In the Back To The Future Set, when I built it, there was yellow bricks you needed to put in the middle of the base core then a few pages later the instructions asks you to remove it so I was so confused that I researched everything like videos and even the official lego website for instruction booklets about it 😂😅😭
Also in the lego Concorde set you have to build a bunch of orange supports throughout the build that you use multiple times in construction. So by the end you have a bunch of funnily shaped orange structures.
At least it's a challenge sense 🤣🤣🤣
I wonder: Are there LEGO sets, using temporary supports, but where the bricks are reused after they are removed.
you could say it makes no "brickin" sense
Bah dum tshh 😂😂
In the Back To The Future Set, when I built it, there was yellow bricks you needed to put in the middle of the base core then a few pages later the instructions asks you to remove it so I was so confused that I researched everything like videos and even the official lego website for instruction booklets about it 😂😅😭
Also in the lego Concorde set you have to build a bunch of orange supports throughout the build that you use multiple times in construction. So by the end you have a bunch of funnily shaped orange structures.
I was waiting for the 10281 Bonsai Tree for all the PINK FROGS but it never came....
The avengers tower has 5002 pieces you silly goose
Hi im new❤
1:10 step 40? I’m sure that says 65
Bricks has stopped working. Make a geometry dash lego set to fix it.
2:10 the Lego Concorde has orange bricks as the engines that you need to remove
Many of these listed make sense, they are just tedious and repetitious.
0:00 it’s actually 10,240 studs
$1.00 to $500,000,000.000
tell me whats so non sensical about window building
9:54 Lego speed champions FERURRI
My mom said she will get me the 11,695 world map
pls keep saying GET HIM THE MAP i wanna get a gwr on my bday:(
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