How & Why (Balance) Druids are Struggling in PvP

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 36

    @REDANZ 6 месяцев назад +5

    TL;DR: You're playing one of the best PvP classes in the entire game but are suffering from this thing called "Skill issue"
    Unlucky my dude
    Also stop bashing on the other comments when it's clearly just you that's the issue, not the class. Druid is an S-tier PvP class (especially after this weeks buffs).. literally ALL classes in the entire game have downtime where they are at a disadvantage against some other classes. That's just how the game works.
    You're NOT specced into Nature's Grasp, you're NOT fake casting to bait out interrupts, you're only using your moonkin form and not all the utility the other forms have access to, you're constantly out of position, being WAAAAAY too close to your enemy than you need to be and you're basically only pressing the 3-4 damage buttons your moonkin form has access to instead of helping your team. As a Balance Druid you have the longest range out of any class in the entire game. Abuse it.
    Look up some of the good balance druids in the SoD PvP community such as dm7 and copy his build and look at his gameplay.
    Get real.

  • @stephenmcguire949
    @stephenmcguire949 6 месяцев назад

    My play-style is totally different to yours - i play way more defensive and less aggressive (more like balance/resto style). My first global against melee is NG into hots (rejuv and WG) then into damage then back into defense (i say I have a 70% win rate against mele). You will never win if you go dps vs dps all out and always try to trade CD for CD. For example, War charges and you have NG so he gets rooted then trinkets, go bear for stun then shift form to cast root. Apply hots to top then go damage/kite whilst you wear them down. Against casters you need to kite massively using travel form and hots to top then re-engage when instants are back from CD. Al ot of the time they think they have you on the run but you are running to setup to come back in with damage.

  • @mekz22
    @mekz22 6 месяцев назад +2

    TL;DR: Maybe don't let the fucking Boomy free cast.
    I'm just gonna say it, if you're still struggling against Boomies at this point you're just bad at the game.
    Deletes people if left alone and allowed to free cast(every caster does this)
    Can act as an off healer
    Squishy, dies easily if caught outside Boomy/Bear form even when properly geared
    Hots are way too weak and can't keep up with the current damage in the slightest
    Powershifting, hots & dots playstyle is mostly dead due to the new burst meta, this also ooms you extremely fast
    Wild Growth shares rune slot with Sunfire and not running Wild Growth is griefing your whole team
    Wild Growth costs a shitload of mana and forces you out of form
    You're not hard casting shit if someone does as much as looks at your direction thanks to pushback
    By the time you pull off a successful fake cast you have already lost a significant portion of your HP
    Nature's Grasp on CD? Bash didn't land? "Guess I'll die."
    You're unironically better off backpedaling in circles while face tanking and spamming instant casts in Boomy form rather than trying to pull off fancy plays in this meta
    Rather awful solo class, really requires support from the team

    • @shadyc7044
      @shadyc7044  6 месяцев назад

      Really covering it here with this post. Refreshing to see somebody posting content that isn't just, "ur suck lul!!"
      I think the strength of a Boomie over most the other ranged is the armor. But 1) there would have to be an insane amount of melee on you to make this worth it over not just being a Mage/Priest, and 2) Shamans also have insane armor, but also things like Shamanistic Rage.
      So the only strength a Boomie has is 1) niche, and 2) outclassed by Shamans anyway.
      Which... again... adds to my point that Horde Druids don't even know what I'm talking about, lolll.

  • @Kupoinfo
    @Kupoinfo 6 месяцев назад +1

    Shamans need nerf, I've starfire crit more grounding totems than actual players.

  • @TwentyInchBurial
    @TwentyInchBurial 6 месяцев назад +2

    some classes you are going to die such as a rogue with cooldowns. Also, its really easy to kill people as a boomkin. You need to bait their counters, and make sure u have hots on- You can also, after hotting, force them to lock ur nature spll tree, so you can freely starfite them in the face. Its not great, but you can 1v1 almost everyone still. even hunters, if you open from stealth and hybernate the pet. Also, in a bg setting, you should never frontlne. thats how you die. You need to backline, and you need to attack from easy-to-line places like house, or from bushes, on top of structures such as the trees in LM. You are also not casting enough wraths while you have the crit buff. my wratchs crit harder than your starfire normal hits fr example. i end on top on every single BG doing this, and i dont die a lot. I also dont suicide to the enemy team, that helps. try to adopt these things and stop using dots, only dot on 1v1 situations and if they are sub 10% hp to kill them. remember that your range is 36 yards and almost all other ranged have 41/42. One last trick: queue from IF. you get the world buff, and you are clearly not using pots and consumables in bgs. I open all my bgs fully buffed, if you win the 1st skirmish its easy to win the bg. Also critting 2000-2500 dmg starfires deletes people on that 1st skirmish

