I would like to see Broxah talk to a Yorick main like Ninetails that can really explain the champ and clear to him, like xPetu did with Shen, such a fun video!
Two major points to improve (and two little ones): 1) big monsters ALWAYS drop a ghost regardless of whether they're last hit with q 2) you can duo clear single unit camps like the buffs gromp or the wolves after you kill the little ones by sending your ghouls to attack them with e, at which point the ghouls will continue to fight until death and then will come find you. This frees you up to autoattack/q another camp and your jungle item gets double usage. (Do NOT use e again if you're close to the original camp) 3.) Your ultimate (maiden) always summons units who die when she's aggroed into them. 4.) You can have more than 4 ghouls as long as they're not within summon range of you. For example, if you leave 4 ghouls attacking say blue buff and then take your maiden to chickens, she'll summon more ghouls when the chickens die and you'll temporarily have 8 ghouls. Still not a strong early game pick imo but it's fun to play and little optimizations can dramatically affect your early game clear.
PPPS Serelya's grudge is op as hell on Yorick. I don't understand high level gameplay so I don't know if it's good every game but vs squishies like Mel the slow makes your minions stick harder and lets your team catch up to help with the kill.
The whole reason you start wolves is because it's the fastest way to get your ghouls up (you have to finish the small ones with Q). You should cross mid at 2.30 if you let the 4 ghouls finish blue buff for you.
I feel like building the items he did was a bit troll this game, serylda’s grudge would have given him a lot more of the kiting potential he needed especially when the ghouls are his main source of pressure into mel. Shojin and Cleaver did effectively nothing into her. Building into maiden further with Liandrie’s would have allowed him to play around that and sending maiden on tower destruction missions.
Yeah, what that ninetales guy does is scary. His clear is so hyper optimized that it's difficult to do for a non-OTP, but if you can pull it off, the speed is insane and you can invade so early that the enemy jungler just can't do anything to stop it and you still have a 5 camp clear while doing it. OR it puts you on a like 310 gank timer. Yorick is a mechanically intense champion because of how his ghouls work. You can actually use your E for a slow on the early gank without effecting your ghouls that are killing red buff for you b/c of ability range mechs, and then you still get red buff + xp + gold from your ghouls killing them even though you're halfway across the map from them because they're technically your ability which means your champion technically last hit the red buff. (Check out his video from yesterday, where he actually messes up his clear and still kills the enemy ADC at like 315 and then also kills the enemy jungler at 330 all while still having a 5 camp clear...He also dings level 5 while in his fountain buying items b/c he recalls while his ghouls are still killing Gromp.) I think you'd enjoy the champion if you learned it tbh. Absolute tempo menace...and then you can push all 3 lanes by yourself lol.
1. Large jungle monsters always spawn a grave, you don't need to Q them. Save Q for last hitting smaller jungle monsters. Yorick's first clear needs to be practiced to even have a mediocre clear time, and is probably the most technically complicated clear in the game. 2. Yorick is the only jungler that can multi-camp while jungling. 3 ghouls kill any camp by themselves (except for Krugs, because ghouls won't aggro the little krugs that spawn). You waste a ton of time by attacking camps that your ghouls can kill for you. Having ghouls tank jungle for you also makes Yorick clear with full hp. 3. Dragging ghouls into lane is bad, because they snap aggro onto minions and don't return to you (unless you throw E onto a jungle camp, then they'll aggro the camp if they're still in range). 4. Maiden release is the ultimate strategy for Yorick, because late game, the Maiden will crush a side lane and needs to be answered. Your team can then stall out objective fights while the maiden splits, or force a 4v5 when the enemy sends someone to answer Maiden. I wouldn't recommend doing this when you're new to Jungle Yorick. I hit diamond playing Jungle Yorick exclusively, and I think it's the most enjoyable way to play the jungle.
As a Yorick jungle main (albeit low elo), you seeing the fun and potential in him (culminating at 18:00) warmed my heart :) About the game recommending Liandry's: It procs on ghoul or Maiden autos, so you can get obscene amounts of burn damage following a successful E or any other trade, especially lategame and/or if they're stacking health (or armor, since it's magic damage). Liandry's is when you start to really get the "oh look, a kill...where'd that come from?" moments, eg because your ghouls hit the low-health Lux as she crossed the midlane you left them in 2 mins ago, and they did 500 damage to her with their autos+ Liandry burn. It's almost never good as a 1st or 2nd item, but 3rd-5th (which by this point, your Maiden is on a short CD and your passive spawns graves constantly, and you nearly always have ghouls to throw) it can work wonders in some games.
