Sneaky ruthless Gael Monfils - Guess Whom | Wide World of Sports

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Gael Monfils takes on Andy Lee in a nice game of Guess Whom?* READ: | Subscribe:
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Комментарии • 65

  • @Sam-vo5hk
    @Sam-vo5hk 3 года назад +273

    It's kind of sad seeing Gael so happy here knowing how gutted he would be by that 1st round loss

    • @gts8919
      @gts8919 3 года назад +9

      For a second i thought you were that Man United spammer.

    • @jorandubois18
      @jorandubois18 2 года назад +6

      He’s in the Quarterfinals now‼️‼️😍

    • @Sam-vo5hk
      @Sam-vo5hk 2 года назад +4

      @@jorandubois18 It's really good to see him in such good form! Pretty crazy that he went 15 months without winning just last year

  • @abgrayson
    @abgrayson 3 года назад +2

    Just starting, but I bet this is going to be the best one yet hahaha

  • @moelester2817
    @moelester2817 3 года назад +216

    Monfils played it properly too, after he said the question about the kardashians and narrowed it down to 2, he didnt immediately guess but gave Andy a turn.

    • @midgicegg874
      @midgicegg874 3 года назад +18

      Exactly. I noticed other players taking two consecutive guesses at the end.

  • @lipetoones
    @lipetoones 3 года назад +103

    Please never stop this game 😅

  • @kingadjust5422
    @kingadjust5422 3 года назад +99

    gael monfils is the 🐐

    • @skool2090
      @skool2090 3 года назад +3

      Bernard Tomic*

  • @Ninja-gt3zi
    @Ninja-gt3zi 3 года назад +68

    Hope monfils gets back to the form he was in last year

  • @marjanp4784
    @marjanp4784 2 года назад +20

    "He's from the USA and is currently in jail" 😂🤣 I lost it there 😆🙈

  • @sethcarlson25
    @sethcarlson25 3 года назад +17


  • @NeguAIT
    @NeguAIT 3 года назад +60

    Andy just loses almost every time from the 1st question.

    • @mikov6486
      @mikov6486 3 года назад +33

      It's cause his bit is asking ridiculous questions instead of really narrowing ones. Which is funny, and I kind of wish the tennis players would match him in the spirit.

    • @victoriaepps8996
      @victoriaepps8996 3 года назад +14

      @@mikov6486 I think John Millman asked the fun questions as well.

    • @9tailjeza
      @9tailjeza 3 года назад +3

      it’s cause he’s being entertaining, not just tryig to win

    • @tqsuited
      @tqsuited Год назад

      Andy asks an open-to-interpretation question, gets a semi-confirmed response, then is like ok.. well this this and.. this person... maybe this person, ok down too. Like yeah, what could go wrong there.

  • @flashton30
    @flashton30 2 года назад +21

    1. Never actually hear Gael Monfils talk till this day 2. Andy was right there at the end of the video when he says currently

  • @LauraAU
    @LauraAU 3 года назад +33

    Unfortunate outcome at the AO this year, hope the showman gets back on his feet 💪🏻

  • @vandanpatel3395
    @vandanpatel3395 3 года назад +14

    That Kim-Kanye marriage joke though :)

  • @Dr.Phoenix
    @Dr.Phoenix 3 года назад +21

    Trump fan of Kim 😂

  • @Olly07
    @Olly07 3 года назад +12

    Would have been nice to see Andy's reaction that he put down Novak in the first round.

  • @Floxic__
    @Floxic__ 3 года назад +12

    please make these videos longer

  • @pranavchavan5132
    @pranavchavan5132 3 года назад +10

    Sorry Shane again..3x

  • @aidanchung6656
    @aidanchung6656 3 года назад +3

    Well now Kim and Kanye are divorced

  • @takelsnakel
    @takelsnakel 2 года назад +1

    He should have asked if he was a gay fish

  • @edwinpaul4301
    @edwinpaul4301 2 года назад +1

    Shane Warne is a face of hair transplantation ?? N he is also good at cricket ... Come on ... I don't know the guy on other side of monfils ....

