A person said *"ALLAHU'AKBAR"* later he said *"SUBHANALLAH"* and after that he said *"Alhamdulillah''* he again said *"Allahummaghfirli"* he also said *"la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin"* in this he earned many many good deeds and that person is you.❤
While listening to this story right now in madina while listning to this story, subhanallah this story made me sad and i could not stop tears falling down from my eyes.
wallahi i’m so hit hard. subhanallah the realizations that we all return to Allah and that one day we will have to see our loved ones be washed, and one day we will stand in front of them and pray their janazah. this changed me. i’m not crying but i’m sad. you don’t need to show it it’s all in the heart. from the heart show love to your parents and your siblings and your spouses and your friends. protect yourselves from haram love like they did. i never look at my deen that much, other than madrasa and salah, and that too at force. May Allah make my Iman strong, and my love for Islam strong. May Allah give me the best of Quran and Salah, and help me attain the best of Jannah with my Prophet and my beloved brothers and sisters. OH ALLAH, BLESS ME WITH THE BEST OF YOUR RELIGION, AND THE LOVE OF YOUR RELIGION, AND THE PROTECTION OF THIS RELIGION. OH ALLAH, UNITE ME IN JANNAH UL FIRDOUS WITH MY PROPHET AND THE SAHABAH AND HIS WIVES AND MY FAMILY AND MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN ISLAM. OH ALLAH, HELP ME LEARN THE QURAN AND PERFECT SALAH AND WUDOO, AND DIE A DEATH IN THE SHAHADAH WITH A WIDE GRAVE AND A STEADY ANSWERING OF THE QUESTIONING. MAKE MY WALK OVER SIRAAT LIKE LIGHTNING AND GIVE ME MY BOOK IN MY RIGHT HAND. OH ALLAH, GIVE ME A LONG LIFE WITH MY FAMILY SO I MAY BECOME THE BEST I CAN, AND TAKE ME WHEN I HAVE PERFECTED YOUR RELIGION, FOR YOU DECIDE WHEN I DIE. ALLAH PROTECT ME FROM THE DUNYA’S BAD, FOR THIS WORLD IS A BEAUTIFUL LIE. OH ALLAH, FORGIVE ALL OF THE UMMA, AND GUIDE THOSE WHO DESERVE GUIDANCE. AMEEN YA RABBUL ALAAMEEN. Seek your Lord's forgiveness and turn to Him in repentance. He will shower you with rain in abundance, and add strength to your strength. So do not turn away, persisting in wickedness.” Surah Al Hud
i wish our parents could listen to it, and understand just like Rasul SAW understand his daughter, without even scolded her one time, even without thinking that what people will think.. he just understood his children. I wish if asian parents could get some knowledge about this, that forcing or by emotional blackmailing to their children only damages their soul, their heart ,and even to the most extent , it could be haram, if the kid is not wanna get married to whom his/ her parents forcing .
Subhanallah. The fact that she stayed 6 years not married and rejecting proposals due to the love she had for him. And the love she had for him that she kept pursuing him to become Muslim so that they could get married. It’s so sad how they’ve only been married for a year before she passed away. But I think she’s loved him forever for more than a year. I know she was happy to have him in her heart for so long, longer than that 1 year of marriage.
Undoubtedly, the best love story I heard so far! And what an unexpectedly sad ending! I'm someone who's obsessed with TV shows and series and although romance is not my type of genre, this one is completely different! Subhan Allah. Thanks a lot for sharing this! Enjoyed till the end!👍
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said , "Indeed Allah, His angels, and the inhabitants of the heavens and earth - including the ant in its hole and the fish - send blessings upon the one who teaches people what is good." (Tirmidhi)
The Prophet’s ﷺ compassion for his ummah exceeded that of the previous messengers. He wished for everyone to believe and attain success in the hereafter, which is why he did not waste any opportunity to speak to people and call them towards Allah. ❤️☝️
Ya Allah make me unite the man I love please make dua for us we get married before Eid ul azha , allhumduliah we are close to marriage but it's the will of Allah to make things easy.....
