Best interview I have ever seen with Kopi. Really appreciate the English Subs. Been a Kings fan longer than Kopi has been alive, we've been SO lucky and fortunate to have him on our team for so long, not just for his play but ESPECIALLY for his character! Now we'll be rooting for that 3rd cup even harder so his Kids can lift it! Cheers to you guys for this one, Thank you!
hokejová legenda... pozrdavujem z Česka 🏒❤🥇
Best interview I have ever seen with Kopi. Really appreciate the English Subs. Been a Kings fan longer than Kopi has been alive, we've been SO lucky and fortunate to have him on our team for so long, not just for his play but ESPECIALLY for his character! Now we'll be rooting for that 3rd cup even harder so his Kids can lift it! Cheers to you guys for this one, Thank you!
Najbolj podcenjen sportnik v zgodovini Slovenije. Dosežki Anžeta Kopitarja so fenomenalni! Legenda!
Poklon za takega človeka❤
Cudovit clovek z jasnim, zrelim in pozitivnim pogledom na zivljenje. Bravo, Anze❣
Hvala ❤
Kopi legenda kapo dol
Super športnik! Večkrat me je zmotilo da g.Pahor skače v besedo in ne dopusti, da Anže zaključi misel.
Moj velik poklon obema