  • @vrushabhsekhar1564
    @vrushabhsekhar1564 3 года назад +3

    Sorry Warnie hahah

  • @madeleinep8110
    @madeleinep8110 3 года назад +2

    Where’s the new one ?

  • @rickyismyuncle4485
    @rickyismyuncle4485 3 года назад +1

    Is it me or does Novak always pop up here? True Goat!

  • @spaceshido6124
    @spaceshido6124 3 года назад +1

    I want to see the writer and director of this sinario

  • @SidKneeGeo
    @SidKneeGeo 2 года назад

    Funny how Borat looks like someone from the original game

  • @brigidm6279
    @brigidm6279 2 года назад

    Andy wouldn't be scared of any of those women on the board?

  • @twilkinson8058
    @twilkinson8058 2 года назад

    I love these videos. So entertaining

  • @johnnybgoode4778
    @johnnybgoode4778 2 года назад

    1:50 oh the irony

  • @inmate1614
    @inmate1614 2 года назад

    A bit of casual racism thrown in almost straight away pfff

    • @Nati4Truth
      @Nati4Truth 2 года назад

      Why? Where did you find racism?

  • @freddycalipari4242
    @freddycalipari4242 3 года назад +1

    What shoes are those?

  • @Mich13633
    @Mich13633 3 года назад

    "You can danse" that wasn't a very nice assumption

  • @finnclancy767
    @finnclancy767 3 года назад +5

    This is a reupload

    • @kingadjust5422
      @kingadjust5422 3 года назад +1

      it is? 😎

    • @subhashis_M
      @subhashis_M 3 года назад +2

      Yep bro...with the background music changed a little bit...

