bible would have been a better guide to how humans should interact, the christian world would be a better place. We wouldn't have rape culture, the bible wouldn't have been used to justify slavery in the Americas, and maybe the hollocaust wouldn't have happened.
29:59 also true
God, originally, created Adam and had no plan to create Eve. He realised that Adam needed help.
Adam considered all the animals, but he didn't fancy any of them (Genesis 2:20)
Then God had a brilliant idea. He created Eve and the rest is misery (Genesis 3:24)
Lovely old man. One of his several books - A History of Western Philosophy - immediately turned me godless long time ago - great guy!
It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. Stephen Hawking said "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." So, he thinks the law of gravity is nothing but actually that is something. Dr. John Lennox points out that that is self contradictory. Lennox says "If I say x creates y this presupposes the existence of x in the first place in order to bring y into existence. If I say x creates x, I presuppose the existence of x in order to account for the existence of x. To presuppose the existence of the universe, to account for it's existence is logically incoherent." It's much more easier to believe Genesis 1:1 than to believe that sci fi nonsense. So, some Atheists have to redefine nothing to make it something so something can come from nothing. Also the complexity of DNA is proof for intelligent design. "DNA is so compact that a one square inch chip of DNA could encode the information in over seven billion Bible's." - The new answers book 2 p. 70. Bill Gates said "DNA is more advanced than any software ever created." Here, the following are just some out of many scientists who are Biblical creationists, Dr. Jason Lisle has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Dr. Georgia Purdom holds a PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Bodie Hodge has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in Physics from Clemson University and an MA and PhD in Astronomy from Indiana University, Dr. Terry Mortenson holds a masters of divinity and a PhD in the history of geology. It's not that science is against the the Bible, the darkened mind interprets the evidences for it through a naturalistic presupposition that doesn't allow anything spiritual because God's word says it's because people love their sin and wanna suppress the truth Romans 1:18-32. Note, archaeology confirms the Bible, the Popular handbook of archaeology and the Bible" Page 181 says "Today nearly 100 Biblical figures, dozens of Biblical cities, over 60 historical details in the Gospel of John and 80 historical details in the book of Acts, among other things, have been confirmed as historical through archaeological and historical research. Moreover, the Israeli Antiquities Authority has over 100,000 artifacts [discovered in Israel since 1948] available on their data base." Also it's strange when Christians bring up the fine tuning argument which there is evidence, atheists have to make up the multi verse theory which there is no evidence, so they make up a theory with no evidence to try and refute a scientific fact of fine tuning, so at that point its the atheist who's going by blind faith. Some atheists say they don't believe in anything immaterial but the laws of logic are immaterial and it exists. Jesus said "So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous, and will throw them into the furnace of fire, in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50. Jesus also said "You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14. Jesus taught that the only way to be saved is to choose him as your Lord and Master, repent and believe that he died for the sins of his people on the cross see John 14:6.
Laughing reading your babbling. Nearly choked on my coffee when I got to the intelligence design and DNA bit. It’s also, funny using Jesus and bible as basis of illustrating your confusion. If you don’t know something, it’s not therefore God/Jesus. It’s, you don’t know. It’s really impossible debating “the therefore God/Jesus people” from a scientific perspective as you guys don’t do ‘facts’, just conjectures, made up nonesense and more conjectures. More importantly, as I get paid for my time, all I can say is, have a good day Sir/Madame.😊👍
@@chucks172 No moron there are scientists with equal credentials on both sides and both have the same evidence but both interpret it in light of their presupusitions their worldviews and yes atheists have presupusitions because neutrality is a myth and the only reason people reject the Gospel is because they love their sin and wanna suppress like God's word says in Romans 1. It's laughable atheists believe something came from nothing but redefine nothing to make it something so something can come from nothing. I see why God's word calls atheists fools and morons. Really all creation is enough evidence and that's why on judgment day you won't have an excuse according to God's word but if you know about the complexity of DNA and irriducable complexity and not see intellegent design is to commit suicide of the brain. That's why moron Richard Dawkins 1 of the biggest names in your delusional camp thought it was a fascinating idea that we were created by aliens because of the complexity of our DNA. It's that Romans 1 thing, you have a bias and don't want to believe, people suppress the truth and that manifests itself in different ways atheism the religion of fools and morons is one of them.
Is getting married a natural law?
a great thinker and moral person. yet, his effort to deduce math from logic was doomed to failure by way of the incompleteness theorems. one wonders if the effort to deduce the non-existence of G_d from logic is also epistemologically impossible.
Religion is toxic. Knowledge is power.
I dont know. If there is a God, and he is the christian God, then all this harsh, disrespect, and arrogance, would be enough for hell. Its not just"i dont believe" its f God. I dare him to do something. Well, he just might folks, he just might.
No, this is an audiobook read by an actor.
Terrence Hardiman is the actor speaking on the recording.
Celtic medicine. Rather than having congress declaring any wars, ask the soldiers to see what they have to say. In modern times, Celtic medicine.
Ditto I'm sure
Really? Really really?