One of the reasons I find it hard to play this game. Some people quit if they aren't winning by like 10 minutes. The game can go on for 45 minutes, but people will give up in the first 10 minutes. Why even queue if you're not willing to play from behind?
So i'll play yorick jungle a few times every now and then for fun, and I tend to go lethality because that's what I've had the most success with(and you melt objectives solo extremely quickly). I find he is extremely op once you get used to his kit. One note though about your clearing still, large monsters will give you a grave no matter whether you last hit with Q or not(same with epic monsters and iirc champions too) so focus your Q last hits on the smaller monsters rather the large monsters. You'll also want to figure out the E summon and the triple grave Q summon max range. Also I can't remember exactly how it works but you don't need to worry about last hitting with Q any longer once you have maiden. While he plays mid or top usually, Pokerick is the guy I tend to learn yorick stuff from, not sure if he has played yorick jungle in past but I'm pretty sure of the one popular yorick players did 🤔
big jungle monsters big wolf big raptor spawn grave auto the small ones gotta hit with q, Zac is actually one of his hardest jungle counters, but nice to see you play it also when looking up stuff on youtube always gotta sort stuff by release date cus youtube often brings you the oldest first for some silly reason, Ninetales does have guides of 2025 one that is 1½ and then later on he explains why he thinks another setup on items work, also if your maiden is splitting bot your team will be with you.
Played yorick jngl quite a bit and have a 80% winrate rn ... completely op in jngl and since noone likes to play that champ he wont get nerfs anytime soon
Been spamming Yorick on my friends hardstuck Iron 4 account into Gold 1 in 3 days. Yorick jungle start should be raptors. You make 4 ghouls last hitting 3 small raptors and smiting big raptor. Take red with E and do krug at the same time. Big monster always give grave but small only give if you Q execute.
This yorick enjoyer really appreciate you doing this. Been a jungle main since s.3 when i started playing. But 2nd role top as an OG yorick enjoyer. After rework i could at least play one of my favourite champs in jungle if the meta and items are right. So i really appreciate you giving us a video on this beautiful champion. You are great, thx for the content best wishes from a Midtjyde ^_^
If you ever dare play this again. Some tips if you care. Try to let your maiden push a lane while you go somewhere else. Like if you setup for a baron fight send maiden bot beforehand. Also with 3 ghouls and maiden up E a camp then go take another camp the 3 ghouls kan solo camps and maiden can help spawn new ones at new camp.
Dear Broxah, large camps always give a grave, you just need to get 1 more from a camp, if you have 3, they can solo gromp..if you e the dragon with 4, altho it's slow, they will solo dragon while you terrorize the map, after getting some new ghouls... ones you send off don't despawn outside like 2k range
Omg I just commented Yorick jungle in the previous video and now he delivers. Like you said Yorick plays very different from other jungles and you need to know about the Q last hitting small camps(big ones always leave grave), E the camp only at the beginning if you want to maximize the ghouls, also you should be leaving the ghouls to finish camps (except the golems) more often. I don't know if you will read this comment or play Yorick jungle again but if you do check out the Ninetales recent video about clear path and tricks, he is a Korea Challenger Yorick jungle main
That Pyke was disgusting. Orianna too, but she was at least still playing to win, despite typing. Malphite was an absolute bot, missing the easiest ult in the game and then leaving the team to play with an AFK Pyke player instead. Ezreal simply lost lane (no surprise against Mel and with that Pyke). But he wasn't playing the worst, all things considered.
For what it’s worth, playing against mel twice is nightmare scenario for any champ that relies on minions, all of her abilities one shot execute them because of how her passive works. Yorick/Malzahar etc all really struggle with that.
One thing you can solo baron with 3 Items, If you have 4 ghouls and R up. You E baron fight untill ghouls are dead than R and you easy oneshot baron quickly. Not many people know this hidden trick
Now after that whole teemo arc i think we should get a yorick to challenger arc no? I feel like u were actually really good at playing him even tho I don't know, never played him
Broxah, you're wonderful - in fact you're the only league YT i even watch anymore - but it AMAZES me how many long term professional players don't know what some of the OLDEST champs in the game do. You have to KILL stuff with your Q to spawn the graves, to get your ghouls. You're great Mr Broxah, but reading the ability explains the ability. C'mon man.
