PRELUDE: Why There Is NO 2nd Coming Of Jesus (as) In Islam- Mufti Abu Layth

  • Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025

Комментарии • 55

  • @umarsyed7538
    @umarsyed7538 6 лет назад +116

    'Scholars' will not speak about Jesus' return or Bukhari if it goes against the protocol of the "scholardom." They will not want to be excommunicated but Abu Layth seems not to care. Bravo!

  • @ahfauq
    @ahfauq 6 лет назад +67

    Dear AL, we all learn from the Qur'an: "No bearer of burden will bear the burden of another". You and I, and "they" - all of us will be watching our own backs on the DOJ. No one will be able to say "I did this because such and such imam toldme this or that". No excuse will work on that fateful Day! That's my "cup of tea argument" confronting those who call me "kaafir"! I just want to make sure that I stand close to the Book of Allah for my Lord's never-failing protection and I want to have my own understanding of Islam. I live and let live, and stay in peace.

  • @aminushehu4565
    @aminushehu4565 6 лет назад +109

    The grand khadi of Nigeria late sheikh Abubakar Gumi rejected the opinion of the second coming of Jesus.and enjoined his critics to invest energy in research

  • @ibnmamoo9698
    @ibnmamoo9698 6 лет назад +132

    His honesty and openness is really a breath of fresh air.

  • @tajnero936
    @tajnero936 6 лет назад +163

    I hope that all Muslims will one day look at the hadith stories with a critical mind, compare it to the Noble Qur'an, and then realize myth from truth. I am not saying all hadiths are fake, myths, etc. There is lots of myths there, though, and those myths are creating extremists among Muslims, they cause our sisters to be oppressed and result in abuse of minorities. I am not understanding why our people cannot see the fallacy of the many hadiths because they contradict the Qur'an. For example, camel's urine is mentioned to be healing in the hadiths. Yet, we know that urine is considered unclean bodily excrement according to the Qur'an because of which we must wash ourselves every time after urination. Also, thousands of dogs are mistreated around the globe because some Muslims believe satan disguises as a dog. Yet, they cannot explain why would Qur'an mention the Companions of the Cave and their dog sleeping together in the cave for many years. By the way, how do we rationally explain the Companions of the Cave story? Qur'an is saying that the companions and their dog were asleep. I take it to mean that they just lived in the cave for many years before it was safe for them to venture out. But I am not sure. I would love Mufti to talk about this one. Thank you!

  • @drcheekyisback
    @drcheekyisback 7 лет назад +62

    31:42 - it is clear the personal attacks and silly comments hurt your feelings. It is painful to observe at times, may Allah preserve your soft heart. Ameen.