One wonders if his rejection of Christianity was rooted not in deep philosophy but a simple rejection of what would be called 'sin.'
Source Bible👇
"Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.
Hebrews 13:4
Source Wikipedia 👇
"His parents, Viscount and Viscountess Amberley, were radical for their times. Lord Amberley consented to his wife's affair with their children's tutor, the biologist Douglas Spalding"
"Russell's adolescence was very lonely, and he often contemplated suicide."
"Russell claimed that beginning at age 15, he spent considerable time thinking about the validity of Christian religious dogma, which he found very unconvincing."
"For most of his adult life, Russell maintained religion to be little more than superstition and, despite any positive effects, largely harmful to people."
"Their marriage began to fall apart in 1901 when it occurred to Russell, while he was cycling, that he no longer loved her....During his years of separation from Alys, Russell had passionate (and often simultaneous) affairs with a number of women"
He was married four times.
One also wonders if his pacifism was rooted not in deep philosophy but cowardice.
"I found prison in many ways quite agreeable. I had no engagements, no difficult decisions to make, no fear of callers, no interruptions to my work. I read enormously; I wrote a book, "Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy"... and began the work for "The Analysis of Mind".
Source Bible👇
“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.
“There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son.
And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.
All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed.
But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants. ”
John 3:16-21
If your living in a Christian Nation who found it
The die has been cast. The decision has been made. I have stepped over
the line. I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away or be
My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is in God’s
hands. I am finished and done with low living, small planning, the
bare minimum, smooth knees, mundane talking, frivolous living,
selfish giving, and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions,
applause, or popularity. I don’t have to be right, first, the best,
recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded. I now live by faith. I
lean on Christ’s presence. I love with patience, live by prayer,
and labor with the power of God’s grace.
My pace is set. My gait is fast, my goal is heaven. My road is narrow,
my way is rough, my companions are few, my Guide is reliable, and my
mission is clear.
I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back,
deluded, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice,
hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the
enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of
I won't give up, shut up, let up or slow up until I have stayed up,
stored up, prayed up, paid up, and spoken up for the cause of Christ.
I am a disciple of Jesus. I am a Catholic. I must go until He comes,
give until I drop, speak out until all know, and work until He stops
me. And when He returns for His own, He will have no difficulty
recognizing me. My banner is clear: I am a part of the Fellowship of
the Unashamed.
You should have picked Thor.
No. I made the right choice. You can to. It is just a matter of will.
Thor has a magic hammer that can fly from his hand, kill and enemy, then fly back to his hand.
All jesus has is a pathetic, non-magical hammer that can't do anything.
Wow, so you are a disciple of Thor. How childish of you. Keep reading comic books until you mature.
Comic books are just as real as the bible. In fact, the bible steals more from older myths from other religions than comic books do.
The Revelation 19.13?(Aka The Apocalypse- a new beginning dictated by the Raj yogi known as John the Divine)- :His Name is called the Word of God." Traditionally, this Name cannot be spoken with the lips because it is the sound of our very life breath. In gurudevic succesion, it is proper to speak a two syllable mantra to remind the practitioner of the source of life, called the Word. No one can tell you how or why there is life. Politics and religion take life away. The priesthood in the Jesus drama could have legally hung him up for verbally taking the ritual of the high priest upon himself.Sacred cows, barbeque, sacrifices, warfarte and blah, blah blah. Embrace life and compassion.
Contrary to belief in these comments. The atheist argument is the one that hasn’t changed for 100s of years. And apologetics in Christianity has been much stronger than ever. Science after his days have shown overwhelming evidence of a beginning, for example, that time space and matter had a beginning and the creator of these qualities must infact be outside of them. So the answer to where God came from is he didn’t come from anything.He’s outside of time, and eternal.
Cool so zeus is our eternal savoir all hail zeus!
Oh wait you don't believe in zeus!
Athiest!!!! You athiest how dare not believe in zeus!!!
Zeus is the one created everything! How dare you deny zeus!!!
22:09 - 22:23
Quran 52:35 were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]?
Quran 52:36 Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain.
Quran 52:41 Or have they [knowledge of] the unseen, so they write [it] down?
Quran 41:53 We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?
Quran 41:51 And when We bestow favor upon man, he turns away and distances himself; but when evil touches him, then he is full of extensive supplication.
Quran 41:54 Unquestionably, they are in doubt about the meeting with their Lord. Unquestionably He is, of all things, encompassing.
Quran 30:8 Do they not contemplate within themselves? Allah has not created the heavens and the earth and what is between them except in truth and for a specified term. And indeed, many of the people, in [the matter of] the meeting with their Lord, are disbelievers.
Quran 8:22 Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason.
why didn't people listen to reason,this should have been manditory
Did you see my word fictional? Clearly not.
The proto-Hitchens...
Freedom from religion. Sometimes religious people cause more harm than good.It is very easy to speculate about the unknown. Wars and intimidations in the name of GOD. Silly humans.
7:16 things must have a beginning = poverty of our imagination
One can search any religious texts all of them and would not find anything even close to this logical