Yemin 475. Bölüm | The Promise Season 4 Episode 475

  • Опубликовано: 17 ноя 2024

Комментарии • 463

  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 2 года назад +85

    Sheriye escucha a Minuver mientras canta.
    Sheriye: Bien dicho. Minuver: Ah! Sheriye
    Sheriye: Mira lo que nos trajo, también quería saludarte.
    Minuver: le agradezco
    Sheriye: Es un hombre muy honesto, de buen corazón y mano abierta, no es de esta época.
    Minuver: Parece ser un buen anciano. Sheriye: si, así es.
    Sheriye: Mira a donde llegamos, dale un oportunidad
    Minuver: Dios no quiera Sheriye, de dónde sacaste eso de que tiene buenas intenciones.
    Sheriye: te juro por Allah que no he pecado contra nadie….. Mira, me dijo con franqueza que sus intenciones son buenas. Quiere que vayas a tomar un te o café con él, pero se avergonzaba decírtelo y me pidió que te lo dijera.
    Minuver: No, mi querida Sheriye, ya no estoy para eso a esta edad. Por Allah! que esto no llegue a los oídos de Kemal.
    Narin y Kemal preparan una sorpresa para la familia.
    Narin: Creo que debemos dejar el regalo de mi madre ahora que está con Sheriye están en la cocina.
    Narin: Aquí está bien. Suena el timbre y ellos se esconden. Masal va a la puerta.
    Masal a Mert: Por qué llegaste temprano?
    Mert: Regresé porque no había clases.
    Masal: Que bueno, porque la hermana Narin hizo que preparáramos le mesa, así que vamos.
    Narin y Kemal continúan con su sorpresa.
    Narin: Te parece bien que dejemos el de Masal?
    Kemal: Está bien. Tu te encargas del de Masal y yo del de Sheriye. Narin: Está bien.
    Behyhan a Gulperi: Desvergonzada!! Con qué cara me miras? Sino te hubieras parado frente a Tarhun, mi hijo no se me hubiera enfrentado. Lo arruinaste otra vez.
    Beyhan a Savas: ¿Donde quedó tu juramento de venganza? Has tirado nuestra sangre por el suelo.
    Savas: ¿Vamos a vengarnos apuntando con un rifle a una persona desarmada que viene a nuestra casa?
    ¿Esto es lo que debemos hacer?
    Beyhan: Crees que nos conviene tomar el té con alguien que nos echó de su casa? ….Vas a recuperar la granja, si no puedes hacer nada, haz esto al menos, veré que le quites la casa a los Tarhun lo antes posible. Al menos mi furia se calmará un poco.
    Savas recuerda cuando Emir le entregó las escrituras de la casa nuevamente.
    Savas a Beyhan: Hay un tiempo para todo mamá.
    Gulperi: Acepté este matrimonio solo para que él no saliera lastimado .Me lo pediste, tía.
    Emir y Yigit regresan a la casa. Yigit le cuenta a Cavidan que se divirtió con Gulperi viendo los nidos de pájaros y que jugo a la pelota con Baran. También le dicen que ellos estaban sorprendidos de verlos allí. Cavidan lo abraza y se alegra que Emir lo haya llevado a ver a Gulperi.
    La familia conversa en la mesa después de desayunar. Sheriye ofrece té pero Narin dice que ya comieron suficiente y que no desean tomar té.
    Sheriye: Pero no importa cuanto hayan comido nunca dirían que no al té.
    Minuver: Es como si hubiera algo extraño, y ni siquiera has dicho una palabra desde que llegaste a la mesa. Ambos parece que tienen la cabeza en otra parte.
    Narin: No, no es nada. Kemal: Ya que terminamos el desayuno, ahora todos deben hacer sus deberes. Por ejemplo, ¿ustedes no tienen tareas?
    Narin: Mami, me estabas tejiendo un chal, hoy se iba a acabar, ya me lo quiero poner.
    Minuver: hermana Sheriye, ambos están buscando excusas, parece que quieren estar solos. Vamos, hagamos nuestro trabajo.
    Sheriye: Sigamos adelante, pondré la comida en la estufa, limpiaré la mesa más tarde.
    Narin: Ah! Por fin.
    Mert: Masal si necesitas ayuda en las matemáticas me avisas.
    Cada uno descubre su regalo.
    Mert ve su regalo: Caramba, que es esto?
    Masal: De dónde viene esto?
    Minuver: mi niña hermosa, quien sabe….
    Sheriye: Espero algo bueno…
    Mert abre su regalo, son unos calcetines de bebé. La nota dice: “hermano, sé que tomarás mi mano cada vez que te necesite”.
    Masal abre su regalo, es un biberón y un chocolate y la nota dice: “Mi hermana no será fácil cuidarme, pero cuando te canses puedes obtener energía comiendo chocolate.”…. Oh, pero….
    Minuver abre su regalo, es una bobito de bebé. La nota dice: “Abuela, puedo dormir contigo algunas noches espero que no te importe.”
    Sheriye abre su regalo y es una cucharita de bebé, la nota dice: “Mi sultana Sheriye, durante los primeros seis meses tomaré leche materna, pero luego estaré satisfecho con su deliciosa comida.”
    …. O? Mi Usak y mi Kilvigim!
    Kemal y Narin en la sala escuchan a Masal: No me lo puedo creer, me convertiré en hermana.
    Sheriye y Minuver gritan de felicidad!
    Sheriye a Kemal: Usak, entendí bien?
    Minuver: Hija, gracias a Dios, hija!
    Todos se abrazan y se felicitan.
    Kemal: y ahora, qué dirás de nosotros?
    Sheriye: Oh! Fuimos engañados, pero cómo?
    Gulperi: No comió su comida No tomó su medicina, se encerró de nuevo en su habitación.
    Savas: Está bien, me encargaré de ella. …. Mamá, mira, solo te estás lastimando al hacer esto.
    Que quieres? no entiendo, quieres enfermarte de nuevo, necesitas comer tus comidas y tomar bien tus medicinas.
    Beyhan: Eso es lo que piensas de mi, eh? Si pensaras en mí, no mirarías a los ojos de Tarhun. Apagarías el fuego en lugar de alimentarlo. …. Ojalá hubiera muerto y no visto estos días.
    Savas: Baran!!! …Trae la comida de mi mamá y espera hasta que termine. Luego asegúrate de que se tome sus medicamentos.
    Emir acuesta a dormir a Yigit y él dice que tiene calor. Como siempre Yigit le pregunta si Gulperi volverá.
    Gulperi sentada en la escalera de la casa recuerda las amenazas de Beyhan a Emir.
    Savas la observa.
    Emir en su estudio: Solo tú sabes la verdad.
    Minuver y Sheriye no quieren que Narin haga esfuerzos.
    Minuver: Hija, suelta los platos.
    Sheriye: De ahora en adelante, ni siquiera recogerás basura de aquí para allá, No harás ningún trabajo
    Masal: Tia Sheriye te dio un ultimátum, si yo fuera tú, hermana Narin, la escucharía.
    Mert: Definitivamente lo hará.
    Kemal: Sería bueno que estires las piernas en el sofá.
    SheriYe: (no se entiende)
    Minuver: Mira hija, Kemal ya nos dio la oportunidad.
    Sheriye a los chicos: Ahora la tomarán.
    Narin: Mira Kemal, ayúdame, me han hecho prisionera.
    Kemal: Bien hecho chicos, sigan adelante.
    Minuver: Qué pasa hermana Sheriye?
    Sheriye: El bebé será para la abuela.
    Minuver: Has sido como una madre para Narin y Kemal durante mucho tiempo. Eres muy valiosa para ellos. …. ¿que pasó que de repente te emocionaste tanto?
    Sheriye: Tengo miedo, Dios mío, espero que todo se detenga.
    Minuver: Te juro hermana Sheriye, yo también desde que me enteré de esta noticia.
    Justo cuando ya pensaba que no podría tener un bebe, surgió de nuevo la esperanza, sino lo logra esta vez, mi hija estaría muy triste.
    Sheriye: Dios no lo quiera, no les hablemos nada sobre esto. Que Dios nos haga sonreír. CONTINUA

  • @merlypineda2227
    @merlypineda2227 2 года назад +17

    I do love Kemal and Narin's home..... You always make me happy with your love-filled stories.... It's a perfect home with beautiful people...

  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 2 года назад +70

    Emir llega de noche a casa de Savas y llama a Gulperi.
    Gulperi: Quién será a esta hora? ….. Halo.
    Emir: Sal al jardín. Gulperi: No será bueno si mi tía nos ve.
    Emir: Te dije que fueras al jardín, no importa quién nos vea.
    Gulperi: Qué haré?
    Narin: Qué piensas? Kemal: en ti y nuestro bebé.
    Narin: Siento que todo estará bien. Tendremos a nuestro bebé en nuestros brazos. Dios nos perdonará.
    Kemal le habla al bebé: Tu madre y yo estamos ansiosos por verte, sé fuerte, ¿de acuerdo? Agárrate fuerte a la vida.
    Gulperi: ¿Por qué estás aquí? ¿Le pasó algo a alguien, Yigit, Yiğit está bien, verdad?
    Emir: No le ha pasado nada a nadie.
    Gulperi: Entonces por qué viniste aquí?
    Emir: A quién trataste de proteger hoy?... a mi o a tu tía.
    Gulperi pensando: Por supuesto que te protegí. Por si algo te pasaba.
    Emir: Mira, te entendí mal una vez, pero no volveré a cometer el mismo error…. Vengo donde ti y te lo pregunto abiertamente.
    Emir recuerda cuando en una ocasión Gulperi protegió a Savas.
    Emir: Parece como si defendieras a Savas.
    Gulperi recuerda: “No es él quien trataba de proteger”.
    Emir: Dímelo ahora… a quien protegías?.... a mi o a tu tía.
    Beyhan los observa desde la ventana.
    Emir: Respóndeme, ¿pusiste el nombre en la parte de atrás del barril o está en el final?.... Entiendo.
    Gulperi: pero yo….
    Emir: nunca debí haber preguntado. …No me engañaste, ya hiciste tu elección.
    Emir se va y Gulperi entra a la casa. Se sorprende al ver a su tía.
    Gulperi: Tia!!! FIN DEL CAPITULO

    • @myriamschiavoni567
      @myriamschiavoni567 2 года назад +1

      Mil gracias❗❗👏👏

    • @TCG_World
      @TCG_World 2 года назад +1

      Muchas gracias por tu tiempo y traducirnos este otro capítulo 😊

    • @wandapagan3061
      @wandapagan3061 2 года назад +1

      Gracias Sra.Myrna

    • @rahalsmify
      @rahalsmify 2 года назад +1

      Merci pour votre traduction

    • @rahalsmify
      @rahalsmify 2 года назад

      Myrna medine c est quand la traduction des episode 486 etc....