  • @truehikma
    @truehikma 6 лет назад +24

    I have watched Sheik Asrars video and he has to bring about a contradiction to the Quran with his understanding that Jesus was raised up alive, when the Quran says it has none so any understanding that raises a contradiction should be changed.
    3:144 Remember that Muhammad is only a Messenger. The messengers before him have passed on. So, if he died or were slain, would you turn about on your heels? But anyone who turns about his heels, would not, in the least, harm God. And God will soon reward those who remain appreciative (for the Guidance).
    In the following and other verses, we are told the Messenger is only given the Message of the Quran as revelation and has no knowledge of the unseen unless it is revealed in the Quran, so this rules out any stories from the Messenger about Jesus that are not in the Quran, and as all the stories are in the hadith, then they are false:
    72:21 Say, "I do not own the power to harm you or enforce right guidance upon you."
    72:22 Say, "No one can shelter me from (the consequences of violating the laws of) God, nor can I find a hide-out from Him,
    72:23 If I fail to convey to people what I receive from God and make His messages known.” Whoever disobeys God and His Messenger; for him is Hellfire, to abide therein forever.
    72:24 Until they see what they are promised. And so, soon will they find out who is really helpless and counts for less!
    72:25 Say, "I do not know whether the promise made to you is near or if my Lord will delay it."
    72:26 Knower of the Unseen (and the future), and He makes known to none His secret,
    72:27 Except as He wills to a Messenger whom He has elected, and to him He reveals from the past and the future, and ensures that the revelation is guarded. [God Himself guards the Perfected Final revelation, hence no more Apostles will come. Al-Qur’an is now the Messenger for all times. 15:9]
    72:28 Thus He knows that the Messengers have delivered their Lord’s messages. For, He is the One Who encompasses all the revelation they have, and takes account of all things.
    It does not matter if they are mutawatar, multiple attested or there is ijm, consensus on this, consensus over falsehood does not make it true!
    Look at the corruption of the Quran based on the fairy tale stories of Jesus being alive:
    3:55 [God said:] "Jesus, I will take you back [mutawaffeeka] and raise you up [wa raafi`uka] to Me and purify you of those who are unbelievers. And I will place the people who follow you above those who are unbelievers until the Day of Resurrection..."
    “I will take you back” from where to where? Nowhere does the Quran state that Jesus is sitting on the right hand side of God or transported into another dimension where time does not exist so that he will return a young man after 2000 years (so far!) NOR does it say Jesus will return to earth. The Sheikh correctly said the Quran says on JUDGEMENT DAY Jesus will be a witness against them, so how can Jesus come prior to judgment day to judge people? If he shows them the error of their ways before Judgment day then this negates Judgement Day testimony.
    Wafa is always understood and as ‘causing to die’, death for everything except Jesus, why?
    16:70 It is Allah who creates you and takes your souls at death; and of you there are some who are sent back to a feeble age, so that they know nothing after having known (much): for Allah is All-Knowing, All-Powerful.
    The following is the correct understanding of the verse:
    3:55 “O Jesus! I will cause you to die of natural causes, I will exalt you in honour and I will clear you of the slander of the disbelievers. And I will cause those who truly follow you to dominate those who reject, until the Day of Resurrection. Eventually, all of you will return to Me. Then I will judge among you about that wherein you used to differ.” [Wafaat = Dying of natural causes. Rafa’ = Raising in honor]
    As for 4:157, the Sheik produces a straw man argument, a false understanding of this verse and it goes downhill after that:
    4:157 And for claiming, “We killed the Messiah Jesus son of Mary, God’s Messenger.” They never killed him and never crucified him. But it appeared so to them and the matter remained dubious to them. Those who hold conflicting views on this issue are but confused. They have no real knowledge and they are following mere conjecture. Most certainly, they never killed him.
    4:158 Nay, God exalted him in His Sight. (They had plotted thinking that crucifixion was a death of curse. But God raised him in honor. See 3:55). God is Almighty, Wise.
    The ‘bal’, nay is indeed putting what went on before with what comes after but the Sheik missed the point. The Bible says that any man who claims to be a messenger of Allah and is found to be an impostor should be put to death. They boasted that they had killed Jesus to show that he was an impostor, the whole Quran has them denying messenger after messenger. The Quran negates them putting him to death, they are liars, and says he died a natural death and was RAISED TO HONOUR, above their false accusations.
    ALLAH gave Jesus the honour the Jews deny.

  • @nuux1560
    @nuux1560 6 лет назад +32

    So how else are these verses understood?
    Q (43:61): And indeed, Jesus will be knowledge of *the Hour,* so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path.
    Q (4:159): And there is none from the People of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in Jesus before his death. And on the Day of *Resurrection* he will be against them a witness.

    • @Aesieda
      @Aesieda 6 лет назад +7
      Read these verses. The Qur'an completely destroys any argument that one has that Jesus is still alive and/or is coming back.

  • @Saracen786
    @Saracen786 7 лет назад +75

    This is one of the best episodes for those who have a critical mind and open heart.
    Jaziakallah khair Mufti

    • @blackmancool9983
      @blackmancool9983 6 лет назад +5

      Did Jesus die then?
      Peace be on the day I DIE................

    • @ImranKhan-un3xc
      @ImranKhan-un3xc 6 лет назад +10

      Peace be on me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I am resurrected. This is our belief about every human being: Birth, Death, Resurrection. I see no problem with this.

    • @321admin123
      @321admin123 6 лет назад +9

      Wow this is one of the most amazing videos- by Mufti- I have been looking for the critical mind ... and it is lacking in a world full of sheep

    • @jihadiqbal2407
      @jihadiqbal2407 6 лет назад +4

      Saracen thanks for bringing me here from your evening chat with Adnan in the park. I respect how you approach matters with an open mind and handle yourself in t he park when debating etc...
      Only 3 minuts in but enjoying Abu Layth very much.

