Science Beyond Safe Spaces with Lawrence Krauss

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • The Origins Project Foundation, in collaboration with Atheists UK, presented a conference in Birmingham, where I had the pleasure of interviewing the founder himself, Lawrence Krauss, distinguished physicist and a dear colleague.
    In this conversation, What resonated most strongly during our conversation was our shared belief in the transformative power of science to dispel ignorance and fear. Science is not merely a discipline but a beacon of light, guiding us out of the darkness of ignorance and towards a more enlightened, informed world.
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Комментарии • 650

  • @lauraj8429
    @lauraj8429 11 месяцев назад +153

    I now look forward to these each week. I’d never have guessed when I became an atheist how much joy I’d find. Thank You Professor Dawkins for giving me that gift and for freeing me.

    • @robinrobyn1714
      @robinrobyn1714 11 месяцев назад +2

      🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. That's funny.

    • @craigdoc6656
      @craigdoc6656 11 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@robinrobyn1714what's funny?

    • @robinrobyn1714
      @robinrobyn1714 11 месяцев назад

      @@craigdoc6656 The pure stupidity of thanking ignorant trash such as Richard Dawkins, for you being atheist!! I lmfao at that.

    • @stevefromsaskatoon830
      @stevefromsaskatoon830 11 месяцев назад +6

      ​@@robinrobyn1714I thought it was quite beautiful 😊

    • @robinrobyn1714
      @robinrobyn1714 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@stevefromsaskatoon830 Well. Someone needs to be pathologically fixated on something that doesn't exist according to them. It is beautiful that the Omnipresence of God is everywhere. This is why atheists talk about God more than many Theists do.

  • @TheAverageGuy12
    @TheAverageGuy12 11 месяцев назад +32

    "You should be taught to question YOURSELF." Yes, yes, yes. The greatest gift University taught me. Thank you Lawrence.

    • @samuelglover7685
      @samuelglover7685 11 месяцев назад

      Something tells me Krauss didn't push that line too hard when he was hanging out with his friend and procurer Jeffrey Epstein.

    • @alexojideagu
      @alexojideagu 11 месяцев назад +3

      Exactly. I've tried to explain this to my own family members. Don't get upset or emotional when your subjective beliefs are challenged. You should welcome being wrong and check your own evidence and learn. If you're wrong, who cares. What matters is learning the truth.

    • @TheAverageGuy12
      @TheAverageGuy12 11 месяцев назад +2

      These times we live in.😪

    • @conspiracy1914
      @conspiracy1914 11 месяцев назад

      @@alexojideagubut if good and bad is subjective according to individuals how do you know you are wrong?

    • @alexojideagu
      @alexojideagu 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@conspiracy1914 I'm talking about facts, not opinions. Facts that can be checked.

  • @turinhorse
    @turinhorse 11 месяцев назад +41

    Mr. Dawkins and Mr. Krauss. thank you for being sane humans. Pillars of true courage and curiosity and reality. Rocks in a world of insanity.

    • @Jeff-z3l3q
      @Jeff-z3l3q 10 месяцев назад

      You mean DOCTOR Dawkins and Krauss of course.

    • @turinhorse
      @turinhorse 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@Jeff-z3l3q neither of these men would be offended by someone not calling them a professional title. Did i trigger a mis(gendering) of their title? lol nonsense. these are two men and reality calls them as such.

    • @NuntiusLegis
      @NuntiusLegis 10 месяцев назад

      As soon as they moved from science to politics and ethics, it became a pile of conservative bullshit. Like, applying the scientific method of "always questioning" to things like not calling Native Americans Indians or if there would be a gender spectrum. Native Americans plainly and simply are not from fucking India, and people born with intersex bodies plainly and simply exist, full bloody stop. Questioning that is not science, it's plainly and simply bullshit.

    • @sadev101
      @sadev101 6 месяцев назад

      @@Jeff-z3l3q professor is also good

  • @JDSCT
    @JDSCT 11 месяцев назад +39

    Literally the two men who took my curiosity for science and ignited it into a full blown passion. Always a pleasure to listen to them in conversation. Thank you for this.

    • @cameroncameron2826
      @cameroncameron2826 10 месяцев назад

      You are thanking them for what ?
      New Atheism designed the models so that the first thought crimes since the witch trials afflicted Christianity. Sounded great did it - horray for freedom etc ? NO !!!! a separate abrahamic religion was brought in right away. Once that had been done the same models were unleashed on everyone and are violating ALL free speech now. It is reasonable to state that Dawkins is the founding father of modern thought crime.
      So you are grateful to them for pretending to be anti religion when working behind everyones backs to model thought crime that was always going to put everyone else in a totalitarian state once JUST ONE religion had a few laws put against it, but just so the other abrahamic religion could take over ?
      Krausse & Dawkins went on about common sense right. Look just above = THAT is what they consider to be 'common sense'. This being the case might explain why you new atheism fanatics cheered and celebrated having your own lives shut down !!!
      And still are by the look of it - as long as Dawkins does hios blah blah blah blah blah of leget talk you cannot seen the ACTUAL EMPIRICAL RESULTS OF HIS WORK ?
      Perhaps this should be called 'Dawkins Blindness'. ?

  • @noursoliman8265
    @noursoliman8265 11 месяцев назад +29

    Cheers to all the truth seekers! Thank you, Dawkins, for being who you are. You and Mr. Krauss always do an excellent job of helping us grasp complicated subjects.
    Your fan from the middle east ❤️

    • @TBOTSS
      @TBOTSS 11 месяцев назад

      If I remember right - William Lane Craig schooled Krauss on his own subject. Krauss later produced an e-mail from Vilenkin that seemed to back up Krauss's points but it turned out that Krauss edited the e-mail. The full e-mail backed up Craig. Dawkins just ran away from Craig.

