The Climax of the Greatest Story Ever Told // THE RAPTURE & ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS: EPISODE 1

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @lissaanderson3975
    @lissaanderson3975 Год назад +84

    As a former active member of the Mormon Church I know the pain and disillusionment of learning the truth after being deceived since birth. I was blessed to find truth and know the Jesus of scripture. But I was also taught the doctrine of the pre trib rapture. It has pained me all over again to start to question that about a year ago. I start this study with an open mind and the prayer that I will be lead to God’s truth. Thank you for your teachings.

    • @sweetblueman
      @sweetblueman Год назад +5

      I lost my dear one coz she trusted in mormonism.. Thank god you have come out of mormon..

    • @stephengolden1963
      @stephengolden1963 Год назад +8

      Yes Lissa
      Admitting error is very difficult. We are crucifying our prideful flesh when we do. But it can be cleansing, bringing us more of a humble attitude towards others. Be encouraged because its part of our laying down our lives and following Jesus instead of others or our own opinion. We allow Jesus to truly be Lord over our souls and he will bless us with more of his knowledge and grace

    • @carlyerekson2035
      @carlyerekson2035 Год назад +2

      I have a question for you. My husband’s whole family is from the church of LDS. I’m meeting them in March for first time. I’m a born again (new ) Christian, what helped you come out of it?

    • @lissaanderson3975
      @lissaanderson3975 Год назад +8

      @@carlyerekson2035 I have so much I can say about this because it was truly a journey but I will try to be concise. I always questioned, not because I was looking to get out or even be critical but because some things didn’t add up for me. I was told by my Bishop that would in no way be tolerated which made no sense to me. I quit attending church and married a non Mormon with a Christian upbringing but not a born again believer. I was able to sweep it all under the rug and not worry about it until I had my own children. I wanted them to know God and so did the only thing I knew to do, take them to church, the LDS Church. My spirit writhed within me every single time and I always gathered up my young kids and ran out before services were over. One day I got on my knees and said a simple prayer, “God I want my children to know you but I don’t know who you are, please show me.” We were transferred to the Bible Belt 10 days later. Within a few weeks my husband became extremely ill. We were told it was terminal and to get our affairs in order. We were covered in prayer but one in particular was that we would discover his diagnosis was simply to get our attention and that he would be totally healed. That is exactly what happened, literally overnight. I started attending church with these new acquaintances and took the next steps required to find out why their Christianity was different than Mormonism. I studied all of the Mormon doctrine from their own resources, Joseph Smith’s and Brigham Young’s own writings. The history of the church and No Man knows my History by Fawn Brodie, just to name a few. From there it all fell apart and I left the church. One of the hardest things I ever did. I was so fortunate not to lose the love of all of my LDS family. They think I am destined for hell but they hold me close. I haven’t been able to convince even one of them about the false doctrine of the LDS Gospel. I will keep you and yours in prayer.

    • @carlyerekson2035
      @carlyerekson2035 Год назад +2

      @@lissaanderson3975 God is so awesome.excellent testimony! All glory to God❤️. Yea, I was kinda thinking that too, that no matter what I say, will help. Only God can do this. I’m looking forward to the conversation though. I love theological debates, especially bc I’m learning so much. Thank you for your response

  • @tracyschmand7415
    @tracyschmand7415 Год назад +60

    Praise God! Its time to prepare the Church for the coming days of tribulation. Be encouraged, be strengthened, and keep praying Church!

  • @eileenalexander9026
    @eileenalexander9026 Год назад +54

    I have been a follower of Jesus for 35 years and yet I am the only one I know who has not been able to embrace the teaching of a pre-trib rapture. I've felt guilty, thinking there was something wrong with my understanding of the return of the Lord and therefore my faith must be lacking or substandard in some way. I've prayed that the Lord would help me to understand/embrace a teaching that just never made sense to me for the EXACT reasons that Dalton pointed out. I can't wait to participate in this series. I am very, very grateful, once again, for Dalton, Joel and FAI Studios.

    • @gonfishingonfishin63
      @gonfishingonfishin63 Год назад

      I have believed this teaching from 1990 no internet only the bible Holy Sprit showing me. have not found a church in all these years' that teach we go though Tribulation in Australia I have been warning people and Pastors all these years move from church to church. live in Canberra Australia. no church here that believes in Tribulation that I have found. I am 70yrs old now and hanging in there it is going get bumpy and a lot of potholes a head so I say to all stay strong and pray we are going no need each other thank you Dalton and Joel I will meet you one day in the Kingdom of God. Ken

    • @aldonagluchowska8666
      @aldonagluchowska8666 Год назад +4

      I need to inform you that you are not the only one who cannot embrace this false doctrine of pre-trib. rapture. I live in Dublin and I know only a few believers who do not believe in this false doctrine.
      Those who are deceived do not read
      the Scripture with attention and do not ask the Lord if they do not understand something.
      I talked to some who believe in pre-trib and I observed they want to be deceived, their heart is stubborn.
      May God bless us all and convince to repent all those who deceive themselves. Amen

    • @bertgoat
      @bertgoat Год назад +5

      i never was convinced of the pre trib lie and once I studied for myself it became obvious that the pre trib rapture theory has no validity in scripture.

    • @just_me2797
      @just_me2797 Год назад +3

      Same here. I am 48 years old and was raised in a Christian family. I could NEVER come up with the mental gymnastics that it takes to end at believing in a pretribulation rapture. There is nothing in the scriptures to support it and everything is there to help us endure what is actually to come.

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo Год назад

      What does an understanding of the New Covenant do to the Pretrib Rapture doctrine?
      Since the New Covenant is “everlasting” in Hebrews 13:20, how is the New Covenant Church age going to end before the Second Coming of Christ? Why would anyone think God is going back to the Old Covenant system now made “obsolete” by the New Covenant in Hebrews 8:13? We are not come to Mount Sinai in Hebrews 12:18. We are come instead to the New Covenant church of Mount Zion and the blood in Hebrews 12:22-24.
      Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, modern Dispensational Theology falls apart, and the pretrib removal of the Church falls with it.
      The Capitol "C" Church, as we use the word today, is not found in the entire Book of Revelation. Individual church bodies in ancient Asia Minor are found. In Revelation 12:11 we find those under the blood of the Lamb. A person cannot be under the blood of the Lamb and not be a part of the New Covenant Church of Jesus Christ. Verse 12 of this passage proves at least part of the tribulation period is the wrath of Satan upon the people of God.
      Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
      Rev 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
      "It may come as a surprise to most pre-Trib prophecy students that the post-Trib position (in its primitive form) is the oldest point of view."
      (The quotation above is from the book "Will You Escape The Tribulation? RAPTURE [Under Attack]", by Tim LaHaye, copyright 1998, Page 197.) Tim LaHaye was co-author of the “Left Behind” books and movies which have convinced millions of modern Christians that the Church age ends seven years before the Second Coming of Christ. Recently, Pastor Matt Furse of Mountain View Baptist Church in Custer, S.D. has written a book titled “Which One Is Right?’, which reveals the recent history of the pretrib rapture doctrine, and the fact it does not agree with what is written in the King James Bible.
      The gathering of the Church is described at the end of 1 Thess. Chapter 4, and the timing of the event is found in chapter 5. The word “But” in the first verse of chapter 5 connects the two chapters, and the words “we” and “sleep” in verse 10 of chapter 5 prove the two chapters are connected.
      Multiple Second Coming Visions in Revelation: (book not in chronological order )
      Christ returns one time in the future. However, there are several different visions of His return shown from different perspectives in the Book of Revelation.
      Christ returns at the end of Revelation chapter 6, with signs in the sun, moon, and stars, as are found in the Olivet Discourse.
      Those at the end of the chapter are hiding from the wrath of the Lamb.
      Why would they be hiding if Christ is not present?
      The "kings", "captains", "might men", "free", and "bond" are also found in chapter 19 at the return of Christ.
      He returns at the 7th trumpet, which is the last trumpet in the Bible, and the time of the judgment of the dead in Revelation 11:15-18.
      The beginning of chapter 12 is a history lesson containing the fall of Satan, and the birth and death of Christ, who is the seed promised to crush the head of Satan in Genesis 3:15.
      The Second Coming is found in the "harvest" of chapter 14, which is related to the parable of the wheat and tares in Matthew chapter 13.
      He comes as a thief at Armageddon, and we find the greatest earthquake in history in chapter 16. This occurs when the 7th angel pours out his vial. How powerful is an earthquake which moves islands and destroys the mountains? What is happening to the planet?
      He comes on a horse in chapter 19.
      Chapter 20?
      Does He come with the fire, and the judgment of the dead at the end of chapter 20, which agrees with what Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10, and 2 Timothy 4:1?
      (The time of the judgment of the dead is also found in Revelation 11:18.)
      There are no mortals left alive on the planet at the end of Matthew 25:31-46.
      Why does an angel come down from heaven with a key to unlock the bottomless pit in Revelation 9:1-2, if the pit was not already locked before that time?
      Revelation 9:14 proves some of the angels were previously bound in some manner.
      Because the two witnesses were bodily resurrected from the dead in Revelation 11, the "first resurrection" at the beginning of Revelation 20 is not the first bodily resurrection in the book.
      The principle of "Recapitulation" means there are multiple visions of His return.