  • @manofihsan8300
    @manofihsan8300 7 лет назад +69

    As salaamu alaikum, May Allah continue to bless Mufti Abu Layth. May Allah protect him and help our ummah understand the paradigm shift. He is doing great work and helping to put the reasoning of the Muslims back on line.

    • @tawheedhub3995
      @tawheedhub3995 6 лет назад +8

      QURAN 43.61.
      Surely he (Jesus, brought into the world without a father, and granted such miracles as reviving the dead,) is a means to knowledge of the Last Hour; so do not feel any doubt concerning it, and follow Me (to attain eternal happiness in the other life). This is a straight path.
      Can you please explain?

  • @ahfauq
    @ahfauq 6 лет назад +37

    Another great solo show from the mufti indeed. I fully agree with him. There are lots and lots of "imams" - both of the modern and the ancient variety - but there are very few "thinkers" and researchers in the Islamic world.
    Just as a footnote, I think believing in the 2nd coming of Jesus (a.s) actually amounts to disbelieving the Qur'an! Here's why: Let me ask a question to those who believes in the 2nd coming of Jesus: Can the Day of Judgment (DOJ) come today - or one year from now, or even forty years from now? The answer will most likely be YES. YES? How come? Today is not Friday, Mahdi hasn't appeared yet, Jesus hasn't appeared yet; he has to reappear first, then marry, then have children, then live for 40 years, then, finally, the Hour should come!!!
    Hsve to watch for the signs of the DOJ, you say. Well, the Qur'an says that the signs of the Hour have already appeared:
    Qur'an 47:18. Do they then only wait for the Hour,- that it should come on them of a sudden? But already have come tokens thereof.....".
    There are several other verses telling us that only Allah knows when the DOJ will happen, but also informing us that the Hour will happen when the people will not be expecting it --it will happen ALL OF A SUDDEN.
    The “Hour” will come upon suddenly. If it comes suddenly, then people will not be aware of it. They will be caught unawares. Same information of suddenness is found in many other ayahs-see for example: 26:202, 22:55, 47:18 etc. The verse 20:25 says further that “My design is keep it hidden…”.
    For the last 1430-some years, Allah has been saying “Its signs have already come”. That being the case, we must be ready for it all the time-not wait for any signs because they are already past. Now all that is left to happen is the Hour. We should stay tuned. Are we spreading lies to the world in the name of some “hadith” - the recorded hearsay?

    • @TheQuranExplainsItself
      @TheQuranExplainsItself 6 лет назад +6

      Abdul Fauq maa shaa Allah beautiful intelligence!
      Now I know I'm not alone lol

  • @mzaman352
    @mzaman352 7 лет назад +67

    Mufti sahab one of the best talks (prelude) I have heard in a long time
    May The Almighty increase you in knowledge and give you a long life
    You have definitely explained in a simple articulated manner .

  • @khanG-gq9hc
    @khanG-gq9hc 6 лет назад +65

    MAL u killed it with this talk! I defo changed my view after watching this. Allah bless u

  • @maliahmer
    @maliahmer 6 лет назад +53

    brother you are wasting your time go and check out sheikh imran hossein on the subject on youtube and don't be too quick to judge watch him patiently you'll get all your answers about the return of Jesus A S the different dimmensions and the hadiths and their rewritting some of the hadiths are fabricated and thats why people are confused on the issue but sheikh imran hossein has understood and covered this issue in his lectures so i will advise everyone here who wants the know the answers with logic not disneyland stories like most of our scholars have these days and Allah knows best

  • @mrtaz4340
    @mrtaz4340 6 лет назад +74

    This is a controversial topic and alot of salafi and wahabi mullahs are angry at you mufti.

  • @homeboysudaka5629
    @homeboysudaka5629 4 года назад +22

    May Allah protect you mufti .

  • @saifalrawii
    @saifalrawii 6 лет назад +35

    God bless you man. You are doing great. Saif from Iraq.

  • @Asif_Malik786
    @Asif_Malik786 6 лет назад +43

    Very nicely explained. I like his sense of humour . Might disagree with him but he has sum valid points .. He seems like a cool guy to hang with, whilst learning the deen..

  • @maliahmer
    @maliahmer 6 лет назад +38

    brother do check sheikh imran hossein on these issues he has a diffrent view from most of the scholars today

  • @adnankhan4143
    @adnankhan4143 6 лет назад +36

    Mashallah very well explained. Vdo like this was very much needed.

