Who are the Chaos Gods? | 40k Lore

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 71

  • @stewartthorpe2533
    @stewartthorpe2533 Год назад +64

    Technically, there is no malal in 40k. Malal is warhammer fantasy. There is Malice though that exists as a minor chaos god in 40k 😝

    • @kostuvu3156
      @kostuvu3156 Год назад +6

      There was malal and we can say is GW just changed his name since they got sued or something 😂

    • @ijustreview
      @ijustreview Год назад +3

      There’s also no Necoho. Just as Necoho likes it.

    • @SoulRuninFree
      @SoulRuninFree 7 месяцев назад +2

      Yeah I was about to say malice is the same god in all 3 continuities issue is that there is very few bits of info about him or his followers.

  • @GasolineBoots
    @GasolineBoots Год назад +48

    Just stumbled across your videos this morning, so im watching them all and liking and dropping a comment on each one so the gods of the algorithm with see interaction. Youre delivery of lore is excellent. Keep up the great work

  • @lplema1058
    @lplema1058 Год назад +4

    I know this is really old lore but the realms of chaos: the lost and the damned book goes into a little more depth on what nugle represents; presenting it almost as the natural instinct to live when faced with the inevitability of death.

    • @franconnorton7087
      @franconnorton7087 Год назад

      I would think that would be more Khornes area. The way I'd rank them is
      Khorne : Frustrated Anger, Desire to survive. Think a man screaming 'This is not fair'.
      Nurgle : Hopeless Despair, Just giving up. Think a man begging 'Just kill me, please'.
      Tzeentch : Desperate hope, looking for a change. Think a man plotting 'I'm just waiting for my chance'.
      Slaanesh : Wild abandonment, living for themselves. Think a man sneering 'I'm just looking out for myself from now on'.
      Imagine someone being oppressed by a tyrant. How they react determines which chaos they'll empower.

  • @little_isalina
    @little_isalina Год назад +4

    Daemon is just the british english spelling of Demon, its not some kind of special distinction that you need to be aware of. Its just GW writers being brits.

  • @kylerpetersen9197
    @kylerpetersen9197 Год назад

    isnt Khorn also the god of justice and equel?

  • @CrashCanuck537
    @CrashCanuck537 Год назад +30

    I'd say Tzeentch is also fuelled by hope. The reason for this is because whatever you hope for is a change from what currently is, hope for change.

    • @woomod2445
      @woomod2445 Год назад +7

      I'd say hope explains everything about tzeentch.
      Why do his plans go nowhere? Success means people stop hoping.
      Why are his blessings so random and the good ones to those doomed to fail? See above, a blessing makes people hope harder, but it's the people who keep trying because of failure that give tzeentch the most hope, and things like blessings show others "Well you COULD".

    • @sheakennedy-ordway1156
      @sheakennedy-ordway1156 10 дней назад

      It's implied the emperor stole the power of hope from Tzeentch. It's a very Nietzschean concept but effectively hope is prolonging the suffering of mankind against the heat death of the universe. The god of hope being a rotting corpse is pretty grimdark. Could Tzeentch have feigned defeat so he could plant a seed akin to Magnus' corruption on a larger scale? It's hardly a secret that his favorite is Alpharius, being done playing with Magnus. It feels in character for a god of tricks to shear off a part of his animus to control others, giving them just enough knowledge or power to get into trouble.

  • @Doombot221
    @Doombot221 Год назад +27

    In terms of strength power rankings, what I've read usually says that Khorne is the most consistently at the top with Tzeentch as a second and Slaanesh at the lowest tier in raw power. Nurgle waxes and wanes more drastically than the others, though typically remaining over Slaanesh. At his strongest tho, it seems like he wildly eclipses the lot of them for sure. Highly recommend the liberal chaotica as a resource if you haven't checked it out, even though it focuses a bit on the warhammer fantasy over 40k. The analysis and discussion of the chaos gods there is top tier