  • @kasimxojaeva2065
    @kasimxojaeva2065 2 года назад +54

    KEMAL ♥️ NARIN 💐♥️💐♥️💐♥️💐♥️💐😘😍👍👍👌👌👋👋

  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 2 года назад +83

    Savas: No lo hice como un favor. Se perdió un niño pequeño, Yigit. Aunque fuera cualquier niño, volvería a hacer lo mismo. En cuanto al título de propiedad, ese asunto es diferente.
    Emir: Verás, pronto nos mudaremos a una nueva casa, hasta entonces, este asunto del título de propiedad permanecerá entre nosotros.
    Beyhan: ¡Ay! Savas ¡Ay! Levantas tus manos frente a Tarhun. ¿Has perdido la cabeza, cómo tomarás el té con nuestro enemigo? Qué te pasa?
    Beyhan recuerda cuando estuvo frente a la tumba de su hijo Ibrahim: No tendré miedo, no estaré del lado de los que te hicieron esto. También recuerda cuando Baran dijo que Sari Ismail mató su otro hijo, Halil. Además recuerda cuando Emir retomó el titulo de propiedad y los sacó de la casa.
    Beyhan: Pero, He visto demasiado, ¿hasta dónde has llegado?
    Gulperi a Yigit: Te vi, eres tan fuerte ahora, lo sabes, ¿verdad?
    Yigit: Es que mi comida es muy deliciosa.
    Beyhan sale con escopeta en mano: EMIR TARHUN!!!
    Savas; Mamá, qué haces?
    Beyhan: Apagaste mi corazón, me causaste mucho dolor!!!! ( o algo asi)
    Kemal: Me convertiré en padre otra vez, no lo puedo creer, ahora ambos tendremos un bebé, es como un sueño.
    Narin: Si, ¿Y qué pasa si esto es un sueño? No despertaremos.
    Kemal: Que la vida siempre nos traiga felicidad de ahora en adelante y recibiremos esta felicidad con una sonrisa No más llantos de ahora en adelante. No puedo reparar tus lágrimas ahora, especialmente cuando tuve tanto miedo por ti.
    Narin: Por qué dices que tuviste miedo por mí?
    Kemal: Cuando vi los resultados de la prueba en su bolso, quise investigar y lo busqué por Internet. Pensé que te perdería.
    Narin: Yo también tenía miedo, pero cuando supe que estaba embarazada, dije que hay algo bueno en todas las cosas.
    Baran a Yigit: Vine a ver a mi león, juguemos a la pelota contigo aquí.
    Yigit: Escuchaste eso hermano Baran? Aquí también hay cazadores?
    Baran: Si hermano, los hay.
    Savas: Mamá, baja ese rifle ahora.
    Beyhan: Voy a descargar.
    Gulperi se para frente a Emir.
    Beyhan: lo proteges sin avergonzarte, ¿eh? ¿No se comieron ustedes dos la cabeza de mi hijo y de mi esposo? Ustedes lo hicieron todo juntos.
    Savas: Mamá, ya es suficiente, baja ese rifle.
    Beyhan: No te atrevas!!! ….. O se largan de mi casa o hago lo que tú no pudiste hacer todo este tiempo, me vengaré.
    Narin: Así es, estuve casi segura de que estaba enferma, pero cuando el Dr. Fatih dijo que estaba embarazada, no podía creer lo que escuchaba.
    Kemal: Si estabas tan segura que estabas enferma, por qué no lo compartiste conmigo? ¿Por qué hiciste esto?
    Narin: No podía decírtelo porque no quería lastimarte.
    Kemal: Mira, pase lo que pase de hoy en adelante, no me ocultes nada, especialmente sobre tu salud ¿de acuerdo?... ¿No lo prometimos?, en las buenas y en las malas, hasta que la muerte nos separe.
    Creo que compartiremos nuestra felicidad junto a nuestros seres queridos, renovaremos nuestro matrimonio. Necesitamos volver a nuestra promesa.
    Narin: ¿La olvidaste?
    Kemal: La luna de miel es solo para dos.
    Narin: Pero hay alguien dentro de los dos.
    Kemal: Vamos y hagámosle saber a nuestra gente.
    Narin: No, no será así, tengo algo en mente, los sorprenderé.
    Kemal: Cómo será eso?
    Savas: Mamá, te lo digo por ultima vez suelta ese rifle.
    Beyhan: No lo descargaré, todo este tiempo te escuché , pero mira lo que pasó, ¿Eh? Andas corriendo con ellos. … No me obligues a matarte hijo.
    Yigit a Baran: Quiero estar con la niña hada. Baran: Por qué?
    Yigit: Ella juega mejor que tú
    Baran: Y esto, ahora verás qué ganso juega mejor, vamos, vamos por la pelota.
    Yigit: (no se entiende), pero Yigit ya no desea jugar con Baran.
    Baran: A qué viene esto ahora?
    Yigit está extrañando a Gulperi.
    Baran: La amas tanto que quieres verla.
    Yigit está preocupado por lo que pueda pasarle a Gulperi.
    Baran: No te preocupes, ahora tiene al hermano Savas, él protegerá a Gülperi de ahora en adelante.
    Beyhan: Por qué Savas, por qué?
    Emir: Vamos déjalo, qué haces?
    Beyhan: Ahora estás protegiendo descaradamente a nuestro enemigo frente a tu madre, aaahhh? ¿No es demasiado?
    Beyhan: Renuncié una vez, pero sabes que no lo haré de nuevo. Si es necesario, tomaré la vida de mi hijo por la vida de mi enemigo, esto es una guerra.
    Emir: Yigit, hijo?
    Savas: No quisiera que alguien que viene a mi casa se enfrente a una situación así….. Perdón.
    Emir: Solo no te olvides lo que hablamos.
    Yigit: Me llamaste papá?
    Emir: Ya nos vamos hijo. Yigit: Pero no hemos jugado mucho papá. Emir: vamos
    Yigit a Gulperi: volveremos a vernos, verdad?
    Gulperi: Mañana iré a la granja cariño. Yigit: me lo prometes? Gulperi: si
    Sheriye: No, señor Mulayim , ¿qué nos trajo de nuevo?
    Mulayim: Por Alá, cuando llegó un poco de queso del país de Tulum, lo traje y también preparé con mis propias manos una chuleta de cordero fresca, es digno de ti.
    Sheriye: Gracias, pero veo que estás muy pensativo en estos días.
    Mulayim: Bien me iré, que tenga buen día.
    Sheriye: No hay escapatoria, Hay algo en ti, dime qué será?... Guardaré en secreto, no te preocupes.
    Mulayin: En realidad tengo un problema. No sé cómo decirlo, me temo que podrías malinterpretarme.
    Sheriye le pide que le diga lo que le ocurre.
    Mulayim: Se trata de la suegra del señor Kemal, desde que la vi por primera vez.
    Sheriye: Lo entiendo, te enamoraste de Minuver, lo sabía.
    Mulayin: Ahora que lo sabes, quisiera compartir algo bueno, tomar un té o café con Minuver. Si vamos a tomar una copa, contaríamos nuestros problemas mutuos, pero tengo miedo de decírselo.
    Sheriye: Se lo dirás.
    Mulayin: Créeme, mis intenciones son realmente serias. CONTINUA

    • @myriamschiavoni567
      @myriamschiavoni567 2 года назад +2

      Mil gracias❗❗👏👏

    • @torach4478
      @torach4478 2 года назад +3

      Minuver 😁 mulayim....thanks you so much 🌺🌺

    • @rahalsmify
      @rahalsmify 2 года назад

      Merci 💖 💖 💖 vous êtes merveilleuse

    • @ajuendarwati248
      @ajuendarwati248 Год назад

      Akhirnya ibu Minuver punya kekasih...

    • @amira2757
      @amira2757 Год назад +1

      Mulțumesc pentru traducere! ❤

  • @arisroman6892
    @arisroman6892 2 года назад +51

    Me encantaron todas las escenas de Narkem. Realmente capturaron la alegría que siente una familia ante la llegada de un nuevo miembro. Esperando que no haya algún giro en esta felicidad porque hasta ahora Yemin es media escena de felicidad y 5 capítulos de problemas. Por otra parte, Savas merece un final feliz. Ha demostrado ser una persona noble.

  • @island_girl97
    @island_girl97 2 года назад +47

    I loved that Gulperi reminded her aunt the real reason behind the marriage to Savas is to protect Emir.
    Gulperi to Beyhan : " I accepted this marriage just so that he wouldn't get hurt. You promised me, aunt."
    Indeed Beyhan did promise her. By taking a rifle to kill Emir, she showed Gulperi that she could not be trusted at all. Her words mean nothing.

    • @murieljah5480
      @murieljah5480 2 года назад +8

      Beyhan is consumed with so much hatred and can not accept how much wrong her family did to Gulperi

    • @sheryllappleby2236
      @sheryllappleby2236 2 года назад +8

      Gulperi should have known that evil 😈family members cannot be trusted.

    • @rukhsanamoghul1389
      @rukhsanamoghul1389 2 года назад +2

      Now Emir begins to know the reason behind the gulperi's marriage

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 года назад +5

      @@rukhsanamoghul1389 no, he doesn't doubt anything. Haven't u seen the promo??

  • @island_girl97
    @island_girl97 2 года назад +62

    Gulmir translation
    Savas: I didn't do it as a favor, a little boy was lost. Even if it was any child, I would do the same again. As for the title deed, that issue is different.
    Emir: let's see, we will move to a new house soon, until then the matter of title of the deed
    will stay between us
    Beyhan: Oh Savas!!! Have you lost your mind, what is it like to have tea with our enemy?
    Beyhan: We will not put them next to those who did this to you.
    Baran: brother Halil was murdered
    Emir: the title deed, as you can see, the court has concluded. The farm is now completely mine.
    all of you get out of my house
    End of Flashback
    Yigit: did you see that, how far did it go?
    Gulperi: I saw it, you know you're very strong now, right?
    Yigit: that's why I eat my meals well
    Gulperi: Well done to you
    Yigit: I'm coming back with the ball
    Gulperi: be careful
    Yigit: ok
    Beyhan: Emir Tarhun!!
    Savas: Mom, what are you doing?
    Beyhan: You extinguished my children, they will not grow old from me
    you gave me the greatest pain
    A shot is fired
    Baran: Come on, my lion, let's play ball with you here.
    Yigit: Did you hear, Brother Baran, there are hunters here too
    Baran: Yes brother
    Savas: mom, put that rifle down now
    Beyhan: I will not put it down. You protect him without being ashamed, huh?
    Didn't you two eat my husband's son's head anyway, you did everything together?
    Savas: Mom, just put that rifle down
    Beyhan: Son, don't worry, he'll either get the hell out of my house or I'll do what you haven't been able to do all this time, I'll take our revenge
    Savas: I'm telling you for the last time put that rifle down
    Beyhan: I won't do it, I've been listening to you all this time, look what happened.
    Savas places the rifle to his heart
    Beyhan: Don't make me a son-killer
    Yigit: I want to go to the fairy girm
    Baran: Why is that?
    Yigit: she plays better than you
    Baran: Wait, you'll see from now on who plays better. Come on, let's go to the ball.
    Yigit: Is Beyhan angry?
    Baran: Where did that come from now?
    Yigit: I see very little of fairy girl because of her
    Baran: you love your fairy girl so much, don’t you?
    Yigit: Oh Fairy Girl I love her so much
    Baran: don't worry, brother Savas is here to protect her from now on
    Yigit: but my father and I are enough
    Emir: Okay, let go, what are you going to do?
    Beyhan: Now, are you protecting our enemy without shame in front of your mother?
    Isn't that too much?
    Savas: Enough (He takes the rifle from his mom)
    Beyhan: I quit once, but you know I won't quit again
    If necessary, I will take the life of my child for the life of my enemy, this is a war.
    Emir: My son
    Savas: I would not want someone who comes to my house to encounter such a situation.
    I am sorry.
    Emir: Just don't forget what we talked about.
    Yigit: did you call me daddy.
    Emir: we are leaving son
    Yigit: but we played less games Baba
    Emir: we're going
    Yigit: we will see each other again
    Gulperi: Don't come, my dear, I'll come to the farm tomorrow.
    Yigit: Really?
    Gulperi: Really!
    Emir: Come on
    Beyhan to Gulperi: shameless, with that face are you facing me?
    If you had not stood in front of Tarhun, my son would not have stood in front of me. You are confused again
    Beyhan to Savas: When you are looking for your revenge oath, the account of our blood left on the ground
    Savas: Mother, will we take our revenge by pointing a rifle at an unarmed person who comes to our house? Is this what suits us?
    Beyhan: face to face with our vine, which put out our stove and threw us out of its house
    Would it be good for us to drink tea? You will get that Farm back
    If you can't do anything, at least do this. Let me see the Tarhun get rid of that house as soon as possible, at least let the fire in me calm down a bit
    Savas: what is this?
    Emir: once you brought my son, In return, I give you the deed of the Farm that you want so much. The house is now yours
    end of flashback
    Savas: There's a time for everything mom
    Savas leaves
    Gulperi: I accepted this marriage just so that he wouldn't get hurt. You promised me, aunt
    Yigit: I'm here
    Cavidan: welcome home
    Yigit: We had a great time with the fairy girl, grandma, we played ball, we looked at the bird's nests
    Cavidan: Oh how well you did had fun, my lamb. Glad you got to see her.
    Yigit: she missed me so much, she was surprised to see us. We played ball with Baran brother.
    Cavidan: whoa!
    Gulperi: she didn't eat her food and didn't take his medicine, he closed himself in his room again Savas: OK, you go, I'll take care of it
    Mom, look, you're only hurting yourself by doing this, what do you want, I don't understand, do you want to be sick again? You have to take it to be well
    Beyhan: What do you think about me? If you thought about me, you wouldn't look at Tarhun's eyes. You would put out the fire inside me instead of fueling it
    You will be quiet, I have nothing to say because Tarhun ran around to find his son. It wasn't enough, I hosted them here like a guest, but the worst thing is, in front of the eyes of both of them. I wish I had died so I didn't see these days
    Savas: Baran!
    Savas to Baran: bring my mother's food and wait until she's finished
    then make sure she takes her meds
    Emir Come on, it's time to sleep together, but you'll be cold.
    Yigit: I don't understand from here, otherwise it's too hot
    Emir: Not at all.
    Yigit: Fairy Girl will come, right, dad?
    Emir: we will talk tomorrow, partner, now it's time to sleep
    Yigit: ok she will come
    Beyhan: Emir Tarhun
    Savas: Mom, what are you doing?
    Beyhan you took my children, my husband from me, you gave me the greatest pain
    Gulperi: don't do it!
    It's not him I was trying to protect
    end of flashback
    Emir: only you know the truth
    Gulperi looking at her phone ringing: who is it at this hour?
    Emir: go to the garden
    Gulperi: It won't be good if my aunt sees it this time
    Emir: Whoever sees it, I said go to the garden.
    He hangs up
    Gulperi: what will I do?
    Gulperi: Why are you here? Did something happen to someone, isn't Yigit alright?
    Emir: nothing happened to anyone
    Gulperi: Then why are you here?
    Emir: Who did you try to protect today, me or Aunt?
    Gulperi's voice: Of course I protected you.
    Emir: Look, I misunderstood you once, but I will not make the same mistake again, I came across you and I am asking you openly.
    Gulperi to Emir: don't do it
    Emir: Isn't it like you protect Savas?
    Gulperi: that's not him I was trying to protect
    Beyhan: Since you couldn't point this gun at them, I will.
    end of flashback
    Emir: Tell me now who did you protect? me or your aunt?
    Emir: Answer me, did you enter the name on the back of the barrel or the name on the end?
    Gulperi does not answer
    Emir: I got it.
    Gulperi: but I
    Emir: I should never have asked. You did not mislead me. You have already made your choice.
    The End