Broxah i noticed alot of games you dont buy a red ward , whats the reasoning ? Sorry im fairly low elo and trying to learn this game to keep the climb going
Broxa: "It's recommending Lyandris for some reason. I can see why. But lethality seems better." If only he had Sacred Ashes in 12:00, there would be few of them dead. It's disgusting how Yorick can abuse that damn item.
Being a long time supporter, I have a great pleasure watching you, and I was so happy seeing that you are about to play Yorick. Now, i have to say that putting aside your great macro play, this was a silver/gold regular Yorick. My eyes are bleeding, this was so painful to watch... Simply put, you have no idea about Yorick.
LOVE your comment, "I'm getting better". I say that followed by, "it's not like I can get any worse". They first tame was interesting. If your bot late was not a no-skill position I think you were learning fast enough to have a chance. They dug you a huge hole.
There is absolutely no reason what so ever that Mel's W should also block all damage. But hey, Rito don't think their champs are overtuned, so it's fine :)
Would be nice to get an actual top laner on the line for the next time chat forces you to play yorick, he's quite unorthodox do utilizing him well takes knowledge not really innate to the game
I feel like mel needs a bit of a range nerf. She plays like a control mage with the range of an artillery. Pair that with the flat invulnerabiluty she gets and she is just a terror for any melee character.
Yorick on Red Side: Start Raptor, Krugs, Red Buff, and invade to Wolves. Yorick on Blue Side: Start Wolves, Groupe, Blue Buff, and invade Wolves. If the enemy is a fast clear like Zyra, they are on buff and not Wolves or Raptor🥐
Follow Our God and Lord Jesus Christ, He is the only way for salvation and eternal life in communion with the eternal God of all creation. He loves you and wants a relationship with you. He can deliver you from all forms of bondage to sin and shame. Put your faith in what He has done for you in taking the full punishment of Gods wrath unto Himself and believe that He is YHWH God who did this for you. God Bless
riot trying not to break the game with a new champ challenge level: impossible its so hilarious that they put smolder in and broke the game with his execute only to add another champion with an execute like 4 patches later
I loved that broxah did the omegalaul and did not humiliate or mock the viewer for abusing the champion request reward
I would like to see Broxah talk to a Yorick main like Ninetails that can really explain the champ and clear to him, like xPetu did with Shen, such a fun video!
Dirty mobs has really informative videos about Yorick jungle!
Two major points to improve (and two little ones):
1) big monsters ALWAYS drop a ghost regardless of whether they're last hit with q
2) you can duo clear single unit camps like the buffs gromp or the wolves after you kill the little ones by sending your ghouls to attack them with e, at which point the ghouls will continue to fight until death and then will come find you. This frees you up to autoattack/q another camp and your jungle item gets double usage. (Do NOT use e again if you're close to the original camp)
3.) Your ultimate (maiden) always summons units who die when she's aggroed into them.
4.) You can have more than 4 ghouls as long as they're not within summon range of you. For example, if you leave 4 ghouls attacking say blue buff and then take your maiden to chickens, she'll summon more ghouls when the chickens die and you'll temporarily have 8 ghouls.
Still not a strong early game pick imo but it's fun to play and little optimizations can dramatically affect your early game clear.
PS I learned everything I know from dirty mobs who has really informative content
PPS god help you if you get invaded early game or gank early and lose your minions, your clear will be as bad as that first game lol
PPPS Serelya's grudge is op as hell on Yorick. I don't understand high level gameplay so I don't know if it's good every game but vs squishies like Mel the slow makes your minions stick harder and lets your team catch up to help with the kill.
This guy yoricks :)
The whole reason you start wolves is because it's the fastest way to get your ghouls up (you have to finish the small ones with Q). You should cross mid at 2.30 if you let the 4 ghouls finish blue buff for you.
I feel like building the items he did was a bit troll this game, serylda’s grudge would have given him a lot more of the kiting potential he needed especially when the ghouls are his main source of pressure into mel. Shojin and Cleaver did effectively nothing into her. Building into maiden further with Liandrie’s would have allowed him to play around that and sending maiden on tower destruction missions.
