Is Jesus a Liar, a Lunatic, or Who He Claimed to Be?

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • Investigate for yourself the claims of Jesus. Here I share my 4 tests for the reliability of the Bible and why I am confident the evidence points to the 4 gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John being accurate historically.

Комментарии • 3

  • @luz_aslana691
    @luz_aslana691 12 дней назад +1

    Echoes of C. S. Lewis! Thanks! Even with all this evidence, many still receive Him not! Keep on keeping on!
    We need you out here!

  • @dwdriver
    @dwdriver 12 дней назад +1

    Thank you for sharing how you have determined the reliability of the Bible, and how the gospels have sufficient evidence to prove the accuracy. I hope your video finds viewers who will be blessed by what you have shared.
    Here is what I am sharing.
    NOTE: This comment may be too long for a RUclips comment, so I may break it into two parts: a comment, and a reply as a continuance of what I am going to share.
    God is indeed real, and we know this also from His Word and how He has physically revealed it to us.
    John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word ‘was’ God”
    John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”.
    Here, the New Testament book of John tells us that the Word of God, IS God.
    So the question becomes, “How can we know for certain that this is indeed God?”
    We can know this is God by the way He says it is Him, ‘with’ his Word.
    And please notice that I say, ‘with’ and not ‘in’.
    Although we can also know a lot more about God by what He says ‘in’ His word, we can know that God exists as a physical manifestation of His Word, by the way His Word is physically constructed - because no human being, nor any existing computer technology nor, A.I., nor any human skill that exists, even today, can do what God has done, demonstrating His presence within the construction of His Word.
    The Word, His Word, is a physical manifestation of God. And if you continue with what I am going to show you, you too will see this is an objective truth.
    Let me explain.
    In most languages, the letters used to spell words, simply tell us how to pronounce each of the letter sounds, to say the word. The letters simply have phonetic properties.
    A sounds like “ah”
    B sounds like “buh”
    D sounds like “duh”, and so on.
    The Old Testament of the Bible is written in Hebrew, the original language God used to declare Himself to His people.
    In Hebrew, each letter also has, in addition to their phonetic properties, a set of abstract definitions or meanings. These additional are meanings based on the original Hebrew text (paleo-Hebrew), which were images, or ‘pictographs’ of common physical objects. These objects give the letters their underlying meanings.
    Here are some examples:
    A or Aleph, is the head of an ox, signifying the property of strength. In fact, if you turn a modern A upside down and you can still see the pointed nose and the two horns of the ox head.
    M or Mem, was water and looked like waves, showing the property of movement or life, or chaos as we might describe a storm at sea.
    D or Dalet, was a tent-flap or door, signifying a passage into something. The original image was that of a triangle, which is also origin of the Greek letter Delta, and our current letter D.
    Q or Quf, was a sunset, a circle with a horizontal line (the horizon) through the middle, meaning something beyond or hidden or unknown or unseeable.
    Many of our modern letters like: H, M, Z, J/L, and those above, continue to show us these original pictographic origins of their shapes. However, their inner properties and meanings have been, ‘lost in translation’ so to speak, over the millennia.
    The remarkable thing however, is the fact that when these letters are combined into words, the inner meanings of those letters work together to help define the words they spell - and sometimes in ways that provide additional, expanded, deeper and sometimes, unexpected meanings.
    This is truly remarkable, since no other language commonly in use today does this. Except of course, for Hebrew, and perhaps the “chemical language” - CO2 being 1 Carbon + 2 Oxygen atoms.
    Let me give you a few examples to show how this works with real words:
    The Hebrew word "Yalad" (yod-lamed-dalet) primarily means "to give birth" or "childbirth" or “midwife.”
    The word can be broken down as follows:
    1. Yod: is a hand, action, or work, symbolizing the act of doing or creating.
    2. Lamed: is a shepherd's staff, symbolizing guidance, teaching, or the word "to" as in direction.
    3. Dalet: is a door or an entryway, symbolizing a transition, opening, or passage.
    Together, these letters convey the process of bringing forth or creating (Yod), moving or guiding toward something (Lamed), and transitioning or opening (Dalet). This is a vivid description of childbirth and the combination reflects both the act of childbirth and the role of a midwife.
    Another is the word "Shalom" (shin-lamed-vav-mem), which means "peace," "wholeness," or "completeness."
    Here's how the word can be broken down:
    1. Shin: is teeth, meaning consume or fire, transformation, pressed, change, joining and unity.
    2. Lamed: is a shepherd's staff, symbolizing guidance, teaching, or the word "to" as in direction.
    3. Vav: is a tent-peg or hook or nail, symbolizing connection, attach, fixing, also the conjunction 'and'.
    4. Mem: is water, representing flow, wisdom, abundance, or continuity.
    When these letters are combined, Shin, Lamed, Vav, and Mem convey the idea of transformation or change (Shin) leading to guidance or direction (Lamed), creating unity or connection (Vav), and resulting in a state of flow or continuity (Mem). Together, they form Shalom, representing a state of peace or completeness, achieved through harmony, guidance, and unity.
    We now understand how words are defined by the letters used to spell the words. So, let’s take this one step further. And look at the letters themselves and their letter names.
    The 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet contain within them, self-referential, self-defining and self-replicating, 'embedded data', in much the same way that our 22 autosomes (DNA) contain self-referential, self-defining and self-replicating 'embedded (or encoded) data'.
    Let’s see how this works with the letter named Lamed, revealing its deeper meaning, and demonstrating how the letters themselves are "self-defining" - which is what I meant when I suggested that this is something that neither mankind nor our current state of technology is capable of doing. Only God could have done this.
    Lamed is the 12th letter of the Hebrew alephbeyt and is represented by a sheperd’s staff.
    Lamed itself represents guidance, teaching, and direction-as in leading or guiding toward something, as well as its use as the article “to”. So all of the letters used to define this letter, must all serve that goal. Here's how it works.
    When spelled out in Hebrew (Lamed, Mem, Dalet), it forms the word meaning to teach or to learn:
    1. Lamed: Represents guidance and movement toward a goal.
    2. Mem (m): Represents water, symbolizing flow, wisdom, and abundance.
    3. Dalet (D): Represents a door or passage, symbolizing an entryway or transition.
    Together, these letters convey the idea of guiding someone through a process of learning or transition, just like teaching leads a person to wisdom or understanding. This deeper structure shows how the meaning of Lamed as a letter connects with its spelling-a process no human language could design by chance. If you think about this for a moment, you’ll quickly see that this is, in fact, a chicken-before-the-egg conundrum. Which came first? The letters? Or the meanings of the letters? You need both, just to form the first letter!
    Speaking of the first letter, here in my humble opinion, is the most important letter - Aleph, the first letter of the alephbeyt.
    Aleph is the 1st letter of the Hebrew alephbeyt, it is a silent letter, and it symbolizes God and oneness.
    When spelled out in Hebrew (Aleph, Lamed, Peh), it reveals several significant interpretations:
    1. Aleph: Represents the silent (alpeh is silent) strength and oneness of God.
    2. Lamed: Again, represents guidance, learning, or teaching and the article ’to’
    3. Peh: Represents a mouth, symbolizing speech or communication and to blow.
    The spelling of Aleph shows the relationship between God and speech, as He declares Himself:
    (aleph-lamed) + (peh) equals: “God Speaks”.
    Interestingly, this also works backwards as a palindrome, showing that His Word, is a “Living Word”.
    (peh) + (lamed-aleph) equals: “Speaks with authority”.
    It also shows that God wants to communicate and have relationship with his creation:
    (aleph) + (lamed) + (peh) equals: “God to Speaks”
    Because God speaks to His creation, His “Living Word” also works in reverse as a palindrome:
    (peh) +(lamed) +(aleph) equals: “Speaks to God”. So we, His creation, can also speak to Him.
    We can see by this that God wants relationship with His creation. He wants to speak to us and He wants us to speak to Him. And He has given us is alphabet to enable that to happen. God’s Word speaks for itself, and identifies itself though the very letters. This is God. This is John 1:1.
    Now, here is the most definitive proof:

    • @dwdriver
      @dwdriver 12 дней назад +1

      Genesis 1:1 it states: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (NKJV).
      Word-by-word it says this: “In beginning” “created” “God” “at” “the’heavens” “and’at” “the’Earth”.
      In Hebrew: “Bereshet bara Elohim at ha’shmyim, va’at, ha’Eretz”
      I’ve already shown how the letter Vav (‘va’ above) is a nail, a tent-peg, and the conjunction ‘and’.
      The prefixed letter Hey (‘ha’ above) to shmyim and Eretz, is a man standing with raised hands, as if praising, and it means ‘behold’ as well as the article ‘the’.
      But what is the “at” above and what does it mean? It is the alephbeyt! The first and last letter of the ancient Hebrew aelphbeyt and it tells you what it means: “the aleph and tav”, “The beginning and the end”, “all”, “in compete”.
      Non-Jewish scholars throughout history have said that “at” has no definition, or that the definition is/was unknown and that it simply served as a ‘grammatic marker’ before certain nouns. But given what you now know about how words are assembled; you can see what they missed.
      In case you missed the other clue, please also notice that this is the very first word after Elohim(God) stating what He created. He (God) created: “at”, “the heavens” and “at” “the earth”.
      This seems to say that God created the aleph-tav first - for without it, how could he have formed the very words he used to speak the rest of creation into existence?
      God wants to speak to you and wants you to be able to speak to Him. His gift of the alephbeyt enables us to do that. It also enables us to speak to each other too. But more importantly, it enables us to speak to ourselves. Think about that for a moment. Let the reality of that sink-in. You can speak to yourself.
      Without letters, you cannot form words. Without words, you cannot form sentences. And without sentences, you cannot form a single cohesive thought.
      It is the alephbeyt that gives rise to our ability to articulate our thoughts, to think, and to be conscious and self-aware beings. Without it, our groans would be no more than that of the animals.
      Rene Descartes famously said, “Cogito ergo sum”. “I think therefore I am”.
      But how did he know he could think? Descartes may have understood that he existed - yet, he seemed to miss how he knew that to be so.
      So before I go, here is one other word to ponder: It is the word Emet, spelled Aleph-Mem-Tav.
      It is spelled with the first, middle and last letter of the Alephbeyt. It is a definition that declares that this word encompasses the entirety of God's (Hebrew) alphabet, from the beginning to the middle to the end.
      Like Hebrews 13:8, which declares:
      "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday(aleph) today(mem) and forever(tav)", the word emet too, declares what it is.
      The Alpha and the Omega, The way, the truth and the life, and everything in between. It does not change, it cannot change, it is eternal.
      Emet is the Hebrew word for "truth" in English.
      Thank you for taking the time to read this. May you be blessed by it.