  • @tanseelou806
    @tanseelou806 2 года назад +58

    Loved how Narkem planned to tell their loved ones of the baby news, really special🥰🥰🥰🥰👶❤️🎈

  • @kristine_chzarhinemadlen
    @kristine_chzarhinemadlen 2 года назад +41

    The bond, love between Kemal and Narin and also the whole family is what I called "ETHEREAL" ❣️❣️❣️

    • @olgaatanackov6773
      @olgaatanackov6773 2 года назад +1

      Pa nema prevod,,bez veze,,😎

    • @kristine_chzarhinemadlen
      @kristine_chzarhinemadlen 2 года назад +2

      @@olgaatanackov6773 Ethereal - extremely delicate and light in a way that seems to perfect for this world........

  • @mariacarmenmoraru5901
    @mariacarmenmoraru5901 2 года назад +38

    In this episode I really liked the joy of having a child Narin and Kemal. As for Emir and Savas, I can only say that they are two men who are in love with Gulperi. I still have the feeling that Emir will not stay with Gulperi until the end of Season 4. It is quite a complicated story in Yemin....💔💔💔

    • @samiraomar7566
      @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +11

      Actually gulperi and emir do get together before the ending, I’ve seen a lot of photos online that confirm that they end up together before the ending of the show. There’s two photos of her in emirs room which shows that they share the room, and also gul ends up taking off that heirloom ring beyhan gave her, and there’s a lot of photos of her at emirs house. And there’s a photo of emir and you can see gulperi veil, nazimye posted alot of spoilers and it was confirmed that it was gulperi wearing a wedding dress next to emir, but she took it down and we’re only able to get emir in the photo and I saw her veil. And there was a bunch of romantic photos of Gulmir together, but it was taken down fast, but there’s one of them holding hands one of them kissing, one of them hugging, one of gulperi she looked pregnant in that photo that’s what those are saying who say the photos. It’s was actually photos but it got taken down.

    • @samiraomar7566
      @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +10

      And as for savas I believe he’s not in love with her but he’s rather very caring about her; like he sees himself in her because they’re both orphans and he feels the need to care for her. And also I think he ends up with some other girl or oya, and that’s why he and emir become okay with each other. Savas also notices how much emir means to gulperi, and how much gulperi means to emir. But he sees emir is hurt and jealous, I definitely think he sent gulperi back to her house because he’s aware she’ll be happy and also because maybe she’ll open up to emir and tell the whole truth.

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 года назад +10

      @@samiraomar7566 pics of them together, of hugs, of kisses??? Are u sure when u saw it wasn't edited or fake???

    • @mariacarmenmoraru5901
      @mariacarmenmoraru5901 2 года назад +9

      @@samiraomar7566 Thanks for your comment. I hope Emir to be happy.....

    • @anitacintas5283
      @anitacintas5283 2 года назад +6

      @@mariyamargretjose no es cierto no habrá abrazos ni besos, pero si no le coje ni la mano, (salvo en un par de ocasiones,) la coje por la manga, yo no digo que puede haber un simulacro de algún acercamiento por que Gokberk es muy bueno en su trabajo, y es cierto que se casan, pero escenas románticas que se olviden los que las esperan,.!!

  • @beeicecream
    @beeicecream Год назад +9

    Kemal and Narin are so cute together .. they make me smile 💞

  • @violetamercanova1797
    @violetamercanova1797 2 года назад +23

    Narin ve Kemal çok güzel supriz yapmışlar 🥰🥰🥰 allahim sen koru narini bişe olmasın 🤲🤲🤲

  • @hiennguyen-be1nu
    @hiennguyen-be1nu Год назад +1

    What I perceive through the way Savas' attitude toward Gulpery, is that he genuinely apprecates her, loves her and wants her to be happy.
    That's how great is Savas' love

  • @adamghammouri8613
    @adamghammouri8613 2 года назад +15

    The mother of Savas is a psychopath ever😂

  • @Summerlilly2022
    @Summerlilly2022 2 года назад +26

    Such a beautiful episode for narkem fans! Heart's full❤️❤️

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +7

      This is the best episode of season 4 for Narkem!!!!Love it!!!Love it!!Love it!!❤️❤️❤️

  • @danielhosszu8384
    @danielhosszu8384 Год назад +6

    Narin Kemal cuplu perfect’ super actori !!!Felicitari sunteti minunati !!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @moqudsamunir9757
    @moqudsamunir9757 2 года назад +22

    Very powerful script today. Brilliant acting by Gokberg as always. Very touchy scenes of narin and kamal with their family but the best part was the conversation between Emir and Gulpari in last scenes. I loved that part and will watch it again soon. 👏👏👏👏

  • @fellousnaima2099
    @fellousnaima2099 2 года назад +6

    C'est avec un très grand plaisir que nous avons appris la bonne nouvelle pour Narin elle et kamal méritent ce bonheur ils ont passé beaucoup de moments malheureux encore une fois félicitations

  • @inderadevi1968
    @inderadevi1968 2 года назад +6

    Kemal Narin beautiful couples...with beautiful family..🥰❤️

  • @ildikotothne4200
    @ildikotothne4200 2 года назад +26

    Dominika 475 Streszczenie
    Kemal Tarhun bardzo cieszy się z tego, że Narin jest w ciąży, ale ma do niej żal, że ukrywała przed nim swoje złe wyniki. Prosi ją po raz kolejny, aby niczego przed nim nie ukrywała. Narin przyrzeka poprawę. Narin ma pomysł, aby wszystkich domowników poinformować o jej ciąży w żartobliwy sposób. Narin i Kemal podrzucają do każdej sypialni dla każdego członka rodziny osobny prezent, symbolizujący małe dziecko. Prezent ten jest połączony z serdecznym liścikiem od mającego się narodzić dziecka dla danej osoby. W ten sposób wszyscy dowiadują się o dziecku i bardzo się cieszą. Potem nachodzi ich refleksja, czy Narin tę ciążę donosi. Martwi się o to Szechrie Abla, martwi się o to Kemal. Ale Narin mówi, że tym razem ma dobre przeczucia. Kemal i Narin idą do łóżka. Tam rozmawiają o dziecku. Kemal zwraca się do niego pieszczotliwie. Rodzina integruje się.
    Emir Tarhun przyniósł Sawasiowi akt własności domu. Jest to prezent dla Sawasia za uratowanie życia dziecka. Emir prosi Sawasia, aby to na razie zostało między nimi w tajemnicy. Że jego rodzina przeprowadzi się do innego domu. Widzi to Beyhan. Bierze strzelbę i wołając: Emir Tarhun - idzie w jego kierunku. Chce go zastrzelić. Najpierw w jego obronie staje Gulperi, potem Sawaś, który ostatecznie wyrywa matce strzelbę z rąk. Beyhan odchodzi wkurzona do domu. Emir woła syna. Yigitem przez ten czas opiekował się Baran. Emir woła Yigita i przyprowadza go do domu. Tam kładzie syna do łóżka. Zwraca uwagę na to, że syn się poci i jest mu gorąco. Nadchodzi noc. Emir rozważa wydarzenia minionego dnia. Widzi tę scenę, kiedy Gulperi stanęła w jego obronie. Nie wie, czym się kierowała. Również Gulperi przeżywa doświadczenia minionego dnia. Jest jej smutno. Po ten scenie ze strzelbą wypomiała Beyhan, że nie może zabić Emira, bo przecież ona, właśnie po to, aby uchronić go od śmierci, zdecydowała się na małżeństwo z Sawasiem. Emir chce ustalić, co kierowało postępowaniem Gulperi. Późno w nocy jedzie drugi raz do domu Sawasia, staje pod jego domem, wywołuje Gulperi na dwór i przeprowadza z nią rozmowę. Pyta, czym się kierowała, stając w jego obronie. Gulperi nic nie odpowiada, więc Emir sam sobie odpowiada, że ona mentalnie i emocjonalnie jest już w rodzinie Sawasia. Siada do samochodu i odjeżdża. Beyhan ogląda tę scenę przez okno. Jest wściekła.
    Kemal Tarhun is very happy that Narin is pregnant, but resents her for concealing her bad results from him. He asks her once again not to hide anything from him. Narin promises improvement. Narin has the idea of ​​jokingly informing everyone in the household about her pregnancy. Narin and Kemal give each bedroom a separate gift for each family member, symbolizing a small child. This gift is accompanied by a heartfelt note from the person who is about to be born. In this way, everyone finds out about the baby and is very happy. Then they reflect on whether Narin is reporting this pregnancy. Szechrie Abel is worried about it, Kemal is worried about it. But Narin says he has a good feeling this time. Kemal and Narin go to bed. There they talk about the baby. Kemal addresses him affectionately. The family integrates.
    Emir Tarhun brought Savasi the house deed. It is a gift for Sawas for saving the child's life. The Emir asks Sawas to keep it a secret for now. That his family would move to another house. Beyhan sees it. He takes the rifle and, shouting: Emir Tarhun, walks towards him. She wants to shoot him. First, Gulperi stands in his defense, then Sawaś, who finally tears the rifle out of his mother's hands. Beyhan walks home pissed off. The emir calls his son. Yigit was looked after by Baran during this time. Emir calls Yigit and brings him home. There he puts his son to bed. She points out that her son is sweating and hot. Night is coming. The emir ponders the events of the day before. He sees this scene when Gulperi stood up for him. She doesn't know what she was doing. Gulperi also has the experiences of the day before. She is sad. After the scene with the shotgun, she rebuked Beyhan that she could not kill Emir, because she, in order to save him from death, had decided to marry Savas. Emir wants to find out what was driving Gulperi's conduct. Late at night, he drives to Sawas' house a second time, stands in front of his house, calls Gulperi to the court and talks with her. She asks what she was guided by when she stood up for him. Gulperi does not answer anything, so Emir replies to himself that mentally and emotionally she is already in Sawas' family. He sits in the car and drives off. Beyhan watches this scene through the window. She is furious.

