stormsurge in general feels better buut if your team is heavy ap dmg(3 or more ap champs) the magic pen of the stormsurge is going to be worse stat as they probably will buy MR items, in this case I would say to go lich bane first and go regular build with nashor's
bro is locked in 💯 so many sick kills
So what's better lich bane or storm surge rush?
Storm surge is insane 1st item
stormsurge in general feels better buut if your team is heavy ap dmg(3 or more ap champs) the magic pen of the stormsurge is going to be worse stat as they probably will buy MR items, in this case I would say to go lich bane first and go regular build with nashor's
With new item changes I go lich bane rush into nashors and d cap then situational items.
1 minute