@@Hillz6 jazak Allah Khair kaseerun kaseera and may Allah remove all your difficulties of here and hereafter may he reward you the highest rank in jannah
9/10 A powerful story of unbreakable love 1:30 The daughter of Rasulallah (SAW) having a crush 2:20 Asking for his daughter hand in marriage 3:10 They got married and this is where our story begins 4:10 Zainab (RA) (Rasulallah’s [SAW] daughter) revealing her father prophethood to her husband 5:20 Testing their love 5:50 Muslims leaving for Madinah/Rasuallah (SAW) daughter wanted to stay with her husband 7:20 2 years later war (Battle of Badr)/her husband was on the other side 8:30 Battle of Badr was the greatest battle not just physically but mentally and emotionally 9:50 Trading war prisoners for money/Zainab (RA) looking for something to trade for her husbands life 11:50 Rasulallah (SAW) seeing the necklace (Zainab [RA] payment for her husband) 13:10 Ayah in the Quran (Muslims cannot be married to non-believers)/Zainab (RA) and her husband could no longer be married 14:25 Zainab (RA) begging her husband to become Muslim 14:55 Zainab (RA) leaving for Madinah without her husband and her miscarriage 16:35 Six years go by, Zainab (RA) refused to get married to anybody else except Amar inn alas 18:40 Amar bin al as returns to Zainab (RA) in Madinah/Rasulallah confronts his daughter on Abu Al As 21:05 Abu Al As as leaves Madinah
Omar ibn Khattab ra speaking: I had finished a hard day’s work and toil under the sweltering heat of the sun. After returning my flock to their enclosures, I decided to visit some of my friends. I was twenty-five years old and I wanted to relax and have a good time in the evening. I walked towards one of the taverns to have a cool, refreshing drink with my comrades, as the night was still hot and humid. When I was going past the Holy Sanctuaries, I spotted the lone figure of the Prophet-pbuh engaged in meditation and reciting the Quran. Just as Abu Jahl had alleged, I distinctly noticed that he was deliberately standing with his back to the idol of Al-Uzza and he was directly facing the Kabba. I was filled with anger at this disregard and rejection of the deity. ‘This is the man who is breaking up our society and humiliating our wise Elders,’ Abu Jahl’s poisonous accusations, resonated in my mind. Out of anger and curiosity, I silently hid behind the wall of the Kabba to monitor his actions and listen to his recitation. He was unaware of my presence and was totally focused on his prayers. At that very moment, clouds drifted across the dark skies and blocked out the moonlight. The surroundings of the Kabba turned pitch black. I looked towards the silhouette of Al-Uzza and the deity seemed to activate, trigger thoughts in my mind, as if complaining about her humiliation and demanding vengeance through my hands. There was nobody in the sanctuary apart from myself and the Prophet- pbuh. This was a good opportunity for me to attack him and permanently silence his voice. There were no witnesses. With my wrestling abilities and raw strength, I was confident that I could stealthily approach from behind his back and throttle him with my unbreakable, choke hold. I knew that the Prophet-pbuh had a reputation as a skillful wrestler and that he was more than capable of defending himself against a face-to-face onslaught. However, he was completely engrossed in his prayer and was oblivious to my presence. I stayed hidden behind the Kabba, psyching myself and preparing to launch a surprise attack. I was determined to ambush him to please Al-Uzza. To finish him once and for all and win the favours of the chieftains and become a hero among the pagans of Makka. He stood up from his prostration and began to recite in a loud, powerful and melodious voice, sura ‘Al-Haqqa.’ Unlike the majority of the Makkan population, I am literate and well-read thanks to the efforts of both of my parents. Momentarily, I hesitated, reflecting on the beauty and eloquence of his recitation. The first thought which flashed in my mind was the accusation levelled against him by the Quraysh, namely, that he is a sensational and gifted poet. From behind the wall of the Kabba, I heard the direct response to my mental assumption; ‘And it is not the words of a poet. Little is it that you believe.’ [69:41]. My mind then immediately contemplated the second accusation made against him, asserting that he was a soothsayer, a wicked sorcerer and wizard who had become possessed by jinns and demons. The precincts of the Kabba again echoed and resonated with the telepathic rebuttal; ‘Nor the words of a soothsayer (or a fortune teller). Little is it that you remember.' 69:42] I was taken aback, astonished and mesmerised at the distinct and audible replies to the inner workings of my mind. Although, unaware of my presence, he was directly replying to my innermost secretive thoughts: He is a poet! NO. He is a soothsayer! Again, a definitive NO. ‘Where are these words coming from?’ the maelstrom within my mind questioned. For the third consecutivetime, the Kabba resounded with the astonishing reply; ‘It is a revelation sent down from the Lord of the Worlds (for the benefit of mankind, jinns and creation in its entirety.)’ [Hurdles-by Dr Khalid Bashir; available from amazon]
When abu aas radia allahu anhu uttered shahadha i literally cried and tears were unstoppable and it took time for me to continue watching the rest . . Allahu akbar. If allah swt Wills he give hidayat to a person , can't imagine the sabr of Zaynab ra . She kept hope in Allah and they were united under Allah's love and descision. May Allah bless them reunite at aakira with beautiful and eternal love again.. aameen
I bear witness that there is no god but ALLAH and i bear witness that prophet Muhammed is ALLAH messenger from being my for as long as my soul exist until the day of jument day even after the day of jument day inshallah ameen
May ALLAH bless us with beautiful IMMAN and good deeds in way of ALLAH... May ALLAH guide us to the best and beautiful direction in life in the way of ALLAH... Allahumma Ameen ya ALLAH
Wallahi no fiction novel can touch the intensity of this authentic event of love story in the house of the prophet as... But there was also one love story which was going to happen just after the battle of badr.... Yesss!! Ali & Fatimah..... May allah pleases with them❤❤❤
In the exact situation as Zaynab, except for the fact that my dad isn't the Prophet saw. These Abu As alikes even to this day are the same.. May Allah make their hearts turn like he did to abu as's. Oh Allah.. you know what it is already.. I don't want to give up hope. Please easen my situation. Amin. Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammad.
Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, La ilaha illallah, Allahu akbar, La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah, Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, Subhanallahil azeem, Astaghfirullah.
Make things easy for people and not difficult .Give people good news and bring them joy, and don't turn them away. -prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him.
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "There are two statements that are light for the tongue to remember, heavy in the Scales and are dear to the Merciful: سبحان الله وبحمده، سبحان الله العظيم "Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allah-il-Azim" (Glory be to Allah and His is the praise, (and) Allah, the Greatest is free from imperfection) [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
I need prayers ny brothers and sisters. I'm struggling I'm in love with a man and he's my world as I'm his but our families disapprove of us without even trying to get to know each other. My heart is burdened with the guilt of sin that I speak to him every day with understanding that it's Haram. I want a halal relation but world is so cruel. I pray that Allah help me in this situation and put mercy and acceptance in the heart of our families and save me from committing sins. Im crying even now. I'm scared to lose him and he's scared to lose me.
May Allah give your strength and love which you deserve, If you both are in love with each other and you two are ready for marriage then told to your families that they don't have any right to interrupt between the marriage, Tell them if you are denying true love then it is against the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, Rasool Allah told that Nothing is better than Marrying two loved ones. And before your parents you have that right to choose your partner according to sharia law because you are the one who is going to spend your life with that persons. My sister i'm not telling you to go against your family members but if there are denying to make it halal relationship of your then they are the major sinner. If you need any help pls let us know, We will do whatever we are capable of. May allah Bless u with true Love.
One time surah ikhlas reward of completion of 1 Qur'an 💥❤️ Kul ho wallahu ahad Allah-us-samad Lam ya Lid wa Lam ya Lad wa Lam ya kullahu kufu wan ahad ❤️
*8:45** THE MOVIE THE MESSAGE. The Director Moustapha Akkad did an amazing job!!! Casts ➡️ 🔴Anthony Quinn as Hamza 🔴Irene Papas as Hind 🔴Michael Ansara as Abu Sufyan 🔴Johnny Sekka as Bilal 🔴Michael Forest as Khalid 🔴Garrik Hagon as Ammar 🔴Damien Thomas as Zaid 🔴Andre Morell as Abu Talib 🔴Martin Benson as AbuJahal 🔴Robert Brown as Otba 🔴Rosalie Crutchley as Somaya 🔴Bruno Barnabe as Umaya 🔴Neville Jason as Jaafar 🔴John Bennet as Salool 🔴Donald Burton as Amr 🔴Earl Cameron as Annajashi 🔴George Camiller from mind your language series as Waleed 🔴Nicholas Amer as Suheil*
SubhanAllah may Allah bless us with the spouses like these pure souls. Allah may help us and guide us.This story really made me cry. But now i have hope INSHA ALLAH ,I will get the best one i want,if Allah want to bless me,as i will inShaAllah obey Allah and will away from haram as much as possible.
*Don't forget to recite after prayer* Mu’adh (رضي الله عنه) reported: Prophet (ﷺ) took hold of my hand and said, “O Mu’adh! By Allah I love you, so I advise you to never forget to recite after every prayer: اللَّهُمَّ أَعِنِّي عَلَى ذِكْرِكَ، وَشُكْرِكَ، وَحُسْنِ عِبَادَتِكَ “Allâhumma a’innî alâ dhikrika, wa shukrika, wa husni ‘ibâdatika Meaning: O Allah, help me remember You, to be grateful to You, and to worship You in an excellent manner” Sunan an-Nasa'i (1303)
I wish whoever reads this finds true, everlasting love that brings them closer to Allah and may you reunite with your love in Jannah, ameen. Do pray for me the same too, jazakallah.