    • @jrd1811
      @jrd1811 11 месяцев назад +4

      @@TBOTSS "I'll take things that didn't happen for 5000, Alex"

    • @TBOTSS
      @TBOTSS 11 месяцев назад

      @@jrd1811 I do not understand. Are you saying that Krauss did not edit an e-mail from Vilenkin or that Dawkins did not do a disappearing act when Craig came to Oxford?

    • @Mandeepsays
      @Mandeepsays 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@jrd1811😂🤣🤩😅 LMFAO. Really.

    • @normanthrelfall2646
      @normanthrelfall2646 10 месяцев назад

      A Theory in Crisis, there is no better way to put it today. There are no transitional forms in the so- called fossil record and the ones that are sited are dubious to say the least, because they do not manifest soft tissue changes: like a dinosaur to a bird as presumed by evolutionists. Where are the millions of intermediate fossils demonstrating evolution? All along the religious chain of events, from life forms in the sea to modern man is pure fantasy and imagination by those who seek to keep a divine foot out of the door when it comes to the origin of life. Jesus said they that are whole need not a physician but those that are sick, go and learn what this means I desire mercy and not sacrifice. My contention is that those who promote this evolutionary ideology despite all the evidence against it are sick and are not worthy to be called scientists, because science is the pursuit of truth ultimately and where ever it leads true scientists follow. Many in the various fields of science associated with Neo-Darwinian will not speak out and change course, because they know their careers will suffer at the hands of their peers. Many true scientists have become creationists because of the insurmountable evidence; they were left with no alternative choice because of the continual narrative, which is spear-head by people like Richard Dawkins.
      Here is a term they have invented: “genetic drift” in relation to the speculation of macro-evolution, which the fossil record does not support. All we see is micro-evolution a smart term for kinds within species. There are three limitations that cancel out Neo-Darwinism these are: the origin of DNA and RNA, irreducible complexity within the single cell and the “none existence” of innumerable transitional fossils. With this evidence there should have been a paradigm shift away from evolution several years ago. Life does not emerge from non-living matter and the idea of mutations; they only corrupt already existing information within the genome. There is a degrading taking place every generation; no new information is ever added to the genome by the invented process of natural selection. Nothing is changing and therefore evolving into new species.
      HMS Beagle has now become a modern day shipwreck relative to evolution. The evidential cargo has blown up in Darwin’s face. This is not widely known but Darwin hated the Biblical account of Creation, the fall, the flood and redemption through Jesus Christ. He stated and I quote: He called the gospel of Jesus Christ a “damnable heresy!” He was at war with God before he set sail on HMS beagle around the world as a naturalist between 1831-1836. The Galapagos isles turned out to be of special interest to him relative to his theory of evolution. He was determined to fly in the face of God and invent an alternative to Biblical Creation. He spent a life time formulating a theory which would eventually blow up in his face. Darwin enjoyed the term “survival of the fittest” which is closely allied with “lawlessness” but Jesus said concerning his loving commandments to mankind “Let him who hath ears to hear, let him hear! Jesus was quite clear, that every man shall be judged for every idle word spoken! By your words you will be justified and by your words condemned. Jesus in his ministry taught people and nations to love each other and to work together for the common good of mankind. He knew the nations of the world would reject him and the gospel message of peace with God., That nations would arise against nation and kingdoms against kingdoms that there would be desolation's right up to the end of this present day and age, culminating in the rise of the Anti-Christ who will deceive Israel and the nations of the world, leading them eventually down the road to the battle of Armageddon. This battle will prompt the return of our Lord Jesus in glory to stop man destroying himself through selfishness and greed. His feet will touch the Mount of Olives and then he will hold man accountable for his actions. I am glad I have made peace with God through is Son.

  • @Gil.Harari
    @Gil.Harari 11 месяцев назад +34

    Thank you so much maestros Dawkins & Krauss for all the knowledge and wisdom you share with us through the years! regards from Israel (hoping for a better times).

    • @psyskeptic9979
      @psyskeptic9979 11 месяцев назад +2

      We stand with Israel

    • @sibanought
      @sibanought 11 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@psyskeptic9979Who's "we" ?
      - I stand with all people who are suffering - not with any nation or government.

    • @psyskeptic9979
      @psyskeptic9979 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@sibanought we = your mom and I

    • @placebojesus5652
      @placebojesus5652 11 месяцев назад +1

      ehh pretty sure my mom knows better

    • @sibanought
      @sibanought 11 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@psyskeptic9979You really let yourself down with your weak and irrelevant reply.
      And for what it's worth, I'm 55, and my mother (who died many years ago) was an atheist, an intelligent and free thinking English woman (not a "mom") who lived through the second world war and many other hardships that I'm sure you wouldn't be able to even imagine - and a strong supporter of Palestine.
      I suggest that next time someone questions something you say you try to present an actual explanation or argument, rather than just slinging unimaginative and weak insults, because doing so only discredits you.

  • @seandonahue8464
    @seandonahue8464 11 месяцев назад +14

    Loved that I lived while, Dawkins, Hitchens, Krause, Dennet, Barker, And Seth Andrews were around!

    • @Jeff-z3l3q
      @Jeff-z3l3q 10 месяцев назад +1

      Don't forget Sagan and Tyson!

    • @johnnycharisma162
      @johnnycharisma162 10 месяцев назад

      Not sure Mike Tyson added much to intellectual enquiry but hey, what a fighter.

    • @KhunRay-y6k
      @KhunRay-y6k 3 месяца назад

      Stupid comment!​@@johnnycharisma162

  • @BeakWilder1
    @BeakWilder1 11 месяцев назад +6

    Two of my favorite people ever.