Yeah, what that ninetales guy does is scary. His clear is so hyper optimized that it's difficult to do for a non-OTP, but if you can pull it off, the speed is insane and you can invade so early that the enemy jungler just can't do anything to stop it and you still have a 5 camp clear while doing it. OR it puts you on a like 310 gank timer.
Yorick is a mechanically intense champion because of how his ghouls work. You can actually use your E for a slow on the early gank without effecting your ghouls that are killing red buff for you b/c of ability range mechs, and then you still get red buff + xp + gold from your ghouls killing them even though you're halfway across the map from them because they're technically your ability which means your champion technically last hit the red buff.
(Check out his video from yesterday, where he actually messes up his clear and still kills the enemy ADC at like 315 and then also kills the enemy jungler at 330 all while still having a 5 camp clear...He also dings level 5 while in his fountain buying items b/c he recalls while his ghouls are still killing Gromp.)
I think you'd enjoy the champion if you learned it tbh. Absolute tempo menace...and then you can push all 3 lanes by yourself lol.
Ninetales Yorick Jesus is a must watch Master Broxah!!
Hope to watch your next video about Yorick after u learn from Ninetales ❤
1. Large jungle monsters always spawn a grave, you don't need to Q them. Save Q for last hitting smaller jungle monsters. Yorick's first clear needs to be practiced to even have a mediocre clear time, and is probably the most technically complicated clear in the game.
2. Yorick is the only jungler that can multi-camp while jungling. 3 ghouls kill any camp by themselves (except for Krugs, because ghouls won't aggro the little krugs that spawn). You waste a ton of time by attacking camps that your ghouls can kill for you. Having ghouls tank jungle for you also makes Yorick clear with full hp.
3. Dragging ghouls into lane is bad, because they snap aggro onto minions and don't return to you (unless you throw E onto a jungle camp, then they'll aggro the camp if they're still in range).
4. Maiden release is the ultimate strategy for Yorick, because late game, the Maiden will crush a side lane and needs to be answered. Your team can then stall out objective fights while the maiden splits, or force a 4v5 when the enemy sends someone to answer Maiden. I wouldn't recommend doing this when you're new to Jungle Yorick.
I hit diamond playing Jungle Yorick exclusively, and I think it's the most enjoyable way to play the jungle.
The thumbnails and editing is always so on point shout out to the goated editor and you for entertaining your chats picks! Thanks
As a Yorick jungle main (albeit low elo), you seeing the fun and potential in him (culminating at 18:00) warmed my heart :) About the game recommending Liandry's: It procs on ghoul or Maiden autos, so you can get obscene amounts of burn damage following a successful E or any other trade, especially lategame and/or if they're stacking health (or armor, since it's magic damage). Liandry's is when you start to really get the "oh look, a kill...where'd that come from?" moments, eg because your ghouls hit the low-health Lux as she crossed the midlane you left them in 2 mins ago, and they did 500 damage to her with their autos+ Liandry burn.
It's almost never good as a 1st or 2nd item, but 3rd-5th (which by this point, your Maiden is on a short CD and your passive spawns graves constantly, and you nearly always have ghouls to throw) it can work wonders in some games.
One of the reasons I find it hard to play this game. Some people quit if they aren't winning by like 10 minutes. The game can go on for 45 minutes, but people will give up in the first 10 minutes. Why even queue if you're not willing to play from behind?
So i'll play yorick jungle a few times every now and then for fun, and I tend to go lethality because that's what I've had the most success with(and you melt objectives solo extremely quickly). I find he is extremely op once you get used to his kit. One note though about your clearing still, large monsters will give you a grave no matter whether you last hit with Q or not(same with epic monsters and iirc champions too) so focus your Q last hits on the smaller monsters rather the large monsters. You'll also want to figure out the E summon and the triple grave Q summon max range. Also I can't remember exactly how it works but you don't need to worry about last hitting with Q any longer once you have maiden.
While he plays mid or top usually, Pokerick is the guy I tend to learn yorick stuff from, not sure if he has played yorick jungle in past but I'm pretty sure of the one popular yorick players did 🤔
big jungle monsters big wolf big raptor spawn grave auto the small ones gotta hit with q, Zac is actually one of his hardest jungle counters, but nice to see you play it also when looking up stuff on youtube always gotta sort stuff by release date cus youtube often brings you the oldest first for some silly reason, Ninetales does have guides of 2025 one that is 1½ and then later on he explains why he thinks another setup on items work, also if your maiden is splitting bot your team will be with you.