I said: My sins are so many. •Allah said: "And who can forgive sins except Allah? [3: 135] I said: Do not leave me. •Allah said: "So remember Me; I will remember you." [2: 152] I said: I'm facing a lot of difficulties in life. •Allah said: "And whoever fears Allah? He will make for him a way out." [65: 2] I said: I have many dreams that I want to come true. •Allah said: "Call upon Me and I will respond to you." [40: 60]❤💕 Don't lose hope,Allah is always there for you ,the most merciful
Could you please share the reference? Also start sharing the reference, as none of your videos share the reference as to date, not even including the video description.
Allahouma salli wa sallim wa barik aala Sayyidina Mohammed wa aala Alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman kathiran .Alot of women follow what Abou l aas did but a lot of men they want to get married before the year is passed 🤔
A person said *"ALLAHU'AKBAR"* later he said *"SUBHANALLAH"* and after that he said *"Alhamdulillah''* he again said *"Allahummaghfirli"* he also said *"la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin"* in this he earned many many good deeds and that person is you.❤
Thank you
Man may Allah bless every cell in your body....you don't know what you have earned by commenting this❤
I was crying 😭 May Allah guide us all, and accept our fasting, prayers all our Ibadah. Ameen
this story is better than romeo and juliet or laila majnum or any love story ever.... and this is true story.
nope stop now
Ss ...it is true
When a woman love, she loves with all her heart so deep no doubt
Not all~ but a religious woman always :)
@@sameerahmad3168 definitely true
Also true when a man loves
And that is A rare.
Our prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the best human ever.❤❤❤
please pray for me to get married , to get in a halal relation with the person I love, and let my parents have this type of understanding. Ameen 😔🤲
Ameen ❤
Aameen, I love this Dua 💜
While listening to this story right now in madina while listning to this story, subhanallah this story made me sad and i could not stop tears falling down from my eyes.
wallahi i’m so hit hard. subhanallah the realizations that we all return to Allah and that one day we will have to see our loved ones be washed, and one day we will stand in front of them and pray their janazah. this changed me. i’m not crying but i’m sad. you don’t need to show it it’s all in the heart. from the heart show love to your parents and your siblings and your spouses and your friends. protect yourselves from haram love like they did. i never look at my deen that much, other than madrasa and salah, and that too at force. May Allah make my Iman strong, and my love for Islam strong. May Allah give me the best of Quran and Salah, and help me attain the best of Jannah with my Prophet and my beloved brothers and sisters. OH ALLAH, BLESS ME WITH THE BEST OF YOUR RELIGION, AND THE LOVE OF YOUR RELIGION, AND THE PROTECTION OF THIS RELIGION. OH ALLAH, UNITE ME IN JANNAH UL FIRDOUS WITH MY PROPHET AND THE SAHABAH AND HIS WIVES AND MY FAMILY AND MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN ISLAM. OH ALLAH, HELP ME LEARN THE QURAN AND PERFECT SALAH AND WUDOO, AND DIE A DEATH IN THE SHAHADAH WITH A WIDE GRAVE AND A STEADY ANSWERING OF THE QUESTIONING. MAKE MY WALK OVER SIRAAT LIKE LIGHTNING AND GIVE ME MY BOOK IN MY RIGHT HAND. OH ALLAH, GIVE ME A LONG LIFE WITH MY FAMILY SO I MAY BECOME THE BEST I CAN, AND TAKE ME WHEN I HAVE PERFECTED YOUR RELIGION, FOR YOU DECIDE WHEN I DIE. ALLAH PROTECT ME FROM THE DUNYA’S BAD, FOR THIS WORLD IS A BEAUTIFUL LIE. OH ALLAH, FORGIVE ALL OF THE UMMA, AND GUIDE THOSE WHO DESERVE GUIDANCE. AMEEN YA RABBUL ALAAMEEN.
Seek your Lord's forgiveness and turn to Him in repentance. He will shower you with rain in abundance, and add strength to your strength. So do not turn away, persisting in wickedness.” Surah Al Hud
Aameen 🤲🏻
Pray for me to marry the one i love, may allah bless you all❤️
Pray for me to ❤
Insha Allah!! You'll get married to the one you love, I'll pray for you.
