Tears in the Fabric of the Past: New Theories of Narrative and History

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • A conversation with Avenali Chair in the Humanities Eelco Runia about new ways of thinking, theorizing, and writing about the past, history, time, rupture, presence, and narrative, featuring: Hayden White (UC Santa Cruz, emeritus), Martin Jay (UC Berkeley), Carol Gluck (Columbia), Harry Harootunian (Columbia), and Ethan Kleinberg (Wesleyan).

Комментарии • 18

  • @roisin9401
    @roisin9401 4 года назад +13

    hayden white is a straight up G

  • @lakeshagadson357
    @lakeshagadson357 2 года назад

    this teacher is someone i rather listen to and learn from.

  • @InfiniteUniverse88
    @InfiniteUniverse88 7 лет назад +2

    One's interpretation of history has a direct effect on one's political and ethical views. History can be used to prevent potential problems, most useful for knowing what not to do. History is vital to have a thriving democracy, necessary for having an informed electorate. One ought to not become a political leader without a deep understanding of history.

    • @BrunnoYamane
      @BrunnoYamane Год назад

      What do you study?

    • @user-ny9mt5tk8y
      @user-ny9mt5tk8y Год назад

      Hahaha, it's mistake.

    • @jayreedy6244
      @jayreedy6244 7 месяцев назад

      You mean Trump for example? He's still worried about WW II starting.

