Tariq Ali - Don Quixote, Islam And Europe

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Tariq Ali describes here the biting social commentary and criticism that makes up Cervantes' famous novel, Don Quixote. Cervantes, despite the power of the Spanish Inquisition, was able to criticise the Catholic Church, Christian Spain, and the treatment of Jews and Muslims at the hands of the Spanish authorities, all without getting the attention of the authorities of the time. Tariq describes the sense of loss that came with the destruction of Europe's first multicultural society.

Комментарии • 47

  • @bayreuth79
    @bayreuth79 2 года назад +7

    Tariq Ali is so biased and ideologically possessed that it's difficult to take him seriously. He criticises Angelika Merkel and yet she allowed millions of Syrian refugees into the country when not even Turkey would do much to help them!

  • @abufktsid
    @abufktsid 2 года назад +2

    Excellent analysis, sir. Kudos

  • @bayreuth79
    @bayreuth79 2 года назад +3

    Nonsense. Tariq Ali is simply reading his own revulsion for the Catholic Church into Cervantes' great masterpiece. We know that Cervantes was a devout Catholic. Scholars tend to read more into these novels than is actually there. How do we know this? Well, because the scholars disagree with other, often profoundly.

  • @Tolstoy111
    @Tolstoy111 Год назад +1

    It’s interesting to point out that Quixote does not own a single devotional book.

  • @bayreuth79
    @bayreuth79 2 года назад +6

    There is an obsession with scrutinising the wrongs of European/Catholic/Protestant civilisation but not with scrutinising the wrongs of Islamic civilisation. The Moors invaded and conquered Visigothic Spain/Portugal in 711 AD and needless to say this involved a tremendous amount of bloodshed. The Moors are often portrayed as 'tolerant' but the reason for the 'tolerance' of non-Islamic religions was so that they could levy a tax on all such people. We know that the Moors only failed to conquer France because they were unimpressed by the wretched weather! And then of course the Ottomans waged a relentless military campaign against the Byzantines and the Slavs and they were at the gates of Vienna in the 17th century! Evil is a human problem, not a Western problem. Some nuance would be useful.

    • @seanow8180
      @seanow8180 2 года назад

      Yes, you are right but why even go that far and let’s be honest Anglo saxons have destroyed peoples that have never even heard of Muslims. Look at the Americas, Asia, Australia, oceana, Africa in history. Today we have the most powerful of these nations trying to tell us their military is building another nations democracy with rifles and bombs. That it’s not about energy robbing at all. Within the last 20 yrs they killed a million people in Iraq alone. What were the world wars other than European tribal warfare?

    • @bayreuth79
      @bayreuth79 2 года назад

      @@seanow8180 That's all true but perhaps its because the West has most of the power now? I do not think that the West is anymore prone to violence than the rest of the world; its just that we have more power due to capitalist economy, democracy, and science and technology.

    • @azizulhaouqe4150
      @azizulhaouqe4150 2 года назад

      You just can't take the fact

    • @bayreuth79
      @bayreuth79 2 года назад +5

      @@azizulhaouqe4150 What fact? What Tariq said is an interpretation, not a fact. Islam, if you know anything about classical shari'a, allows for aggressive warfare to extend the boundaries of Islamic rule under a caliph. Islam was the aggressor, not Christianity. Muslims conquered Christian lands: Syria, Byzantium, Egypt, North Africa, Spain, etc. Muslims, such as yourself, are eager to point out the wrongs of Europe but not pretend to examine your own history!

    • @azizulhaouqe4150
      @azizulhaouqe4150 2 года назад

      @@bayreuth79 Don't talk nonsense. watch the debate between David wood Vs Daniel

  • @Tolstoy111
    @Tolstoy111 Год назад

    Actually Muslims expelled Jews from Iberia long before 1492. That’s why Maimonides was born in Spain but ended up in Egypt.