    • @ankakowalska1623
      @ankakowalska1623 2 года назад +2

      💓💓💓🌻🌻🍀🍀🍀 dziękuję

    • @torach4478
      @torach4478 2 года назад

      Thanks 💮🏵

    • @ivanaamaya7469
      @ivanaamaya7469 2 года назад

      Gracias 🙏de todo corazón.Saludos 🇦🇷

  • @MayaMaryDrama
    @MayaMaryDrama 2 года назад +20

    Summary: Part1
    In today’s Episode despite the sacrificing act of Gülperi, Beyhan Hana, stole the show with her crazy nonsense act of revenge! - Aferin Beyhan Hanim, Aferin! -
    As Emir still holds the deed if the farm house, Savaş makes Emir understand, that what he did was about a child which got lost. For him it’s not only because of it’s Yiğit, as he would do the same for every other child.
    - And that’s so true. Savaş is a kind guy, who feels sorry for every child, just because of what he had to go through. Just remember the pizzas he once bought for the street children. -
    For Savaş the deed issues is another chapter which has nothing to do with it. But Emir is not willing to let go of that matter, willing to give him the house he desperately wanted. Therefore, for now this subject will remain silent between them, until they move to the new house, which Emir explains to Savaş. By taking the deed, Savaş agrees until he thought about it.
    As Baran brought tea for Emir and Savaş, Savaş invites Emir for to sit and drink. While for now the storm is clam between Emir and Savas, the storm around Beyhan becomes a tornado, that she can’t believe what she’s seeing. She remembers, what according to her, Emir is responsible for, which is every devastated loss. Her son’s, her pride, her “home”.
    She can’t take it anymore seeing him next to her son, in her house, right in front of her eyes, while she humiliated got kicked out of his.
    Her nerves are breaking down and Beyhan is out of control.
    As Gülperi is having some connecting time with Yigit, all of the sudden a sound of an echo yells “EMIR TARHUN” and it’s no one else then Beyhan Aksoy herself with a rifle in her hand willing to face Emir and put an end to her misery.
    Emir sees her coming and stays calm, while Savaş is the one surprised about his own mother, that he got up immediately and fears the worst. Gülperi can’t believe what she’s seeing that she just fears for Emir.
    And Beyhan Hanim, let’s all her frustration and her pain out. Emir is responsible for everything. He took her husband and her children from her and so bought her the biggest pain. Emir who also stood up, just keeps listening to her and leaves her in her misery.
    As soon as Baran saw Beyhan with that rifle he knew it’ll take a while and bring some problems with that, that he rushed right away to Yigit and keep him company, until it’s time to go back. - I loved this scene so much. I saw it immediately and it was so carrying from Baran. -
    Savaş tries to get through to his mother, and forcing her to put it down, which she definitely won’t. While she wants to get rid of her pain, Gülperi rushes to the crime scene in front of her eyes. She rushes by Beyhan and Savaş and directly to Emir and became his shield of protection. She’s wiling to sacrifice herself and protect him, just like she did with Kasim.
    Gülperi running to Emir to protect him, was a shocking moment for Savaş as well as for Beyhan, who can’t believe what she just saw, while Gülperi is engaged to her son. And for Savaş, this moment was a painful reality. Seeing her rushing to Emir while she’s actually his.
    As Beyhan is already not really in the mood of surprises and hating Emir and Gülperi, her anger grew within a sec with Gülperi’s act, that she yells at her for shameless protecting Emir and being responsible together for the loss of her husband and her children.
    But Emir hates this accusation from Beyhan since the very beginning, that he has enough of those words and rushes to Gülperi. He pulls her behind him, protecting her and facing Beyhan.
    Gülperi fears for Emir, as she also has the threat in her mind. While Savaş is witnessing how they protect each other and at the same time, is heaving enough of his mother’s behavior.
    One warning towards her own son, who wants to reach out to his mother while also Emir gets one last warning towards Emir, forcing him to leave her home or she will take her revenge.
    Savaş keeps trying to calm Beyhan down and fearing for her at the same time, but he can’t. Because the stubbornness of Beyhan is a hard shell which can’t be broken.
    Ready to take her revenge, Beyhan walks towards as he’s still standing there and didn’t left. But Savaş intercepted the rifle with his chest and pointed it at his heart with his hand.
    Now Savaş became the shield of Emir and protecting him form the dumbness of his own mother, while he can’t accept what’s happing and not willing to see any blood flow. - Savas’s act was very much to the surprise of Emir, who never thought that Savaş would do such thing for him, as he knows that he also wants his revenge towards him. -
    Face to face, either Savaş is willing to let go nor Beyhan, who orders him to get out of her way, nit willing to be the murder of her own son.
    But Savaş refuses, while their eyes talk more that they should. Beyhan forces Savaş to get out of her way, while Savaş refuses. As Emir is having enough of the repeated word “cekıl - get away” he takes the step forward and faces Beyhan and pulls Savaş a little bit away, much to the surprise of Savaş, who actually fears for Emir’s life too and his mother’s next step.
    Emir who’s standing right in front of Beyhan, asks her what she would do if Savaş would get out of her way. But for Beyhan, Emir is now not really of any importance, as she sees the betrayal her own son does to her. Protecting the enemy in front of his own mother, a big betrayal for Beyhan, who thought that her son would be on her side.
    “YETER ANA - ENOUGH MOTHER” is the first scream of Savaş towards his own mother while he pulls away the rifle. He frees himself from the tight lungs of his who are not able to breathe any longer. He angrily looks at his mother and can’t understand what’s happening. He also can’t hear those harsh and unrealistic words of hers.
    Gülperi breathes again as the rifle is no longer pointed at Emir, Emir keeps his calamity and just observes and Savaş is just filled with anger.
    But it’s again Beyhan who feels like having the right to feel humiliated and betrayed, while it’s actually Savaş. One precisely warning to Savaş, whom she informs that she might let it go this time but it won’t happen the next time facing her enemy.
    All three are confused while Savaş apologizes to Emir with a cold undertone, something that is beneath Savaş but he saw the need for it. Savaş doesn't want a guest of his house to face such a situation. But Emir doesn't take Beyhan's words so seriously and reminds Savaş about their conversation. Savaş has not forgotten Emir's words and yet he looks at Gülperi, because as I wrote in the promo, he knows how much this family and this house mean to her. - He somehow fears the outcome if he agrees, as Gülperi might think otherwise of him, even though Emir gave him the house. Don’t worry, they won’t move anywhere. Production company can’t afford a forth house to be paid!😅 -
    - Savaş is having enough of his mother’s words, because what she said to him did actually hurt him a little bit. From his point of view, he feels like not appreciated or not being enough for his mother, that she now even sees in him a betrayer. The one who’s always by her side, the one who always reads and fulfils every whish of hers, the one who’s only left from her side. It’s actually quite sad from Savaş perspective, being called a betrayer form his own mother, while he actually wants to protect her. Beyhan just doesn’t appreciate what she has left, and that actually hurts Savaş a little bit, even if he doesn’t show it. But the yell of him is the sign of his own tiredness regarding his own mother. He already and always does his best, but she still is never satisfied. -
    While Beyhan is having her meltdown, Yigit is being taken care of Baran, that he worries about his Peri Kirzi near his Beyhan Teyze. But Baran Abi assures him that Savaş Abi will protect his Peri Kizi whom Yigit loves so much. But for Yigit, Savaş Abi can protect her but his father is enough.
    Back from his play time with his Baran Abi, Yigit actually doesn’t wanna leave, but he has too. One deep hug to his Peri Kizi promising to come back the next day, Gülperi takes a look at emir, thinking carefully before she gave Yigit an answer. She will come to him and not he to her.
    And the fear and sadness of her loss keeps being Gülperi’s closes friends, that she sadly witnesses how Yigit and Emir disappear from her eyes.
    Entering the cold-hearted house, Savaş already senses that his mother is not holding back to free her anger towards Gülperi and also knows the reason. And the welcoming words are “Shameless”. Because for Beyhan the betrayal of her own son is Gülperi’s fault. If she didn’t protect Emir, Savaş would never protect them and betray his mother. - Savaş just keeps listening and tries to breathe while he himself is actually also hurt about that situation. And again, Beyhan bare knows her own son, who protected Emir out of his own instinct to avoid the worst scenario. -
    But not only Gülperi is getting a piece of Beyhan’s frustration not able to take her revenge, Savas too, that again he explains to her that he came to his house and he’s not wiling to take his revenge that way.
    Part2 down below! ⬇️

    • @MayaMaryDrama
      @MayaMaryDrama 2 года назад +14

      Summary Part2:
      Beyhan is just having enough of her sons chit chat, that she can’t accept having tea with her enemy who through her out of their house, - just like I analyzed earlier - . One last chance for Savaş, to take that farmhouse back from the Tarhun’s, willing to see them suffer, - Like I already explained the last few days. And Savaş remembers the offer of Emir and calmly explains to his mother that everything comes with time.
      - I felt like I’ve already explained this whole conversation though the promo 😂🙈-
      It’s hurts Gülperi hearing that they plan to take the farm house of the Tarhun’s, that’s he just remans silent, but as soon as Savaş left, Gülperi pulled all her courage together and faced Beyhan, and reminds her why she accepted this marriage in the first place, much to the discomfort of Beyhan.
      - And Gülperi realized, that the trusted promise of her Yenge is not as sacred as she thought it would be. From now on, Gülperi will think carefully about the words of her Yenge. -
      Back home, Yigit had a great time with his Peri Kizi and is all happy that he surprised his sad Peri Kizi.
      Taking care of the big baby they have in their home, Savaş is having enough of his mothers stubbornness. He keeps facing her again, trying to understand her, that she reminds him, that it’s his fault her being like this. He’s one stopping her to get rid of Emir, he’s the one who welcoming their enemy as their guest, it’s his fault that she had to see all this.
      - The act of Savaş is for Beyhan a huge thorn in her side, because her own son, who was always on her side and on whom she could always "rely" has humiliated her in front of the eyes of her enemies. But actually, she is just angry that Savaş has opposed her and was not her puppet. And Savaş just except the fact that she ignores him, but he again proves to her that he’s here and still takes care of her. -
      Yiğit can’t wait for the new day to be able to see his Peri Kizi again, which Emir doesn’t really support. Yigit is happy, while the pother people of the night suffer.
      Gülperi is again alone with her tears while she feels her fear and remembers the horrible moment. But while Gülperi suffers alone in the cold darkness she’s not that alone after all. Savaş keeps an eye on her. It hurts him himself, seeing her like this, while he would love to do more and yet can’t.
      Meanwhile, Emir’s mind is playing some games with him that he remembers the last time, Gülperi stood towards a gun while she explained to him whom she was protecting. But Emir’s mind is so confused, that he needs an answer.
      Emir called Gülperi, willing to meet her at the front door, which worries Gülperi, even though she wants too. But Emir doesn’t bother and doesn’t care. Outside, he asks her a question, which he has every right to. Whom was she protecting earlier Emir or Beyhan. And Gülperi understood the question while her answers remain in her heart. Emir is the answer! It’ll always be Emir and Emir actually knows that.
      - But because of his anger and his love, he’s blinded to see the true intentions of Gülperi’s act for now, just like the last time. Even though Beyhan said to Gülperi earlier, that she’s willing to protect him, which Emir didn’t really pay attention too and forgot as he was only concentrated on the nonsenses of breakdown of Beyhan. -
      Trying to find a suitable answer for Emir question, without revealing everything her act Gülperi struggles while Emir understood the silence in his own way. Which is the opposite of what Gülperi thinks. - Now it was the time, for Gülperi to talk, but again she fears for his life, even though she just saw that her Yenge will never keep her promise. -
      And Emir is off leaving Gülperi behind, while she found herself trapped again in the threat of Beyhan.
      - What I loved the most in this scene is when Emir tells her “whoever wants to see!”. Emir wants to see her and needs to talk to her, because he needs an answer and doesn’t really bother about the rest. - Emir asking her this question is not only a reason for him to find out the true intention and feeling of Gülperi, with the help of her own words, it’s also a step he took as they soon will move and nothing will hold him back. -
      As Gülperi entered again the dark house, someone was waiting for her, with a heart darker than the darkness, Beyhan Hanim, who witness her meet and greet with Emir.
      Gülperi is in danger again!
      That’s it!
      Sorry for the length, some analysis came out longer! 🙈

    • @island_girl97
      @island_girl97 2 года назад +5

      Thank you Canim for your analysis. The last Gulmir scene was my favorite of this episode. Like you said, Emir did not care. He wanted to see her and talk to her right away. I loved the connection between both scene..the result is still the same, Gülperi is always protecting Emir.
      I loved that Emir acknowledged the fact that he misunderstood her before and he did not want to make the same mistake again. But again Gülperi's silence did not help the situation.. Hopefully Gülperi realizes that her yenge's words don't mean anything and that she could still go after Emir even if Gülperi marries Savas.

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa 2 года назад +3

      @@MayaMaryDrama Thank you so much Maya! 🤗😘

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 года назад

      @@MayaMaryDrama thanks dear. So Savas really accepted the deed frm Emir nd they will move away frm the farmhouse 😕 wht is actually happening??

