1 subscription = +17 seconds to the stream. Yesterday it was +9 seconds. So people can decide for themselves how long it will last, everyone wants the wheel to knock out +10 seconds to the already existing +17 (it will be +27 for 1 subscription)
So basically Vedal doesnt want the subathon to last multiple weeks again because he doesnt think that he has any content to fill with and also because he cant run Neuro all of the time. Last year he just started arbitrarily decreasing sub times at a certain point and this year he thought it would be more fun if it was a bit of a gamble so he made the wheel with a bias towards lowering the timer. It was kinda unlucky that it hit the -10s first and the balance of the wheel probably isnt that great but its not like he could have done a testrun. He was probably expecting the timer to run down somewhat after the GameJam ended.
It's a quite good idea but I feel like it should have been introduced later and with less variation like -3 to +2 or something. Still gambling and donations control the timer directly but also no risk of ruining it all
He really doesn't want this to last more than 2 weeks LMAO
I wouldn't even be pissed if he scrapped the wheel and made it 30, I dont want the subathon to end
Yeah but he does. Just maybe not quite yet
Yea, he introduced the wheel way too early
Absolute cinema
Bruh it just happened and it's already clipped
I really do appreciate vedal bit subathons have long lost their meaning
I honestly don't understand the point of the wheel.
1 subscription = +17 seconds to the stream. Yesterday it was +9 seconds. So people can decide for themselves how long it will last, everyone wants the wheel to knock out +10 seconds to the already existing +17 (it will be +27 for 1 subscription)
So basically Vedal doesnt want the subathon to last multiple weeks again because he doesnt think that he has any content to fill with and also because he cant run Neuro all of the time. Last year he just started arbitrarily decreasing sub times at a certain point and this year he thought it would be more fun if it was a bit of a gamble so he made the wheel with a bias towards lowering the timer.
It was kinda unlucky that it hit the -10s first and the balance of the wheel probably isnt that great but its not like he could have done a testrun. He was probably expecting the timer to run down somewhat after the GameJam ended.
it's for fun purposes
It's a quite good idea but I feel like it should have been introduced later and with less variation like -3 to +2 or something. Still gambling and donations control the timer directly but also no risk of ruining it all
Vedal doesn't really want the subathon to go much longer than 2 weeks so the wheel is an entertaining way for him to inevitably end the subathon