  • @blackmancool9983
    @blackmancool9983 6 лет назад +28

    Question from a sincere Christian.
    Please can you answer why in the Qur'an it says ISA proclaims "Peace on me the day I was born peace on me the DAY I DIE and the day I rise"
    Do you believe ISA died?

  • @khanG-gq9hc
    @khanG-gq9hc 6 лет назад +33

    Great analytic video by Mufti Abu Layth! We really ought to be grateful for having such Islamic british scholars!
    May Allah protect Mufti Layth, ameen

  • @abdullahmuhammad147
    @abdullahmuhammad147 6 лет назад +17

    Wasn't satisfied with the refutation given at 2:11:22 of Aayat of Qur'aan 4:159.
    The context of that paragraph is clearly mentioning Jesus (Eesa alaihis salaam)

  • @zohebalikhan7404
    @zohebalikhan7404 6 лет назад +27

    Thank you for pointing out the discrepancies of this belief. It's clearly Ummayad propaganda to legitmise their rule. Not to mention the fact that Allah commands the prophet Muhammad to say to the people that he doesn't know anything about the last hour (i.e. signs of judgement day).

  • @smk1189
    @smk1189 6 лет назад +12

    Respectfully you say the Gospel of Matthew does NOT accept the VIRGIN BIRTH. Please READ (Matthew 1:23) you will NOTICE Matthew's Gospel does accept the virgin birth.

  • @nassbouazzati4803
    @nassbouazzati4803 6 лет назад +44

    On another level. Tbarkellah.

  • @rellywolf6187
    @rellywolf6187 6 лет назад +25

    I had same questions after reading quran and the hadith given about jesus coming back doesnt matches quran all this believe has come from jews to christians and them to muslims.....

  • @aluminaterock660
    @aluminaterock660 6 лет назад +18

    Mufti Abu Layth al-Maliki : Your made a claim, so, Can you post the Quranic verse where it says Prophet Muhammad's journey to the heavens is just a vision and not physical...just for my curiosity

    • @ImranKhan-un3xc
      @ImranKhan-un3xc 6 лет назад +24

      Allah says in Surah Isra "(17:60) And recall when We said to you, (O Muhammad), that your Lord encompasses these people;70 and that We have made that vision that We have shown you,71 and the tree accursed in the Qur'an,72 but as a trial for people. We go about warning them, but each warning leads them to greater transgression.

  • @haroonhussein9770
    @haroonhussein9770 6 лет назад +17

    please explain the verse in the Quran where it says of Isa alihis salaam "Peace be on me the day i was born, the day i die and the day i will be raised up again. " in conjunction with, " they did not kill him nor did they crucify him but it was made to appear like that to them " Are we also o ignore the Ahadith on this subject matter which has been studied for over a thousand years.

  • @drcheekyisback
    @drcheekyisback 7 лет назад +10

    Salaam Alaykum wa RahmatAllahi wa Barakatuhu

  • @berkamp9832
    @berkamp9832 7 лет назад +45

    Mashallah very clear, critical and unbaise analysis

  • @fairooslebbe3000
    @fairooslebbe3000 3 года назад +3

    its very nice to play this at 1.5

  • @fairooslebbe3000
    @fairooslebbe3000 3 года назад +3

    very good discussion

  • @imratr3140
    @imratr3140 6 лет назад +8

    please give proof for taqleed is wajib for layman

  • @imratr3140
    @imratr3140 6 лет назад +11

    u r serious on this topic because u not drink coke ....u take at after 2nd hour but didnt drink

  • @dipachor
    @dipachor 6 лет назад +9

    Thanks brother

  • @bijosn
    @bijosn 6 лет назад +24

    This dude is hilarious.

  • @adamdaniel4700
    @adamdaniel4700 6 лет назад +19

    The Prophet DID go to the heavens physically !!

  • @ibnmamoo9698
    @ibnmamoo9698 6 лет назад +9


  • @groovemaster8632
    @groovemaster8632 6 лет назад +4

    ThE only problem I have is the fact that you call yourself a Mufti. AS A NORMAL BROTHER WHO HAPPENS TO A KNOWLEDGABLE MUSLIM YOUR COOL.

  • @flokader3157
    @flokader3157 7 лет назад +9