    @ZUGTFO Год назад +263

    MOST RUclips channels I watch can't STOP teaching the PRE TRIB rapture and I litterly go onto those channels DAILY and call out to them that they are teaching a HUGE mistake because MANY WILL FALL AWAY when they discover WHILE IN THE GREAT TRIBULATION that the PRE TRIB was a lie, THAT is why what you are doing is SO important.

    • @johnfourteensix5398
      @johnfourteensix5398 Год назад +15

      so true!

    • @michellegigous8911
      @michellegigous8911 Год назад +12

      Amen 🙏🙏🙏

    • @meadow9166
      @meadow9166 Год назад +8

      I agree 👍

    • @joekopec9845
      @joekopec9845 Год назад +25

      Biggest heresy of our time is the pre- tribulation rapture

    • @TheRgordon16
      @TheRgordon16 Год назад +25

      Yes I’ve been doing the same thing you’ve been doing. I once strongly believed in the pre-trib rapture teaching but I did in ignorance. Now after carefully reading the scriptures for myself, I finally saw that this teaching is false.

  • @yukoncornelius45
    @yukoncornelius45 Год назад +50

    This is hard because it appears I am deceived in my own prideful understanding of this pretrib rapture doctrine. It is very unsettling in my inner being to hear this from Dalton but I am willing to trust God and receive His correction. I will pray for a deeper wisdom and understanding of this divine event. May the Holy Spirit help us all endure until the end to receive our prize. Blessings, encouragement and love to all.

    • @onetakendotnet
      @onetakendotnet Год назад +2

      Luke 17:22-37 is the pre-trib rapture WITHOUT a resurrection. We leave our flesh on earth (verse 37).
      1 Thes 4:13-17, Matt 24:29-31 is the second coming with the one and only resurrection for the saints.
      There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies (1 Cor 15:40). We will receive a heavenly body in heaven. We get an earthly (immortal) body at the second coming.
      The pre-trib rapture happens when life is normal (eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building, and getting married).
      The second coming happens when life is not normal (famine, drought, hyperinflation, darkness, heat, violent storms, earthquakes, and love has grown cold).
      Most are hiding in a cave (Rev 6:15-17) and freaking out (Luke 21:26) at the end of the age. Maranatha!

    • @mikebremer3456
      @mikebremer3456 Год назад +11

      I believed in a pre tribulation event for 20+ years because my church taught it. In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul clearly says Christ cannot come until after the man of lawlessness steps into the temple and declares himself god. Then Christ will come and destroy him and gather his children. There is no gathering of the saints before this time. It was hard for me to process too, but when you read the Bible without a pre trib rapture, it makes a whole lot more sense and is less confusing.

    • @yukoncornelius45
      @yukoncornelius45 Год назад +4

      Thanks for your encouragement and insight into the scriptures. May God teach us and continue to guide us and make our paths straight so we may endure to the end.

    • @cathyhunley4882
      @cathyhunley4882 Год назад +3

      Maybe try to seek guidance from Amir Tsarfati. Just one of many great Bible theologians.

    • @lindadunphyhernandez7638
      @lindadunphyhernandez7638 Год назад

      Read the gospel of Thomas -;yes this is your spiritual awakening a true recalibration a TEST OF FAITH OF WHO WILL TAKE UP THEIR CROSS - because they will come after you they will not allow you to simply leave intact if you see them for who they are
      I know I am running for my life as witches Christian witches 🤣 tell me that I should die my family has forgotten about me as if I never existed they stalk slander destroy steal and they are full of demons I have seen one demon manifest itself into FIVE DIFFERENT PEOPLE one being my mother who has devoted her entire life to this movement as a missionary and faithful servant - its sad and I fear that they will not wake up and it's clear all of the scriptures that they used were weapons to scape goat those who will one day become a clear threat to this evil plan the prodigals are and have always been the prophets

  • @ArmyScoutMom
    @ArmyScoutMom 11 месяцев назад +3

    I LOVE my church (it's Baptist) but they unfortunately believe in pre trib. Brothers and Sisters in Christ who understand, PLEASE let us pray in agreement DAILY that Holy Spirit presses upon our pastors, deacons and elders, to prepare the saints for tribulation. I know and trust the Holy Spirit can reveal to our church leaders the truth, and give them the courage and Grace to lead their flocks through these end times properly. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @jenniferlankford5301
    @jenniferlankford5301 Год назад +57

    Can't wait to go through all the text! Who else is excited?#WinPeople

    • @michellecheriekjv4115
      @michellecheriekjv4115 Год назад

      ...l study the Text every single day Sis. If you are on Instagram... l'm there under this name...if you have questions or would like to talk ... reason thru the are welcome...📖🌷

  • @michaellakous311
    @michaellakous311 Год назад +76

    I grew up in a pre trib church and then about 3 years ago I ran across one of your teachings that came up against what I was believing. I recoiled. But after, the Lord worked on my heart and I looked into it more. Once I got more into the subject, I realized I was wrong. I want to encourage you to continue with this teaching. Only good can come of it.

    • @mikebremer3456
      @mikebremer3456 Год назад +14

      I believed in a pre trib rapture for 20 years because that's what my church taught. When I studied the Bible for myself, it wasn't there.

    • @slamdunk4879
      @slamdunk4879 Год назад +6

      Same with me. Believers need to do their own homework. Too many are listening to godly men and women, but who are misled.

    • @Dustandfuzz
      @Dustandfuzz Год назад +5

      Nobody knows for sure when the rapture is. But I do know it’s before Gods wrath for sure. We don’t go through any wrath from our Father so we will definitely be out of here before that.

    • @chrisflater353
      @chrisflater353 Год назад +6

      My change came 2 years ago. I have been a prophecy kid since I was very young. Then 2 years ago Abba made it clear to me how wrong and dangerous the pre-trib teaching is. When He removed the lie from my eyes, and more importantly my heart, I didn’t speak of the end of the age or really any Bible for a couple months. I felt so wrong for all those I had taught incorrectly, including myself also. But as He has always done, He gave me clarity and strength to get on the path again. It was one of the most loving seasons I have had with Him. While seeing myself as a failure for misleading others in my ignorance, He made it clear to me what it was all about. That He had allowed me that time so when His appointed times came I would know all the scriptures, all the “pictures of” or “illusions to” the Pre-Trib rapture theology, and how to stand against it. Our Father always has His hands on us. Be encouraged family. The King is coming. Maranatha.

    • @stephensmith777
      @stephensmith777 Год назад +6

      @@mikebremer3456Same here. Believed in pre-trib for 30+ years… then studied scriptures while praying and fasting. Over the past 2+ years, God has revealed so much scripture and confirmed the truth of the rapture happening at the moment of Jesus’ return… immediately after his appearing.

  • @KarinaStavenes
    @KarinaStavenes Год назад +31

    Thank you for starting this teaching series. I have learned a lot from watching your videos and Joel Richardson's, because they encouraged me to read through the Bible and study it on my own like never before. I fully agree with you that there is no such teaching as the pre-tribulation rapture, nor of any sort of secret second coming. Thank you for your willingness to address these issues with clarity and genuine love.