  • @TankCommanderWatchdog
    @TankCommanderWatchdog Год назад +8

    Chaos is my favorite aspect of the 40k lore simply because of how many facets to look at. Especially if you look through the lense that everything canon that we read about the warp and gods is imperium propaganda to keep the masses from worshipping something other than a shiny corpse that's is the battery of the galactic nightlight.
    Each god has two promary emotional aspects. One negative, one positive, that are influenced by bith your own feelings towards experiencing that particular emotion emotion, and how you are triggered knto feeling that emotion.
    Khorne: courage and wrath
    Courage on the battlefield, as well as courage to speak your mind, stand up against oppressors, and bring your comrades into a mew dawn with you. Wrath at injustice of authority figures, meaninglessness of death without meeting your foe in the eye, dishonorable conduct and being a coward.
    Nurgle: hope and despair
    Hope that your loved one or yourself will get through this trial, or recover from an illness and despair when neither happens and your life stagnates.
    Slaanesh: pride and obsession
    Pride from the artist finally realizing that they can great something well enough to call "good", obsession from trying to replicate that first feeling of accomplishment.
    Tzeentch: ambition and conceit
    Ambition to cause change and create a better existence for yourself or others, the desire to change yourself by learning and growing wiser, and conceit from believing your machiavellian Schemes are so good that you can't possibly be wrong, or thinking that simply because you read a book you know better on the subject than anyone.
    With understanding that each god has their own positive aspects, it's not difficult to see why so many people in the 40k universe "fall" to chaos. Many of them probably have the desire in their minds and hearts to improve their lot in life and simply live more fully than in the depressed, stale, meaningless lives the imperium sets for them.
    Similarly, each god has their own hated rival.
    Khorne hates slaanesh because he believes things should be kept rather simple and binary. Something is either just or not, and someone is either a coward or a hero. Where Slaanesh hates Khorne for that simplicity and believes there is more to be had out of existence and that experience is on a spectrum.
    Tzeentch hates Nurgle for always mucking up their plans and causing what would have been a huge crescendo in their plans turns out to be pointless and faulty when one aspect causes a hesitation or delay. Nurgle *strongly dislikes* (because the joyful grandfather can never truly hate anything) Tzeentch because he believes that life is what you make of the situations you find yourself in. Live in the present, because if you look to far into the future you miss out on what makes life grand.
    There is some contention that Khorne hates Tzeentch outright for the use of magic and sorcery but that's only because Khorne dislikes the use of fireball and other spells that put the user on an entirely different playing field. Khorne believes things should be as even as possible to truly show who is superior in a conflict. However, I believe that while Khorne dislikes the methods of Tzeentch's followers, he has a respect for the feathered god of change because he represents the evolution of someone going from total scrub who barely knows that the pointy end of a spear goes in the direction of a bad guy into someone who is leading whole armies through willpower, tactics, and charisma to have those followers.
    Khorne likes Nurgle as much as any of the gods can get along with each other because they both have the same philosophy of living moment to moment and worrying about results afterwards. Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, and Nurgle doesn't care what vector his diseases spread as long as they do.
    Tzeentch and Slaanesh get along as well as Khorne and Nurgle do because they took share a philosophy: that growing and discovering/ experiencing new things aids in becoming a more well-rounded being that can benefit many.
    Slaanesh and Nurgle are in the same weird spot as Khorne and Tzeentch because while they might see the followers of each other as uncouth or yucky, they can have a respect for each other for both seeking joy and sharing it with others and desiring a more harmonious and symbiotic existence with others.

    • @yatmoss6302
      @yatmoss6302 Год назад +4

      This was very in-depth and an interesting read.

    • @TankCommanderWatchdog
      @TankCommanderWatchdog Год назад +3

      @@yatmoss6302 thank you! I feel that a lot of people miss out on the subtlety of Chaos and only look at the models and art we have without going deeper than surface level.
      Nurgle's garden from the propaganda side of things sees it as a mockery of life and beauty where followers of nurgle revel in the harmony between the different species and marvel about the symbiosis of them and the environment.

    • @TankCommanderWatchdog
      @TankCommanderWatchdog Год назад +3

      Even the books we get are biased towards the imperial propaganda. The .ain series is called the Horus Heresy. Who's to say the stories within haven't been altered in some capacity? It's just a fun thought experiment

  • @32Loveless50
    @32Loveless50 Год назад +7

    50 Shades of Sigvald :D

  • @andreykuzmin4355
    @andreykuzmin4355 Год назад +5

    Courier Six: "What are the Chaos Gods?" Easy Pete: "Baaad trouble". Couruer Six: "..." Easy Pete: "Your welcome!"