    • @mr.h3737
      @mr.h3737 Год назад

      True. By intolerant insecure Muslim dynasty but he moved to Muslim lands not to Europe. He lived in Jerusalem, Fes and Cairo and produced most of his theologian work there. What is your point?

  • @darrenjurme7231
    @darrenjurme7231 2 года назад

    What is the extracted from, please?

    • @AMRPK
      @AMRPK Год назад


  • @Thewonderingminds
    @Thewonderingminds 8 лет назад +3

    I wonder if Mr. Tariq Ali is saying reestablishment of Islamic rule in Spain and elsewhere, is the ultimate way for humans to live in peace happily ever after ?

    • @Thewonderingminds
      @Thewonderingminds 8 лет назад +1

      +Tuigen Heim
      Whether you are student, female and Muhammadan follower, is of no relevance here.
      That which really matters is the fact that, you obey doctrinal orders and while doing so, assume to be your optimum self potential too.
      Just rationalize, however, with the reality of love sensed at the bottom of your heart.
      Therewith you realize Mr. Tariq Ali 's preachment, is mere intellectual treatise devoid of divine sense, poised as optimum answer and solution.
      Please keep in mind, the divine seed within each and all people, is that which each one is born to cultivate and bring forth everlasting divine fruition, here and now.

    • @benthebenevolent1001
      @benthebenevolent1001  8 лет назад +4

      +gourglisou sopa I didn't expect you to go in this direction. I thought this was going to be anti-Muslim stuff, since that seems to be so popular now. Since your comment is relevant and positive in nature, I will keep your comment here and delete my own. I must admit to being an atheist and not in a position to pass comment here.

    • @Thewonderingminds
      @Thewonderingminds 8 лет назад

      There is no such person as atheist. Because the term "Theism" that is one's own "notion" of godliness, is categorically equivocal.

    • @benthebenevolent1001
      @benthebenevolent1001  8 лет назад

      +john doe Not if I wish to pass an informed comment, as opposed to an uninformed one.

    • @inkwarp
      @inkwarp 8 лет назад +4

      i don't get that. he is talking about the disappearence of multi culturalism and the rule of the despotic catholic church and rhe rise of this racist position that islam is 'the other'.. by people like merkel is very disturbing,all they want is to widen the divide and make an integrated society impossible

  • @cliffgaither
    @cliffgaither 5 лет назад +4

    _Tariq Ali has given a number of valuable insigts into history; unfortunately, THIS TIME, he goes out of his way to avoid -- specifically, carefully, except when superficially quoting the author -- to mention that it was not just "Islamic" Culture, but Moorish Culture that give Spain its Intellectual Heritage._
    _The Moors "happened" to Practice the Islamic Religion._
    _Fourteen-Ninety-Two coincided with the Expulsion of Jews & Moors who did not Convert, as Tariq pointed out; w / Columbus using the Navigation Knowledge of the Moorish Universities / the Moor's Public Bookshops in Spain._
    _The Moors brought their Knowlege of the Natural World to Portugal, Spain, Sicily & Southern France. Their Religious Identity was Secondary as they didn't Precondition the sharing of the knowledge w / Conversion to Islam, unlike European invaders diminishing / pacifying the Cultures of Natives by forced conversion to "Christianity"._
    _People aren't born a religion. Religion, if it comes, comes later in life; other characteristics come long before the adoption of a religion. It wasn't Islam as such that brought Intellect & Hygiene to Europe as the Moorish Attitude which leads all invaders to invade. The Moors, exceptional to most other Invaders, Dispersed Knowledge & Soap & Water / Civilization beyond the Goths' Heavy & Brutal Foot-Prints; the Foot-Prints of Savages who left Blue-Prints for the eventual Savagery of the Spanish themselves against Native Americans._
    _The Moors could have been Christians & their Religious Beliefs would still have been Secondary._
    _The Buddhist could have come to Spain with Knowledge of the Natural World, giving that Knowledge w / o Proselytizing their Religious Beliefs as the Moors Lived AND Let Lived -- Religiously._
    _The Religious Beliefs, in the case of the Moors, didn't Supercede their Sharing of their Intellect with a people who ended up preferring to remember the Primitive Invasions of White-Skinned Vandals & Visagoths than the Intellectual Invasion of Dark-Skinned Moors._
    _The Intellectual beliefs of the Moors was NOT such that allowed them to realize they were Casing Their Pearls Before Swine !_

