Bible Study: Dragons in Genesis 1 and Their Connection to Creation

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

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  • @robinjarmon1382
    @robinjarmon1382 7 месяцев назад +4

    This was awesome. Thank you for the information 🙂

  • @Mitch-gc4mg
    @Mitch-gc4mg 8 месяцев назад +2

    WOW!! Brilliant as always but this was particularly moving. You are truly filled with the Holy Spirit. Excited to watch your career!

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  8 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you, that means a lot! I appreciate the encouragement. I have really enjoyed researching and making videos so far!

  • @Artryom
    @Artryom 9 месяцев назад +1

    This video is absolutely genius and the presentation was amazing. Many Skeptics love using the plagiarism cop out to keep denying or criticizing, definitely gonna suggest this video to any after this.👏

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  9 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you! I hope the video is helpful! I love Genesis, it's a complicated book but I think if people stick with investigating it long enough, many things start to make sense

  • @alexkingmaybecrazy7904
    @alexkingmaybecrazy7904 3 месяца назад

    I love how they just now preaching things I've been preaching all my life 😂fruits of my labor 🙌

  • @MinisterHolness
    @MinisterHolness 3 месяца назад

    This is so refreshing. You are really strenghtening a lot of faith. God bless you.

  • @davidgustafson-td6ru
    @davidgustafson-td6ru 5 месяцев назад

    Nice presentation. Thank you

  • @moneka33_
    @moneka33_ 3 месяца назад +1

    i love this channel

  • @endlessnameless7004
    @endlessnameless7004 Год назад +2

    This was absolutely fascinating. Thank you for this video. I need to see it.
    I noticed the image of tiamat had seven heads. Revelation uses this imagery of a seven-headed dragon rising from the sea. And in Revelation 17:8-11, it seems that the tiamat myth is being spliced together with the Roman myth of seven kings.
    Revelation also seems to associate the seven-headed dragon with the abyss, Satan, and Abaddon, which entangles the dragon with the nephilim and Noah's flood.
    There's just so much going on in those passages. Kinda makes your head spin.

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  Год назад +1

      Thank you! It was one of my favorite topics to study, but it was difficult to figure out too. I think you are right about the connection between the chaos dragons like Tiamat and the beast in Revelation, I think I heard Michael Heiser teach on that in his Revelation series. I'm going to have to revisit that connection, can't remember exactly what he said. What's the Roman myth of 7 Kings?

    • @endlessnameless7004
      @endlessnameless7004 Год назад

      @@breweryministries The myth of seven kings had to do with Rome's foundation as a city-state in the midst of the seven hills of Rome. It could be historically true, but it's likely at least partially embellished.видео.html

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  Год назад +1

      Very interesting! I thought at first it might be related to the Apkallu myth of 7 sages (Mesopotamia) but it doesn't seem connected. Other than the # 7.

  • @lindaloo206
    @lindaloo206 8 месяцев назад

    You quote a lot from the Hebrews books. The part you you quoted, In Genesis 1:2 "the earth was void and without form" should be read the earth BECAME without form and void;

  • @mariodelarosa5722
    @mariodelarosa5722 9 месяцев назад

    This subject matter IS new to me, however, I can see this point of view.

  • @nelsonherrera3166
    @nelsonherrera3166 3 месяца назад +2

    I want to find out all the secrets God has hidden in the Bible.

    • @cac1504
      @cac1504 3 месяца назад

      Bible is written by human beings.
      Only believe in 10 commandments.

    • @ambergudnason4903
      @ambergudnason4903 3 месяца назад

      Same here!

    • @thewerewizard6721
      @thewerewizard6721 2 месяца назад

      Remember the story of Noah and his son who looked upon his nakedness, there are some truths ment only for God know and understand

  • @inpursuitofgoodness4205
    @inpursuitofgoodness4205 Год назад

    What a Brilliant treatment bro!!!