  • @CocoaBeachLiving
    @CocoaBeachLiving 10 месяцев назад +6

    I'm glad there are some speaking publicly about Woke fundamentalism. Always a pleasure to see you both, whatever the format.

    • @Jeff-z3l3q
      @Jeff-z3l3q 10 месяцев назад

      It's no accident that Woke rhymes with Joke, if you ask me.

  • @philipberthiaume2314
    @philipberthiaume2314 11 месяцев назад +8

    This is one of the best discussions I have heard. The questions were excellent and the answers clarified a lot of misconceptions that I had.

  • @hester234
    @hester234 11 месяцев назад +16

    Fascinating conversation, thank you! I'm so happy that both of you are as outspoken as you are against today's insanities. We need as many voices of reason as we can get so the tide hopefully turns back towards the values of enlightenment. Safety has become such an ambivalent term for me in recent times. Drink safe, drive safe -- all fine. But study and learn and grow as "dangerously" as possible :)

  • @fionaottley4976
    @fionaottley4976 11 месяцев назад +16

    Wonderful stuff. Wish there was more of this kind of thing on youtube.

    • @plusixty8992
      @plusixty8992 11 месяцев назад +2

      they are everywhre dawg

  • @Bebymeboo
    @Bebymeboo 11 месяцев назад +15

    Thanks for the content. I love science.

  • @BG-fm5od
    @BG-fm5od 11 месяцев назад +10

    Richard and Lawrence thank you for standing up for science. So many of us cannot. Anti science has taken over Athiest groups. I joined because Richard encouraged me out of the Athiest closet. Now I have left my group because of anti science beliefs about sex. Please keep up speaking about this. I wish more scientists were brave enough to do so.

    • @frilansspion
      @frilansspion 11 месяцев назад +3

      Sorry to hear that. What on earth is an "atheist group"?

    • @PatrickSmith
      @PatrickSmith 11 месяцев назад +4

      I hope you’re not confusing genetic sex with gender identity.

    • @frilansspion
      @frilansspion 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@PatrickSmith So which are sports, toilets and passports based on?

    • @megavolt67
      @megavolt67 11 месяцев назад

      Just don't let your frustrations push you towards allying with hateful right wing groups who cynically pick and choose when to care about the science. They didn't care about the science when it didn't mesh with creationism, climate change denial, and racist theories about fundamental human differences, but now that they're upset with transgenderism, they're accusing the other side of being anti-science. Post-Trump there have been many conservative "intellectuals" that have cropped up who really serve no other purpose but to try and put an intellectual and rational spin on old bigotries.
      It worries me for example to see someone a man of science like Dawkins treating someone like Jordan Peterson as a good faith actor (which I don't believe he is). I'm glad at least to see that Lawrence has a more nuanced view of the term woke, which right wing politicians have been using cynically to try and drive their voters into a hysteria.
      Also, I agree with Patrick (I don't think there was always an obvious difference between sex and gender as terms when I was growing up, but language evolves, and I understand the difference) but I also hear frilan's point. It's clear to me that men and women's restrooms have historically been designed around biological sex (though in the USA's past they have also been split by race), not gender identity. So I think it's fair to consider that a biological woman might feel uncomfortable sharing a restroom with a transwoman who still possesses male sex organs regardless of her identity. The sports question is a legit issue too in terms of transwomen having certain inherent advantages over biological women.
      But all of these things should be hashed out in a practical, civilized way and not through right wing hostility and bigotry towards certain identities (because the ARE still the party that courts white christian nationalists; did you hear Trump recently talking about disallowing people into our country who don't share our religion? So much for separation of church and state). By the same token, anyone who has a concern about something like transgenderism in sports shouldn't be immediately labeled a transphobe by overzealous liberals or leftists.

    • @fromchomleystreet
      @fromchomleystreet 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@PatrickSmith That’s precisely what the gender ideologues are doing. If it’s “gender not sex, stupid”, explain the now ubiquitous “sex assigned at birth” Sex exists independently of culture, and is observed, not “assigned”
      In most arenas, whether a person is a man or a woman doesn’t (or at least shouldn’t) matter. But in a select few arenas, it matters very much, and when it matters, it is explicitly your SEX that matters, not your subjective, internal sense of self.

  • @TheMcmansilla
    @TheMcmansilla 10 месяцев назад +3

    Richard i get to knew your work in my adult years, i really would like to knew your book like i knew Sagan in the early 90's, you both changed my life

  • @RicardoGonzalez-of8xr
    @RicardoGonzalez-of8xr 11 месяцев назад +11

    I missed these debates between Lawrence and Dawkins. Fantastic 🎉

    • @Jeff-z3l3q
      @Jeff-z3l3q 10 месяцев назад

      These are discussions, not debates.

    • @johnnycharisma162
      @johnnycharisma162 10 месяцев назад

      No debates between these two.

  • @dark1021
    @dark1021 11 месяцев назад +5

    You are amazing and what inspired me to study biology. I love science and being able to make sense and understand the world around me, even the smallest things.

  • @justindorigo7631
    @justindorigo7631 11 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you for your continued intellectual honesty.

  • @Chris-qv5gv
    @Chris-qv5gv 11 месяцев назад +2

    I've worked in health & safety for 30 years. I loathe the way safety is being misused and devalued. Safety should be physical safety, not being injured or killed. Having to think about things you don't like or agree with is needed. It's how you learn and grow as a human being.

  • @alisonauchterlonie8212
    @alisonauchterlonie8212 11 месяцев назад +4

    One of your best yet, so relevant to what seems to happening and it’s frightening.

  • @silvertube52
    @silvertube52 11 месяцев назад +17

    Another aspect of what people call "woke" or more broadly "social justice" is that it is a symptom of the human bias toward believing moral narratives. We experience moral narratives as having greater truth than facts. Moral narratives keep people true to their tribe. Moral narratives are highly motivating resulting in motivated reasoning and bias. When the prevailing perspective in an academic discipline is built on a moral narrative, such as any conflict theory (critical theory), the entire enterprise become compromised and ideological. That is the current state of the humanities and social sciences. Academia has become extremely ideological.