  • @PraisingAdonai
    @PraisingAdonai Год назад

    I am glad to find others who understand the truth. Sometimes I have doubted whether believing in a pre trib is wrong. I had believed what I was taught but later when I was asked to teach a Bible class I started studying more and the Pre trib question kept coming up. I prayed for understanding and for God to show me the truth.. Finally after 9 years of studying, I nailed it down and have been confident about what the scriptures say about the rapture. God answered my prayers. Once you see that a pre-trib rapture is not Biblical truth you will not doubt the timing of the rapture. My mind is at peace because I now understand the truth. What a relief it is to be at peace with Elohim. Praise the Lord.

  • @brendag8418
    @brendag8418 Год назад +31

    As a Christian, I always wondered about the legitimacy of the pre-trib rapture. I'v watched all of your teaching series and done my own investigation and now believe the Rapture happens simultaneously with Christ's seconded coming. Which means we will see the great tribulation and now need to gird up our loins so we can endure and persevere and help others. Thank you for what you do in bringing truth to the forefront. God Bless!! Maranatha!

    • @slamdunk4879
      @slamdunk4879 Год назад +3

      Right on target:) Church needs to begin preparing for trib.

  • @prov2.3-5
    @prov2.3-5 Год назад +33

    I was raised believing that we would be raptured up before the tribulation, read the Left Behind series as a teenager, and then started reading the Bible for myself. The Lord revealed the deception of the pretrib to me by my reading his Word by his grace. I pray that the Lord soften all the hearts of those who will watch this series; that he will give them a desire to search the scriptures with no outside ideas and to be open to what the Lord would teach them. May He have his way with our hearts and our lives; that his light would piercingly shine through us to break up the deceptive darkness of our Enemy, who has so craftily enslaved many. May he know our names because of our total surrender to our Lord. The gates of hell will not prevail! Jesus promised.

    • @georgefeneysey619
      @georgefeneysey619 Год назад +4

      As a new believer in Christ, many years ago, i also grew up believing a pre trib rapture view. Why ? Because that was what I was taught by the denominations I was involved in. Until, I began to read the scriptures for myself, all other books aside . There was only one conclusion that came out, which are embodied in the teachings of Christ and subsequently the apostles.

    • @terranceramirez4816
      @terranceramirez4816 Год назад +4

      Not only is Left Behind bad eschatology, it’s not even good prose from a storytelling standpoint. The authors show no real understanding of geopolitics and the dynamics of global power posturing, and therefore it feels flat and cartoonishly childish in its presentation. When I was in college I said that the Star Wars prequels were a better presentation of what the rise of Antichrist would look like than LB (today I would also add the Dune novels).

    • @FlashSilverEagle
      @FlashSilverEagle Год назад

      I read the same word of God and the "context" yells pre-tribulation removal of the Bride Christ before hell breaks lose. agree or disagree without being disagreable.

    • @georgefeneysey619
      @georgefeneysey619 Год назад

      @@FlashSilverEagle I understand that folks believe in a pre trib rapture. I was one of those, quite zealously so. I believed it, without really reading the entire new testament. I read only the verses quoted to back a pre trib view. But what changed for me was and still is, the teachings of the Lord Jesus Himself. He very openly teaches, at the END OF the tribulation of those days. The Lord Jesus, no where hints at a secret coming before His second coming. The thief in the night references do not infer a secret coming, but His unexpected return by those who are asleep, not those who are awake and watching. The apostolic letters certainly DO NOT contradict what the Lord Jesus taught. I would rather adhere to what Christ taught, rather than what is interpreted by the understanding of man, regardless of the man's name or qualifications. The Lord Jesus is the Head of His church. It is His teachings we are to adhere to and obey.

    • @FlashSilverEagle
      @FlashSilverEagle Год назад +1

      @@georgefeneysey619 ..zealously so? relax, we don't agree but salvation in Christ Jesus etc. right or wrong, you can't get salvation wrong. pre mid or post is a side issue to winning the lost for the Lord. :)

  • @slyness9896
    @slyness9896 Год назад +61

    Happy you are doing this. I feel the urgency and it's so hard to even find pastors or church teaching this.


      Pastor John MacArthur believes in a Pre-Trib and teaches it.

    • @JAAB9296
      @JAAB9296 Год назад +3

      @@ONSTAGEMUSICPODCAST There many who teach a Pre-Trib Rapture, many. I would name names, but I feel it is not necessary to do so. Those preachers who "claim" a Pre-Trib Rapture as "fact" is very, very dangerous because those who place all of their hope in a Pre-Trib Rapture could lose their faith IF it doesn't happen. NOBODY should be dogmatic about a pre-Trib Rapture, because we are not going to know until it happens. I know all 7 (seven) interpretations, some make a lot of sense while others not so much. Personally, I hope for a pre-Trib Rapture but in no way will I depend on that it is going to happen. Could be a Pre-Trib Rapture 15% chance, could be a mid-Trib Rapture 10% chance could be a Pre-Rath Rapture 70% chance or a Post-Trib Rapture 15% chance. But that is my opinion. The other theories are that solid.


      @@JAAB9296 So true, John!! Thanks for that. I believed in a Pre-Trib Rapture for years because when I was a new believer, I remember watching Christian movies at the youth group, like Caught. I remember we had an opportunity to watch all 3 parts of Thief In The Night and I was so excited that one day the Lord will take me and leave those sinners behind. Yeah. I know I was young but regardless, I loved these movies. I also watched the Apocalypse movies and Wink Of An Eye with David White etc., kw I see it as fantasy.

    • @JAAB9296
      @JAAB9296 Год назад +1

      @@ONSTAGEMUSICPODCAST And this is why so many believe and are dogmatic about a Pre-Trib Rapture, anyway I'm not sure it's a fantasy because there is a very slim chance it could happen. It is best to always learn and keep an open mind about prophecy. God bless!

    • @MorrisonJames
      @MorrisonJames Год назад +2

      @@ONSTAGEMUSICPODCAST Just because a man has the title of Pastor, does not mean he is a man of God.
      Any man who teaches you can take the mark of the beast yet still be saved IS A FALSE TEACHER.
      Satan knows the bible better than any man.
      2 things I will say. Pre tribulation rapture and Calvinism are of Satan.

  • @takishasallbeautyzone
    @takishasallbeautyzone Год назад +10

    I can not tell you how excited I am for this series!!! The one thing that I have to thank the writers of the Left Behind books for, is that they were such effective writers that I was completely engulfed in the novels back in the day, and I wanted more. So I went to the Word to get more. Imagine my surprise when I realized that the books were just fun reading and completely false. But Yahweh was able to use those books to bring me back to His Word...truth. I pray that this series will help me to be a more effective evngelist, and to not be so afraid of misspeaking and getting my thoughts all bungled up. The world is ready for the truth. Let's do this guys!! Maranatha!

    • @cat-bg3rv
      @cat-bg3rv Год назад +1

      I ask for prayer because I am checking these sessions out because I am curious on another view of eschatology. I was never one to demonize but have wirnessed chats that were devisive on eschatology views. I desire to know the truth. Thank you.

  • @Forgiven_Disciple
    @Forgiven_Disciple Год назад +31


    • @rosalucatero964
      @rosalucatero964 Год назад +2

      yes kingdom mind is all christians should look forward to.

  • @melissas2950
    @melissas2950 Год назад +28

    I was raised in a pretrib church and all my family and friends believe in it. I've been somewhat dubious about it just the last couple years so I really look forward to the study.

    • @respiterecipe
      @respiterecipe Год назад

      I'm actually extremely curious as to what you question about the rapture happening before the tribulation. At what point does someone say yeah the rapture sounds logical but like it happening at that time seems iffy.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 Год назад

      @@respiterecipe I was taught pre-trib from early childhood, but I could never find PROOF. Just verses that I was told were hints. But, when I read those verses in context, they said the opposite.
      The only "hopefully pre-trib" verse was Rev 3:10, but when I looked up what the Greek words meant, I saw that the verse promised to protect them from falling in order to protect the souls, not the physical bodies of that one (out of the seven churches) that was promised to be "kept from."