  • @binra3788
    @binra3788 9 лет назад +2

    The past is a device in consciousness by which presence is perceived as if it is a present fleeting moment between the construct "past" and the construct "future". This unfolding experience is a structure of linear story, of drama and becoming that takes colour and depth of reinforcement. The essential template operates as the Human Condition, but is ultimately not fixed as all definition, feeling, experience operates as condition-ing.
    Acting from a less distorted definition opens perspective, synchonicities, that 'suddenly' - that is spontaneously - shift consciousness to recognition of Itself from an experience in which such recognition was obscured.
    That Is, or Existence Itself is inherently meaningless - without built in meaning - is Freedom - and is no less to say that You who are Existence (integrally with All That Is) - give it all the meaning it has for You by the definitions you accept for yourself and the experience and act that communicates as a facet within the experience: Existence Knowing Itself.
    The numinous Presence is experience itself - without separation and nothing really can be said of this but one defines and thus explores the point of view of that differentiation. Yet the transparency of our differentiated experience to the light of presence is qualified as intimate and tangible meaning that may be known but not directly communicated - and the willingness to attempt to communicate something of such experience becomes an act of artistic or cultural creation such that the forms operate as a vehicle for the subtler and untranslatable tones or feelings emanating as the light of consciousness itself - whatever its objects. Yet such forms may become 'paradigms' that are then emulated or followed as if they were meaningful in themselves - and thus objectified and separated from their original presence appreciation, to become redefined by a past set of meanings into which such forms are imposed. The saying 'to put new wine in old bottles' was pointing to the mentality that operates to persist in an old structural identity and subvert the form of the new to support and extend and feed the old paradigm.
    Coercive assertion operates from a past made in fear and loss in attempt to limit further loss and grow in power to persist and prevail amidst change in which loss seems inevitable and ultimately unavoidable TO such a perspective.
    Whilst a certain animal fear operates impulsively to serve survival in certain kinds of threat. A traumatized mind is imprinted with fear in such a way as to split or dissociate and escape in fantasy - and for this the past is essentially denied and retold or mythologised firstly to the purpose of protecting against its recurrence - but also against exposure of the device of such defence. The complexity of the fragmented mind is proof against correction or healing from without because it will not see what it wills not to see - and will see whatever it sees instead of what is true of its condition.
    That is not to say it will not truly experience what it believes, but that we can experience what we are not or what is not here as if it is what we are or is here.
    Idea is not really in time - but an experience of idea is set in context of all that it is and this includes the time and space of relation to all ideas.
    Synchronicity is a reflection of timelessness or presence for nothing really is strung out in time apart from the desire to create such experience.
    The ideas that we follow, release or embrace are the individual and collective discovery of creative freedom operating through structures of significant limitation.
    The idea of existence was once recognized firstly as Eternal and secondarily as temporal manifestations or reflections. The past then created or caused or suffered misalignment and operates to believe and thus experience ourselves firstly as materially defined or limited thinking, and secondly as inhabiting a world that no longer is one with us - but fearful, to be escaped, mastered, mapped and controlled.
    The attempt to control calls on the mind to operate on all levels toward supporting a distortion of a past dissociation - and such devices as directed history and fabricated or false flag history operate as leverage in the guise of communication using meanings and identifications already exploitable or insinuated into the media of collective attention.
    'What Happenned' is always a personal take that may become part of a collective take. The art of being is to choose the past that serves who you truly are, which may be to forget it or to remember it in new ways. The idea that the material world is the one true reality and therefore everything can be reduced to its terms and rendered true is just an idea - but no less creative than any other idea if accepted in the heart and acted out from as true.
    Uncovering the 'future' as the yielding of past in the present unto presence is uncovering Consciousness in new forms and perspective - yet recognisable as a facet of Consciousness Itself. True understanding rises within consciousness rather than presuming to stand outside life and judge any aspect or facet of what cannot be separated from - except in the desire to identify within the temporal idea. Within temporal existence. Even this is not felt separate until it identifies exclusively in the temporal. But identification is an act, not a fact, and changes within all that changes. Existence Itself always only Is, and the awareness existence of the one as all that is, is one in all and all in the one. The eternal or immutable nature of mind is that what you give out is what you get back.. Everything changes except these three immutable inherencies of being - even change changes, giving the knowing of the changeless.
    All meanings of all purposes - including meaninglessness or purposelessness - serve the Purpose 'Know Thyself' - but to know this is to be aligned with such purpose rather than operating on a blind predicate. Fear and coercion are blinding and binding in darkness until they are no longer used to identify within or over against. Consciousness uses limitation to provide specific focus to desire. The personal sense presumes itself conscious - but is in a sense protected or defended against other levels of consciousness that are no less active for being unmindful. The reintegration of the conscious sense of self to its integrality in and as Consciousness is itself experienced as a continuity within which identity releases or forgets in order to embrace and accept.
    This is simply a sketch. I enjoyed writing it. It has all the authority of my own discernment for my own willingness to share it - but only offers itself to that which is alive in you as your own discernment - to what resonates and feels relevant to your own exploration and interest. The nature of Consciousness is mine. It is also providing the props, the cast and the script for the exploration and I thank you for your participation whether you know it or not, as I serve whatever roles align for others in their themes.
    History will reveal you to Yourself when you stop using it to conceal yourself in private agenda. Because EVERYTHING serves that function when distortion is released.

    • @jamereut
      @jamereut 8 лет назад +4

      reading this felt like having a bong smashed over my head.

  • @lakeshagadson357
    @lakeshagadson357 2 года назад

    lecture is something that anyone could do they wanted to.

  • @user-eh8rc5qf1b
    @user-eh8rc5qf1b 7 лет назад +2

    who is the historian mentioned in 1:28:29 ?

  • @jaszam
    @jaszam 9 лет назад +4

    For a fellow who claims he wants to clear off the stage quickly he sure does Bogart the podium with his introductory comments and ex tempore quips ...

  • @deborahbergmann3973
    @deborahbergmann3973 11 месяцев назад

    Does anyone know who asked the question at 1:42?

    • @MartinEJAY
      @MartinEJAY 10 месяцев назад

      It was John Gillis, retired from Rutgers, living in Berkeley. Now, alas, gone.

    • @deborahbergmann3973
      @deborahbergmann3973 10 месяцев назад

      Thank you

  • @lakeshagadson357
    @lakeshagadson357 2 года назад

    theres a thing about history it tells you things about the past.