    • @sibanought
      @sibanought 11 месяцев назад +4

      @silvertube52 Very well said, true, and important at this time.

    • @CynicalBastard
      @CynicalBastard 11 месяцев назад

      *Greater truth than facts*
      Reality can be absurd.

  • @malinseneth1609
    @malinseneth1609 11 месяцев назад +3

    Valuble conversation.
    Thank you.

  • @beefandbarley
    @beefandbarley 11 месяцев назад +4

    Thank you for the wonderful conversation.

    • @normanthrelfall2646
      @normanthrelfall2646 10 месяцев назад

      A Theory in Crisis, there is no better way to put it today. There are no transitional forms in the so- called fossil record and the ones that are sited are dubious to say the least, because they do not manifest soft tissue changes: like a dinosaur to a bird as presumed by evolutionists. Where are the millions of intermediate fossils demonstrating evolution? All along the religious chain of events, from life forms in the sea to modern man is pure fantasy and imagination by those who seek to keep a divine foot out of the door when it comes to the origin of life. Jesus said they that are whole need not a physician but those that are sick, go and learn what this means I desire mercy and not sacrifice. My contention is that those who promote this evolutionary ideology despite all the evidence against it are sick and are not worthy to be called scientists, because science is the pursuit of truth ultimately and where ever it leads true scientists follow. Many in the various fields of science associated with Neo-Darwinian will not speak out and change course, because they know their careers will suffer at the hands of their peers. Many true scientists have become creationists because of the insurmountable evidence; they were left with no alternative choice because of the continual narrative, which is spear-head by people like Richard Dawkins.
      Here is a term they have invented: “genetic drift” in relation to the speculation of macro-evolution, which the fossil record does not support. All we see is micro-evolution a smart term for kinds within species. There are three limitations that cancel out Neo-Darwinism these are: the origin of DNA and RNA, irreducible complexity within the single cell and the “none existence” of innumerable transitional fossils. With this evidence there should have been a paradigm shift away from evolution several years ago. Life does not emerge from non-living matter and the idea of mutations; they only corrupt already existing information within the genome. There is a degrading taking place every generation; no new information is ever added to the genome by the invented process of natural selection. Nothing is changing and therefore evolving into new species.
      HMS Beagle has now become a modern day shipwreck relative to evolution. The evidential cargo has blown up in Darwin’s face. This is not widely known but Darwin hated the Biblical account of Creation, the fall, the flood and redemption through Jesus Christ. He stated and I quote: He called the gospel of Jesus Christ a “damnable heresy!” He was at war with God before he set sail on HMS beagle around the world as a naturalist between 1831-1836. The Galapagos isles turned out to be of special interest to him relative to his theory of evolution. He was determined to fly in the face of God and invent an alternative to Biblical Creation. He spent a life time formulating a theory which would eventually blow up in his face. Darwin enjoyed the term “survival of the fittest” which is closely allied with “lawlessness” but Jesus said concerning his loving commandments to mankind “Let him who hath ears to hear, let him hear! Jesus was quite clear, that every man shall be judged for every idle word spoken! By your words you will be justified and by your words condemned. Jesus in his ministry taught people and nations to love each other and to work together for the common good of mankind. He knew the nations of the world would reject him and the gospel message of peace with God., That nations would arise against nation and kingdoms against kingdoms that there would be desolation's right up to the end of this present day and age, culminating in the rise of the Anti-Christ who will deceive Israel and the nations of the world, leading them eventually down the road to the battle of Armageddon. This battle will prompt the return of our Lord Jesus in glory to stop man destroying himself through selfishness and greed. His feet will touch the Mount of Olives and then he will hold man accountable for his actions. I am glad I have made peace with God through is Son.

  • @maxcool123456789
    @maxcool123456789 10 месяцев назад +2

    God damn, I'm glad I found this talk and channel.
    My curiosity and interest of modern society expressed here between reputations gives me hope that we will get through nonsense eventually.
    Thank you for doing this.

  • @KurtVanBever
    @KurtVanBever 11 месяцев назад +1

    Review and commentary:
    It is always a delight to listen to two bright minds having a conversation in search of truth and reason. The difference between their opinions consists mostly of nuances and semantic mix-ups. It is refreshing to see that when such an occasional difference presents itself, they are able to find some common ground, agree to disagree on the subtleties and move on to a conclusion that satisfies both parties.
    It goes without saying that in light of a conversation like this, it would be counter productive to delve too deep into every subject as that might have unintended consequences:
    1. it could polarize the public into two opposing categories instead of provoking a healthy discussion.
    2. either the discussion would become unbearably long or there would be no diversity of subjects, which might make a substantial part of the audience lose their interest.
    So as I have some free time on my hands, allow me to be be provoked into sharing some of my opinions that came to mind as I was watching the video.

  • @ivanbeshkov1718
    @ivanbeshkov1718 3 месяца назад +1

    There are two kinds of people, those about whom we learn, and those from whom we learn, like these gentlemen.

  • @maboleth
    @maboleth 11 месяцев назад +9

    Well I'm kind of speechless how much damage has already affected prestigious universities by woke and canceling culture. It's like we have learned nothing from the long gone Communist era, as you rightfully said. People often joke about North Korea, but they don't see that the same repression principle IS being used now, just at different scale, topics and level. But that scares me so much because our children are learning by those principles and are being hit by it. I truly admire the work of Mr. Dawkins and his likes and hope the science and critical thinking will prevail.