    • @MayaMaryDrama
      @MayaMaryDrama 2 года назад +3

      @@island_girl97 You're welcome Canim. I totaly agree with you the last scene was also one of my favorite because Emir just wanted to know the truth behind her act. He may have understood it at that moment, that scene but as he thought about it he wanted To be sure. And he didn't bother about anyone else. Gülperi either just just went to him even if she's scared about him. Because she knows she'll be fine with with him and he knows that even if someone saw them he wouldn't let anything happen to her especially of the answer is what he thinks it is. It was a carrying scene where we again saw the Emir who still has hope in his relation with Gülperi that it was his last chance to take it and yet had to face something which he thinks is the truth. The fact that Gülperi still holds herself back just to protect him even though her heart already tells him the truth is truly unbearable no matter for how long this chapter is accompanying us. Every time it's hurtful to witness how much Gülperi is suffering with Emir. Gülperi now knows that she has to be more carful regarding Emir and the Tarhun's after what she saw today that she'll do whatever it take to protect them from where she is and yet tries to remain respectful just like Savas. - I totally agree with 💯 Ah gülperi - sorry I got carried away 🙈

  • @07messi
    @07messi 2 года назад +46

    Love kemal's family since season 1 ❤️❤️

  • @rnayusubova455
    @rnayusubova455 2 года назад +52

    Narin Kemal'in sürprizi çox gözəl ,ela👣👣👣👩‍👩‍👦👋👋👋👋👋💫🌙👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦

  • @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589
    @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 года назад +18

    انتقام ريحان؛ حق و حقانيت هميشه بيداره عزيزم، حتی اگر هزاران سال بگذرد. 👏👏💯💯

  • @sandraherrera2247
    @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +16

    Mi favorite parts today's episode Gulperi defend the crazy Beyhan that actitud demonstrate she cares about Emir. Smart action Baran play and distract Yiguit. Looks live Narim's mom is in love signing in the kitchen mini concert ❤❤😊 the initiative of put small gift members of the family announce another member is join the Tarthum Family awesome. We improving step by step. When Savas will give back the neckles to Gulperi? When planning to leave Beyhan in the Hospital?

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 2 года назад +4

      No se vió cuando Savaş le entregó el collar, se vio cuando el hombre que encontró a Yiğit le entregó el collar a Savaş

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +3

      @@marilucasanchez6500 exactamente o sea aun Savas tiene el collar supongo yo

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 2 года назад +3

      @@sandraherrera2247 Creo que ella lo lleva puesto

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +4

      @@marilucasanchez6500 no creo cuando Savas se lo entrego? Savas ordeno al hombre del cabello largo a encontrarlo y el hombre se lo entrego a Savas frente a su casa

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 2 года назад +3

      @@sandraherrera2247 en Ningún momento se ve cuando se lo entrega. En comentarios de TV izla dijeron que ella estaba muy agradecida, voy a mirar bien un pedazo del video

  • @hiennguyen-be1nu
    @hiennguyen-be1nu Год назад +2

    Narin's and Kemal"s home is a peace and love heaven

  • @fizabatool5820
    @fizabatool5820 2 года назад +19

    I also feel really bad for Savas bcoz he is gud guy. The way he looks at her but she thinks about Emir 33:33.💔

    • @adamghammouri8613
      @adamghammouri8613 2 года назад +2


    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +8

      It’s his own fault. Falling in love with the woman that’s not for him. He is learning the hard way. And it will just get harder. The sooner he leave town and love someone else the better

  • @tanseelou806
    @tanseelou806 2 года назад +26

    From here on out- Sweet Moments for Narkem 🥳🥳🥳❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰👍

  • @lew3093
    @lew3093 2 года назад +24

    Yemin 1, 2 sezon piękny 💞 Reyhan 💞 Emir 💞

  • @jasminsultana6774
    @jasminsultana6774 2 года назад +20

    I like this drama ❤️❤️❤️
    Very Very Excellent 👌👍👌
    Emir is very beautiful actor ❤️🌹❤️
    Good luck to all
    I am from Bangladesh

    • @herobest9308
      @herobest9308 2 года назад +1

      Jasmin sultana all uou say is good even only beyhan seytan hayvan eyes same owl and tiger

  • @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589
    @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 года назад +16

    YEMIN s1 s2 ♥️👏👍

  • @ГулбаханЕсимхан
    @ГулбаханЕсимхан 2 года назад +8

    Narin 😍😍😍kemal 😍😍😍💘❣💘💋💝

  • @fatmashabani3776
    @fatmashabani3776 2 года назад +16

    Nazmiye hanim bu bölümde nekadar mutlu olduklari Narin ve Kemal ve tüm agile okadar bende mutlu oldum ama su Gülperi var ya insanin sinirleni ziplatiyor o salak gibi susmasi hakikaten insani belaya sokar onun rolünü hic begenmiyorum

    • @adamghammouri8613
      @adamghammouri8613 2 года назад +1


    • @ftmcnr
      @ftmcnr 2 года назад

      Aynen size katiliyorum
      Gülperi gercekten insani sinir ediyor

  • @marilucasanchez6500
    @marilucasanchez6500 2 года назад +15

    CAPITULO 475
    Parte 2da:
    No acaba de rendirse, mientras un gesto le hable de amor, Emir vibra, sueña. Savaş aceptó la granja.? Emir se quedará pero su corazón sigue encadenado por las dudas.
    Gülperi lo ve y se "derrite" sus ojos brillantes de alegría o de lágrimas, pero nunca indiferentes, Beyhan por eso la odia tanto, porque ella ama con independencia de como la traten.
    Gülperi no sabe odiar, debería aprender? Amar tanto le ha acarreado tantos tormentos, pero muchas más las dichas. La mejor noche de su vida la vivió recientemente con Emir en un campamento y en esa noche lastimó de tal manera a su amado que nada ha logrado sanar sus heridas.
    Emir agoniza, su espíritu languidece ante el manifiesto desamor, Gülperi hizo una buena actuación.
    Hace mucho no miraba su rostro y hoy una tierna sonrisa lo adorna, Emir vio el amor en su mirada al contemplar a su hijo, y su gozo al saber que él está con Yiğit, pero Emir no sabe qué por él sonríe.
    Pero Emir claudica: es la prometida de Savaş, pero el muro que los separa se agrieta porque Gülperi interpuso para aceptar la muerte a cambio de la vida de Emir. Ya lo había hecho precisamente ante la pistola de Kasin y casi muere, regresó a la vida ante el llamado de Yiğit y Emir.
    Pero Emir está confundido porque Gülperi también hizo lo mismo para salvar a Savaş de su furia y ella le dijo que no quería salvar a quien pensaba y que Emir no la conocía... . p
    Precisamente la noche que se desata esta pesadilla ellos estaban hablando para conocerse.
    Emir se debate nuevamente entre lo que ella dice con palabras y lo que son sus acciones, está enjaulado y quien único puede liberarlo es Gülperi. Me quiso proteger a mi? Quiso proteger a su tía?
    Y con tan gran imprudencia parte de noche a buscarla para hablar con ella. Emir está loco? Hoy en el día quisieron matarlo, cómo se atreve a llegar de noche a hablar con ella? El que tiene fama de secuestrador de hadas?
    Gülperi no puede dormir, ha vuelto a sentarse como una niña que se arrincona, asustada buscando protegerse, su corazón le juega malas pasadas y deja al descubierto sus sentimientos.
    Y Emir llega al infierno a donde está presa el hada de su hijo, la mujer de su vida y la llama. El miedo ofuzca a Gülperi pero lo vencerá Emir la espera fuera, y teme que a su niño le hubiera ocurrido algo malo. Pero el niño está en su cama soñando con ella, es al padre, al hombre que tanto la ama quien la necesita.
    Emir no pierde el tiempo y con claridad le pregunta, a quien querías salvar a tu tía o a mi? Ella le responde en su pensamiento que es a él pero no articula una frase coherente... y Emir lo interpreta que protegió a su tía, a su nueva familia.
    Emir regresa a su casa furioso, necesita este coraje para olvidar la, para seguir viviendo, sin ella.
    Y Gülperi paga a gran precio su silencio, nuevamente la tía la ataca manchando su dignidad y pureza y su cuerpo magullado por los golpes en nada compara al dolor que causoó a Emir con su silencio.
    Gülperi, habla, portavoz no te calles...

    • @fellousnaima2099
      @fellousnaima2099 2 года назад

      Je vous remercie pour votre analyse de la première et deuxième partie Je suis d'accord avec vous sur votre commentaire mais comme je ne comprends pas le turc j'aimerais savoir si Savas à accepté la ferme parce que dans l'épisode on voit qu'il a pris le papier de la main de Émir vraiment je suis resté très triste après l'horrible scène de violence et de maltraitance sur Gulperi de la part de cette maudite femme de son oncle c'est honteux

    • @myriamschiavoni567
      @myriamschiavoni567 2 года назад

      Mil gracias❗❗👏👏

  • @VaniVani-zt3hz
    @VaniVani-zt3hz 2 года назад +6

    Is kemal and narin lovebirds in real life? 🤔🇸🇬

  • @ععمان
    @ععمان 2 года назад +4

    الي ما أفهمه هو أنه جولبيري ما تشوف كيف سافاش يضحي عشانها حتى ما تذكره على شجاعته . تركض وراء امير حتى ما مهتم فيها ولا يفهما حتى ما فهم ليش تحميه يعني ما لازم يسأل اذا يحبها صدق كان يفهم كل شي ثاني شي ليش تروح نص ليل مع وحده مخطوبه ثالث شي مفروض اذا عمتها هددتها ما تطلع ترفض تشوفه . شي ما منطقي .

    • @sakinahussain5971
      @sakinahussain5971 2 года назад +3

      كلامك صحيح👍بس سخافة وسوء كتابة من المؤلفة تطيل بالحلقات والسيناريو من دون فائدة وتكرار وإعادة بالحلقات والحوار بس باختلاف الشخصيات يمكن باقي عشر حلقات أوأكثر قليلا( ينتهي المسلسل بأخر أغسطس) وهي تدور بحلقة فارغة ما تعرف كيف تنهي المسلسل. بس بعرف كيف طفل يفكر بهذي الطريقة (يقرب جولبيري من أبوه) والمضحك إسطنبول مافيها مستشفيات لعلاج الطفل. وكيف الصغير يصاب بهذا المرض ؟؟؟؟؟ توضح الكاتبة إهمال الاب(أمانة ريحان لأمير) والجدة ومليكة للطفل واهتمامهم بفتاة الغابة. اسفة للإطالة مع الشكر🌹

  • @teranegozelova9934
    @teranegozelova9934 2 года назад +25

    Həqiqətən də möcüzədir. Allahın verdiyi bir pay. Narin və Kamalın evladı olmağı çox sevindirdi.

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +13

    Emir wanted to know if she was protecting him or her aunt. He thinks she was protecting beyhan because she stayed silent and didn’t answer his question. But it’s pretty clear to us that she did that to protect emir not beyhan, but also even savas noticed and beyhan that she did that to protect him. But he thinks she did it to just protect beyhan. I think that emir will learn the truth soon, even probably Monday. I remember seeing a photo of gul in that dress on a hospital bed so I think something will happen to her. And this will like uncover all the truths, and emir will know right now he’s just jealous and upset thinking she choice her aunt over him.

  • @МатанатАбдуллаева-д8з

    Dizide olsa coooxxx sevindim 🥰hettda gözlerimden sevinc yawi axdi 😍🤲🤲mende hem baba ANNE Hemde anne ANNE olmaq isteyirem Rebbimiz tezlikle xeyirli qismetler versin inwAllah amin inwAllah 🤲🤲🤲❤️🥰🥰

  • @ximeoso9
    @ximeoso9 2 года назад +13

    Que desesperante la falta de carácter de Gulperi, todo el mundo la grita, la cachetea y ella no hace ni dice nada...Yo, de Emir dejaba de insistirle, no se deja ayudar

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +20

    When emir thinks about gulperi and how she protected him, loved that he went to see her, like his eyes always spark when it comes to her even if he’s upset and mad with her like he can’t help himself. I can’t wait for him to learn the truth it’s about time for him to know the whole truth.