  • @intramotus
    @intramotus 3 года назад

    Keith Richards

  • @ritalu9248
    @ritalu9248 3 года назад

    get benoit paire on it

  • @rodrigocasimiro3426
    @rodrigocasimiro3426 3 года назад

    Im guei

  • @JohnScott9000
    @JohnScott9000 3 года назад +9

    He's like 6'4 and Serena still looks bigger in that chair😎

  • @jakegargiulo5101
    @jakegargiulo5101 3 года назад

    Yayyyyy, Gael

  • @JesusChristEmmanuel
    @JesusChristEmmanuel 2 года назад

    Exodus 20 And the Blessed Lord God, the Great King spoke all these words:
    2 I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
    3 Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.
    4 Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth.
    5 Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them: I am the Lord God, the Great King thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me:
    6 And showing mercy unto thousands to them that love me, and keep my commandments.
    7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord God, the Great King will not hold him guiltless that shall take the name of the Lord God, the Great King his God in vain.
    8 Remember that thou keep holy the sabbath day.
    9 Six days shalt thou labour, and shalt do all thy works.
    10 But on the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord God, the Great King thy God: thou shalt do no work on it, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy beast, nor the stranger that is within thy gates.
    11 For in six days the Lord God, the Great King made heaven and earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them, and rested on the seventh day: therefore the Lord God, the Great King blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.
    12 Honour thy father and thy mother, that thou mayest be longlived upon the land which the Lord thy God will give thee.
    13 Thou shalt not murder.
    14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
    15 Thou shalt not steal.
    16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
    17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house: neither shalt thou desire his wife, nor his servant, nor his handmaid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his.
    18 And all the people saw the voices and the flames, and the sound of the trumpet, and the mount smoking: and being terrified and struck with fear, they stood afar off,
    19 Saying to Moses: Speak thou to us, and we will hear: let not the Lord God, the Great King speak to us, lest we die.
    20 And Moses said to the people: Fear not: for Lord God, the Great King is come to prove you, and that the dread of him might be in you, and you should not sin.
    21 And the people stood afar off. But Moses went to the dark cloud wherein Lord God, the Great King was.
    22 And the Lord God, the Great King said to Moses: Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel: You have seen that I have spoken to you from heaven.
    23 You shall not make gods of silver, nor shall you make to yourselves gods of gold.
    24 You shall make an altar of earth unto me, and you shall offer upon it your holocausts and peace offerings, your sheep and oxen, in every place where the memory of my name shall be: I will come to thee, and will bless thee.
    25 And if thou make an altar of stone unto me, thou shalt not build it of hewn stones: for if thou lift up a tool upon it, it shall be defiled.
    26 Thou shalt not go up by steps unto my altar, lest thy nakedness be discovered.
    Word of the Blessed Lord God, the King. Thank You Blessed Lord God, the King and Savior Jesus Christ.
    All you great numerous enemies; the enemy of the holy death of my Lord God, the King and Master Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary; the prince of darkness and iniquity, the father of all liars; I stand on the death of my Lord God, the King and Master Jesus Christ and offer His pains, wounds, and the Precious Blood of His left hand to the Eternal Father Lord God, the King for your downfall, your destruction and your scourging. Amen. Precious Blood of my Lord God, the King and Master Jesus Christ - reign in me and in the lives of all men. Amen.
    O holy loving Father, Lord God, the King of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Who protected the Israelites of old in His holy wings in the dryness of the cold and hot desert; I offer You the holy death of my Master and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the protection of Your people who are scattered all over the world. May the Blood and water wash and strengthen, save and cleanse us that we might find home in the Sacred Side of Your Holy Son that opens for all men. Amen. Sacred Side of Lord God, the King Jesus Christ - be our home for safety. Amen.
    Omnipotent and Omniscient Lord God, the King, Lord God, the King of Elijah and the prophets, look at the Sacred Head of Your only-begotten Holy Son and have mercy. Arise and save Your people. I offer You all the shame, the pains, the wounds and the Precious Blood from the Sacred Head of Your Holy Son for all Your children who are living in these perilous times. Strengthen our true faith through the mockery of Your Holy Son, Lord Jesus Christ, and save us through the Precious Blood from His Sacred Head. May we, through the sufferings of Your Holy Son, Jesus Christ, learn to suffer in You and die in You. Amen. Holy tortures of Lord God, the King Jesus Christ - increase our true faith. Amen.
    Merciful and holy loving Father Lord God, the King, Your wish is that all men shall be saved. Kindly look on Your rejected and condemned Holy Son Who suffered many tortures and will suffer many through the sins of Your people. Look and see what sin has done to your only-begotten Holy Son. I offer for all Your people who are living in these ungodly and wicked days, all the tortures, pains, rejection and shame of your Holy Son, Lord God, the King Jesus Christ, to You, for the true faith to withstand trials and holy patience to withstand long torture. May they through the suffering of Your only Holy Son, fight to the end. Amen. Our Lord God, the King's torture - increase our true faith. Precious Blood of Lord God, the King Jesus Christ - save us. Amen.

  • @mutchumbo
    @mutchumbo 3 года назад

    Can anyone direct me to the part that was “hilarious”?

  • @zimbabwianjesus1369
    @zimbabwianjesus1369 3 года назад +4

    Andy is trying too hard with being funny with those stupid questions. They usually ruin the game tbh.

    • @mawoz299
      @mawoz299 3 года назад +1

      Its called entertainment. I dont think any of them cares about winning this game

    • @timwattrus7886
      @timwattrus7886 3 года назад +1

      You ruined the comment section tbh

  • @jamescalasin412
    @jamescalasin412 3 года назад

    Mr. Gael is one of the luckiest tennis player of all time !!!!

  • @matthewwang1075
    @matthewwang1075 3 года назад

    why does he always gotta ask the weirdest questions. Thats why he loses everytime

    • @fantabanta1150
      @fantabanta1150 3 года назад +20

      Do you not know what entertainment is

    • @matthewwang1075
      @matthewwang1075 3 года назад

      @@fantabanta1150 no. do you?

    • @fromthefountofyouth
      @fromthefountofyouth 3 года назад +3

      Not everything is about winning. Winning or losing doesn't affect the outcome of either of their lives. Let your hair down, live a little.

    • @timwattrus7886
      @timwattrus7886 3 года назад +1

      Matty mate you are so dumb

    • @seppukun208
      @seppukun208 3 года назад +2

      He's obviously not trying to win... he's trying to make it funny.. because he's a "comedian"