    • @robinhood20253
      @robinhood20253 11 месяцев назад +2

      So what damage has the " woke" community done to college causes? Please give me something specific if you can. The most common definition of woke within the community is open to the suffering of others and the ability to empathize with that suffering. So exactly how is that a principle that resembles North Korea?

    • @robinhood20253
      @robinhood20253 11 месяцев назад

      I see the damage being done by the right. They are changing the teaching of history , they fight against science and want to replace it with religion. They are restricting free speech and freedom expression . Seems to me the right didn't learn enough about Nazi Germany.

    • @robinhood20253
      @robinhood20253 11 месяцев назад

      i dont know lol I do want to know about this imaginary damageis

    • @robinhood20253
      @robinhood20253 11 месяцев назад

      so ron desantis policies are going to help that

    • @danielpaulson8838
      @danielpaulson8838 Месяц назад

      @@maboleth Americans problem is religion. Specifically the right wing flavor of Christianity that is used to circumvent being a good and decent human being.

  • @musicauthority674
    @musicauthority674 11 месяцев назад +3

    Professor Dawkins is absolutely brilliant. and he's in his eighties and still doing well.
    and Lawrence Krause is also brilliant. and he has an impressive future in science.
    and even though professor Dawkins is a biologist. and Lawrence Krause is a physicist. Richard Dawkins having the opportunity to interview Lawrence Krause. is sort of similar to a symbolic passing of the baton. from one great scientist to another great scientist. and because they have worked together for many years. it makes this an even greater interview.

  • @nigh7swimming
    @nigh7swimming 11 месяцев назад +38

    Krauss has so much going on is his thoughts, he could talk for hours and I'd never got bored. Both are fantastic communicators for science.

  • @Summa-Bona
    @Summa-Bona 11 месяцев назад +3

    We need more of this

  • @lesbrown8099
    @lesbrown8099 11 месяцев назад +3

    Excellent , educational discussion... thank you...

  • @g.m.5448
    @g.m.5448 9 месяцев назад

    Such a beacon of sanity in a growingly insane environment. Makes me not losing all hope. Thank you!

  • @malinseneth1609
    @malinseneth1609 11 месяцев назад +2

    Wonderfull convert.. Thank you guys...

  • @richardchapman1592
    @richardchapman1592 Месяц назад

    This chat reminds me what compromises it takes to be a middleman in the pyramid of knowledge game. Can only wish you luck as you get challenged from beneath and above whilst endeavouring to progress forward in understanding.

  • @Claudi333
    @Claudi333 11 месяцев назад +6

    These guys make cathedrals shake!

  • @rd40082
    @rd40082 10 месяцев назад +1

    A lot to learn with two men with a lot of knowledge

  • @raymondlancaster3355
    @raymondlancaster3355 10 месяцев назад +5

    A lot of the academics who are now against this insane wokeness supported it early on. Scary they could not see the danger earlier. The worst offenders are the history professors who should have been in the vanguard opposing this now accepted practice of judging people in the past by current moral standards. It is these professors who claim to have studied the past that should be providing the context. The academics are supposed to be the smart guys. They have shown themselves to be in some respects the greatest idiots of all. They certainly cannot be described as wise and their actions have thrown into question the whole of academia.

    • @Splozy
      @Splozy 10 месяцев назад

      Is there any pushback? As far as I was aware once it wormed its way into institutions, the dominoes fell and that was that.
      The only pushback I see is from people who can afford to lose their jobs or that have no real need to stay attached to academia.
      It seems to me we now have a horrid situation where public facing elements of society perpetuate this nonsense and elsewhere where reality rears its head, is simply ignored.

    • @sebolddaniel
      @sebolddaniel 10 месяцев назад

      There was much more gender bending from the thirties through the seventies than there is now. Young males would get lynched in the States for wearing those bum high Adidas runners we wore in the seventies or flower print bikini Speedos on swimming teams. They are now banned from most hotel pools, and high school boys swimming teams across the country are now required to wear knee length suits. The reason why you have a woke culture is because we have fallen asleep and walk around like conforming zombies..

    • @Backfromthestorm
      @Backfromthestorm 9 месяцев назад

      I was all for the militant atheists around the time of The God Delusion. Unfortunately I didn't realise and I don't think Krause, Dawkins, Harris etc thought much about the consequences of the vacuum that would be left. There are many extremely stupid and lost people in the world, taking away religion doesn't on its own make them less lost or stupid. Those people need a sense of belonging and they now find it in faux virtue signalling and far left wing politics.
      Just because religion may not be true to the real world doesn't make it any less useful, it got us this far after all.

    • @bunnyban5365
      @bunnyban5365 Месяц назад

      Because it feels cosy and nice to defend something you believe is righteous
      You know it’s bad when the woke left makes evangelical christians look good

  • @stephenbyrneireland
    @stephenbyrneireland 11 месяцев назад +2

    Everything about this is fooking glorious

  • @paolitamacia
    @paolitamacia 11 месяцев назад +2

    Good to see you both in conversation again! I always learn something new. Could you please give Neil a call, though. Worried about him, I think he has fallen prey to one of these parasitic/fundamentalist ideas😞 We need him back on the science team.

  • @kennyh6101
    @kennyh6101 11 месяцев назад +2

    I love listening to sane people….

  • @donsll
    @donsll 11 месяцев назад +2

    Universities is the place to discuss controversial ideas .
    Discussing your ideas with others is a good way to get to the truth.
    It is better that we talk about concepts rather than sometimes acting on your ideas and later finding out maybe that was a bad idea

  • @JohnScott-bb2pm
    @JohnScott-bb2pm 10 месяцев назад +1

    Just great love it 🤗

  • @justsome-guy7596
    @justsome-guy7596 11 месяцев назад +1

    Just noticed this recording is 42 minutes long. We miss you Douglas!