  • @philbivins7133
    @philbivins7133 Год назад +13

    Amen, thank you Dalton and Joel for making this series possible. It will be added to my small group series of FAI courses being offered. We are starting a new small group on Jan. 18 2023 on "The End of The Age" offered thru FAI.

  • @sketchbook1
    @sketchbook1 Год назад +29

    I remember this issue being big way back in college in the 80's and 90's... I began to study it intensely, and I took every verse and chapter that dealt with 1) a gathering of the Saints or Rapture, 2) the Resurrection 3) the timing of it all.
    What I came to find wat that EVERY verse that gave some sort of "time stamp" on the Rapture or Gathering, or the Resurrection of the Just put it at the END of the Tribulation.
    I also found that every verse that was used to talk about the imminence of the Rapture ("in the twinkling of an eye," "like a thief..." etc.) was actually NOT saying it was Pre-Trib or somehow Secret...
    When I put ALL of the Rapture, Return, Resurrection verses TOGETHER IN CONTEXT, it became quite clear to me that the Rapture was at the Return.
    I then finally heard about the Historical Premillennial View from a sermon my pastor gave, and I said "AHA! FINALLY! It's a real thing! I'm not alone!"

    • @slamdunk4879
      @slamdunk4879 Год назад +3

      Amen:) Key vss: 2 Thes. 1:6,7 - Second coming and the rapture ("rest")

    • @suzannegriffiths4795
      @suzannegriffiths4795 Год назад +4

      Have you considered that Christ's return is at the 6th seal, and therefore before the end of the Tribulation? When Christ comes back, it is He who carries out vengeance on the wicked, which takes some time. Therefore I believe that the "rapture" is at the end of the sixth seal, just prior to God's wrath (Revelation 6:12-17, Matthew 24:29&30), after the great earthquake and the sun darkening, blood moon and falling asteroids.

    • @sketchbook1
      @sketchbook1 Год назад +2

      @@suzannegriffiths4795 According to 2 Thes 1:6-10, the "relief" believers will get (as well as the punishment of the wicked) will happen when Jesus is revealed:
      "God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you."

    • @suzannegriffiths4795
      @suzannegriffiths4795 Год назад +2

      2Thessalonians 2 is really clear:we will not be "gathered to Him.. that day will not come until the rebellion.. and the man of lawlessness... sets himself up in God's temple proclaiming himself to be God... "

    • @suzannegriffiths4795
      @suzannegriffiths4795 Год назад +2

      @@sketchbook1 yes, I agree, and Jesus returns at the end of the sixth seal, then carries out God's wrath. This follows Satan's wrath, the mark, the slaughter of the saints and counterfeit signs and wonders. Revelation chapter 6.

  • @KendraRuckman
    @KendraRuckman Год назад +16

    Cant wait! It's like you were reading my thoughts and answering the exact questions that came up in my head as you were talking. That means I NEED to watch every episode you and Joel teach.. Amen.

  • @bonniered0227
    @bonniered0227 Год назад +7

    I grew up in a church that taught pre trib rapture almost every other service. I had it so deeply ingrained in me it took 5yrs for God to sift it out of me. I was transformed by God at 15yrs old and from that time I began having dreams about the tribulation, and in every dream the Christian's around me would say "is this the rapture? Why are we here?" I was so blinded by the teaching I didn't even think God was trying to tell me something. When I turned 20 I had a dream and at the end of it I opened a book and it said "When men's hearts turn from God, and their children become unruly, the days will be shortened, the trees will become confused and so would be the coming of the son of man". First thing I did upon waking was look for that in the Bible. I read Matthew 24 and though I had read it dozens of time, I finally saw it. Verse 29-31 says after the tribulations the saints would be gathered. At the time I had never met anyone who believed in a post trib rapture, but I knew deeply that it was right. And by the grace of God when I met my now husband for the first time I told him my beliefs fully expecting him to disagree (he was also raised in church with pre trib veiws) and to my surprise God had revealed the same thing to him as well. He was the first to ever share that view.

  • @Eve90
    @Eve90 Год назад +4

    I was reading the Bible a few months ago as a new born again and as I was reading the New Testament it struck me that we aren’t going anywhere until Jesus comes back 😅

  • @themuffins4
    @themuffins4 Год назад +1

    I am so deeply grateful for this teaching and the coming teachings. I got saved June 2021 and was immediately introduced to the pre trib. I bought into it and then during my prayers I began asking The Lord to keep me from all deception and one of the first things to go was pre trib. And ever since I've been saying that IT DOES MATTER what you believe when it comes to this subject because you are in a dangerous place if you think your out of here before the mark rolls around and the anti christ rules. Most people shut me down on it. But it is a TRUE BLESSING to hear everything I've been thinking be said outloud during this video. HALLELUJAH

  • @SurvivorC
    @SurvivorC Год назад +11

    I wasn’t raised in the church. At age 21 God radically saved me and I believed instantly that I might suffer for Christ. I didn’t yet know Scripture but was introduced to the persecuted church early on. That has always made me question the pre-trib rapture but I’ve struggled to really have a handle on it. I’m looking forward to this. I saw Joel’s teaching on Gog Magog using biblical maps & it was incredible.

  • @maryraider4720
    @maryraider4720 Год назад +1

    Fantastic opening to a much needed teaching! Thank you FAI
    … let’s prepare together & cleanse ourselves of all false teachings
    Maranatha and God prepare us!

  • @lupitasilva1454
    @lupitasilva1454 Год назад +7

    Thanks God I never believed on Pre-rapture theory.. I just felt it and asked the Holy Spirit while I was at the shower and he told me " you are staying to help others and my children as well "

  • @kindnessheals
    @kindnessheals Год назад +4

    Greatly appreciate your teachings on the return of Jesus and Israel.

  • @IronMatt
    @IronMatt Год назад +10

    The plain reading of scripture is post trib rapture. That's what I got from just reading my Bible 21 years ago, just after I got saved. The Holy Spirit guides us unto all truth. I have listened to many teachings on pretrib rapture and none of them are very convincing. Thank you for helping us laymen, articulate what's clearly taught.

    • @MorrisonJames
      @MorrisonJames Год назад

      Not post tribulation catching up. The church/saints/bride are here before the overall great tribulation ends.
      The true catching up is pre wrath. God bless you.

    • @IronMatt
      @IronMatt Год назад

      @MorrisonJames which is post trib correct?

    • @MorrisonJames
      @MorrisonJames Год назад

      @@IronMatt Matt, post tribulation is after the wrath. After the overall great tribulation.
      Christ raises and catches up his faithful while the great tribulation is still in progress - these are the first major 2 events of His Day (The Day of the Lord)
      Overall, we would class the catching up as 'Pre Wrath"

    • @IronMatt
      @IronMatt Год назад +1

      @MorrisonJames I was giving you a hard time. I know. Pre wrath is post tribulation as well. I don't necessarily agree with you but it sure isn't pre tribulation. I've been looking into it. Rapture at the second coming is the plain reading of scripture from how I have read it, but I am open to your view as well. I've purchased Kent Hovind's book "WOE" as well as(SFT) Donny Budinskys book on the topic. So, I'm researching it at this point. God bless.

    • @MorrisonJames
      @MorrisonJames Год назад +1

      @@IronMatt Matt, you were not being hard at all. I call my view pre wrath but YES the catching up is the second event of the second coming. God Bless you Matt

  • @evaduvall4215
    @evaduvall4215 Год назад +11

    On my gosh!!!! You did this right guys. You started something that is incredible. I want to hear it all. I loved the way you broke it down. Your retreat will be Great!!!! So looking forward to hear more on Jesus's coming. I too believe in endurance. God bless all of you!!!

  • @bethnotw5143
    @bethnotw5143 Год назад +5

    Hubby and I have not believed in the pre-trib for many years! Why would/should we escape the tribulation, especially after what Christ our Lord suffered and did for us. I pray His strength, courage, and endurance upon us, to face what we must face. God bless all my brothers and sisters everywhere. I love You Jesus, my King.

  • @tonyalucente590
    @tonyalucente590 Год назад +6

    Amen! I’m hearing more and more believers getting this revelation. Hallelujah!!