May Allah swt give you what u want exactly. And even in the hereafter may u be together drinking from the prophet's hand aminn
@@heartofflowers_ jazakhallah ❤️
@@Hillz6 jazakhallah ❤️
i wish our parents could listen to it, and understand just like Rasul SAW understand his daughter, without even scolded her one time, even without thinking that what people will think.. he just understood his children. I wish if asian parents could get some knowledge about this, that forcing or by emotional blackmailing to their children only damages their soul, their heart ,and even to the most extent , it could be haram, if the kid is not wanna get married to whom his/ her parents forcing .
Subhanallah. The fact that she stayed 6 years not married and rejecting proposals due to the love she had for him. And the love she had for him that she kept pursuing him to become Muslim so that they could get married. It’s so sad how they’ve only been married for a year before she passed away. But I think she’s loved him forever for more than a year. I know she was happy to have him in her heart for so long, longer than that 1 year of marriage.
May Allah bring them both together, there in hereafter ❤ this is such beautiful love story I have ever heard.😢
Undoubtedly, the best love story I heard so far! And what an unexpectedly sad ending! I'm someone who's obsessed with TV shows and series and although romance is not my type of genre, this one is completely different! Subhan Allah. Thanks a lot for sharing this! Enjoyed till the end!👍
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said , "Indeed Allah, His angels, and the inhabitants of the heavens and earth - including the ant in its hole and the fish - send blessings upon the one who teaches people what is good." (Tirmidhi)
True Love ya allah, Breathtaking May Allah bring peace upon them all the entire family Ameen
Love sure is real. Love is so powerful on all levels … AMEEN to what u said we should all ask! Alhamdulilla
The Prophet’s ﷺ compassion for his ummah exceeded that of the previous messengers. He wished for everyone to believe and attain success in the hereafter, which is why he did not waste any opportunity to speak to people and call them towards Allah. ❤️☝️
Her Sabr is so beautiful... Subhanallah
Allahu Akbar. Can you imagine in the house of Rasul'lah? This is very optimistic to me
I ask Allah to grant me love so genuine and pure🤍 and Anyone who reads this. Ramadan Kareem. May Allah accept our dua.
اللهم امين يارب العالمين 🤍🤍
Love love love this story 🥰
So much drama and beauty.
Peace and blessings of Allah upon them.
*Mashallah! 🌟🤲 Let's seek Allah's protection for ourselves and the entire ummah. May His divine care be our shield*
I love their story so much
I dont know how many times i listened to this, every now and then i come back 😌
*Alhamdulillah for another day! 🌞 May Allah's guidance light our path. 🌟🤲*
When you worry more about what people think to what is right.But Allah has a plan.What a beautiful story.
The message had me in tears how much Muhammed pbuh did for us and our ummah
One of the most beautiful love story I have ever heard 💞💞
Islam is a gift... If Allah open his mercy to Ronaldo then.. It will be. We can share the message of Islam but mercy is from Allah.
Ya Allah make me unite the man I love please make dua for us we get married before Eid ul azha , allhumduliah we are close to marriage but it's the will of Allah to make things easy.....
May Allah make easy 4 u inshallah abshri. Don't give up hope. Sis
@@nejwanur4359 jazak Allah Khair may Allah reward you for this
@naurin amin too all of us sister
Aminn May Allah unite u with your man in dounya and akhirah amin❤️
@@Hillz6 jazak Allah Khair kaseerun kaseera and may Allah remove all your difficulties of here and hereafter may he reward you the highest rank in jannah
9/10 A powerful story of unbreakable love
1:30 The daughter of Rasulallah (SAW) having a crush
2:20 Asking for his daughter hand in marriage
3:10 They got married and this is where our story begins
4:10 Zainab (RA) (Rasulallah’s [SAW] daughter) revealing her father prophethood to her husband
5:20 Testing their love
5:50 Muslims leaving for Madinah/Rasuallah (SAW) daughter wanted to stay with her husband
7:20 2 years later war (Battle of Badr)/her husband was on the other side
8:30 Battle of Badr was the greatest battle not just physically but mentally and emotionally
9:50 Trading war prisoners for money/Zainab (RA) looking for something to trade for her husbands life
11:50 Rasulallah (SAW) seeing the necklace (Zainab [RA] payment for her husband)
13:10 Ayah in the Quran (Muslims cannot be married to non-believers)/Zainab (RA) and her husband could no longer be married
14:25 Zainab (RA) begging her husband to become Muslim
14:55 Zainab (RA) leaving for Madinah without her husband and her miscarriage
16:35 Six years go by, Zainab (RA) refused to get married to anybody else except Amar inn alas
18:40 Amar bin al as returns to Zainab (RA) in Madinah/Rasulallah confronts his daughter on Abu Al As
21:05 Abu Al As as leaves Madinah
Why did you use the word 'nastier?