  • @wespeakforthetrees
    @wespeakforthetrees 10 месяцев назад

    I'm so glad Richard is still in the game!

  • @Andre_XX
    @Andre_XX 10 месяцев назад +1

    Oh boy, some of that stuff about being vetted for an academic post was absolutely terrifying and depressing.

  • @patrickbinford590
    @patrickbinford590 11 месяцев назад +2

    I admire the quest for truth. Without science truth is simply shallow, even with all its non-scientific beauty. So the quest to get people thinking and embracing science is all important, and that is self-evident, given the "given space" to allow enough inquiry and freedom to actually inquire. What I do not particularly admire is what ends up happening with human brings, with all the nastiness and drama, with all the narcissism exhibited in the name of the various declarations of truth.

  • @timlong4256
    @timlong4256 Месяц назад

    The universe is rational--- unlike many fanciful theories based more on hypotheticals rather 😊than physical evidence. This is an excellent discussion with many important observations about the true goals of scientific inquiry and truth.

  • @sadev101
    @sadev101 6 месяцев назад

    2 legends and giants in science

  • @LuisAldamiz
    @LuisAldamiz 10 месяцев назад +1

    Krauss is the best. 👍

  • @LepenskiVir
    @LepenskiVir 5 месяцев назад

    "The world is quantum mechanical yet the world around us is classical." At 3:51 and onward the discussion is fascinating!!

  • @utahjag
    @utahjag 4 месяца назад

    I could never presume to be as knowledgeable as Dr. Krauss but I have two points from this discussion. First, I have spent time with indigenous people in the SW and the older people WANT to be called 'Indians". That is what they have known their whole lives, perhaps that should be shown to the administrator in Canada. And, Second, I think in science and every other subject we should be teaching that being offended is not an argument; It means nothing. In my experience, a person being offended generally means they are ignorant of the subject.

  • @rlstine4982
    @rlstine4982 Месяц назад +1

    Don't worry Richard, We are backing up and ready to awaken counsciousnesses. We have a plan ready. And of course, no God, no religion involved. Let's meet again, as we are the energy of the universe.

  • @maximilianokoweindl8048
    @maximilianokoweindl8048 11 месяцев назад +2

    At the end of the day ,the extremes either right or left and the fractrure they create, are good for business ... keeps each side on their toes which makes things complicated for the rest of us who have to live in a world so polarize. Maybe in time we can get to the middle and have a better chance of surviving and enjoying this precious place in the stars. Keep up the good work Lawrence and Richard.

  • @Ichthyodactyl
    @Ichthyodactyl 11 месяцев назад +2

    Great conversation. I wish I had a better grasp on quantum physics.

  • @Osa49
    @Osa49 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you.

  • @bretnetherton9273
    @bretnetherton9273 10 месяцев назад

    Awareness is known by awareness alone; is the sole irreducible axiom of reality. To put forth a syllable to the contrary is but to concede.

  • @NondescriptMammal
    @NondescriptMammal 11 месяцев назад

    I am just glad to see a physicist say something sensible like "Reality Can Be Absurd" rather than such nonsense as "Reality Doesn't Exist!"

  • @elishmuel1976
    @elishmuel1976 11 месяцев назад +2

    1:34 not even a minute into the actual talk and Lawrence is spewing wisdom and insights I've never thought of. This is going to be a great talk!

    • @arthurwieczorek4894
      @arthurwieczorek4894 5 месяцев назад +1

      That point and a little beyond; Hawking's Model Dependent reality.

  • @arthurwieczorek4894
    @arthurwieczorek4894 8 месяцев назад

    To say reality can be absurd, is to say reality sometimes fails to be as we think it should be or how we expect it to be.

  • @Govstuff137
    @Govstuff137 2 месяца назад

    I'm still applauding..
    Thank you.
    Especially The end of the discussion about how new people are being vetted before entering universities. It is shameful and sounds cult like! 😮

  • @Keyboardje
    @Keyboardje 10 месяцев назад

    Finally, some logic about (fundamentalist) woke-ism I can understand and relate to.
    What a joy and relief to find this (it feels life-saving but is at least mind-saving) podcast! Subbed!

  • @nicholastaylor9398
    @nicholastaylor9398 10 месяцев назад

    "I didn't know it was as bad as that" Ditto.

  • @prokopiomalibago4365
    @prokopiomalibago4365 10 месяцев назад


  • @jim01q
    @jim01q 10 месяцев назад

    Cool trainers, Lawrence, really suit you........

  • @buddyhell7100
    @buddyhell7100 10 месяцев назад

    We are living a quantum life. When you make any decision, just like the the wave function, every other possible decision collapses.

  • @mehdibaghbadran3182
    @mehdibaghbadran3182 11 месяцев назад

    Thanks 🙏

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 10 месяцев назад

    You two are basically my friends by now.

  • @perryedwards4746
    @perryedwards4746 10 месяцев назад

    Hear Hear!! Lawrence, what you were saying about wokeism is very very very important.. And should be taken very seriously..

  • @rushchax
    @rushchax 11 месяцев назад +2

    My Lennon & Mccartney here

  • @crowesarethebest
    @crowesarethebest 11 месяцев назад +2

    Great discussion but too short. Glad I subscribed.

  • @pdr.
    @pdr. 11 месяцев назад +3

    Only 7 minutes in and I'm already loving Krauss's way of thinking. Physicists do sometimes come up with analogies for laymen but somewhere along the line it always seems to get forgotten that these are just tenuous analogies and also somewhere along the line somehow end up getting taught as good ways of thinking for undergraduates. Instead undergraduates should be taught to test mathematical models against empirical results and that's all.

    • @conspiracy1914
      @conspiracy1914 11 месяцев назад

      or make mathematical models based of real observation and physics

  • @firedome8
    @firedome8 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you for sharing.