  • @poggy14
    @poggy14 Год назад +12

    So excited for this study. Had a huge smile on my face the entire time. My hope is that people listen earnestly to this teaching and take it to heart. America is so backwards when it comes to this.

    • @Michael-ie7fo
      @Michael-ie7fo Год назад +1

      You people are going to so sorry you listen to Jews Romans 11:28 warning after warning Ugh!

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH Год назад +1

      Here is The Savior
      YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified/Pierced for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
      From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic:
      "Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
      Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation
      Yad - "Behold The Hand"
      He - "Behold the Breath"
      Vav - "Behold The NAIL"

    • @Michael-ie7fo
      @Michael-ie7fo Год назад

      @@Praise___YaH That is interesting, Though God the father of Moses is not the same father of Jesus I don't think people realize the gods that come and go which are the host of the LORD or hosts of heavens (LORD is the Holy Spirit) We can see in Joshua 24:14 the gods on the other side of the flood which is Genesis 5:3-32 Adam, Seth, Enos and so on, they were gods for about a thousand years. Then went to Egypt and to Sinia and then Zion Try to make this quick Genesis 2:4 the generations of the heavens and the earth Lamentations 5:19 Thy throne from gen. to gen. Ecclesiastes 1:4 One gen. passes another cometh Genesis 17:7, Jeremiah 33:22 Hard not to get into too much detail but every 1,000 years there is a new god, but Jesus is a world saver he reigns for 2,000 years and now Michael comes with his Angels and Satan with his and you see Satan is here 3 and 1/2 years like with Jesus see in Daniel 7:25 and Rev. 12:14 Hmmm. God bless

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH Год назад

      Sir, jesus, the “bright morning STAR”, the “birth of a STAR” is a Supernova and the “Virgin mary/woman” is the Constellation Virgo the “Virgin woman”
      There is no such thing as a jesus, that is Astrology
      PLEASE, go back and read what I shared

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH Год назад

      Salvation is Simple
      HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH”
      YaH is The Heavenly Father
      YaH arrives via the TENT OF MEETING
      YaH was Who they Crucified for our sins
      - Ancient Semitic Cuniform of Moshe (Moses)
      - Hebrew Book of Isaiah (The Original Isaiah)
      Isaiah 42:8
      "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.
      Isaiah 43:11
      I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me.
      Isaiah 45:5
      I am YaH, and there is none else.

  • @marlaclosen4229
    @marlaclosen4229 Год назад +3

    I have been learning and listening to FAI for two years now, in addition to my own intensive Bible study, and have concluded your pre-trib rapture assessment is correct. Thank you for your COURAGE in speaking about this subject, as it is tenuous at daughter and I disagree and I get it...we will lose friends and loved ones trying to display the TRUTH for their own benefit. It is not an issue of who is right, but is a loving, understanding, empathetic issue of convincing those to listen for their salvation. I truly thank you for your made the right decision in choosing boldness...although it hurts. ❤️

  • @telesharp
    @telesharp Год назад +7

    Thanks very much for taking this stand. It's amazing how easy the pre-trib rapture is to disprove, and yet it's believed. The dead in Christ rise first (1 Thess. 4:16), before the rapture. So the rapture is after the resurrection. The "first" resurrection is after the tribulation (Rev. 20:1-5). These two verses alone disprove the pre-trib rapture.

  • @JohnJohn-nh5mj
    @JohnJohn-nh5mj Год назад +2

    People that say that we are flying before the tribulation, when they see there selves in that scenario, they will Denied Christ, their faith will be broke in pieces because they wasn’t prep in they spirit and with the truth that is the word of Christ. Pray for them that they knowledge will be open for this true, amen

  • @LaurenHPotts
    @LaurenHPotts Год назад +10

    Bad idea to put the ads in the middle of such sober words. Makes it hard to share!😢

  • @sabrinagilmusic
    @sabrinagilmusic Год назад +10

    I grew up Catholic, and so the issue of the end-times wasn’t mentioned at all in catechism or church, let alone the rapture. When I got saved, I started reading my Bible and always assumed the Church would face the tribulation. I spent the first 6 months of my conversion as a closeted Protestant Christian, without going to church, having no Christian friends whatsoever. When I started attending a church after those 6 months, I heard the pre-trib rapture teaching for the first time and got really confused about it. It never sit right with me, didn’t seem to make any sense. But I assumed it should be right… my Pastor would certainly know more about it than me, right? I felt divided for about 2 years on that issue, until one day when I watched a Women’s Bible Study video debunking the pre-trib rapture doctrine, and suddenly it clicked: I was right! I’m not crazy, it really does not make sense! Some months after that, I found FAI. I only got more interested in end-times theology when I realised we, the church, would be here to face it all. Why study these things if you believe you will be taken away?? I believe the lack of interest in these matters of so many Christians is, in part, due to this doctrine. It does have real practical implications, you are totally right…

    • @klausmkl
      @klausmkl Год назад

      Read Foxes book of martys, it's free online, it will strengthen your faith. Early church had great faith

  • @stephengolden1963
    @stephengolden1963 Год назад +5

    I have also gone on channels on youtube and challenge their teaching from scripture. The hosts don't respond but sometimes viewers do. I have been convincing some of how we need to spiritually prepared for the great work God had called us to before He returns. Some are considering what I believe are what the scriptures teach on this very important subject. Praise be to God.

  • @Greg-n-Simba
    @Greg-n-Simba Год назад +1

    Love how you guys speak the TRUTH in Love. Amazing! Thank you.

  • @BrknVeel
    @BrknVeel Год назад +13

    While there have been many disadvantages to being delivered out from my family's religion at 55. I had no preconceived Christian theology. When I read 2nd Thess., I brought it to the attention of my retired Baptist Pastor friend. He laughed at my concern for those who held to the pre-trib view. I just couldn't see it any more. He refused to sit down with me and do a study. Covid took him out before he ever would. 10 years and I never got a singe verse out of him to invalidate my concerns, or what I could read for myself. He laughed at my ignorance, it made me cringe. I guess for him....he was right, but he taught so many. I'm still concerned for him, and for them. I know that he believed in once saved always saved...that too was a subject I could never get him to sit down and actually study it out with me. It's too late to even pray for him. Thank God for Jesus!

    • @suzannegriffiths4795
      @suzannegriffiths4795 Год назад +6

      Many are deceived. It's very sad. We have to choose to LOVE the truth, no matter how hard, if we are going to be able to give up all our own agendas, die to self, be born of the Spirit, and walk led by the Spirit in righteousness by faith in Him.

    • @ereynatetasgrafas9933
      @ereynatetasgrafas9933 5 месяцев назад +1

      It's very sad when a brother or sister can't sit down with you for a bible study...

  • @MikeonMortgages
    @MikeonMortgages Год назад +2

    Thanks for your devotion to this message. As I began to research this matter for myself FAI has been a primary voice of truth and reason. The main conclusion I've come to about preparing myself, my family, my Christian family for the times of Jacob's Trouble.... WE, the saints, will be martyred. We will find victory in the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. But if you are not wholly devoted and "LOVE THE TRUTH".... God will allow a great delusion to draw you away from Him (the Way, the Truth, the Life). Love the Truth more than your own life. Be obedient to Christ in all things as we prepare for the very day of His return. Maranatha!

  • @akilleezsonofpelagus3483
    @akilleezsonofpelagus3483 Год назад +7

    Ever since I've watched and discovered you's I've started reading scripture ,yous make things so simple to understand :)

  • @tammyrobison2670
    @tammyrobison2670 Год назад +6

    So glad your addressing this. May the truth prevail.

  • @GaelicStorm1
    @GaelicStorm1 Год назад +3

    What makes it a salvation issue is that when people in these last days start to go through Great Tribulation that is coming upon us, their faith will be shaken, they will begin to doubt the word of God, and they will be tempted to fall away from the Faith.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Год назад +1

      Yes 2 Thessalonians 2:1-6. The Falling Away Comes First When that Man of Sin the Son of Perdition is Revealed Sitting in the Temple Showing Himself that he is God In his own Time

  • @FaCePlaNt_4_YAHUSHA
    @FaCePlaNt_4_YAHUSHA Год назад +1

    I was brought up in a pre tribulation dispensation theology up till I started reading my Bible my self and growing. It's clearly in the text we are going through it. It's the whole point of those who endure till the end , wheat and tares and those who turn to God through tribulation because tribulation. That's the whole reason for it i believe. The world has to be ripe He wants us all to be saved through His Son and that Noone would perish. Thank you for this teaching.