    • @momoffour5885
      @momoffour5885 5 лет назад +4

      Cliff Gaither moors is a made up word. Please sir your bias against Arabs and Muslims is so obvious. One is born into the religion. And it’s culture and character of the the new Muslim came into being but it was by choice along with a successful community of all backgrounds.most of Europe were lived in the dark ages. It’s precisely bc of the combination of those diverse backgrounds that made it a rich culture. This area
      Was not for one generation. It was several generations

    • @saanea2000
      @saanea2000 2 года назад +1

      + Cliff Gaither Islam is a life style. Soap and bathing comes from muslim teachings, it was never a Christian thing. You invalidate your own arguments as they are contradictory. Soap and bathing is just one example. You think the Moores were bathing frequently before they were Muslims?!!! Bathing rituals and cleanliness are foundational in islamic way of life. I'm Pakistani. My non-muslim ancestors absolutely did not do daily ablutions and bathing. Islam taught us these cleanliness habits.
      The french bath is called a french bath for a reason.

  • @DalTones79
    @DalTones79 8 лет назад

    there is new film out soon about Don Quixote's murderer or something

    • @inkwarp
      @inkwarp 8 лет назад

      ah yes, terry gilliams the man who killed don quixote. a labour of love i think.
      you could not adapt the novel, not without excising huge chunks. maybe a tv series could do it. i still am intrigued to see what mr gilliam comes up with..

  • @mr.h3737
    @mr.h3737 Год назад

    This kind of videos is painful for some people. I can understand that. Specially in Spain: accepting that their culture has a huge amount of Islamic influence is hard to accept. This is the result of ideology: hating essential part of yourself. When I visited Sicily I found that most people are proud of their own Islamic and Arabic heritage even if they are now Christians. Simple farmers or fishermen will tell you how proud they are. Spain is still struggling. That’s a big T Trauma

  • @Cmr_5vifail
    @Cmr_5vifail 3 года назад

    Good jokes as always

  • @veewsol7078
    @veewsol7078 2 года назад +5

    This man doesn't understand history, Spain or Don Quixote.

  • @sabrinashahab795
    @sabrinashahab795 7 лет назад +8

    Europeans pretend to believe in pluralism , but have no real understanding what it means . Other parts of the world have an understanding , -it means live and let others live . Anti Islamic feeling has nothing to do with current so called terrorism or Islamic backward culture , it has everything to do with prejudice which Edward Said pointed out .

    • @sabrinashahab795
      @sabrinashahab795 7 лет назад +2

      There has been terrorism before in Europe . Western people have fought each other and had two world wars . So what you say is crap

    • @marklamberth3102
      @marklamberth3102 7 лет назад +2

      You absolutely right,,, No one in history ever created a harmonic multi cultural society based on science and mutual respect as Muslims did in Andalusia. full stop

    • @marklamberth3102
      @marklamberth3102 7 лет назад

      Mr ben1349, let me tell you that Islamophobia spiked in the west as early as 1095 with pop Urban the second hateful speech ,,, if you're talking about the aftermath of Iraq war than you didn't learn anything about history.

    • @luiscoutinho1139
      @luiscoutinho1139 2 года назад +5

      @@marklamberth3102 no. Not full stop. You must better know History. The so said "Al Andaluz" was an Islamic rule not based in equality. The Jews and Christians were second class citizens and they had to pay extra tax to the caliph just because they were not muslims

    • @user-mv7zf9pi4s
      @user-mv7zf9pi4s Год назад

      @Luis Coutinho nietzsche would have approved of Andalusia ...you just hate aristocracy and noble people in general.