  • @NancySherer-t9v
    @NancySherer-t9v 9 месяцев назад


  • @MikkoRantalainen
    @MikkoRantalainen 10 месяцев назад

    24:29 I think this is the most important part of this discussion: nothing is sacred, there's nothing that cannot be questioned.
    I think this is the ultimate basis of science, and the ultimate reason why any religion with sacred writings or holy rituals are problematic.

  • @TooshanSrivastava
    @TooshanSrivastava 11 месяцев назад

    40:27, what an profound ask; thank you 🤩

  • @mattgordon9179
    @mattgordon9179 9 месяцев назад

    Mr Dawkins it seems your Camera focus and audio wants to be in super position ......slightly out of focus and scratchy audio at the same time. I suggest you could possibly ask a classical Camera and Audio person to come in and tighten things up on the wave front so its a better experience for your viewers. Same goes for your Introduction.
    Love your work
    Best for 2024

  • @chazmena
    @chazmena 2 месяца назад

    Another great talk you've shared, much appreciated. I'm confused about your foundation and CFI. Has your RD Foundation for Reason & Science subsumed CFI? I was very active with CFI when I lived in New York City. Wondering where to donate/contribute: your foundation or CFI. Thank you.

    @SUPREME-SCIENCE 11 месяцев назад +1


    • @TBOTSS
      @TBOTSS 11 месяцев назад

      Both of whom bowed to William Lane Craig.

    • @conspiracy1914
      @conspiracy1914 11 месяцев назад

      so its a religion now?

    • @Andre_XX
      @Andre_XX 10 месяцев назад

      You are all using the products of science without too much complaint.

  • @bobbart4198
    @bobbart4198 10 месяцев назад

    ... Imagine sitting at the table with these to in a noisy bar and trying to grasp ANYTHING at all ... to me, at least, Dawkins's world of in-depth Genetics is every bit as mysterious as the world of atoms and quarks so familiar to Krauss ! ...😵‍💫

  • @bikebudha01
    @bikebudha01 11 месяцев назад

    I really enjoyed watch the smoke billow out of Dawkings ears for 42+ minutes... (Makes me feel better about the amount of smoke coming out of my ears...)

  • @KD0CAC
    @KD0CAC 11 месяцев назад +3

    Seems that a lot has been edited out --- ???

  • @welshgruff
    @welshgruff 11 месяцев назад +2

    I spent a while wondering why Mr Kraus would write a book called Adam.😊

  • @lovetownsend
    @lovetownsend 9 месяцев назад

    Is there a list, like some website, that shows everything we DON'T know? That's be interesting. Like some wiki that's unsolved physics matters or philosophical stumping questions

  • @captainzappbrannagan
    @captainzappbrannagan 11 месяцев назад +2

    I'm glad Lawrence mentioned that woke and social justice is not a bad thing. It is only when it becomes evangalized and turns into cancel culture and does not follow science. You had a great shot here to reach Richard though with seperation of sex and gender. Trans people don't claim they are a different biological sex!!! They just completely identify different to their genetics which both can agree does not go against nature or biology (lots of gay sex in animals even shows biology of thinking, is not rigid cognitively but follows spectrums).

    • @andreasrumpf9012
      @andreasrumpf9012 11 месяцев назад

      It is entirely a bad thing because the criteria are arbitrary crap and only invite group think and misery. For example, tall men have it easier than small men to reach positions of power. Should there now be laws that actively promote small men? ("On equal qualification, we prefer to hire small men.") No, of course not, because we shouldn't think about men at all. Because sex is a criterion to focus on and height is not. Why? Because neo-marxists said so.

    • @kimchristensen2175
      @kimchristensen2175 10 месяцев назад

      I don't think people have a problem with you believing something about yourself. People have a problem when you try to force them to believe it too when they can see no evidence of your claim.

    • @captainzappbrannagan
      @captainzappbrannagan 10 месяцев назад

      For me to accept your sexual identity preference should I force you to back it up with evidence? No. C'mon that's nuts. Just accept how people identify. Your brain is not your gonads.

    • @kimchristensen2175
      @kimchristensen2175 10 месяцев назад

      @@captainzappbrannaganif you are clearly a dude I'm not going to "play pretend" with you and act like you are a woman. I have no need to see your genitals to determine this.
      Same as no one is going to accept me as white when I'm clearly a black man.

    • @Splozy
      @Splozy 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@captainzappbrannaganIt is self evident.
      For example I am an outwardly effeminate male. I have no desire to "identify" as anything other than male.
      Very rarely people will assume I am gay which is completely normal and doesn't offend me.
      I shudder to think if I was born ten years later and had identity politics forced upon me as an adolescent.

  • @agbinfo
    @agbinfo 4 месяца назад

    Any link to a news article about teacher being fired for saying "Indian Act."
    I find that very hard to believe.
    I did a quick search and couldn't find anything.

  • @timelessone23
    @timelessone23 10 месяцев назад

    Everyone here hopefully realises that there is no way around idols. We choose them intuitively and sometimes consciously, because we resonate with what they say and do. We love science when we benefit from it, but hate it in the wrong hands. So ethics supercedes pure materialism. That naturally leads to discussions about ideals and the nature of reality, truth and beauty, just as all other religious people do. It is just that we deny God, because how we think about God somehow feels different from how we want life to be. I like these meetings of minds, though, because we are in final analysis all human. So let love be one thing that unites us.

  • @javadhashtroudian5740
    @javadhashtroudian5740 10 месяцев назад

    I'm very woke but libertarian woke. I support everyone's right to be wrong so longvas they mind their own business. You don't want to read 1984 your right, but when you want to remove books from the library we have a fight.