    • @shadyc7044
      @shadyc7044  6 месяцев назад

      So I have to put hots on myself, and also spend yet another GCD going back into Boomie form? In the time I spend doing that, a Mutilate and some auto attacks in that 3+ second window I just spent already outdoes the hot(s). Or hey, maybe it's a Warrior! Okay, so Mortal Strike halves my healing effectiveness. And if you tell me I DON'T go back into Boomie form, then I certainly die instantly for it.
      Yeah, I DO bait kicks with Wrath. It's a nice strat, and makes most subpar Mages easy work. But I don't cherry pick those fights and upload them onto RUclips, I feel like doing so is pointless. (Might be my next video, though, to make a sarcastic point.)
      The thing with Hunters is, yes, another example of being able to cherry pick fights that I win. But pets on aggressive will rush you down and pushback your Hybernate (especially Wind Serpents with their ranged attack). Also, Beast Mastery pets will break Hibernate and be immune, and maybe 50% or more of all PvP Hunters are playing that. I don't bother casting it anymore, because odds are, it's a waste of my opener time. Watch my phase 1 videos, I'm well aware of how to fight Hunters. But everything has changed in phase 2. Casting Hibernate is very likely to be a waste of your opening spellcast (Wrath is a better option for a bigger damage spike), and even closing in on the Hunter is a risk, as they might be melee, and getting close is sealing your doom. And YET, keeping a distance is sealing your doom against an MM Hunter, as they will out-DPS your instant cast spells. It's not as straight-forward as you make it out to be, and the ENTIRE matchup has become a dice roll, and is a super toxic matchup because you can't know what your play is until it's too late.
      It's funny that you admit most other ranged classes have more ranged than Boomies. You do understand that people keep telling me to "play max range" right? Lol. Everyone has something to say, and it all contradicts itself. If I play max range, people can cancel my spellcasts by moving backwards a tiny bit. If you want your spells to complete, you have to play a little closer than max. I also get ridiculed for hardcasting spells, and now you ridicule me for casting instant spells. It's crazy. Constant contradiction. (I cast my dots in group fights because I don't yet know if Mages are watching me for Counterspells.)
      My hardcast rotation is Starfire Wrath Wrath, how am I not casting enough Wraths? Also, there's no way your Wraths are critting for over 700 damage (my non-crit Starfire damage). But whatever, I guess. If I believed everyone's words, then I'd believe Boomies can 1v5 and deal 1.3k Starsurges and shit. Everyone's so full of shit, lmao. Everyone wants to look like a badass on the internet, they just spew off literally untrue things.
      ... And no, I'm not gonna pop consumables and queue from Ironforge for boon. I don't wanna be in Ironforge. I'm not trying to parse BG's, lmao. Maybe in an RBG, sure.

    • @spacec4824
      @spacec4824 6 месяцев назад

      @@shadyc7044 You keep complaining about needing to go through GCD when your enemies also need to use up GCDs. You are not healing, not stunning, not kiting, not using crowd control. You are using a fraction of your kit's potential. You are complaining that you can't be braindead and use your 4 button pve rotation to destroy people. You are playing like a glorified turret. Have you tried watching videos of other balance druids playing? Search up DM7 WoW to see someone else play balance.