@@muzamiljavid1552”married” not “nasteir” (autocorrect error I think), Jazakallah for pointing that out
@@modernmuslim2044 no problem bro
Omar ibn Khattab ra speaking:
I had finished a hard day’s work and toil under the sweltering heat of the sun. After returning my flock to their enclosures, I decided to visit some of my friends. I was twenty-five years old and I wanted to relax and have a good time in the evening. I walked towards one of the taverns to have a cool, refreshing drink with my comrades, as the night was still hot and humid. When I was going past the Holy Sanctuaries, I spotted the lone figure of the Prophet-pbuh engaged in meditation and reciting the Quran. Just as Abu Jahl had alleged, I distinctly noticed that he was deliberately standing with his back to the idol of Al-Uzza and he was directly facing the Kabba. I was filled with anger at this disregard and rejection of the deity.
‘This is the man who is breaking up our society and humiliating our wise Elders,’ Abu Jahl’s poisonous accusations, resonated in my mind. Out of anger and curiosity, I silently hid behind the wall of the Kabba to monitor his actions and listen to his recitation. He was unaware of my presence and was totally focused on his prayers. At that very moment, clouds drifted across the dark skies and blocked out the moonlight. The surroundings of the Kabba turned pitch black. I looked towards the silhouette of Al-Uzza and the deity seemed to activate, trigger thoughts in my mind, as if complaining about her humiliation and demanding vengeance through my hands. There was nobody in the sanctuary apart from myself and the Prophet- pbuh. This was a good opportunity for me to attack him and permanently silence his voice. There were no witnesses. With my wrestling abilities and raw strength, I was confident that I could stealthily approach from behind his back and throttle him with my unbreakable, choke hold. I knew that the Prophet-pbuh had a reputation as a skillful wrestler and that he was more than capable of defending himself against a face-to-face onslaught. However, he was completely engrossed in his prayer and was oblivious to my presence. I stayed hidden behind the Kabba, psyching myself and preparing to launch a surprise attack. I was determined to ambush him to please Al-Uzza. To finish him once and for all and win the favours of the chieftains and become a hero among the pagans of Makka. He stood up from his prostration and began to recite in a loud, powerful and melodious voice, sura ‘Al-Haqqa.’ Unlike the majority of the Makkan population, I am literate and well-read thanks to the efforts of both of my parents. Momentarily, I hesitated, reflecting on the beauty and eloquence of his recitation. The first thought which flashed in my mind was the accusation levelled against him by the Quraysh, namely, that he is a sensational and gifted poet. From behind the wall of the Kabba, I heard the direct response to my mental assumption; ‘And it is not the words of a poet. Little is it that you believe.’ [69:41]. My mind then immediately contemplated the second accusation made against him, asserting that he was a soothsayer, a wicked sorcerer and wizard who had become possessed by jinns and demons. The precincts of the Kabba again echoed and resonated with the telepathic rebuttal; ‘Nor the words of a soothsayer (or a fortune teller). Little is it that you remember.' 69:42] I was taken aback, astonished and mesmerised at the distinct and audible replies to the inner workings of my mind. Although, unaware of my presence, he was directly replying to my innermost secretive thoughts: He is a poet! NO. He is a soothsayer! Again, a definitive NO.
‘Where are these words coming from?’ the maelstrom within my mind questioned. For the third consecutivetime, the Kabba resounded with the astonishing reply; ‘It is a revelation sent down from the Lord of the Worlds (for the benefit of mankind, jinns and creation in its entirety.)’
[Hurdles-by Dr Khalid Bashir; available from amazon]
Wow! Is it true?
Subhanallah. Indeed a very beautiful story. (Tearful)
I'm crying 😢May Allah keep them in eternal peace in Jannah.
True love Indeed❤❤❤
When abu aas radia allahu anhu uttered shahadha i literally cried and tears were unstoppable and it took time for me to continue watching the rest . . Allahu akbar. If allah swt Wills he give hidayat to a person , can't imagine the sabr of Zaynab ra . She kept hope in Allah and they were united under Allah's love and descision. May Allah bless them reunite at aakira with beautiful and eternal love again.. aameen
Allahuma Aameen 😩😩😩😩❤️❤️❤️so Beautiful Maa Shaa Allah ❤❤❤❤
Sub7anAllah, one of the most beautiful love stories I have ever heard. Very well told as well mashaAllah.
