Kaya doesn't make hornbows. It's difficult to make out the bowyer's sticker just above the nock pad, but to me, it looks like one for 천지궁 (Cheon Ji Goong). This particular bowyer does make both hornbows and carbon ones, but what we have here is the stringing and tuning of a hornbow. Stringing a carbon bow only requires the step-through method and checking the brace heights of the two limbs for the five millimetre difference between the two.
I assume you are referring to pressing down on the grip with your foot after heating the limbs just above and below it. Consider that a strung bow wants to go back to its unstrung resting state, namely the "C" shape, while it is strung. When strung, there are three areas of the bow that have some curving the same as when unstrung. They are at the grip and the last part of the limbs before the nock pads. It's my theory that straightening these three areas helps prevent the bow from unstinging. If something is burning you, namely some part of the bow, then you are heating the bow too much. Too little heat is not a problem. It just takes longer to get the bow tuned. Too much heat is just asking for trouble. Sorry for the English. I hope any translation app you use is a good one. 대이빗 사직정
Hornbows, being made of natural materials, are affected by temperature. The same bow at 10°C has a higher poundage than when it's at 20°C. Now the reason the archer is heating the bow in certain areas is to make those areas more flexible/bendable so that adjustments in say the bowing of the limbs is balanced. Once the area cools down, it will retain the shape the archer pressed into it and the limbs will be balanced.
활 잘 만지시네요
좋은 영상 감사합니다.. ^^
활 그렇게 밟다가는 뒤집어집니다.
배움영상이라면서 그렇게 밟으면되나요?
좋은 지적이십니다
완전 초보가 따라하기에는 좀 무리가 있어보이네요.
그냥 저의 활 올리는 풀영상에 초보라는 단어를 붙여버렸네요.
Looks like a Kaya bow
Kaya doesn't make hornbows. It's difficult to make out the bowyer's sticker just above the nock pad, but to me, it looks like one for 천지궁 (Cheon Ji Goong). This particular bowyer does make both hornbows and carbon ones, but
what we have here is the stringing and tuning of a hornbow. Stringing a carbon bow only requires the step-through method and checking the brace heights of the two limbs for the five millimetre difference between the two.
각궁을 모르시는 분들은 어렵지만 각궁을 아시는분들은 도움이 되는영상이라 생각합니다.
자신만의 노하우를 공유하고 나누는 것은 필요한 일이라 생각됩니다.
각궁 시작한지 3년째인데 아직 모르는게 더많고 배울게 훨씬 많은것을 느낌니다.
좋은 자료 감사합니다.
감사합니다. 무심님이 계시는 활터에도 몇 번 훈련갔던 적이 있습니다. 광주체육회 유명한 분도 계시죠?^^
@@joomongJJang 네 ㅎㅎ 코로나 시국이라 다들 훈련도 덜하게되고 시수도 빠지네요 감사합니다
음....초보가하기엔... 각궁입문하려는데 왜밟고 왜 불데는지등 아무말씀 없으시니...애매하네예^^
활을 올릴때 불을 대고 밟고 하는 이유는 활 모양과 균형을 잡으려고 하는 것입니다.
자연 재질이다 보니 강한쪽에 불을 보이고 약하게 만들어 모양을 잡습니다.
활을 다 쏘고 현을 내려 놓으면 각과 나무와 심이 자기가 하고 싶은대로 조금씩 틀어지거든요.
I assume you are referring to pressing down on the grip with your foot after heating the limbs just above and below it. Consider that a strung bow wants to go back to its unstrung resting state, namely the "C" shape, while it is strung. When strung, there are three areas of the bow that have some curving the same as when unstrung. They are at the grip and the last part of the limbs before the nock pads. It's my theory that straightening these three areas helps prevent the bow from unstinging.
If something is burning you, namely some part of the bow, then you are heating the bow too much. Too little heat is not a problem. It just takes longer to get the bow tuned. Too much heat is just asking for trouble.
Sorry for the English. I hope any translation app you use is a good one.
대이빗 사직정
Please ask questions in English.
활만드는 과정이 궁금해서 봣는데 자막으로된 설명이 무슨말인지 전혀 하나도 모르겟고요 활에 열을 가하는 이유도 도통 모르겟네요 그냥 노잼입니다
Hornbows, being made of natural materials, are affected by temperature. The same bow at 10°C has a higher poundage than when it's at 20°C. Now the reason the archer is heating the bow in certain areas is to make those areas more flexible/bendable so that adjustments in say the bowing of the limbs is balanced. Once the area cools down, it will retain the shape the archer pressed into it and the limbs will be balanced.
대림 오금 삼삼이 각??? 무슨 열이 대소까지 파고들어야 한다는데 뭔말이에요 도대체 이런게 뭔말인지 전혀 모르겟음 영상 알고리즘 뜨길래 봣는데 그냥 씝노잼 노이해 활만드는거 자랑이나 하려고 올리신거??