    • @herobest9308
      @herobest9308 2 года назад +4

      Gulperi crazy too she did not tell everything what beyhan seytan say to gulperi

    • @herobest9308
      @herobest9308 2 года назад

      Gulperi you are also crazy why you did not tell to emir all beyhan seytan say for you don't gulperi dont follow the scrip writer thry also heyvan

    • @marinabanijas9906
      @marinabanijas9906 2 года назад +3

      emir naj bolji si glumac volim te emir jigiht i gulperi🥰🥰🥰😇😇😇😇😇

    • @adamghammouri8613
      @adamghammouri8613 2 года назад +1

      Same with Savas🙄

  • @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589
    @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 года назад +16

    Yigit,s mamma är 🦋Reyhan🦋♥️🌹👍😘✋

  • @mariadelvani9837
    @mariadelvani9837 2 года назад +8

    A esse capítulo foi muitas emoções tanto com o casal 💑 kamel e narin como o emir gostei 👍

  • @khadijahzohrakhan9589
    @khadijahzohrakhan9589 2 года назад +7

    Thank you. Such a good story line. Well done to all. ❤️

  • @marilucasanchez6500
    @marilucasanchez6500 2 года назад +15

    CAPITULO 475:
    Parte 1:
    Las lecciones que está recibiendo Savaş sólo es indicativo del gravisimo error que su madre le ha hecho cometer. Seguir culpando a Emir y Gülperi de la muertebde sus hermanos y de Kasin? Pero Beyhan no da tregua, a un minuto de paz de un intento de reconciliación.
    La imagen era memorable: dos hombres elegantes y muy dignos que con cordialidad hablan, quienes no conocen lo pasado y los ve no pueden pensar otra cosa. Sin embargo desde la ventana del infierno Beyhan ve a un asesino, engañando al autor de la venganza y decidió tomar la rienda de esta.
    Savaş completamente sorprendido, Gülperi agobiada se interpone ante la tía y Emir para protegerlo y entonces Beyhan amenaza a Savaş que como hizo una vez a Gülperi dirigió el arma al corazón
    Savaş está sorprendido, esa violencia la conocía en Kasin, pero jamás pensó que Beyhan lo amenazara a él.
    Emir tuvo la gran sorpresa de ver como Gülperi corre de un extremo hasta ponerse frente a él para v defenderlo de la agresión de Beyhan. Y por supuesto Beyhan vomitó su odio a Gülperi y enfatizó lo que está hace en favor de Emir acción que pone en ridículo a Savaş, su prometido e inquieta a Emir. Sin embargo sólo quedó algo claro y evidente: Beyhan es muy peligrosa y está fuera de control.
    Pero al menos,Gülperi comienza a darse cuenta que ha aceptado casarse con Savaş para evitar que la tía asesine a Emir pero frente a todos ella estuvo decidida a matarlo. Pero aún Gulperi confía en que la tía cumplirá con su promesa?
    El más confundido y el único ilusionado Emir que nuevamente ls ve desesperada colcandose frente a él para evitar que la tía le hiciera daño.
    Emir se debate: Gülperi al cubrir a Emir con su cuerpo intentó protegerlo o trató de Evitar que la tía cometiera el grave error de matarle?
    El silencio es el culpable... continuará

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +1

      Gracias Mariluca Sanchez siempre disfrutando de tus mensajes buenas noches 👍👏🏽👏🏽

    • @myriamschiavoni567
      @myriamschiavoni567 2 года назад +1

      Mil gracias❗❗👏👏

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 года назад +5

      Como sempre um belo texto!
      Emir e Gulperi deviam aprender com yigit: FALAR, FALAR e FALAR

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 года назад

      Muy bello!!! Gracias 🥰😍

    • @migusiekijm9329
      @migusiekijm9329 2 года назад

      Thank you my dear 💕💕💕💝

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Год назад +1

    Emir bey action speak louder than words how many times have gulperi shielded you from the bullet with her own body, she was shot once , isnt that enough proof she truly loves you more than her own life😂😂❤❤wake up

  • @penahcabbarov2706
    @penahcabbarov2706 2 года назад +17

    Kemal narin tebriklər.şəhriyə hanimada selamlar gözəl insan.

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Год назад +1

    The only positive thing in this episode is narin n kemal welcoming their first baby🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤😊😊😊❤❤❤👏👏👏👼👼🤰🏻🌹🌹👏👍🏻

  • @floraliyeva5567
    @floraliyeva5567 2 года назад +17

    Nəhayət Narının bebeği olacaq.

  • @gunnikamson4890
    @gunnikamson4890 2 года назад +15

    Emir family is decreasing and kemal family is increasing😊

  • @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589
    @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 года назад +18


  • @cicek7984
    @cicek7984 2 года назад +5

    ❤️inşal salıkl bebeyniz olar Narin ❤️Kemal sizin mhteşem oyunclukla 👌 sizler Teşegül sanki hayatmız bir Parcası olmuşsu Yemin bitkde sizleri cok özleyeceg ⭐Can❤️Yağmur⭐

  • @amrgg6476
    @amrgg6476 2 года назад +15


  • @anitacintas5283
    @anitacintas5283 2 года назад +22

    Después de la muerte de Reyhan ❤️ 🌟 ❤️ Esta serie va a morir también!!

  • @lew3093
    @lew3093 2 года назад +24

    💞 Reyhan 💞 Emir 💞👏👏👏👏👏

    • @herobest9308
      @herobest9308 2 года назад +3

      Gulperi emir gulperi emir

    • @ankakowalska1623
      @ankakowalska1623 2 года назад +6


    • @elenacoppola7935
      @elenacoppola7935 2 года назад

      Guesta signora e da manicomio.togli ed tela dalla serie nn la sopporto più per f as vore grazie

  • @ankakowalska1623
    @ankakowalska1623 2 года назад +18


  • @khairiehel-ghouch863
    @khairiehel-ghouch863 2 года назад +6

    يمين حلقه 475 مترجمه
    سافاش: لم أفعلها خدمة. صبي صغير فقد . حتى لو كان أي طفل ، فإنا سافعل الشيء نفسه مرة أخرى. أما بالنسبة إلى سند الملكية ، فهذا الأمر مختلف.
    أمير: كما ترون ، سننتقل قريباً إلى منزل جديد ، وحتى ذلك الحين ، ستبقى مسألة سند الملكية هذه بيننا.
    بايهان: أوه! أنت سافاس أوه! ترفع يديك أمام تارهون. هل فقدت عقلك ، كيف ستشرب الشاي مع عدونا؟ ما هذا الخطأ؟
    تتذكر بيحان عندما كانت أمام قبر ابنها إبراهيم: لن أخاف ، لن أكون إلى جانب الذين فعلوا هذا بك. كما يتذكر عندما قال باران إن ساري إسماعيل قتل ابنها الآخر خليل. كما تتذكر عندما استعاد أمير سند الملكية وأخرجهم من المنزل.
    بيهان: لقد رأيت الكثير ، إلى أي مدى وصلت؟
    جولبيري ليغيت: لقد رأيتك ، أنت قوي جدًا الآن ، هل تعرف ذلك ، أليس كذلك؟
    يغيت: إن طعامي لذيذ جدا.
    بيهان تخرج مع بندقية في يدها: أمير تارهون !!!
    سافاس. أمي ماذا تفعلين؟
    بيهان: لن تطفأ نار قلبي ، سببت لي الكثير من الألم !!!!
    كمال: سأصبح أبًا مرة أخرى ، لا أصدق ذلك ، الآن سينجب كلانا طفلًا ، إنه مثل الحلم.
    نارين: نعم ، ماذا لو كان هذا حلمًا؟ لن نستيقظ.
    كمال: أتمنى أن تجلب لنا الحياة السعادة دائمًا من الآن فصاعدًا وسننال هذه السعادة بابتسامة. لا مزيد من البكاء من الآن فصاعدا. لا يمكنني التعامل مع دموعك الآن ، خاصة عندما كنت خائف جدًا عليك.
    نارين: لماذا تقول أنك كنت خائفًا علي؟
    كمال: عندما رأيت نتائج الاختبار في حقيبتك ، أردت التحقيق منه والبحث عنه على الإنترنت. ظننت أنني سأفقدك.
    نارين: كنت خائفة أيضًا ، لكن عندما اكتشفت أنني حامل ، قلت إن هناك شيئًا جيدًا في كل شيء.
    باران إلى يغيت: جئت لأرى أسدي ، فلنلعب الكرة معك هنا.
    يغيت: هل سمعت ذلك أخ باران؟ هل يوجد صيادون هنا أيضًا؟
    باران: نعم أخي ، هناك.
    سافاش: أمي ، أنزلي تلك البندقية الآن.
    بيهان: سأقوم بتفريغ الحمولة.
    جولبيري تقف أمام أمير.
    بيهان: أنت تحميه دون أن تشعري بالحرج ، أليس كذلك؟ ألم تأكلما رأس ابني وزوجي؟ لقد فعلتم كل ذلك معًا يا رفاق.
    سافاش: أمي ، كفى ، ضعي تلك البندقية جانباً.
    بيحان: لا تجرؤ !!! … .. إما أن يغادروا منزلي أو أفعل ما لا يمكنك فعله طوال هذا الوقت ، سأنتقم.
    نارين: هذا صحيح ، كنت على يقين من أنني كنت مريضة ، لكن عندما قال الدكتور فاتح إنني حامل ، لم اصدق أذني.
    كمال: إذا كنت متأكده من أنك مريضه ، فلماذا لم تشاركيه معي؟ لماذا فعلتي هذا؟
    نارين: لم أستطع إخبارك لأنني لا أريد أن أؤذيك.
    كمال: انظري ، مهما حدث من الآن فصاعدًا ، لا تخفي عني شيئًا ، خاصة فيما يتعلق بصحتك ، حسنًا؟ ... ألم نعد ان نكون ، في السراء والضراء ، حتى يفرقنا الموت.
    أعتقد أننا سوف نشارك سعادتنا مع أحبائنا ، وسوف نجدد زواجنا. نحن بحاجة إلى العودة إلى وعدنا.
    نارين: هل نسيته؟
    كمال: شهر العسل لشخصين فقط.
    نارين: ولكن هناك شخص ما داخل الاثنين.
    كمال: تعالي ودع شعبنا يعرف.
    نارين: لا ، لن يكون الأمر كذلك ، لدي شيء في ذهني ، سأفاجئهم.
    كمال: كيف سيكون ذلك؟

    • @ناجيابوعلي-ش6ث
      @ناجيابوعلي-ش6ث 2 года назад

      الشكر قليل بحقكي يااختي العزيزة ربي يعطيكي الصحة والعافية

    • @khairiehel-ghouch863
      @khairiehel-ghouch863 2 года назад +5

      سافاش: أمي ، أقولها للمره الاخيره انزلي تلك البندقية.
      بيحان لن أقوم بتنزيلها ، كل هذا الوقت استمعت إليك ، لكن انظر ماذا حدث ، هاه؟ أنت تركض معهم. ... لا تجعلني أقتلك يا بني.
      يغيت لباران: أريد أن أكون مع الفتاة الخيالية. باران: لماذا؟
      يغيت: إنها تلعب أفضل منك
      باران: وهذا ، الآن سترى أي أوزة تلعب بشكل أفضل ، هيا ، هيا نذهب للكرة.
      ، لكن يغيت لا يريد اللعب مع باران بعد الآن.
      باران: ما هذا الآن؟
      يفتقد يغيت جولبيري.
      باران: أنت تحبها كثيرًا وتريد رؤيتها.
      يشعر يغيت بالقلق بشأن ما قد يحدث لغولبيري.
      باران: لا تقلق ، الآن لديها شقيقي سافاس ، سيحمي جولبيري من الآن فصاعدًا.
      بيحان : لماذا سافاس ، لماذا؟
      أمير: تعالي ، اتركيه ، ماذا تفعلي؟
      بيحان: الآن أنت تحمي عدونا بوقاحة أمام والدتك ، آآآآه؟ ليس كثيرا؟
      سافاش: كفى ، من فضلك !!!!!
      بيحان : لقد تركت الامر مرة واحدة ، لكنك تعلم أنني لن أفعل ذلك مرة أخرى. إذا لزم الأمر ، سأقتل ابني من أجل حياة عدوي ، هذه هي الحرب.
      أمير: يغيت ، بني؟
      سافاش: لم أريد شخصًا يأتي إلى منزلي ليواجه موقفًا كهذا ... آسف.
      أمير: فقط لا تنسى ما تحدثنا عنه.
      يغيت: هل ناديتني يا أبي؟
      أمير: نحن ذاهبون بني. يغيت: لكننا لم نلعب الكثير أبي. أمير: لنذهب
      يغيت إلى جولبيري: سنلتقي مرة أخرى ، أليس كذلك؟
      جولبيري: غدا سأذهب إلى المزرعة حبيبي. يغيت: هل هذا وعد؟ جولبيري: نعم
      شيريه: لا سيد مليم ما الذي اتى بك؟
      مليم: والله لما وصل الجبن من بلاد تولوم أحضرته وأعدت بيدي قطعة من لحم الضأن فهذا يليق بكم.
      شيريه: شكرا لك ولكني ارى انك شديد التفكير بنا هذه الايام.
      مليم: حسنًا ، سأذهب ، أتمنى لك يومًا سعيدًا.
      شريهة: لا مفر ، يوجد فيك شيء ، أخبرني ما هو؟ ... سأبقي الأمر سرا ، لا تقلق.
      مليم: في الحقيقة لدي مشكلة. لا أعرف كيف أقول ذلك ، أخشى أنك قد تسيء فهمي.
      تطلب منه شيري أن يخبرها ما به.
      مليم: هذه حمات السيد كمال منذ أن رأيتها لأول مرة.
      شيريه: فهمت ، لقد وقعت في حب مينوفر ، عرفت ذلك.
      مليم: الآن بعد أن عرفت ، أود أن أتشارك شيئًا لطيفًا ، أشرب الشاي أو القهوة مع مينوفر. إذا كنا نخرج لتناول مشروب ، فسنخبر بعضنا البعض عن مشاكلنا ، لكنني أخشى أن أخبرها.
      شريهه: ستخبرها.
      مولاين: صدقني ، نواياي جادة حقًا.