  • @whitlocktherevanchist5236
    @whitlocktherevanchist5236 Год назад +13

    That first chaos marine in the red armor is exactly the chaos marine that I imagine looks in the mirror and thinks "I have made a massive mistake...". Like sure, he looks super scary and badass, and he's a space marine so being a badass is more important to him than it is me. But dude, you don't look like you were ever human anymore. And I think it's safe to assume to go from looking like a normal space marine to looking like that guy with the giant spiky fleshy spider leg looking things coming out the back of his head, that transition could not have been comfortable and pain free. You can't take your Armour off, and you're always angry. And there's no way that smell can be pleasant. I'm just saying I can't like chaos marines because I can't get out of my head how much it has to suck being one of them. Which is why I'm a loyalist fan. I'll keep my soul, thanks
    That said, I do find tzeentch fascinating. I would absolutely never wanna roll those dive, but I love the riddles of anything having to do with him

  • @havoc1134
    @havoc1134 Год назад +10

    When the dedicated Tzeentch vid comes, I DEMAND a full rundown of the Machiavellian plot one would undertake to steal someone’s boots (extra credit if you include the plot to steal the belt).

  • @sentane8031
    @sentane8031 Год назад +42

    Remember, Khorne may be the warp god of war, but the Horned Rat still fucked up Chaos Undivided and overthrew the God of Mankind, only stopped by magicks that reset the universe.

    • @bluebowser3347
      @bluebowser3347 Год назад +3

      Warhammer 40K doesn't have a horned rat?

    • @sentane8031
      @sentane8031 Год назад +6

      @@bluebowser3347 not yet at least. If he can singlehandedly get everyone to shit their pants so badly it resets the universe, he can bring his already modern ratkin to another universe with similar deities.

  • @hrmmm1525
    @hrmmm1525 Год назад +5

    But....what about Malal, IE Malice?! I may in fact be...a dork.

  • @spaghettimkay5795
    @spaghettimkay5795 Год назад +9

    You make some great content man.

  • @mrpopoison2532
    @mrpopoison2532 Год назад +11

    Come on mr boners, wuh about malal!?, Bit for real good stuff.
    For nurgle i feel something that empowers him as well is the dread someone feels while sick , and the prayers of people over a doomed person.
    As for Tzeench he can also bê intérpreted as a god of Hope oddly enough.

    • @tommyfox854
      @tommyfox854 Год назад

      Um, how hope? if you don't mind me askin why.
      Um, I usually chock up Tzeench as the god of curiosity sense as far as I've personally heard bout em, those who worships that thing tends to want more knowledge about something.

    • @mrpopoison2532
      @mrpopoison2532 Год назад +2

      @@tommyfox854 he is known as the changer of ways , the fact that things can change for both the good and worse , with change comes Hope .
      Alltough most of the time in 40k changes involving Tzeench tend to bê more for the worst of the Galaxy , its almost like he prays on the ambition and plans of those who try better things for themselves or others.

  • @lunaraxel8909
    @lunaraxel8909 13 часов назад

    Us Malice fans are the most forgotten and almost abused by gw and it sucks. His space marine cult Des exist and was in a few notable things the fall of caidia but never mentioned or expanded upon ever again.

  • @lepershing1902
    @lepershing1902 Год назад +1

    2:17 Whats a Tulpa? Hm, I feel like this is a question that will lead me into the depths of the internet, some poece of strange lore? Or is it separate from 40k? I guess I'll just have to find out.

    • @TheBoneZone40k
      @TheBoneZone40k  Год назад +3

      oh, a tulpa is a concept from Tebetan mythology, where basically if enough people believe in somethings existence enough it happens.
      Monsters from nightmares become real if you believe them to be real enough. type thing

  • @KnightofEkron
    @KnightofEkron Год назад +2

    I think of the warp almost like the plane of the mind itself such that all mental phenomena actually exists qua the warp.

  • @TebTengri
    @TebTengri Год назад +4

    So basically Khorne is trenbolone 👌

    • @TheBoneZone40k
      @TheBoneZone40k  Год назад +2

      with a side of D-Ball ye

    • @MagralhoPT
      @MagralhoPT Год назад +3

      No! Khorne is KHORNE!!!! Bloooooddd for the blood god!!!! Skulls for the skullthrone!!!!!!
      Waaaaghhhh!!!! Oh wait...