  • @RatdogDRB
    @RatdogDRB 7 месяцев назад +1

    God bless you brother. After viewing a few of your videos I've subscribed. I appreciate that you provoke thought. I agree that the author (I believe was Moses), inspired by the Holy Spirit was indeed able to pen the answer to many cultures' questions/beliefs in a manner to proclaim that God (Elohim) is in fact The Creator, even of the god of their religion(s). Serpent/Dragon worship seems to be at the root of so many of them.
    John 1:1 proclaims Jesus as being "The Word", and being God, and already in existence IN the beginning. And that Jesus was integral and working in concert with The Father and the Holy Spirit.
    Genesis 1:1 tells us that In the beginning God (Elohim=masculine, in the plural?) created the heaven and the earth.
    Luke 10:18 is Jesus telling us that He beheld Satan, as lightning, fall from heaven. Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels, that's probably a fair amount of mass, travelling at the speed of light? Impacting the earth? Was this the cataclysmic event that killed off the dinosaurs? Is this what moved the earth off its axis to create the difference between True North and Magnetic North? Was this event that which destroyed ancient cities? Something else of which I ponder. Did God create the dinosaurs, or were they an experiment of Lucifer's pre-fall attempts at refining his creative attributes? Did he manipulate what God had created and alter it into something God did not ordain and is that why they all became extinct, en mass? I hope to ask Jesus that one day.
    Reference Isaiah 14:9-21. Specifically vs. 12 "How are thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Nations? What nations? And in vs. 18 "All the kings of the nations, even all of them,..." . Kings? Nations? Humanity had not yet been created.
    Ezekiel 28:13-19 relates to us the description of Lucifer prior to his fall and when he fell. In vs. 16 "By the multitude of thy merchandise...". Merchandise? Commerce? In vs. 17 "... I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee." Verses 18 and 19 allude to more clues: "traffick" (again, commerce? Goings to/from places?) "... and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all of them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee:..." What "people" on the earth? All prior to Gensis 1:2 is what I am reading here.
    Job 38 relates to us God's setting straight Job, giving some hints as to the time of creation. vs. 7 "When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" Lucifer was called the son of the morning, the sons of God shouting for joy... angelic beings witnessing God's handiwork with the initial creation.
    Genesis 1:2 "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep." I believe "was" could be read as "became" and is tohuw va bohuw (chaos/void). Was all that was created destroyed by a flood? Ancient cities/kingdoms belonging to beings? Was this a place where Lucifer had conducted commerce with other angelic beings? Was there a great period of "time as we understand it" between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2? Does this reconcile old earth with creation?
    Then we have the Spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters, and God said "let there be light". Did God simply proclaim His presence? (I am). God IS light and in Him is no darkness at all. Did God actually "create" something on day 1 of the re-creation? Or did His presence bring light? Read closely what is written in Genesis 1. Everything was already there, it simply needed to be reorganized and renewed. The waters needed to be divided, the waters needed to be moved and set in order according to His will. The dry land was caused to appear when the waters were moved. Then He commanded the earth to bring forth. The seed was already there, it had been there before the chaos. Things needed to be restored and brought back into order.
    Move ahead to the flood of Noah, when the Nephilim were killed. The terror of drowning. Are the demons fearful of water? The fallen angels had to adapt to water between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Have you noticed that some UFOs are seen going into the water and coming out of the water? Has Leviathan's realm on earth become their base of operations? Nephilim were half human, the terror of drowning must have been horrific. But, that seems to be where they go by default. When Jesus encountered "Legion", and gave them permission to take possession of the swine, where did they go? Into the water. Why did The LORD choose full immersion water baptism? Was it to send that sinful nature back into the depths? Why do some religious entities sprinkle? Is there something more to that, rather than full immersion? Jesus walked ON the water, He remained above the realm of the fallen ones, they were beneath His feet.
    Blessed be the name of the Lord!

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you! Fascinating questions! I love Genesis 1, there's soooo much there to explore. I'm very curious about the story where Jesus sent the demons into the pigs too. It's so interesting that even though they asked to be sent into the pigs, they end up in the sea anyways. I've been thinking about diving into that passage in a video sometime. Great thoughts!

