2021 Just now made it through all these videos to this one. So very grateful for whoever shared these. Since I learn visually, this is so much better to me than reading the book, which I have done. But these videos make it much clearer! Thanks to whoever published these. Dallas’ teaching carries on!
Thank you for sharing this and making it available here. I miss Dallas dearly, and hearing him here, talking about anger warmed my heart and reminded me of such needful teaching on anger and love. So very grateful for the availability of his teaching.
I'm trying to think of who in church history had as much effect on the church of his day, indeed the Kingdom of God itself, as Willard has had in our times. Aquinas, maybe. Augustine? The insights he shares in the entire series are earth-shaking, but hiding in plain sight in the Sciprture.
Dr Willard is a profound teacher. A rare example of spirituality theology learnedness and sanctity together. His compass is very catholic. Romano Guardinis The Lord is another. In fact once you get to know this area there are many like these throughout history. But in each time rare. Adrienne Speyer is another unknown extraordinary teacher. We mist say the Holy Spirit blows where it wills. Jacque Mauritania is another. It’s fascinating to see how they interconnect. And they do. The Holy Spirit unifies.
Anger? Jesus was angry 3x are you saying Jesus sinned? He said be angry and not sin..... are you reading the real English Bible the "authorized version"check them yourself
Dear friends, Actually, we can make the case that in Ephesians 4.26 ὀργίζεσθε καὶ μὴ ἁμαρτάνετε should be translated "if you get angry do not sin". Indeed, ὀργίζεσθε understood grammatically as an imperative with a conditional force makes much more sense than an imperative as a command. I justify this choice with the context of v.31 which says καὶ ὀργὴ ... ἀρθήτω ἀφʼ ὑμῶν (Let anger ... be put away from you)... Therefore I ask, how is it possible to understand that Paul commands someone to be angry (yet without sinning) in v.26 and at the same time commands that anger should be removed/put away in v. 31? The only choice I see is to understand the imperative mood as an imperative with conditional force ("When or if you get angry, do not sin"... meaning find a way to stop yourself from doing something that will harm someone or even you.) Peace in Christ.
Just one of the best talks ever.
2021 Just now made it through all these videos to this one. So very grateful for whoever shared these. Since I learn visually, this is so much better to me than reading the book, which I have done. But these videos make it much clearer! Thanks to whoever published these. Dallas’ teaching carries on!
Dallas Willard is just as relevant today as he was in 2011. I truly think even more so now.
Dallas we need this now more than ever! We miss you but rejoice that you are with Jesus!
Thanks for sharing this teaching. Dallas Willard was an amazing, Spirit led man.
Thank you Dallas and thank you Father for inventing Dallas
Mark Phifer-Houseman Amen to that Neighbour!
My nit: "created or formed" instead of "invented." 😏
Thank you for sharing this and making it available here. I miss Dallas dearly, and hearing him here, talking about anger warmed my heart and reminded me of such needful teaching on anger and love. So very grateful for the availability of his teaching.
33, anger and contempt are twins. 36, the answer is love, you cannot have contempt for things you love. 1:00:00 What you love you will treat lovingly.
I'm trying to think of who in church history had as much effect on the church of his day, indeed the Kingdom of God itself, as Willard has had in our times. Aquinas, maybe. Augustine? The insights he shares in the entire series are earth-shaking, but hiding in plain sight in the Sciprture.
Dr Willard is a profound teacher. A rare example of spirituality theology learnedness and sanctity together. His compass is very catholic. Romano Guardinis The Lord is another. In fact once you get to know this area there are many like these throughout history. But in each time rare. Adrienne Speyer is another unknown extraordinary teacher. We mist say the Holy Spirit blows where it wills. Jacque Mauritania is another. It’s fascinating to see how they interconnect. And they do. The Holy Spirit unifies.
Daniel, were you in attendance at this conference?
Anger? Jesus was angry 3x are you saying Jesus sinned? He said be angry and not sin..... are you reading the real English Bible the "authorized version"check them yourself
Did you actually listen to the talk? He said "anger is not itself wrong, but it can lead to doing wrong"
So the answer to my question is, no, you didn't listen to it.
Dear friends,
Actually, we can make the case that in Ephesians 4.26 ὀργίζεσθε καὶ μὴ ἁμαρτάνετε should be translated "if you get angry do not sin". Indeed, ὀργίζεσθε understood grammatically as an imperative with a conditional force makes much more sense than an imperative as a command.
I justify this choice with the context of v.31 which says καὶ ὀργὴ ... ἀρθήτω ἀφʼ ὑμῶν (Let anger ... be put away from you)... Therefore I ask, how is it possible to understand that Paul commands someone to be angry (yet without sinning) in v.26 and at the same time commands that anger should be removed/put away in v. 31? The only choice I see is to understand the imperative mood as an imperative with conditional force ("When or if you get angry, do not sin"... meaning find a way to stop yourself from doing something that will harm someone or even you.)
Peace in Christ.
Dallas Willard addresses this at 11:02. Excellent! AniJarPlus and John, please don't be angry with one another! :-)