  • @margaretconnors5879
    @margaretconnors5879 Год назад +7

    Well Dalton, you have won me over for sure. I have believed in the rapture for about 2 years, before that I had been reading and studying the King James for 40 yrs and had never even thought of a rapture, then when I stopped going to church I got listening to a certain person whom I thought was outstanding in his teaching, lately though I was having a few doubts, now I come across you and you have changed my thinking again. I am so glad and thankful for it. Now I have to tell my friend , that will be something. Thank you again. I will be watching and listening to your videos here with great glee. Shalom brothers, and maranatha

  • @donnie8632
    @donnie8632 Год назад +13

    I was Catholic when I got saved thru Campus Crusade in college 1973. I began attending a Bible Church. It grounded me in dispensational truth and the Pre-Trib rapture. As I grew, I became a teacher of Gods Word which I love with all my heart. I focused on the EndTimes. All was going well, but I started seeing the errors of Pre-Trib and began exploring Post-Trib. Learned very quickly my classes did not like that new teaching. I then came across Marvin Rosenthal's book, The Pre-Wrath rapture of the church. One reading of his book made me realize I was wrong. I consider myself PreWrath, but I see a lot of evidence for Post Trib. PreTrib is simply not true. I met Marvin once and he asked me what convinced me. 2Thes. 2 I said. He responded enthusiastically, Exactly!" Looking forward to this very timely teaching for the End Times Church.

  • @davidlibbu3947
    @davidlibbu3947 Год назад +3

    I am glad you are teaching this to many people have a religious spirit instead of a teachable spirit. Religion gets mad at truth. Mark Twain once wrote;" it is easier to fool someone then it is to convince them they have been fooled "

  • @marazataza
    @marazataza Год назад +1

    Thank you

  • @Michael-ie7fo
    @Michael-ie7fo Год назад +4

    No one goes to the kingdom of God until the sound of the last trumpet (7th Angel)
    Revelation 15:8
    “And the Temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power, and no man was able to enter into the Temple, till the seuen plagues of the seuen Angels were fulfilled.”
    1 Corinthians 15:52
    “In a moment, in the twinckling of an eye, at the last trumpe, (for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.)”
    Hope that is all included God bless

  • @pmedic102
    @pmedic102 11 месяцев назад +1

    I'm watching this for the first time today, and I believe that the Oct 7 massacre of Jews just rocketed us forward toward the Tribulation. Also, I have been doubting the pre-trib rapture lately and I'm so thankful you have gifted the world with this end times education. God Bless you and yours!

  • @sherrieadams1253
    @sherrieadams1253 Год назад +4

    Thank you for your wisdom and knowledge of the Bible, I told someone on a video that how could there be an endurance of the Saints and their testimony if they are gone before. Also, the 5th seal says the souls were crying out how long must we wait, and they were told until more saints are martyred for staying strong for The Lord and his word. Why can't they see this? I have been told and do believe that the parable of the ten virgins is that 1/2 of all Christians will be in the LORD and ready when HE returns so they go to be with HIM. The other 5 are the Christians that are half heartedly worshiping but still have one foot or more in the lusts of the world. I believe this church age is the last church JESUS CHRIST spoke to in Revelation, the Ladeocians. The lukewarm Christians, HE said "if you can't take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of me." Same as the door of the ark closing, going about your daily lives and not concerned about your soul.

  • @MM-oc5ox
    @MM-oc5ox Год назад

    The Holy Spirit is revealing to many people that I know that we need to prepare to endure, to fast, pray and draw closer to God than we ever have before!

  • @cindyc
    @cindyc Год назад +9

    🤗🙏🕊️ Praying that your words will speak to the hearts and souls who hear them.

    • @cindyc
      @cindyc Год назад

      Is 49 12Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.
      13Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains:
      for the LORD hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted.
      14But Zion said, The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me.
      15Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.
      16Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.
      17Thy children shall make haste; thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth of thee.
      18Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to thee. As I live, saith the LORD, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all, as with an ornament, and bind them on thee,
      as a bride doeth.
      19For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy destruction, shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away.
      20The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears, The place is too strait for me: give place to me that I may dwell.
      21Then shalt thou say in thine heart,
      Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? and who hath brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where had they been?
      22Thus saith the Lord GOD,
      Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people:
      and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders.
      23And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the LORD:
      for they shall not be ashamed
      that wait for me.

  • @reads8954
    @reads8954 Год назад +1


  • @KatTremblay1
    @KatTremblay1 Год назад +10

    Thank you... I pray for your ministry often and you bless my life.
    I pray everyone who watches this be blessed in their walk with Christ, their eyes be more and more opened to seeing the truth of the evil that is surrounding us in our everyday lives, I pray they become as wise as serpents and harmless as doves and watch and pray without ceasing, so they do not fall into temptation. And that we all put JESUS first and abide in HIM every second of every day.

  • @Kasonas
    @Kasonas Год назад +1

    Why are so few teachers, ministers, teaching this when it is actually what the Bible says. Thank you, this is refreshing. Not because I want to go through the trib, but because it aligns with the word of God.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Год назад

      Simple they do not want to loose people who sit in their pews and donate money !

  • @invitedtobehisbride6192
    @invitedtobehisbride6192 Год назад +9

    Amen! I have felt a strong disturbance each time a pastor preaches pre-trib “rapture,” but I have had people say back to me, “You want to suffer? You think God wants His Bride to suffer? It says in the Bible The Bride isn’t appointed to wrath.” And I studied Revelation and Yeshua says (as if a chorus of a song), “Listen and obey; endure till the end; hold fast to the truth through the pain.” And what do we have to endure? How do they explain the martyrs in Revelation? Why does Yeshua say, “Take heart, I have overcome the world.” And “I am with you until the end of the age” means what?
    Pre-trib rapture doctrine also sets people up for great deception and falling away. People will take/do things they shouldn’t because they think they have the “get out of jail card” of rapture. I also think there’s a huge idolatry in the doctrine that says humans are the keepers of The Holy Spirit and if we aren’t here, the enemy is finally unrestrained.
    I’ve felt the call to study Exodus. Isaiah. Captivity. Escape. Judgment of Egypt, protection of Israel. Thank you for this study. Maranatha.

    • @ZackWolfMusic
      @ZackWolfMusic Год назад

      Boy you need a blessing from god because you are a lost cause!

  • @TownersMoments
    @TownersMoments Год назад +2

    I wish you where my preacher, I miss going to church but since I have been getting into the Bible it really opened my eyes to the wrongs of our churches. And has made it very hard to find a church that I can feel at home at.

    • @kenklein9228
      @kenklein9228 Год назад +1

      There are a handful of ministries on line, like this one, that teach regards the end of the age. I'm in the same position, haven't been "to" a church since 2006. I find fellowship online.

    • @noraplowshay8784
      @noraplowshay8784 Год назад

      ME TOO!

  • @ourdailybread1099
    @ourdailybread1099 Год назад +3

    Hallelujah! Hoshana to the Highest. Glory to the triune God.

  • @barbarawright4289
    @barbarawright4289 Год назад

    Fenominal Stand on this topic. I love you guys for your most excellent teachings of the hard truths of scripture. We need to understand truth in order to be prepared to stand strong in the difficult days ahead. God bless you abundantly for your studies that help us keep on the right track, proving everything through the scripures. I always look forward to watching and sharing your videos. Thank you❣🥰
    Praying for you and your families for strength, healing, peace or whatever (as the Lord leads). Love you all so very much. 💞💞💞

  • @rosedan2009
    @rosedan2009 Год назад +10

    We will go through it for pureness. His bride must be pure.