  • @blaze1148
    @blaze1148 3 месяца назад

    ....there is reference to early peoples as "Cain began to build a city where he had settled in the land called Nod.".....there must have been people to inhabit this city - who were these people ?

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  Месяц назад

      That is a big mystery! Some even think there may have been people outside of Eden. I don't know the answer but I am very curious about it

  • @roxannegray5990
    @roxannegray5990 Месяц назад

    Don't forget that there is an Enemy who seeks to dilute the Truth.

  • @thewerewizard6721
    @thewerewizard6721 2 месяца назад

    Its like the old saying" a lie has spread around the world before the truth could get out rhe the door" the other cultures would tell their story, and it would spread throughout, then the author of Genesis would come to correct the false ideas, and shine the truth to Yahweh

  • @davidaulds7031
    @davidaulds7031 3 месяца назад

    The Deep is translated THE VOID! Dark, and without form.

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  3 месяца назад +1

      You have to watch to the end of the video if you already know Hebrew, because I will explain why it was ultimately translated the way it was, and where the modern connection to Tiamat comes from

  • @alexkingmaybecrazy7904
    @alexkingmaybecrazy7904 3 месяца назад

    Darkness didn't hover over the face of the deep it was the face of the deep light is evil not the darkness

  • @cac1504
    @cac1504 3 месяца назад

    Ever ask why there are dinosaurs skeletons but not dragon's skeleton?
    By logic, dragons are just myth.

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  3 месяца назад

      Sometimes I wonder if they used to call dinosaurs dragons, but then again I'm not sure, because I personally don't think dinosaurs existed alongside humans. So I'm not quite sure how they would come across a preserved fossil

  • @williamtuiketei7872
    @williamtuiketei7872 3 месяца назад

    So the Bible is like a gud versions of all the the other story
    Then who or which God is the real God that we need to worship ? i knw the anther is trying to bering people together or creating peace but isn't he/she is laying? is the rest of the story from genesis is it a lie? Like God created Adam 🤔 sorry I'm also a Christian but everytime i read the Bible staring from genesis made me think of other things ànd sometimes i questioning the Bible of how ,who, where, is it. Like i knw something is wrong the placeing, repetition it feels like Iam reading a story books about myths and legends so is the bible talks about different myths but in a good way or is the author trying to say is, there will be different myths or stories of the main story but believe this good vision of the main stories 🤔

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  3 месяца назад

      Hello! I understand your confusion, this subject can be quite difficult. It was hard for me to make sense out of it for years. I personally think there was one version of the story at one time, and it split off into multiple versions of the story when the people were scattered (after they tried to build the Tower of Babel). So I think the writer of Genesis 1-11 was trying to set the record straight and point people back to the original story. I hope that helps!

  • @kritanmita3124
    @kritanmita3124 6 месяцев назад

    The bible talks about dragons… So probably they lived on earth for some times… And some christian churches,try to hide it… Why they doing it,is a good question?

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  6 месяцев назад +1

      That is a good question. I'm not sure why there's not more talk about it. There is a great podcast series on dragons in the Bible by The Bible Project. I actually discovered it right after I filmed this video. It's really intriguing

    • @kritanmita3124
      @kritanmita3124 6 месяцев назад

      @@breweryministries I will take a look on that… 👍

  • @PeteFish-b1f
    @PeteFish-b1f 8 месяцев назад

    why Purdue ? if ur a Purdue man, lets switch up Notre Dame , Purdue Notre Dame top hat

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  8 месяцев назад +1

      Haha. I went to Purdue for a couple years. So I can't be a Notre Dame fan!

    • @PeteFish-b1f
      @PeteFish-b1f 8 месяцев назад

      @breweryministries but Notre Dame the high class , Purdue low class

  • @OzzybinOswald
    @OzzybinOswald 3 месяца назад