    • @GasolineBoots
      @GasolineBoots Год назад +3

      Ive only ever met one other person who knew what trenbalone was

  • @0Zero_
    @0Zero_ День назад

    Tzeentch is probably the most chaotic of the *chaos* gods, and I love it

  • @dylangrossenbacher7345
    @dylangrossenbacher7345 Год назад +3

    amazing work, love the tone, looking foreward to the next video

  • @disgruntledshota
    @disgruntledshota Год назад +1


  • @thundergoat421_6
    @thundergoat421_6 Год назад +1

    I lost my shit with your mini rant on painting Death Guard. God that's so relatable. Great vid.

  • @thedarkmasterthedarkmaster
    @thedarkmasterthedarkmaster 2 месяца назад

    Man I wish Malice/Malal was more of a thing

  • @respectfulevil9022
    @respectfulevil9022 Год назад

    "i love chaos as a concept" you mind running that by me again?

  • @hankvirus9305
    @hankvirus9305 Год назад +1

    Khorne also loves justice and hates torture

  • @AVGgrendelmain
    @AVGgrendelmain 10 месяцев назад

    I forget tzeentch exists most of the time honestly

  • @justinmaitland7335
    @justinmaitland7335 Год назад +2

    Very well done good sir, this aspect and type of tale is needed

  • @mrchoochoohead9033
    @mrchoochoohead9033 Год назад

    Id be interested to know why vince doesnt like gsw

  • @wahbegan
    @wahbegan Год назад

    Hope. Tzeentch is also the God of Hope

  • @garrettangelici1622
    @garrettangelici1622 Год назад

    Is there a khorne video!? New to the channel

  • @joshuagraham967
    @joshuagraham967 Год назад

    So...will you cover Malal?

  • @nrogaraellesar6533
    @nrogaraellesar6533 Год назад +1

    Imagine all four gods united in just one entity .. lol

  • @muurloen
    @muurloen Год назад

    Custodes, when?

  • @havoc1134
    @havoc1134 Год назад +1

    Excellent vid. Laughed repeatedly.

  • @hudsonrumuly4950
    @hudsonrumuly4950 Год назад

    What about malal

  • @beefyblom
    @beefyblom Год назад

    Playing music from the Caretaker absolutely fits for someone whose favorite is Nurgle

  • @jackp492
    @jackp492 Год назад

    Just realised “Him” from powderpuff girls is slaanesh all over

  • @WesAG23
    @WesAG23 Год назад

    Honestly love the way you said "it pleases Zinch!"

  • @flags5765
    @flags5765 Год назад

    Welp that tau non chaos aged like milk

  • @simpleman3898
    @simpleman3898 Год назад

    There is definitely one of the weirdest in the world of art

  • @dgatsby6495
    @dgatsby6495 Год назад

    Thank God for chaos

  • @Altulegio
    @Altulegio Год назад +8

    My understanding of nurgle is that of staggination
    Where there is no realese to whatever sickness plagues you.
    Where pain becomes dull so dull that you no longer feel anything.

    • @Vakaria-plays
      @Vakaria-plays Год назад +4

      Each of the four chaos gods has ironically ''good'' concepts that the none chaos worshipping beings of the warhammer world values a lot. Khorne values honor and discipline, Slannesh values happiness and joy, Nurgle values love and life, and Tzeentch values wisdom and dedication. Which is also why each of the four brothers are potentially able to corrupt any sentient being with emotions. (which is also why they hate the tyrannids since they are all controlled through the hive mind, and so cannot be corrupted or affected by their influence, as even the hive mind doesnt think about why it conquers, consumes, mutates, breeds, kills, fight, dies, lives it simply just does, no emotions behind it, no reason, it does it simply because it can but without honor, or glory, or pleasure, or ambition, not even for survival. The one who could come closest to the Tyrannids would be Tzeentch since they Tyrannids mutates and changes themselves and everything they touch or captures, and Tzeentch loves when something always changes, but since they just do it because they can, even he can never influence them, as his worshippers and even none worshippers all changes things in their life, because of something, which is usually ambition.

  • @JB-xj4rn
    @JB-xj4rn Год назад

    He doesn't understand Tzeentch . He is the od of hope and fate.

  • @peenwienerstein2
    @peenwienerstein2 Год назад

    You need to brush up on your lore, my man. Malal was never a factor in Warhammer 40K, and never will be.

    • @batmanthelaughs78
      @batmanthelaughs78 Год назад +1

      Expect he is

    • @peenwienerstein2
      @peenwienerstein2 Год назад

      @@batmanthelaughs78 Let's hope so. He ought to talk about Malice at some point, at any rate.