    • @TwentyInchBurial
      @TwentyInchBurial 6 месяцев назад

      if you play ranged, and can kite using your cheetah, you can put hots on you. Also, you should not use boomkin form in pvp. waste of mana and talent points. You get focused by melee? Shift into bear, stun them or use frenzied regen. you can either spec for pvp or pve, there is no in between. You can go pve spec for BGS, but you cant complain or cry if you cant 1v1. you are not supposed to 1v1 with your build. warriors are the easiest to deal with of all the classes, your build just sucks for 1v1 becasue you are literally pve spec. Thats not a class issue, its a skill issue. If you are just doing bgs, no problem, if ur complaining about 1v1's, problem. When you play boomkin, in bgs, you ned to play like you are playing call of dutty, and run, kite, hide behind stuff, etc. Thats your gameplay. And you melt everyone. They will not buff your pve's spec pvp capabilities, or you would mindlessly dominate everyone. Then you would have unskilled individuals dominating pvp like at the start of the tier again.@@shadyc7044

  • @joeianni4460
    @joeianni4460 6 месяцев назад +1

    Shamans are op because totems are structures and therefore shamans are playing an rts

  • @lucadel920
    @lucadel920 6 месяцев назад

    Pro tip bear from and cat from have stun u have roots also i have 0 problem with melee usually

    • @shadyc7044
      @shadyc7044  6 месяцев назад

      Did you just say Cat Form has a stun? This is what I mean; people just say ANYTHING to try to make it look like the other guy is doing something wrong.
      Cat stun is 1) from stealth only, 2) requires their back to me, and 3) lasts 2 seconds, which after including GCD, doesn't even gain me enough time to cast anything non-instant on them... and 4) puts me right on top of them, rather than the MAX RANGE that everyone keeps preaching.
      So, yet again, I'm told to be MAX RANGE but also in melee, another contradicting piece of advice from yet another Druid player that wins 200% of all their fights while blindfolded and playing with their feet.
      Bear stun gets dodged or parried unless you manage to swing at their back, which, if you DO, is a MAJOR misplay by the opponent. And all it's going to grant you is a Starfire cast... unless they Trinket it, which they SHOULD, because a Druid has NOTHING else for you to Trinket.
      Dude, I'm so tired of these fallacy arguments. I also LITERALLY don't believe you that you "have no trouble vs melee". Show me a video of this, or you're just blowing hot air out your mouth like everyone else that says that. I literally showcase that Druids DON'T win against melee. I don't really care if you win against fresh 40's in AH greens, because I showcase equal gear battles in this video. I've also killed my fair share of low geared players, but WHAT is the point of uploading those types of fights???

    • @lucadel920
      @lucadel920 6 месяцев назад

      @@shadyc7044 yes from stealth u have stun bear from has stun shamans are ez to deal with

    • @shadyc7044
      @shadyc7044  6 месяцев назад

      @@lucadel920 Yeah, Enhance Shamans lose most of the time. But they don't make up the majority of the melee matchup, Warrs and Rogs do. And Enhance are also not the best Shaman, Ele's are.

    • @lucadel920
      @lucadel920 6 месяцев назад

      @@shadyc7044 still ez matchups if u just dont sit there like a duck and spam cast starfire just saying

    • @shadyc7044
      @shadyc7044  6 месяцев назад

      @@lucadel920 Ok. Go ahead. Run me through the Ele Sham matchup. You have the floor. Let's see what you do with it.

  • @spacec4824
    @spacec4824 6 месяцев назад +1

    Shaman's lava burst has a 30 yd range. Flame shock is needed to activated lava burst's crit and only has a 20 yd range. Spammable Earth shock is also 20 yd range. You complain about using a GCD to destroy a totem when casting totems take up a GCD as well. Shamans have counterplay. You just need to get good and stop being braindead. Search up DM7 WoW to see someone else play balance.

    • @shadyc7044
      @shadyc7044  6 месяцев назад

      Shamans have a 3 min CD to automatically crit whatever their next spell is. The fact that Flame Shock has an extra effect for critting outside that cooldown isn't helping whatever your case was supposed to be.
      Lava Burst may be 30, but the Lightning spells are 36, matching Boomie range.
      Totems are a GCD, but can be predropped before a fight starts, removing that as a time cost (while not removing it as a time cost for the opponent's response). So, at WORST, they pull even.
      But no, please, recommend another person for me to watch.

    • @spacec4824
      @spacec4824 6 месяцев назад

      ⁠@@shadyc7044if grounding is dropped before fight, you can moon fire it away. Ele shams aren’t going to 1 shot you with a chain lightning crit. If you got hit by multiple ele combos, that’s on you. The person I recommended actually shows how to fight different classes as balance. It seems like you’re more focused on whining than actually understanding how to play your class.

