Great vid, btw harry didnt survive in the last one because of the resurection stone... voldermort kills the part of his soul that was in harry since he was a baby, i thought the movie did make it clear haha
Prizoner of Azkaban was the first movie i watched and it really stuck with me. I think i must’ve seen that movie like 50 times in a 3 year period when i was a kid😂
I completely agree, the first two are very introductory. Azkaban is where it picks up, first 2 stuck.
Great vid, btw harry didnt survive in the last one because of the resurection stone... voldermort kills the part of his soul that was in harry since he was a baby, i thought the movie did make it clear haha
looking back, that does make sense hahaha my bad
Prizoner of Azkaban was the first movie i watched and it really stuck with me. I think i must’ve seen that movie like 50 times in a 3 year period when i was a kid😂
it’s such a good watch and it never gets old no matter how many times you see it
I disagree with everything but first place. Good Video!
what would your ranking be?