I bear witness that there is no god but ALLAH and i bear witness that prophet Muhammed is ALLAH messenger from being my for as long as my soul exist until the day of jument day even after the day of jument day inshallah ameen
Very touching story😢....that's true love story 😍
The one who send most durood upon Prophet Muhammad saw he will be closer to him on the Day of judement
Assalamualaikum, what is durood???
@@nambinra2712 Like Allahhumma salliala Muhammad (sm)
@@nambinra2712sending salutations on him .like make prayer to Allah for him .(Allah's Peace be upon him)
Ameen... What a nice story... Alhamdullilah
I always loved her story
May ALLAH bless us with beautiful IMMAN and good deeds in way of ALLAH... May ALLAH guide us to the best and beautiful direction in life in the way of ALLAH... Allahumma Ameen ya ALLAH
Yes absolutely is great and beautiful aver and so much success always thanks my friend by warsame Alberta Canada
Wallahi no fiction novel can touch the intensity of this authentic event of love story in the house of the prophet as... But there was also one love story which was going to happen just after the battle of badr.... Yesss!! Ali & Fatimah..... May allah pleases with them❤❤❤
May Allah make us the better believer and guide us on the right path and take us back when he is pleased with us 😢🤲🤲🤲
Very sad and beautiful story ❤️
Unite to help the banner of Islam. Unite to help oppressed. Unite to spread of Islam in every corner of the world.
Alhamdulillah, what a beautiful love story😊
In the exact situation as Zaynab, except for the fact that my dad isn't the Prophet saw. These Abu As alikes even to this day are the same.. May Allah make their hearts turn like he did to abu as's. Oh Allah.. you know what it is already.. I don't want to give up hope. Please easen my situation. Amin.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammad.
What is your current situation
😢i wished i can find the man who love me for real accept with heart and cleaned hearted person guide.inshalla
اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.
Wow a very beautiful love story.
May Allah SWT grant each and every woman a very beautiful love. Insha'Allah 🙏🙏🙏
Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, La ilaha illallah, Allahu akbar, La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah, Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, Subhanallahil azeem, Astaghfirullah.
please pray for me to get married , to get in a halal relation with the person I love, and let my parents have this type of understanding. Ameen
What a beautiful story may Allah swt make our love story like the people of the sahaba ra
YA ALLAH you know hearts better 🎀....have mercy on us ameen.
Mashllah, what a beautiful peace of history so much time that was wasted between love so sad 😢😢
21:14 best part 🥺🥺
Make things easy for people and not difficult .Give people good news and bring them joy, and don't turn them away.
-prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him.
The best love story no doubt!
Subhanallah, Ameen❤
Allahu Akbar, Subhaanallah😢, such a beautiful love story and sad😢...
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated:
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "There are two statements that are light for the tongue to remember, heavy in the Scales and are dear to the Merciful:
سبحان الله وبحمده، سبحان الله العظيم
"Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allah-il-Azim"
(Glory be to Allah and His is the praise, (and) Allah, the Greatest is free from imperfection)
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
During the love story
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w love for Khadijah Razi allahu anhu
I need prayers ny brothers and sisters. I'm struggling I'm in love with a man and he's my world as I'm his but our families disapprove of us without even trying to get to know each other. My heart is burdened with the guilt of sin that I speak to him every day with understanding that it's Haram. I want a halal relation but world is so cruel. I pray that Allah help me in this situation and put mercy and acceptance in the heart of our families and save me from committing sins. Im crying even now. I'm scared to lose him and he's scared to lose me.
inshaAllah have patience and faith
May Allah give your strength and love which you deserve, If you both are in love with each other and you two are ready for marriage then told to your families that they don't have any right to interrupt between the marriage, Tell them if you are denying true love then it is against the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, Rasool Allah told that Nothing is better than Marrying two loved ones. And before your parents you have that right to choose your partner according to sharia law because you are the one who is going to spend your life with that persons.
My sister i'm not telling you to go against your family members but if there are denying to make it halal relationship of your then they are the major sinner. If you need any help pls let us know, We will do whatever we are capable of.
May allah Bless u with true Love.
that is so beautiful
One time surah ikhlas reward of completion of 1 Qur'an 💥❤️
Kul ho wallahu ahad Allah-us-samad Lam ya Lid wa Lam ya Lad wa Lam ya kullahu kufu wan ahad ❤️
Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar
Most Beautiful Story Masha Allah❤😍.