    • @khairiehel-ghouch863
      @khairiehel-ghouch863 2 года назад +5

      شيري تستمع إلى مينوفر وهو تغني.
      شيريه: أحسنت القول. مينفر: أوه! شيريه
      شيريه: انظروا ماذا جاء بنا ، أنا أيضا أردت أن أقول مرحبا.
      مينفير: شكرًا لك
      شريهة: رجل نزيه جدا ، طيب القلب ويده مفتوحة ، ليس من هذا العصر.
      مينوفر: يبدو أنه رجل عجوز وطيب. شيريه: نعم هو كذلك.
      شيري: انظر إلى أين وصلنا ، جربيها
      مينوفر: لا سمح الله شريهه ، من أين لك أنه حسن النية؟
      شريهه: اقسم لك بالله .. انظري صراحة قال لي نواياه حسنة. يريدك أن تذهبي لتناول الشاي أو القهوة معه ، لكنه شعر بالحرج لإخبارك وطلب مني أن أخبرك.
      مينوفر: لا ، عزيزتي شيري ، لم أقوم بذلك بعد الآن في هذا العمر. والله! دع هذا لا يصل إلى آذان كمال.
      نارين وكمال يعدان مفاجأة للعائلة.
      نارين: أعتقد أننا يجب أن نترك هدية والدتي الآن وهي مع شيري وهم في المطبخ.
      نارين: . يرن جرس الباب ويختبئون. تذهب ماسال إلى الباب.
      مسال لمرت: لماذا أتيت باكرا؟
      ميرت: عدت لأنه لم يكن هناك صفوف.
      مسال: هذا جيد ، لأن الأخت نارين جعلتنا نجهز الطاولة ، فلنذهب.
      تواصل نارين وكمال مفاجأتهما.
      نارين: انه جيد بالنسبة لنا أن نترك لماسال؟
      كمال: لا بأس. أنت تعتني بمسال وأنا أعتني بشيرية. نارين: لا بأس.
      بيهان إلى جولبيري: وقحه !! بأي وجه تنظري إلي؟ لو لم تكن قد وقفتي أمام تارهون لما واجهني ابني. لقد أفسدت الأمر مرة أخرى.
      بيحان لسافاس: أين كان يمين الانتقام؟ لقد سفكتم دمائنا على الأرض.
      سافاش: هل سننتقم بتوجيه البندقية إلى شخص أعزل يأتي إلى منزلنا؟
      هل هذا ما يجب أن نفعله؟
      بيحان: هل تعتقد أنه يجب أن نشرب الشاي مع شخص طردنا من منزله؟ سوف تستعيد المزرعة ، إذا لم تستطع فعل أي شيء ، افعل هذا على الأقل ، سأرى أن تأخذ المنزل من تارهون في أقرب وقت ممكن. على الأقل سيهدأ غضبي قليلاً.
      يتذكر سافاش عندما سلم أمير صكوك الملكية للمنزل مرة أخرى.
      سافاش : هناك وقت لكل شيء يا أمي.
      جولبيري: قبلت هذا الزواج فقط حتى لا يتأذى. لقد سألتني يا عمة.
      يعود امير ويغيت إلى المنزل. يخبر يغيت جافيدان أنه استمتع مع جولبيري بمشاهدة أعشاش الطيور وأنه لعب لعبة الصيد مع باران. أخبرها أيضًا أنهم فوجئوا برؤيتهم هناك. تعانقه جافيدان ويسعدها أن أمير اصطحبه لرؤية جولبيري.
      تتحدث العائلة على الطاولة بعد الإفطار. تقدم شيري الشاي لكن نارين تقول إن لديهم ما يكفي ولا يريدون شرب الشاي.
      شيريه: لكن مهما أكلوا ، لن يرفضوا الشاي أبدًا.
      مينوفر: يبدو الأمر كما لو أن هناك شيئًا غريبًا ، ولم تقولي كلمة واحدة منذ أن جئت إلى الطاولة. يبدو أن كلاهما عقولهم في مكان آخر.
      نارين: لا ، لا شيء. كمال: منذ أن انتهينا من وجبة الإفطار ، يجب على الجميع الآن أداء واجباتهم المدرسية. على سبيل المثال ، هل لديكم واجبات منزلية يا رفاق؟
      نارين: أمي ، كنتي تحيكي لي شالًا ، واليوم سينتهي ، وأريد بالفعل ارتدائه.
      مينوفر: اخت شيري ، كلاهما يبحث عن أعذار ، يبدو أنهما يريدان أن يكونا بمفردهما. تعالي ، دعنا نقوم بعملنا.
      شيريه: لنمضي قدمًا ، سأضع الطعام على الموقد ، سأقوم بتنظيف الطاولة لاحقًا.
      نارين: أوه! أخيرا.
      ميرت: ماسال إذا احتجت إلى مساعدة في الرياضيات فأعلمني بذلك.
      كل واحد يكتشف هديته.
      يرى ميرت الهدية : ، ما هذا؟
      مسال: من أين هذا؟
      مينوفر: فتاتي الجميلة ، من تعرف….
      شيريه: اتمنى خيرا ...
      ميرت يفتح هديته ، إنها بعض جوارب الأطفال. تقول الملاحظة: "أخي ، أعلم أنك ستمسك يدي كلما احتجت إليك."
      تفتح مسال هديتها ، وهي عبارة عن زجاجة وشوكولاتة وتقول الرسالة: "لن يكون من السهل على أختي الاعتناء بي ، ولكن عندما تتعب يمكنك الحصول على الطاقة من خلال تناول الشوكولاتة." .... أوه ، لكن….
      مينوفير تفتح هديتها ، إنها دمية طفل. تقول الملاحظة: "جدتي ، يمكنني النوم معك في بعض الليالي ، أتمنى ألا تمانعي".
      تفتح شيري هديتها وهي عبارة عن ملعقة طفل ، وكتب في الرسالة "السلطانة شيريهه ، في الأشهر الستة الأولى سأشرب حليب امي ، لكن بعد ذلك سأكتفي بالطعام اللذيذ منك".

    • @khairiehel-ghouch863
      @khairiehel-ghouch863 2 года назад +4

      يصل أمير إلى منزل سافاش ليلاً ويتصل بـجولبيري.
      جولبيري: من سيكون في هذه الساعة؟ …..مرحبًا.
      أمير: اخرجي إلى الحديقة. جولبيري: لن يكون الأمر جيدًا إذا رأتنا عمتي.
      أمير: قلت لك أن تذهبي إلى الحديقة ، بغض النظر عمن يرانا.
      جولبيري: ماذا أفعل؟
      نارين: ما رأيك؟ كمال: عليك وعلى طفلنا.
      نارين: أشعر أن كل شيء سيكون على ما يرام. سنضع طفلنا بين ذراعينا. سوف يغفر الله لنا.
      كمال : أمك وأنا متشوقين لرؤيتك ، كوني قويه ، حسنا؟ تمسكي بالحياة.
      جولبيري: لماذا أنت هنا؟ هل حدث شيء لشخص ما ، يغيت ، يغيت بخير ، أليس كذلك؟
      أمير: لم يحدث شيء لأحد.
      جولبيري: إذن لماذا أتيت إلى هنا؟
      أمير: من كنت تحاولي حمايته اليوم؟ ... أنا أم عمتك.
      تفكر جولبيري: بالطبع أنا قمت بحمايتك. في حالة حدوث شيء ما لك.
      أمير: اسمعي ، لقد أسأت فهمك مرة واحدة ، لكنني لن أرتكب نفس الخطأ مرة أخرى…. آتي إليك وأسألك علانية.
      أمير يتذكر عندما قامت غولبيري في إحدى المناسبات بحماية سافاش.
      أمير: يبدو أنك تدافعي عن سافاس.
      تتذكر جولبيري: "ليس هو الذي كنت احاول حمايتة".
      أمير: أخبرني الآن ... من كنت تحمي؟ ... أنا أم عمتك.
      تراقبهم بيحان من النافذة.
      أمير: أجبني ، هل وضعت الاسم على ظهر البرميل أم في نهايته؟ ... فهمت.
      جولبيري: لكني….
      أمير: ما كان يجب أن أسأل. ... أنت لم تخونني ، لقد حددت اختيارك بالفعل.
      أمير يغادر وتدخل جولبيري المنزل. تتفاجئ لرؤية عمتها.
      جولبيري: عمتي !!!

    • @ناجيابوعلي-ش6ث
      @ناجيابوعلي-ش6ث 2 года назад

      تسلمى يا عمري ع الترجمة كلك ذوق

  • @masraninaning5519
    @masraninaning5519 2 года назад +8

    Yemin yg asli 1&2 emir reyhan tak terlupakan bravo super ❤❤❤❤👍👍👍👍

  • @musarratnawaz766
    @musarratnawaz766 2 года назад +4

    If some one say him something about..... As we don't know the language... What is big reason of such enmity of this women with tarhun family. What tarhun done bad with them..from previous we only know that Gulpari mother was not liked and then Gulpari was tortured by his uncle ( the husband of this women) ..That uncle fired at emir and Gulpari Injured...this women husband and sons were not killed by Tarhun...then what and why Gulpari bear all this.

  • @torach4478
    @torach4478 2 года назад +2

    I feel the happiness of narin kemal 😃🏵 even though I don't understand the conversation☺️... But the upcoming worrying🤔🙄😲😕

  • @rahilerahile6075
    @rahilerahile6075 2 года назад +4

    Munevver hanimin Sehriya ablaya ilk abirli cevabi cooox hosuma geldi,Kemale deyerli kiymet veriyor,belke sonralar baska cur ola bilir ,amma ilk sozu duzgun oldu...

  • @dorotas8678
    @dorotas8678 2 года назад +29

    To powitanie pełne miłości i szczęścia ten uśmiech ta radość właśnie tak . Brawo Yigit i Gulperi .

  • @zedel2546
    @zedel2546 2 года назад +6

    Münevver and his lover😍😍

  • @penahcabbarov2706
    @penahcabbarov2706 2 года назад +7

    Ay bəyhan sənə görə diziyə baxmaq istəmiyorum.

    • @nem5136
      @nem5136 2 года назад +1

      Don’t act like a little kid! Its just a dizzy!