    • @sdedgedgy1185
      @sdedgedgy1185 Год назад +1

      You are pure in God's eye if you believe in the work of his Son. No condemnation to the Church... Roman 8:1

  • @jamesfriend481
    @jamesfriend481 Год назад +2

    Pre tribulation teaching has been and is still all around especially in my congregation but in my naivety I always believed Jesus was speaking directly to me through Matt:24

    • @KatTremblay1
      @KatTremblay1 Год назад +3

      AMEN !! Me TOO!! Ive always had reservations about the rapture, and after finding FAI years ago, they confirmed the false OSAS, and rapture teachings that I was feeling in my spirit.. So many people believe this and its terrifying .. I pray the Lord blesses you and keeps you and makes His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.... In Jesus Name !

  • @TheWatchmanWebsite
    @TheWatchmanWebsite Год назад +3

    I like the sober approach to scripture

  • @PatiMascarenhas
    @PatiMascarenhas Год назад +1

    Just love you guys. Thank you for the good work and for bringing the word of Jesus around in such an amazing light in such a dark days.❤

  • @margaretconnors5879
    @margaretconnors5879 Год назад +5

    Wow, I am so looking forward to these studies on the rapture with you Dalton and Joel. I have been feeling something is coming in my life and I was confused because I thought I knew scripture so well after studying for 40 yrs. I am so excited and thankful to God. Shalom brothers.

  • @reneegrubbs4912
    @reneegrubbs4912 Год назад +2

    Blessed and thankful for this teaching right now ! 🙏 Always wondered why Pre Tribb was being taught 🤔 when the BIBLE clearly says to Endure. Endure wat if ur not there. GOD BLESS 🙌 YOU.

  • @ryanlay2522
    @ryanlay2522 Год назад +10

    Excellent bible study as always......just a quick comment, the PSAs should be at the beginning of the video. You wouldn't have someone jump in on a pastor's message during a real church service would you?? it disrupts the flow & focus on what you all are teaching.

  • @reikawahara770
    @reikawahara770 Год назад +1

    I'm so glad you discussed reason #3. I was grateful for your "marathon" mentality concerning end times study, but also felt a disconnect because I feel very strongly that we are the generation upon whom the end of the age has come. I'm comforted to hear you guys are feeling the gravity as well. Thank you for your sound, gracious, and powerful teaching!

  • @BrianKeithPREPPER
    @BrianKeithPREPPER Год назад +3

    I believe we are in the times now of the end, everything is happening! Praise be to the Lord, All praise to the Father!

  • @meadow9166
    @meadow9166 Год назад

    Thank you Dalton and Joel. I'm excited for the study on this topic. I pray as many believers as possible watch this. ❤️ Maranatha

  • @reneek2084
    @reneek2084 Год назад +3

    Thank you so much Dalton and Joel! Prayers will continue for you both to help bring clarity and courage to this important subject. I was raised in a faith that I found out just a few years ago, was a total lie. It is the scariest thing to have your whole foundation pulled out from you. But it is the only way I would have learned the truth because I was such a believer. Best thing that ever happened to me was when God showed me the truth, as then he stood beside me through the pain of starting again. Have courage to believe what is true!

  • @Gazman67
    @Gazman67 Год назад

    The Truth shall set you free.

  • @johnfourteensix5398
    @johnfourteensix5398 Год назад +4

    Amen! Thank you for doing this study!!!

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH Год назад

      Here is The Savior
      YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified/Pierced for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
      From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic:
      "Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
      Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation
      Yad - "Behold The Hand"
      He - "Behold the Breath"
      Vav - "Behold The NAIL"

  • @stephengolden1963
    @stephengolden1963 Год назад +1

    Thank you FAI. I'm sure your teaching will amply refute the attendant false teachings re perseverance of the saints and that there is no need for obedience or living holy lives but just believing Jesus died for our sins and we are thus guaranteed eternal live in heaven.

  • @thomasfholland
    @thomasfholland Год назад +7

    This is going to be fun!! Thanking both of you for helping us understand the correct interpretations of the Word of God.

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH Год назад

      Guys, Here is The Savior
      YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified/Pierced for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
      From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic:
      "Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
      Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation
      Yad - "Behold The Hand"
      He - "Behold the Breath"
      Vav - "Behold The NAIL"

  • @melindahodge3265
    @melindahodge3265 Год назад

    Thank You for this series ❤

  • @pameladavis3991
    @pameladavis3991 Год назад +5

    I have been taught the pretribulation rapture in my church for almost 50 years. I never realized that this was a false doctrine until I discovered this ministry. I have listened to almost every thing that has been taught in this channel concerning the rapture and the book of Revelation and other books as well and I can tell you I am now a believer in the post tribulation rapture. What do I do now when the church I belong to believes in the pretribulation rapture? Everyone gets all excited thinking they are going to be evacuated out. It makes me cringe now when I hear it. God bless this ministry and please don’t be afraid to tell it like it is. I welcome it!

    • @gonfishingonfishin63
      @gonfishingonfishin63 Год назад +1

      Pamela get out before it destroys you... you have the body of AFI BEHIND YOU IN PRAYER

    • @MorrisonJames
      @MorrisonJames Год назад +1

      Ask your pastor if you can hold a womens teaching session. Then preach the truth of the return of Yeshua Jesus Christ IN THE TRIBULATION pre his Fathers wrath. See how many repent and first believe. If 1? Praise God. If none, if they abuse you? Shake the dust off of your shoes as you leave that place. You have warned them, God with deal with them either way. Then go out and proclaim Christ to the virgin ears of the lost❣️

    • @BloodCovenant
      @BloodCovenant Год назад

      Understand why you no longer believe in a pre-trib rapture. Be able to clearly communicate what you believe 1Pe 3:15. Once you can do this have a talk with your pastor if they are willing to sit down and hear your position. With the Lord's anointing, the seed can get planted or God can take a hammer and crush the doctrine of pre-trib. Regardless of what happens, that meeting should better let you know if you should stay or if you should go. Another way to approach this, is if you have Sunday school classes or other classes that allow for open discussion, when the subject is brought up, state your position. Just make sure you know why you believe what you believe well enough to clearly communicate it with someone else.

  • @kaykayrn1747
    @kaykayrn1747 Год назад +2

    After numerous studies of the book of Revelation, I NEVER left with an impression of a pre-trip rapture, but other pastors would lead to other books/verses (cherry picked) & attempt to convince otherwise. I'm the typical American that fell for the fantasy of the pre-trip rapture theory UNTIL I read the book (Bible) myself.
    We need to wake up from our fantasy world & learn how we're gonna ENDURE the upcoming days ahead & keep our hearts/minds on Yeshua & ALL that He stood for without compromise. Shalom!

  • @fryday65
    @fryday65 Год назад +10

    I have pondered this for sooo long. Thank Y'ALL for this. All I see on the pastors I watch, and I mean ALL teach that. It never felt right, still doesn't, and the verses they use are taken as you said,as doctrine and preach it. A lot of suffering may take place. DECEPTION? WOW! I hope this can help me to get my personal feelings and some scriptural reference to proove that pre trib or any such thing isn't happenening. If we are wrong, good, who wants to suffer. Thanks again KIM from Pa. USA. Still think ads should come after, I barely caught what she said then forgot it instantly, put them at the end so we can keep them in our brains.

    • @afraharper3454
      @afraharper3454 Год назад +1

      It has never felt right to me either, I believe that my whole life has been in preparation for endurance and I have no fear of it.

  • @Eye2Sky4U
    @Eye2Sky4U Год назад +1

    Amen! Preach! People better get prepared...don't be like the virgins whose oil runs out. Seek God for guidance if you don't wanna believe us. Ask Jesus for the Truth. Prayers for all

  • @Ruben_Ybarra
    @Ruben_Ybarra Год назад +3

    Come on! Can't wait for the next episodes! 🙌🙌🙌🙌

  • @Brandonlaskey
    @Brandonlaskey Год назад +1

    Wowwww… “i never found anyone who came up with the pre trib rapture on there own” my WHOLE life feels questioned after this brother. I have so much studying to do.