*8:45** THE MOVIE THE MESSAGE. The Director Moustapha Akkad did an amazing job!!! Casts ➡️ 🔴Anthony Quinn as Hamza 🔴Irene Papas as Hind 🔴Michael Ansara as Abu Sufyan 🔴Johnny Sekka as Bilal 🔴Michael Forest as Khalid 🔴Garrik Hagon as Ammar 🔴Damien Thomas as Zaid 🔴Andre Morell as Abu Talib 🔴Martin Benson as AbuJahal 🔴Robert Brown as Otba 🔴Rosalie Crutchley as Somaya 🔴Bruno Barnabe as Umaya 🔴Neville Jason as Jaafar 🔴John Bennet as Salool 🔴Donald Burton as Amr 🔴Earl Cameron as Annajashi 🔴George Camiller from mind your language series as Waleed 🔴Nicholas Amer as Suheil*
What a beautiful love
(1) Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi; Astaghfirullaha wa atubu ilaihi
(2) Astaghfir ullah-alladhi la ilaha illa Huwal-Haiyul-Qayyumu, wa atubu ilaihi
SubhanAllah may Allah bless us with the spouses like these pure souls. Allah may help us and guide us.This story really made me cry. But now i have hope INSHA ALLAH ,I will get the best one i want,if Allah want to bless me,as i will inShaAllah obey Allah and will away from haram as much as possible.
Allahu Akbar ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
A very touching story
Subhan'Allah ❤... what a beautiful story❤
Every time I listen to the story of Zaynab, I cry
Aameen ❤
☪️May Allah forgive us for our sins 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
Salalaahu caleyhi wasalam
Bismillaahir Rahmaa-nir Raheem
Allaahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad;
Wa-ala aali Muhammad;
Kama sal'layta ala-Ibraaheem;
Wa-ala aali Ibraaheem;
Innaka hamee dum-majeed.
Allaahumma baarik ‘ala Muhammad;
Wa-ala aali Muhammad;
Kama baarakta ala-Ibraaheem;
Wa-ala aali Ibraaheem;
Innaka hamee dum-majeed
Mashallah 😮😮
Why am I crying? I mean!! I didn't even see my Prophet Mohammad
May Allah unite you with him, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in jannah al firdaus
Such a beautiful story
Allahu Akbar
“Whoever is not merciful (to the creation) will not be shown mercy by Allah.” [Muslim, Fada’il (Virtues), 66; Tirmidhi, Birr (Piety), 16]
We would love to hear the story of how the prophet (SAW) forbid Adoption InshUlaa MashaUllah
*Don't forget to recite after prayer*
Mu’adh (رضي الله عنه) reported: Prophet (ﷺ) took hold of my hand and said, “O Mu’adh! By Allah I love you, so I advise you to never forget to recite after every prayer:
اللَّهُمَّ أَعِنِّي عَلَى ذِكْرِكَ، وَشُكْرِكَ، وَحُسْنِ عِبَادَتِكَ
“Allâhumma a’innî alâ dhikrika, wa shukrika, wa husni ‘ibâdatika
O Allah, help me remember You, to be grateful to You, and to worship You in an excellent manner”
Sunan an-Nasa'i (1303)
Please read
1) SubhanAllah
2) Alhamdulillah
3) La ilaha illaallah
4) Allahu Akbar
5) Astagfirullah watub ilaihi
as many times possible❣️
I wish whoever reads this finds true, everlasting love that brings them closer to Allah and may you reunite with your love in Jannah, ameen. Do pray for me the same too, jazakallah.
اللهم صلي وسلم على نبينا محمد
I said: My sins are so many.
•Allah said: "And who can forgive sins except Allah? [3: 135]
I said: Do not leave me.
•Allah said: "So remember Me; I will remember you." [2: 152]
I said: I'm facing a lot of difficulties in life.
•Allah said: "And whoever fears Allah? He will make for him a way out." [65: 2]
I said: I have many dreams that I want to come true.
•Allah said: "Call upon Me and I will respond to you." [40: 60]❤💕
Don't lose hope,Allah is always there for you ,the most merciful
Could you please share the reference?
Also start sharing the reference, as none of your videos share the reference as to date, not even including the video description.
Allahouma salli wa sallim wa barik aala Sayyidina Mohammed wa aala Alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman kathiran .Alot of women follow what Abou l aas did but a lot of men they want to get married before the year is passed 🤔