  • @fizabatool5820
    @fizabatool5820 2 года назад +18

    Thank God that My Cuties(Gulmir) Finally Talk with Each other. I feel so bore for last 5 or 6 Episodes, Now I Happy.❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍

  • @nevenkababic3876
    @nevenkababic3876 2 года назад +15

    Narin Kemal 🌾🍀🌾🍀🌾

  • @halinasobczyk7900
    @halinasobczyk7900 2 года назад +16

    Rayting za wczoraj odc 474 Total 1,11 AB 0,68 ABC 0,68 . Czyli cały czas tak samo ,nie ma niespodzianek. 😳😳

    • @ankakowalska1623
      @ankakowalska1623 2 года назад +1

      Dzięki kochana moja Halinko znowu kombinują z rantingiem ♥️♥️ mało było wczoraj wejść , powinien być mniejszy dużo ♥️♥️

    • @dragicazarevac2329
      @dragicazarevac2329 2 года назад +2

      Dali je neko mogao ocekivat bolji rejting kemala i Narin tretiraju ko nevazne glumce glavna glumica GULPERI OOO igit nezna za majku serija se zavrsava katastrofa

    • @halinasobczyk7900
      @halinasobczyk7900 2 года назад +4

      @@dragicazarevac2329 tak główna bohaterka wątku Emira Gulperi kładzie ten serial na łopatki. 🤣🤣

  • @mariacristinasanchez4562
    @mariacristinasanchez4562 Год назад +2

    Me fascina Kemal y Narin

  • @shamimasultana2118
    @shamimasultana2118 2 года назад +10

    Emir loves her....still he wants to get a hope to be confirmed that she loves him....otherwise no one will come in that hell of beyhan again.

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +5

      Gulperi continue sacrificed her life for the safe of the Tartum family

    • @shamimasultana2118
      @shamimasultana2118 2 года назад +6

      @@sandraherrera2247 yes, because she didn't get pure love from anyone in her life after being orphan which she got from yigit and his family even Mrs cavidan... so definitely she will sacrifice herself, because she is so good by heart....

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +4

      @@shamimasultana2118 exactly I agree with you 100 %

    • @shamimasultana2118
      @shamimasultana2118 2 года назад +2

      @@sandraherrera2247 😍❤❤❤

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 года назад +17

    I would say I loved this episode even though emir doesn’t know the truth yet, you could tell that gulperi and emir truly love each other deeply. And when gulperi rushed to protect emir that was beautiful and how emir shields her from beyhan. I was impressed by how fast boran ran to yigit they all knew what to do in that situation. Savas is done with beyhan but he definitely needs to defy her even more because she’ll continue to do evil deeds. Savas I think sees how innocent emir and gulperi are and when he protects them I wasn’t expecting that from him. But he also refused to take the house from emir so I think savas is slowly backing away from revenge.

    • @adamghammouri8613
      @adamghammouri8613 2 года назад +1


    • @blandinemekpo5944
      @blandinemekpo5944 2 года назад +3

      Me too. I couldn't believe what the Emir did. Despite his anger ...ignoring Gul. He still loves her so much. For those who said that is for Yigit, he himself is not in love. Will stop here! He acts like Dadidudu mention it, and now I see. If he wants something he will go and get it...despite what it will look like...he gave a look to Cavidan when he closed the door on Gul. meaning she can't stay here anymore. She is someone else fiancé and now he doesn't care to offend Savas, to upset the one who wanted to kill him in the morning...He went there bravely to ask " tell me that you love me, that why you protected me in front of exposed yourself to all to see. You choose me, I don't care if anyone sees me, end my agony here and now! That guy is in love and badly! Sorry I am english😀

  • @Scarlett...76
    @Scarlett...76 2 года назад +6

    Dobrze że Beyhan nie wystrzeliła🤣

  • @abeersadek9006
    @abeersadek9006 2 года назад +31

    Emir and Ygit and Goulperi are the most beautiful ♥️🏆👌🌷🌺🎈

  • @marisanavarroirrebaria2907
    @marisanavarroirrebaria2907 2 года назад +4

    Thank. U
    Im watching from hongkong.cant wait to watch the next episode

  • @Hamoud_kuwaiti
    @Hamoud_kuwaiti 2 года назад +13

    Yemin. Emir🥰❤️

  • 2 года назад

    Al-Yaam dizisinin çevrilmiş dördüncü bölümünü nerede bulabilirim?

  • @sandrapayano1387
    @sandrapayano1387 2 года назад +2

    Love Emir 🥰🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @nevenagunjevic6938
    @nevenagunjevic6938 2 года назад +14

    GULMIR 🇧🇦🇧🇦💯💯💖💖

  • @tanseelou806
    @tanseelou806 2 года назад +4

    Does anyone know if Minnever is interested in the old man??? Or is he wasting his time??? Please share your thoughts. It would be cute I guess lol

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +2

      Its super cute I don't know if they like each other

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад +2

      @@sandraherrera2247 Clearly he likes her otherwise he won’t come around. Lol The thing now is Minnever very straight faced if not crying face so I wish she can show some signal to like him. Maybe she’s playing hard to get. Lol 😂

    • @adamghammouri8613
      @adamghammouri8613 2 года назад


    • @Summerlilly2022
      @Summerlilly2022 2 года назад

      Munevver is neutral now. Shehriabla might matchfix! Shehriabla had a hiziramca in S2. But he had an important job of bringing narkem together then. Why introduce such a character now? But I m really happy that they see an older single woman worthy of attention.

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 года назад

      @@Summerlilly2022 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣You just reminded me of that Amca that was pursuing Sheriya abla so funny-I was laughing so hard those days🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sheriya abla couldn’t get rid of him as much as she wanted. He just don’t give up. Made her crazy. Kemal gave him job and Masal like him. He was with them 24 /7 much Sheriya abla chagrin 🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️

  • @noor6911
    @noor6911 Год назад

    I wish I could see FERIDE once more. I don't miss Reyhan.
    But I miss Feride a lot.
    What's her life now ???
    What is she doing without Emir????
    Is she married ???
    Oh my dear Feride, how are you dear ????

  • @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589
    @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 года назад +10

    سال‌ها بگذرد و چهره ها عوض شود و صفتها تعغیر کند‌و غنی و فقیر گردی، هرگز ظلمها و توهین‌ها و تهمت‌ها و دروغها و کلمه های تلخ و جگر سوز از جناب حق و فرد مظلوم فراموش نخواهد گشت. حتی اگر ریحان و یا آن فرد مظلوم ببخشد.
    یاد آوری کنم به امیر و جاویدان بعضی از گناهان بخصوص که شما مرتکب شدید بخشودنی نیست. آن هم به دفعات مکرر و عمداً. ✋

  • @shaquila1832
    @shaquila1832 2 года назад +4

    This beyhan is an evil devil🤒.. It's sad if there are old women who do this in real life.
    I don't think Savas is really a bad guy, it's beyhan who is pressuring him to be bad.
    I got sad when Narin's first test result came out. Happy for both of them, they'll become parents at last.
    I really love this Sheriye abla from the start😊. And Narin's beauty. She's sooo beautiful💖. I hope Kemal's family will be happy till the end (if nothing bad will happen because these writers and team love sad moments than happy moments)

  • @safinanamujju6105
    @safinanamujju6105 Год назад

    Aunt noodle (shiyre abla) you make my day😀😁😂🤣😅

  • @sandrapayano1387
    @sandrapayano1387 2 года назад +1

    OMG los tres estan bellisomos que paiiiiiiiiissss viva Turkije 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @shaimasulaiman5673
    @shaimasulaiman5673 2 года назад +1

    Gülperi sıktın artık, kızın ağzından lafı kerpetenle alıyoruz arkadaş 125 bölümdür, bir kere olsun sorulan soruya doğru düzgün cevap ver yani hiç mi değişmez bu yahu,. Bu ikili de iletişim sorunu bitmez, uzattıkça uzattınız bizde aynı teraneleri izleyip duruyoruz. Bide fleşbekler bölümün yarısını kaplar hale geldi bu sezonda. Kemal ile Narin olmasa bu dizinin tadu yoktu, bi şeyler değişsin artık 👽😒

  • @gokkusag7882
    @gokkusag7882 2 года назад +2

    Komik Dizi Birgün Gülperi Emirlerde bir gün Emir Gülperilerde kocasının yanında bakışıp duruyorlar.Diziyi uzatmak için İğrençleştiriyorlar.

  • @vasvijaradoncic9469
    @vasvijaradoncic9469 2 года назад +8

    Thank you so much but GULPRI She’s make more difficult 😞 for everything she’s so naive way no telling the truth about everything 👍🍀❤️🥰

  • @herobest9308
    @herobest9308 2 года назад +5

    Beyhan seytan eyes same owl same tiger beyhan seytan to much crazy

  • @rahmamohammad3519
    @rahmamohammad3519 2 года назад +24

    Emir super drama🥰🥰🥰

  • @swethaanish8533
    @swethaanish8533 2 года назад +5

    I like Savas

  • @BiBoFan
    @BiBoFan 2 года назад +28

    Reyhan ve Emir

  • @vioricatiterlea3436
    @vioricatiterlea3436 2 года назад +12

    Beyhan e bolnavă de ură, cum era Cavidan cu Reyhan, ură și răutate, și tu Emir ce insiști atât umblând după Gulperii, din fața ta a plecat de mână cu Savaș, închide capitolul ăsta cu ea, vă manipulează Gulperii pe toți, să spună ce are de spus, să incheie balamucul ăsta ca la nebuni!
    Un circ de doi bani fără public!
    Emir ai chemat-o cu tine, cum să faci asta, dacă Reyhan pleca de sub ochii tai cu altul de mână, ce se întâmpla? Pe ea acel Vural doar a pus mâna și ai văzut negru în fața ochilor, cum să te umilești în halul ăsta în fața lui hidoșenia de Gulperii, cum Emir cum să faci asta?
    Spune-i măi băiatule, cum îi spune-ai lui Reyhan, te iubesc te vreau a mea, și încheie balamucul ăsta nebunesc, ce atâta tărăgăneală ca la târg, vă lungiti ca râma, cu mascotă asta de Gulperii, când la tine Emir, când la Savaș, ce dracu este asta? Balamuc cum am spus, î-și bate mascotă asta hidoasă jos de voi, la fel și scenariștii, ia-o drept bonă la copil fiindcă pentru copil insiști, că îi place copilului de zână hidoasă, fiindcă tu nu ai avut nici o tangență cu ea, de nici un fel și pentru asta te apreciez și admir, impresia e una, sentimentul e altul, întotdeauna aparențele înșeală, totul a fost și este pentru copil, nimic pentru tine, și ai făcut bine, dar concluzionând nici n-ai avut cu cine, cu asta ți se taie apetitul, doar dacă te îmbeți să nu ști ce faci, poate doar așa altfel nu văd cum, bine că a rămas unde-i este locul, lângă clanul ei de țigani!

  • @akankwasashadia9934
    @akankwasashadia9934 2 года назад +9

    Can they now give us English subtitles since meloton is not here translate for us

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад +1

      Melocoton it's not longer in this chat she have personal situations

    • @akankwasashadia9934
      @akankwasashadia9934 2 года назад +1

      @@sandraherrera2247 tell her that we miss her andd she succeed in whatever she does

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 года назад

      @@akankwasashadia9934 I don't communicate with her she wrote long time ago that her dad was sick and she won't translate anymore

    • @akankwasashadia9934
      @akankwasashadia9934 2 года назад

      Sorry y dear hope he is fine now

  • @rahmamohammad3519
    @rahmamohammad3519 2 года назад +4

    Wel com guys brather and sister

  • @umidadustova263
    @umidadustova263 2 года назад +6

    Как можно такое придумать!??
    Что за бредь!??
    Такую чужь только не адекватные придумають, по моему...

    • @adalatqumbatov4605
      @adalatqumbatov4605 2 года назад +7

      Вы про что? Про сериал что ли?А кто вас заставляет его смотреть??!Не нравится- не смотри вместо того,чтобы оскорблять

  • @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589
    @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 года назад +10

    ریحان اگر خوابه ما بیداریم. ♥️✋

  • @zhelazhela5954
    @zhelazhela5954 2 года назад +4

    Please answer me. Is it true that Gokberg and Ozge have actually separated and removed each other from Instagram

  • @sevilxalilova5883
    @sevilxalilova5883 2 года назад

    Bu peri qizi dedikleri ne qeder qurursuz bir qadin insanin eseblerinen nece oynayir

  • @suzim3981
    @suzim3981 2 года назад +1

    Emir foi perguntar para não ser injusto e essa mulher não respondeu. Ela humilha Emir. Quantas vezes Emir pediu para ela lhe contar tudo... Estou sentindo uma profunda antipatia por Gulperi.

  • @مشاعر-ذ8ب
    @مشاعر-ذ8ب 2 года назад +1

    مسكينه المرأة اذا حبت. لا تستطيع. البوح واذا ظلمت لا تستطيع. الرد واذا كانت. خايفه علي من تحب. تبتعد. خوفاً علي من تحب