    • @Minrathcus
      @Minrathcus 6 месяцев назад +1

      @spacec4824 found the smooth brain shaman player 🙂

    • @spacec4824
      @spacec4824 6 месяцев назад

      @@Minrathcushaha, nice try shadyc. Keep making more alt accounts and commenting on your own videos.

    • @Minrathcus
      @Minrathcus 6 месяцев назад

      @@spacec4824 buddy u should take an IQ test, I think you would qualify for Mensa

  • @donglongqua5359
    @donglongqua5359 6 месяцев назад

    Why are you not using natures grasp vs melee

    • @shadyc7044
      @shadyc7044  6 месяцев назад

      Ok, what's your talent build? Mine doesn't have room for Grasp. Also, the answer to why i don't force it into my talent points is because it's not worth using, lol. Every class can remove it. Warriors have Charge, Intercept, and even Intervene in BG's. Rogues have Vanish, and stun you in melee range for 6 seconds anyway. Shamans have Decoy Totem, which grants them IMMUNITY to all Roots for... 10 seconds??
      Tell me, what melee am I supposed to use Grasp on? What matchup is it worth getting talent points for?
      Actual question. Let's see if you answer.

    • @donglongqua5359
      @donglongqua5359 6 месяцев назад

      You're pretty salty and likely running some pve build with imp thorns. Warriors have a charge deadzone at 8 yards and the only other escape from root is trinket, with which you can bear->bash -> root. The rogue in your clip would have been beaten with grasp precast , and you're not even favored to win vs rogues. Nobody beats shamans so I don't understand how you can conclude your class is garbage 'because shamans'.

    • @shadyc7044
      @shadyc7044  6 месяцев назад

      ​ @donglongqua5359 I only get salty at fallacies. Speaking of which, this post is loaded with some more of them.
      1) Warriors have a Charge deadzone, but they also have increased move speed, while Druids have ZERO enemy slows. Even if you're maintaining the 6-7 EXACT deadzone range that you need, they can just run BACKWARDS for half a second and then charge you. Also, TAUREN Warriors have increased attack range. BUT YOU KNEW THAT, since you're so much more experienced and knowledgeable than me, right?
      2) The Rogue in my clip never had to Vanish anything. So what would Grasp accomplish? He would just Vanish and remove Grasp. Also, you say "precast" like that buys me a 2nd usage, but Grasp actually has a 15 second downtime gap, so, no, it would not do that.
      3) My mentioning of Shamans is to bring up the point that HORDE Druids don't have to fight against them, so their OVERALL 1v1 matchup data is heavily skewed. They think Druids win most 1v1's, but Alliance Druids have to fight against Shamans INSTEAD of Paladins, which is a 2-point swing difference.
      Are you following ANY of this??? Or am I, once again, typing WAY too much to a person that has ZERO interest in facts and points and logic, and only wants to call someone bad on the internet?
      Oh, and 4) no, I'm not running an Imp Thorns build, but another nice fallacy.

    • @donglongqua5359
      @donglongqua5359 6 месяцев назад

      Cry more sperg, you realize warriors can't move when rooted right?@@shadyc7044

  • @Zinaroth
    @Zinaroth 6 месяцев назад +1

    As a ret paladin all a boomkin has to do to me is use Starsurge every 6 seconds and travel form the rest of the time. I am sorry to say this but you are very out of touch and boomkins are just fine.

    • @shadyc7044
      @shadyc7044  6 месяцев назад

      Glad you didn't watch the video, thanks for your input, carry on, soldier.

    • @Zinaroth
      @Zinaroth 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@shadyc7044 You premised the video so poorly that after two minutes of ranting I moved on with my time. If you touched upon this exact point later on it was lost on me.

    • @shadyc7044
      @shadyc7044  6 месяцев назад

      @@Zinaroth Do you always listen to 3% of what someone says before giving a condescending response and moving on?

    • @Zinaroth
      @Zinaroth 6 месяцев назад

      @@shadyc7044 That depends on what they say. If I feel like they are trying to approach a subject with nuance and understanding I will listen to what they say.