  • @christophergame7977
    @christophergame7977 10 месяцев назад

    Some physicists love to insist on the incomprehensibility of quantum mechanics. It is true that there are many presently incomprehensible features of subatomic objects/processes, but quantum mechanics is not a feature of subatomic objects/processes. Quantum mechanics is a theory for describing the features of subatomic objects/processes. Quantum mechanics as such is comprehensible.

  • @weareallanimals
    @weareallanimals 10 месяцев назад +1

    Where would we be without curious people?

  • @dalelerette206
    @dalelerette206 3 месяца назад

    There is a nuanded truth of the human soul which exists along the sacramental reality of seven lagrage points. We Cathokics caĺl them The Seven Sacramets. Your religion may call them somethimg else. But they deeply reflect our Seven Sscraments. ❤

  • @BodyEchoProductions
    @BodyEchoProductions Месяц назад

    there should have more specific case information given when reference to being fired over discussing The Indian Act without detail. It devalues every thing else said to being tainted with possible hyperbole

  • @uncoiledfish2561
    @uncoiledfish2561 11 месяцев назад

    Omg!! This should get good!

  • @natokafa5238
    @natokafa5238 11 месяцев назад +2

    Dawkins should be knighted

    • @qarl8176
      @qarl8176 11 месяцев назад

      Agreed, Dawkins does seem to share a similar level of self-awareness with other royals. A knighthood would be fitting in that context.

  • @GeoffV-k1h
    @GeoffV-k1h 3 месяца назад

    LK says there is no collapse of the wave function. So why do so many physicists talk about it?

  • @yoshtg
    @yoshtg 11 месяцев назад +1

    at this point i can't tell the difference between a theoretical physicist and a philosopher anymore, and that should be a concern to all theoretical physicists

    • @conspiracy1914
      @conspiracy1914 11 месяцев назад

      to all people not just physicists

  • @johns.7297
    @johns.7297 11 месяцев назад +1

    All are capable of motivated reasoning. Not all are capable of critical reasoning. University administrators need to show their DEI credentials to get promotions.

  • @Jeff-z3l3q
    @Jeff-z3l3q 10 месяцев назад

    This seems to be what is happening in India now, which has stopped teaching both the Periodic Table and Evolution from science textbooks! It's absolutely frightening and no convincing arguments in favor of this have been made as far as I know.

  • @MarkTommasvil
    @MarkTommasvil 6 месяцев назад

    good video

  • @Constantinesis
    @Constantinesis 9 месяцев назад

    @21:30 " Due to expansion, the universe has lost part of its energy" Doesn`t that defy the 1st law of thermondynamics about energy conservation?

  • @normanthrelfall2646
    @normanthrelfall2646 8 месяцев назад

    The Miracle of the Atom
    The Laws of physics that exist are due to the activity within the atom, which is finely tuned in order for us to exist and as we know atoms are required for life. The main energy level occupied by an electron during orbit is dictated by its fixed distance from the nucleus of the atom. This is relative to electron and proton attraction. There are constants within the atom, like the size of the electric charge of the electron and the ratio of the masses of the protons relative to each other. All orbitals that have the same value “N” being the main energy level relates to the quantum number and are said to share the same shell level. Protons are subatomic particles which are charged in relation to the nucleus, electrons are attracted towards them because they have opposite electrical charges; this fine tuning keeps them in orbit around the nucleus making the development of life possible as we know it. The atom is a miracle of design not an accident waiting to happen. Everything is made up of atoms which are finely tuned for the building blocks of life and also they create the environment necessary for the existence of life. The conditions on our own earth in particular are finely tuned being described as biophilic in which life as we know it can flourish.
    If any of the fundamental constants like the speed of light or the strength of gravity were to change just a little, then life as we know it would cease to exist. This realization has led some physicists to argue that our universe is intelligently designed, made especially for us, no accident waiting to happen. We live in a finely tuned universe perfectly primed in order to support life.
    There is irreducible complexity within the atom never mine the cell as atoms make up cells and are responsible for life as we know it. Atoms are unique and their atomic number dictates what substance or chemical property they have. Carbon for instance has an atomic number of 6 positively charged protons in the nucleus. Atoms are essential building blocks of life, for example the body contains fat which is made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Carbon atoms because of their unique make-up also bond strongly to other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen because they have branches or rings of various sizes that contain thousands of atoms, carbon is quite accommodating with other substances. These have unique atomic numbers that make life possible. Atoms suffer from irreducible complexity because all the electrons, protons and neutrons must be present at the same time in a particular number and order, for the atom to function as a designated substance. This knowledge dispenses with the idea of mutations and natural selection relating to chemical interactions. Life on the earth is based on carbon chemistry. Carbon is used in organic matter such as our bodies for instance in order to maintain life. They silently carry out important chemical reactions within our bodies and they are essential to life on the earth. Carbon atoms make up the sun, stars, comets and the atmosphere of most planets. Carbon is found in coal, oil, diamonds and natural gas deposits. The atom is clearly designed and many physicists now recognise this, but they won’t use the word God or Creator, they would sooner believe aliens were responsible, but the question is then begged who made the aliens?
    The term atom really means invisible unit or uncuttable, and for a long time it was thought that the atom could not be split, but when they did, it produced the atomic bomb. An infinite intelligence made the various atoms which are so small and are measured as being one tenth of a billionth of a metre across. They are so small that they cannot be seen under a powerful microscope. We are led to believe that all our sophisticated atoms are derived from an invented primordial complex soup of chemicals which then produced the first living cells. Remember each atom is unique due to its composition and arrangement of subatomic particles relative to the number of protons in the nucleus. This is no accident waiting to happen! A primordial soup is purely fictitious and based on fantasy and imagination because men do not want to retain God in their knowledge.
    Jesus did not lie to us concerning him being the Son of God and the Saviour of the world. He said that men shall give an account for every idle word spoken, except they repent of their sins!