  • @robind4l936
    @robind4l936 Год назад +6

    I've been trying to teaching this exact thing on my Christian Blog. Unfortunately, there are some who flat out reject it and have told me as much. I always tell them if the Church was persecuted originally what makes you believe our age would be spared.
    I also believed the pre-tribulation rapture until I started reading the Bible for myself and realized there are NOT any scriptures referring to it. I believe those who choose to reject the Bible for man is in for a big awakening.
    I believe persecution is coming to the US, in fact, I've been harassed already on my blog because of my belief. And those who believe in a pre-tribulation rapture will fall away or deny Christ and we know where that leads.

    • @MorrisonJames
      @MorrisonJames Год назад

      Robin, you will get 2 in a hundred that God allows the truth to reach. The pre tribulation rapture deception has seared itself into so many that God has already given them over to it. As it stands, they are lost. Only The Holy Spirit can convict them and bring them back. You should publish on your blog ‘how the Apostles died” mind blowing truth.

    • @Brett.D
      @Brett.D Год назад

      Agreed...the false pre trib doctrine usually goes hand in hand with the 'eternal security' doctrine and the 'prosperity gospel'...bless you...

    • @noraplowshay8784
      @noraplowshay8784 Год назад

      Too many churches tickling ears.

    • @Brett.D
      @Brett.D Год назад

      @@noraplowshay8784 Yes, and they are all part of the end times apostate church - these same apostates talk about a great end times harvest, but this will be a harvest onto the road of destruction...the narrow path is getting so much narrower now, and Jesus Himself says that the destruction of the end times will be so severe, that if the days are not shortened, there will be no flesh spared...bless you as you continue on the narrow path...

  • @JustBHappy
    @JustBHappy Год назад +1

    I have watched all of these videos and wanted to say Thank You for risking your friendships and everything else to make these videos. I have shared them with many of my friends that are avid believers of pre tribulation rapture.

  • @valeriemagrini1455
    @valeriemagrini1455 Год назад +4

    Good for you for speaking up! This needs to be addressed! Really looking forward to this series!!

  • @katielyons2225
    @katielyons2225 Год назад +1

    I often say we are more afraid of offending people than we are of offending God. I was like this for many years. I'm so glad you guys are risking telling the truth. I believed in pre trib as that's what was taught in church. It took reading a Christian authors fictional but bible based books to make me reevaluate that belief and study for myself. Keep on keeping on Brothers. People need wake up.

  • @CraigStephens777
    @CraigStephens777 Год назад +3

    Hallelujah and Amen!Come Lord Yashua 🙏

  • @lornawest7568
    @lornawest7568 Год назад

    Yes yes yes!!! Preaching the tough truth! Maranantha!

  • @brendoncowan5470
    @brendoncowan5470 Год назад +7

    Very well explained, and laid out. I am looking forward to more ❤️🙏

  • @noelajones619
    @noelajones619 Год назад

    A sign that things are speeding up is that God Is lifting the hardening of the hearts of Jewish people. Many are coming to faith in Messiah. There are at least a million believers in the world today. Not since the1st century has this been so. Maranatha!

  • @1WayTruthLife2God
    @1WayTruthLife2God Год назад +3

    So looking forward to this series!!! Thank you for everything you do!!!

  • @steveorino78
    @steveorino78 Год назад

    Praise God thank you this ministry is a spiritual blessing GALATIANS 6

  • @daveseibert9390
    @daveseibert9390 Год назад +4

    Nice job, thank you!
    You are correct when you say that the "Pre Tribbers" get angry,...they really do.

  • @pastori70
    @pastori70 Год назад +2

    Came here to say thank you. I agree with everything what you say about this matter. May God help us all to endure things that will come upon us. Christian life is hard and difficult, so we need all the help that The Spirit can give us. Maranatha!

  • @kcjean827
    @kcjean827 Год назад +3

    It happened for me in 2019. The scariest thing I ever experienced. But most liberating. It was the spring of 2019.

  • @juanitahelewski9400
    @juanitahelewski9400 Год назад

    Thank you for your boldness in speaking the truth.

  • @DMV1090
    @DMV1090 Год назад +4

    Excellent, thank you, this is extremely useful and important.

  • @suzanneholcombe9648
    @suzanneholcombe9648 Год назад +1

    Wow! So true, churches in the US have no idea what it means to be persecuted. We are spoiled and lazy. The Lord has been talking to me a lot lately on how HE doesn’t reward laziness. I get frustrated when I hear people complaining but don’t appreciate HIS goodness towards them. When people want to be raptured out without fighting, I think that’s lazy. Jesus was not lazy when he endured HELL for us. Can’t wait to get started on this series. ❤

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Год назад +1

      American Churches are Ignorant of all the Christians that have been Persecuted and Killed Beheaded Crucified and Burnt Alive for Faith in Jesus Christ, over the Last 2,000 Years and Continue to be so every day every year. They are Oblivious to the Persecuted Believer's in Jesus Christ and the Word of God

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Год назад

      1400 Year's More Than 600 Million Christian's have been Killed Beheaded Crucified and Burnt Alive for Faith in Jesus Christ and the Word of God, and continue to be so every day every year, and the Tribulations of those Day's has not started yet.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Год назад

      Persecution of the Saint's is Coming to the America's, through Hijrah Imagination Refugees and Mass Migration and Breeding Children to take over from Within Creating The New World Order Islamic State Caliphate, beware and God Bless you Sister in Jesus Christ

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Год назад

      Persecution of the Saint's is Coming to the America's, through Hijrah Imagination Refugees and Mass Migration and Breeding Children to take over from Within Creating The New World Order Islamic State Caliphate, beware and God Bless you Sister in Jesus Christ

  • @TownersMoments
    @TownersMoments Год назад +6

    I agree with you this is why I have a hard time finding a church to go to.

    • @1love1hope1faith
      @1love1hope1faith Год назад

      Yes me too , I don’t know what country your from but I live in Australia and all church are pre Trib and the one church that I found that wasn’t went crazy and the pastor believed she was one of the witnesses and so been church hopping since!

    • @sanalouis2620
      @sanalouis2620 2 месяца назад +1

      @@1love1hope1faithI wonder which state you’re in Australia for I’m still looking for a church to attend in Sydney. Shalom!

    • @1love1hope1faith
      @1love1hope1faith 2 месяца назад

      @@sanalouis2620 hello I lived in Sydney but we moved 16 months ago to QLD! Still looking for a church , Australia don’t have many if any church that are talking about end times if they do they more about getting out before the trouble hits and not preparing the church to go through it !

    • @sanalouis2620
      @sanalouis2620 2 месяца назад +1

      @@1love1hope1faith oh thank you for sharing. Yes indeed it so hard to find one. Wish you the very best and your family 🙏🙏

    • @1love1hope1faith
      @1love1hope1faith 2 месяца назад

      @@sanalouis2620 Thank you 🙏🏽 😊 and your family too! Praying we can both find a good Church 🙏🏽🙏🏽✝️✝️ Shalom!

  • @wendysabo3442
    @wendysabo3442 Год назад +1

    Praise YHWH for boldness to speak truth, which truly sets the captives free, THIS IS LOVE. The enemy has been at work since the garden to twist truth to bring Yah into our kingdom instead of us being brought into His and standing as an ambassador for truth because of the extravagant love He is flowing through the remnant. He is exposing all that needs to be exposed, giving everyone an opportunity to have an open heart to hear, receive and freely move into His pure truth. His deep desire for His people to turn from our way to move into His Way is one of hear the word of Adonai and move in action (belief-obedience) to what He says is true. No longer accommodating the enemy out of fear of man, but having reverence for an Almighty Creator who despises assimilation, Hellenization and conforming to the patterns and traditions of the world. Thank you, He is rising up those willing to lay down their flesh, feelings, what they have thought or been taught was true, to be watchman and warn that He is coming and He is calling His people to pure truth (How far back are you willing to go for His truth?). I pray that hearts are open to trust Him and walk in His truth...about the 2nd coming, about His 7 Feasts which all point to Yahshua, about His true name (which scripture says we will be persecuted, hated, and martyred for). He has a name YHWH, Yahshua (Salvation) and Ruach Hakodesh (power). My beloved He says...come out of her (Babylon), speak my Name, walk in My Ways, and submit and trust my absolutely truth, it is beneficial for the times He is preparing for us to endure as true followers of Him. Shalom and Love - thank you for your obedience brother!