Played yorick jngl quite a bit and have a 80% winrate rn ... completely op in jngl and since noone likes to play that champ he wont get nerfs anytime soon
Can you provide an opgg ? Im interested by this pick
@zvnico13 sure, I am not rly active on league lately... Bonk#blop go ahead and look at my low elo exclusive plays 😅😅
@@zvnico13 sure Bonk#blop is my op gg enjoy my low elo plays 😅
This.. is iron, everything is op down here if you have hands :)
@@toxictheflood453 lol you dont even need hands 😂
Been spamming Yorick on my friends hardstuck Iron 4 account into Gold 1 in 3 days.
Yorick jungle start should be raptors. You make 4 ghouls last hitting 3 small raptors and smiting big raptor. Take red with E and do krug at the same time. Big monster always give grave but small only give if you Q execute.
Stop boosting your friend I don't want to play with his degenerate shtter ass
34:18 he got so much with this split push attempt, I think this might be a pocket pick for junglers that know how to split push.
This yorick enjoyer really appreciate you doing this. Been a jungle main since s.3 when i started playing. But 2nd role top as an OG yorick enjoyer. After rework i could at least play one of my favourite champs in jungle if the meta and items are right. So i really appreciate you giving us a video on this beautiful champion. You are great, thx for the content best wishes from a Midtjyde ^_^
If you ever dare play this again. Some tips if you care.
Try to let your maiden push a lane while you go somewhere else. Like if you setup for a baron fight send maiden bot beforehand.
Also with 3 ghouls and maiden up E a camp then go take another camp the 3 ghouls kan solo camps and maiden can help spawn new ones at new camp.
Dear Broxah, large camps always give a grave, you just need to get 1 more from a camp, if you have 3, they can solo gromp..if you e the dragon with 4, altho it's slow, they will solo dragon while you terrorize the map, after getting some new ghouls... ones you send off don't despawn outside like 2k range
Yorick honestly have one of the fastest clears of any jungler. But yeah it does require you know how the champion works 😅.
I put my feet firmly on the ground. I sit back and relax. I close my eyes. OMEGALUL
Oh yes.. Broxah yorick jgl video at 2 am high af this about to hit
Watching Broxah not press R immediately every time maiden was up was sooooo frustrating 😂
Omg I just commented Yorick jungle in the previous video and now he delivers. Like you said Yorick plays very different from other jungles and you need to know about the Q last hitting small camps(big ones always leave grave), E the camp only at the beginning if you want to maximize the ghouls, also you should be leaving the ghouls to finish camps (except the golems) more often. I don't know if you will read this comment or play Yorick jungle again but if you do check out the Ninetales recent video about clear path and tricks, he is a Korea Challenger Yorick jungle main
If you hit someone with E and then spawn Maiden, all your ghouls will jump twice
That Pyke was disgusting. Orianna too, but she was at least still playing to win, despite typing. Malphite was an absolute bot, missing the easiest ult in the game and then leaving the team to play with an AFK Pyke player instead.
Ezreal simply lost lane (no surprise against Mel and with that Pyke). But he wasn't playing the worst, all things considered.
For what it’s worth, playing against mel twice is nightmare scenario for any champ that relies on minions, all of her abilities one shot execute them because of how her passive works. Yorick/Malzahar etc all really struggle with that.
Cool to see you on Yorick, been my main since 2011 and is my goto 1v5 carry ^^
One thing you can solo baron with 3 Items, If you have 4 ghouls and R up. You E baron fight untill ghouls are dead than R and you easy oneshot baron quickly. Not many people know this hidden trick
Now after that whole teemo arc i think we should get a yorick to challenger arc no? I feel like u were actually really good at playing him even tho I don't know, never played him
Thanks for playing Yorick, love the champ.
welp now i need a road to challenger only Yorick series
Broxah, you're wonderful - in fact you're the only league YT i even watch anymore - but it AMAZES me how many long term professional players don't know what some of the OLDEST champs in the game do.
You have to KILL stuff with your Q to spawn the graves, to get your ghouls.
You're great Mr Broxah, but reading the ability explains the ability. C'mon man.
hey broxah what is the name of the song playing at 5:30ish i realy like how it sounds but cant seem to find it?
