The twizys shown in the vid were cool and all, but Renault should also make the Twizy Renault *Sport F1* available to the public (and also ship it to North America!). If it is made well and reliable - I would buy it!!
No side windows ? Does it mean you cannot leave any valuables unattended and will get soaked whenit rains ? What about security ? Do the doors lock ? No rear window is odd, it sounds like they are aiming this squarely at the mini car market, the one where teenagers can drive, in some countries. It looks nice though but battery life will be key to its success, I reckon.
It will be really necessary to have windows for winter or stong rains, and must have space for 2 people at less, at the side or behind of the driver.. And batteries will last more time, if its light were of leds!!
Das stimmt nicht so ganz! Schulterzucken hat schon recht. Erst mit dem Erwerb des Führerscheins Klasse S darf der auf 45 km/h reduzierte Twizy gefahren werden. Vorher (also mit 15 Jahren) darf ein Fahrzeug nur 25 km/h fahren, mit dem ehemaligen Mofaführerschein. In Germany you can drive the Twizy 45 , who is limited to 45 kilometres per hour, with 16 years and a driving-license S (funny called S-Klasse)!
Pity this beautiful car has NO WINDOWS !. This was a very big mistake in its design, and for this only reason I think this car has no future. What happens when it rains, or is a cold, cold day ?. Cheers, John.
dal momento che consumo energia elettrica per viaggiare perché non recuperarne un po' utilizzando un mini o micro generatore eolico, ad asse verticale, posto esternamente da qualche parte dell'automobile? Questo erogherà energia ... per sempre.
@schulterzucken: ich schreib lieber englisch das es jeder versteht. thats not true,in germany you are allowed to drive the twizy when you are15 years old
Esto es otro nivel, medio ambiente, velocidad moderada, espacios eficientes....Espectacular
Renault Sport mühendislerini tebrik ederim. Çağının çok ilerisinde bir öngörü ile yapılmış. Gerçek bir mobilite aracı büyük şehirlerde.
Türkiye içinde böyle araç bekliyoruz devamlı olarak arkadaşım haydi bekletmeyin
I like the car and find it very interesting that you're playing a Hare Krishna music track with it. Nice! :-)
It does have compartments for shopping bags etc ( and a second seat )
Bellissima Bravo Renault. viva la corrente elettrica
I tried this vehicle already ! :-)
Están bonitos los autos en todo estilo y color me gustan no están a mi alcance
enak nih kalo pake bensin dan harga di bawah 40 jt orang indonesia pasti bakal berani ambil kredit
No tiene vidrios laterales en las puertas?
When they put in windows I’ll think about it. Definitely pointing to the future of driving.
It is possible to buy windows for it.
bravo renault how much money can be put the one like that?
The twizys shown in the vid were cool and all, but Renault should also make the Twizy Renault *Sport F1* available to the public (and also ship it to North America!).
If it is made well and reliable - I would buy it!!
kapan lounch di Indonesia,,??
No side windows ? Does it mean you cannot leave any valuables unattended and will get soaked whenit rains ? What about security ? Do the doors lock ? No rear window is odd, it sounds like they are aiming this squarely at the mini car market, the one where teenagers can drive, in some countries. It looks nice though but battery life will be key to its success, I reckon.
IMHO with motor of Yamaha R1 is perfect!
It will be really necessary to have windows for winter or stong rains, and must have space for 2 people at less, at the side or behind of the driver.. And batteries will last more time, if its light were of leds!!
How can i ship this in to nigeria please.. I want to buy please
tendrian que haber puesto una 5ta rueda para aumentar el numero de baterias y como resultado un poco mas autonomia
what's with the music??
yes twizy was producted with no windows
Berapa harganya?
Das stimmt nicht so ganz! Schulterzucken hat schon recht. Erst mit dem Erwerb des Führerscheins Klasse S darf der auf 45 km/h reduzierte Twizy gefahren werden. Vorher (also mit 15 Jahren) darf ein Fahrzeug nur 25 km/h fahren, mit dem ehemaligen Mofaführerschein.
In Germany you can drive the Twizy 45 , who is limited to 45 kilometres per hour, with 16 years and a driving-license S (funny called S-Klasse)!
Pity this beautiful car has NO WINDOWS !. This was a very big mistake in its design, and for this only reason I think this car has no future.
What happens when it rains, or is a cold, cold day ?. Cheers, John.
windows are available in option.
dal momento che consumo energia elettrica per viaggiare perché non recuperarne un po' utilizzando un mini o micro generatore eolico, ad asse verticale, posto esternamente da qualche parte dell'automobile? Questo erogherà energia ... per sempre.
@schulterzucken: ich schreib lieber englisch das es jeder versteht. thats not true,in germany you are allowed to drive the twizy when you are15 years old