Broxah i noticed alot of games you dont buy a red ward , whats the reasoning ? Sorry im fairly low elo and trying to learn this game to keep the climb going
0:51 Thank you 😁
Broxa: "It's recommending Lyandris for some reason. I can see why. But lethality seems better."
If only he had Sacred Ashes in 12:00, there would be few of them dead. It's disgusting how Yorick can abuse that damn item.
i am going to run it down and try this pick in a few normal draft games right now JUNGLE OR FUMBLE FOREVER
I liked it. Need more Yorick
there's occasionally a pop sound on the right ear, e.g. 35:42 and 35:45 twice
one could argue in both games it was rito diff in terms of 'years experience developing' as well...
Being a long time supporter, I have a great pleasure watching you, and I was so happy seeing that you are about to play Yorick.
Now, i have to say that putting aside your great macro play, this was a silver/gold regular Yorick. My eyes are bleeding, this was so painful to watch... Simply put, you have no idea about Yorick.
LOVE your comment, "I'm getting better". I say that followed by, "it's not like I can get any worse". They first tame was interesting. If your bot late was not a no-skill position I think you were learning fast enough to have a chance. They dug you a huge hole.
you always get a grave from the big jungle monsters so you q the smaller ones to get more ghouls
man atleast watch a guide video for fast clear :D
yourick early power is all about make more ghouls fast so gl next time
In both games he made the same mistake - he didn't ban Mel
Such a fun champ to play in either top or jungle, but very one-dimensional.
I feel like Liandries is pretty good the way that yorick ends up playing in fights, he just e's
Pls pkay him more like teemo he is so fun when u build lethality
Don't know about picking Yorick into three champs that can dash out (Renekton, Vi, and Yone)
Greatest Omegalul ever
There is absolutely no reason what so ever that Mel's W should also block all damage. But hey, Rito don't think their champs are overtuned, so it's fine :)
Would be nice to get an actual top laner on the line for the next time chat forces you to play yorick, he's quite unorthodox do utilizing him well takes knowledge not really innate to the game
Can you play Vi for a couple games?
I feel like mel needs a bit of a range nerf. She plays like a control mage with the range of an artillery. Pair that with the flat invulnerabiluty she gets and she is just a terror for any melee character.
Get Ninetails on a call like you did with Manco. He'll teach you some cool stuff
Please get with ninetales yorick Jung is so fun that video would be great
yorick hates any melee champ that can jump on him broxah pick him in a better spot next time
Please Mr.Broxah spawn Maiden right when she's up. She will make your clear so fast.
I'm only silver but I have one golden rule: ban mel.
Of course, I got to have the one mel that got stomped hard AF.
Except if you have first pick and you're midlaner can actually play it.
Could you play briar next
Maybe you should hire a coach to train you?
Yorick on Red Side: Start Raptor, Krugs, Red Buff, and invade to Wolves.
Yorick on Blue Side: Start Wolves, Groupe, Blue Buff, and invade Wolves.
If the enemy is a fast clear like Zyra, they are on buff and not Wolves or Raptor🥐
Listen to T1 Yorick is the most broken champion in the game
That clear hurt to watch
Still a better love story than AFK Pyke, Malphite without eyes, and Orianna without mental.
PSA: 4 ghouls can solo red buff
I have a good strat against Mel. Permaban!!!!
Sleeping good tonight....omegalol.
Zeri Zeri Zeri Zeri Zeri Zeri Zeri Zeri Zeri Zeri jungle Zeri jungleplz
I feel these are a bit too long, Broxah! Try a 12m vid
Follow Our God and Lord Jesus Christ, He is the only way for salvation and eternal life in communion with the eternal God of all creation. He loves you and wants a relationship with you. He can deliver you from all forms of bondage to sin and shame. Put your faith in what He has done for you in taking the full punishment of Gods wrath unto Himself and believe that He is YHWH God who did this for you. God Bless
Bro if i checked my jg's stream and he was looking up how to do the clear i would be trying to ff minute 1
so yorick is dog water and u cant carry games.. you needed to hard split push all game
Yorick wins putting the enemy jungler behind. If you want to beat Yorick jg power farm and ward for invades.
Will we see a Ninetales x Broxah Crossover? I really enjoyed this video!
Mel is fair LOL jk jk
riot trying not to break the game with a new champ challenge
level: impossible
its so hilarious that they put smolder in and broke the game with his execute only to add another champion with an execute like 4 patches later